tfw when you mess up a once in a lifetime punchline

tfw when you mess up a once in a lifetime punchline

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let's go here maybe e5 maybe a four i have  not lost the game this year so we're 30 and   oh so far in 20 uh 2020 so let's keep  going or 20 21 i should say sorry um go here maybe c4 d3 maybe b3 as well so i'm gonna play c4 v takes i'll  just castle maybe b3 is a move too let's go here if knight b6 i just taken  castle maybe an ip6 for the knight c3   his video is actually really quite bad on this  diagonal it's blocked him by the pawn pawn wall   so let's just castle here i can play bishop a3  maybe i can also just go queen e1 and bishop e3   they need a blaze for the prime data esquire for  the 420 thank you so much let's go um i'm gonna   go queen e2 try to prevent f6 at knight v6 i just  dropped the horse back um i always have bishop e3   at some moment as well so i think i'm doing pretty  well here nice shirt thank you appreciate it he goes king and [ __ ] that's a very  weird move i don't understand what it does   i'm gonna go here maybe oh he's got no but there  i go back maybe i go queen e3 at some moment   um so queen f2 and target pawn i've worked before  i just take okay goes d4 which i think is kind of   insane let's go rook c1 because bishop b5 i  just take if knight b6 you lose the juicer   if the f6 i just take this looks really  really bad i want to go knight 294 and there's   tart target that pawn three waves what's the idea  g5 now i can play knight g5 no that's probably   no good knight d2 g594 i don't understand  i think i just go here what am i missing i might be missing something but i i don't see it  so i'll go here and here so i mean i'm targeting   this pawn three ways maybe it takes i just take  and i mean i think this should just be winning   queen f8 okay i mean first of all i can take  you know let's just take if it takes i take   the cakes i just take with the bishop or the  knight i don't even know which one's right   knight c5 and queen d4 what's that two just  take and i just did i blunder here somehow   i might have blundered i've knight  c5 wait knight c5 wait wait a second   five okay 793 i might have blundered  here but i still should be much better wait there's gotta be something let's let's play  here maybe rookie four he can't really takes he   loses this and i'm threatening the pawn i've h4  at some moments i should just be winning still this pawn is under attack 95 i mean wait  can't they just take because takes i just take   95 i can also just sack yeah 95 a sack  and takes it but i first of all have 97   and this is just winning right because i fork  the queen i fork the rook and now i go check   oh this is the wrong move wait i bishop wait a  second wait i have bishop f8 here i have knight v8   oh did i just blunder i think i just wonder let's  just take and go here pick up the pawn and it's   just winning not thrilled by my technique now i  go here i collect this and he's just dead on the   diagonal let's keep going that's one who is the  better board nick i think alexander is definitely   the better oh i'm actually playing him i didn't  realize i was playing him i thought i was playing   the other one thank you to grabby for the tier  two chen golds for the tier one thank you so much let's go here maybe i just take play e6 next move   bishop g7 97 next move pretty  good stuff here can't complain go here i'm gonna go actually this might be  i think i played something dubious this is   definitely not right but i'll go here h4 maybe  h5 maybe i take i also b5 b4 at some moment   goes h4 i can play h5 i can also just play   this looks very dangerous playing h6  but i'm gonna try to get away with it it can be one i can play b5 here i can also  go queen b6 i'm gonna go b5 i need a p-pill   for the prime day dramatic junior for the 12  months thank you so much appreciate it thank you   oh oh oh oh why did oh oh oh this is  not good i forgot he could just take hmm dude am i shrink for the prime thank  you so much am i straight this looks   really bad somehow but maybe i have chances i  think it goes h5 so of course i have to go g5   i think i have knight of eight or maybe 96 maybe i mean this looks bad i can take  with the queen but i think i actually um i'm gonna take with the  king i'm sure this is terrible   yeah it takes and now i i can take i  want to find some way to hold the glue i should have taken with a queen let's go here it takes i just take and  go back this is really ugly but i have   some hopes because if he takes and takes the  knight i go back he takes the juicer and i   go queen d7 i create like a right triangle  kind of in between if i get this i'm fine   yeah roger bob did win you guys adoption  i'm not really i don't expect to adopt   i just want to play some blitz it feels  like it's been forever since i played blitz   uh bon cloud speedrun we still have to  finish that up but we're not there yet i look like kirk from star trek i mean i have to take so it takes i go here   because if he takes i mean  i also work h7 i have 27   he plays rook he one that doesn't  actually look right somehow   i go no there's rookie seven  can i go with the eight seven i feel like i should  actually have something here   like i don't see it right off but i feel like  there should be some way to hold something here let's go here maybe bishop f6 and rook f8 so if he takes i just take with the queen if  he goes rookie seven i just take and go over   he goes rookie six i just  take i also broke up eight i'm definitely losing here i  just don't know how losing i am yeah he's playing a good game this is a good game  he's playing well i'm definitely losing here with   correct play that's a very surprising move now  do i go king c7 um i think let's just go with c8   this must be right because now rookie six i take  and i'm actually threatening a checkmate on him we'll see three let's go here   i had rook b8 also i missed for being good wait  he's got rookie 8 i got to be very careful here let's go here maybe maybe just like here oh no i just blundered or no i  didn't blunder i have check and   i've checked never mind i thought  he had rookie seven i was losing 25 okay i mean i can block with the knight  wait now let's think let's just fly with a rock   okay so he wants to take rook f3 is  not a good one let's just go here   he's too low on time by the way so i can  actually probably flag him if i'm smart here there we go we got the wind i'm blundering yeah i think it's sheep  for the prime code zpl for the prime   that was crazy i did not deserve to win that  game what was i i was playing this one right oh you remember the line okay let's castle here  just go back what was that that was me getting   lucky i'm not very good at chess but sometimes i  get lucky let's go 91 let's put 92 here um because   i'll go c3 maybe d4 here maybe build a big center  do the heel belly attack the heel billy actually   i'm not pronouncing that right hillbilly heal  billy no hell i'm pronouncing it weird whatever   let's just take and go here maybe f5 is a move  here with fb6 um no i'm trying to say it weird i   should be healed why am i still yeah i can't have  my my pronunciation is off today yeah i'm like   saying heel like heal not hill let's go f5 i'm  going all in here i don't care whatever who cares yeah it's it's still chess  okay i think i just take here   i assume i take and i go knight d4 i don't  know if this is actually good for me but   it looks it looks very good just i  feel like there should be play here i could have got knight f4 too actually well  maybe that's better i don't know let's see   cute no i should have got knight  up for this is the wrong square   i can also go for broke though do we  want to go for broke yeah let's um let's go for broke i don't know  if it's good but let's go for bro   oh it doesn't even work i'm an idiot i  thought i could take and go here but then   he just goes kingdom 7 where he wanted this  very annoying workout they move at the end let's just go here i really i thought i could  sack but he just says it's very annoying okay castles still feel like i should have  played let's go bishop g5 hit the rook okay let's go rookie one again logical play  on the open lines my rooks are very good here   so i should be doing okay here he goes e5 which actually kind of surprises  me because i feel like now he's got to deal   with a lot of pressure there's also  work f7 coming it's just it feels a   little bit iffy this horse doesn't look  right this pawn looks a little bit loose i mean i'm just gonna go h4 he'll have to play  h5 then maybe queen f5 maybe just queen a4 even although actually h5 doesn't create a  threat i just realized let's go back   because now i have c4 and bishop a5 also let's  go back c4 and bishop a5 is a very nasty idea   oh he doesn't push me oh oh oh i  missed this okay let's just go back   force him to trade his knight is still bad  actually the knight's really weak here on g6   i can go work out five for pressure on the pawn  thank you to levy for the raid with 3101 thank   you so much to mr gotham chess thank you so much  levi i appreciate the raid hope you're doing well   everyone who's coming in we are trying to play  some blitz chess we're not playing very good   we're not playing great but we're trying  to make do work five is a much better move he's got e4 rookie g3   it's not very pretty here but it's playable maybe  i'm probably gonna try to take the juicer on h5   at some point k comrade do we have a k comrade  for levy is that what that is k comrade yeah nice mean i really want to take  lenny's got really good shape um what do i do here let's go i guess i'm gonna go here that's not right  but i'm gonna go here i should have done this   what i should have done is i should have  gone work out five and queen g3 and one go   i let him get his king to a better  square okay let's go here take the pawn   and rook g5 also so i think i'm doing okay but i'm  not happy because i wasted a move i could have had   this position one move earlier please take i  don't know what his move is see if knight f4 or g5 it's not great but i think it's playable let's go i think i go and play queen e3  to trade 23 d i'm gonna go here cuz i have g3 to   hit the uh hit everything got knight h3 shoot  swag here i want to go g3 but i don't have it   i already just got this now wait no wait  wait wait a second i can take queen h4 this check and either this check he  blundered i think i think he blundered   this rookie 8 check and i can hit him once  he comes up lego knight d4 i'm gonna do yeah he blundered he's actually just lost  rook h4 i checked and he just resigned   he blundered he blundered hardcore check check  king a7 we trade and then he loses the horse   and now he gets lost on v8 gg my man ggs yeah we got the win let's keep going i'm gonna play e5 do something different this game   still trying no i mean he's playing fine  i'm just like i'm not let's do this one okay he's gonna play this lines  um i think knight t5 knight f4   is still considered a reasonable way to play this just castle i'm gonna go here except takes i take and go  okay knight c6 is also a movie i think 96 is fine so i'm i'm down a pawn but he's really  ugly doubles here these are very ugly   double stack this is a very ugly  double stack on d2 and d3 here   i'm gonna go here try to hit the pawn start  to really apply max pressure let's go here   hit the juicer again let's hit the rook again i  guess he's gonna gamble the rook here probably yeah he goes there so play i'm gonna go here it  takes i just take it up i come back and i'm still   targeting him i'm just gonna go back i don't care  he can move the rooks he's gonna lose the juicer   why am i not yes i'm i as i was going to say you  guys um or i've said before actually uh someone   came down with the case of coven in the facility  so it's been shut down for like a little over a   week now i think so that's why i haven't been  able to go back there i will start streaming   from there once everything is open again  just take i think i just take and drop back   and my ops are really good they keep a lot of  angles or a lot of diagonals open i should say   and i think i'm doing very well here let's go just  here hit the knight first of all i can take and   play after secondly i can take and take um what  do i want to do i think i'll just take and go here   because it takes i can also take and i fossilize  the bishop on d4 with hitting while hitting the   queen um actually wait why did i do this  yeah it's a little bit iffy let's go here he just takes wow very bold i'm gonna  go here knight d6 just rookie seven go here hit the pawn on f3 i  have this i also this line up too   i have classic right triangle  to end the game classic right okay goes 93 i mean i don't i don't even have   to do this but i'll just do  it because it's good enough your science keep going um let's do this again i got a good position  last game so why not when in doubt why not   let's go here he's playing the same line  i'm kind of surprised by this i actually   don't think this works let me think for a second  take six night of four knight up four castles um   or if you won yeah i mean i don't believe  him i'm gonna do it again let's see let's go this way because now  i also have queen h5 check   yeah but i thought i'd rookie one  to hit the bishop this is or hit   the knight this is my whole idea i don't  know if it works this is my whole idea i know queen e2 is better actually yeah i gave him g5 why don't i do this let's  go here hit the pawn on e6 and always take   it some moment if i want to i can take  this one i should be doing well here but it's not it's not going to  be trivial h5 wow what a move huh so i can take e6 and also drop  back to h3 which is probably okay too   i can also take it you know taking h5 would be  insane i think let's then queen six straight   to trade bishop d6 bishop d2 rookie eight  trade trade rookie one it's upon a dark   square but i don't think it's enough to win so  ah but queen she's clean up two or something i also just go queenie two  actually looks very attractive here   gonna just go queen e2 try to take the pawn here  everything's under attack i think i'm doing okay thank you to alex for the prime  titanium alley for the prime camp   pods name for the 11 leslie for  the 8th thank you so much leslie i don't know this is right but it looks good if i  can get my bishop in the game i'm i'm much better   is to go like here but now once i develop the  bishop and bring my rook in i think i'm just   clearly better here i have queen f3 also his  bishop is really bad relative to my bishop   he can't push because after takes takes  what i appear doesn't he get fossilized   isn't he getting fossilized what am i missing  he just he gets fossilized multiple ways yeah yeah that was not very good by my friend  i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna take a break because   him at least yeah against boarding  the super gm warden against the   gm i wouldn't say it's a super  champ but he's still like 2600 yeah no that was that was good though that was  good no i mean the option is pretty good i it's   tired farming no it's not about farming elo it's  just i don't i don't believe i'm playing i don't   think i'm i'm playing final form but yeah  basically this game i wonder what the evolve   was i'm kind of curious to see this let me turn  on the eval let's check the uh okay well i mean   that's not what i meant to click but anyway the  point was um let's see analysis wait wrong scene yeah there we go it was 98.3 versus 90.9 so not  great but it's good enough let's check moments um   okay was this good f5 is best oh bishop g5 is good  oh i'm so bad bishop g5 is plus   one and i played knight f4 which is just no good oh queen h ph5 is both wow g4 is not so good yeah okay so actually it's a pretty  pretty clean game pretty clean okay 5 0 but adoption is a 10 oh no i know  i know what adoption is but anyway it's 5   00. oh was there was there an actual  bet on this don't tell me there was   there actually a bet on that i hope there  wasn't was there was there actually a poll on   that oh good god okay then i guess i'm gonna  play him again okay let me play him again okay yeah i guess i'll play him again i challenged  him to a game let's see if he wants to play i challenged him he's not accepting now  though he's not accepting my challenge   no i would not lose on purpose but  he's not accepting my challenge   oh man he's not accepting my challenge oh no   foreign

2021-01-06 03:52

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