Text Marketing for your Color Street business

Text Marketing for your Color Street business

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hey hey everyone hi team we're so excited for another team training i have kathy lindgren with me hi kathy hey guys hi kelly kathy is an executive director on team nailed it right yes i am yep and um she was in our executive director chat talking about talking about this um text marketing training that she had done and how and it sounded amazing um because it's something i selfishly want to learn myself um i've kind of dabbled in in the text marketing with my uh customers but i can't wait to hear your whole system so well so kathy tell us before we jump in will you just tell us a little bit about your uh how you got started with color street and and like where you're from and stuff yeah so um i was a total kidnapper i actually got a sample while i bit my nails i had no fingernails whatsoever lindy sent me a sample of nails and i'm like you know these are pretty cool my nails still look terrible but not as terrible so i fell in love with them and they started to grow out um i became a stylist only for the discount for myself and my daughters and i think lindy wanted to just strangle me a few times because i did nothing like she would send all these really encouraging things and i would be like no not doing it and that went on for nine months i was like i told her i'm literally your color street baby it took nine months to grow me and i love that out of the color street womb and here i am i'm just kidding um my chair is going to fall over but if we ended up talking one day and it was after a vacation a bunch of people had said oh my gosh i love your nails and i realized like oh my god i have all these samples that came in my kit i should be giving them out right i came home from vacation i started handing them out and i woke up one morning and i had made like nine dollars and fifty cents while i slept and for some reason i'm just like well that was kind of cool i made money what if i did this on a bigger scale and i have a really data-minded brain so i did the numbers and i'm like how many do i have to give out to get run return and all this stuff and it just slowly grew and i i think it worked because i went into it with the impression of this is not a overnight thing this is gonna take some time and it it did and it's still slowly growing and i'm slowly working at it and it's just great and here i am i love hearing that that gives that gives us hope for when we have um kidnappers or when we have people that are not working the business as leaders um that you know sometimes it's it has to come on our own timing right yep absolutely and that's the power of samples too man those those two finger testers are powerful uh well we can't wait to hear the training i'm gonna let you share your screen and just jump right in you guys kathy has beautiful slides for you you're gonna love this um so go ahead and share your screen and get started let's get started okay well we're gonna do this and then we're gonna do present okay can you i gotta close this out and i gotta get rid of this okay can you see just my screen yes okay perfect so we're gonna get back here to the very beginning okay so social selling outside of social media so this is i just want to be clear i am not telling you not to use social media i still use social media um but i spent 20 years working for kirby vacuum cleaners as a marketing director and no way oh yes oh yeah the power of a phone call or a simple direct email or a simple one-on-one text message it has worked since the beginning of time like i'm pretty sure that's how noah got the animals on the ark he sent out a personal message they all came that's how it works so social selling outside of social media but you're still keeping social media in here and we're just kind of more focusing on the direct parts so um we're gonna cover first of all why there's a change um where to find your leads the benefits of doing this um and then the most important thing i think is knowing what to say and when to say it like i can tell you go do this but unless you have an idea of what this looks like it's really hard to kind of have an action and then um inside and outside social media and then following through with your follow-up so that's that um why the change and i'm gonna tell you why there's this change and aaron stones and i have talked about this a lot and i keep telling her for months why why is it like it is right now i don't know if any of you have noticed a little bit of a slowdown but i have with mine um and the reason we're making this change is that or that i'm making this change is that um i noticed something different was happening it was slower social media wasn't as active as it had been and um it's so important to know why we're gonna we're gonna do something because like as a nurse i woke up one morning and i got this text message that said hey guys um we're all going to 12 hour shifts and everybody was livid people were ready to quit their jobs ready to walk out the door and i had this really good leader um our admin actually about two days later learned that we were all totally just upset and leaving and he came to us and said hey look this change is going to be better for you you're only going to have to work three days a week instead of five you're only gonna have to get daycare three days a week instead of five pay for gas three days a week you're gonna get to work with a buddy you're gonna get this you're gonna have more free time and you explain the value to us and that was so big so this change it's needed and it's going to bring you guys some value and then we'll get into the what will be different and how how it will be different or how it can look different so i love that i just took a picture of that slide i just love that that all you know just just addressing those things right there that's powerful right there that's a that's a whole training in itself thank you being a change agent is what it's called so you've gotta i mean just just knowing why something is gonna be changed is so helpful so true um so if you guys think about how it was before kovid the internet was like your fun and enjoyable place you did retail therapy shopping there you checked your email you played games you video chatted people it was a source of entertainment you vacation planned on it and now in the last couple of years it has become a necessity a staple of your day you have to go to work on it for some people and some don't but you have to buy your food and you're a lot of people you know target deliveries you're doing it all online you have your work meetings there you're still doing your email a lot of health care visits are now virtual social media you know has changed a lot and the more things change the more they stay the same back then you're looking for something to help you get away from your daily grind and today you're looking for something to help you get away from your daily grind um and that's why i've kind of moved more on to the focus of directing a text message or a phone call or a video of yourself or a voice message um kelly when you messaged me this morning and you didn't send me a text message you voice messaged me there is something just completely different about it's like a conversation it's yeah it's more of the person instead of just words on a screen right you can hear the tone and also i'm lazy so i don't want to write it out but it's like more personal i totally agree yes i could hear your smile when you were when you were talking so it was good um so the big thing you guys are all like well that's all great and everything but how do i get the new people i'm not even leaving my house some days you know show me the leads is really where it's at and for those of you who are gonna say well i don't do any shows and i'm brand new i don't have customers and i don't you know i don't have a nail bar scheduled you guys you can get leads anywhere i i got one of my best customers from putting a nail on her in the dairy queen drive through well my kids rolled their eyes at me in the background like you can get leads anywhere i love that anywhere you go and there's a little saying um on here that's that i say all the time and it's just you know what you guys i work with the company that makes this nail polish so someone's like i love your nails i work with the company that makes this i have a bunch of free samples you know here have one take it try it out if you want a full pack the websites on on the sample pack um but you guys i mean how many times have you walked by someone in the target and you're seeing them looking at nail polish and you want to say something but you don't because you don't want to be that person but it's is it really being that person you're like hey you know i see you're looking at nail polish i work for the number one selling nail polish in the united states do you want a sample of it it's dry polish have you tried it um you can give a sample to anybody and get new people and i'm going to tie in how the texting part works with this those are such good lines i just have to stop you like i took another picture of that wording because i'm a word nerd and like i've never thought to say i work with the company that makes this nail polish or i work with the number one nail polish company like yeah genius yeah this is weird but you know i see there you're looking at you know this pink nail polish i work with the company the number one seller of nail polish in the united states and i get a whole bunch of samples try this stuff let me know what you think i'd love to see a picture of it um strike up a conversation and you're not going to just hand it to them and walk away like that's not how it goes usually they're like oh yeah i've tried those or no i haven't tried them before or i got a sample and i never put it on um and that's when you're like oh well i you know i have a team in this area and i would love to see a picture once you get it on um you know oh and if they if they say to you yeah i've bought it before and they don't have a stylist and you guys will get to know here in a minute you don't ever want to take someone else's girl like you don't want to take people's customers but most of the customers out there i vendor shows and i've done probably a hundred or more of them so far people tell me yes my aunt sells it my neighbor sells it my niece sells it they know a specific person or the other half of the people say oh you know i just buy it at events like this or somebody at work had a party once and i got some from that girl they don't have a loyal connection to somebody and those are the people that you know once i'm talking and i give them that sample and and i hear where they're getting it from or not getting it from that's when i say to them oh well you know what let me let me grab my phone let me send you um my personal link and that way you can get you know inventory that's online maybe inventory that's not online um you can have a sample request form if you know anybody else that wants them on there i just bring them right to my link to and they can see a lot of stuff that way but that's smart when you grab your phone whether you're in the target aisle you're at a restaurant wherever it is over the course since august i've done this probably two or three hundred times and i've maybe had three to five people say no thank you everyone else has just given me their phone number but you when you're standing there with your phone and your text is open and you're like hey give me your number i'm going to shoot you my private link um so that way you can you know get this all these sets you see at my vendor so you can get them offline or whatever and they'll send you that and as i'm texting i just write them hey this is kathy your new color street girl send them my website and now i've got their phone number i get their first name and that's like it's so easy it is so easy and it rarely doesn't work so hold that so do you what do you do with those phone numbers or do you follow up oh i have a whole method girl oh girl here we go so like i said that's the first one is leads in plain sight you can get a lead from anywhere but i put down some ways you can get leads from your like how you're going to transform your current customers people at the vendor shows and people who you do nail bars with um i kind of just told you how i do my current you know my vendor shows current customers i would private message them and say hey i want to send you my i'm going to text you my personal link just to give you a heads up you can find all these different ways and then i i won't read through all these i'll let you guys read through them if you want to take a screenshot but the biggest one i've done is vendor shows in the nail bars and if you're at a nail bar you can do a trivia party either if it's virtual or in person and you can use your phone to get their phone numbers within the first five minutes of that nail bar and i just say to them you know we're gonna play um let's see what is that we're going to play like cartoon trivia we're going to play star wars trivia whatever theme you want to do we're going to play color street trivia you guys can use your phone for this you can look up the answers but to start you need to text me your first name and last initial and so i know who i'm getting text messages from and they'll text you and then you can say the first person or the second person or the third person to text me the right answer wins you know two extra sample packs when some twosies when's a free set and now you've got this chain going with them you've got the phone number of every person in the room and you can at the end of the night you can say you know i'm gonna send you thanks for showing up to becky's party you know she's such so blessed to have a friend like you um i'm going to send you a picture or i'm going to send you my private link to my private stash my personal website whatever you want to say please don't share this with other people i like to keep it private for just customers like you or just people like you um and then you can tell them too i'll send you a picture of the mini launch coming up before it goes public if you don't know the name of the launch it's a mini lunch um i'm going to send you a picture of the spring line before it comes out so you let them know in a conversation that you're going to be texting them again and they'll write you back you know do you have any favorite colors you might want me to send you stuff like that so that's that um the benefits of texting it's kind of tied in with you know your social media business to begin with you can work from bed with texting specifically nobody else sees how many other people you're texting if you're in a vip group my girls are like i've only got 30 people and it seems so small and this doesn't matter this way they're number one they're the only person you're texting um you can start doing this when you have one person you don't need 50. you can really start your marketing with one um your business is always with you there's no algorithms you guys you send them a message and they get it like they said yes so not for wonder yes um you send them a customized message like this is you chatting with them and it's a bigger outcome for just a little extra time my personal experience and i will you guys might be like she's an executive director and she was getting how many few messages or purchases i was getting three maybe four online purchases a month the rest were all personal sales through vendor shows and i went from three to four personal like online sales a month to 12 to 20. wow since august and just since using this i still get my regular sales but this was just a bigger outcome for just a little bit extra time that goes into it who doesn't raise your hand if you don't want 12 to 20 more or random orders a month right yes um my last vendor show and i'm still trying to figure out why i got three people that visited me that weekend that all randomly just went online to my website and placed orders and i'm like why are they doing this i had so many more people join my vip group and i'm not even asking them to so i'm like i gotta know why like i have to know the data behind this and what is driving that so i can do it again so you and this is so versatile you guys you can use it for marketing for contests for parties for sales for everything um it's texting really is so simple and we've had it for so long but that personal connection is what people are really looking for right now because they are online so much every day so stepping away from your computer and making it a little more personal i think is is really good so yeah i just i want to pause you i want to stop you because i think everyone's thinking like oh these are like individual texts but i'm guessing i could be wrong that you're going to talk to us about using like a texting software that yes so that you're not this is not you just individually texting like hundreds of people right this is you using a software that's going to make it way easier yeah so if before you all get overwhelmed sorry yes it's going to teach you about this amazing software as well right yes absolutely i have yes um so before we get into how you're gonna do it with that software what you're gonna say is again so important like again like you're not going to go in the the makeup aisle or the nail aisle and be like hi there i represent color street and i would like to gift you a free sample in the hopes that you'll buy like you don't do that it's all about how you say it and what you're gonna say so again take screenshots i'm not gonna read these um just if you're in the nail polish aisle what you could say if you're sitting there with a waitress you guys i write out gift cards five or six at a time um little note cards i mean and put my samples in them and have them ready for when we go out to supper and you know thank you for being such a great server tonight we had a really nice meal and you could say that to them in person too you don't have to you know you don't have to compliment them on a piece of paper you can if you're just leaving it with your your tip but this works as well um a current customer like how you would get your current customers over to your texting app a not so current customer you know hey it's been a while we haven't chatted wanted to let you know still selling color street i'm still with them um and then again if you're at a vendor show and if you're at a nail bar and all of those things too wait go back to the other one i want to take a picture of that one i'm sure you'll share these slides in the team right yes yes i print them to you as well so if you want to oh yeah okay cool and then the vendor show and the nail bar and the nail bar one is exactly what i've said at in-person nail bar parties even though i serve dog food cookies by accident and i still have customers from that one so wait we need to hear this story we can't just brush over that it's um it was an older lady at a senior citizen's building and i went to help out a new girl on my team and she's like could you bring some snacks so i stopped at t.j.maxx which was the closest place grabbed some by the checkout and it was like right before halloween so i'm like oh these are great they have pumpkins on their cookies they'll be fine stuck them out on a plate everybody we're from minnesota so everybody was nice nobody complained nothing and i leave and i go home and on my way home i'm like man am i hungry so i reach into this bag to grab a cookie out of this because i put them all back in the little you know like the cookie container they come in yeah yeah and i take a bite and it's not it doesn't taste terrible but it tastes wrong like this is not a cookie and so i'm on the phone with one of my stylists telling her about how my night went and everything and we're talking and and i'm like uh-oh like you just know like this this is wrong and i'm at a gas station at this point and i open up this box and i'm looking at it and i'm like oh my god and it was dog food cookies it's cookies for dogs and nobody said anything about how bad they were and there was only like four out of a dozen left so oh my word that is hilarious fail until you nail it right absolutely and yeah so only a select few people and now all of you know that i've served dog cookies that is amazing i love that so much good and i got a stylist and i still have some customers from there you can still have success even when you serve dog food cookies so i love that it worked out well amazing um again bottom line my go-to is i work with the company that makes dry nail polish you know number one seller of it whatever you want to say make it your own um that's that's the gist of it so this is probably what you're waiting for um there are so many apps out there that can do similar things i chose hit em up because it is super inexpensive it is easy the other ones were like five times as much like 25 bucks and you could only send 200 messages a month or whatever this is kind of unlimited um it allows you to create groups from your phone contacts so i'll get into the how i do that in a second it allows you to send personalized text messages and it saves your messages as a template and by that i mean i have a birthday message i send out so when it's someone's birthday i will send the message that says happy birthday first name and it says happy birthday becky on their end it populates their first name um i hope you have a great day and get to spend it with the people you love the most um i wanted to share this private link with you and some special like a special price for you you can get mine is like two sets for eight dollars each let me know which two you want me to send to you and you can also use this app to send pictures or video messages you can record a youtube video of yourself and send it through this um it's just great so i've never heard of hit him up because i used to broadcast but yeah so this is like for this i have an iphone i know everything else is similar that's out there our phones are our csm our customer service managers and we basically can you know this is how my stuff looks um i save the person's first name i'll get a last name eventually or at least a letter and then in that's just the first name part um and the last name part and then in the bottom where it says cs party jolene that's how i save my company name so everybody who is going to get a customer street mess or color street message from me of some kind has cs at the beginning of their cust of their company name and then a hyphen and i will write stylist if it's on my team and that's as far as it goes so if i want to message all my stylists i pull the one that's color street stylist if i want to message all the people from the iowa state fair i'll do color street hyphen isf um if it's a referral i'll just put color street hyphen referral and then the name of who referred them i've got a whole system made and you kind of can do whatever works for you um but this for instance i i could message anybody who ever came to my parties and send an a message that says you know thanks for being one of my party attendees i have a special sale for you guys this week and you can create a list that's just party people or we're extending the trivia we did at the party only we're bringing in all of you who've ever come to a party um the first person with the right answer of this we're gonna do it all day long and then i i might send some nail fees throughout the course of the day but we can connect so much information um just in our phones i have a special ringtone and a text tone for my customers um so it plays the song i'm so excited anytime one of them sends me a message um you can track their birthdays with this you can track their color street anniversaries first time you know they've bought you um the other i tracked their samples when i gave them a sample or when they last purchased from me um notes you know this person actually was at jolene's party she loves blue she bought four blue sets that day and she came with her sister like i write notes down to remember everything because it it helps you make it more personal so you you do this and then within this app um it actually will just allow you to create a list and it's just like going into your phone where you sort you know you can search for a contact you just search for cs and then it'll pull up every cs in your app in this hit em up app and you can say i want cs hyphen party i want cs hyphen iowa state fair i want cs hyphen you know stylist if you're doing your team um and it it ends up sending not a group message either it does not hold people hostage in a group message it ends up sending you guys a message that is individual to that person so um what'll happen is and i don't have i mean i'm not on my phone i'm on my computer obviously but if you're on your phone and you're in the hit em up app it will you just click on the list that you want and then at the bottom is you type your message or you can pick from a message you've previously saved and you type whatever message you want you can add pictures like hey this is launching at 10 30 tomorrow um let me know which of these you want as always you know you can order online on my website or you can do a bulk order with me and just whatever details you want to share with them but as you send these text messages out the thing that's unique with hit them up your phone server doesn't recognize that is spam is it will like if you have 190 people it will show you alphabetically your text messages that are going out so it'll show you like hi kelly and you have to hit the send button on it but the reason i like doing that is i can make it personal and this is where the extra time comes in um you're not typing a text for every person but after it says hi kelly i could say it was great seeing you at my show or it was if it's you know you just get to know who your people are um it was you know thanks for your order last week and that way when that person is reading the text message number one they're getting it again no algorithms no one's being kept in the dark on anything they're seeing what you said but they're also reading this text that is obviously for them like it's not some spam you're sending out the three seconds it takes you to say it was great seeing you last week thanks for your order last week um you know i hope you're i hope bob's having a great year at school if they you know if their kids go to school with your kids something that lets them know it's personal and then you hit that send button yeah and that's that's how you do it i mean you just you keep it so personal and i have people every week when i send out messages now messaging me back like oh my gosh those sets are gorgeous or stuff might see online um and i post it online too it's just the amount of interaction i'm getting on my text messages is ten times more than what i get on social media and they let's clarify is it showing up in your actual phone test text messages or in the app it shows up in your actual phone text messages it is a message from you personally okay to them okay yeah and there there is a feature where you can actually get a different phone number and stuff i you know there's lots of apps that will do that for you i chose not to i just i mean my phone is 99 business to begin with but it's you know i think it's i like it i like having that personal connection with my customers nobody has gone crazy on me yet and stalked me it's been lovely yeah no that's i mean honestly just the fact that you're getting 12 to 20 extra orders a month makes it work like makes us all at least me makes me want to like jump on this bandwagon yeah it's it's good and you can create your lists by you know you i have an all customer list i have a list for each thunder show a list for each nail bar a team list um i'm in north carolina for the last few weeks and i'll be here for a while and i've been saving those under nc because it's just waitresses and baristas and people i meet at the beach and yeah i don't know like does my big mouth get me places without north carolina like how i want the stats on it yeah i love this and really you know i think people are feeling like uh discouraged about you know facebook algorithms instagram algorithms like this is a way to you know this is kind of like email marketing where it's like you own the real estate here you know like you don't you're not you're not a victim to the algorithm like you're not a victim to that platform it's i think it's it's worth the time investment in learning how to and like jumping in and figuring it out and being consistent with it it is good it is and if you message even if you pre even if you don't have this and you private message 10 people a day and you do that every month and you just send them like you create a monthly you know advertisement like these are the this is my personal link and once a month you send it out to people yeah like you don't you don't need to be fancy you just need to be real yeah and like i'm just going to share a couple you know ways that i've done it with project broadcast which is another email or a text software is like you can have so i've done like a giveaway in my vip group where i say hey if you you can enter to win if you text the word nails to this number and then when they do that they're automatically entered into that text list and then when we do have launches you know when we do have um things like that i can send them like eat the eat pray love i can send them you know those like hey here's a new launch um so they're getting that text about those things i know for me i don't know if you're this way kathy but i'm on like text lists for boutiques and stuff there's a couple companies and i'm on their text list and when they i got one this morning um for these stanley cups you know like any like there's so many i'm on so many like text lists and um and i don't find it annoying because i want updates on those things they're products i love and so i'm like oh sweet like this is coming out and i get sucked in and um but it's it's powerful marketing that a lot of us are not tapping into you know it is think about like black friday for instance i get that target text every single day and i want to know what the special is for the day and even if i don't need it i might get it because it's such a good deal and i'm saving more suckers yeah tell my husband it was only forty dollars and instead of 80 i saved 40 bucks and he's like yeah sure so you saved no but yeah um i there's a lot of boutiques that you know they'll text me like once a week sometimes multiple times a week and i'm like oh ooh click click click you know so i i think it's something we need to really tap into i've been telling color street corporate i'm like guys let's get on the tech's train um it's just powerful it's powerful so i love this is there any are there any other slides is this just a couple this is when pressed you guys can take a picture of this too uh this is my cadence yours might be different you might have a different rhythm for your group i do it when i meet them a couple of days later when there's a new launch for their birthdays and then any special event which is like a cinderella sale or a secret sale or a silent auction we did one using um auction gifts and that was really fun um but that's just gonna win a screenshot of that or i can post the things and then this is pretty much just a summary of it um it really once you start you know initially for me it took me a full day eight hours of typing all my people in getting everything set up over the course of a few days of course and then it now takes a minute to 15 minutes a day depending on if i do a show or have a party and have 10 people to add um or whatever i mean it's so minimal and it is the return on investment of time is a big deal is this going to do is this going to be more than what you're doing now yes but not much more and the return on investment is good and then there's the follow-up like if you just text them one time it's not gonna happen um and i put down the story of shelly i had i went to school with a girl who was in my vip group she never commented i swear she never saw anything she just she's never liked my nails she never asked for a sample of my nails nothing and about two years into this i posted rule of plum for those of you that remember the rule of plum set and she was like oh my gosh this is a beautiful set i need this set and i'm like well what the heck i asked her i'm like why did you not say anything before now like i've been doing this for two years and she's like well there weren't any colors i really liked you just had to show her color just saw the one set of nails that really tripped her trigger and she's been purchasing ever since like she never wanted to try them it just didn't appeal to her until she saw that one color but had i stopped and been like well she's not doing anything i'm not gonna market to her i'm not gonna keep sharing i wouldn't have got her i mean she wouldn't have ever seen something she liked so it's literally you just have to show up and keep posting keep sending messages um what would you think kelly for like how much is too much for often for texting like for text marketing yeah i i do i think more than like more than three times i think even three times might be pushing it a week but um i'd say like two to three times a week is a good number i would say more than that is yeah okay maybe one to two i've been doing one i've only done once a week but i would like to do more and be more interactive but i don't want it to be i want it to be a personal text message not a sales force yeah yeah um salesforce yeah i feel like one to two is like a good number i feel like three like i said is pushing it yeah so yeah this is all i've this is it so this is right i love it um and i'm just gonna add too that i don't know if you're uh if hit him up does this but with project broadcast which also is i think i think it's like 10 a month so um yours is a little less expensive but um with them you can come up with a whole drip system so i actually have one for when a customer asks so on my sample request form it says text the word you know sample to this number and they text it and then now they're in like they're there's like a drip system there's like a series which is basically a series of texts they get to kind of like build that relationship with them um but it's all like automated so that's kind of a really cool um thing to to do when they get a new sample so that you uh are following up automatically that's great yeah okay so how do you so once they have the sample and then you follow up and you just does it send them like a specific link does it yeah so you can like say um so on my sample request form they text the number then it texts them then i i write down like the message they get like thanks so much for requesting some nails i'll pop them in the mail soon and then you know i choose how soon they get the next text and maybe that's like a week later that's like just following up to see how you liked your sample um you know let me know and then maybe it's like a week later and it's like here's a video on or like here's a video on how to apply you know and like maybe a week later it's like here's how to or like join my vip group so it's kind of like this series of um building that relationship oh that's awesome yeah um so anyways there's so many things you can do with it and so uh get get creative and get on the text train because i it like you said like it's uh it's there's no algorithm it's direct marketing which is what we're in it's that one-on-one um so this has been so great kathy these slides are incredible and this has been really great advice and i'm like super pumped about it um so i hope you guys all watch this again there's a lot a lot of stuff here on here and i will post the slides in the team and give it a try today and see how it goes start um nurturing those relationships with texts and uh thanks for watching and thanks kathy again we appreciate you all right no problem have a good day you too see ya

2022-03-05 10:48

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