Technical Trading with Futures | Trading Gaps and Technical Divergences | 5-30-19

Technical Trading with Futures | Trading Gaps and Technical Divergences | 5-30-19

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Markets. Rallying, off yesterday's, low about a nine-point gain so far do, you fade the gap do you wait. For price to get to the overnight highs lots, of different options we'll talk about that and more coming up. Good. Morning everyone and welcome to technically, trading with futures I'm Pam Mullaly sitting in for John, McNichol, who is on, his way across the ocean to, jump. Into Normandy, for. The d-day, celebrations in. France, so good luck to him, we're. Gonna talk gaps trading. Some technical divergences, today, we. Had some, information. Economic. Information that came out today markets. Moving up maybe just in reaction for you from yesterday we'll, talk. About how, to. In. Learn. How to look, at the markets maybe in a little bit longer term and bring those down to these shorter. Term charts. Today, before we do that of course, let's, get rolling here, we're. Doing this for educational, purposes only and not. For any kind of recommendations, any, stock. Investing, carries, risk futures and futures options trading, is speculative, not it's not suitable for everyone futures. Accounts are not secured, by the SI, pc and, any. Options, trade our futures or futures options trading, that you might do is subject. To review and approval by a. TD, Ameritrade. Remember. Bert raids that involve minimal potential, benefit. Are significantly, impacted, by transaction. Fees and any investment, decision that you make in your self-directed. Account, is solely, your responsibility, we, will again, we will use actual. Symbols, that does not mean we're making any kind of recommendations, past, performance, any security or strategy, does not guarantee future, returns. Remember. All investing, involves risk including the risk of loss and no. Soliciting no photography, no part of this presentation we copy recorder to rebroadcast without. The prior written consent of TD. Ameritrade. Let's hop. Out there and see what we've got going and.

Just. Before the market opened, we. Placed I placed a gap. Trade, so. Want to talk about that a little bit. And. Looking. To fade the gap now some. People I'm, gonna collapse, this side over here, some, people may wait for, price. To get up to the overnight, high as if we back this off a little bit here we. Can see yesterday's, close which, would be the the, downside. Target, for any gap which, was about. Nine. Or ten points away it's now. 13. Points away as you can see here so, presently, going against, us the question becomes right now as price, pushes, back above. That. Overnight. High will. That hold or, will, that be an, area. Where there's a bit, of what, some people might call a fake-out shakeout. Where. People, might look to get long this. Position. As. It pushes above, those overnight highs, and. That. Would be when. We say, shakeout, fake-out, there might be people who were short people who were fading the gap are looking to exit out when it pushes above. That area that might exacerbate, the, buying but. Sometimes, what happens is you. Get these. And on the SMP you'll get. Skirmishes. Little. Four. Raised above, the. Overnight highs, and. Then if we get some kind of reversals, so people go in long, thinking, it's a breakout, and. Then and then price. Starts to sell back down short. Sellers get out long. Positions. Get in and. Then. It starts to come back down and then. What. Oftentimes, will happen is we'll see some reshoring of the market in. That area, looking for that, gap to be filled it's a pretty big gap today at. A. 13-point. Sitting there now if we look at this on a 5 or on a daily, chart and look, at what some people might do they, might look at the past. 5 days and look at the volatility, according. To the. Average, true range which. Is down here in this lower. Area. Down, in here and. Lower. Panel, I should say and yesterday's. Range, always use the previous days for, ATR you'd want to use the previous day's range because there, is no range for today yet and that. Range, was, about 38 points so. Some people take some. Kind of a calculation, you. Know 50% of that, took. To, define, what their stop-loss, might be, in. This case this morning I used a 40%, which was about 15 points, so. Really. Risking. One. And a half to, make one so if you're going to do these types of trades they better be high probability, style. Trades. One. Of the things that, also, we might want to take notice of before, you, make. Any decisions, overnight whether you're going to be bullish or bearish number, one are you gonna be bullish you're going to be bearish are you going to be counter-trend expecting, price to run back to the upside this, line I have here happens, to be a. Drawn. From a. Hourly. Chart, but you can see here it just follows these highs, in here and the. Reason that for some people is important, if we come break this down to a. 20. Day hourly, we, can see that some, people might choose to be counter-trend they might be choose to be a little, bit bullish, here expecting, some reaction, back to the upside that might, carry price. Into. This into. This downtrend. Line or a return. Line as it's, often called, or at least it was in in the in, the, past so well. Again. Decisions. Need. To if you're going to be trading decisions, need to be made prior, to, the opening, especially, if it's more of a short-term basis, you, got to decide you're gonna be bullish or you're gonna be bearish and. If, you decide well looking, at this chart that, the trend.

Basically. Is down and you, want to follow the trend then you might just wait for. Bearish. Signals. To. To, trade in the. Direction of, the, trend now, yes oftentimes gaps get filled sometimes. It may take two, days, before. Those gaps get filled so, that's you. Know again, be. Very careful of the rhetoric you hear out there gaps, always, fill no they, don't there's different, types of gaps there's breakaway, gaps which, made I give get filled for a long long time but, even in on, the entry day, timeframe. Sometimes. Gaps take a while, to. Fill. But. In any event this is our. Longer. Term if. We can call an hourly chart longer, term but, from a short-term, or intraday type of. Hedging. Or. Speculative. Type, of action, people. May wait for price to push. Back up into. That downtrend, line and that could be all, the way into tomorrow before, that occurs we'll. Certainly see the market, could decide it wants to get relatively. Bearish fairly quickly for, whatever reason, and we, might see and then, this is what be kind, of the tale of the tape of what. The real expectations. Are out, in. With. The, investors. And traders out there and, that. Might just be a. An. Opportunity. For people to sell on any, early. Morning rally so, we'll see if they sell early, in the day if we go back to that. 20-day, one-hour chart. And. We see what has occurred over, the last twenty days, these. In. The gray, areas are the overnight is the overnight the white areas are is. The day we can see rallied, up. So pretty much rallied, through the day and. Sold. Off no. Rally on that day. Mid. Day. Early. Morning rally so two hours worth of rally and then, and then it sold off, let. Me zoom in on this a couple of hours, worth of rally and then it sold off a few, hours worth of brow it, became. Just kind of flat he. So you can see here. They. Have a tendency, to sell, into. These rallies, now how early, they'll sell into the rallies it's anybody's, guess but, it's, had a a. The. Ability for. Quite. A while for. Price to run up into that down. Trending one. Our resistance. Line and. We've. Got this on this one-hour chart here you can see we're still holding up there 15 points, to. The upside, for the day put. That on a 5-minute chart and you can see looks. Like the overnight is holding, so. The gap trade might be an, ill. A. It. Might be a loser let's, say, not. That that's a horrible thing you take the risk that you should take based off of your. Account size so on and so forth let's, take a look at some other things. And. Take. A look at these pivot, charts there, was an opportunity pre, market and I'm going to. Widen. This up a little bit here. I can't. That's, the look point right there, was an opportunity if you do. Decide you want to trade pre market make, sure you're trading something that has a lot, of liquidity. So. Be, very careful with what you're trading, in there so lots of volume, and. On. The option side lots of volume lots of open interest as well so that. Puts the, SP, e-mini, the /e es in. That. Category of, highly, liquid, futures. But. If you did want to trade in the in the pre market and you. Were. If. I can get that the role there zoom. In there right, in this area here you could have taken a bit. Of a bounce off of that pivot expecting. Price to reach to this upper. Pivot. Line.

Now. Again. Nothing. Wrong with pre-market, trading this. Was prior to the. Announcement so, GDP, came out this morning that was announced right. Here. And. So it was a came, in a little bit better than expected less, than what we had last time, 3.1, percent a versus, the expected. 3.0%. Last. Report. Was a 3.2, so, down a little bit, the initial. Claims the unemployment, or the, people filing for employment, insurance. Those. Were up about 3,000 but again. The trend is still down has been for, quite. A while on those employment numbers so. We'll just consider we'll just watch this and see what occurs here. And. So. Nothing to, be done just, let, this, marinate. For a while what. We'll do now is we'll, pop up here and take, a look at. Some. Other, shorter. Term trades. And. I'm gonna collapse that and. So. What. Some. People will do is they'll use indicators. To. Show divergences. Now what we're seeing here with the Nasdaq. Is. Price, rallying, on the open a five-minute chart here, let's open this up let's just maximize, this sell. The. Russell 2000. Is very strong so far and. So, some people might look at this and look. For. Divergences. And so they look for. Price. Too and i've got to adjust, this here. Take. Out that average, there. We go they, look for price to get up to. The top of this or you, know are the bottom of the band depending on which way it's going. Let. Me let me address Dave's, question, here. And, actually. I'll get into ash pins and show you how to get to all these things just wanted to look at you. Know I wanted to get a little bit of heads up on what might be occurring as far as possible, other, trades. Out there so. We'll. Come back to divergences, let me get these questions. Answered so pivot, charts. Or. You can find those, is. Underneath. Or inside, or the. Beaker. Here so. In that beaker. You're. Going to have some, opportunities. To. Use. Different types of oscillators different. Types of indicators there's, zillions of them you. Don't have to know each and every one of them find one or two that. Seem to ring true to you and use those and become very good at what those are actually. Telling you. Oscillators. And indicators, banded. Ones unbanded. Are. Bound by certain. Areas lots of different things to learn out there but. You want to be very. Careful. Not to use too much, stuff. Too much, indications.

Because You'll probably not be able to make a decision, so, in here we're going to type in, pivot. And. Then. You've got your choice persons, pivots where. It's. A. Pivot. System, that. John person's, developed. He smooths the pivot points with a 20-period, moving average. Or. You can have the classic, pivot points here are. Woody's pivots, I'm I put, on person's. Pivots. In. These previous. Pivot. And, the other. Charts. Here let me restore these cells and. We'll. Come back up here. And. Open. That up. Let. Me explain what we're seeing here so, on the pivots. These. Are just calculations. Measurements. Using. Yesterday's. Open, the. The. High in the clothes using, that data to create support. Areas, to create resistance. Areas, possible, resistance areas pivots. Points. Go back all. The way into the 20s so. They've been around a long long time, and, people have used them a long long time and. They. Use them in lots of different ways. But. We just look at him anything, above the, pivot point let, me zoom in here anything. Above the pivot point that's that purple line there. So. Anything above this pivot is. Considered. Bullish. And so, bounces, off of that pivot some. People like to trade into those, but. They expect to find resistance, at the. Next pivot line so that might be an area where they, take. Profits, right or they, may look for it to break above that next resistance, line as. Another. Possible. Pivot. Another. Possible, break. Or breakout, area and look, for it to trade all the way up to this next pivot now I've got this down trending. Lying, on here so I don't, know some, people might not have a lot of hope, that it's going to make it all the way back up to 28. 65. From. Where we are right now. Stalling. A little bit here on the five-minute chart but. That might just be a rest. After two two, strong candlesticks. To the upside you oftentimes. You're going to see some larger. Range candlesticks. Turn into smaller range candlesticks, and get, some kind of. Get. Some rest in there you'll notice that our, stop. Loss, on. The. Gap. Trade is sitting. Right up here at that just, above that pivot. Point. Resistance. One resistance, number one on those pivot points so, that's where we find them you go into the beaker you. Type in pivot, and. That'll. Take you to the. The set, of these pivots. I. Do. Believe, that there are that, these people have written. Manuals. Or books and things like that about, these so you you. Want to do a little more study you might just, check. Some of those out so. Let's. Go back over here to. The. More. Shorter, intraday. Style. You. Get your Nasdaq you have the Russell 2000. /rt. Y now. The Russell 2000. Looks to be about. The strongest, so far for the day if we look at the. What. I call corners, over here which gives us our bonds. Which. Gives us our, come. Out with some commodities, basically. The asset, classes that we look at equities, bonds. Commodities. And. Currencies, we, can see the Russell 2000, strongest, for the day, followed. By the Nasdaq. And. Leading. Are, at. The tail, end of the pack the. Dow which, pushed below its 200-day moving average, a lot. Of discussion, about the, 200-day, moving averages. Out there, the. Dow closed below the 200-day moving average, the. Sp500. Pushed. Down on the cash pushed down to the, 200-day, moving average. And. So. You, know decisions. Around that area well, or oftentimes, made longer-term.

Decisions. To be buyers in that area breaks, below that area may be decisions, to be to, be sellers so. Not. A. Not. A. Something. To be, dismissed. Necessarily. No. Matter what your thoughts are, the. The. Market, itself, the, bigger, players in the market might use that 200-day, moving average, here's, an interesting note though, on those, moving averages, when, you're looking at the S&P 500 you, might look, at a 100-day, as well over, the last many you, know 10 years or so it's been following, that 100 day moving average, fairly. Well bouncing, off of the, 100. Day moving average, break below that, usually. Gets. Gets. People into. Some. Some. Trouble let me restore. These cells here. And I'm, going to. Look. At. And. Look, at this and see what we've got on here so. That's. A 200-day, moving average, that green, dotted, line right there and you can see, yesterday. The es pushed, below, it intraday. We're, holding above it that. Might be more fodder for price, to rally above that going. Back if you change this to a 100, day. Click. Ok you, can see we're below that 100, day moving, average would you see they're very close together so these moving, averages on, the longer term, really. Starting. To move, together and that's what happens, oftentimes. It doesn't mean that they're going to cross or the markets going to continue down we, don't know what's gonna happen on the right side of the chart but we're gonna make look at some indications, that things. Have, drawn. Together on these moving averages, and, so if I take this, out to, a, two-year. Chart you can see that. In, the, past the 100, day has, been some pretty good support when, things start getting iffy, then, it breaks down and. Here, ran into the 200-day, you. Can see here how the 100, day became resistance. Now the 100, day, may. Be support. You know nothing's, perfect, if. I can see it you can see it everybody else can see it they may decide, to push price a little, bit a little bit below that so, I. Want. To pay keep. Watching the possible. Divergences. If you will looking. For weakness. To come in to. Just. Short-term weakness, very short-term counter-trend, weakness. To come into the. Russell. 2000, and the nasdaq. Alright. So. Overnight. In pre-market, trading. Again. You. Have to be you, have to go through the process to fill. Out the paperwork to trade futures you, can trade. Overnight. If. You wanted to make a trade we'll, just use workday here. You've. Got your limit, order and. Here. And you also have your day orders to the right of that and right. Here where it says ext. That's extended. Hours. Now that's for stocks when, you're in low when you're looking at. Futures. You. Should just be able to go in without. Going, into XT. Without going into your extended. Mode. And just trade you don't if. You can trade futures around the clock. Pretty. Much 24. 5. Actually. Maybe a little bit more than that because the, market, opens on at. 6. O'clock Eastern. Time 5 o'clock Central, Time on Sundays. So futures. Can be traded on Sundays, all. The way into a Friday, afternoon, so, you. Can trade those for quite a while so. Francisco. Says is today a Morningstar. Type of a look on futures. Let's go back out here when we say Morningstar. We're. Looking at a. One-year. On. One day. Yearly. Chart usually going to a daily chart, and. Right, now I, would, say. We. Don't have a Morningstar. Number one is going to be a 3. A. 3 candlestick. Pattern you need a down day typically. In a perfect, world on a Morningstar, a gap, where. You have kind of a very small range. Body. On the second, candle which gapped down and then, a gap to the upside and, then a gap. And run to, the upside, so, right now basically what you have, might. Be if. We closed at, yesterday's, highs this. Would be you. Know your basic. Tweezer. Kind. Of what we might call a tweezer pattern, only somewhat.

Unidentified. From, yesterday. Opening. Let's. See yesterday, closed at twenty seven eighty, opened. Here today, at twenty. Seven seventy, nine fifty, so, in theory this is below. So. Right now you have a piercing, line so. Anything. Can happen it can engulf, it could you know close above the body, when you talk about candlesticks. You're talking about bodies, not. Necessarily, the wicks if the, body closes, above, yesterday's. Body. Today's. Body closes above yesterday, body that's going to be a bullish engulfing pattern, so, right now short-term. Looking, looking. Somewhat bullish but, again that might mean that markets. Trying to make its way back up to this downtrend. Line again. That's. No. Guarantee for sure. Because. What can certainly happen is. We. Can see you, know we might see people, deciding. That for whatever reason you, can blame it on trade you can blame it on whatever you want to blame it on but. They may look at this as a. Reason. To sell into this move so if they sell early, today and they, push the market down and we get negative today, that. Might possibly, be, a. Harbinger. Of. Maybe. A little bit steeper, downtrend. At that, point you might consider using. Fibonacci's. To. Fibonacci's. To look for a possible. Downside, target. So if we come over here and grab some Fibonacci's. And we, just use the low. Try. That again. And. Go, up to the highs, up, in here. So. All's I did is I came over here to the. Menu. For. Drawing, tools which is in the Lord says drawing set, and. Picked. The thing that said looked, like a %, that's a Fibonacci. Retracement. These. Are ratios. Ratios. Are very important. To you, know the Fibonacci, people, out there very. Important, to Elliott, Wave, people. As well. But, again it's just a tool there's. No. They. Just show certain levels that maybe people might be targeting, so, if we look at this first level here at 38. 27:13. Might be a target certainly. An area of consolidation. In the past. The. 50 percent area people really, hone in on. 50. Percent, they like the idea of a 50 percent pullback so you're gonna hear that a lot or, price might, need get down into the twenty-six, thirty-eight twenty-six fifty 2640. Area. Before. They feel that this, could. Be a completion, of this, downward movement but in any event if. Price. For. Whatever reason. Decides. It wants to, turn. And run to the downside today, then. 27:13. For, some people could be a daily, longer-term. Swing. Trade style. Target. And looking for that the looking, for that to get to that area in one, or two days perhaps. Now, look at the rustle. Up. Eight tenths of a percent so we've got a lot. Of small, cap strength now small cap strength you could argue lots of different things there, that. That. Small cap strings, strength. Comes. From a. Stronger. Dollar we can see this the dollars up a. Tenth. Of a. Of, a penny right now so. Or, are right, now nine almost ten basis. Points, to. The to. The upside, that's. Continuing, to show strength there some people feel that if the dollar is strong that, small. Caps are a better place to be now. It. Might just as well, be saying, that there's. A little more bullish bias out there in the markets and people willing. To come in now and buying these into. These small caps alright now what we're going to look for is, a. New. High. To. Be placed would like to see price maybe pull back down into this Keltner, channel, finding. A new, high, while. That happens, watch, the we would look for the. MACD. Or the V 310, oscillator, this was built by this is a another. Method, used by another. Investor. Trader. Linda. Bradford, Raschke, so. This 310 oscillator, is, basically. A MACD. And. She's. Manipulated, at the time and, we're.

Using That along with telling, her channels. For. Maybe. A more stable look at volatility. Children, channels are a are. Built from. Average. True range but. They're telling us volatile e in the stocks of what we'll look for is a sloping. Divergence. Perhaps. If. If, this, continues, to diverge down and price. Decides. It. Wants to, maybe. Pull back a little bit and. Run. And make higher, highs if we have a sloping divergence, and a. Market, forecast. That. Is, still. Showing. A. Negativity. Showing, you know continuing, to show, divergence. As well then. That might be a reason. To take some, people might look at that as a reason to take a short term trade looking. For that divergence, to unfold, just. For a few points, even, if it's just some, kind of. Sideways. Action where price just sits in a box but, there might be a few points, that somebody might want to take out of the, market there you see that there's there's all different types, of traders you've, got people that are long-term what does that mean that means that. Five. Years is short term to them there's people who think long term is, three. Months. Intermediate. Term style trend traders would be three months six months you know looking for the home run swing. Traders, which. Is really, kind of a misnomer because. Market, swing no, matter what time frame you're looking at swing traders, though oftentimes get, put. Into a, basket. Of people looking for. Trades. That might unfold over the next three, days to two weeks then. You have day traders, who have to close out their positions, if they're going to be a day trader you hold no positions, overnight and then, there's other people who will trade just, you. Know very my new moves so, they've. Got Arbor treasurers, as well doing things out there in the market so lots of different things going on. Moving. The markets around not. So much in. The, in. The Russell. 2000, as far as arbitrage, goes. But. You certainly. Would see that and feel that if. You understood, it not. That you should it's. A it's a tough business but that's, where the SP comes in that's, what why it's so liquid a lot of people using it to hedge lots. Of different things which we'll probably, talk about in the future talk, about some margin issues and, I'm just it's not all tech you've got to understand, products, you got to understand, what. Your risk is if you don't understand, your risk then. You don't have a trade if you, don't have a an, edge then. You don't have a, trade, you've, got to have some kind of method, that you, can rely on that's, repeatable, no. Matter what, it is that. You can look back and say there this was the. Reason I made, money this was the reason, I lost money so we want to be very careful there. So the market, now looks, looking, on the S&P, looking. To like. It may have gone through its paws and may be getting ready to reignite. Itself, to. The upside notice how these. Upper, bands. And. These lower bands of ATR just like a Bollinger, Band will, be followed, for a while so breaking up, above that area was probably a fairly bullish sign, we'll, see if we could walk that upper. Groove, if. For, the NASCAR. Enthusiasts. Out there the. Upper groove writing, into that upper groove and see if that continues but capturing, a little, more strength we are seeing as it pushes into new highs though a. Slowing. A, what. We call sloping, divergence. As. It's, making. Its way to, the upside, there or gapped, rates still intact although, it's. It's. Weighing. On us a bit. Oops. I don't. Restore those cells. Zoom. In on the Nasdaq. Semiconductors. Or, where. The were the big winners, yesterday. And. I say that because. You. Know the question becomes was. That you, know is that a. An. Indication. That. Investors. Feel that the markets gone pretty far and. They're willing to come in and buy these semiconductors that, have gotten. Ahead of themselves a lot of those are down 15%, or, more and. You. Know some are in these what's so-called, 20%, bear market territory, and. So. The. Question. Becomes, are. They. Looking to pick up some semiconductors. Now that, the market relaxed. Drop a little bit lower buy, some more semiconductors. Buying, into, these beaten-up names if, that's the case then, when. You look at these cyclical, x' then. That might be a, consideration. For further. Bullishness into the end of the year. Seeing. A see, we've, got, six. Minutes after the hour and. The. Markets, coming back in a little bit. So. Some. You. Know bit of profit taking don't, know if there's any news out, there could be a tweet could be anything, the, Presidents, on his way to Colorado right, now so.

Could. Be tweeting from Air, Force One. Treating. Tweeting about trade. Who, knows it could just be hey, let's take some profits in here and. On. The intraday and see, what happens for the Nasdaq the, Russell 2000. Giving. Up two-tenths, of a percent each. Fairly. Rapidly. All, right well. Looking. For looking. For a setup. Not. Quite. Getting it here, I am. Going to push a survey, out into. The, into. The chat there if you could please, fill. That out it's. Only four, or five questions we. Appreciate, that we use that for, you. Know the, future trying to make, things better sometimes. When, you're. Trading. You, know kind of on the intraday, looking, for areas. Of support. And resistance looking. For reasons via, to make a trade via some kind of method and, sometimes you're sitting right, oftentimes. What. You'll find if you're new that. It's in your sits in your sitting your patience you're waiting for, the. Market, to do, what. You deem it should do before you make, your trade and patience. Is is, one of the keys and so, even, once you have a trade on patience, be, patient, you know it's, not always going to go your way you. Risk is is, the most important, thing make sure you don't risk, too terribly much we, don't want to lose a lot we've got to be able to come back the next day but. Learn from all your trades so, basically in summary, today we we did a gap trade at. The open, it's, not unfolding. Is you. Know wasn't a runaway. Or a. Filled. Gap immediately. It was a very large gap, it. Was. Not. Larger, than the ATR, which sometimes. You'll find. So. But fairly large and so, we're giving back some of that move but, look where we pulled back down to on the, SP, down to the. Old support, so basically. In summary. Sometimes. There'll. Be a. Trade. To make sometimes. There won't you know so you have to make those decisions you. Also have to look before you before. You leap are. You looking to be bearish. Or bullish. That day that week whatever it happens to be and. If. You're if you're going to be bullish then, maybe you should rethink trying, to take any bearish, trade just for the sake of taking bearish trades if you're, if your bias is bearish then, you look for your opportunities, to take those, bearish, trades and not think you have to be bullish just, because something, is looking like it's getting bullish, you're going to get yourself into trouble there because you won't be planned you won't have planned, out for, that, for. That event so, be. Careful there so whether. It's a gap whether there's divergences. Whether, there's, whatever. It is, the. Question, becomes doesn't. Meet all the criteria that, you have designed, for yourself doesn't. Meet your rules, is the, is there more. Reward than there is risk. Over. Time and, if that's the case then you have a trade all. Right. One. Of the things if you want to learn more about futures, trading there's futures options trading, is on Mondays, typically. With John McNichol I think mike foale that's taking in playas place while he's gone but, Monday mornings at 9:30, at the open just like today for, futures, they're. Oftentimes. Futures, might get to be discussed, in the splash, as, well. Which is starts. At 12:30 Eastern, Time 11:30. Central. Time. So. Come. Around 4:00 for those. Coming. Up next is Cameron, May oh no he's gone too but selecting, options strategies. So please stick, around for. That and, with. That I'm going to bid you, adieu remember, this. Is for educational purposes, in order to demonstrate the functionality we use real symbols and any, decision. That you make in your self-directed account is solely your, responsibility. Take. Care everyone we'll talk to you soon.

2019-06-19 02:38

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