You've. Probably heard the cliche there's. No I in team, does. That mean you can't be concerned about your individual, needs if you want to be a good teammate of course. Not it just, means that you should try to prioritize the, needs and goals of the team over. Your own individual. Needs and goals when. You're working on a team it's, easy to feel as though your, preferences, must take a backseat, the. Reality, is there, will likely be times, when your personal, needs don't align well with the, needs of the team this. Can be about small, details like when. Or where the team meets or bigger, issues like the approach your team takes on a project, when. You make sacrifices and, put your teammates before yourself you, build trust within your team people. Are often willing to accommodate you, especially. If you've accommodated, them in the past there. May be times when you'll individually, benefit, from the team's work to. Foster trust, and open, communication it's, a good idea to disclose, that upfront, building. Trust within your team takes time and consistent. Effort but. It, can be quickly, broken remember. To put your team's needs before, your, own by. Prioritizing. What's in the best interest of the team you, not only set a good example for, the rest of your teammates you, also signal, your commitment, to the greater good rather, than personal gain this. Trust building behavior, will make your team function, optimally and, in, the end will make you stand out as an ideal teammate. You. If you, had to choose between a performer. Who was absolutely. Stellar but, inconsistent. Or a, performer. Who was strong, consistent. And reliable which. Would you choose, when. It comes to teamwork there's, no question, reliability. Is crucial. Knowing. You can rely on a teammate, is critical. For establishing and maintaining trust, within a team the. Progress, of a team's effort can easily, get derailed when, one person doesn't do their part to demonstrate. You're a reliable, teammate you should keep your commitments, deliver. Results and, consistently. Communicate, key status updates, let's. Start with keeping your commitments your, word is your bond, whenever. You can make, sure you're consistently, doing the things you say you'll do, even. When, you don't think people are paying attention you'd. Be surprised, what, people notice but, don't comment about if. You. Make promises that. You don't keep you'll quickly get the reputation for being a teammate that can't be relied on so. If, you, agreed to a standing, weekly meeting at 7:00 a.m. make. Sure you're ready to go at 7:00, on those morning's speaking. Of promises, make, sure you can deliver results on the portion of the team's work you're responsible, for I like. To advise people to, under promise and over deliver, what. I mean by this is set, a realistic goal and make sure you can deliver on that then. If you can do more your, teammates, will be delighted, on the, other hand if you initially commit to a lofty goal and fall short you'll.
Disappoint, The team of course. Life. Happens, you, can't be expected to attend a hundred percent of the functions, meetings, or engagements. That you may be committed, to which, is why it's important, to communicate key, status, updates, if something. Comes up you're, sick you've, hit a roadblock whatever. Might keep you from honoring, a commitment, or delivering. The expected, results, let. Your teammates know as soon, as possible, the. More advanced notice you can give the, better this. Allows time for everyone. To adjust, their expectations, or the workload, when necessary, when. You don't communicate. People often, assume the worst, even. If you're regularly a strong, performer, they, remember the times when you've let the team down which. Is why it's critical to. Keep your team informed, if or when, you, think you can't keep your commitments, or deliver, the expected, outcome now. People. Are much more forgiving, if you don't communicate positive. News in fact, they, often don't mind at all for, example, if you're twenty percent under the expected, budget that's, me as you can and should, share but most likely won't upset anyone if you don't mention it right away on the. Other hand if you, know you're going to be 20, percent over. The projected, budget this, is information you want to loop everyone, into as soon as you can you may. Be tempted, to keep bad news to yourself with, the hope that you can resolve the issue before, anyone, notices, it was even a problem I'd. Be careful about this because it's, a very risky approach. High-performing. Teams need, reliable, and consistent, performers. You'll, build your reputation as, an effective, teammate if you remember to keep your commitments deliver, results and keep, your teammates in the loop when things change by communicating, key status. Updates. You. I saw, a meme not too long ago that, bred a bad, attitude it's like a flat tire you can't, get very far until you change it this. Is true both for your personal, and your, teen related, efforts when. It comes to your teammates and your, team's work it's important, to keep a positive outlook, to. Demonstrate, your a positive, teammate you can highlight the strengths, of your teammates refrain. From gossiping, and avoid, speaking negatively about, the team's projects, let's. Start with the first area highlighting. The strengths of your teammates as they make contributions. Toward, accomplishing your team's goals when. You note the efforts and point out their strengths, you make your teammates feel appreciated. So, give credit where, credit is due you. Can do this when you talk about them, to others and you can also compliment, them directly who. Doesn't, like to be praised, by. Saying nice things about your teammates you set a positive tone for, your team as a whole when. You don't have something positive to say about a teammate it's best, to remain quiet as, tempting. As it might be try. To refrain from gossip, about your teammates this, includes listening. To discussing. Or spreading, details, you've heard but, have not verified are true, one. Issue with office, gossip is that, it can spread so. Easily it. May, start off as something small maybe. Even well-intentioned say. You shared something with one person the. Problem is that, one person will, likely tell at least one other person and so. On before, you know it that one statement has grown to the point where it's uncontrollable. And lots. Of people have heard a version. Of what, you originally shared I say. A version, because, information, is almost never, shared exactly. As it was heard just. Think of the game of telephone you, might have played as a child each. Person, passes. On a version of what they've heard so, that by the time it reaches the last person, the information, may be completely, different from where you started this. Is problematic, because it spreads false information. Depletes. Trust and negatively. Impacts, the team's dynamic, in. Addition, to being, positive towards your teammates and avoiding.
Gossip, It's also important, to keep a positive outlook about the work you're engaged in there's, tons, of literature out there about the. Power of positive, psychology it. Along. With a negative attitude can, be contagious, the. Good news is you, can practice this for starters. Avoid. Complaining. Whether. Or not you like the project your team is working on doesn't. Change the fact that you need to work together to complete it it's. Much easier to work with someone who's, making the choice to be positive, about the work, another. Thing you can do is train, yourself to look for the positive in every, situation, we. See what we're looking for to, be a good teammate choose, positivity, it's. Much more likely your. Outlook on the work will be positive, if, you're looking, for the good in it. Negative. Attitudes, bring, down the team's performance, and morale. Positivity. Can be equally, contagious, and improve, outcomes for the team remember. A strong, teammate, is supportive. And has, a positive, attitude towards. Teammates, and the. Team's work overall. You. People. Will forget what you say and, they'll. Forget what you accomplished, but, they'll never forget, how you make them feel it, seems. Really obvious that, in building healthy, working relationships, we, should be respectful. Unfortunately. That's often, not the case a good, teammate is polite. And respectful to. His or her colleagues, respectful. Of their time boundaries. And their, ideas let's. Start with being respectful, of time today's. Work culture is so busy, often. It seems that time is our most valuable, commodity, this. Is why people quickly, get frustrated, when they feel as though their time is being wasted, time. Is a precious commodity we. Don't want to waste, keep. Your working relationships, on solid, footing by, showing you respect boundaries. For your teammates, recognizing. That each person, will likely have different ones what. Do I mean by boundaries. Well, quite. Literally, a boundary. Is a line that shouldn't be crossed if. A teammate shares a boundary with you be. Respectful, of it by. Violating, that line you, send a clear message of, disrespect, to the person who shared it with you which can completely erode, trust, you. Aren't going to agree with your teammates on everything, whether. It's personal, like. Politics, or religion or on. A strategic approach you take with a client, it's, unlikely, everyone. On your team will see things the same way and. That's. Okay, in fact. Some, healthy disagreement, on a topic can often force teams to consider multiple, perspectives, and develop. A stronger outcome, it's. Important, however to, make sure you're respectful, of ideas, whether. Or not you agree with them try. Not to belittle, or diminish. Viewpoints, you disagree, with you. Can argue just. Don't alienate your, teammates in the process, remember. To separate, the person from their ideas, you, can have positive relationships with people you disagree with if you're. Willing to prevent allowing, a difference, of opinion, to get in the way of an otherwise, healthy, working, relationship, you. Should expect, conflict, on your teams it's, perfectly, fine to do agree with your teammates you just don't want to be disagreeable. Instead. Effective. Teammates are polite, and respectful of. Their teammates particularly. Of their time boundaries. And ideas. By. Being respectful, of your teammates they'll, remember how you made them feel for. All the right reasons. You. Hunger. Drive. Ambition, a. Real, go-getter, these, characteristics, describe. A teammate who's proactive. About getting the team's work completed, given. The pace of business today if your, team is usually, focused on responding, to everything, that comes your way you'll, quickly get bogged down in the work of putting out fires rather, than preventing them an ideal. Teammate, is proactive. So. How. Does one model, proactivity what. Are the behaviors, that signal, this quality a proactive, teammate, think strategically about, the team's role in the organization. As a whole by. Taking a step back and looking, at the bigger picture you can help your team strategically. Consider the work you're doing and how, it fits into the broader organization. This. May require that you take some time to learn about the other functional, areas that, are impacted by your team's work how. Does your team's efforts, impact, other people, in your company, what. About your customers. Knowing. How your team's work fits, into the big picture will, help you anticipate, the needs of your organization, thinking. Ahead is a very important, asset an effective, teammate brings to the table when. You're thinking ahead you can often anticipate. Potential challenges, that the team can address before, they become bigger, problems, when.
You Plan ahead you lighten, the workload for, everyone, on your team if you've. Thought through the, say five. Steps, of your team's project you, have a perspective, on their work that others won't have considered, you. Can suggest combining. Steps three and five which. Won't have occurred to others on your team because, they're reacting to each step in sequence, this, saves time and redundancies. With your team's work, even. When you're thinking about your team's work in the broader context, of your organization. Anticipating. The needs of your stakeholders, and planning, ahead, inevitably. Things, won't always go as you expect and. Teams. Can quickly get derailed, by setbacks, and or. Unanticipated. Changes. When. That happens, an ideal. Teammate, will get the team back on track by, refocusing, on the goals or deliverables. That matter most. It's, easy to get bogged down in the details of projects, and if, you're not careful, rebounding. From these little excursions can add a lot of time to, the overall journey. High-performing. Teams can't afford to always, be reactive, instead. Thinking. Proactively about your team's objectives, we'll make you an invaluable, asset. To the group you can do this by, keeping the big picture in mind anticipating. Roadblocks, or challenges, planning. Ahead and pushing. The team's agenda, along when, the effort stalls. You. Alone. We can do so little together, we. Can do so much, this, simple quote is the, essence, of why we work in teams, exemplary. Teams understand. That we accomplish more together and approach, teamwork, with a collaborative. Spirit it's, easy to show you can be a good team player when, things are going your way an ideal. Team player is collaborative, even. When things don't go as he, or she would like you, can demonstrate a collaborative, spirit by encouraging, participation, being. Cooperative and supporting. Team decisions, teams, accomplish, more when everyone, participates an ideal. Teammate, encourages. Participation, of others and also, actively. Participates, in team meetings and getting, the work finished you. Want to openly share your point of view and be. Open to hearing the ideas from others in addition. To sharing your ideas it's, important, to be cooperative, there. Will be times, when the team moves in a direction that you like and then, there are only times when, you don't being. Cooperative means, you adjust, team. Work requires, you to both give and take. Make. Sure you're, willing to defer to the team and continue, giving your best effort, finally. Support. The decisions, your team makes even, if you disagree, everyone. On your team isn't, going to agree on everything. Imagine. How stifling. Your project would be if some, of your teammates intentionally. Worked against, the team's agreed-upon, agenda, that. Is a recipe, for a poor outcome a great. Team player, enthusiastically. Approaches, the team's work regardless. Of whether he or she agrees completely, with, the team's game plan you. Demonstrate, maturity, professionalism. And a collaborative, spirit when you participate, cooperate.
And Stand. By your team's decisions. You. In the, workplace we, respect, value. And appreciate professionalism. And, great. Teammates, routinely, demonstrated. What. Do I mean by that well. Professionalism. Is tied to your personal brand or your. Professional, reputation it's. The impression you make and how, your colleagues would describe you to others your. Professionalism, can be summarized, based on whether or not you are competent complete. Your work and how, you conduct, yourself an easy, way to remember this is the three C's let's. Start with competence, what. Skills, or experiences. Are you bringing to the team your. Academic, and professional background. Are the foundation, of your perceived, competence, from. There your, ability, to complete your tasks and do the job well will adjust how your teammates see you in addition. To the quality of the work you produce you, can build your competence, by investing, in your own professional, development in, today's. Quickly, changing world you, need to continuously, develop, your skills make. Sure you're, paying attention to the relevant new technology, software, and, sharpening. Your soft skills investing. In your own learning is likely, to return dividends, you. Can also show off your competence, by making sure you're prepared you, may not always have a chance to review materials, or the agenda, prior to team meetings but the more you can the, better taking. A little extra time to make sure you're ready to go will help you to contribute, in team. Meetings, during. These meetings you'll want to remain actively, engaged speak, up and share your, ideas and concerns this. Doesn't mean you should be speaking the whole time just. Make sure you're paying attention to the discussion, and making, a contribution to the overall effort, your, participation, and engagement in, meetings shows, a lot, about your ability, to manage, the tasks, on your plate, speaking. Of the work you need to juggle make, sure you complete your work thoroughly, and on time if not, early this. Applies to deadlines, and any deliverables. You commit to completing, your personal. Brand or your, professional, reputation, is tied, to your ability, to get the job done well and on, time. If you're routinely, late for meetings or missing deadlines you'll, quickly build a reputation as someone the team can't, rely, on. Finally. When, it comes to how you conduct, yourself there are a few things to keep in mind professional. Colleagues speak, and dress in ways that represent, the team in a positive, light your. Conduct, is seen as a reflection on, your team carry. Yourself, in ways that, will make your team proud to be associated with you when. It comes to how you speak, limit. Your use of profanity and, offensive, language even. When joking, you'll. Also want to make sure you're dressed appropriately for, the expectations. In your work environment a, professional. Teammate looks the part make. Sure you're dressed appropriately for, the occasion, demonstrating. Professionalism, on a regular, basis will help make you an invaluable, teammate, you can do this by making a habit of a few key behaviors, just remember. The three C's, competence. Completion. Of work and conduct. You. Chances. Are the, project, your team is working on won't be your last at the, end of the day the outcome, your team delivers is important, but, the process, for how you go about getting these results is also. Critical. Exemplary. Teammates, approach each team project, with the long term in mind they, focus on how, the team, gets the work done not, just the team's outcomes, for.
The Team this, is important, because it affects your ongoing work together for. You personally it's, tied to your professional. Reputation, how. Do you demonstrate that, you're strategically. Focused on the big picture rather. Than bogged, down on the minutiae of your team's tasks, well. You. Show that you can balance your work with. Your working relationships. Learn. From mistakes and, demonstrate. Flexibility. Let's. Start with the first, balancing. Everything that comes your way can be a struggle, at times it's. Easy to get tunnel vision and, focus so, closely on getting work accomplished, that you lose sight of the bigger picture in our. Haste to deliver results we, can alienate, or even, neglect our teammates try. To find a good balance between the project you're working on, and your, working relationships. With the people on your team maintaining. A healthy relationship, is, important. For getting the job done because. You rely on each other to complete the team's tasks. Because. They recognize, the, interdependence, of, working, on teams ideal. Teammates, try, to avoid making mistakes but. Despite your best intentions things. Don't go the way we plan all the time we're. Going to make mistakes we, can learn a lot about ourselves and. Each, other based, on how we respond, to setbacks, strong. Teammates, learn, from mistakes that, you and your, teammates make, don't. Make them a bigger deal than they have to be address. Them and then, move on if, you value the people more. Than the outcome you'll, respond, to mistakes, with grace. We. All need a little space, for when things don't go as planned change. Is inevitable and often. Happens unexpectedly. This. Is why I, teamates anticipate. Change and are ready to adapt as needed, try. To demonstrate flexibility. With your teammates at the end of the day you, need to get the job done a great. Teammate, is willing, to roll up his, or her sleeves and complete, the outstanding tasks even, if it isn't something you want to do you. May be able to get away with a by, any means necessary approach. Once. Or twice but, it typically leads to damaged relationships, that, get in the way of future progress. Remember. The, people on your team are critical. For accomplishing, your collective, goals once. You complete the project, or task in front of you there, will likely be another one down the line with. These or other teammates, by. Balancing, the project, work and the. People on your team learning. From mistakes and, demonstrating. Flexibility, you'll, show that, you're an asset to, any team. You. Understanding. Yourself is. Fundamental. To understanding, others and working, well within a team self-awareness. Can be tricky so make sure you look for multiple data points to help you assess your contributions, as a teammate to, start you, can conduct a SWOT analysis, of yourself, as a teammate SWOT. Stands. For strengths, weaknesses opportunities. And. Threats you. Can take notes on each of these categories as I discuss, them pause. The video to, give yourself some time to think this through, starting. With strengths, what, are the skills competencies. And, experiences. You bring to the team's effort this. Analysis, is for your own growth and development so, be honest in your self-reflection. You. Were placed on this team for a reason you. Have something, important, to contribute, to the overall effort and it helps to recognize, your strengths, once. You've listed your strengths consider. Your weaknesses what. Are the qualities, or habits. That don't help your team advance its mission we. All have weaknesses so. There's no shame in privately. Thinking, through yours an article. In the Harvard Business Review found, that leaders are typically, aware, of their strengths but not nearly as perceptive, of their weaknesses, we, all have blind spots regularly. Seek feedback on what your weaknesses, might be your. Weaknesses, should be tied to some of the opportunities. You'll identify to consider, think. About your personal, low fees or opportunities. For improvement, what. Do you need to learn or what skills, can you develop to, be a stronger, contributor, to your team, finally. What. Threats exist for you as a teammate, when. Using a SWOT analysis, for an individual, contributor on a team I think of threats as anything, that can get in the way of you, performing, at an optimal, level an example. Might be not. Having as much time to work on a team assignment as you'd like if.
You've. Been critical in conducting. An individual. SWOT analysis, of yourself, as a teammate you can see what you're contributing to your team's effort are. You happy, with the results, if not. Create. An action plan for what you'll do to address, your personal, Oh fees as you. Develop, in these areas expect. That, you may make some mistakes along the way learn. From them and then, move on don't. Dwell on things you can't change, use, each lesson as a chance to grow into, a better version of yourself and, a, better teammate, store. Your personal SWOT, analysis, somewhere, private refer. Back to it from time to time to see what's changed if. You have a trusted, mentor or advisor consider. Sharing your thoughts and get some additional feedback that you can include. Effective. Teammates, are strategically. Self-aware. By, being perceptive about, your own strengths, and weaknesses you'll. Have more clarity about what, you bring to your team. You.
2019-04-14 00:00
Damn these videos are amazing!! Thank you :)
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Awesome video!!!
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