welcome to a weekly Wednesday teen Prosperity meeting this is a Wednesday meeting based for financial advisors coaches agents producers agency Builders to help them build their business no matter what point they are whether they're trying to you know initiate get some traction whether they're trying to build whether they're trying to grow uh whether they're trying to get to the distribution stage we're into let's call it basically end of November 1st of December so we just got past Thanksgiving rolling into Christmas and New Year's once again if you can have direct activity it will benefit your business during the down times if you continue as an entrepreneur to think about your business and understand that you don't have to have direct activity to build your business you can continue to learn continue to find things to make your business better more efficient before we get into today's meeting just a couple of quick note uh notices for you guys starting in January so for 2023 the team Prosperity meeting is going to have a new format it's going to go under the agency in motion series same type of information just a little bit different of a format and then also we're gonna have some webinars starting we're gonna run a few indeed a couple of December just as test but we're gonna try to make sure this is a consistent and continuing thing that you guys have so that both your potential partners and your potential clients um have access to a few of these per month they can log into um and once again if we are all working together to get the word out to understand what we have in terms of solutions for clients and opportunities for partners more opportunity we get to get the word out better we have an opportunity to build our business together so this week we are talking about a very important part of your business model which is you know forging those Partnerships to help build the business now we're not talking about hands out anybody coming into your agency doors wide open we're talking about the select type of partner the right type of partner uh to help you build your business remember you guys great companies they grow in order to do that you've got to hire invest and advertise if we're not growing we're dying if we're not expanding we're Contracting you know all those things you have to continuously put your foot on the pedal to build and grow and accelerate your business because if you don't and it starts to hit that point where it starts to contract and die it can speed up and gain a lot of velocity on the downside as much as it can gain velocity on the upside so understand what you need to do um in the marketplace every day which is effectively be seen be heard get your word out be talking to the right types of people you have to ask yourself inside your business model what's your primary motivation or goal in recruiting Because it may be different from somebody else's so you have to organize your business model around that but my two main points in head hunting and hiring and recruiting for my agency is two things number one prepare for growth remember you guys that if we're creating a nationwide business and we're creating a nationwide distribution of products and services you're gonna need help can't do all this your own so you have to look for people they're going to help you know fill in the spots fill in the holes fill in the roles whatever you want to call it to help the right people at the right time at the right place help us absorb this growth so preparing for growth is one of the main reasons I look for partners and the other reason is I know that on the partner side if I attract talented people under the right circumstances and give them the right infrastructure tools training support coaching mentoring um you know that one partner can lead to explosive growth through agency so helping absorb the growth and helping throw fuel on the fire for the growth are my main two you know areas of concentration and motivation when head hunting and recruiting just like on the client side of your business you need a partner Persona and that helps you organize your time energy and efforts into something that's actually going to get a return remember you can't be everything to everybody so just like on the client side you need to partner Persona you need to be dialed into what that partner Persona looks like where these partner personas are what your message is that partner Persona and what you're expecting back in terms of reaction challenge yourself every single day especially on the partner side of your business to go out and maybe you know get outside the comfort zone talk to new people upgrade your network start talking to people and get in front of people that might intimidate you a little bit if you get in the habit of doing that after a while you know it won't be so uncomfortable and the more you upgrade your network the more you upgrade your audience the easier it's going to be to build a business and attract the right type of people into your business you have to think like a business owner that means from the very start coming in this is the business of your own we're going to help you in a lot of different ways but this is your business what is a business owner what does thinking like a business owner really mean it just means that you're constantly thinking about your business how do I create a better client experience how do I make my business more efficient how do I attract the right type of Partners into my business and really what that means is by constantly thinking about how to improve your business you do have those light bulb moments and one of the pieces of advice I would give you is in those moments where you have a great idea have a little Journal something write it down because 10 15 seconds later you get a phone notification an email you're on to something else you've forgotten that so in those moments where you have that Clarity you have that light bulb moment write that stuff down and revisit it on a weekly basis and try to implement that stuff into your business on the partner side especially you're going to get what you negotiate remember this is not about telling somebody to drop what they're doing already it's about finding the right types of relationships and Partnerships where you can add value you can bring something in to help them really without disrupting what they're already doing remember there is a big difference between straight marketing and what we call networking and I find for the partnership side of the business it's a lot easier for me to go out and network you know direct marketing is great for clients because you have a specific message to a specific type of audience you still have that on the partner side but it's a lot easier getting in front of Partners uh by networking and really networking is just learning how to the art of starting a conversation how do we start conversations with our audience potential partners you ask questions guys remember build interest in what you're doing by showing interest in other people starting the conversation is very very very easy if you just learn how to ask questions kind of like a blind date in a professional setting hey what do you do that's great how long you've been doing it what got you into that business you know has your business been affected by covet how are things going just questions that allow the other side to start talking if you get 70 percent of that conversation from the other side you're 30 that we'll see in a minute um you interject yourself in that conversation at the right time in the right place but on the beginning side show interest in them ask questions you know ask follow-up questions just get that information that you need and then at the right point in the conversation interject yourself with proposition hey if I could or how would you like to you know painting a picture of knowing exactly what to expect depending on what your proposition in here and then on the back side immediately not having to worry about knowing your partner Persona knowing those objections or the typical things that you know they bring up in conversations and preemptively overcoming that with some of the upfront language so yes get them talking ask questions at the right point the right moment in that conversation interject yourself with how you guys could have a mutually beneficial partnership here that conversation when you're interjecting yourself you're doing two main things you're talking about the advantages the advantages of the partnership the advantages of working with our organization the advantages of accessing our infrastructure our tools our technology and then you're also talking about you know painting that picture hey what does that look like what would that mean for you how would this look going forward because the advantages painting the picture of what could be now you're starting to get uh into the value propositions of what's meaningful for the other side if you are looking to work with certain types of people like small business owners people that own certain types of practices you have to understand that you know in this era of Big Data everything that you want you can find so just doing Google searches just finding online directories you know if I'm looking to work with CPAs real estate agents insurance agents whatever it is you can find these people online and one of the uh one of the things that you have to understand is if you're going out there and you're looking to start conversations and you're leading with stuff like emails or social media messages whatever it might be subject lines absolutely matter they matter a lot because you could have the best laid out email you could have the best call to action you can have the best opportunity whatever it is inside the email but if nobody ever opens the email it doesn't matter how great it is so you have to know subject lines matter and you have to going forward even in your day-to-day life if you're opening emails from somebody that you don't really know it's probably because the subject line kind of peaked your interest to do so understand and learn from what others are sending out if it piques your interest you know use it for yourself subject lines matter you have to understand that the time to get somebody's attention in our day with so much information flying is you know a millisecond so you have to understand that and you have to organize yourself and your activity around getting people's attention and then if you're posting stuff online understand that you have that slight millisecond to get their attention um understand what they're going to read first and then what you'll read uh and then this one and then this one lasts so your main point you know has to be placed inside your post correctly your email subject lines have to be on point this will greatly Help The Upfront conversion of getting that general interest getting that conversation started you need to front load your business and just like the client side if you front load your business with people that you want to work with that you think would make good partners and you're continuously having the same types of conversations day in day out this becomes a lot easier because just like the client side you're just sorting people into the right uh places you know is this person qualified disqualified you know what is it and just sort them into the right places and when you find that qualified person who you think can make a good partner you guys are making the commitment spend that extra time with them to make sure they know that you're the right person to talk to we're the right company with the right product to get them where they want to go whether it's expand their business create an online business whatever it might be raise awareness just like on the client side be newsworthy be trendy and understand the topics that are going on you know with rise in inflation Rising interest rates possible recession next year you know what are people doing on the partner side to prepare for that is their business being affected would they like to expand their business where they like to monetize an existing database where they like to increase revenues and incomes what is it that is important to them and once you find something that's important to them just like on the client side that's what you talk about you also have to be excited about your business you can't go into conversations even on your worst day if you're not feeling good you know you have to be excited about your business nobody's going to be drawn in and excited to work with you if you're not even excited to be around yourself so be excited about your business think about your business be excited about introducing your business to other people emotion is very important in conversations guys and then also the takeaway what you also helps to help the other side understand is we're not just having a wide open door we let everybody come in that wants to come in we have expectations we have qualifiers on the front side and we have expectations just like for our clients we have expectations for our partners lay that out to make sure that the person that you're bringing in you guys have made a commitment you guys understand the expectations on both sides and you're ready to go when you are talking to people it's a lot easier for them to understand what you're trying to do if you tell them so when you're framing conversations what I call it you know set the purpose of the conversation allocated time frames they know how long they're going to be on the phone or online with you agree on whatever outcome that you're trying to summarize the next action step so inside this you know if you're framing the conversation telling people what's going to happen it's a lot easier for them to fall in line and do what you ask them to do or give you a reason why they can't if you if they give you a reason why they can on the front side you disqualify something in somebody in 30 seconds versus 30 minutes just save yourself a lot of time that once again you can invest into a more qualified Prospect Define outcomes Define outcomes for yourself going into any call or meeting that you have so you understand what your target or objective is and then like I said inside framing the conversation for that other Prospect you know identifying to find what an outcome would be of that particular meeting there's a paradigm shift going on we always talk about that for the client side like almost as a warning of Public Service hey financial literacy Financial Wellness was a nice to have item in the past it's a must-have going forward that Paradigm Shift also exists on the partner side because when the money game meets technology which is exactly what we have we have the convergence of the money game meeting technology it is an excellent opportunity and those buzzwords you know being newsworthy being trendy using words like fintech helping them understand how we've aligned ourselves to take advantage of this paradigm shift will help them understand how they can also capitalize on the situation just like for our clients we're not trying to go out and actively head-on and recruit Partners to teach them how to you know survive through this period of time we have legitimate solutions to big problems in this country so just like our clients we can teach them to thrive we can teach our partners to thrive as well and that's really from two main kind of perspectives number one is we harness the power and the efficiency of online businesses to make sure that you have an efficient you know 21st century technology-based business it's going to be around for a while and then through that process we also teach you how to build your business and also build your assets that's really going to help a partner in the short term in the long term create what we're trying to create for them which is things they want time Freedom lifestyle Freedom Financial Freedom it's the ability to win and when you paint the picture like that the coming out of conversations the other side should really feel like hey if I don't continue this conversation if I don't take the next action step I'm gonna miss a really really good chance to win if they won what would it be like what would you do so just like on the client side if we can get you to this point that you desire what would it feel like where would you be who would you surround yourself with you have the same types of things that you want to incorporate in the partner conversation how do things look when we get this accomplished what would you do if we got to a partnership and we were able to accomplish this together and then also on the other side especially when you're talking to people who've been having specific practices for a number of years or they're in certain industries that you're head hunting you know when was the last time you did something for the first time when for your business for your practice did you get outside your comfort zone do something for the first time to try to help benefit your business people get stuck in ruts and they need to understand if they just continue down that path it's going to be more of the same you know going out and doing something breaking out of the comfort zone is very rewarding in a number of uh places in your life financially is one of them all that business is all that we you know try to do every day in terms of being an entrepreneur being a business owner is understanding that income is a reflection of learning and doing new things so if they haven't done anything new for their business in a while they haven't tried anything new for their business or their um book of business whatever it is they're building haven't done anything for the first time in a while then they need to understand they need to break out you know there's a comfort zone is a trout so once again just like the clients have comfort zones your potential Partners have comfort zones you need to help them understand the value of breaking out of those there's all types of buzzwords out there I mean how many times do you guys see you know work at home opportunities digital franchise opportunities allow you to work from anywhere Live Your Dream lifestyle I mean all that stuff's all over the place what you need to understand and how you need to learn how to conversate and communicate with the outside Marketplace is that there's a lot of solutions out there there's a lot of opportunities and just like we talked about a couple weeks ago on the client side you need to put yourself into a position in front of that client to be the obvious solution same thing here somebody's looking for an online business they're looking for a way to expand their practice get new revenue and income coming in diversify what they're doing there's a lot of opportunities there's all a lot of solutions out there you need to be the obvious solution to the right partnership and that means disqualifying the people that aren't the right Partnerships you can pivot the conversation maybe help them on the client side but ultimately it's time to move on when somebody is disqualified and doesn't matter like I said if it's 30 seconds 10 minutes or 20 minutes into a conversation or meeting if it's disqualification time it's time to move on that's one of the biggest skills that you can adopt for your business that will help you really value and uh get your time into places within that will have a return inside conversations guys with your clients if your client wants something that's their priority and that should be your number one priority in the conversation same thing here on the partner side if your partner's trying to accomplish something there's something they want to concentrate on you know you can talk about a lot of other stuff but it's meaningless to them they've told you what they want to talk about concentrate on that and help them understand um how you can be that person to help them achieve that goal avoid that pain Point whatever it is the priority of that particular person we're talking to should be the priority of the conversation along with that they need to understand that they're not just coming in to something where we just throw them against the wall we have training support we have infrastructure we have a lot of things that includes mentoring uh we know how to work with virtual sales teams so they're not just going to be thrown out there like on a desert island we know how to keep in contact with our partners we know how to help our partners build in this virtual environment where so many other sales teams that are trying to adopt this type of organization struggle and then on the backs of virtual sales teams we know how to build high performance sales teams you know one of our agencies just had you know a record month for them so we know how to build agencies we know how to get them independent but inside that up until that point we know how to you know hold their hand we know how to you know coach and Mentor them we know how to get them to a point of Independence that allows them you know more progress less stress how do we do that because of our organization our infrastructure our virtual assembly line everything that we have in place allows a new partner to come in to get everything they need so they don't panic the organization allows them to go forward and feel confident they can accomplish with our help what they're trying to accomplish we can get somebody to you know quote unquote at the top of the mountain and that's one of the things that I think that we have a big advantage over is we know how to do this we know what works what doesn't work we know what Partners what clients we're searching for so we're going to lay all that out and we're going to trailblaze a path and allow each person coming into our business a better kind of opportunity uh than the ones before we lead the way but they've got to make a commitment to start now we're not looking for spectators we're not looking for people to come in and just sit around and do nothing we're looking for people to come in that see our vision want to be a part of this are committed to making it happen and we'll start now You're Building relationships for lasting success just on the client side same thing on the partner side partner side is even more important because you know that recruitment process doesn't stop when they come into your organization it's about a 90-day process after that to make sure they're comfortable uh that they have everything they need they know the wide open line of communication exists and then from that point they can go out and start making it happen so the final thing we're going to leave with today is just some helpful tips for you guys to help you understand when you're out there looking for these types of Partnerships understand you know a few different key things that will help you as far as tips number one lock your partners in if they're doing a good job if they're if you're if they're doing what you're asking them to do which is investing time energy resources into the business especially in the beginning stages maybe when things aren't materializing as fast as you know somebody coming in with hope you know this takes time compounded over X period um so what you can do is lock them in with ownership you know give them a reason you put some stuff on their calendar give them some Partners to work with locking somebody in with ownership uh insurers they're going to stick around and if they stick around a long lasting partner has great you know advantages great Ripple effects for you your organization them everybody this is a win-win-win situation so once again somebody's doing what you're asking them to do one of the things you can get them more excited about the future is locking them in with some ownership also follow up just on the client side following up is going to separate a a you know a below average head Hunter recruiter to an above average Headhunter recruiter don't follow up with everybody follow up with the people that are worth following up with and that comes from the disqualification process if you've qualified somebody it makes sense follow up with them and get the resolution on the lead especially if they're talented especially if it's a not a right now kind of scenario maybe three to six months later don't just forget about that person turn the uh not right now's into future yeses and then don't drop the consistency whatever you're doing stay consistent with what you're doing because that consistency starts to drop off things start to happen uh Things fall through the cracks white space starts to show up on the calendar you get you know those doubts in your head those doubts cost you to drift and pretty soon you're not doing much of anything for your business and then finally guys leadership is everything times a thousand you need to become a leader and you need to learn how to attract and build leaders this is a digital Factory at any time take a look how's that factory looking so we'll continue to pump out more and more information for you guys weekly we'll see you next week with some more uh tips advice on how to build grow organize manage all of these agencies in the 21st century
2022-12-08 07:56