Taking the leap to start a business | Business mindset, learning from failures, growing a business

Taking the leap to start a business | Business mindset, learning from failures, growing a business

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hey guys welcome back to another video today's  video is about taking the leap to start a business   this video is quite a general video so i'm hoping  that it applies to a variety of business types it   will also apply to catering and like cakes baking  all of that because that's the background that i'm   from but i wanted it to be accessible to everyone  i recently watched an interview which i really   want you guys to watch because it was very very  enlightening and i resonated a lot with grace   and it is the stephen bartlett podcast um so  if you go on youtube and search grace beverly   and stephen bartlett you'll be able to find it and  it's basically about how she started her business   and i think it's called like something like how  she became a millionaire i'm not quite sure like   for certain but if you just type in their names  it will come up straight away and they basically   just talk about how she started her business  the struggles the mindset that you need to have   and i just resonated a lot with it and i really  wanted to talk to you guys and kind of share my   thoughts and give you my advice for taking the  leap and hopefully it will be helpful for you guys   before we get into the video i just want to  quickly say two things first the merch is now   available um so it's now on the website it's now  live so you can go and check out and actually buy   the merch if you want to there's hoodies t-shirts  and there's also art prints so yeah feel free to   go and check that out it's www.sweetthingsby.co.uk  and the podcast is coming out tomorrow so the   introduction podcast is already on the spotify  because i wanted to have it available for you   guys to go and follow so you can go and follow  the podcast ready for tomorrow's episode and   that is an episode about business i haven't  decided yet because i'm filming it this afternoon   but i'm hoping it's going to be about an hour long  and we're going to be discussing business related   things and there's also going to be a cake dilemma  series coming up where you submit your dilemmas   and just like experiences things that have gone  wrong things that have gone right and then i can   just give my advice and thoughts on them and yeah  so if you want to go and follow the podcast it is   the kate diaries on spotify and i will be on the  face of the cover so you'll be able to know which   one it is um but yeah so make sure you go and  follow that and then there'll be another episode   coming out tomorrow which is the first like proper  episode the one that's on there currently is just   published mainly so that you can see the podcast  but also so that you just get an introduction   of what it's going to be like but yeah so that is  coming tomorrow but we're going to get right into   the video because that is all the announcements  for today so i have my book here just a quick note   how gorgeous is this book it's from wilco's  and i feel like i've got my own burn book out   of mean girls i absolutely love it but we have  our notes there's quite a lot to get through   they're all in um bullet points so hopefully you  know easy to understand just chilled conversation   about starting a business so in order to take the  leap to start business there's various things that   come into it and they were sort of discussing on  this podcast that some of it is due to necessity   and some of it is due to um just wanting to do  something but not necessarily having the guts   to do it so i wanted to discuss this because this  is very relevant to me um so for those of you that   don't know i've only been running this business  since june last year and that was because i was a   credit controller and i have trained in accounting  so i'm fully trained and aat like qualified all of   that but i went to a credit control team when i  came back from volunteering in africa and i was   in accounts payable before so i paid invoices and  it was all sort of hunky-dory easy work and then i   went into the debt collecting side and for those  of you that don't know it can be very stressful   especially when covert hits and no one's got  any money to pay you um so it just got very   very stressful and um the workplace wasn't that  healthy i don't think um but yeah like apart from   that um i just wanted to leave basically and it  was out of necessity that i was like well i either   leave and have no job or i try something and if it  works it works if it doesn't it doesn't so that's   why when a lot of people say to me i get so many  messages saying like how did you know you'd make   enough money to survive every month how did you  know you'd get customers and it's like i didn't   um i just took the leap because i was in need  of money and i was so desperate to leave my job   because like i wasn't sleeping none of that so  i think it really does depend on your situation   as to whether you actually take the leap  because again i get so many messages from   people that say they're thinking about starting  a business but they haven't done it yet and some   of them might never actually start it and that  there's nothing wrong with that um but it really   just depends where your mindset is and also your  situation because that really plays a part in it   so we're gonna work our way through these bullet  points so the first one is do you have time   a lot of people underestimate the amount  of time that starting your own business has   or like takes up um i probably work every  day like i don't have a specific day off   any days i do have off i'm answering um cake  inquiries i'm replying to comments on youtube i'm   doing other admin um buying ingredients on my days  off like there's so many things that come into it   and anything to do on my website obviously  people can buy stuff on my website again   any day of the week so if they have any queries  if someone purchases something i need to add it   to my order log so i do that all on my sort of  days off so it really just depends if you have   the time to put into it it also depends what you  want it to be because you could have three hours a   day to put into your business and it might make  a comfortable income but if you want it to be   this big business and you've got big dreams for it  which i definitely do for mine then i need to be   putting in you know 10 hours a day and that's what  it takes and it's really like it can be stressful   at times and it is a lot of work like i don't  leave my phone alone half the time people probably   just think like my family probably just think  i'm on my phone but a lot of the time it's like   looking for new cake ideas um replying to messages  replying to emails checking my website updating   listings editing photos like instagram posts  all of it is so time consuming so you need   to make sure that you are fully invested in it  and that it's not just something that you want   to do because everyone else is doing it because  it sounds harsh but bacon businesses especially   um you kind of a lot of people have started them i  know i was one of them um that started in lockdown   and it was the fad like everyone was doing it and  i sort of did it for a couple of weeks and then i   like while i was still working i was like  actually i really enjoy this um it's less of   a like i want to just do it because everyone else  is doing it was more because i actually enjoyed it   and then that's why i started it and i've seen so  many people that are now stopping their businesses   and i'm some of them i'm not even sure if they  registered um but they're all now going back to   work which there's again nothing wrong with but  they obviously realized that it wasn't something   that they wanted to do permanently and it was  just for lockdown so you want to make sure that   it's like a definite decision because when you're  changing your life so much to like leave a job   or to put money into this business and register  it and all of that you want to make sure that   you actually want to do it um and that you have  the time to do it the next one is that you've got   the confidence to do it this one is really a big  player i think in this because like i say so many   messages from people that are worrying they're  doubtful of how much money they'll make and if i'm   completely honest i just wanted to leave my job i  didn't really care how much money i earned because   i just wanted to leave i was like if i earn like  200 pounds a month it's gonna be at least it'll   be less stressful than what i was doing before so  it got to the point where i was just so desperate   to leave that i would take any wage which some of  you might be able to resonate with you might be   wanting to leave your job and you're thinking as  long as i can pay my bills which mine are only 400   pounds a month i'm thinking well as long as i earn  400 pounds a month i can pay my bills like i'm not   worried about anything else and that was out of  necessity if there isn't that um like eagerness   there then sometimes you will never do it and i  think that is um a lot of people's issue is if   they're in a job which pays them well and it's not  bad they will happily still work there but they   would prefer to run their own business if they  had a choice a lot of people won't do it because   they think to themselves well i'm in a very cushy  position i've got a good wage i don't mind my job   it's not like i hate it and i'm comfortable i know  how to do this job i'm not working 12 hours a day   so there are a lot of things that come into  it but you need to weigh up whether you want   to stay in that job for the rest of your life or  you don't it's literally as simple as that and i   think that's why i wanted to call this taking the  leap because it is a leap like a lot of the time   you are making a very big decision especially  if you have kids like luckily for me i don't   have any dependence if you have a partner if you  have kids you do have a lot more to think about   in that sense which luckily for me i didn't um so  it meant that i could sort of think for myself and   not for anyone else which sounds really selfish  but um i kind of had to think for myself because   i feel like i was going stir crazy um working in  my old job but yeah you have to think for yourself   but also make sure that you can cover yourself i  although i did take this leap and i didn't know   how much money i was going to earn i did work  out my bills i did cancel things that weren't   essential so there are ways that you can cut  costs make sure that when you're starting   your business you're not spending on unnecessary  things and you are buying things that you need to   start the business also be smart with how much  money you earn um like when it comes to stock   you can because it's likely that there is a labor  cost so say um something cost 10 pounds and then   you charge 20 well that 10 pounds might be  the hour of your labor so what you can do is   when you make that 20 you can then buy two of  the things that you sold and then when those   two sell then you can buy four so you spend  the profit and put it back into the business   so that you continue to grow as a business and  that's usually how it works you have to put   a lot of money into your business for it to grow  and if you want it to stay the same then it can   stay the same but um if you have aspirations for  your business to grow then you want to be able   to have that mindset where you can plan it and  put the time and effort into it to make it grow   the next thing like i've been saying is  necessity a lot of the time if it's not   necessary for you to do something you won't i find  that my most motivational moments are when i think   to myself right i've bought all this stock i  need to make the money back from it because i   don't want it just sitting around so then i'm  sat there advertising it i'm making tick tocks   instagram posts i'm you know like with my moulds  and things like that whenever i'm like right i've   just got a delivery i need to make sure that i'm  promoting this because otherwise it's just gonna   be sat there you want to make sure that you're  getting that money back that you're spending um   so and also like if you're leaving your job you're  gonna be more motivated to start something because   you need the money whereas if you are leaving  a job to start something else then you're going   to be worried that about that pay decrease but  what i would say for that is try and go part-time   um if you really want to start a business whatever  it is try and go part-time do it in your free time   make it your hobby and then if you really like  it then you can turn that hobby into a career   and then hopefully you'll be earning enough  money to actually leave your job and do that   without having to worry about it so that's  what i'd say in terms of if you're worrying   about money if you have a job already that you are  happy to stay in it's not like you need to leave   whereas for me it was more that i needed to leave  so i didn't really mind how much money i earn   so it like i say it depends what your situation is  the next thing is doubt what i would say to this   is do it for yourself like i cannot stress that  enough i again i know i'm it's like a broken   record but i do get a lot of messages about stuff  like this everything that i'm covering in this   video i get a lot of messages about and one of  them is my family don't believe in me they think   that it's just a hobby they don't want to pay me  because they don't think my skill is good enough   and what i would say is prove them wrong like  i'm going to be completely honest my first few   cakes were not great like they they looked okay  there wasn't you know that much wrong with them   they just needed a bit of perfecting but that's  completely okay for someone that's literally   started like a month before um but honestly like  the cakes i make now i am proud of like the ever   since probably the new year i've been really like  upping my game with decorating and they have just   got even better and i know that sounds like i'm  really big headed but you have to be able to hype   yourself up because obviously not everyone else  is going to be able to do that for you some people   will hype you up and they'll praise you and say  when you're doing really well but you need to know   when you are doing well and if you look at your  business and you go no i think i'm doing really   well with this i think it's going to go somewhere  i've got big dreams for it then do it don't worry   about what anyone else thinks and if people  say that they don't want to pay for your cakes   for example because that is the top one that i get  then just prove them wrong get customers who will   pay and then they'll be shown okay people do want  to pay for their cakes and maybe me as a family   member or a friend i should be more than happy  to pay for their cakes because everyone else is   like a lot of time it takes it to prove it takes  you to prove someone wrong for them to then   realize that you were going somewhere with it it  wasn't just a phase especially with lockdown and   a lot of people starting various different  businesses i think a lot of people do think   they're phases so if anyone is in doubt then just  prove them wrong because you've got to remember   they're not the ones doing the work you are so if  they don't believe in you it doesn't really matter   because you're the one that's got to put in the  work so as long as you believe in yourself to   start this business and work it and build it and  you know let it grow into this amazing business   then as long as you are fully invested in it  it really doesn't matter because you're not   financially reliant on anyone else because you're  starting this business for you this is me assuming   but like i'm not financially reliant on anyone so  just make sure that you're doing it for you and   don't do it for anyone else and that comes also  into play with the type of business that you open   if you think to yourself i want to open a fashion  business but you know like a clothing brand but   you think well i think other people would  want me to do this well you know whatever   business you want to do however big you want it  to be whatever dreams you have for it do it for   yourself because you are you're only you're the  only person that can make yourself do it so as   much as other people can support you and say how  great your business is they're not doing the work   so you really do have to be like your number  one supporter and just make sure that you're   doing it for the right reasons because yeah a  lot of the time no one's going to be there to   push you along you have to make yourself do  the work so yeah just make sure you're doing   something that you want to do and this goes for  when you're sat in a job and you think about   starting a business i've always wanted to be my  own boss always ever since i got an apprenticeship   i loved like working at the council and all of  that there was nothing wrong with that job that   i had um which was before i went volunteering  but i just always wanted to be this like free   spirit that was able to make my own hours and that  kind of started when i went volunteering because   as soon as i went volunteering i was my own  boss i was you know i was away for three months   in another country living there and i was just  like you know i'm doing what i want i'm living   my life and then i came back back to reality  and i was like oh i need to get a job and   that kind of was just when i was like i don't  wanna i did two different jobs both one was for   six months and one was for a year and both of them  i was just like i'm not happy i don't want to be   doing this and all of my if most if not all of my  siblings i think bar one are all self-employed um   so yeah actually one of them works for the council  but all of the others are self-employed including   me so it just shows you we're all very independent  people we all like to be our own bosses and we're   all starting our own businesses growing them into  these amazing things so yeah i just make sure that   you're not staying in a job because you think you  have to just yeah do what you want to do and also   if you've got the qualifications you can always  fall back on it like that's what i did i've got   my accountancy qualifications so like i always  say this to the younger crowd that watch me but   make sure that you're doing your gcses make sure  you do all the qualifications that you have to do   i've obviously left school so i'm not sure if a  levels are now compulsory to stay to 18 i think it   is but just make sure that you get all of those  even if you do cakes on the side whilst you're   still in school learning just make sure that  you get those because then it means that you've   got something to fall back on providing you know  something went wrong you do have qualifications to   be able to get another job which is what i do i've  got accountancy qualifications i can go and get a   reasonably paid job um when if well i don't  want to say when but if anything went wrong   um i would be able to have something to  fall back on so yeah make sure that you have   some qualifications because that always  helps you out in the future next thing   is that you have the ideas to put towards the  business so i would say that you have to be a   little bit of a creative person or you have to  be in a partnership with someone creative so some   people start businesses together some people start  them on their own i am the admin the creative side   the cake maker i am everything all in one you  know marketing everything if you have particular   strengths which you like and then there's certain  things which you just can't do then you might   find that you need to partnership with someone  that is better in those areas and then they can   obviously help you grow the business and they  can focus on those areas and you focus on yours   i personally like this sounds again a little bit  big headed but i don't think i need anyone to do   any of that for me i think i manage quite fine  on my own obviously as i expand i will need to   ask for help um but at this point i think i'm all  right on my own and some of you may find that you   are able to do everything yourself and that is  one of the key like traits which is really good   for starting a business because if you're able to  be self-sufficient because one it saves you money   being able to do everything yourself um  because you're not having to employ people   and and also just outsource it in general  um but i find that you learn a lot of things   when you start your own business so if you've  got the traits where you think you know i'm   really creative so i can come up with all these  ideas i'm dedicated to putting all the time that   needs to be put in and all the hard work then i  don't see any issues that you would have because   you learn so much along the way like i learned  how to create a website i learned how to make   things on word excel powerpoint um you know all  of these like techy things that i never used to do   that much of i've now learned just because i was  on my own i had to i wanted to save money and i   taught myself how to do it it's completely doable  um so yeah make sure you've got the ideas and the   skills to actually put into the business but like  i say it's all very learnable a lot of the time   you can learn a multitude of things off of youtube  a lot of the time i just type something in and i   watch 10 minute video and i know how to do it it's  so easy these days to just find a tutorial on how   to do something so one thing that people don't  talk about which was mentioned on this podcast   um in detail is about failures and it's quite  normal to not want to talk about them but i feel   like we kind of need to normalize it a bit because  it's the same with me um i get people asking how   i get my cakes the way that i do and you know  how i grew my business to this point and they   they sometimes they don't mean it and i don't  take any offense but sometimes it sounds like   they think that you've um you know you've  started at this point and your cakes were   perfect from the beginning or you know they look  the way they are from when you started and it's   like no that's taken um a lot of time and effort  to get to that point and i think it is um common   for people not to talk about their failures and  it is embarrassing you obviously don't want to   talk about them um but that's also why i wanted to  do that series on my podcast cake dilemmas because   i wanted to be able to discuss with people about  dilemmas that come up experiences bad experiences   and just kind of give my thoughts and advice and  hopefully kind of normalize things going wrong   because they do go wrong um and you have to be  able to learn from them and then make it a better   business in the long run um i am i mean i  used to be a very um like negative person   i would take everything to heart obviously i  have my bad days in terms of like my attitude   um maybe towards like other people but i mean we  all do but in terms of like my business head i   will be upset about something for about  half an hour if something goes wrong   um like the other day here's a good example  i mixed up the labels on two postal boxes   so bearing in mind the delivery is five pounds so  they went to the wrong places um one was gluten   free one was an easter tray so completely the  wrong things it's not even like they were two   easter trays and they could have swapped so they  went to the wrong places and the gluten-free   person couldn't eat the easter tray because it  wasn't gluten-free and the other person didn't   want to eat the gluten-free because they're not  gluten-free so they both went in the bin which   was i hate wasting stuff so that was a little bit  upsetting um because you know it got wasted and   so that was number one because even if they could  just send it back to me and i would eat it because   i just hate waste but it's just unfortunate um  so that was 10 pounds worth of delivery i had   to remake the items and then i had to send  them out and obviously there was a delay um   two i think one of them went out two days after  and then the other one went out a day after   um so obviously there was a delay they got them  on the tuesday and they were sent on the friday   so they had already waited the weekend to  get it because it was bank holiday weekend   and then i had to send them out again and they  took another so it was probably about a week   since i posted it and that they eventually got  it and you know luckily they got them they loved   them that was fine um but that is one thing that  went wrong and if you really think about it this   was why i was so annoyed it was not even like  the orders were wrong i made the right things   i just put the wrong postage label on the outside  of the box that is it the smallest mistake and   it made such a difference it cost me a little bit  of money um out of my own pocket um and i ended   up having to send the parcels tracked 24 which  is also more expensive and obviously it was my   fault so that's completely fine to have to spend  the money but i just wanted to mention it because   a lot of people think that nothing goes wrong  things go perfect um and yeah that happened so   that was a bit so destroying because um i've never  had that happen before and it's just not nice to   do that to a customer either but yeah so things  do go wrong and that was really annoying for me   because it was for the sake of such a small error  it's not even like i made someone the wrong thing   i literally just put the wrong labels on um and  yeah such a small thing but it made such a big   difference and i was annoyed for about half  an hour and i was like shouting annoyed like   not anyone just like at myself i was just like  oh i was like really annoyed and i was like oh   that's so stupid like why did i do that that's so  stupid i always check what happened and it got to   about half an hour later and i was like right snap  out of it we've got to get on with work we got a   you know move on from it and then i sent out the  parcels and as soon as i sent them out like the   redos i was just like right weight lifted off my  shoulders i'm moving on and that was it but one   no one talks about failures which obviously  they're not going to because they're not great   um and two you need to be able to deal with  them and i never used to be like that i used to   you know something would go wrong and i would  be upset the whole day and it would ruin my day   but and they would talk about this on the podcast  they were saying that we aren't built to take the   amount of stress and criticism that we do because  time has moved on so much from where we used to be   um that you know you've got social media  where people can criticize you at any point   for doing the simplest of things maybe  it was wrong maybe it was right or   maybe it was just in between nothing in particular  but you can just get criticized for anything   um these days and we're not built for that we you  know with there's so many areas that can go wrong   and stress and anything like that so you do have  to build up a tolerance it's not going to come   straight away but you just need to if you get  stressed about things and if you worry try and   make it positive and be make a conscious  effort because i never used to be able to take   it's not that i couldn't take criticism i'd take  it perfectly fine but then in my own space when   that person wasn't there like say it was a bad  review then i would be upset in my own space i   wouldn't be upset at them and this goes for bad  reviews it goes for things going wrong in business   and yeah it's just not talked about but it's not  something that we're built to do so you do have to   build up a tolerance and when things go wrong just  try and move on straight away from it it sounds   like i'm making it really easy um but it isn't  easy and yeah it took me a while to do that but   i used to have to do a conscious effort to like  make a conscious effort to do it like i would be   upset and i'd be like right no we're gonna be  more positive today um it's just one of those   things but then eventually it comes to second  nature and you manage to get over things quicker   and as a business that's a something that you need  to do because the more you grow the more likely   you are to get the odd bad review because you're  you're never going to please everyone like that   is guaranteed even if your products are amazing  you will never please everyone um unfortunately   that's how it works and yeah you just have to  learn to deal with it um and as the business   grows you're going to have more customers which  means that you're more likely to have criticism   so yeah you just need to learn how to be able  to take it because yeah that is something that   we are not built to do and again a lot of people  post on like cake forums and things like that they   post you know i got my first bad review i don't  know how to deal with it i am planning to do a   how to deal with um bad feedback or reviews video  because um i wanted to give some advice on what to   offer because a lot of people straight away off a  full refund don't even ask for the cake back like   completely um kind of go really out of their way  when it might not necessarily be their fault so   i wanted to do a video on that because there are  certain situations where if it's say undercut you   wanna um be able to give a refund but if it's not  your fault then a lot of people as a new business   would jump to you know making the customer happy  but sometimes you need to be aware that that might   not be the best method um because if it isn't  your fault then you're going to be out on a lot of   money if you do that um every time someone gives  a bad review so yeah i plan to do a video on that   because i think that that's quite an important  topic and a lot of people don't know how to handle   it so i will be doing a video on that um the next  thing that i've got down is um to learn what works   and learn what doesn't and then to capitalize off  of it so this is something that i've actually done   quite well i would say so you need to try  various things and this goes for any business   and you want to make sure that you test out  different products test out different say cakes   and whichever people find popular and they like  then just make more of that or do more of that   so whatever it is and i do that  with my spreadsheets and with um   any like products that i sell is that i know  that it works and i know people like it and   like the spreadsheets especially it took me  a lot of time to make those spreadsheets and   obviously now i capitalize off of it because it's  something that people like and it's a spreadsheet   that people buy all hours of the day so in order  to capitalize on something the most it needs to   be the most efficient way of doing something  and but also makes the most money so i will   maybe do a video on this because it is a very like  complicated thing um but basically things that   you make once and you resell are very good things  to capitalize off and it doesn't sort of discredit   your time because you've spent a lot of time  doing it it's something that someone else can't do   so even if you make it once or you make it ten  times but then you sell it a hundred times that   is still your time that you put into that and your  knowledge to do that that someone else can't do   and but that's something that you can capitalize  off because it is something that's very efficient   especially things like pdfs digital files i know  some people sell art prints which i'm actually   thinking of getting into um because i really  like all the merch prints and stuff like that   um and i'm like creating my own thank you  cards so i was thinking about selling those   so think of it this way you make that print  once and then it gets sold as a pdf file   and pdfs are sent automatically you don't i  don't do anything when i sell any of my pdfs   they automatically go to the customer so that  saves you time by doing that and it's something   that you can capitalize off because you've already  made it before it's sold so it's not like you're   making it every time you sell one so yeah you want  to have a little think about what type of business   you're in because there are varieties to whatever  business you're in as to whether you can do this   um but yeah you just want to learn what works  learn what people like and then try and make the   most money off of that um whether that is trying  to find cheaper stock trying to make things more   efficient um in order to save money on how you  make them literally there's so many things that   come into it but you want to just be efficient and  capitalize off of the things that make the most   money because then you're going to make the most  money so the next thing is um be taken seriously   in the industry by family and friends also um  they touched on this in the podcast so it was   that sometimes i find this especially not so much  now but i did when i first started um not so much   my family but more so in the industry i feel  like because i was quite young a lot of people   would not necessarily expect it to be me um it can  be something as simple as when i open the door and   give someone a treat box or a cake they're like  are you amy um and that's like a normal question   that is completely fine but then they might follow  it with oh i didn't realize it was you or oh   that's surprising something like that and they  might not necessarily mean it um but that used   to bother me and obviously now i now i don't  get it at all which i think is because a lot   of my customers they're either regulars or they  know who i am um before they order from me um so   my work sort of speaks for itself now um but yeah  that is something that you do have to get used to   whether it's family or friends or people that  don't even know you sometimes it can be a small   comment that will bother you but you just have  to try and not not let it bother you because um   a lot of the time you'll prove them wrong like  i have i feel like i've managed to prove that   my work is worth the money and i don't get any  like criticism in terms of how much i charge now   people will either pay it or they won't  there's no sort of arguing about it   so yeah you will get to that point no matter  what business you're in um but it goes for   things like depending on what role you're in  you might not be taken seriously if you're   sometimes as a female and being a manager  you cannot be taken seriously because   you're in that higher role um but yeah as long as  you believe in yourself and you know that you're   good at what you do then i think you should be  fine um but yeah if it's like friends and family   i would say like i said before just try and prove  them wrong because they're not the one running the   business you are um they're not going to do the  work for you so whether they agree or disagree   with you starting a business no matter what it is  they're not the one that's running it so you can   that's the whole reason you become your own boss  because you are the one that calls all the shots   so yeah just try and believe in yourself as much  as possible because i find that that's the biggest   thing that i see in people when they message  me or when they just talk to me about things   is that people don't believe that it can become  something and there's nothing wrong with it if it   doesn't become this big crazy business that you  wanted it to be there's nothing wrong with that   you can you know continue it as what it is  um and like not necessarily have it grow   or you can decide to go into a different field  and no longer be self-employed there there's   other options but i feel like when you want to do  something it's really worth trying like there's   really no harm in trying um you know you've  got to think how much money am i going to lose   you know i'm not going to lose that much time  like i might use lose a year of my life um and   say a thousand pounds for starting the business  but am i really gonna lose that much you know   it might turn into something gray so that's  always my thinking i don't like to not do   anything i always do everything that i want  to do because i don't like to miss out and   it's the whole fomo thing like what if you don't  do it and it could be something that's really   great so i just think if you want to do something  try it because there's really no harm like   as long as you have thought it through and  depending on who your dependents are in terms of   money just make sure that you're covered in that  sense but i just think we don't live to work we   work to live um so basically if you don't know  what that means it's a very common saying but   work to live not live to work and that basically  means that you're not born to work 40 hours   a week in a job that you hate for your whole  life like that is not what you're meant to do   if that is what you do there is completely nothing  wrong with that like i mean um you know i come   from a family where my dad worked in the same job  for 40 years it wasn't his dream job but he was   happy to do it um and that might be you and that's  completely acceptable but i mean i got to what 19   and i had been working since i was 16 and already  i was sort of like this isn't where i want to   be in life um i knew kind of straight away and  i'm from a family of self-employed people like   pretty much my whole family self-employed um and  i'm one of seven so it's quite a few of us and   i just decided i want to be my own boss i want  to work from home i want to you know be stress   to a sense like obviously i have stressful times  but i don't bring my work home because i am my   own boss i work from home so there's a different  kind of cut-off whereas when i was working in my   accountancy jobs i would bring it home outside of  the office so there was no separation um which is   definitely not healthy so i think being your  own boss makes a thousand times the difference   and i kind of knew that i didn't want to be i mean  i don't think i'm probably going to retire until   i'm like i mean unless i come into some money  somehow or like my business takes off and i retire   early um i'm going to be retiring at like 60 70  probably so i don't want to be doing something   that i don't enjoy for all that time i mean i get  messages from people that are in their 40s 50s and   they say thank you so much for your videos i've  taken the leap and started my business and i'm 54   and she said you know i've got kids and it's  what i want to do and i thought why not because   you're doing it and you're a lot younger than  me and so they said i thought maybe i'll try it   see whether i like it and that is like that  makes my day because it's just so nice to   hear that people are doing something that they  want to do not what they think they have to   um because i think it is so common less  common now because a lot of the time i think   people are self-employed and it's more common to  be self-employed now um and like be more kind of   like i mean there's influences there's all sorts  now but um there's a little bit more individuality   i think um but in terms of being self-employed  it's nice that people can think i don't want to   be here in five years still not enjoying what  i'm doing um so that's why i think it's just so   important that if you want to do something just do  it um yeah you you weren't born to work your whole   life in a job that you hate it's just and i don't  know how people do it and i praise people that do   it because i couldn't um i feel like i'm too much  of a like a free spirit to be able to do it um   but yeah i it's just so important to me that  you love your work and that you get up in the   morning and you think you know what i actually  want to go to work i want to get up and do this   it's something that motivates me and you'll find  that your mindset is a thousand times different if   you're doing something that you love um and i know  that's not very common for people because i mean   i remember when when i was really young and i  was trying to figure out what i wanted to do   and i would say to my parents like oh i want  to do this i want to do this and i had no idea   um this was years ago and they'd say like oh  just just get a job just you know do something   um and i'd be like no but i want to enjoy my work  and they used to sort of say well obviously that   would be nice but it's not essential because  it's just not very common but i feel like   in the current like generation that we're in you  do have the option to do pretty much anything you   want to in terms of a career so i just think  it is why not like if you have the choice to   do it then why not like get your gcses get your a  levels so that you have something to fall back on   and then do something that you want to do  because i see some people like on tick tock   on youtube that have these businesses and it's  something that you'd think that you couldn't   necessarily have a business from um it could be  literally anything to designing homeware like   making homeware i saw this girl who made stuff out  of resin um and she makes a lot of money off of it   and you think to yourself that's not a typical  job but she enjoys it and it's something that   is artistic and creative so yeah just  do whatever you want to do basically um   if you have the means to like have the freedom  to be able to do it then i would 100 say do it um yeah i think that's pretty much everything um  i think that's all of the points on my list um   so i covered everything but yeah i just wanted  to i know this like was a bit messy in terms of   how it was but i kind of just wanted it to be  a chat um i mean i covered everything that i   wanted to cover um but yeah i just wanted  to discuss it a bit more in less of a like   formal way um because i know like my start in  a business video was very specific to baking   and it was also how you start a business rather  than just the mindset that you need to be in and   the things that you want to think about so  yeah i just think take all these things in   consider it all and just work out what you want  to do if you're thinking of starting a business   then i would say do it like work out your  costs work out how much you need to earn   and then if you have the means to do it then try  it if it doesn't work out it's not the end of   the world and if it does work out then that's  amazing so yeah i i hope this was useful um   and or just even if you resonated with some of the  things i said then let me know down below um but   yeah i just wanted to kind of have a chat to you  guys and discuss my thoughts on taking the leap to   start business because i felt like when i watched  that podcast because it even though it's a podcast   i was watching it because it was on youtube um  i just felt like i resonated with the situation   a lot of the things that they were saying is  a common reason for people starting a business   which is you know leaving a job um or maybe  being fired or made redundant anything like that   they were saying that that is a common  reason for people taking the leap because   they kind of have nothing else and they either get  a normal job or they start this business whereas   if you're in a comfortable position then it may  be difficult for you to leave that position but   this is me coming to you saying that if you want  to do something and you've thought about it for a   while then rather than kind of wishing that you  did it which is what i hate i hate that feeling   i hate the feeling of regret when you haven't  done something that you really wanted to do   and if you think that you're going to regret it  in five years and you think to yourself right   when i'm 30 i you know wish that i had done that  business that i was thinking about doing when   i was 20 just do it you might as well try  it see if you like it if you don't like it   if you don't like being your own boss then  just go back and get another job um you know   there is always an option um it might not be  you know i'm not just crediting the fact that   there might not be your dream job out there to go  back to but you will be able to find something um   and it might just not be what it might be  a temporary job but there will be something   if you had to fall back on something other than  your business but hopefully you wouldn't need to   hopefully it would go well and you wouldn't need  to have anything to fall back on um but yeah let   me know if you guys are starting businesses and  if you've found my videos useful because i get   loads of messages from people saying that they're  starting a business so yeah let me know if you're   thinking about it or if you have already  because i'm just nosy and i like to know   um but yeah i hope this video was useful and you  just liked hearing me chat about my thoughts in   order to take the leap to start a business um  it's kind of just like an open conversation and   if you have anything to add again comment down  below because i'd love to hear your thoughts   um in regards to starting businesses and your  kind of um mindset behind it and like your   views so yeah let me know what you're thinking  and i will see you in my next video bye guys

2021-04-20 21:58

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