Swing Trading Strategies for beginners to high end traders alike!! With weekly Q and A of course

Swing Trading Strategies for beginners to high end traders alike!! With weekly Q and A of course

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what's going on this wednesday hi scott  thank you for the great intro as always   um brad how's your mic just a test i hope it's  coming through loud and clear it's more like   a like a web show than a webinar right true it  is a web show it's uh kind of behind the scenes   a little bit so ladies and gentlemen we're going  to begin right now it's our april 21st wednesday   q a web show as brad likes to say it or we're a  q a session where you guys get to interact with   the founders of the company ask us a little  bit about what we're doing we're very excited   to be here uh talking to you this is one  of the ways that we are able to really keep   just ourselves grounded you know not being the  c-suite executives that i joked about i think   last q and a webinar were nothing like that  we're regular old guys like yourselves and uh   we're excited to be here so let's begin our first  uh disclaimer about starting with the disclaimers   and and first let's start with the disclaimer  obviously you guys should know by now the trade   ideas is in no way a registered investment advisor  all the information that you're going to be   hearing today from myself brad or scott or anybody  else that's a team member of trade ideas it's for   educational and informational purposes only  please consult a registered investment advisor   if you're seeking specific registration registered  advice for your trading which this is not okay   let's begin you guys already know this but you  are our venture capitalists in other words uh   it's through your subscriptions that we are  able to function as a business in no other way   we don't have uh millions and billions  of dollars from silicon valley or china   we just simply do it the old-fashioned way  sorry i had to throw that in we just do the   old-fashioned way we have a business we  run it well we make money at it and uh   we continue to win with you guys helping us all  along the way and we're about to be uh listed   five years in a row on the inc 5000 fastest  growing privately held companies and this   year going to be bigger than the one before so  we're doing very well all thanks to you and we   are very appreciative of it today's presentation  is going to be really cool because it's going to   give you a peek inside of the lab and we do this  from time to time where what we want to do is we   since you guys are here on the q a we want to  show you the process of how we make things happen   and one of these ways is again we listen to what  you guys say uh we do that we like to think that   we do that pretty well one of the things that  you've been talking about for example for a long   time is that people often start off in the market  and it's very easy to lose money we knew that   and as a result we built what we believe is the  best simulated trading system available if you're   not using it even if you are a customer and a  premium customer you should always be using the   simulated trading because it helps you be better  like the driving range for professional golfers   or anything else that a professional does this  is where you practice it's the gym if you're a   professional fighter simulated trading helps  you see what's going on in an unemotional way   but yet visual and interactive and our simulated  trading environment of course is the same exact   environment that you get through brokerage  plus which connects to interactive brokerage   and e-trade so that's we're going to pause that  there we're coming upon a very important uh   event that's going to take place and that  is our two week test drive it's going to be   starting from may 10th to may 21st and  i want to just reiterate the fact that   this is where people get to really dive into  trade ideas it only costs 8.99 for the two weeks   and lots of uh standard subscribers come in and  try all all the premium features and also lots of   new people come in and test out everything we have  and this one is especially for the new people we   haven't done it brad could you remind me or maybe  scott when was the last time we did a test drive   you know i think it was october but it could  have been it was uh november it's in november   okay so it's yeah it's it's been a while and and  the reason it's there's been a lot of stuff going   on on under the hood again we've been developing  for us we like there's a back when i used to be   a marathon runner there's this uh adage road or  a motivational thing that we used to use called   there is no finish line and this is kind of the  same way for us we keep moving we never say okay   you know once we do this then trade ideas is done  it's a continuous uh continuing learning process   we're interacting we're interacting with  yourselves and the market and hopefully   getting better at this whole thing but i want  to make sure you guys know lots of exciting   new things are going to be under the hood in  this test drive and if you again most of you   are already premium subscribers so this may  not apply to you specifically but certainly   for those that aren't uh you should give it a  try and tell your friends so we welcome everybody   and it's trade dash ideas dot com forward slash  test drive probably going to be the biggest one   we've ever had okay so one of the things that  i'm really excited about is as you guys know   last week we introduced you to the trade ideas  strength of arts and there's a slide for that   uh in this presentation but i want to kind of  give you a peek as to what is coming in terms of   a new product that we're bringing  out so this is called trade ideas one   as in you've already won with trade ideas and it's  an email alerts only system it's going to be 11   a month and it's every day you're going to get  some alerts about something that's happening and   of course on this a graphic i actually missed the  most important part of the thing i was trying to   show you but let's uh move to this one it kind  of looks like this so you're going to get an   alert and it's going to give you some symbols like  hcsg the shorts are in panic mode and what this is   telling you is that there's a big short interest  in the stock and the stock is moving up higher   one another one that we got today and i  unfortunately forgot to add the email part to   the graphic was love the shorts are in panic mode  and you can see what go this is the landing page   roughly speaking again we're kind of giving you  just a peek so the idea here is that there's no   configuration there's nothing and what's really  cool about it and i still i'm excited about it   even though i'm i use the product all the time  is that through the notifications on your phone   you will see this oh you just got an email from  trade ideas and it says the shorts are in panic   mode if you click on that email you'll be able  to see something like this okay and again it's   a picture of a chart and some information about  it and in this particular example you can see   that the information is well it has a large  percentage short that means that the quote-unquote   smart guys and again you guys know that we talked  about the whole gamestop situation which we're not   going to talk about at all today but it's the same  concept over and over again you've got the pros   quote unquote betting against the little guys or  in this case also betting against the companies   and i'm not saying they're always wrong but  in this particular case you're combining two   aspects together number one they show their  hands by the fact that you can see what's   called a short float meaning that 21 of the 11  million is short in other words they've sold this   company and they want to buy it back at a cheaper  price hopefully zero as we learned about gamestop   um and the stock is moving up as it moves up  these short guys are in panic mode because   it hurts them to be sure they're paying  interest on those uh loan stocks and also   their unrealized gains are actually losses which  means that they could get what's called a margin   call so uh what i'm going to do right now is i'm  going to minimize this and brad we're going to   switch to you in a second because brad's got a  lot of really cool stuff to show you but i want   to show you uh what i wanted to say about this  which is the testing of this is going very well   okay this is so this is another this is what it  looks like in the email this is another symbol   hcsg the shorts are in panic mode notice how it's  simple there's no configuration there's nothing   to do and it's simple and by the way everybody  who's a pro uh user and uh i think standard two   brad you can set these up yourselves now right  yeah you can set these up standard you can do that   yeah so maybe brad you'll go through but we're  going to show them on your computer but then also   this the setup for what this would look like you  know how to do it without the again this is aimed   at people who don't have a lot of time or not  in front of the computer so this is an email   alerting system it's 11 a month and you're going  to get emails whenever this situation happens but   again it's throttled so you're never going to  get email email email it's probably going to be   three or four a day maximum all throughout the day  okay so uh brad i'm gonna hand it over to you sir   all right let me uh share my desktop here hold  on wait wait one sec one sec sorry sorry sorry   but right before you go um can everyone still  see mine or not let me go back to mine real quick i knew what i wanted to show and  i always remembered after i uh   saw my screen here i'll send it to you  okay all right so guys do you see my screen okay thank you daniel thank you dimitri okay  so notice why i said that it's testing well   okay and i said testing very well so what we do  is and by the way this is in simulated trading   mode this is again me at the driving range working  on a concept product we didn't come up with this   today by the way i'm just saying that we've been  doing this for a little while and it looks good   okay and here's how it looks good i you can see  like the two alerts that i showed you l-o-v-e   and h-c-s-g when i got the e-mail alert i bought  it about a thousand shares you know just trying   to see what it would feel like throughout the  day and this one is one that we got uh over   here uh two days ago petcube again notice the same  concept at least 17 percent of the float short and   it's moving higher which means the shorts are in  panic there's nothing like doesn't have to be too   fancy guys but do you see what is possible and i'm  just like doing very basic stuff i saw on the word   place the trade obviously it's a thousand shares  so i probably wouldn't have done it per se with   this amount but i'm just trying to get a feel for  different things and i want you guys to see what   i'm seeing so it's probably important to point  out as well dan that you know we don't have some   wizard behind the curtain that's saying all  right p-e-t-q send that out to everybody this   is really just a trade idea strategy that  anybody could have you could run it in an   alert window or such and and that we don't  really know it's going to be generated at   the beginning of the day so as all the very much  kind of like an ai in a way because as all the   alerts and filters match up when they when the  criteria hits it's just going to be generated   and the email will turn off and this goes back to  the whole notion that many of you have real paying   jobs your doctors lawyers other professionals  and you just might not have as much time   to dedicate to active investing and we hear you  and this is our answer to it and i kind of just   wanted in this q a for you guys to be able to  see the thought process behind the scenes like   what we're doing how we're thinking about it  and why we think something will or won't work   in this example and obviously there's no way  that i of course the timing is perfect because   today the market's up and everything else but  again that happens sometimes which no problem   you know we like that but pepcu was there from  several days ago and in fact the first day that i   bought it brad notice where i bought it like it's  40.33 it actually closed negative so the first day   wasn't that it ran up to 41 but then came down  pretty hard okay but i held it because again i'm   just hey number one this is simulation because i'm  trying to get some ideas but number two even on a   percentage move basis there was nothing to panic  about it was about it never went below uh the low   of the gap up and then the next day it ran and  then today continued so it's a beautiful uh move   uh and we want to deliver this in a product that's  very very simple for you guys to use and uh i'll   show you uh again how when we when we're on brad's  uh computer which brad take it away uh we're going   to show you how to set something like this up  for yourselves if you're already subscribers did you want to share that strategy at all or  not um you know let me brad remember how uh   i get the email but because i deleted all the  stuff i don't exactly remember where it was   i think i can grab it i can i can grab it  it's it's in your account so sports are on   here double channels and then i'll i'll have  it that way when i demonstrate it i can show   let me see i'm going to give this to everybody  this may not be you got it okay good yeah so   i'm throwing it into chat the cloud link and uh  let me say shorts and apparently let me load it   yeah here it is this is what are they  still looking at my screen brad yeah there yeah so this is kind of what it looks like and  obviously remember the beauty of the email concept   here is that you're not going to get this no no  you're just going to get this one same thing with   it you know and it comes all throughout the  day but you're not going to be needing to be   into it like uh you know like somebody who's  at the computer the whole time dimitri yes   it's very similar to the short squeeze channel  100 um but we like short squeeze is such a great   so i'm going to close this window everyone has it  right you have this the cloud link in the chat so   we're all good what we're simply showcasing  is the fact that you can take a concept   and really create a strategy out of a concept  and you can then productize that concept so   we're not simply limiting ourselves to uh shorts  are in a panic mode but we love that because   it's out of the it's thinking that isn't like  cnbc centric and you know the traditional oh   the fundamentals blah blah blah no no no this is  kind of psychology together with um momentum and   the pain of money management so it doesn't  have to do really that much with the company   but much more with the psychology of  the people who are at the poker table   which is your counterparty the hedge funds are  short and we think in this case since the stock   is moving higher you have a good chance  of doing something good if you are able to   get in and manage and have something  like this run okay so uh brad let's do it brad do you wanna kinda give the highlight  i'm sorry my mute was i'm asking if the um   if it's coming through and you can see my desktop  yes okay so what we're looking at here is more   of a a different type of container system  inside of trade ideas for 18 years we've had   which is i think a pretty cool thing nothing  but free floating windows so it's a very   flexible type of window layout container but the  flexibility is limited in the ability to bring   windows into a single container and this is one of  the things that we're going to be unveiling here   very shortly as i move this around we can do a lot  of flexible things inside of the window so i can   detach windows right from the dock i can also  move them around inside of the dock into other   windows so i could take that chart and i can move  it right next to this other window that i have and   i can also have tabs in the windows so i could get  this drop down and go to a variety of different   windows that i have maybe this alert window i'm  looking at click on it everything should still   be linked here and i can change the format of  these windows so in this one let me bring it up to the top whoa inside your panels so i  mean it really does get super flexible and   one of the things that we have plans of  bringing in are having multiple docking   containers so you have that i'm going to  go ahead and make it a little smaller here and then if you just wanted to grab a window  out of here you could just grab it right out   pull it into a free free-floating mode again you  still have access to the other windows inside of   this particular dock so it's just you know it's  another way to use trade ideas you're going to   be able to have multiple channel bars you're  going to be able to have a channel bar inside   of a dock window as well as free floating giving  you more flexibility to do some channel browsing   while you still have your other windows on the  screen either in a free floating mode or in a dock   yeah i think brad this is a great example  of you know our r d being presented to you   the customers so that you can see what we're  doing you know notice that since the beginning   and i think we've said this many many times we  do not focus on the indicators because indicators   are there's millions of indicators and as  far as we're concerned none of them work   you know we're focused on statistical analysis  and helping to improve the way you interact   with the data we're looking at this as like you  know we know the pain it is of like if you have a   layout and then you change layouts and the one  a window gets stuck and again our channel bar is   very powerful but we want to make it even  better and obviously you're seeing a very   very early prototype okay so just make sure  you guys know this but we want to show you   what's under the hood in the dev department  and how we are constantly pushing uh to   to again to improve the way that you interact  with our data and here we kind of gave you two   separate components of that that on the one hand  we hear you in terms of not being glued to your uh   computer screen all day long and then we also hear  you in terms of just flexibility of use and this   is something that we wanted for a long time but  we finally had the ability to kind of resource it   in and again i love just seeing what brad's  doing and brad just move the whole thing over   to the left or over to the right i personally  trade on three monitors so you know this is the   beauty of what's happening here is that you've got  this ability to take let's say the short squeeze   right and maybe put it on one monitor  and then you're on the brokerage plus   non-uh uh container layout in another monitor  and then potentially something totally different   in another monitor so that's where we believe  we are completely taking it to the next level let me do a little uh i'm going to close  this right here i'm going to load up the   the regular version here  because i want to show something so you drop that uh cloud link in the chat  and i want to go ahead and show you how you   could take that strategy and you could one you  could load it up and two you could automate it   you could throw it into brokerage plus and so  anytime there's a signal there it might be it   may be a little bit of a noisy strategy to be  automated but i'm going to show you how to do   it and you could take any strategy you create  and do that so the first thing is i've dropped   it in my clipboard i went to the chat window and i  grabbed it just go to my cloud channel right here   and i must not have grabbed it  that's the wrong one one second so one thing you should know you know i i was  kind of shocked when i loaded that up should have   populated right here from my clipboard so that's i  knew there may be little issues so let's hit load and this is the window here that  dan was talking about this is the   one that he has coming through his  email let me bring in brokerage plus   and let me connect i'll just  connect to the simulated account and let me go in what's that dan nice work  today in your sims yeah it was a good day   all right so we're going to go to strategies  and i'm going to grab this this window here   it's still in my clipboard i'm going to right  click and i'm going to go to new trading strategy   actually i'm going to load from cloud since it's  in my in the cloud right now and i'll just load it   i'm going to add it to the existing and you're  going to see the very last line here is the   shorts are in panic mode i need to tell it what  i wanted to do with that anytime there's a signal   so what i'll do is i'll edit the trading strategy  this is the entry time i'm not going to trade for   the first half hour not going to trade for they're  not going to initiate any positions in the first   out first half hour or the last hour i have a  few other parameters i can set right here the   order details is very important how do you want to  size your order either in dollar value either in   fixed shares or based on a stop loss right there  you'll need to define a stop loss if you're going   to use that one and then are you going to enter it  enter that order in as a limit order as a market   order or even a limit delta where you can pay up  a little bit for it or even maybe bid in a little   less than what the last price is so once you set  that up right there and this is where you would   set your lot your stop loss or your your profit  target how long do you want to hold it these are   all the parameters this is how it's set right now  but you can set this to anything that you want   and you hit okay it's right here ready to go i'm  going to go now i'm going to go ahead and just   turn it on it's disabled right now click to enable  it's now on so it's ready it's listening it's only   going to work during the market hours but that's  how you would take a strategy that someone gave   you through the cloud and drop it in you can  always configure your own you can always grab   something here save it to your cloud and  and bring it right back into your own window   brad you know when you were doing that it  made me think how it actually almost would   be cool to be able to just drag the window into  the strategies and have it prompt you to say   would you like to replace or add this to you  know like instead of going the right click   and load from a minute i'm saying and and these  are the things you know it's kind of funny like   obviously brad and i probably could have figured  that out on a multiple choice test on the sats or   something like that but you sometimes don't come  across all this stuff because you're doing so many   different things and uh again we want to make it  easy for you guys to be able to share strategies   add strategies and brokerage plus is so powerful  but we know that there's some limitations on its   uh ease of use and again we're very focused on  making it easier for you and that's a priority   for us and you kind of can hopefully see  what we're doing from that perspective   so cameron had a good question he was asking  if there's a way to highlight the entire row   and mind by default is set up that way barry told  him that you just go to the tools area right here   select options and then we've got a highlight grid  row upon selection mine is selected which means   i'm going to get the whole row if you have that  unselected and there's a reason for doing that   as well maybe you just want to copy the symbols  down you would do that for a symbol list maybe   you wanted to grab all this data to drop it into  excel well that's when you'd want to use the whole   the whole row so a couple different ways to do  that and for different reasons i think cameron   and i would have failed this question on  the trade ideas uh entrance exam together   i forgot what that was i'm just saying again guys  you know we talk about how trade ideas has some   similarities to the power of something like an  adobe photoshop in that if you really know what   you're doing you can layer colors and do 3d uh  graphing or if you're just doing cut and paste   you can do that too and i love brad i love seeing  that because again you know i i think mine's   just like uh what you uh had a mine's defaulted to  the entire row and i simply forgot about that part   yeah and i mean for you for most people really  if you're just using it to to grab a symbol list   because that's one of the things that we do really  well not only do we scan the entire market for   every single stock but we can also really refine  it to a particular symbol list or a portfolio   and i know you have a couple windows like that  i've got a window like that over here which is   just a top list no filters at all just the  columns and data that i want to see that's   going to you know let me know things that i've  recently traded and how are they doing right now yeah you know what's so funny brad  i'm so used to being the screen   and i like just seeing it from your perspective  because you know when you're driving i get to   see someone else do stuff that i again just  haven't done in a little while um and so brad   mark had a question about e-trade and as far  as i understand e-trade is in the current beta   correct e-trade is functional download go to our  website go to the download page go all the way   down to the uh the beta download and you'll find  that the e-trade connectivity is in that version   yeah and this is a zero commission connectivity  uh unlike interactive brokerage which does cost   some money e-trade is totally uh free for trading  now it is still in beta and obviously you may come   across some things that are not perfect but  we've had people on it now and it seems to be   pretty functional from what i understand i mean  certainly good enough for us to put it out for   you guys to work with it obviously in beta  but still and this is another uh nice part of   uh the product in terms of the open house that  we're gonna have in that during the open house   people that are trying you know brokerage  plus if you are an e-trade customer and you   have an e-trade account you will be able  to potentially you know if you want to   uh trade via e-trade um let's see steve had a  great question steve gomez i mean i'm sorry we   have a guy named steve gomez steve g so i'm just  teasing uh because he would laugh if he heard that   um the trade ideas 11 product is not yet available  it's coming soon and brad is showing you the one   that is available and it is called the trade  ideas strength alerts brad let's talk about   that a little bit like what it does and how  it's a little bit more of a a swing approach uh   to looking at a trade not really looking to get  in and to get out but the way that it works is   uh i think it's sunday evening you're going  to be presented with an email and the email   is effectively this right here so if you're a  subscriber to trade ideas you already have it   but the email is calling out five different  stocks uh that look like there's something   that could be in a bullish activity and it  gives you some description on what the the   rationale for that move is a little bit of  the description of it and then you have the   chart of that company in a single stock detail  we've got this for five different securities   and this is what our second or third week running  on it and it's had some pretty good success   and this is being curated by a team  member of ours michael noss and he's using   um what is he using he's using the market explorer  which is something that we hope to release here in   the next couple months it's i'm not even talking  about but it's fantastic technology so he's using   that tool right there to generate these particular  signals going through and vetting them as well and   then generating this email once a week yeah we're  very happy with this and again it goes towards our   premise of simplifying the product into different  components whether it's trade ideas one or   strength alerts the so i want to make sure  you guys kind of fundamentally understand   the strength words they come out on monday right  brad is that it yeah they come out monday morning   i think it may be released sunday evening  but these are for it's for in play monday   morning and these are effectively the stocks  right here it's just in a top list with these   five different stocks and then we've got a  streaming alert window down in the bottom   along with the the description here and you can  move that out there's a a daily and a weekly   chart right and the difference here is whereas the  trade idea strength awards come out once a week   and again remember different people interact with  the market in a different way the trade ideas one   product which is going to be the 11 product you're  going to get a several emails throughout the day   so it's going to be every day most likely and a  couple of emails here and there and the idea is   that we're saying look hey take a look not you may  not want to trade everything but these things look   interesting and that's why i showed you guys how  i interacted with them on my uh simulated trading   account so brad is there a historical ti strength  like in other words do people know and i'm asking   literally because i don't know myself but does the  the window where we're describing everything does   it show like the whole list of strength alerts  or is it just new every dozen but it probably   should and i need to talk with michael about his  time horizon on that if it's more than a week then   it would be a very good idea to continue to have  them in a different window or some other place to   view that um but right now this the last list  is being cleared out for the current one right   right okay yeah now this this looks really  good and again it's just a completely different   concept uh from great ideas which  is really meant for the person who's   in front of the computer and really kind of  interacting with the market all throughout the day   so daniel allen asked like he loves the strength  alerts and he's saying what is a suggested stop so   daniel i mean this is one of these things  that almost falls along the disclaimer   of the first one we don't like to give that kind  of advice on because everyone's stock price has   to be different and it has to do with your own  specific risk level somebody who's trading a   hundred thousand dollar account to somebody who's  trading a ten thousand dollar account should have   different uh stock levels and the market favors  those with bigger accounts because you know it   gives you more flexibility you can be wrong more  times etcetera etcetera um but that said you know   uh i would look at uh maybe signing up for some  of the trade ideas educational classes that we   have that we'll discuss towards the end of the  webinar and we give lots of high level suggestions   on that sometimes a very simple option and  again is just what's called the 20 day low   again if you're thinking about being something in  something for what we like to call slightly longer   term a good high level stop is what's called  the 20 day low which is roughly the monthly low   because that way you're kind of letting the market  digest here digest there and not panicking paper   handing yourself out day trading the way it's been  painted in the markets and on cnbc is certainly   a loser's game not the day trading per se is  bad but simply getting in only to exit at the   end of the day because the market is over because  you're worried about something happening overnight   well i mean then you're gonna miss the kind of  move that's going to propel you to an account   that you would have never thought you could  have had okay it's impossible to chase a tesla   for example when it was running from you know  200 to 800 if you're doing it every single day   because again it's just so volatile and then  it'll gap down but then retrace the whole   gap down and you would have never known  to do you know it's emotionally too taxing okay all right so how are we caught up on the  questions i think i i think we're caught up   on the questions okay fantastic um  let's see i'm trying to think brad   since we're on your screen oh uh a gentleman  had asked about uh adding uh indicators   into uh well i think a top list and i was  going to say maybe you could show for example   so i want to i want you to do two things since  basically it's easy since you're driving let's   show how to add like an rsi and a bollinger band  into your top list for any stock so you could see   some more technical data points sure so  i'll do this ti strength window right here   uh everything is right click sensitive from a  menu perspective so if you right click you're   going to get your menu we're going to want to go  to configure and would you say rsi bollinger band   size an easy one and then maybe some bollinger  bands yeah so you're just going to go to the   search field here and you're going to type in rsi  it's going to tell you exactly what you can add   to it in this case let me add say a five minute  and a daily and i'll just use the control to do   that and i'll just show the column i could add  these as filters too in the window if i wanted   to make sure that the rsi on the five minute  was a certain between a certain value or over or   under a certain value i could do that but in this  case let's just show the columns and then hit ok nothing really changed here it's from a  configuration perspective but over here we've got   the rsi five minute and the rsi daily now i could  have in the same step added the bollinger bands   but we'll just come back to it and we'll type  in b space b i could type in bollinger bands but so i have to learn how to spell it right so here  are the different bollinger bands that we have   uh the five minute and the daily  let me add both of those and so just   show the column hit okay i mean really you  do this a couple times and it's pretty simple yeah so you have this ability that everything  that we look for as a filter as brad said   can be added to a top list and we want to just  say this again and i've said this over and over   i think for years now that we've been doing this  try to get your mind away out of the technical   indicator mess that it is that it becomes for the  individual investor i'm going to go back to golf   and for uh people that learn golf there's a  term called paralysis by analysis it is so easy   to overthink the golf swing into like well where  is my wrist hinge and what's my weight doing and   how's that relative to where my weight is is it on  the left leg when do i shift my weight what's the   club head doing and literally what happens is you  stop playing golf it's been proven when dan's not   trading he's instructing people on the golf course  correct what you want to do is you want to feel   now there's nothing wrong with getting a feel for  a position in the bollinger bands but please know   that these are just high-level things your eyes  can tell you uh everything that you need to know   and this is again what brad is doing right now is  a very important part that shows you how do you do   it on a chart brad maybe you can talk through  that a little bit because it's not like we're   indicator handicapped not indicator handicapped  and if you just right click on a chart you can   i have a few more options here but i think  everybody just has this indicators option   and you can select your indicator go back  in and edit the ones that are out there um   how about um macd that's always a popular one for  people sure we'll throw an macd on here and this   is where you define you know are you putting it  in a new chart area so that's going to be a sub   panel below or you're going to put it in the main  chart area so this will go into a new chart area   and some of the parameters that you can set to  define your macd let's just go ahead and add it   and then close and then down in my sub panel  right here this is where i have the the macd and again if you are following that indicator  if it's meaningful to you we certainly have a   lot of the ones that are relatively meaningful  but remember what we've talked about which is   the pivot away from indicator dependence to your  eyes feel and statistical analysis which is our ai   rai looks at all these stuff and all these things  all these components and it sorts through them to   try to see well which of these is it the bollinger  bands or is it the macd's or is it the rsis or   is it the kelter channels that are relevant  for any kind of statistical uh analysis or   strength that you can rely on as a predictive  value i mean that's where the real map comes in   and this is all the math that's being done behind  the scenes right now trade ideas just cranking   away trying to get ready for tomorrow crunching  numbers in a way that nobody can do on a personal   computer and that's why so many people are premium  subscribers and use our technology because again   what you're doing is of course you can see charts  but there's charts on e-signal and trading view   and virtually every other  platform what you're looking for   is the processing power for us to be able  to do all this on the server and then give   you some cool heads up throughout the day which  is what the ai is doing and i know most of you   already know about it so there's  not really a need in this q a   to jump into the how the ai works  but we've had many sessions on it so yeah so let me do this let me um kind of  wet people's appetites with some of the   um i know you like to simplify things i'm not  going to really go into detail here but i am   just going to show you guys that you know  if you are creative and you do want to do   your own type of mathematical manipulations with  the with the data that we have and provide for you   you can go ahead and set up a bunch of different  custom filters for yourself to use inside of your   windows an example that we're going to have  that i have is a custom filter right now but   we're going to migrate it to a a regular filter  and that's the percent of float traded today   kind of like the float turnover value and and it's  a really simple formula it's really just taking   the the total volume today dividing it by the  float and multiplying it by a hundred so that's   going to give you something really interesting and  once you've added something in here again just a   small little help file a little um data to let  you know what the codes are for all the formulas   once you understand that and once you  set something up i can just go into here   go back to configure search actually i'm in  the wrong account let me change it real quick   hey brad also uh george was asking about the  macd he said he didn't see it when he had the   indicator drop down that's available  for everybody isn't it it should be   available for everybody um are you on the  web or are you on the application george we'll keep going we'll we'll wait for george  so i'm gonna hit here i'm gonna type in float   so i've got percent of float traded today and i  could just add that as a column i could add it as   a filter if i wanted but so now what i've taken is  i've created my own filter and added it here to my   own top list window i've actually modified the gi  strength but you know just kind of made it my own   and once you do that you can save it to the cloud  save it as a window that you can pull up in the   future and you can also save it to your own custom  channel so a custom channel and you can have up   up to five of them it could be a single window  it could be a couple windows it could be a whole   layout that you have there so all you need to do  is just go to edit custom channels right there and   then you could you know make your own image or use  one of our predefined images that we have here and   just drop in your cloud link so it's really easy  to do once you've created the window or the layout   yeah um so brad george is on the beta  uh barry would you double check that uh   you can uh see the macd on your end i mean i think  we you can i'm just you know surprised that that's   something that came in george send us an email  to info trade ideas.com if it doesn't appear   there and we'll have one of our support guys  help you out we'll figure it out so brad you   just kind of showed the very advanced part of what  we were discussing you know of the adobe photoshop   aspect that if you have some mathematical skill  sets you can really completely customize uh   great ideas greg i'm totally bullish on gamestop  and i'm diamond handed still in no problems at all   diamond handed here as well yes lots of diamond  hands no paper but brad remember when we started   this whole thing about trade ideas one we  were going to show them and your formula   editing section reminded me of that let's  show them how you can add an email alert   to like create any alert window into  an email alert for yourself i'm going   to actually use the one that you had  created right we'll make it simple here so i'm just going to grab this cloud link  right here at the top and this cloud link   is going to help me load the window this is kind  of a little bit of a let me just preface it by   saying that we are going to be making this whole  process much different than it is right now so   yeah it's a little bit you know as if it was done  by a software developer all right let me let me i hope our guys aren't listening to this all  right so there's the window now what i need   to do is i need to go into our website so i'm  just going to go to the trade ideas homepage   and i'm going to make sure that i'm logged  in well i know i'm logged in because i just   did i'm going to go to support i'm going  to go to account management down here   and we've got this hidden option right here for  an email or sms alert select it and i've got a few   set up as well i think i'm only looking at one of  them which is this turbo breaks up in this account   but what we can do is i'm going  to show you how to drop in the one   that dan had running here so all you do  is i'm going to right click on the window   and i'm going to go to collaborate this was the  first method that we had within the software to   share windows amongst users and to take them  from the application onto our web page and   so i'm just going to grab this particular link  right here it really just has all the settings of   the window all right there embedded in that link  rather than the cloud link which we're storing the   settings on our server here so all of that's  there i'm going to come here and i'm going to i'm going to drop in the  collaboration link right here   i mean this is like so bad but i'm dropping  the link right there and i'm going to   turn it on i'm going to tell it what it  is and this is going to be the shorts panic mode and we have a little legend down here  at the bottom that gives you these special codes   to use that'll put different bits of information  on that email to you so i'm just going to go ahead   and copy one that i've i've been using i kind of  like this right here just copy it paste it right   here and i'm just going to update the strategies  now that one is going to be on now the caveat   to this this is going to email you as soon as an  alert is generated and then it will only email you   up to 20 minutes later so if it gets another alert  within two minutes it's not going to send you an   email but you do have the strategy so you can  always well you can always watch it either on the   web or you can watch it inside of your trade ideas  window but brad if i can comment on that you know   i've been testing and using the short certain  panic mode specifically for the trade ideas one   concept that i'm telling you guys putting myself  in the position of someone who's not in front of   the computer i actually love the fact that there's  no blasting you know you get that one email   you take a look it's what's great is that you  get it then you've got that notification in your   email it sort of pops up on your phone visible you  don't have to open your email it just pops up and   you see that symbol shorts are in panic mode you  already know and then obviously if you open that   email you're going to have that attachment of the  picture and some more information and let me tell   you real quick uh where this is going we are going  to create an app on the phone a phone based app   which will connect you to brokerage plus but in  a very uh simple sort of way kind of like a robin   hood copy and i hate robin hood you guys know that  and all those people but a simple buy and sell   interface to the brokers that we are connected to  via the trade ideas might even be called brokerage   plus phone you know bp f i don't know i'm thinking  out loud but the point is that then you're going   to be able to get that message on uh not just the  email but maybe it'll pop up as a notification on   your app and then if you click on it it'll bring  up the interface with your preferred settings and   of course you'll be able to see the chart and and  so that way you're right there you're going to be   in that same position that you are if you're using  a robinhood account meaning that you're going to   be able to either say go or no go and the idea is  that you're not going to be doing strategy trading   on your phone you're just going to be able to  do the buy and the cell and maybe take a look   at your positions and that's it so that's kind of  where this is going to go in the near near future um brad i think we're pretty good all  right let me bring back the slide deck yeah   bring back the slide deck and uh let's go  to the strength alerts real quick that's why   yeah let's do present so as i was saying  before this was on there last week   the trade trade ideas.com forward slash strength  those are the alerts that you saw you see that  

there's a channel it's new alerts every monday  and again it's 17 a month designed for a different   type of market data and trading consumers somebody  who has other things to do but yet still wants to   participate in the market so check this out again  we've had amazing feedback and almost like 100   percent growth if i understand the numbers  right uh in about a week and a half's time   so i really encourage you and once again there's  really no barrier to entry because it's only   dollars a month all right next one okay uh our  great friend barry anderson team member runs   our trading room trade dash ideas dot com forward  slash trading room always there always available   a meritocracy of good trade ideas users who help  one another and whether you're window shopping   looking to fine-tune something and just want that  daily kind of interaction this is where you go   highly recommended everybody's a big fan ourselves  included and i think you get a lot of similar   feel when you deal with barry in the room that  you're getting here you can tell somebody who's   involved who cares about the product and the  way you interact with it but whereas with brad   and i we come in here after hours and once a week  barry's there every single day highly recommended   let's keep going we have uh free digital books that we uh  often hand out it's just a way for you to get   more information from trade ideas and this is one  about uh that's done by our director of software   development who's a trader and one of our lead  developers into all this stuff david may great guy   uh take a look at that i highly recommend it trade  ideas.com forward slash strategy and this way   what i like about it brad is you get a feel  for not just the way uh we write code but   who's behind the scenes so you can understand a  little bit of the mentality of the people here   many of the people and trade ideas not all but  many uh also trade because how else can you be   good at something unless you do it and dave our  director of software development trades every day   so he wrote this to kind of give you an idea of  what he's about highly recommended our education   is the thing that separates trade ideas from the  rest of the pack we have daily support sessions   weekdays uh 12 p.m eastern 9 a.m pacific time  i can't highlight this any more than i do every   q a session because this is what's different  between ourselves and others in that we   understand the challenges of the market and  the people that are doing the support session   are people that are experts with trade ideas  and have lots and lots of market experience all right probably my favorite slide this is when  i tell you do not subscribe to trade ideas not   for one second we do not want your money if you  think that paying seven dollars and fifty cents   a day for forward-facing ai that does everything  that we've been telling you about is a difficult   financial endeavor because the reason is it's  not that we don't really want you as a customer   obviously you know i'm joking a little bit but i  want to be serious in that trading creates a lot   of mental turmoil in one's mind okay if you have  to deal with losses and handling of money and if   you have a difficulty of paying let's say twenty  three hundred dollars for a year this is without   any discount codes for a year of technology like  trade ideas i'm trying to help you by saying avoid   this thing you know avoid this business because  you will need to be able to stomach at least that   much okay if not more but you can see how much our  stuff costs per day and of course today we do have   a promo code for anybody who wants to use it and  it's called opportunity all caps 15 off your first   month or a year of trade ideas but don't do it  if seven dollars and fifty cents a day is a lot   of money for you taken yes please we also do uh  a podcast please look at that from your podcast   search engines it used to be myself but it's been  taken over by our good friend sean mclaughlin and   other guests so we highly recommended uh much  less cursing than used to happen when jamie   and i used to do it and less conspiracy stuff  i mean you know not everybody raw back then huh   not everybody's into all that conspiracy stuff  crap yeah okay we are very easy to get a hold of   active on social media and although your favorite  humble ceo has been kicked off of all social media   just like president trump uh at trade ideas at  quanbot and at ti steve g are all our active   twitter accounts please like us on facebook and  other places that don't like us like instagram um shoot us an email at infotrade.ideas.com and of  course you can always give us a call at our phone   number there on the slide let me see if there's  a couple of questions there that i need to answer   oh thank you uh daniel uh james i think i'm trying  to understand what your question is about uh   yeah you don't get a write-up you always see  for on the on the trade ideas one you get the   email with the ticker symbol and then a snapshot  of why it came across and that will be evident   in the product description the whole again  the whole point is like hey you may want to   take a look at this you know brad do me a real  quick favor uh go to our homepage on the website joseph trade ideas will help you get get into it  for sure um so do you guys notice we have a list   called stocks to watch um on the home page this is  a little sample of stocks to watch and this is not   unlike the trade is one concept but obviously this  is simply taking some of the biggest gainers that   you're seeing today and displaying it to you  on the home page so that so that your first   impression when you come to trade ideas you're  already being given some information that you   may want to take a look at okay it's very simple  not rocket science but yet these are also like for   example if you got into these today you might have  made some good money because they were very strong   so the trade ideas one concept kind of takes  this but into the email world and is again   very specific and we may do different strategies  in there not simply shorts aren't panic mode in   fact you might be able to say well i want just  there may be three to choose from and you select   either all three or just one or something  to that effect so um scott i think that's it   for the show today yeah sounds good um you all can  stay tuned for an announce email tomorrow with a   link to where you can find the recording  thanks everyone thank you scott take care bye

2021-04-23 17:53

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