Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 6-8-21 | Bull Flag Setups

Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 6-8-21 | Bull Flag Setups

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good afternoon everyone john mcnichol here and welcome to swing trading days to weeks we'll go ahead and we'll take a look at a few bull flag setups we'll do some practice trades and look at some of our previous practice positions so stick around [Music] all right hey it's great to see everyone live with us today such as eric miguel alfred mike franco robert dave mike shree jack dennis anthony giles soul ricardo vijay fabian everyone else wait we got mr james boyd a man who needs no introduction helping us out on the chat today any questions i am unable to get to he'll be more than happy to help glad to have him with us here today you can see my twitter handle on the screen at j mcnichol underscore tda if you wish to follow myself along with other fine instructors such as james uh that is worth the look uh he will share his twitter handle with you on the chat and for those of you listening to the archive session as well welcome uh you can also follow james at jboid underscore tda let's take care of disclosures and we'll get right into it not too quickly options not suitable for all investors spread straddles other multi-leg option strategies often involve greater more complex risk include multiple commissions now in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we will be looking at actual symbols uh however td ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility now while this webcast discusses technical analysis other approaches such as fundamental analysis may assert very different views and a stop-loss order will not guarantee an execution at or near an activation price once activated they compete with other income and market orders now you're encouraged to practice what you learn with tools such as paper money application which is for educational purposes and successful virtual trading does not guarantee successful investment of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously as always folks all investing involves risks including the risk of loss and uh coming up here is uh our agenda as i mentioned uh we'll take a look at a few examples of bull flags uh we'll do practice trade or two and then look at some of our existing practice trades now we'll bring up the thinkorswim platform if you are new to this webcast welcome this class is a little more on the intermediate side but you're welcome to stick with us some fine resources that would be helpful to you as well as everyone else uh is the technical analysis course uh which is accessible via our education tab whether on the td ameritrade website uh or on the thinkorswim platform just simply go to education and go to stocks once there you should see our featured education you may need to page through and look for stocks technical analysis a lot of the principles that james myself and other instructors do in our technical webcast series a lot of the basics are covered here likewise we are in the middle of a live event uh the technical analysis virtual workshop that is also accessible uh via the education tab and under in-person events uh once there you can see that uh we're on our second session tonight with candlesticks and discussing moving averages tonight last night it was live only we were discussing trends and support and resistance these classes pop up each and every month so keep an eye on that you can look at a schedule if you can't catch us this week for other topics that are ongoing all right so one make sure we get that up front and let's go ahead and bring up the thinkorswim platform and if you've been tracking the market uh a little bit of an up and down move today you know as we look at the spx as we go into the last hour here we're pretty much right about where we opened on the day some technicians and we'll be discussing this tonight different candle patterns some traders may consider that to be a hangman uh if it's something that is appearing you know at a high in a stock or in this case in the market uh may imply although needs confirmation uh as far as prices possibly pulling back now again that's just a possibility not a foregone conclusion we also have about an hour left in the market uh with there is a very small or no body there is what's referred to as a doji as vj shared with us there that has a small body and you have little shadows on both sides uh what's referred to as a spin and top a bit of indecision as we are up at the near the highs for the market here okay and uh you know that goes for many of the other indices as well i think the russell had the the stronger run of it and kind of ties in with uh our strategy or our technical setup for the day on what uh traders may refer to as a bull flag uh when uh one recognizes some momentum some sharp moves sharp swings at times uh you may notice that uh price may consolidate kind of forming some of those doji's and spinning tops that we're just uh talking about and those consolidations over could be a couple of days are what's referred to as a a flag notice a sharp move in price representing the swing would be the flag pole the consolidation being the example of the flag uh seeing again more recently with you know sharp move in price and then kind of a little more indecision you know may start off with a doji or a spinning top maybe a harami or an inside day where prices are inside that price action and what traders may look for is looking for a break out of that pattern uh it may be referenced on what's referred to as a cold close above or a trade above the high of a low day here's the pullback day here's the high of the low day notice there was actually a bit of a harami as well or an inside day that could be a precursor to a breakout of that flag and we can see the russell making that run there usefulness on looking at flags as traders may go back and look at previous swings and use that as a potential forecast tool to identify where a potential target would be so as we take a look here on the russell if i was to right click on that trend line that we've drawn activate it and then move it to the low part of the new flag and then one can see where that potential target may be and you know within a matter of two days we can see it coming pretty close to that previous swing then makes uh makes a good point you know uh all those uh reddit stocks uh such as gamestop amc you know if one goes to the market watch tab and takes a look on the visualize you can drill down and look at different markets such as in this case the russell there's 2 000 stocks there but uh you kind of look at the the bigger ones here you know there's gamestop uh i know amc's on here somewhere there's plug and a part of me i'm a little nearsighted here so uh can't quite pick all this i'm also slightly colorblind too there's amc over there certainly some of these bigger ones you know may have an impact on some of that price action there so good comments there appreciate that feedback let's go ahead and take a look at some uh individual stocks as well now you know one kind of uh a place that where one can look for stocks that may be demonstrating a setup so you know one example of a setup is ford we got a ford motor company here notice we can see examples of some previous momentum and examples of some flags as well no sharp move a little bit of a pullback sharp move a little bit of a pullback another sharp move and now we're seeing another pullback so there's an example of a setup for a bull flag now another productivity tool i shared this last night in the technical analysis workshop we've shared in this webcast as well if one's struggling on identifying some of these uh high and low points that may be in a trend or a swing just come over here under patterns on the thinkorswim platform we'll click on that we'll click show patterns and then we'll go to select patterns now this is part of the candlestick tab on the platform we're going to talk more about candlesticks tonight in that workshop which starts at 7 pm eastern and i'm going to just start typing in william it's called williams fractal we'll go ahead and we'll add that and what this will do is it will identify potential highs and lows uh or previous highs and lows that are in a trend the default settings of two periods is fine for our illustration here you can click apply okay we have to zoom this out again if you go back you can see some of these previous swings now sometimes on like a one-day pullback or if it's a very small pullback it may not highlight each and every one of those highs and lows it does a fairly decent job as we can see low high again kind of a two day there may be a little carrot there i just can't see it because it's on the moving average but we can see more recently here low and that high there again we can go ahead and take the drawing tool to measure that previous swing going from the low to that high i can go ahead and right click on that line do a duplicate or we can just activate it if we want and we can move it you know to in this case that next set up so you can kind of see how some of these progressions work and then potentially if we get a bounce here and the momentum continues may possibly see a similar move again we can go ahead and right click on that weather duplicate now we don't know if this is definitely going to be the low day but this is what some traders may look at as far as a setup and potentially put it in order now even though we're on the same day we are coming uh towards the end of the day uh some traders may place an order if it trades above the high of the low day to possibly look for that entry or if they're even utilize just a little resistance by just going off the highs you may look for an entry as the price breaks through that area okay so that's uh one setup that we have there uh let's take a look at a couple other ones here now if you join us last week you know we're looking some examples of some breakouts and vlo valera being one of them now we actually have an existing practice trade on this and uh one or a few of you have made the comment is well why would one enter a breakout trade when the price comes back and retests that previous breakout kind of a principle of technical analysis at previous resistance may act as new support that could be a tendency but i think we've already illustrated that that is not a guarantee uh that prices would do that okay i think another breakout from last week which i don't think we had a practice trade on was ibm okay pretty good momentum now price could still potentially pull back and retest that but there's no guarantee that that would occur okay but as we take a closer look at vlo some of you being observant and looking at that current uh price candle again candle formation we'll talk about tonight uh potentially a hammer when there is a small body and a wide tail uh a current at a support area uh that uh it would be potentially a bullish formation and traders may look for the price to trade or close above the high that low day let me go ahead and remove in that previous drawing there again you can see it's kind of a little form of resistance there as well as some smaller support looking at that previous swing and when we had looked at this as far as a breakout trade i think we were looking at a larger pattern kind of more of an inverse head and shoulders or actually no cup and handle we talked about i know james has been talking about this in some of his webcasts as well so we had a breakout and prices retesting that so whether uh one may be looking for an entry on the bounce uh if they're already in a position may if their risk tolerance is there to build on a position you know breakouts and bounces are common entries now looking at the questions there jack says depending on the chart period you're using the difference of carrots to set a a a new forecasted price target in essence yes uh the from a swing perspective traders may measure previous swings to look for a similar move now i think you're alluding to the point that can these patterns and swings occur over any time frame absolutely we're looking at a daily chart uh if one was looking at longer time frames can we identify similar patterns on a weekly chart sharp move consolidation bull flag sharp move consolidation bull flag okay can we look for the same patterns on an intraday period you know hourly charts five minute charts absolutely okay keep in mind when one's looking at shorter periods of time things can happen much quickly uh then one may potentially react to that even today uh with the market okay some pretty wild swings uh uh as uh you know the market initially had dropped off then the jolts came the job openings report i think it was a record i think over 9 million job openings so if anybody wants a job hopefully can find one and uh market reacted favorably kind of retracing all the way back to where it opened we'll see where the next step is on that okay now i'm seeing a lot of discussion uh as far as candle aficionados as far as what is a pattern uh i'll be forthright uh doesn't necessarily matter arguing over if it's a bullish engulfing or a bullish this or a bullish that uh a bullish candle is a bullish candle yes it is a gulf in a previous range but overall with that shadow is demonstrating a characteristic of a hammer either way seeing that psychology as far as coming off of that support and holding is a bullish formation okay so that's two setups we got there uh let's see uh amd looking at amd as well notice this consolidation a little bit more notice earlier today prices were trading above that previous day and kind of broke out of that range you know here's the low day here's the high of the low day and kind of some follow-up inside days you know intraday prices had traded higher and this is one of the challenges uh when we put in uh and a potential entry uh like a buy stop uh and prices may trade above that area during the day but then may potentially fade and may result in a losing trade uh whereas if there was some momentum behind it uh and were able to capture that that could be potentially a positive there okay and uh yeah just knows james comment yes with so many job openings there you can get two or three jobs possibly i'm sure some of those employers won't mind that uh okay uh so we can see as far as with uh amd kind of on the chip side you know there was some promise there earlier in the session but kind of faded back in so that may be a little more of a wait and see we also talked about some of the financials uh bank of america bac and uh some of these patterns that we talk about in the breakout and reversal patterns which is tomorrow i believe at uh i believe at 1 pm eastern time bank of america and the financial is an example of a breakout and kind of blew back into that pattern notice it's still making higher lows higher highs and higher lows supporting that trend so a little more of a flag in action there as it's testing that support and traders may look for a break above that resistance popping up on me all right uh let's see what we got here uh bear with me for just one moment folks i want to make sure i got everything figured the way i want and let's see if we can go ahead and bring the charts back up all right and a couple of other ones from last week uh let's see if they're setting up for any flags uh textron example of a breakout notice it did start with a ahold price train above the high the low day it was kind of a break kind of pullback and a retest and a swing moving higher there now arif mentioned uh when we're looking at bank of america bac you know have the macd down on the bottom now some traders may look for some confirmation of momentum by looking for more of a positive indicator when prices are going a bit more sideways as we've seen with bank of america uh that macd is kind of closer to the flat line okay but also keep in mind some of these indicators potentially lag as well uh when it comes to a bounce notice that that may precede a crossover on the macd in fact notice if one's utilizing a macd notice kind of these troughs may line up with some of these potential bounces okay all right so there's a few setups there uh let's go ahead and enter a practice trade we'll do one on ford again kind of looking at you know that formation again still about half hour left in the market still kind of a characteristic of a hammer and what we'll do is we'll look at the high for today which is at 1580. and we'll plug that on the chart utilize the horizontal line we'll use an example of a buy stop if the price trades above uh the high of this hammer here so with 1580 we've done examples of about 20 cents above the high of the day uh on less expensive stocks you know some traders may adjust that a little bit maybe in this example 10 cents and if we go ahead and do that that would be about 1590. so i'm going to go ahead and we'll edit this line we'll make this 1590.

make this we'll make that orange just kind of representing a you know potential entry there likewise we can plan out the rest of the trade uh how one may assess risk as well as potentially set a target let's say for this example we'll set a stop a dollar or percentage below the low day uh in this example we'll do one percent uh with the low being 1533 you can see that up at the top here we use our calculator 15.33 times 0.99 that will give us a price level that's one percent below that low i can go ahead and right click on our horizontal line here we'll do a duplicate we'll move that down he'll visualize that you can always right click on it edit properties put in whatever price we'll make that red represent the stop and then likewise you don't have a target now i know uh james uh teaches quite a few webcasts uh you know if you go to uh on the education tab and you can go ahead and search by instructor we're doing swing trading which is days to weeks james teaches a class on trading the trend weeks to months so larger time frame this was important topic we talked about last night in the technical analysis workshop okay the reason why i bring that up is you know if one was a trend trader you know this could potentially be another entry you know in an existing trend uh may not necessarily have a target in mind but may set some risk accordingly now a trend trader may also settle more of a wider stop uh but since this is more of a shorter term trade uh and will have a potential target in mind we'll do that based off of that previous swing and so i'll go ahead and we'll right click again on one of those other lines and we'll do a duplicate and we'll go ahead and take that up to that potential target you know in this case you know around 1750.

some traders may go back and you know look for some previous uh support or resistance um you know in this case uh ford would probably go back quite a bit to find any longer term uh areas of support or resistance as uh you have to go way back here so in this case from a longer term basis you know one may look at some of these different areas such as around the 18 level as being some of that longer term resistance i think we're maybe getting above some of these areas here but those longer term areas can come into play now we can go ahead and go back to our time frame kind of respect in those longer time frames and notice in this case you know even with this previous swing notice how it came up to that longer term uh area of resistance so that could also be kind of a a trade management or a profit management by looking at a flag is there may potentially be two targets uh the previous high as well as the swing target all right so notice uh you know we have a plan and we can trade that plan as an example we got the entries and potential exits there uh we'll go ahead and right click right click not on the line but close to that uh and we can do a buy custom we can do a buy custom with oco bracket um and what that'll enable us to do is uh we can bring up a buy order and two sell orders at the same time now we can also go ahead and consider the time and force making sure that both uh the sell orders say gtc for good till cancel uh likewise on the entry order here we're gonna use an example of a buy stop now if we go ahead and take a look uh at this we got stop and stop limit uh notice we already have an example of a stop on the sell side that's a stop market but on entries one may want to have control of price and so therefore may utilize a stop limit remember i talked a little bit about this last night for those of you that join us for that workshop where think limit as a better price stop as a worse price whether you're entering or exiting it so the reason why we're using a stop order is technically the entry would be a quote worse price basically a higher price now worst doesn't mean bad in this example the idea is looking to capture that momentum as it goes higher if i put in a limit order for 1590 it would fill automatically because the price is already better than that so by utilizing a stop is how one can capture that momentum keep in mind stops will are not guaranteed to fill at a particular price a stock market would fill at the next available price a stop limit may not fill if the gap is higher and the price is not marketable but if it is then we would end up potentially getting a fill all right so let's go back to that and so we add a trigger price and that's that's what the stop is going to be a trigger price of 15.90 so plug in 15.90 but notice there's two prices the second price is a limit so what you're saying is if the price hits 1590 it's going to trigger an order what type of order a limit order where you can specify the most that you're willing to pay so that way if for some reason let's say four gaps the next day to 1650 as an example maybe one doesn't want to pay 16.50 for it well you can specify the most you're willing to pay and we'll account for a little bit of slippage i'll i'll just go ahead and make it 16 about 10 cents higher than that limit okay now we'll leave this example as a day order because the reason why we may get into the trade well actually i'm going to have to make this for our illustrated purposes of gtc because since the market is still open it will actually cancel at the end of the day but we want to make a mental note may adjust this entry if the price doesn't feel tomorrow like let's say the price may pull back a fourth day or maybe even a fifth day as long as it's still making higher highs and higher lows this would still be a valid flag now preferably would probably like to see the low stay above a previous high kind of supporting those themes that james and i teach broken resistance acting as new support definitely would want to make sure that it stays above a previous low because if it goes below the previous load that would be a potential trend change okay so that's what we got set up here a good discussion in there appreciate james helping out there remember folks you know this example of a setup is much more on an active trader and relatively short time horizon okay but one can use the same entries uh for regardless of time frame you just go ahead and switch those charts all right so we got that set up there uh if i go ahead and confirm and send uh risk should always be considered uh with a hundred shares you know one's invest in sixteen hundred dollars so one may consider you know what allocation what percentage of the account are you willing to allocate to a single trade uh you know whether it's five percent 10 and then likewise on the potential risk on the trade with an entry at around 16 and oh we didn't adjust that stop let's go ahead and do that our potential stop is going to be 15 17. let's go and plug that in and if it hits that price it would fill at the next available price market price and then we have a target of 1753 we'll go and we'll plug that in now when we hit confirm and send again there's that allocation there if we're potentially buying at 16 and a stop at about 15 17 you know that's risking about 80 cents per share so if one didn't want to lose much more than a hundred dollars uh in the trade um then probably wouldn't be buying much more than 100 shares if one was willing to risk maybe closer to 500 we can do 500 shares it is a less expensive stock but consider the size of one's account there's actually a little gear or a little uh chain link here that one could potentially click and match up the orders click on that hit confirm and send and one can see how much i'm allocated in this example of the trade all right i'll go ahead and we'll click send and then knows those orders will work and since this is a gtc at any time if the price goes above 1590 it'll go ahead and attempt to fill if the price does keep pulling back tomorrow we can possibly cancel and replace the order with a new potential entry the high of the previous day okay so hopefully you found that helpful there let's go and look at some of the comments yeah and as those of you have talked about some of the many classes that we have here if we go back to the education tab again whether on think or swim or on the td ameritrade website go to webcast don't forget about the courses too folks all the concepts are taught both stocks and options within our various courses the application of that is in the webcast and when you go to those webcasts you can see upcoming sessions james had just got done with collars and synthetics there that should be posted in the archive hopefully pretty soon or actually no that's tomorrow's class i think uh oh that's because i'm still searching for james boyd let's go ahead and clear that out that's coming up tomorrow but if you go to the webcast calendar you can see all the classes and for beginners anything that you see in green is going to be a getting started and that would be getting started with technical analysis on mondays with cameron may at 11 a.m eastern time and uh on an ongoing basis more intermediate our active trading series our good ones continue following on the technically speaking side along with this swing trading class awesome appreciate the feedback there now eric also brings up an important question is uh swing trading for options or stocks uh the answer would be yes uh if you follow uh in this webcast we have done examples of uh options as well in fact we can take a look at one you know in the case of uh amazon now if one looks at amazon uh this is an example of a three thousand dollar stock uh may not be one for smaller accounts uh notice we do have an example of price bouncing we had a low day it's been run along some support not a lot of momentum with amazon but we're seeing some signs here as the price may be bouncing uh follow through would be a potential breakout uh but uh one strategy i've taught in this class along with a companion class called long verticals you know one may potentially do an option spread which enables one to potentially profit uh from a price move a moderate price move uh without necessarily putting up as much capital let's see if i can go ahead and construct it here and if you're interested in this strategy you can follow me on thursdays i believe at 11 a.m for long verticals

and diagonals uh what we can do is go to uh in this case we'll go out to july that's about 38 days and we'll go ahead and look for a call that may be at uh to maybe a little more into money if the one goes a little deeper into money that would potentially be a higher probable trade but less reward if one's more directional they may go at to slightly out of the money uh and with whatever price target in mind so you know let's say as an example on on amazon one implies that over the next 30 some days uh that the price will rise possibly take out some of these previous highs or at least you know trade up into some of that previous range here in this case let's say it's somewhere around you know 30 you know possibly around 33.50 or maybe not even be necessarily even that high just above that resistance at around 33. one can go ahead and select a couple of strikes here so let's say as an example uh go ahead and take a look and notice these are about 40 wide already uh let's go start off with uh let's say i do a 3260. um now notice these options are not cheap either and one needs to consider as far as a risk in their account but i'm going to right click on the one we're going to potentially buy i'm going to do buy vertical and notice this is a forty dollar wide spread so this is going to be defined risk and define reward the most could be gained or lost within this spread is going to be that forty dollars now notice right here this would be a cr debit of nineteen dollars and eighty eight cents that means there's about twenty dollars gain there and that's usually common here on these long verticals at the slightly out of the money is you know kind of about a hundred percent or a little more than a hundred percent return on risk now notice the maximum loss is going to be that debit and that would certainly be realized if the price goes down significantly but notice we also have a break even that's not too far away from the current price that's only about ten dollars away so if the price is above ten ten dollars above where it is now 38 days from now then this trade would be profitable the maximum gain would be realized if the price is trading above 3300 at at that expiration so this may not be suitable if one has a very small account but notice this is a way where one can trade some of that direction with a defined risk trade so i'll do one contract of this and we'll manage this one between this class and our vertical class notice there are commissions on the options side should be considered when evaluating any trade and i'm going to go ahead and click send so yes we can go ahead and utilize options for shorter term as well as even on longer trades too and i know james does a great job of this too some great comments everyone um and uh you know there's a mention in there about doing a a two oco i believe if you actually go ahead and take a look at the last session i've done on this class if you go to the education tab go to webcasts i showed you on how you can search for a webcast by name you can go ahead in the archive look for john mcnichol and you can see some of the previous classes i've done and actually i stand corrected uh it was not this class it's the one we're doing tomorrow uh but if you look at the archive for june 2nd this would be i did a trade on triangles and utilized a combination trade now you can do the same thing for an option as you can do for a stock as well uh we'll uh we'll copy that link we'll put in the chat for those of you that may want to look at that later and for those of you that are on the archive session you can just go ahead and search for that and be able to do that and i'm sure we'll be doing some of those examples in the future as well so let's go and double check and see what we covered here so we looked at a few bull flag examples and setups there hope you found that educational there we went ahead and got a practice trade in on ford and also did an example of a spread trade based off of a bounce on amazon and let's go and just finish off by looking at some of our existing trades from the previous week and let's go ahead and bring up some of these ones and you can kind of get an idea that uh we haven't had a tremendous amount of momentum across the board uh in the market over the last few weeks not the only one and this is one we've done since some of you have mentioned about options we did this at the end of may in this class with ea sports we go and bring that up ea electronic arts you know you can see the example of different setups between breakouts pullbacks and the bounce so this is kind of in a swing right now still finding some resistance you know up at around those highs may keep an eye on it tomorrow to see if the price back backs off of that [Music] now this is an option trade and it does have an expiration uh of 16 july it's kind of highlighted right there so we're about a month out um that consideration should be taken here where if the price is not making a significant move with that option we're losing that time premium it's also where it makes those spreads a little beneficial because some of that time decay is negated but certainly for this example would like to see some continued momentum take out that high and guess what that could be another entry which we'll talk about tomorrow in breakouts and reversal patterns breaking through that resistance uh verizon uh this was an example of a and notice we've done some options in this class we've done some verticals in previous sessions between itsy and verizon these are both put verticals one with about 38 days left the other one with about 17. now the idea here is similar to what we did with that call spread with uh amazon is the short strike is essentially the target price that's ideally where we're looking for the price to go at or beyond that to realize the maximum gain i'll notice we're losing a little bit on both of these but notice it's nominal uh as we're not really being impacted by that time decay as much these prices are just kind of going a little more sideways here looking to see if they're able to roll back over again that's on both verizon and etsy both be it kind of consolidated notice as a matter of a swing trade you know these are examples of stocks that are been more to the downside as far as their intermediate trend and looking for that weakness and just to show that obviously not everything goes as planned or it goes as planned just not the desired outcome we did do a an option on liondell industries last week and we ended up getting stopped out of that we used a conditional order on that if the stock dropped below a certain price which was in this case if it dropped below 1129 it would sell that option at the market our desired outcome was to trade up to that target so we go in and finish off with that lyb this is an example of the breakout it blew back into that pattern now some traders may look at this as a potential bounce you know if at first you don't succeed and try try again and that would be an entirely different setup and notice kind of that flag characteristic kind of retesting that so maybe something to practice with all right folks hey if you enjoyed what you learned here today great opportunity for you to click like i don't believe there is a survey for today uh but i do appreciate james helping out uh on the chat here today and everyone's participation i would encourage you to translate maybe some of the knowledge you're learning here today in the wisdom by practicing what you've learned and utilizing tools such as the thinkorswim platform the paper money platform to do some of these similar setups whether it's a buy stop or a limit order maybe attaching that bracket that we did today or utilizing conditional orders that we've discussed as well either way that practice goes hopefully towards your success and i do appreciate you taking the time out the day to being with us as we talked about bull flags uh went ahead and took a look at some practice trades and reviewed some of our existing trades now remember folks in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we had to use actual symbols keeping in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or terms suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility have a great day everyone click like and enjoy your day bye now [Music] [Music] you

2021-06-14 23:42

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