Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 3-9-21 | Scanning for Swing Setups

Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 3-9-21 | Scanning for Swing Setups

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good morning everyone john mcnichol here and welcome to swing trading days to weeks what we'll do today is we'll take a look at the market open we'll go over some techniques on finding swing setups we'll see if we can do a practice trade so stick around all right good morning to those that are live with us today such as richard louis monica mike daddy giles dom bovee david cltm charles neil everyone else appreciate you joining us each and every week we have cameron may helping out on the chat any questions i am unable to get to as this is a largely attended class uh have a hard time keeping track of everything on the chat and teach at the same time but do my best cameron's here to help us out do appreciate that and those are the listen in the archive session as well i appreciate you joining us each and every week time permitting there and there's my twitter handle on the screen at j mcnichol underscore tda if you wish to follow myself along with fine instructors such as cameron let's take care of disclosures and we'll get into our discussion today options not suitable for investors spread straddles other multi-leg option strategies often involve greater more complex risk and including multiple commissions now in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we will be using actual symbols keep in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility now you're encouraged to practice what you learn today with tools such as the paper money application which is for educational purposes and successful virtual trading during one time period it's not guaranteed successful investment of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously now while this webcast discusses technical analysis other approaches including fundamental analysis may assert very different views and a stop loss order will not guarantee an execution at or near an activation price once activated they compete with other income and market orders and as always all investing involves risks including the risk of loss and let's go ahead and bring up our agenda for uh today uh we'll take a look at the market open uh seems that tech may be bouncing there after uh being crushed a bit uh over recent periods uh we'll uh go over a lot of people you know inquire about you know searching you know for swing trades i'll notice i put searching in for swing trades in per parentheses or quotes well uh quotes i should say i need to get my coffee uh we'll talk a little more about that and we'll go ahead and do a practice trade let's go ahead and bring up the thinkorswim platform and looking at some of the major market indices uh looking at the spx uh up uh about a percent now you know as swing traders you know looking at trends uh what would the short term trend be you know when we look at the trend from days you know going into weeks what does that price action show us and what we want to do is look at those highs and lows uh you know one can possibly clearly see as i do connecting the dots off the highs we can see declining highs and if we look at the lows we can see some declining lows that can be implying more of a shorter term downtrend also moving averages shorter moving averages uh in the case of a a five period you know a five period eight period uh could be more indicative of those shorter term moves and even have a 13 period and represent more of the half the month cycle some people always ask you know john why 5 y13 they are fibonacci series but also tied to you know five period about the average of a weekly uh price action right five trading days in a week you know 13 is a fibonacci number not too far off from 14 uh which is half of the lunar cycle uh you know over about a two week little more than two week period and we got a 55 day moving average representing more of that intermediate trend you know a lot of traders may utilize a 50 period 30 period you know to kind of get that trending bias so you know the trend you know for the market is still intact it violated some of those averages briefly before we got some hammers uh so you know more of a bounce and what's interesting is you know some of the techniques that some traders may utilize is looking for a close above the high of the low day uh you know here's the low day here's the high uh which seems to be a little interesting is you know even since this low day uh we did not have a close above let's see let's what's a high here on the s p s p 38 467 right there okay so yeah we did squeeze out a higher close there my eyes were kind of failing me a little bit it doesn't look like it's closing higher than that three oh no it's a close looking at this so it's not so here is uh yeah high of 38 43 67 38 41 so didn't quite close above the high the low day and even yesterday didn't close above the high low day we had intraday pushes and then kind of faded yesterday was a good example of that fade uh however uh as uh potentially yields stabilize that's what the call is a lot of traders looking at the different yields here's the 10 year 10 and a tn h you know after hitting highs the other session kind of held that and backed off today taking pressure off of equities never keep in mind trend of those yields are still going up so kind of interesting on some of that price action there looking at the nasdaq nasdaq very much failed a bounce you know after a hammer which some traders may imply there may be some follow-through on prices bouncing higher that failed yesterday and as we're looking at the opening today prices are opening in the higher part of the range and what's key here is not only is it opening in the higher part of the range it basically gapped at the opening from yesterday's close so we're seeing a three percent uh move and keep in mind things can continue being volatile and you can get an idea of that shorter term trend and then also notice that the nasdaq is below an intermediate moving average in this case a 55 day looking at the dow and we can continue seeing the divergence of different areas of the market we've covered this in the past as far as with different sectors you know the dow actually made a new high yesterday so this would be an example of a successful swing what trade you know short-term traders are looking for you know in an overall trend making higher highs and higher lows prices pull back bounce off support and swing up to at least take out a previous high or make a higher high we saw that with the dow and we talked a bit about this last week about things such as relative strength you know looking for stocks that are stronger i'm not sure why that's going on here that looking at stocks that are relatively stronger than the broader market and you know comparing to the s p 500 you know stocks in the dow with rise in relative strength demonstrated that that was kind of one of the drivers to our practice trade last week which you when you put in things in consideration for how lousy the market was uh one of the few areas that did have some decent momentum and a successful swing was energy stocks and you know here's apache practice trade that we did last week you'll notice the overall trend being up price pulling back this case over a couple of days we were actually looking at this setup as price made that low a little more of a dragonfly doji or a hammer and looking to capture putting in a buy stop as price traded above the high the low day i believe that happened i believe it happened the very next day or the following day kind of stagnated there for a little bit stayed above the stop price got the pop hit the target which was the similar move the similar and i believe this closed within about the last 15 minutes of the market on friday uh as the price traded that area certainly a desired outcome and uh that's the idea for you know these types of trades that you're learning here and notice that the price is pulling back a little bit today which by the way could potentially be another setup uh this will be kind of more of the topic we'll talk about on you know how to potentially search uh for these setups you know overall trending stock making higher highs and higher lows uh as that price starts pulling back and that may be a day two days you know maybe several days as long as the price is making a higher low that type of setup what we call a flag is something that some traders may search for okay all right so uh that's what we got going on there with the russell let's bring up our ut real quick you know russell has been relatively stronger as a whole uh it seems lately they are kind of following a little more like the s p so we're not seeing as much of that strong momentum in the small caps as we've seen previously nevertheless they are bouncing off of their support a little more of a follow through today but keep in mind as far as more of that short-term trending resistance if traders are trading the bounce they're being conscious of potential resistance and looking for the follow-through of price breaking out and i talk more about breakouts in our technically speaking class every monday at 2pm eastern time now you're welcome to join me there you can also see that on the calendar uh also folks uh make note uh and we'll have cameron push it out a few uh times uh there is a survey uh on the chat uh if you can take a moment uh just click on that link you can kind of push that survey off to the side and towards the end of the session if you can go ahead and fill it out provide some feedback do appreciate it only takes a few moments i do look at the surveys and hopefully you're enjoying what you're learning here today and uh let's continue learning and uh just a quick glimpse uh at the different sectors uh on the s p uh what's driving would expect with the s p being up uh close to three percent we're gonna see a recovery in information technology and uh the next two that are on their health care and consumer discretionary i think those three sectors alone account for close to 70 percent uh of the nasdaq so broad advance all around real estate little pressure from some of those yields backing off and looks like our our losers financials and energy uh you know possibly a little profit taken there as they were some of the more relatively stronger performers as well as they benefit a little more from uh those rising rates or at least uh yeah from from the financial standpoint and allow your commodities as well uh dropping down in the market watch tab and so you know now talking about you know different ways of looking for uh swing setups uh there's a certainly a technical criteria uh that we can be looking for we can also look into pre-market on some of the price action to kind of get a glimpse as far as what potentially is moving but ultimately for a trade setup is is to potentially anticipate that move before it happens being prepared for that and so some ways of doing that let's go ahead and take a little dive one of the tools that we've showed you is on the market watch tab bringing up a watch list or a market list in this case the s p 500 and in the pre market uh looking at marked percent change uh when you right click on any column header and select customize from here you can go ahead and add whatever columns you want and i think if you do percent or mark your mark is essentially the mid price between the bid and the ask and uh so that would give a representation uh on you know what some of the price action may be before the market opens and if one goes ahead and double clicks to add that they can add that to their list they can left-click and drag it wherever they want uh in the list area there which we have now since the market's open it should typically or it may uh pattern what's happening on the percent change uh the percent change is basically from close to close i think the mark percent change uh does something similar but these will typically be blank in the pre-market and this will give us a reflection what's going on you can go ahead and sort by those percentages all right uh so you know we can see you know moves you know in tesla you know applied materials you know pterodyne some larger percentage moves ebay you know so one can go ahead and take a look at some of those let's say tesla and you know yes tesla is up but we can also see what's the trend prevailing trend being down a bullish swing trader you may not be as apt to trade a bullish swing because it's potentially going against the prevailing trend notice when you look at tesla you know as far as a a bullish bounce which would be price trading above the high of the low day or closing above the high low day you know here is a bounce but what happened after that and that's been a theme over the last couple of weeks we have what's called a swing failure prices fail to swing and take out that previous high breaks down takes out a low and when we start seeing lower highs and lower lows that would be a shorter term in this case a shorter term downtrend uh one would be more apt to look for a bullish breakout of that short term downtrend you know patterns such as rectangles triangles wedges otherwise if they were they may focus more on the bearish trade and particularly when prices break below a major moving average and then notice how that momentum changes where yes you get a bullish bounce here this is kind of the opposite of a bullish swing where we see a downward move price goes up a couple of sessions and then swings back down looks like we may have some volatility here i'm not sure i don't think these much of these were good marks or not but you can kind of see how that prevailing moves down so you know some short-term traders may be looking for another setup to trade tesla down now there's another you know technique you know from more of a you know an intermediate to a longer term you know that tesla you know has pulled back to a fibonacci area it's maybe a topic i may cover in another session and you know looking for price to bounce off of that support and you know trade up into the range possibly targeting another level or some of the previous price action see amt was another one you know we look at amt again we're seeing some large percentage moves but we also have to put in the context of the previous session and you know so we may more likely see a lot of inside days or harami's where prices are contained inside that previous day for a continuation prices would need to break one way or the other all right so you know drilling down and you know looking at some of those movements and you know we're seeing a lot of outside movements on on a lot of stocks based off of similar large downward moves you know here's twitter and so we can kind of see a theme here today on some of these nasdaq stocks prices inside that previous day and if one's looking to speculate on those nasdaq stocks going higher is looking for it to be trading at the very least above the high the low day being conscious of where your trends are and potentially even looking for more of the breakout type scenario okay now there were some questions uh you know uh you know one of the things uh you know when i have my platform up uh you know people see things such as bright shiny objects uh such as uh you know colors you know for instance here on the market watch tab uh there's a a quote uh trend and uh basically this would show what the uh last few uh ticks were whether they were up down or the same um great reference for you folks is go into the education tab and once on education go to the learning center learning center is all things think or swim and there is a very powerful search engine right up at the top here and if i just go ahead and i believe it's called quote trend whatever that header is see if i'm able to find it there is quote trend uh it basically gives you an idea as far as what each of those colors and bars mean uh so great reference to take advantage of now you may see some other things uh you know on my platform you know i may have some different columns that are colored and customized those are customized quote columns utilized in script that information is over here on the left hand side in my scratch pad they those codes are all case sensitive and if you follow me on twitter and go to the pin tweet that documentation is right on the pin tweet explaining what those quotes do i think i saw someone mention on the chat about relative strength and also some of the moving average crossovers and the kohl's that we may integrate in the conversation steps on adding them are all right here and should be pretty straightforward all right so uh other ways of looking for some of these setups so you know if if we think about uh you know in the context of a swing trade and we'll focus on a bullish example you know price is making higher highs pulls back makes a higher low higher highs higher lows uh you know a classic swing setup is looking for something that has a prevailing uptrend that whether it's starting to pull back or or may have pulled back uh over a couple of sessions um so you know what are some ways of doing that well if we think about indicators such as moving averages which you've seen utilized on the charts you know a moving average can be utilized to identify that prevailing trend prices pulling back is what some traders may refer to as a short term uh over sold where prices have pulled back to a relatively lower level what we can use an indicator called an oscillator that may be able to identify that type of condition so let's go ahead and walk through that now i'm not going to share this example of a scan okay i'm going to show you how to create it and in turn you're expected to go ahead and create it on your own i share a lot of things uh but this is uh kind of the takeaway for you is think about the idea uh what are you trying to accomplish and then go ahead and create something that will help find stocks that meet some of those conditions let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to go ahead and bring up the thinkorswim platform we're going to go ahead and go to the scan tab and on the scan tab one can go ahead and create a scan that looks for certain stocks and you know if i go to the scan tab i'm over here to the upper right next to the little flame i can click on a drop down and there's an area for load scan query and you know there may be some examples that are already in there where one can get some ideas and modify them and make them your own and then you can see under personal i got a plethora of these as i've repetitively have done demonstrations probably need to clean them up where i've tweaked a few things but this is where you can access different scans you know as a starting point let me just go ahead and we'll just clear all these out this is an example of some fundamental criteria if you go ahead and look at our fundamentals course you can learn about some of those criteria and apply them one of the first things for a short-term trader to address uh as well as those you train options is is liquidity uh is being able to uh look for stocks that are generally liquid and you may be able to even start right up at the top here uh where it says scan you know it may start off with all symbols you know maybe you you're going to focus on larger cap stocks you can go to a public list you know and bring up the s p 500 uh or you know if you're you know looking for higher beta uh you know on top of that you know may focus on you know the nasdaq okay uh but you can go ahead and you know narrow down to baskets of stocks maybe even a personal list now i'll start off with the s p 500 now there's a good question and i always address it particularly when i get to that now ultimately as far as what we're doing here today you would need to do it in your actual real-time account since we're going to be using technical indicators the technical scans do not uh you cannot bring them up in paper money you can still practice trades by switching over that account utilizing some of those results but what i'm sharing with you today needs to be done on a real-time account thanks for asking that question mrs d and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and go to add filter and that kind of gets to the question so there is a study filter that will be utilized and if one goes ahead and clicks on this and paper money you'll get an error saying that you can't bring it up uh one that you can bring up you know you can bring up a you know a common price filter if you know some traders want to filter based off of a a stock price they can go ahead and select the stock filter do close you know put in a a minimum uh price for a stock that they may wish to trade and you know put in a you know a maximum you know for a stock that they want to trade so if i put in 500 you know that would you know negate something like tesla or amazon you know and i'm not saying one wouldn't trade those but you know if one has a dollar limit in mind you know they can go ahead and and make that so i'll just use that as an example you can always modify those and make them your own and that's what you're encouraged to do um i'm gonna go to add filter again uh addressing liquidity now one way of addressing liquidity is actually utilizing the study filter and these are probably going to be what we'll be utilizing here from here on out notice it says study here i'm going to click on the drop down and you know one may be able to see what they're looking for right off the bat so here's volume and then here is average volume so i'll go ahead and i'll select average volume and it says average volume 50 days that's fine based off of a 50-day average and looking for stocks that have volume that's greater than a million shares so one can determine you know from a liquidity standpoint how many shares they want in this case we got a million shares now i'm going to go ahead and so we've addressed price we've addressed liquidity let's go ahead and take a look at uh some of the tentacles so we'll add another filter and uh let's say i'll do study and you know from this regard uh let's say i select a moving average now moving averages may fall under some of the more uh popular studies you know so that could be a starting point you know and so here's a moving average scan i can go and click on that and as we scroll down you know it's looking for here um you know moving average scan close uh is at least a certain percentage above a particular average now if you recall you know i had a 55 period moving average you know as an example you know someone may use a 30 period or or a 50 whatever you'd like if i'm going to do something consistent on what i had uh you know i had a 55 and you know my example is also exponential if you're using a simple you use a simple um you know as far as you know percentage uh you know i'll make this a relatively lower bar you could say one percent and then you know if i start playing around with this i can go ahead and scan for instance and kind of see what kind of results so you know right there uh about 245 stocks out of the s p 500 meet these current criteria as far as price volume and happen to be above that average okay so we've filtered out based off of trend now another thing we can do and i think i have an example of that on the chart is add in an oscillator uh in my example i got a stochastic a fast stochastic that i've actually tweaked the numbers made them smaller to account for relatively smaller moves and so as an example if i pull this out and look at something such as twitter uh when it was in a strong uptrend channel in stock you know if you take a look on some of these dips these pullbacks you know in the trend which may be you know flags pennants these little pullbacks that swing traders are looking for as far as a setup to potentially capture you know that next swing you'll notice that prices pulled back out of an upper range they kind of pulled back out of an upper range which would be considered to be overbought so you know one can look for stocks where that stochastic is starting to pull back which implies the price is pulling back there too therefore identifying a potential bullish setup let me kind of zoom in on this a little bit so we can kind of see that and you'll notice you know that three to five day pullback you know starts with price backing out of that zone and therefore being prepared when the price actually bounces to possibly do that practice trade like we did with apache last week okay so if i wanted to look for stocks with that condition let's say we go up to the scan tab uh what we'll do let's see if i can move this down i pull down a little bit here i go up to add filter and we're going to go ahead and add study there's another study that's added here looks like it defaults to adx crossover i'm going to click on that and again you know you can start off with uh you know popular studies you know to try and find a stochastic so there's a stochastic scan but i'm actually going to do this from scratch and show you an example so notice there's a tab that says custom if i go to custom this is where i can go ahead and add whatever condition uh the the program would allow uh notice the defaults of this atx crossover i'm gonna delete that so now we're clear and i'm gonna go ahead and select add condition now from here you can go into condition and you can start off with the study you can start off with a value you know price different functions now what we're looking to do is uh basically utilizing a study and i can go ahead and say study and you can do the same thing for a moving average i saw on the chat as far as moving average you can go ahead and start off with a moving average or price crossing a moving average you'll see as i walk through this but i'm going to just start typing in stochastic and we're looking for the stochastic fast i'm going to add that and then notice when you add an indicator it may prompt you with the different values now these are the default settings but i'm actually going to change this to a a 7. you know a 5 or a 7 would kind of represent looking at more of the shorter term i'll leave the 3 there and then i can say as a value i can say you know is it uh that is less than or if i want to do more of a crossover what i'll do here i'll do crosses below and i'll select a value from the upper zone now on stochastics the upper zone is usually 80 percent the lower zone's 20 percent so basically looking for stocks that may have short term rallied up and may have started pulling back thus crossing out of that zone now notice you can put a filter for number of bars you can look for one bar and since a flag setup typically may be about you know four to five days up to uh you know we may look for that happening within the last few sessions all right uh so let's go ahead and we'll uh save that and we'll add that we'll click ok now remember folks if you're following along you know you may be doing this as i do it if not go back look at the archive session you can pause the screen and rewind and repeat those steps as well i'm going to go ahead and click uh ok then let's scan see what kind of results we get here notice right there it reduces it now down to about 120 uh out of the snp and there's a few stocks there including including stock that we had traded last week apa apache of petroleum why well let's take a look at it uh it meets the liquidity rules uh it's a stock that is above a major moving average and you know probably would like to see that average rising uh we look at the stochastic and notice how it crossed below and notice that it's crossing below because it's basically setting up another potential flag and where traders may look to enter as the price is trading above the high of the low day i think american airlines was on there aal that and you know this one happened within the last five sessions now since we are looking back up to five sessions you know the price may have bounced already uh or it still may be pulling back so you know in this case with you know uh american airlines you know kind of similar to other stocks where they may be consolidating going a little more sideways or pulling back all right now if you go ahead and take a look at some other examples looks like facebook may have popped up on there let's take a look at facebook oh nope that's a difference that's a different list that is not facebook is not above 50-day moving average that's expedia group expe let's take a look at that a lot of reopening trades uh going on as far as pen-up demand or potential demand for travel so you know here's expedia you can see examples of more upward swings it just made a new high yesterday starting to pull back again looking for that potential bounce so if you found that a little bit helpful there uh what i will do here even though i said i wouldn't uh i will go ahead and share this as you can see you can go up to the little flamin ball next to that and you can select share which i will that's going to create a unique code i'm just going to call it swing scan example paste that keep in mind i i do have the uh the view is that you teach people to fish versus handing them one so i'm not handing you a fish i'm handing you a tool to potentially utilize and make your own so i'm pasting that seven-digit character code in the chat for those of you that are in the archive it is uh it is a case sensitive and what you do is you take that code you go to setup in the upper right hand corner of the platform you go ahead and select under open shared item the main reason why i'm sharing you so i can show you on how you can add shared stuff uh you type in that code in there now uh here's the moment of truth uh is that a one or a lowercase l for those of you that are listen and listen in the archive session well let's find out so it's not a one uh is a lowercase l or a capital i i should say let's find that out and it is a capital i so if you are uh transcribing this uh make sure that last character is a capital i i usually uh re-save it until i do not have eyes or l's in there it's a little frustrating but it is a capital i that last character so you type that in you can click import and once you do that you'll see something that whoop let's try that again what happened to that it disappeared uh let's try it one more time and keep in mind folks uh if you are listening to the archive session you have to do this on your real-time account okay so you go ahead and import it there should be a pop-up that comes up something like this and then from there you can go ahead and add to it modify it do whatever you'd like and then you're encouraged to go up to the upper right next to the flame and save that scan query on your own all right all right so we went through one example uh well we went through a a couple examples on you know how one can search for stocks that may meet some of those criteria liquidity trend and so you know if there's a different moving average that you're focusing on you can change that to a 30. in a case of stochastic uh looking for that pullback okay now what if you wanted to look for something that may potentially be bouncing kind of right now well we can take that same stochastic indicator and possibly looking for stocks that have pulled back and maybe turning back up so let's say if we go back and tweak uh that scan again so come back here and we'll go ahead and on this example on the fastacastic we'll go ahead and we'll edit that it looks like my screen is going off a little bit so let's go ahead and pull this back in do that hope everyone's learning something new here keep mine depend on your screen there may be a little slider tab so we may have to slide that over a little bit and uh there is an edit function a little pencil pen we can click on to go ahead and edit this again we'll select edit and so before we were looking for more of the initial setup looking for the stochastic to imply that the price was starting to pull back but at some point that price may bounce now whether it pulls all the way to that zone or not we don't know in a lot of cases on shorter term uh it may do that now the preferable is you know seeing the trade before it happens and therefore that's what i'm showing you looking for the initial pullback uh but if i want to look for something that is in the zone and possibly turning up we can do cross above and then select a lower value like a 20. and you know one may make this a little more time sensitive you know let's say within the last two bars and this would be more of an actionable item let's see if we get any results i'm going to hit save click ok so now we're looking for stocks that are shorter term possibly oversold i'll scan for that out of the s p and notice there's fewer stocks that come up in this um there's amt there's etsy there's twitter so let's take a look at those ptsy now just because it came up on a scan result doesn't mean that that's a recommendation to buy or sell any security or it may even ideally meet your criteria all right so with this you'll notice it meets the criteria based off of liquidity yes it is above the 50-day moving average although the moving average is kind of flattened out and notice that within the last session or two it it bounced it came out of that lower zone and in a lot of cases it may correlate coalesce with or you know concur with price trading above the high the low day now ideally one would probably be looking for that setup as it's starting to pull back and be prepared versus reacting now this trend is not necessarily as strong this would be more neutral so if one was doing a trade like this they may be anticipating that price may at least trade up in that range okay uh we already looked at twitter but let's just double check that in case of twitter you know it's coming out of the zone it's kind of an inside day so one may have uh the ability to uh you know wait for the price to actually trade higher was the third one by materials amat then here's applied materials you know pulling back to that average you know this one potentially breaking through that downward slide and there we go um you know if one wanted to they can potentially put in a trade as price trades above the high the low day and we are a bit out of time today so going to have to table putting in a practice trade until next week but i've been getting quite a few inquiries about you know searching for setups now the final thought you know as far as you know putting that in quotes you know is searching necessarily the most important thing that you can do in this process short answer is no but as a teaching tool being able to find stocks that meet certain criteria can be helpful being able to customize uh some of the techniques that swing traders may look at and hopefully in this process of searching for uh potential swing trades and setups you learn about some of the technicals that go into that uh what we'll do next week is we'll continue applying that utilizing some of our productivity scripts and you know this is an area where the results or the criteria may already be shown on a watch list such as moving average crossovers to identify trend and looking at potential holds or bounces to identify those entries now the nice thing is when you do have a watch list or a scan you know i can come here and under personal and let's actually go ahead and save that i'm going to go to save scan and i'm going to go ahead and call this a stochastic scan since that's my primary indicator there and i'm going to hit save then now that could be part of my watch list so when i go to a personal on the watch list i should have something that says stochastic scan and in real time i can have those results there and then you can follow through and see if it meets additional criteria we'll talk more about that next week so i'd like to thank camera for helping us out on the chat uh cameron if you go ahead and push that chat out one more time do appreciate it we'd love to get your feedback and remember folks in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we did have to use actual symbols keeping in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendation or determine the suitability of any security or strategy through the use of our tools any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility so go ahead if you like what you learned here today click like and subscribe to trader talks we'd love to get your feedback on the survey and looking forward to talking with you again real soon bye everybody you

2021-03-15 17:17

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