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hey guys welcome to our new studio we're just  testing it out see what you guys think so i'm   casey this is renee welcome to bargainer's  thrift talk show so here's the funny part   i don't know what she's talking about i didn't  tell you what this i didn't tell her what this   video is about so i'm making it up as i go along  right isn't that what half of life is about fake   it till you make it so you guys know we're going  to build our studio but we have absolutely done   nothing except move this desk and his chair  over a little bit a lot of you guys said   that um that you want us to keep these chairs  you really like to change yeah these chairs are   super nice and really comfortable so we might keep  that we're about to tell your story if you saw the   headline you know the story would tell you about  so we think that just for fun instead of having   the whole studio set up let's just show an episode  let's just do my my thing was kind of to have a   desk kind of like the kona brian jay leno type  of thing because if we do show some stuff we have   a workspace we'll have casey here as my special  guest and if other people come we can have special   guests so we're going to tell you that story  today but before what we want to do we just want   to show you the studio you see we have a big space  right here we can do a couple of different things   first we were thinking about maybe doing a green  screen background but i think we're going to keep   it real with a window in our warehouse which you  see that's a merchandise in the back oh yeah i   think we're gonna decorate the back maybe we'll  put up a bunch of bookshelves and show some some   of our collectibles that we really like um you  know some cool items or just things that are   for sale and then just let us know what you guys  think how should the studio be and also the most   important thing if you want us to see videos like  this so like it come and support the channel it's   absolutely free guys and one of the things that we  wanted to do on the channel i think you know maybe   two or three times a week have a little video  coming out where we tell stories of some of the   things that's happening where we'll talk about  news flashes like open something really big   lockers that was just another amazing storage find  um maybe i'll look it up we'll do that as the next   video and then we'll just kind of interact and  share maybe we'll do some lives and stuff from   that on our q a sundays remember when we used to  do that we used to do q a sundays but we barely   have time anymore like sunday's like a day that's  like almost a family day now he's only saying   that because football season's going on right  now it's like 12 hours of football on sundays   six and that's a really good night team but um  yeah i don't know we'll see so you guys support   it but anyway so this video what i'm going  to talk about how we got kicked off amazon   i have people constantly asking me questions  like hey renee you said a long time ago   you're going to share that story so i guess i  should share that story yeah yeah okay sorry   so we'll let renee say it because i may say  things everywhere like we can't say that on camera   no it's different so hey look amazon is a very  different company like so when you list stuff on   ebay ebay is a platform that you sell on and they  just collect their fees and people complain that   the fees are high all the time but they even hire  on amazon and we just think that ebay is a little   bit more user friendly or seller friendly right  yeah so it changed but what happened is so the   problem with amazon you compete with them so if  you sell this product and you do you really good   and they see that you have a lot of sales they'll  just copy you they'll make the amazon brand or   they'll import it like with dvds a few years ago  um if you were selling dvds which were selling   a lot of and a lot of brand new stuff in order  to continue selling they wanted to see all your   invoices where you buy them from your wholesalers  with all contact information and what ended   happening to a lot of guys i know several guys  that happened who had really exclusive products   amazon contacted these people and bought the thing  directly but instead of ordering 200 cds they said   hey we'll take 2 000 but we want it at this price  and then amazon was selling it for less than these   guys were buying them wholesale so that that's  a drawback a little dirty well i mean it's one   of those corporations that just wants everything  you know that's okay i mean you know it's one of   them catch 22s but i mean that's even fine that's  their prerogative i mean that's a business that's   how they want to do it you know they are open  about it they're not they're not trying to hide   it i mean they flat-out tell you but the problem  with amazon is there's no support and ebay used to   be that way too but then they changed so this  is how we got kicked off so we were filming   storage wars and we used to do like every year  on amazon like over a hundred thousand dollars   we would do a lot of books which is still the best  profitable one especially older books we would do   a lot of cds cds dvds we used to make we made to  make a living on box sets oh yeah so we used to   play games board games and then um like star wars  anything with the barcode any toy action figure   toys were really great toys i mean toys spring on  amazon 20 to 30 percent more than they do on ebay   because people just wanna click and ship and don't  forget to share with them how you found out about   selling on amazon versus ebay i don't know how  we originally got amazon okay before we tell you   how it got kicked off so the way we originally got  on amazon so we used to be in a swap meet we used   about like 10 employees two 24 foot truck loads  of merchandise you wouldn't believe how big this   space was 24 parking spaces people would come and  be like oh my god where does this start and where   does this end it was so massive how much stuff we  had out there yeah i was copying there was about   three four other guys who did the same thing i was  copying that concept basically and they taught me   too so but then you know we're obviously competing  but one of the things where you have in the early   days remember those t-mobile sidekick phones  where the keyboard came up and stuff like this   people used to come and bite like one time we  bought this really rare dvd collection everything   was like weird b rated sci-fi and horror and  i had guys literally there from six o'clock in   the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon  just making huge piles and they looked at because   they didn't want to take a risk you know a lot  of these young guys never want to take a risk   so they looked up every single thing if it was  profitable they kept it in a stack and people were   buying hundreds the funny part net is like okay  well i'm taking 200 what kind of deal can you make   me i'm like no deal at all because you looked up  every one of them i know anyone that you put aside   and i'm charging you three bucks for you're going  to sell for a minimum for 10 bucks he's like well   that doesn't matter i'm like okay well then like  i said i always said they're three bucks a piece   i never said a discount them they're three bucks  a piece buy more dollars like i've been here all   day i'm like yes the price has been all day for  three bucks so buy them or don't buy them and   of course they all bought them because there was  dvds in there for 40 50 bucks so i'm like ah man i   wish i would be more advanced at the time and do  it then the scanners came out so all these guys   started coming if you guys been in the business  for a while the socket scans we had them too and   they would just come scan scan scan scan yeah this  story was probably like what 12 to 14 years old   probably 14 years old today i was really young so  we're just building the company this is pre before   our store and a lot of these guys were really  cocky and rude they thought you know they would   be in their flip-flops in the backpack and they  would they would try to treat us like we're like   like we were dirty like we're swapping it's  coming a lot of other swap meetings said that too   and but we're the ones that move tens  of thousands of merchandise every week   but still they were cocky they were just  young they don't know how to treat people so   that's why i tell you guys all the time when you  do business the most important thing it doesn't   matter if it's a one dollar deal or ten thousand  dollar deal or if you do it or not treat everybody   with respect because it can really really bite  your ass and this particular scenario so this guy   comes already doesn't like him that much because  he's always complaining always arguing but he's   you know i know he's making a lot of money stuff  but it's fine i'm flipping i'm still making money   so we just bought the storage unit it used to  be some kind of indian philosophical store like   meditation and all that stuff and there was  just like boxes and boxes of brand new books   and i had them out on the table and uh and  whenever you see books that are like meditation   or anything really specific like that those are  usually like home runs to saw online oh you know   actually that that was the second time he came  so he was here the week before and he built up a   bunch of books and um he wanted to buy the books  and he asked me hey how much you want for these   books there was some kind of d d books and stuff  like this or like also special subject books and   i'm like well how much do they scan for he's like  that doesn't matter oh he's like i'll pay a buck a   book like everywhere else i'll pay a buck a book  i'm like okay well i don't want to sell them for   buck a book and i'm like what do they scan for and  then so then i just tried to look at one behind   i'm like well this comes out at 27 on amazon so  i'll take 10 bucks you still two and a half times   your money but for those guys that wasn't good  enough they want to spend a buck and sell for   27 you know but i'm taking all the risk and they  wouldn't just say hey how about everything they   just want to pick just to win us he's like i pay a  buck a book if you want to know what it stands for   educate yourself all right he said that to the  wrong person yeah because i guarantee you they   came home figured out what where to order the  scandal we knew what it was i ordered a stupid   scanner with 1300 at the time uh we ordered it  with the scanner at the time i think it was a   seller tool we had later went to needle scan and  i bought the whole socket scan of the socket cc   i still have it somewhere c7p scanner now your  iphone can do everything super fast too and just   bam bam next time he came and i really didn't like  this guy because he was really rude to everybody   he thought it was very there's another guy in flip  flop back but he always wasn't hurry never wanted   to talk to you it's just like like he felt like we  were here to supply him with merchandise you know   and i tell you guys all the time if you're  in a business and you make most of your money   selling to other dealers you probably won't be  successful in the long run right because it's   not enough merchandise and there's some deals that  are really reasonable so i had dealers before that   say hey renee i mean we had one guy that come to  our store he had a huge corporation he goes like   we'll scan it we'll put it all in we'll pay you  seventy percent of retail we'll take everything   like the scottish guy or irish guy it was really  nice so he was actually pretty good about it we   did a lot of business with him when we had the  store because at that point our business got so   big i wasn't worried about cds and stuff like this  and i got boxes somewhere where every cds 10 20   bucks at the time so but what happened with this  guy so next week he came and then we bought the   indian store and we had all these books brand new  stuff and i haven't even had a chance to look at   it my guys put him in a table in front of me and  of course he scans and he comes how much of these   books and he's really cocky i'm like one second  i pull out my scanner oh these are 20 bucks i'll   take 15 bucks each she's like i pay a dollar i'm  like that's okay hey emmanuel take all these books   put them in our amazon pile just to piss them  off we didn't have an amazon account at the time   you know and then um and i told like so they think  they all have us playing against each other but   all the storage buyers even though that we compete  we are still a community and we kind of a click so   this other guy steve which taught me a lot in  the business he would at the time get like um   black magic books which are usually really really  good books though it's a weirdest subject and i   mean when i say really good books every book is  10 15 20 bucks and he already told me so the guy   goes over there looks at the books and steve goes  like hey renee can i support that scanner now i'm   like yeah so i go over there i'm like all you  have to do scan it tells you the price and the   guy got so mad and i'm like wait we don't have to  write the lookup prices what do you think and he   just got an attitude and then you know he came  out a few more weeks but eventually i made sure   just because the guy was a dick i made sure that i  told everybody about the scanner like every within   two months everybody i was buying storage units  and it was on kobe swapping the time knew about   scanners they all bought scanners uh mark converse  which is another good friend that taught me a lot   about the business his sister lisa that kind of  almost for a long time became a full-time job   everybody was scanning and like i showed mark  two the way i convinced mark i bought a book so   american seashells oh no it was russian seashells  i think it was russian seashells that's what   it was oh how sweet no seashells like the ocean  seashells yeah it was a really big hardcover book he didn't believe in the scanner and i scanned  it i'm like hey just you know that scans out   at 50 bucks and it has a slow sales rank but it's  still scanned out of 50 bucks well usually amazon   anything i'm on books a million and it's good  and he's like well if it's 50 bucks give me five   bucks i'm like okay yeah no problem yeah here's  five bucks i gave him five bucks and then we   put it so when i got back to the house like the 50  listing was gone and the next listing was like 600   what yeah remember that so just for fun i put like  299.99 and like four weeks later it sold and i got   the thing i told mark and i showed him on my phone  and i prompted printers and read a book he saw me   for five bucks bam sold for 300 bucks he's like  oh damn you know and he's like you know what i'm   gonna buy a scanner so he went out about the same  scanner deal i had steve bought the same scanner   deal and you know who else he shared this story  with too dave hester you taught dave hester about   amazon yeah that's when dave hester still had a  store yeah i told him to scan everything and then   also my good friend that was the beginnings when  um storage wars first started yeah my good friend   rommel sakanda i showed him you know so we all  started like rommel even took it to whole another   level he made a deal with another company where  he buys like anything he buys to pay him 80 so he   doesn't have to sell on amazon so but that that  that's so this story is kind of going different   from what we wanted to do right now but that's  oh we're just giving you you know the behind the   scenes stories yeah so but that teaches you if you  treat people crappy be really careful they revolt   and then that guy couldn't buy nothing or swap  me anymore because we checked all toys books cds   like i had an employee or casey would come out  and i'm just making corner table i'm like hey   this stuff is not for cell until she scans  everything and we scan everything we used to   take every weekend like on a bad week and two to  three hundred dollars worth of cds dvds and books   on a good weekend if we find the right lock of  three four thousand dollars and we would ship   every day so all right how did we get kicked off  amazon okay here we go this is the whole point of   the video at the beginning yeah we were doing um  like a hundred thousand a year probably on amazon   sometimes 60 sometimes 100 we're doing really good  money with very little effort at the end we had   like a couple thousand items listed but then you  know a lot of slower moving items stuff that we're   waiting and we weren't refreshing listings anymore  because we were doing storage was full time   so they started doing those i don't  even remember what it is i think dsr   sellers defect rate for sdr something like that  and they said if your rate is over one percent   of unsatisfied you get your account suspended now  we've done hundreds of thousands of business on   amazon this guy um this kid buys a pc computer  game i still remember what it was silent service   2 and pc the reason i knew what that was casey  bought it for me for christmas but then i never   ended up playing it and i just listed on amazon  um a long time ago just because we're sitting   i'm like oh listen i think we listed it early  we bought that directly from best buy or i had   a second copy or something like that you know so  but it was brand new sealed we bought it ourselves   directly from best buy this was not from a storage  or anything this is something that we bought   this kid buys it he gets it he keeps it for like  a week then he sends a message hey this is a   counterfeit game it's fake i want my money back  we're like it's not counterfeit it's brian who's   here but you know like whatever go ahead return  the game we'll give you a full refund so of course   he got the refund right away from amazon never  returned the game so now we got a defect for that   like okay wow this guy just totally got the  game for free and i'm fine with that i don't   mind losing people will steal it happens every  now and then if it's bigger items you know   there's stuff that we can do right cost of  doing business yeah it was like a 20 or 30   game i'm not going to be worried about it you  know but what i was really upset about that   amazon dink down confident because we have  done nothing wrong this guy is full of crap   and wants a free game that's why the video game  category is a really tough category online you   deal with a lot of people especially that's  just trying to steal games from you was it an   expensive game like 30 bucks you're like 30 bucks  there what's up dang you can buy a sandwich with   that money and you can buy a lot of sandwiches  but still it's like it was just um it was just   a principle you know now ebay is a lot better  because everybody those guys get their account   strike they get awaited with two or three times  and then back then it was a lot easier for them   now then so the problem was because we really  weren't refilling we weren't adding nothing like   even with ebay right now we've been so busy  i just did the first listing since last year   november and we still sell every day but  nothing huge you know not crazy amounts   when we go full time we sometimes do 50 packages  a day now we might do two or three a day   so same thing with amazon but we're doing like  one or two packages a day and still shipping   everything fast we usually upgrade shipping we did  everything at somebody unhappy just send it back   we'll give you money back um if if it was a true  mistake where we felt we really made a mistake we   just let them keep the item but we don't really do  that anymore because people try to take advantage   um which is try not to make a mistake and um so  at the time we weren't really selling anything   so when you worry about that oh odr that's what  it was odr ratings so when you worry about that   one percent that that thing really hurts you  dennis at a girl and she was actually really   nice she didn't make a complaint she just sent  me an email she bought a japanese anime doll   and it was a rare one like a special issue one  made in japan as an american version of stuff   like this too she paid 75 bucks for it the common  version is like 40 50 bucks this was 75 bucks   she gets in the mail now also the pictures is  exactly what we sent her she gets in the mail   she's like i can't buy this for my boyfriend for  his birthday the printing looks a little bit less   and the hair color's a little bit off also is this  a counterfeit thing never never complain nothing   just an email message but she mentioned the word  counterfeit um i sent a message back definitely   not a counterfeit this is actually a japanese  version it's a special collector's version   that's it's not a mass-produced version you know  which actually makes it better right yeah and i   showed a bunch of links on ebay tools like hey you  can see them here that's why you actually paid the   extra 25 bucks because you got the rare version  you didn't get the version at every store gun you   know but if you're not happy with it if that's  what you don't worry about it send it back i'll   give you money back and you know i want you to be  happy and she's like no no it's cool i did some   more research i'm good but because she sent us  that email asking if it's a counterfeit not even   finally complained just asking to clarify because  she didn't know what she bought amazon think they   account for that because for potential conflict  which is so stupid so now we're not barely doing   any sales and our odr rate went to like one point  eight seven percent and one percent is the trouble   amazon shut down our account with like 2000  listings gone and just shut it down every time   you send them a message you just get an automated  reply there's it's somebody in pakistan or india   and you know i send them a whole letter explain  both scenarios what happened explain to them   i'm like also please look at our track record we  have thousands of feedbacks we've sold hundreds of   thousands of thousands of stuff we're not listed  in a private name we're listed as a corporation   our business i said hey this is our corporation  this is our store location i also used hey where   on storage was i mean we're not like selling  counterfeit stuff you know yeah that was the year   we filmed 48 um 48 weeks out of the year yeah in  a row it was really exhausting i was seeing yeah   so season four this is almost 10 years ago now  and um i send them a letter and no reply oh   like they addressed nothing is saying letter  oh you need to tell us your new business plan   so like okay so then i play the games i'm like  okay we try to verify their merchandise more and   show direct and stuff like this again automated  and everything's out of me said oh you tried three   times to spend it there's no phone number you can  call us nobody can talk to you're not gonna get   an email replying that's other than automated so  you're just part of an automation at this point   and then i'm like okay well i can make another  account and another name but do i really want to   do that i mean this is a company you're going to  spend a lot we spent hours and hours listing on   amazon inventory we still got a whole office where  the whole office everything is inventories in   amazon it's listed on amazon you good all the time  yeah okay we're almost done with this video thank   you so we still got an office where everything is  listed inventories with amazon stuff we have tens   of thousands of dollars in merchandise and i'm  like do i want to spend with a corporation that's   just gonna kick me off that's the scary part so  i meet people all the time oh we just do amazon   i'm like well you better be careful because if  they shut you down your whole business is shut   down you want to be diversified yeah always have  a backup plan or have several modes of um selling   your item the funny part on our cell account  lately we get stuff listings oh your listing is   listed but it's not updated it needs to be updated  it's going to get kicked off and i'm like dude you   guys suspended my account like eight years ago  are you getting emails like that right so funny   from amazon like this and then so then one time i  tried to email i'm like hey this is what happened   is that somebody can actually talk to you now  and still just an automated reply it doesn't   make sense i know what to do you know why you're  getting those emails is because jeff bezos said oh   my gosh we accidentally made that mistake it was  actually him just privately emailing you i don't   think so i don't think amazon can ebay for a while  for you all time sellers ebay kind of was like   that but when they were trying to become amazon  and they had a company out there called   and they were really pushing them and they  started doing all these ratings and kicking   off all kinds of sellers that work good so i  mean that's bad sellers you should get rid of   bad sellers it's funny though you go on amazon  there's people selling stuff from china it's   originally counterfeit and they have ten thousand  transaction they don't say anything so we have   everything payout taxes business licenses  everything and then it's just but you can't   talk to anybody a company is so big it's all  automated they don't care they kicked us off never   said anything i tried sending emails everywhere  and i got to the point i'm like you know what   i got the store i got ebay i got other outlets  and um we just never did it now amazon is still a   really good tool to use i think if you can but you  just really have to be prepared that they shut it   down any time and when you do this there's nothing  you can do and you don't even have to be wrong so   you if you get unlucky and you don't have enough  sales for this month because you haven't listed   enough and you happen to have three guys that  happen to buy something from you that scam you   you screw it that's it if the odr goes over the  thing so like if i ever were to open up another   amazon account i would not sell toys which they  don't let you sell toys anymore if you have brand   new sealed toils you got to list it in collectible  now you cannot sell it as brand new anymore   um even though it's brand new and the  collectible listings are really surprised so   toys unfortunately on most toy stores cannot sell  toys anymore um i would probably still sell cds   because that's popular that you don't really have  much scamming with cds and i would mainly just   sell books but even with books that i'd have more  people buy really high-end research books use them   for 60 days don't want to return them that happens  on art books but again most of the books if you   don't sell them they don't have that much value  but if i list them online i get 50 60 100 bucks   part of cost of doing business and when these  people abuse it they lose their accounts   but i would sell books i definitely would not  sell video games on amazon i definitely would   not sell baseball cards on amazon even though  there's um really good that's you get really   good money form but i have some friends that's  all they do is sell brand new pokemon cards   and baseball cards they tell me all the time  people will open up go through and resell them   send back and there's nothing you can do that's  terrible yeah so it's basically you you up to   you up to hoping that you don't get bought  by scammers that just try to take advantage   but you know for books and stuff it's still really  great probably what we're gonna do because we do   have thousands of books that are really good  books we're probably going to go on eight books   or um there's several other sites that are really  good and some stuff on ebay too but yeah that's   the story how we got kicked off amazon there's a  lot of you guys been asking in the comments what   are you going to tell us a section that's one  particular user that asks me every time i go   live so leave us some comments on this video like  and subscribe if you have any tips let us know how   you like amazon if you from amazon directly send  me an email if amazon ever sees this and sends an   email i'll share it with you guys but it's funny  because i really did like the amazon marketplace   for a long time but i think it's been like 10  years since we sold america but when it was   good it was good we used to sell a lot like this  i wouldn't list any toys on ebay anymore back then   boxes i remember one time we were in palump and we  still lived in vegas at the time and we would go   um do all the pawn shops and buy the box sets  and usually the deal we had with them they said   any box set back there was five bucks dvd box  sets and we went to the store and perramp and we   only go there once again he's like oh yeah  right we got like 800 box sets in the back   yeah it's like it's like okay can i go through  he's like yeah five bucks straight across i'm   like cool so we ended up buying like 500 bucks  that's 2500 bucks and tatiana was just born it   was a lot of money for us at the time and i  remember we drove home we got home at like   i don't know probably like six o'clock at night  or so because it's an hour drive i listed every   single box set on amazon we also bought the auto  repair machine for five thousand dollars so every   box is the cd cleaner cd cleaner cd repair but  the highest one so every box set that we sent out   the cds were in main condition um i listed all  that stuff on amazon until about three four   o'clock in the morning because back then that was  a lot of our money i wanted to start getting money   back in and this was like 15 years ago probably  15 16 years ago right so i listed everything   until 2 30 in the morning i was like falling apart  because i probably got up at six in the morning   and back then i used to get up earlier because you  know it was different life back then and um i went   to sleep the next morning when i woke up which was  probably i slept in that day so i probably slept   till 12 or so we had like four thousand dollars in  order so i got all 2500 back plus 1500 and i only   sold about 30 of the box sets and we shipped it so  then obviously we woke up and casey was up already   and we started shipping everything we started  repairing any cds that we thought needed repair   and we always used to sell them as like new or  very good depending on the cds and stuff like this   and yeah we spent the next few hours packaging  shipping everything and we always would upgrade   the shipping too so the customer had a better  experience like we're expected to send media mail   but we should first class or priority mail  back then automatically to give them a better   experience and yeah that was really good that  was great we made our money back plus profit   which making a thousand bucks back that was a nice  chunk of change right yeah it's a good way to wake   up in the morning yeah and then we sold every day  we sold more and more box sets so amazon you know   i'm not ranking them it was definitely good i just  wish they would have the customer service a little   bit more not customer service but they really care  about the customers but it doesn't seem like they   care about the sellers and i don't know if that is  because they sell so much themselves so they don't   care about third-party sellers as much as or if  um if they're just too big but and i haven't tried   in 10 years and there's guys that came along and  said hey you know give me three thousand dollars   we have these companies we get your account reopen  and i'm like you know what i don't want it like   that i don't want to do anything shady i don't  want to do anything i need to do i know i can   just start a new corporation put it in her name  or i don't know if this wasn't her through her my   name i got to check i think it was through my name  and just doing but i really don't want to   do that and i don't want to build up to 10 000  items or 50 000 items and then bam they shut you   down again you know so it's just not worth it and  honestly i don't need it now if if all of a sudden   ever get an email from them saying hey you know we  review account we've seen past there was mistakes   we want to open you up i would list again on  amazon so let's while you can because it is   good but do not like i see so many people that  built the whole empire the whole business just   on amazon that can really really really really  really really really really really backfire so   make sure you're diversified anyway story time  in a new studio hope you liked it love you guys

2021-11-08 20:08

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