Super Bowl 55: Sales And Business Lessons w/ John Kolencik - Ep. 18 - The Pete Primeau Show

Super Bowl 55: Sales And Business Lessons w/ John Kolencik - Ep. 18 - The Pete Primeau Show

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what are the sales and business lessons from super bowl 55 we'll be discussing that with john kalanczyk on episode 18 of the pete primo show this show is brought to you by my free facebook group pete primo sales and marketing find out more at this week's guest is john kalencik john welcome back hi pete how you doing thank you for having me back and why did we why did we wait so long yeah you know what one uh nose guard interviewing another nose guard about super bowl 55 it couldn't be more appropriate huh i tell you what yeah i think we're coming from it from the same angle as for sure yeah yeah yeah same perspective right exactly so listen um there were a lot of lessons for business and sales in super bowl 55 and you know when i was talking to you before the show i thought you did a very interesting pivot you kind of looked back at the year and notice some of the differences in how we um and football teams approach things differently now and that might have led to a very lopsided victory that very few people really predicted so i'm gonna let you just take off on that one brother no i i absolutely agree it's funny you know in the the time of covid you know one of the lessons we learned so you know we're going to talk a little bit about the about the game and and how it ties together but you know the first thing to take from this is what you know they learned how to do things in a different manner but on sundays they still had to show up and play they may had to do zoom meetings and this kind of stuff but on sundays it still were the basics the fundamentals that never went away okay that never went away and i think you know the one of the biggest messages to take from what we saw on sunday is that even though we're in this time of cobid and we have to do these zoom meetings and things are more technology driven the question we have to ask ourselves is what technology cannot replace and that's the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing that we do on a daily basis not about it so you know i've heard a lot of discussion about if tom brady is the greatest of all time quarterbacks and uh arguments on both sides we're not going to get into any of that but this is something that kind of hit me hard tom brady might just be the best leader ever in sports when i heard about the tweets that he sent uh first of all i guess we could talk about you know he did his research he did his intel he has always been uh highly regarded for his preparation for games throughout his entire career you know because for for those of you who don't know sports you know tom brady was not the number one quarterback in the draft when when when he came out of college not even close he was he was the 175th player or 100 something like that in the sixth round he was taken and uh yeah you talk about the preparation one of the you know one of my favorite brady stories and it's a story told by belichick by bill belichick his coach uh former coach of the cleveland browns and then of course now a icon in new england he said that brady makes him a better coach because he's got to do that much more preparation to stay ahead of the curve of tom brady because of how much preparation tom brady does and to echo that even further after you know after the game he was doing his pr he was doing his press conference one of the last things he said was now we're on the next year you know i've got to get start getting prepared and start figuring out what i did wrong and how to get better for next year and that's just how the the guy thinks and and you know the you know one of the one of the first lessons that i'll you know we'll talk about here is this the best team didn't necessarily win the super bowl and we were kind of talking about this in the pre-show run-up you know we're saying you know in in a game it doesn't matter if you're the the prettiest thing or if you and by the way speaking of pretty things okay i hate quarterbacks just like i know you hate quarterbacks pete my favorite position for a quarterback is on his back okay or he's on the ground with his face in the ground mud a little stuck right up here like this and he's got to pull it out saying well somebody blocked this guy already that's my you know that's how i like to see my quarterbacks okay but you know going you know going back to you know going back to you know what i was saying the best team probably didn't win the game but that doesn't matter but the team that did the best preparation probably won that game because they did the things that were necessary to do the film and then they executed correctly because you could do all the prep in the at the end of the day but you then you got to execute and and there's a lot of pieces that go into it you know it's one of the one of the things i always take from my time i played at kent state you played at baldwin wallace one of the things that i always take from you know my coaches was the first thing that we had to do and i know for some people this is gonna you know this is a jumping off point because we're gonna get into a little bit of weeds about football but there's a thing they call the six inch step when you're playing you know you can't overstep when you're taking that first step into an offensive lineman you take an overstep and the guy's gonna turn me and then do a thing called a pancake where you're down on your back and it's you know one of the things i like about the game of football you put your hands on another man and you force him to submit to your will i mean that's it's just and if not if he knocks you down then you've got to get up and find a way to do to him the next time well let's talk about the six inch step when the first drills we always did was this section step drill where we just we stood on a line and just took a a jab step a jab step a jab step just to get used to that that's how everything starts and we built off that and we did that same drill every day of practice from the first day in summer when we report in the first or second week of august all the way through november than when we're finishing up and it's no different in business it's about the fundamentals it's about the foundational aspects of selling and the first foundational aspect we talked about was the research part the preparation part finding out what you what you're going to do then what is your game what is your game plan what are you going to do going forward and you know the bigger point is is how are you going to do things do you have a a plan of action do you have a idea of what comes next and how are you going to do it so let's give you an example of a plan of action okay for a touch strategy okay so in a in a touch strategy you know the first thing you want to do is you want to research so if i'm going to contact you pete if i want you to become a customer i'm going to find out everything i can about you and you know what you know a lot of people say you're going to go on linkedin too and search his profile and the first thing i'm going to tell you is no why because that's going to come up and he's going to see john kalinski was searching me not knowing who i am or anything like that but then immediately he when he hears my name john kalinski was searching me and then i call him he's going to think i'm a salesperson so the first thing we do i'm going to find out everything i can about you without going on linkedin all right we'll talk about that and why we don't do that like that so there's a lot of other things that you can use to research somebody it's not just about going on social media that's a part of it that's you know when i say what technology cannot replace social media has its place but it's not the end-all be-all so now you give your research you find out about pete primo you find out that you know he played football in wallace and for those of you guys who don't know this pete was a beast you know one time pete was pressing not squatting bench pressing like 700 or 800 i mean he was monstrously strong so i'm going to find out all these things about him so i can have a conversation with him when i do decide to talk to him and now i've got to plan on i've got this research now how do i implement it what's my strategy what's the plays that i'm going to call all right so i come up with a touch strategy is it a phone you know is it an in person what am i going to do going forward all right and then what's the cadence that's going to happen going from that for me personally what i like to go with is first like the first piece to be a phone touch and then i'd like to get them on the phone and if not i leave a voicemail obviously then at that point then you start talking about doing linkedin and doing a little bit of research and then you start talking about doing a content touch something that has nothing to do with you i'm not going to say what a great sales trainer i am or how many businesses i've i grew to this amount i'm going to have something pertinent to pete primo that's going to get out to him and then i'm going to follow up with the phone call it's going to sound something like this it's not going to it's not going to be the typical thing saying hey i was just i was just calling i i swear when people say i was just i want to stab him with a fork my phone call is going to sound something more like this i sent out this piece about baldwin wallace i was wondering what kind of questions you had about the about the piece i sent off to you say oh no nothing i loved it john thank you so much well you know pete i thought that what was really interesting is how they talked about uh uh lee tressel uh jim trussell's dad and how they did this and this something that i can jump off and i can start to have a conversation with you about not just you know you're talking about sales right off the bat and then you always got to have your plan on what's your transition how do you transition off elite trestle to get into a sales a sales posture and that's got to be planned out people think oh i'm just going to shoot from the hip you know i'll figure that out once i get on the phone because you never know what he's going to say no you don't know but that's why you have a plan okay that's like saying well you know where are you going you know i don't know but i'm going to make good time you got to know where you're going because if you know where you're going then you can make those little sides and go off this way go off that way but you got to have that plan and the so the you know the the first two pieces is the the research and then what is that plan for that touch strategy how are we going to get out in front of that that person for the very first time awesome so what do you make of the text that brady was sending to his teammates did you read any any of that or hear about that no well there's there's two different aspects there's text that he was sending to his teammates and then texts that he sent you know after the game to tyrion matthew that happened uh you know about something that happened during the game what he was doing was it's it's it was i think brilliant it's the same thing that very pertinent and more importantly very the most impactful thing to do today he was sending him short bursts of information and motivation people have a very very very short attention span now they can't you know they're not going to sit there and you know you know read a a three-page long text or a a a long blog post or something like that they want something short sweet and to the point and brady understands that and he knows his guys and that's the same thing i'm telling you you've got to know your customers if you know your customers and you know what to get to them they get that short burst of exactly what they're looking for and it has a much bigger impact and that's the kind of thing that keeps going and it ties into what you were saying pete that he's probably the greatest sports leader you know who knows about quarterback blah blah blah but you it's hard to argue he's possibly the greatest sports leader of the 20th century in terms of what he's been able to do on a couple different teams you know in a career covering 20-some years although for us cleveland-browns fans we know otto graham has the exact same number of titles in half the number of years is tom brady [Laughter] so listen one of the things that i thought was interesting is that tom used statistics to back up statements that he made to his teammates specifically they're soft they give up too many yards russian we need to put our pads on and go after these guys this is a corporate telling his people we need to go after these people physically and if we do i think they'll fold well there's a great scene it's very powerful now you got to consider the source so there's a there's a great scene in the in the first avengers movie and that was filmed in downtown cleveland by the way uh the big avengers fight scene i know if you know that or not pete and i was actually down there with my boy on a saturday watching some of this stuff get filmed it was some of the coolest stuff ever for somebody who's a geek and if you guys can see behind me you can see the uh uh oh over this way i'm sorry uh nope over that way oopsie uh the plastic man and some of the other stuff i'm a huge comic book guy anyways so there's this one scene in the avengers where captain america jumps on a car and there are these like four or five cops around him he goes we need this street blocked off here we need a cordon over here we need you guys to do this here and the cop goes why am i going to listen to you and then all of a sudden three aliens jump on the car and he quickly takes him out bang bang bang bang bang bang and he turns back to the cop and the cop looks at his guys and he goes okay i need you to do this and you did exactly what captain america said my point is is you know tom comes from a position of authority because he's done it he's done it over and over and over again people won't listen to somebody who just sits there and barks and you know what that's like being in the locker room right you know somebody who's just a barker you know there's that they're that yip and duck yep yep yep but you see that big dog that's done it over and over and over a time and back down other dogs you're going to listen to that dog and that's what tom's done you just have that feeling with him if you're on the field that if he's got the ball in his hands in the last couple of minutes he's gonna find a way to win and you can't you know you can't put a a price tag on that now how does that translate to what you can do in the sales and marketing world well people respect doers they respect people who actually produce things and like you said he was sending things with statistics showing them specifics to motivate them not just saying you've got to get tougher here's where we're lacking here here's where we're lacking there and by backing it up with statistics it meant something to them and our customers are the same way they don't want to hear you know oh gosh we're so good because you know we're going to give you added value or we're going to you know whatever the the terminology is they want to see exactly what have you done for somebody else how have you improved that what kind of numbers you have that actually show that and and everything's different i mean you know it doesn't matter what your business is we all have these statistics that we use but you've got to incorporate that because the last thing people want to hear is you know i'm going to give you the best service you know that i do a lot of interviewing pete so you know one of the first things that i always ask people is i ask them what do you know how do you compare your competition the number one answer i get is i give the best customer service okay i hear that 95 percent of the time that means somewhere out there that they're that there there are 95 people that are lo or you know they're just lying because no nobody can give the best service all the time you you just can't because everybody doesn't give the best service what can you do demonstrably for that customer to show them what to do brady does it because i mean he's got a 20-year history you can show that and that's what you got to find out for you going to your customer what can you show them demonstrably that makes you different than the next person and uh you're talking about a situation again off off camera of what i'm dealing with with a customer and they're asking me this and when i was telling them i was like do you guys remember my last engagement with you how much did sales increase then uh a hundred and twelve percent how many new salesmen did we hire and how are they affecting the the overall uh course of the company uh they're the ones responsible for producing that hundred and hundred some percent and then on and on and i'm like so why are we even having this discussion why you know why are we talking about changing the way we did it before when the way we did it you actually work it's about coming in and having the numbers and doing that the other side of that is is if your numbers aren't good and if you and if you don't have that well then you've got to change and adapt to the situation and you know that's exactly what you had i mean everybody came into this this game and they thought it was going to be a shootout okay the the the two bets that that got blown out of the water was kansas city losing and the score not being over 56 points okay those are the two biggest loser bets but what they showed was you had to have a different style to beat this football team and sometimes that's what you've got to do you've got to have a different style like i said the best football team probably didn't win this game just like you know in the in the miracle on ice the best hockey team probably didn't win that game all right but the best hockey team for that day did in the best football team for that day and that's all you got to do at the end of the day is be the best one that day that's it hey guys uh for you listeners out there that are watching this on video and you have to jump this show is available as a podcast on your favorite plot podcast platforms you'll find links to my show on all the platforms by going to you name a platform i'm on it thanks to uh billy and simon at get super cereal and that i'll talk about that in a little bit later in the show so brady did something to that was it was a little bit different than what namath did when the jets beat the colts and it was you know he got in their face i mean he got in the opponent's face and he he's we're gonna beat you that's not what brady did but brady said to his teammates we're gonna win we're gonna win and i have six super bowl rings to prove it and exactly you know i believe in you know a big part of leadership is believing in your people right and having really good expectations for your people letting them know what those are and providing feedback and consistent feedback you know i'm sure that so for those of you who don't know because i didn't do a good job of introducing john john owns his own sales company he changes the trajectory of of small businesses and medium-sized businesses and even large businesses with his sales approaches but one of the things that john kind of got dragged into was the hiring process which i don't want to go too far in the weeds on this but it's interesting to me that you got dragged into that and it actually became a big part of your business at one point and my question to to you is this you know hiring people to me is the ultimate leadership and one of the things that tom did is he assembled some of his old teammates he he brought them he recruited them and brought them on and some of them were problem children right you only play with brady i mean so i want to talk about you know talent acquisition a little bit sure and leadership the word yeah the word you're searching for is culture okay that's the word you're searching for you're all he was created in his own culture culture exactly so you know tampa bay you know last year year without brady they weren't terrible they were nine and seven and the quarterback they had jameis winston he threw for over 5 000 yards he had wow 40 he had 40 tds but guess how many picks he had he had like 30 picks i mean it was he it was it was incredible point of the story is it wasn't like they had absolutely horrendous quarterback play but they had a different culture okay brady came in there and he changed it he changed the culture and that's really a large part of the hiring process what is the culture you bring in because if you don't have an established culture or more importantly a culture that wins in your organization you can bring in zig ziglar and he isn't going to sell crap it's just not going to happen and the i always i call it the dig triangle that i always try and establish in a company the dig triangle are the three pieces that i'm always looking for in a sales or marketing person dig stands for drive intelligent and guts all right first thing the drive if they don't if they're not motivated to get off the couch i don't care how smart they are i don't care how brave they are it doesn't matter if they don't have the drive now if they got the drive then they've got to be smart because if they've got the drive i don't want them driving off a cliff i don't want them driving in the wrong direction i need them smart whereas an old friend once told me and you know stupidity is a tough workaround and then finally if they've got the drive and they're intelligent then they got to have guts because you get to that point because you're smart you're driving hard and you're smart you get at a point you're like should i do this shouldn't i do that sometimes you got to have guts i took my uh uh last weekend you know we though we can usually do the father-daughter dance and uh we just first of all they're not doing them this year but we decided last year we weren't going to do the dance anymore because p you know what this is like you go to the father-daughter dance you're there for three minutes and then the daughter disappears and you're talking sports and politics with everybody else for the rest of the time so what i did instead is i took my daughter out we had a date night all right first thing we did is we went to this place called on the rocks all right and it's a rock climbing place and if you go to my facebook page you'll see here she took a video of me going up the going up the the rock was so talking about guys you know i'm a i'm a six foot 220 pound you know middle-aged man crawling up there with a bunch of other little bendy you know rubber people that are that are climbing up these rocks that takes guts to do that you know and then even bigger guts you have this fall protection thing once you get to the top you're supposed to just push away from the wall and trust that this thing is going to let you down easy and it's the same thing though when you're when you're hiring and then when you're looking for guts you gotta you've got there's times that you've got to just push yourself off the wall and just say you know what it's gonna work okay and if you do if you can't do that you know i i you know you might be successful to sometimes to some level but you're never going to be the successful you know if you want to talk about one of you know brady's defining traits it's guts you know he's got guts out the wazoo taking the chance and doing the thing that's necessary and it you know it's not an easy thing to do but you got to have the other two things too in hiring you got to have drive you got to have intelligence if you're just all guts then you're throwing the ball and you got you know you're throwing for 30 picks okay you got to have the intelligence and that's what happened this year brady threw for i think around 3 500 yards he had about 40 touchdowns but only 15 or so interceptions a huge difference in the two years and that's what we're talking about drive intelligence and guts and that's the culture that you want to build so he went out and started finding those people there's a great commercial a t-mobile commercial with brady and gronk and and uh gronk's down on the golf course and uh he's talking to brady what are you gonna do i don't know blah blah and so first they show the conversation as it actually ha or as it as it happened if it was perfectly clear but then they showed it how it happened because there was a lot of breakup and static because they did they both didn't have t-mobile at the time and it's funny because you know when you watch the commercial on youtube it's absolutely hilarious because you know it you know what comes out is it sounds like gronk was was uh not threatening as much as he was he was provoking saying oh you got to come down here you're soft you know you've got to get another bubble and that's what it sounds like instead of that but it but the you know the point of the story is is you know he you know he went out and recruited guys like gronk who was retired for a year he went gets antonio brown people want to be around somebody that they can trust as a leader and you'll you'll notice is the number the number one reason in businesses why sales people leave the number one reason because they don't trust their manager they'll stay if they trust their manager you know if they trust their manager if they know their manager will take care of they don't trust their manager they will find a way to bolt because the first the first chance that there's an issue the first chance that there's something that's going to affect their paycheck they know that they're going to get screwed over so they got to trust their they got to trust their leader and and the people trust tom because of the culture that he said he brought his he brought his new england culture that he created and it brought it down with him you know i've said it often i've said it a thousand times and i'm not the first person that said it but i constantly find myself saying after a business owner has sat there complaining about his or her staff for a half an hour i just look at them and i say but you hired them you trained them you tolerated them and now somehow you're acting like you have nothing to do with it you have everything to do with it this this is you you we at the end of the day you know i get a lot of compliments on nick marcos my my right hand guy my my my partner in this business you attract what you are period at the end of the day over time you show me a company where the salespeople are constantly leaving and i'll show you a sales manager who can't be trusted it's that simple and if you're the owner and you're the sales manager you better look in the damn mirror and get get have an understanding that you know you thought it was really cute that you saved 150 grand in a vp of sales salary guess what it's cost you millions of dollars in sales you should have hired somebody if if you're not capable of doing it you should have hired somebody who had the uh the judgment and the hutzpah and the polish to properly execute that position in your company and it takes a lot of maturity to be able to understand you know what it's not my you know i i like muddling around in this other area and i don't really like dealing with people and and understand that but you know i mean i worked for a company where the the president of company kept saying he hated sales people and i so later i said you know i i'm i'm i'm making more money for this guy than his number five his number four three and two combined and he's openly telling everybody he hates salespeople i'm like dude seriously you gotta be kidding those kind of people it absolutely blows my mind that they actually exist uh i mean when i hear somebody you know talk about how clever they were because they changed the compensation plan and sales people's commission could be capped oh gosh look at this and this is how much money we're gonna actually save you don't save money by by capping commission you lose money okay and that's just one thing with your best customers that's exactly right so the two there's there's go ahead pete i'm sorry no no yeah there's two aphorisms there's two aphorisms that i live by when it comes to when it comes to this first it's by uh coach lou holtz uh if anybody knows coach lujo's coach said notre dame won a national champion there uh he's actually a graduate of kent state okay and i don't know if anybody knows that and he's also you know you see him all the time on the on the network shows giving his advice and input well coach has a a bit of a let's put this way a expect reading problem he talks he he spits a little bit but he's got this great saying that's possibly the worst thing for a guy like himself and it goes like this says practice doesn't make perfect practice makes permanent perfect practice makes permanent now i love coach but i won't stand anywhere near him when he when he spouts that one off okay because it's good dodging it's like the matrix you're neo dodging everything but you know the first thing is is if you don't have somebody who can practice perfect with your folks that can show them how to do these things over and over again you're right find that person and then the other side of that is is then once you've got that person the next line that i you know that i absolutely adore in this situation is you get what you tolerate what you're willing to put up with you will put up with and have to live with it's as simple as that it could be a bad salesperson or a bad spouse but you toddler you you know what you tolerate you get to live with so you've got to have both of those pieces you've got to have that person who can practice what they preach but do it perfectly because the more you do it you know you know the example coach always use when he's talking about practice doesn't make perfect mixed permanent he talks about swinging the golf club because you can swing the golf club 300 times the wrong way and all you did is you know practice the wrong way to swing the golf club 300 times you've got to learn the right way of doing it if you've got somebody that can show them the right way of doing it and doing it over and over and over again and like we started when we started off this whole thing i said about the six inch step the jab step just doing that that foundational principle that they could do that great and the next side of it is is once you've you know got that person who can teach them once you got that person who could show them the right way of doing things then you've got to recognize you've got to hold people to account okay kevin stevansky recent coach of the year in the nfl of our cleveland browns p uh he said you know they established the culture in cleveland that they want smart tough accountable players smart tough accountable and that's what it you know the last piece is you got to be accountable okay if you practice and you do know all the things right then you got to hold them to account that they do it on sundays correctly or in your case you know in businesses case are they doing in front of customers and the only way you can know that is are you on the floor with them when they're in front of customers or are you going out to customers offices and are you as their manager going out to the customer's office to make make sure that they're doing the right stuff i don't give a wits lick for a sales manager that doesn't go on ride-alongs if they're not spending 50 to 60 percent of their time with with their sales people and going out and seeing them with customers that's not a sales manager that's a paper pusher okay that's the same guy's gonna come back with that great idea about cutting commission you know and the reason why he's probably coming with this idea to cut commission is to save his job so you know practice doesn't make perfect it makes permanent and then you get what you tolerate all right and you've got to put those two things together within the culture of drive intelligence and guts and that's what i think you know i don't know because i'm not inside his head and i'm not down there in tampa bay you know sorry to say and you know 75 beautiful temperature down there but i've got to believe that's the kind of culture he's created you know he's got these smart tough accountable guys that have drive there's they're intelligent they've got guts and they're practicing perfect and because it's tom brady he will not tolerate imperfection he will not tolerate bad play which ties into what you're saying with the tuition was sending out yeah yeah yeah um i'm gonna just take a second because i have to pay the bills i'm gonna read a chapter really quick it takes two minutes from sell a million and i want your take on this so it's for those of you who have the book at home you want to read along it's on page 63 chapter 41 you want me to what having marketing that works and creating a flood of new prospects in your business is worth nothing if you cannot convert them into sales if you rely on any type of face-to-face interaction and you have others working for you in this capacity it is imperative that you choreograph your sales process you were talking about that earlier john everything from the greeting someone receives when they enter your place of business to answering questions to taking the order to delivering the product or service should be scripted out and specific language should be used to help the customer in the best way this does not have to be overly complex or salesy but as a store owner it is your responsibility to make sure your prospects and customers are getting the best you can deliver getting the best you can deliver i did that on purpose guys sometimes i can be a little harsh simply leaving it up to your employees to say the right thing is not the way successful stores are built let your salespeople participate in the scriptin let them have ownership in this process your script should evolve over time weekly sales meetings where success stories are shared should guide this process spend some time looking at your processes and look and write down how and what should be said at various points create an employee manual or sales guide and make sure everyone who comes into contact with a prospect or a customer knows what their responsibilities are quarterly meetings with your sales team should provide an opportunity to modify the script in a structured way the sixty four thousand dollar question should be asked is there a better way to ask this or do this that will get a better result sell scripts that sales people have ownership in can produce outstanding results and ladies and gentlemen let me tell you this if you think that you didn't see sales scripts in super bowl 55 think again think again because you did you saw so much scripted out and you saw a few other things because a lot of times the other team doesn't know their part your prospects don't know their part and that's why scripts become so important because they give you a framework when things go sideways so anyway buy the book sell a million go to amazon or there's a button on

thanks to simon and billy they put that there just go to push the button and get yourself sell a million but what do you say john what do you say first of all i say first i say it sounds like you get some good added value from uh simon and billy so but what i say about what you said was exactly right i mean that's what we're talking about right perfect practice so let's let's let's back all the way up so you talk about scripts right the first thing to remember about sales is selling is a perishable skill if you do not practice it it goes away if you if you don't practice it perfectly it goes away all right so let's you know let's set that aside now uh you know let's tie that together with football one of the big practices that a lot of coaches do is they script the first 20 to 25 plays meaning the first 20 to 25 offensive plays they're gonna run they run regardless of the situation the reason why they do that is they want to see how the team's going to react the other team the opposition is going to react to this play this formation this this this and then to your point then they come up with their their counter off of that okay if i'm going to run the play like this and then they're going to rotate like that then i do this and that's why you use a script okay and it's like you said it's you start with we talked a little bit about this earlier you start with knowing where you want to go that way if things do go right or things do go left you know where to go back to nobody's saying we want pre-programmed robots but if you think that somebody's just going to come in and actually know how to do things and without having a directional guide you're wrong and if you hire somebody who says well i don't like to go with scripts i just like to i just like to shoot from the shoot from the hip i just like to you know kind of see what hap run run from that person or shoot him out of your store get you know because that person is not going to do a wit a preparation and he's going to kill you because he's going to say something to the wrong person the wrong way at the wrong time that's going to cost you a million he's not going to sell a million he's going to cost you a million i promise you yep yep for sure so one of the things that has impressed me over the years i've heard stories especially his teammates and his coaches talk about brady going outside the normal parameters so you know in in professional sports they have a schedule and they have you know training regiments and and team practices team lifting team stretching uh you know um what am i trying to say film sessions that they have to attend they're mandatory but tom brady is really highly regarded by his ex coaches and his ex-players as being somebody who was willing to put in extra hours above and beyond what anybody else was doing and i think part of the reason he was always been like this i think that you know anybody who's good enough and skilled enough to play football at that level and gets drafted lower than he thinks he should is always trying to prove something i would hope but it seems that's who brady is at at his core i i think i i think you're right i think he plays with a chip you know and he constantly does but it's it's fascinating because it's it's a very it's a very diametric thing he plays with the chip but he still plays with it himself so let me give you another brady belichick story um brady was talking about a film session he had with belichick and everybody knows that tom brady is not the most mobile of quarterbacks okay he doesn't got he doesn't got the wheels of a patrick mahomes he's got the wheels of a baker mayfield for goodness sakes well there's this clip where he's rolling to the right and julian edelman who happened to go to kent state university thank you very much is running wide open across the field okay so brady is running to it to his right edelman's open and he's wide open across the field to his left and it's about a 65-70 yard throw with brady on the run and belichick says to him watching the film says he goes tom you've got to make that throw he's wide open and brady said to him coach i couldn't make that throw if i was standing still because i don't have that kind of arm strength and belichick goes but it's the safest throw and he goes no it's not the safest throw if i don't have the arm strength because it'll come up and it'll be a picks it'll be it'll be a pick it'll be an interception so you've got to you've got to play with the chip on your shoulder but that's not a license to steal you know i mean you got to play with the chip with on your shoulder but then you still got to know what your limitations are and but the mistake that people make they think all i do is play with a chip on my shoulder be angry all the time and that's where you get those idiots who say stupid stuff and get kicked out of games for you know for personal fouls and and they're they're morons you gotta play with a control and a discipline and play within yourself to realize that you can only do certain things okay and the pr is the person who tries to do too much that winds up making the bad play and winds up losing the game for everybody and in business it's the same way you know you've got to know is my best quality you know researching the customer being so prepared that i come in that i wound like that or is my best quality the fact that i know how to take and synthesize that information once i'm in front of a customer or is my best quality or is my you've got to know what works for you if you do not know what works for you you can't play with a chip on the shoulder it's like you know it it's like you know you know you're giving the wrong person a a hatchet you know i mean you don't know what they're gonna chop up you expect them to chop up wood but who knows what they're gonna do you've gotta sit there and know who you are and what your strengths and weaknesses are and that's one of the great things about him and then within that the thing that people forget is within what you know that chip on your shoulder and what your you know what your limitations are there's a lot of room to play there's a lot of room to get better it's the same thing in sales and business just because you know you you know you want to make a million just because you want to you know be the best salesman however we want to phrase it and you have certain limitations what you can do it might be you know you know skill set might be this might be that but when inside of here all you can do is be the best person you can be inside of there and i promise you if you fix your skill set inside of you know that that chip on your shoulder wanting to be the best to knowing what your limitations are and you improve everything else that's going to get you a lot farther than taking ridiculous choices or like i say you know you know having the guts but not the intelligence okay you know we got the guts without the intelligence it doesn't really matter and that's you know that's what we're talking about that's what you know i think is the inherent genius to brady along the lines he you know he's got the guts and the intelligence and to you know to take you up on your point about how he does the the preparation so they have these things called otas okay which is uh uh the team activities okay that they can do throughout the year well what they learned this year is those team activities didn't matter as much as how the individuals took care of themselves okay and you were talking about how he invests a lot of his own money in taking care of himself and eating the right foods and doing the right exercises and all those things to prepare and you're going to see the nflpa the net uh the the football league player association they're going to say listen do we really need all these practices in march you mean when we still had a good pretty good product on the field and you're going to have more people investing in taking care of themselves and having personal trainers and doing that and it's the same thing in business just because you know if you're an individual sales person just because your your sales manager might suck you're silly if you don't take advantage of finding a coaching or mentoring guru online that you can listen to that you can take and spend some time with finding some information and learning and developing yourself and saying well you know my manager doesn't give me that so maybe i don't need that skill that's stupid and the same thing if you're a business owner you know well you know you think i've put all this time in i've developed this business i've you know i've borrowed money from my relatives and i was able to pay him back i don't need to listen to anybody else i can figure this out sometimes you can't sometimes you need somebody from the outside to look at things from a different perspective to say this is how things are and you know the biggest mistake you can make in business whether you're as a business owner or a salesperson is to think you have all the answers all the time i always tell my wife the best thing that she brings to my life is she tells me no and i'm wrong and and and i and she write you know i do a lot of my own copy and writing things and she used to be an editor and if i told you the number of fights we get into because of how she wants to edit something but at the end of the day because i'm listening to her and i'm i'm listening to what she's saying and i'm absorbing it and then i sit down and i look i go oh my gosh yeah that doesn't sound that doesn't sound yeah yeah i got a chance you need that that somebody can help you with that somebody can coach and mentor you through those things and i think a lot of people think they can just power their way through and like i said doesn't matter if you're this this business owner who you know who's done all this stuff to go to the next step anytime you need that coach and i don't care if you're that salesperson just because your manager doesn't give you the training doesn't mean you don't need it you should want to get better you should have that drive to get better because how else are you gonna how else are you gonna sell a million john i love when you get riled up man listen i want to talk i want to pick up on that and uh but i want to talk just for a minute to anybody out there that's thinking about doing a show like this so let me just take a moment to talk about get super cereal my production team and sponsors of this show get super cereal makes it easy for me to do the show years ago i started my podcast and i did everything it was a lot of work the easiest part is showing up and doing the interview the hard stuff for me was everything else i had billy and simon at get super cereal to take care of everything for me so basically all i do is i show up for the interview i do they do everything that either i can't do or i don't want to do so i re i record my interview they handle the tech the market and the publishing my show turns up on facebook youtube linkedin um me wee uh telegram wherever wherever this thing is going to lead us john into new social media these guys will be on the cutting edge of that and they'll put my show there so if you want to start your own show it's never been easier than with the guys at get super cereal talk to them about how they can help you start your own show book a free call at that's get super cereal c e r e a l simon and billy they do a great job and you can see their work right now so years ago john um when i was playing football i realized when i got to college i was in trouble because i was a strong quick aggressive defensive tackle and nose guard in high school and i just wanted to win i really had no technique at all and you talking about the six inch step well i used to lead with a forearm shiver which is you know this technique well the technique they wanted was hands out under the pads control the offensive linemen get rid of them i didn't know how to do that so in my dorm so in the hallway of the dormitory where i lived i would get in my four-point stance and i would take that first you know little step and put my hands on the wall and i didn't do it ten times a day i didn't do it a hundred times a day i did it thousands of times a day and people thought i was crazy they thought i was crazy until i was a sophomore starting on varsity they thought i was crazy until i was an all-amer first-team all-american in division uh two and three and i was only playing for a division three school and i was still doing it as a senior after i was the most valuable player in the conference uh twice the only player to ever do that and the uh and a two-time first-team all-american for division two and three they thought i was crazy because you don't need to do that well i understand why why tom brady does the things he does i i understand why he has a nutrition coach i understand why his strength and condition and coach this dude understands that this is what it took to get me there and this is what it's going to take to keep me here and i remember the first time i heard a sales coach talk about this sales as a perishable skill thing i thought he was nuts it was paul castain and uh he's he's a great great sales coach for b2b sales and you know he talks about you know when you've had a good block of business for a long time your prospect and skills they will start to wane so he used to make me do stuff with him that i didn't really like and guess what management changed at one of my companies i i was making a lot of money i was making three times more money than a really good rep a really good rep and i quit i ended up quitting i gave it a year and after this which was a family-owned company they got bought by private equity and it just went to hell in a handbasket fast and you know these guys were doing everything wrong that you could imagine they were sitting there cheating on specs and they and they didn't they didn't even hide it they didn't even hide it and then they sat there and denied it to my face which that's why i ended up quitting anyway it doesn't matter but i here i was i was starting all over again and so i had to sharpen up those perishable skills so let me ask you this john what are you up to new that can help salespeople um get coached up and and and improve their skills well i'm always you've known me forever i'm a big believer in simulations i'm a big believer in practicing i'm a big believer in doing whatever it takes to get better at my profession i do it and that's the same thing i bring to my folks with my sense of whimsy and my passion too but you know it's funny you know this year really you know just like it made everybody else rethink their business it made me rethink how i was doing some things too and i started to realize that there are times that people need help at that time meaning they're out on the road and that's when they need the help most meaning they're about to walk into a building and talk to somebody and maybe that's when they need that little bit of advice or maybe it's when they come out of that situation and they're going to go to another customer maybe the the first one didn't go so well and they don't want to make the same mistake twice and that's when they need it so i fashioned a new piece of a new piece of my company and it's called selling boom and the idea is to give you access to sales coaching in those times of need anybody can sit there and schedule like a psychologist you know i have you between three o'clock and four o'clock i have pete primo at 4 15 and 5 50. anybody can do that but what about when you go into that meeting at one o'clock okay and before you go in that meeting you want to practice for 15 minutes or you you know what maybe the that potential objection is going to be and you want somebody to bounce it off and you want some help outside the box okay sometimes you know you know it's it's funny i love using that phrase outside the box you know or rephrase that i hated using the phrase outside the box until i realized that the reason why you gotta look outside the box is because we don't know what's in the box okay and that's what happens a lot of times in sales we don't know what's going to be in the box that's what we got to look outside my point being is you know you've got those 15 minutes you know who can you pick up the phone or who can you can you text you an idea and to find out what i should do in this situation you say oh gosh you should be doing your sales major okay well guess what sometimes people want that like i said that that that other view something coming from another direction to get that idea or what if it's you know you finished that one o'clock meeting it didn't go the greatest and you got another meeting at three o'clock this one finished at 2 15 and you want to sharpen up before you go to that you want to have that type of response that you can have and as we know sales managers may not always be available but that's what i'm i'm doing with selling boom is i'm incorporating a on time real time aspect for sales training that if you need that that right now responsiveness pick up the phone give me a call and let's go through that for that 15 minutes and get you practiced up and i'll be launching an app here in the in the in the coming months that's going to do the exact same thing and so i'm going to have a little bit of both things i'm going to have it on the app i'm going to do the live there's going to be a couple different things going on but it's i'm doing it in these what you know what's called the micro modules okay or micro learning is a big phrase the idea is in these short intense bursts okay you know i'm a pretty intense guy and you know most people can only take me for short intense bursts so you know it'll be these short intense bursts that we're going to be doing these things but that's the stuff that sticks with you right so you get that thing we're going to you know we're going to give you that idea practice practice practice and then going to send you off into your appointment and then you you know when you hear that word well i gotta think it over oh that's interesting people what is exactly you gotta think over and the guy goes oh that's a good point i don't know and it's funny i you know off camera today you know when you sit when you ask me uh you know when i was on the phone and you said did you close it and i said i moved it closer i got that exact that was it john i got to think it over and i said what do we got to think over because that's a good question john i don't know what i have to think over ago then what are we talking about here you have hit you know let's let's take care of business let's get started today it's just one of those things that i do it because i've done it you know literally millions of times but you know you've got to get to that point where it is like that which just wrote and some people aren't there yet and so i give them that chance to do that perfect practice before an appointment after appointment or even on the research side of it i had a long session with somebody just the other night where it was a matter of fact it was saturday night it was between three o'clock and four o'clock before i went on her daddy-daughter date and i was helping him with the research he goes john i just always use the linkedin i go i know but you gotta you gotta hold on to that linkedin until after you touched them one time because if they see that you've reached out and and touched them now you might say oh gosh that's why you could do the linkedin plus the professional so they only see that it was you know somebody in this industry yeah but they still know they're getting hit and they get a phone call from you and then they can put put it together you've got to come up with different ways to find out information about people that's what we did we spent a half an hour or 45 minutes of talking and then another half an hour or so actually going out and finding on the internet and it was designed just for that person so you know i'm finding these micro learning modules that are designed specifically for pete primo or joe smith or mary jones are much more effective than all the time having a you know here's my class on closing you know i mean that you know that response is about 35 percent here and 45 into that you know people want to they want it suited and custom fit for them who wants to wear a suit that's not tailored to your body okay you know you want to wear the suit that fits right hangs right drapes across that kind of stuff you don't want to wear that suit that's oversized and baggy and the pants you gotta die so we custom fit every training for that situation it's called selling boom that's awesome i want to go into that a little bit but i want to do a commercial for me are you looking to improve your sales and marketing in your business whether you're a sales professional or a business owner get a weekly coaching session and pep talk from me a sales professional with 39 years experience i started on the floor as a retail salesperson i've been a vp of sales twice i own my own business and i help dealers every day sell more and make more money and sales people every day so if you have a sales sticking point turbocharge your ability to find out what the customer really needs close more sales raise your ticket values i'm here to help you get better at what you do sign up at pete primo's weekly playbook go to playbook that's playbook do it now so john this is what i have to say anybody out there who's in sales that was good john anybody out there that's in sales or owns a business and if you're not a hundred percent happy with the way your business and or your career is going right this moment put the pride to the side and reach out to john and i can guarantee you this i've known him a long time he can do great things for your business i want you to do it now and john you'll talk to somebody for a half an hour for free even if it's not a fit and they'll get some free advice right i mean exactly well i mean that's the whole idea i mean i don't know if i'm going to work with every organization i don't know if i'm going to work with every person we've got to find out if there's a fit and when you're having that conversation many times you're going to hear things that you're like gosh i should have used this like what you just said pete i'm going to use that put the pride aside i'm going to start using that line i love that uh so whatever i'm saying put the pride aside but my point being is you know we'll talk on the phone or ask some questions the worst thing that's going to happen is i'm going to ask you some questions that's going to make you think it's going to make you think about what you're doing how you're doing it and what you need to go forward if we're a fit fantastic we're not a fit i still if i'm not a fit for you maybe there's somebody else out there that is my you know my overall sole purpose is i just want to raise the level of sales because i i i'm absolutely apple epileptic epileptic about how people are saying what we can do without sales people we're gonna start doing stuff you know electronically blah blah no you can't no you can't mr company so let's raise the bar of all sales people and if it's not me that can help you maybe there's somebody else but i'll at least ask you those questions to get your mind thinking and turning and the worst case is you're going to hear something and or think about something in a different way than you ever had before and you might wind up getting an idea from me you know from a spitballing when we're on the phone and you know maybe doing the old coach holt so i'm actually spitballing as we're on on the phone there i love coach i i i've met him many times he's a great man so please coach holds if you see this when you when you check out youtube there's no disrespect i love you so listen everybody out there that's listening i don't care if you're the greatest tom brady might be one well he for sure is in the conversation for the greatest quarterbacks how you come down on that and what statistics you use and all that put that aside probably one of the greatest athletes to ever lead a team to victory probably that in all of sport but even if he's not here's a guy drafted in the what sixth round sixth round hundred and seventy seven like that seven super bowl victories now with two different teams with two different teams with two different teams now but it took him 20 years it took him 20 years autogram did it in 10.

okay all right if he needs specialized coaches so do you i mean there is nobody listening to this i don't care who you are and i'm going to tell you this especially when you're the business owner do you let me tell you a little secret to all you business owners everybody's scared of you and no one's telling you the freaking truth that's your truth no one will tell you the effing truth get that through your thick head you're not perfect you're not god's gift to anything you need a coach you need somebody to tell you exactly where you could be falling down and a good coach could do that so that's my plug john what you get the last word buddy i think i'm ready to sign out i think i've gotten on my soapbox probably one too many times no you know it&

2021-02-17 21:45

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