Streamline your business processes with Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Power | BRK1077

Streamline your business processes with Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Power | BRK1077

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Okay. Good, afternoon everyone can everyone hear me, okay. Terrific, there we go I'll try, not to talk directly to my shirt but first. Of all thank you everyone for coming, I know Thursday, afternoon everyone's. Had a long week but I really appreciate you checking out the session I think we're gonna have some really great content to share with you some. Live demos and of course a really really. Great customer, coming up and talking about what they're doing here so my name is Peter derecho I'm a, Senior, Product Marketing Manager for the Microsoft. Team product and I. Focus primarily. On the integration with teams and Power Platform so. Today, I wanted to talk about three. Things with you first, I'll. Share a little bit about the value, proposition and, the impact, that we, really see, an experience, by integrating, Microsoft teams and Power Platform, I'll. Share just a couple slides with you and then, we'll get in some really impactful. And cool stories, from, the Telstra team about you know the business challenges that they're solving with this integration, of teams and power platform, and actually, some demos of real tools that they are using today and. Then lastly we'll share a little bit about that coming the, new and coming product features a lot, of these are based on feedback that we've received from largely. This group and others and. Then of course save, a bit of time at the end for for, questions and actions there are questions, and answers so. Hopefully, that works for everyone I promise, we'll be light, on slide where but, let's, just go ahead and jump ahead, so. I don't need to tell this group that there is a the. Modern workplace is under pressure you're. Asked to do more you. Have to spend more. Time doing routine tasks, and all this time there is this battle, for your the your, attention in focus. Now. This leaves you with really two options one you can just put, your head down and keep working in charge ahead or, you. Can take the action. To really streamline, your business processes, and workflows. And. I'd personally advocate. For the latter but. That's your choice I suppose and hopefully. By virtue of you joining this session you're, at least considering, Microsoft, teams and Power Platform as part, of that solution. So. When you take Microsoft, power platform of, power bi power. And power automate, you're, able to gather really. Rich data, visualizations, to draw insights from you're. Able to build custom tools and apps, with. Without, any sort of high code. Requirements. Or capabilities, and you're, able to automate business processes, using. Power automates, now. All those tools in and of themselves are, very powerful ergo, the power, platform but. When you bring them into teams something. Really magical happens, you're. Able to automate, those workflows directly, in the context of chat you're. Able to have conversations. About data to. Really draw important insights and you're, able to put. The custom apps and tools of your building for your workforce directly. Where they're working and this. Is a really big part of why we consider Microsoft. Teams the hub for teamwork. Now. The Telstra team is going to come up and talk a little bit more about how they're actually using these tools in practice but, I want to put a little finer point on what these actually look like when you put them in the context of teams so. I know that there are plenty of teams users out there today but just in case you're not familiar teams.

Is A chat, based product, that. Allows you to bring all of your collaboration. Your conversations. Meetings. Calling, and of course apps and workflows into one place. Power. Bi allows, you to draw, very, great data, visualizations, you, can go ahead and pin reports, directly to a channel where individuals, are using, where. It actually makes sense in context. Power. Apps can be pinned directly, to channels to find to. Be put in relevant, context, and you, can also actually take those those, power ups that you're building and pin them to your left rail as well and. Of. Course the flows to your building using power automate can be used directly in the context of chat so, I can take actions, like approvals. Directly. In a context of a thread so, I don't even have to leave teams and automate all these workflows. But. What does this actually mean for your business well, the, good. Or bad answer I suppose however you look at is it can be whatever you want it to be so. When. You immigrant teams, and Power Platform you, can do anything from enhancing, your productivity scenarios, like building. Custom applications. And tool fools that, build upon your office 365 platform. All. The way up to solving very complex, line of business challenges, with, advanced capabilities, like artificial, intelligence, or an enterprise grade database, with a common data service so. With, these tools and capabilities you, are really in the driver's seat to solve the problems that you have. Are. There any IT administrators. In the crowd. Thank. You so I've, had quite a few conversations with with, admins this week and I know how, important it is that you're able to manage the tools that are being made available to your to, your workforce and so, the Microsoft teams admin. Center provides you with a lot of very great and granular, control over these, custom, tools that are being brought into your environment so with. Permissions, I can actually manage, the apps are made available to, my organization. That, users they are able to install whether that's all apps no apps or anywhere in between on a very granular app by, app basis. With. Setup policies I can highlight the tools that I really, want my organization, to be, working. With on a regular basis by, actually, pinning them to the left rail and I can also enable my, end users to upload the custom apps at their building, and. Of. Course Microsoft, teams, inherits, all the great security, and compliance features, that, you would expect out of Microsoft, 365. So. I have, done it quite a bit of talking and showing you a couple slides and I promised, that as the majority of slide we're but without, further ado for me I would love to welcome up my friends, Richard, French and Nathan. Backers to talk a little about what Telstra, is doing here the business problems that they are solving and actually, show, the tools that they're using in real real, time so, thank you. Great. Thanks, a lot Pete now can you guys all hear me okay said all right so. First I'll just, just. Introduce myself - Richard French I'm the principal. For field digitization, at Telstra. Telstra. Is a large the. Largest telecoms, company, in Australia, I'm. Not actually from Australia, so so, I can just very quickly explain, to you a little bit more about Telstra but there. Are 18 million retail. Customers, we have four. Million fixed line customers, a huge. Enterprise business, base and. What this means for us in is that we've got a huge, variety of, customers. Customer, segments, and, as you can imagine Australia. Which is about the same geographical. Size. Of as the USA a huge. Spread of a workforce across that entire country, as well, also. The, number. One brand in Australia, is as well at the moment so people will say the big t if anybody's been to Australia you'll have heard of Telstra I'll. Admit as well it, was about three, years into working at Telstra that, I suddenly feel figured, out that actually telling Telstra, was originally.

Telecom Australia, and that's how they put the name together and came, up with Telstra as well so that, was my little lightbulb moment, so. Just. Coming on to the field services. Team at Telstra some. Beautiful pictures there that Nathan got for us Sydney. Harbour Bridge we've got a boat we, use helicopters we, have fires and disasters that we go to and. There's about 5,000. Technicians at Telstra, half. Of them employees half of them subcontractors. All with access to our systems we. Do about 6 million tickets, of work a year through that and through that workforce and like I said a huge, geography. It's. About a year ago a year and a half ago we rolled, out mobility, to our workforce we put in a new workforce management system, we, gave them all Sam Samsung, tablets. Samsung. Phones as well so they're all on an Android system, and. We kind of thought oK we've started our digitization, journey here but, one of the big challenges that we had was that we still had this proliferation. Of links, and web forms and, places. For them to go and it was Jewish really a distraction that. They had in all these different places that they could go to do things that's. What we were rolling out office. 365, was also rolling out at Telstra. And we saw that you know Skype, for business was, going and we're all very familiar with Office Communicator and, we saw teams coming along and, we kind of you know the initial reaction was okay Microsoft. Are replacing, chat they're, replacing. Videoconferencing. I'm, happy. With my seven or eight communicated. Chats all going at once you, know I feel like you know things flashing at me on the screen is I'm being productive I'm working really fast, but. What we noticed was that with Microsoft, teams and having. Mobility and, having, in tune that could push teams out for us we, came up with a strategy where we knew we could push teams out to all of our field. Users, we. Could go and set up a culture with our team leaders where suddenly for. Us in the office video chat was very kind of you know it's part of our culture we were very used to it but for the field it wasn't so much they'd be on the phone and they'd be sending emails it. Wasn't part of their their daily, culture to do video calls so we pushed out teams and then, we went and set up all the chat channels, for the team leaders as well so we went in took our Active Directory we looked at our team leaders and we looked at the technicians, in their groups we pushed out about 120. 150. Channels. For the team leaders so suddenly they had their channel there they, had their team in their Channel we, showed them how to run a huddle and, they do that about twice a week and get everybody together but. The real magic came for us and the real light bulb moment came for us when we looked at these teams news channels but we actually then could see we, had a place to put all of our apps and all of our links and, everything together and, we also had a place we could put all our our reporting, together and. What we did was we set down two strategic, platforms. One was called team leader Plus and. One was called technician plus and this is where we put all those common apps that we we were that we built and, created a place where we knew that things had been tested, and they'd, gone out to users we'd had the feedback and they had high quality, and then when we put them into team leader plus or the technician plus we, kind of had a little bit of control as to what the field was getting and. That helped us to then go and shut down other apps you know have been traditionally, built by IT a. Whole, heap of web forms suddenly we could put all these web forms together and really, quickly you've got your you've got your Active Directory integrations. To the web form knows who you are you. Can put in your information to, drop it down we, could create these experiences, where our change management became go-to. Technician, plus, go, to this app that's in there for you but then follow the bouncing ball I don't have to write huge work instructions, for you so Nathan. Will come up and show you a little bit more of Technician plus and and pretty to me too plus a little bit of our power bi, but. What I would say is it's a place now where we can put things like podcasts, you. Know our videos on there our feedback, loops whole. Heap of really useful, apps. For the guys but also just to keep reinforcing, them I'm putting kind of you know simplify, simplify simplify is, what we're trying to do and just put more and more into those into. That framework that we've set down so. Just to kind of summarize. It. Really has kind of helped us from a Productivity, point of view it. Really is helping to make it there's less distraction, now and it's much simpler for people to go to the same place we. Do kind of help we've run all of our meetings, now on on teams and it's fantastic to have execs, two principals, two technicians all kind of all there together chatting, we, do a change for them every Monday if.

I Can't make it it's actually recorded, on the channel as well and I can just jump in and and have a quick watch of the video which is absolutely which is absolutely brilliant and. Then finally it's kind of giving us that ability to Nathan. Will show you our fee for service app but we know when a technician is out there traditionally. We would have a printed, card that, would tell the technician, what they could sell out in the field and. Imagine trying to then update that those those prices will get those cards back and send out the new ones having. Something like that just means that everybody's got the same price we, can push out changes very simply and. Also, then you, know when we're capturing damages, or issues we can integrate, with a with, a with, a with the map. And get all the geo-tagging all that kind of information are artifacts, so it's just been a really great way for us to stay at scale across our entire field keep, everything unified, and simplified and. Nathan will come and show you and some of that for real. Thanks. Thank. You. Hello. Everybody my name's Nathan Becker's and I'm a product donor in the field, digitization, team with rich but. Probably more relevant for this discussion is that I'm a citizen developer. So, a little bit of background about myself I started Tulse for around ten years ago and I was a trainee, communications. Technician it's more of a trades focused, role I was, responsible, for maintaining installing, customer services. Installing. Exchange, equipment working. On a copper networks in a fiber networks but nothing, really in the IT or developer space at all. Around. 18 months ago one of the members of our senior leadership team come and come to me with a problem I was in us a comment role then the, problem was is that we needed some. Visibility, around the issues and opportunities that are raised from our field services, members they, weren't getting to the right audience there was no visibility there, was no visibility. Of lore we. Didn't have any understanding of the impact or the scale of these issues, so. We sort of I sorta had a look around at what options we had available in Telstra we had a bit of success with Microsoft products. Before we. Used InfoPath, and and SharePoint, to be able to to. Get visibility around our customer complaints, and we seen them reduce by around sixty percent so. There. Was no sort of real formal, I guess guidelines, as to what digital solution, we had to produce it was just we needed a resultant, and go, for your life sort of thing, so. We. Had power-ups available, in our enterprise suite, and, for. Our team to use that in the field services, team there was there was no actual additional, cost for us to use that or. No there was no real restrictions, for anybody to be able to go in there and develop apps so that was when we developed our very first power app called tired and and. What Todd's done is it's, provided, that framework which we've done extended, to team leader plus and technician Plus which richard mentioned before and really, changed the way that our technicians work and created this whole digital, ecosystem where, we have our collaborator, collaboration. Tools we have our, process, compliance, tools we, have all this functionality, in the one place and it's, also helped to break down that misconception. That only, scalable. Digital tools can come from fully. Fledged IT developers. And that's probably the second most disappointing. Misconception. I've heard since I've been here the first being that all, Australians. Drink fosters so. I'll. Give you a little bit of a demo of tide. So. Yeah this is tied in its essence I'll show you a little demonstration of, what it used to look like 18, months ago when we first rolled it out so this is MVP one of tide as, you can see it wasn't perfect didn't, fit the screen properly it's, bit rough around the edges but now, it's the great thing with these products you can develop a real simplistic MVP. One and then build it up into scale, it up into a solution, that really changes, your business. So. If I go through tide now and I just go through some of the features as you can see on this very first page we haul out our top five open items and that's, dependent, on whether, it's in progress and how many people have put their hand up so it's.

Similar To a to, a like so, 209 people from across the country who put their hand up to indicate the data or, experiencing, this issue and, another. Thing or another benefit, that we've seen with the introduction, of tide is that once these issues are submitted we, filter them into our operational, improvement, teams using power automate and that's. Been a real integral, part of being able to drive the completion, of these, items and also closing, them out and solving those process issues and as. Telstra, transitions, to an agile company at scale it's been real, handy to be able to capture user, story straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. So. If I go in and have a look at some of the open items. This. I will try to build a social, media app in some regards so we can well go into a to an item but, yeah, this is the view we have pretty comprehensive filters. Where we can go down and filter on status category hands up item owner things like that. So we can get exactly what we need straight out of this view we've, also got an indicator here of how many hands up it's got or we can also like it or put our hand up the indicator we tour experiencing, that issue we, can view the last comment on that particular issue or we can view a long. History of all the comments from around the country and what. That's done is been real great to be able do it get some understanding of the size and scale, of the issue so. An issue might be submitted. In Sydney, and somebody. In Perth on the other side of the countries experiencing. The exact same issue so we know it's just not a local issue something that's impacting, all technicians. Nationally. So. If I go into an item you can get some more granular, details, about the actual submission, itself, so. Here. It's just a pretty basic information. We wanted to keep it as simple as possible for our technicians, to. Input we've got a lot of technicians of the older demographic, so. And typically. They're a little bit less technically inclined so, we try to keep it as simple as possible only, five fields that they need to fill out when they submit it items are tied and then, from that point there any user can come into the database and have a look at the issue put their hand up to say yep I'm having that issue too they. Can get, the contact details of who submitted it and also their managers details pulled from the Active Directory they.

Can Follow the item to get any notifications. Through, both teams and email, as, the item progresses, from in-progress to closed or if, any comments, are out it also, you. Can view the comments or anybody can come on here and add a comment to see or attach. A file as well which is a great feature to be able to give. Some more collateral around, the issue and some more traction. Managers. And also operational, improvement, specialists can come into here and edit the item so it can change it from in. Progress to close I mean, anybody can come in here and share the item to their peers so that also links in with our Active Directory and you. Can engage a peer to say hey can you check out this item, so. That's. A little bit of a look at tired at how it is now but I guess, where everything, started to come together for us was when we we. Developed, a number of applications, to solve several, processes. Across. Field services, and we needed somewhere to put that where it was easy for a technician to access so. We've gathered. Up all these applications and, put them into two strategic power apps as we rich mentioned technician. Plus and team, leader plus and we, put those in newly created team's channels and I'll have a look at that right, now. So. This. Is our team's Channel if we, come across here to the technician, plus tab you, have a look at technician, plus as it, is now so. There's, around 15, to 20 tools that our technicians use on a daily basis, that are kept within technician, plus and can come into here and click this information, tab to, get information around, those, tools and what their purpose is and as Richard mentioned that means, we don't really need a great, deal of change. Management because. We can pretty, much it's, it's easy enough for us as developers to come in there and and. Make it intuitive, in that instructions, within the actual app itself that, we can sort of guide people through the flow without. Having to send out you know Word documents, three. And four pages long or even 50 pages long and how to use an app. So. I want, to demonstrate some, of the functionality. Of Technician plus the first one I'll I'll show is the, ffs rate card and it's not the acronym that everybody would be familiar with it's the. Sense for fee-for-service and, that's an interactive, catalog of our products and services that we can offer our customer, while, we're on site.

So. Pretty. Much the, technician can give their tablet to the customer, while they're on site or a technician. Can just use this for an information. Record. Of information, but, I'll come in and have a look at our Telstra tv3 product, so, associated, with the Telstra tv3 product. We have two items we have the remote or also the. The unit and the remote so if we have a look at the unit in the remote the technician, can get some more information about the product features they can see what the serial number is so they can order some more in their van they. Can view any product images if they like to see to, see just here to give the customers an understanding, what its what the actual products like without having to take one out of the box or if, there's any Associated, videos they can also go. And view those videos as well. So. We plan on scaling, this tool out to also include retail products, and services so things like mobile plans and. That's going to be real handy to try and drive, upsell. Opportunities, while the technicians, inside and we're going to link that in with our sales team so, our technicians can submit sales leads while they're on site if a customer, you know might have a bit of a shabby phone and you know we've got the little latest phone we, might submit, a sales lead so then they can contact them after. The fact so. If. I go back to technician, plus the next piece, of functionality I'd like to show you is called Sherlock so what Sherlock. Is is it's for. Submitting. Damage. Investigations. For our network damages, so let's just say a private. Contractor, or our customers, accidentally. Cut through a cable, or a fiber cable or something like that a technician will, be engaged to go out on site and do an investigation. So. Just go through the process flow what it's like for a technician and some of the the cool functionality, we have there so if we, come under here and we start a new submission, it just gives the technician, some information. About who to call and we can click these buttons to to, call those people from our mobile devices. Just. Whether we have a record what. Our employee number is that should all be automatically. Looked up and. Then if we're at the current damage location. If, we say that we're at the coming current, damage location, what it will do is look up any submissions. That we've had within a five kilometer radius or depending. On what you've um nominated. Here two hundred meters one kilometre two kilometers five kilometers, and then. If they find any if it finds any any. Records, that have been submitted within that radius it'll, it'll bring it up here and that's been real good to. Real. Content really contain the amount of duplication that, we've had in that space so what.

We Also have is integration, with being Maps to be able to pinpoint. Exactly where, our location, is. So. We can also take some. Photos or less of them that's on a great side. We. Can save the photos and as you'll see there once. We take the photos they're also geo tagged with the information, so that's um that's handy if it ever goes to a legal. If. The, customer ever wants to take legal action we then have evidence to say hey we've taken the photo at this point, in time, and. That's. Very handy when we submit the record off to our to, our legal teams. So. We. Can also add our ticket of work times you know how long we've spent on the ticket of work which is also a part of what we're recovering the cost. You. Know what the damage was how. We do how we fixed it and. Then. Any materials, that were view so if we've come out there and we've used some jumper wire and we've used some. Some. You know connectors, or something like that we can search the. Items, and then add them and then we can also charge. The customer or the the, person who's caused that damage at, the end of the day so once we're um. Completed the record we can then send off to our damage team and we'll use power automate, to integrate with a legacy system called service manager and. So. It goes directly into a system now there'll be a record cradle, in our service manager system and then our, damages, team will pick that up and then drive the the resolution, with the customer. Or the person who caused, the damage. So. Just to come back to teams momentarily. So there's a few, pieces, of cool functionality, that we've included in technician, plus but, because of some of the traction that we're having with technician, plus we also created an application for, our field leaders and they're they're our the, our managers, of these technicians, so, pretty, much the same premise a whole bunch of tools to help manage that day their, team and also their performance, and we've put, them into team, leader Plus so. We have things on there like our all about communications. Are. Collected, on here into. Team, where to plus they, can come and view our podcasts. So if there's a once, a month we have a guess, for a podcast which gets communicated, out to our field, workers, we. Have our team brief so any any. Of the monthly team works that are out there anybody can come and download them directly, from their tablets. And. Also another cool one is we have some integration, to be able to bring, back PDF. Files into a application. As well you know Communications, select collection, so once every. Once, every. Monday once a week we. Are send. Out some communication, collections which are the most relevant, comms, for our field services workers so we just click this button and what happens is it goes and retrieves that.

Document, Directly, using flow and then we can search that document, to pull out any piece of info. That we want. And. Also. We wanted to keep teams as a central place that may come our tech team leaders, also. Come. In here and use it as a vital tool for their everyday processes. So we included power. Bi as well. So. You can just come in to this tab and the great thing about having power beyond teams is we can filter, down and also gain, some insights, of some operational. Data here not only our, existing, operational, legacy data but also the. Data that would produce using, technician, Plus and team leader Plus as well. So, thank you for seeing what we've done with these tools that Telstra, thank, you geez all. Right. Well thanks Nathan. Really, awesome to see what customers are doing with with teams, Ian. The power platform let's switch back over here. So. I'm having shocky I'm on the power platform team so. I'll tell you a little bit about what's coming and I'll show a demo. We'll do a quick slide and then we'll jump right into the demo but. Really, from from, a power platform, power apps power. Automate, power bi we, want to make it easy just like you saw a minute ago let. Collaboration, happen let, your employees find, where. They need to find the tools to do their job very efficiently, so we have a few new things that, were shipping, now that are coming very soon. One. Is really on the on the power platform, side we've, just shipped away where you can easily take those apps that you've already built and bring, them into teams so, I'll show that also. On the power, bi side we're making it easier, for you to pin your dashboards. In line, to. Be able to communicate about your dashboards, in chats, and then, from a power automate standpoint, we're making it very easy for you to take your, processes. Make, actions, against those and that, way I can I can have my employees, do the things they need to do without ever having to leave teams so. Let's let's see how all of this works. All. Right in. Here ok so from a power up standpoint, again. Let's, see I have an app that I've already made here's. The app that I've made it's an amazing app I, love it my team loves it so, what I can do is I can bring that directly into teams and we make that really simple, now so. I can go to my app I can. Click on add to teams, and then. We give you a dialogue that where you can walk through exactly what to do so it says great all, you need to do is download the app I click, download, so. I've already done that so now if I switch back over to teams I can, go to apps on the, left rail I can. Say browse apps I, can. Upload this custom app and now, it's here so, when I'm ready to use it all I need do is click on it and I. Can say open and it's gonna pin, to the, left bar for me I saw. There's a lot of IT admins, in here if you have apps that are super, useful for your whole company you can do this for every one that you have within your company and pin it to the left rail so everyone, can start to use that that app directly. Inside of teams one. Of the questions that we get a lot too is well that's great so I've downloaded my, app I put it into teams what. Happens when I want to make changes so. Really it's just a link the link happens, between teams.

And Power apps we're. Now you, keep making revisions you keep making updates to your apps save. Them publish them just like you do today and that app is available, everywhere inside. Of teams on mobile devices on the web, you. Just save and publish so. When I'm ready to use this one again all I do is I go in I say, open and now. It's here so, now it's pinned on my left rail I can. Pin it so it's always there and off, I go so now I have my power app embedded, inside of, teams on the left rail and again. Just like Pete mentions if I pop over to teams I can, do the same thing inside my channel so I can go to plus pick, power apps and pin that all, right the, other thing we've done is we've made it very easy, to pin, your power, bi dashboards, so. If I go in here I can, click on power, bi and. Now we, made it just easier, to discover, before is a little complicated, we've heard a lot of feedback from from, you in the community so, we want to make that simple, we, have our, reports. Easily. Defined I can see my workspaces. I can see my. Power bi reports, that are shared with me so, within a click I can go in and pin, this as a new tab if I want to, the. Other thing I can do is I, have this amazing power bi report, that I made right, I can, copy this link, I can. Paste this directly. Back in which I've already done a second ago so, now I can just paste in the link it's gonna bring up this card and now I can start to chat with my teammates and say you know what let's. Let's say Allen you know you. Need to see this right, so. Now we can start talking about. This. Right, away, you. Can see that it's in my chat window, it's contextual, to what we're doing right. So again we're, bringing the power of the things that you use today all into one spot, the. Last piece that we have is if I jump, over to flow let's. Go ahead and I will also. Pin flow on the. Side here. Let's. Here. We go, flow. Great. So. Go ahead and open flow. So. Within, teams I'll just pin this so I can use it later on when I'm ready I can. Go in and now I have a flow, that. Every, time someone, gets added to, my particular group, right. So I've added someone to teams I want, to make sure that my all my other teammates know about it so, I've created this flow and really all it does is it listens, for someone. Being added to my team and then, what I've done is just post a basic message that just welcomes them to the operations, team so. Now what I do is, I can, jump back over to, my. Team and, we'll just add someone to the team real fast so we'll just add. A. Member. So. Let's. See here, maybe Bruno what, burned of the team, so. Bruno's added to the team my, flow is going to automatically, run as soon as Bruno comes in and then. Off I go so, great I've done that and now my my, flow will run in the background and, I'll be able to see welcome messages like these to, welcome Bruno so not only Bruno, feels welcome but also the, rest of my teammates know what's going on so, imagine that's great for Bruno right that's a very basic scenario.

Imagine, All the power that you can use with power automate to do all types of other things based on people coming in or out of your your groups. So. What I'm going to do is switch over for, one, last demo. So. In this particular demo, what we want to do is show custom actions so, what I've done is I've created a flow here and my. Flow is gonna start, it here. OOP. Let's. Go back here we go. Great. So, I've created a flow and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna post a message back and really. What I want to happen is I want my my, employees, to be able from a team's chat to, say look I have a problem I want. To put in some helpdesk, ticket I want to automatically. Go and send to dev ops so, what I can do is I can go to actions I can pull that custom action up that I've just created within flow and now I can have any team member go. In post, that they have a critical item right. So. They're going to go ahead and do that and then that gets automatically, submitted when I switch over to Azure DevOps and I can see that same item that just posted so. Now I can get real-time feedback, about my apps about my business process, about whatever makes the most sense directly. From in teams out to the right kind of sources and again, with the power of power automate you can really use. This for whatever you'd like right, so, that's some of the new, features that are coming for. The power platform, inside, of teams, so. Turn back over to Pete. Thanks. Evan okay. So we've, gone through kind of a whirlwind. Tour of, teams, and power platform you've seen some great tools the Telstra is using I think, the one thing I'll point out is you. Know what Nathan showed is very. Sophisticated very useful, very powerful, but, it's been a bit of a journey for them so they did not start, with with, what you just saw on day one it's, a it's a bit of a process and so there, are a, number of things you can go to get started on if you're not using teams already please. Go ahead learn, about teams start, using some projects, and teams and then, take those tools that you're building outside of teams and start integrating them into teams as well so, think about what scenarios, you would want to you would want to automate what, sort of custom tools would really empower your your, workforce and start, putting those into teams to really make it the hub for teamwork and of.

Course We, have a number of resources, that I'd point you to words if you have any questions. Including. A brand-new teams and power-ups white paper that was published today so, some really great stuff all, the way from just kind of kicking the tires and getting start up to building really powerful, and, impressive workflows. So. With, that I know we wanted to leave a bit, of time for questions, and so I think happy. To field anything from from anyone from from, me or the rest of the the. Group members but, thank you all for your time and if, you can please come up to the microphones, that'd, be super helpful just to make sure we can capture all those questions so thank, you. Just. Real quick question for you what was the data store you used for the tied app when you first started developing it so. The most economic. Economically. Viable solution, for our team was. To use SharePoint because, basically we could utilize SharePoint. Without, having to pay anything in our capex buy check budget, sorry. Has. Grown into a sequel database or something no we're still in SharePoint at the moment so some applications, we have about 90,000. Records in SharePoint, that, creates a little bit of a challenge and a little bit of trickiness about how we how. We work how we do our formulas, within some of the apps that we build they all have to be delegated, back to our data, source so we haven't really had anything there where we haven't been how to do yet we just need to you know be a little bit tricky from our perspective. Antastic. That was also. Power. Bi stuff, um if. You're not a licensed. User of power bi what's, your experience gonna be like if, you're in a team that's presenting. That. Yeah. Yeah so that's that's a great question. Part. Of the the. Experience you saw is that the sharing element of power bi which does require, an. Additional license, capability.

So Like either part, of any five license, or a part of the the power. Bi stand-alone, licenses, so if somebody doesn't have that license it's it's. Gonna error for them or something it will be a low view of as a not like, not viewable and. Then one other question on the pinning the stuff and, any user pin, something, to their team yeah. So that's a great question there's, really kind of two pinning, experiences. To, the left rail, one is the, admin, capabilities. Of just putting that on the left rail for everyone, in the organization, or, whoever's, in that policy and then, the second one which is coming just in a, few weeks very very shortly is gonna, be I as an individual user can customize my left rail that only looks. That way for me and, so it would not like if I pin. One. Of the custom, maps the left rail it's not gonna appear that way for everyone else it. Doesn't matter as long as you you have access to the app you could in it to your own team room correct yep. So. Do, you guys run all of your flows. From, a service account or from individual. Users accounts, or have you grown. Flow out from. Enterprise. Yeah, so there's a few flows there that we depends, on what the app and what the purpose is but some of the individual, flows some of them a team flow so it really depends on what the the use in the app is but, some. Of them we trigger, from SharePoint itself, and not, power-ups. Interface so depending what the app is but we're, sort of got all bases covered there with, how we use power automate. Step. Like, online offline. Our. Apps you. Know when I first started doing it a couple years ago they had a way that you could ash the data and upload it that. Change significantly is a lot easier yeah. So there's a couple of applications that, we have that networks damage, one that I displayed that has offline functionality we, have a couple. Of other ones which are more around you know process compliance. Capturing. Issues and things like that which, we require offline, functionality because as you can imagine this, tray is pretty fast country so we've. Got a lot of places that don't have reception so. Yeah, we've found that it's actually pretty good we. Only, just recently developed, an app probably about two weeks ago that had, one. Of the requirements was it had to have offline functionality so, yeah we do case the data in, an offline offline online. Offline scenario, and, yeah. We haven't had too many dramas with it to be perfectly honest so, is our process been simplified, now I know when it, first came out it was kind of yeah, yeah, now it's pretty simple pretty much you. Basically, have a standard. Formula. I guess inside the app which is called whether he connected or not connected, whether. You connected then we pulled the data back sorry if you're not connected you pulled the data or the case record back if, you are connected, then you can go throughout and we have a timer which is just said every 30 seconds or so to keep capturing that data, encasing. It just in case halfway through the record they happen to UM do, you know drop out and that's been really handy not even for those tools that are that. We are using in remote locations just the tools that might have a lot of manually, inputted. Information, and you know nobody wants to have to go on even put all that information again if for whatever reason the clunks out I have to take a phone call or something like that so, yeah. We've incorporated that, until about half a dozen apps now that offline functionality it, seems to work quite well and it's really. Not - not too hard for our team especially if you've already got those collections in, your app somewhere it's just a matter of copying and paste it from one place to into. The arc the case record, thank. You. Just. One, question what's the time frame for the new features, so. It, varies is there one in particular that you'd. A question about yeah. So if we just go back. So. Creating a team, tap using power-ups live, today as of last week I think Friday. User. Pinning the apps to left rail becoming in the next few weeks the. Enhanced. Power bi tab adding, feature will be by the end of the year the, interactive, power bi card and chat will be coming sometime in 2020. The, trigger, for when someone joins, or leaves a team is available today as well and then. The triggering custom actions from within teams like the trouble ticket video, that we saw be. Coming probably, early 2020. Just. Trying to make the experience as kind of seamless and user friendly as possible so. It won't look exactly like the, prot the flow process that we saw it'll be even more intuitive and easier that's, kind of main main, delay and rolling, that out. Okay. Well thank. You everyone for joining happy. To spend the next couple minutes here if there any one-off questions but thank, you again appreciate it.

2020-01-19 08:27

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