Strathclyde Business School: 26th June 11am

Strathclyde Business School: 26th June 11am

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On behalf, of the university I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to you to this congregation, for the conferring, of degrees here. And our Barney Hall it. Is a very special day in our University, counter, as, a graduation, day which makes that the day of celebration for. Our graduates, for, all the family and friends and for all the staff of, the University, in the, latest stage the references to these events as commencement, sailors, as, they use them to signify the, commencement or the beginning of a new journey as, opposed to an ending and it, is in this spirit that we also celebrate, graduations, at stark white. Now. In a few moments will be my privilege to count each of our graduates, as their name is called out and they come up on stage to receive their, awards a camping. Tradition, has its roots in ancient China, and, it's recognized, as a rite of passage and, as, a mark of achievement, and for, each of our graduates once count, this also signifies, they are no part of a community of scores and Strathclyde, they, can stretch back over two hundred years to the Scottish enlightenment, so it will be in very good company. At. The course of graduation, we have a reception and our nearby water building, to which everyone is invited to, come all we. Hope to have an academic procession, this will depend upon the weather but she's looking good it will get an update on this towards, the end of this morning's of the cities in, the meantime I do hope that you enjoy the, ceremony and. When you see a loved ones come on stage to receive their award, I would, strongly encourage. You to celebrate. These. Occasions, don't come around very often but for many other ones and a life thing so please make, the most of it I now. Form with the queer of this congregation for the conferring of degrees is. Open, and, I'm vain Matt Smith to present our graduates to, receive their awards thank, you. Vice-principal. In, the name of the University, and by, the authority of, Senate I present, to you these students. For. The degree of Doctor, of Philosophy for. Research and creative writing Briony, Denise stalker. For. Research, in English Louise, Logan. David. Rush. For. The degree of master, of research, in creative, writing, Alex, Brigitte wassailing, Co. For. The degree of Master. Of Science in health history, Megan. Rose. Broly. Lauren. Gorman, burns. Emma. Josephine, Campbell. Kristen. Farren's Hey. Claire. Frances mcLaughlin. Louise. Catherine, toner. In. Historical. Studies, Lauren. Helen, Bell. Aaron. Rose spinning. Ryan. Brownlow. Jack. Brian, Docherty. Anjou. James Gibbons. Matthew. Griffin. Natalie. Maria Hakim. Lauren. Mcdougal. Lauren. And Gus. Abigale. Susan, young. For. The degree of Bachelor. Of Arts, in economics and, journalism, and creative writing maria. Antônia. Marazzi. In. English jessica. Fight. Ennis. Macintosh. Scot. John, Robertson. Regan. Brown. Molly. Clyde. Laura. Joanne, Downey. John. Lin. Laurie. Neal. Jill. Katherine, Nellis. Franz. Joseph. Royce. Bethenny. Watson. You. And Hamilton. Stephanie. Lyons. Sara. McConnell. In. English. And French, Elise Dhoni. Cheryl. Henderson. Colet. Cooper. Jade. McNulty. In. English in history Kirsten. Danielle. McKenna. In. English. And journalism, and, creative writing Natasha. Luiz McMicken. Christina. Urban, OVA. Jennifer. Luiz would. Nev. Olivia. Johnston. Sean. McGill, Nellie.

Lindsay. Mae Murray. Jodi, Marie O'Donnell. Elinor, a catch, Oh Tino. Reba. Sujeet. Rada. Slav coach of 10m. In. English and politics, and international relations, Matthew. Scott. In. English with psychology. Shannan Watson. In. History. Ross. John Adamson. Dominic. Ross Allen. Louis, Kieran Barkley. Rachel. Jane, Dolman. Jennifer. Elliot's. Shona. Leslie, Joyce. Caitlin. McGonagall. Debra. Macpherson. Laura. Nobile. Emma. Stewart. Madeline. Watts. Katie. Adams. Jennifer. Anderson. Nev. Beaten. Adam. Black. Alana, Carmichael. Rachel. Cowan. Andy. Cunningham. Mark. Duggal. Jack. Fairy. Hannah. Fisher, Morrison. Jennifer. Gulls. Caitlin. Elizabeth. Marian Hamel. Shan. Louise, Kelly. Hamish. Mercer, Kemp. Kirin, Kincaid's. Aiden. Lavery. Elizabeth. Catherine, Lenin. Blair. Bissell, McBride's. Lewis. McCall. Liam. McCarthy. Matthew. McDonald's. Paul. McDonald's. Lyndsey. MacElroy. Meg. McMahon. Jenna. Margaret's. Mcmenamy's. Rachel. Elizabeth McQueen. Nikola. McGinnis. Cara, Luiza, Marinelli. Harry. Wilson, Markham. Lauren. Morgan. Christopher. Norville. Paul. O'Hara. Aidan. Stuart, pritchards. Alistair, ravine. Caitlyn. Sati. Anjou. William, James Shearer. Hearts. Are sing. Cameron. Smith. Jenna. Louise sterling. Sara. Helen, Weaver. Kyra. Mary Webster. Jyllian. Donald's. Haley. McQuaid, er. Nev. Alison. Mary Pollard's. Chiona. Mary, ray. Kaleigh. Hunter, woods. In. History. With education. Aylee very. MacLeod. In. History. And English Holly, Redmond. In. History. And French Eve, Catherine. Sutherlands. In. History. And Italian, Louise, Payton. In. History. And journalism and, creative writing Brad, Cleary. Jack. William Clifford's. Gram, green, fields. Daniel. Thompson. In. History. And law jennipher drain. Sam. Scott, McDonald's. Hanna. Wilson. In. History. With law Stephanie. Lee Lambie. Holly. Laird. In. History. And politics. And international relations. Thomas. Collins. Michael. Elliot Jobson. Rebecca. Jane Barrow. Nikola. Bigger staff. Nicola. Conlon. Rachel. And Gallagher. Stephanie. Glenn. Rory, Langdon. Nataly. Louise McCabe. Abigail. McMillan. Martin. Alexander. McPhee. Kirsti. Melville. Kristinia. Milby. Barbara. Mary O'Neill. Hether. Stevenson. Nicholas. Gordon, Troy. Rachel. Bell. Jorden, Brunton. Nev. And Thompson. In. History. With politics, and international relations, morgen. English. Denver. Reeves. Katrina's. And claire frame. Sophie, Elizabeth, Watson. Lea. Jane, McCluskey. In. History. And psychology, Nicola. Lambie. In. History. And Spanish, Callum, Anderson. Lauren. Louise Fagin. In. Human. Resource management in, history, Alize Jane, Sunna. In. Journalism. And creative, writing in English Andrew. James McLean. Jade. Hannah Brenda, Mitchell. Derek. Aitken. Nicholas. Bell. Naina. Bhardwaj. Sara. Cole. Kirsti. Mary Crawford. Heather-marie. Donaldson. Rianne. Shannon, forests. Ryan. Christopher, Goodwin. Chloe. Gabrielle Johnston. Kalem. McDade. Knees. Kaitlyn, McDonald's. Heather. Elizabeth. McIlrath. Holly. Jennifer. McKee. Maria. And Tasha Sondergaard. Hansen. Scott. Turner. Skyy. Gabrielle. Wilson. In. Journalism. And creative writing and French Elspeth. Richie. In. Journalism. And creative, writing in history, Gavin Glover. Nicole. Watts. Anna. Laura, McClure. In. Journalism. And creative writing and politics, and international relations, Linda. Mohamed's. Emma. Olsen. Megan. And Abner. Stephen, Paul Swain, BT. In.

Journalism. And creative writing and social policy. Rachel. On so. John. Anthony, DeSoto. In. Journalism. And creative writing and Spanish. Aaron. Francis, Fahey, Hamel. Frida. Carbaugh. Moines. In. Humanities. And Social, Sciences Kaylee. Welsh. Ladies, and gentlemen colleagues. And, most of all Stratford, University's, Muse graduates, it, is my pleasure to once again welcome, you to your graduation ceremony here, in the botany hall, quite. Rightly our graduates, have been center stage and I. Would like to begin my address by congratulating, all, of you once again on your, academic, achievements. Your. Hard work has paid off and this, has now been recognized, in front of your families, supporters. And friends and, also the staff who taught and supported, you during your time at the University we. Celebrate, your efforts and your achievements very. Well done indeed. No. In a short while not the cause of graduation. You will be asked to join the academic, procession as a sleeves the bahraini this. Invitation actually. Symbolizes. The fact that you are no longer students but, fill members, of the academic, community of Strathclyde, a community. That numbers over 180,000, individuals. The. Class of 2019 is, graduating. At a time of considerable change, and, Scotland, in the UK and internationally. And, there, is no doubt that challenges. Lie ahead for us all. However. As members, of the South faith family you. Belong to a large growing, worldwide community, with. The shared ethos of tolerance. And understanding, and. A desire to make a positive difference, I. Hope. That the memory of today is something that we stay with you wherever you go and whatever you choose to do in life, we. Will keep in touch with you through our alumni team and I would ask that you also keep, in touch with us, let. Us know what you are up to what. You think about what we are doing at the University and what you could do to, help future generations of, students. As. Graduates, of a socially progressive University. You. Have a competitive, advantage having. Been equipped with the skills know-how. And capacity, to absorb. Knowledge together with the ability, to positively, influence and, shape the. World arranger. Nelson. Mandela once said that education was the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world do. Not underestimate this, power or your, responsibility. To use it well. In. Scotland, we are fortunate and having a higher education, system which, is internationally.

Respected, And. As a society we, are quite right to invest in it, education. Broadens, our mind and it, creates opportunities. For individuals. And society. However. Education. Itself does, not confer reims the. Opportunities. That education. Gives each of us also, carries with it a responsibility. To. Use what we have wormed, wisely. For the good of others, and a. Sense of duty should come radaway to graduates, of this university I. Struck. Waiters we only have to look to the achievements, of those who have gone before us for, inspiration. To. Join Anderson, our founder, who, established, this university, for, the good of mankind. -. The world's first oil man James parthenium. -. The missionary and Explorer, David Livingstone. -. John Logie Baird had, such pioneering, work on the development of television. In. The present day new, today English Angele a pioneer. In Scottish justice as a country's, first female service. Into general and later, the first female Ord advocate, and. - Sir Tom Hunter one, of the most successful entrepreneurs. In Scottish history and. A philanthropist, who has used his wealth to the benefit of others. Now. I'm sure you have been given lots of advice and how best to plan your life. Some. Of this advice you. Were right we ignore some. You may accept but. Mostly, you will have to learn for, yourself. Robert. Lee is really Stephenson put it well when he said don't, judge each day by the harvest you reap but, by the seeds that you plant. Now. To reach this point in your wife's today each, of you who have travelled a different journey for. Some this path who have been relatively smooth but, for others this may have been more challenging. However. I am certain, of one thing that. None of you would be here without the encouragement, of your, supporters, and families, they. Have picked you up when you've been done they, have encouraged, you when you have needed it and many. Will be here today, proudly. Watching as you cross the stage that. Broad smiles and the odd tear in the eye. Now. They are celebrating today not. Just because you're almost off the payroll, although. There is something in that. But. Because you carry with you their, hopes their wishes, and confidence, for a successful, career. For. The past half-hour us all the airport's has run in New Year's as you each Anton across, the stage to, receive your, award I would, now like to invite our graduates. To. Show their appreciation for. The support received from their supporters, and family. And. I touched earlier and some of the key figures who, have helped to create and shape the. University, of Strathclyde and. You, can tell a lot about the volumes of an organization, by looking, at its roots, stark. Weight traces its lineage back to 1796. When John Anderson, brought into being the. Only Scottish University, founded during, the Age of Enlightenment and. Embody in the Enlightenment principles of. Reason Torn's. And equality. John. Anderson's, belief and useful, whelming and, his commitment to take him knowledge and, using, this for the greater good as, a motivating, force which gets Strathclyde, University as. Momentum, today in, many. Ways he was ahead of his time as. He advocated, in the 18th century the. Education, of both women and men of all classes. This. Vision is just as important, today and as, a socially, progressive University. We want the talents, of our students to, be developed, to the highest level for the benefit of society. This. Can be seen in our pioneering law clinic where our students provide support, and representation. To, people who cannot afford legal. Advice, it. Can also be seen in our technology and an a vision Center which, is transforming, the way in which we collaborate with, business, industry, and. The public sector, to bring, global competitive, advantage, to Scotland, and this, is a tangible, sign of the, University's, commitment to. World-class research, and. Ensuring, the outcomes, of maximum, benefit to, society and, to the economy. We. Are a university for innovation, seeking. Breakthroughs, which will address the, most pressing challenges, facing, the world, through, new and effective medicines. Meaningful. Approaches, to climate change new. Technologies, to address energy poverty, and food poverty, by. Informing policy that, addresses public, need and makes, for a vibrant and fair society, and, by offering much-needed. Independent. Insight and, too complex, political. Economic. And social, issues. These. Represent, a small sample, of the many contributions been, led by our world-class staff and students, and, taking new knowledge and using. It to solve problems, and industry, and, the classroom, and, in the boardroom. We.

Continue, With strive to enhance the student experience and. Invest, in our campus creating. Facilities, like a 31 million pound South quad sports building to, support fitness, health, and well-being. Our. New 20 million pound district energy network which, is reducing our carbon footprint, and we're, investing over sixty million pounds and, a new teaching and learning facility, in the heart of the campus. Other. High weights over the last year include, the, faculties professor, ELISA Morgana who. Recently won, Stratford, university's, largest ever, research, grant a 20. Million pound project, bringing, together 50, international partners. To, transform, the world's response to, increasing, plastic, pollution rising. Sea levels and overfishing. Strathclyde. Was ranked first in the UK for. Oral or neuro sciences, and communication, studies and joined first for Social Policy and the 2019. Complete, university, gate a. Wellcome. Trust kind of 1 million pounds was, awarded, to Professor Jim nose and Laura Kelly both. Of history to, label Strath Queen's health historians, to, build a medical, humanities. Training and research consortium the Shanghai. University Fudan, University and. The Shanghai, Academy, of Sciences. Our. Journalism, students when, the feature of the year and website, of the Year awards and the 2019. Scottish. Student, journalism, awards they, were also commended, an agenda, equal media Scotland, category, and. Dr.. Wallace declared from the center for excellence a route after children when. The British Journal of Social work's article, of the Year award. Now. These are just some of the many contributions by, made by our staff and students, across humanities, and. Two sciences and. South crane has been increasingly, recognized, as a place where things happen and. This is why our graduates, are so highly prized by companies. And organizations. Who, are working to recruit the best talent, to drive their businesses forward. Our. Success, is in no small part due to the collective efforts, talent. And commitment of our staff the. 3,900. Colleagues who deliver our vision as, a leading international. Technological. University, like. Me they're very proud of your achievements, all. Of our students learn how to be innovative. Enterprising. And creative, and, to, make a real difference when, they go out into the workplace, so. Wherever your career takes you always, remember that as a Strathclyde graduate, useful. Wearing carries with it, responsibilities. That go beyond, academic. Scholarship, and, finally. Let, me offer my sincere congratulations, to, you all once again on your achievements, and I, hope that you enjoy the remainder of what, is a very, special day thank. You. Well. Ladies and gentlemen that concludes the. Formal, part of us afternoon's proceedings sorry, this morning's proceedings, which I hope you have enjoyed, then you take away very many, happy. Memories, before. I close the ceremony I would like to mention two. Visitors, in the front row Chris, and Jackie we, graduated. From Strathclyde in 1978. The. Both studied, history, the same as some of our graduates today, and in, 1979. They married so, they have come back to the University just, a few days before their.

40th, Wedding anniversary, so, many, congratulations. So. The weather has stayed who, hasn't enough that we can have an academic procession, you, have this possession over to the Worldport with, as a reception, but everyone, is invited to come along and to, celebrate South. Penn University's, newest graduates, will be invited to join the procession and if, I could ask you this gentlemen for you to let the procession, pass and then, immediately forwards. Over to the words who are building for some. Refreshments. I know. For me declare that this congregation for, the confirmative, degrees is, closed. You.

2019-06-29 03:36

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