Strategi Entry dengan Level Psikologi Kuat || Entry Strategy with Strong Psychology Level

Strategi Entry dengan Level Psikologi Kuat || Entry Strategy with Strong Psychology Level

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|| PREVIEW || Good night. Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Meet again tonight. We saw that there was medium impact fundamental Let's see the effect of the news There are some extreme moves although they're not too long Why is there a quick move? So you can know that there's effect from high and medium impact So, it has pretty high volatility in seconds Let's see the movement. It's not too fast because it's medium impact

Let's see the news in the economic calendar Many websites that provide economic calendar, including There's today's schedule Thursday, July 1st, at 7.30 p.m there's a medium impact news The news effect is on USD The impact is orange, medium The news is Unemployment Claims. It affects USD That numbers of the news is going to be released tomorrow There's NFP tomorrow, Non-Farm Payroll The other term is Non-Farm Employment Change 7.30 p.m tomorrow, we can monitor the move when it's approaching the high impact news We often go live when there's high impact news If we often faced high impact news, we'll see the chance Otherwise, if we don't know it, it's dangerous to enter We often go live and record the result too We also say the way to face it We say it all before the news is released so there's a lesson that we can learn We know what to do when the market goes the same way as the analysis and vice versa For people who don't understand, you can rewatch it Rewatch the video in the group. We ordered and the market turned

then we did quick recovery. It needs training and mastering Back to the news and let's dig so we can know the news effect For people who haven't learned much in economic calendar you may open it in From the left, date, time, currency that's affected then there's the impact symbol There's details here, which explains the news effect Actual will appear after the time of the news release is adjusted If it's at 7.30 p.m, then the data will appear at that time

The numbers will appear if it uses numbers There's forecast. It's an early analysis of various data that gives overview It's based on the old and latest data Previous is the old data If the report is monthly, then previous is the last month's data Forecast is an analysis based on calculation It predicts that it'll increase or decrease Analysis can be wrong or right. The right one is the actual See this. Red or green, strengthening or weakening USD If it's green, the USD gets stronger If USD is strong, then the pair gets weaker. Pair always opposing If we use XAUUSD then USD gets stronger XAU gets weaker, or sell Let's see the market at 7.30 p.m. It was going down pretty fast

because it's medium impact So, it moves in a flash then goes back again It's rejected up again because it's in an up trend We already said that the trend is going up in group Before it went up, we already said the potential and probability We already said it and it's the tonight's topic Let's analyze and read the market then let's find the chance one by one The trend, if we read it by the daily limit which is marked by the dotted lines This morning, we already gave an overview where I formed a trendline before I drew a trendline from below here Watch the ups and downs. Focus on the edges It goes down, then there's impact, rejection, tail, and edge at the left Watch what happens. If it can't go down further there's sign of rejection and changing color from red to green. Be careful when there's confirmed changing color

If green is confirmed by another green, be careful, especially if it's at a support When it goes up, watch the key level or psychology level above or watch the rejection area at the left There are rejections. Rejection can be a tail or changing color These are called rejections Watch. When it's starting to change color and confirmed by another candle if red, then it's followed by a long red candle even if it's not long, there's meaningful rejection up and down When it can't breakout, be careful, because both have chances But, when this area is starting to be breached Then, there's rejection below If the tail is below, it's buyer rejection Tail below shows that buyer appears there Tail above shows seller rejection Watch when there's a breakout So, buyer power is really strong If we see the red retracement buyer breakouts from it Seller can't stop buyer power. So, buyer is dominating Logically, red is beaten by green so green is dominating We focus on buy, green If it goes up, then the resistance is not strong If the resistance is strong, wait for seller to appear and get weaker first Appear means red going down, then it's rejected to green It means seller can't stop the buyer power It goes up. Strong or not? Watch the left side

If there are many rejections at the left, then it's a strong psychology area It has the chance to bounce when it reaches the psychology level Watch. When it goes up to the psychology level. Many rejections here It's at the edge, then rejected by seller Although it's small, but it's at a psychology area, so be careful Be cautious, especially if an opposing candle appears Opposing candle can be a sign of reversal or correction surely it must be tested too. It went up and buyer reached this area We measure from this bottom body to the top body. Why? Because the nearest dominant one is this green So, the middle area is the correction or retracement We can use the middle for the retracement The purpose is to know the power if it goes down Test it at the retracement, because an opposing candle appears This is red. So, focus on finding the limitation Find a strong impact to test the seller power If the direction turns, focus to test the power We can find the closest area from there first Find the closest psychology level, which means an area that has many rejections Let's see the left. If too far, we can see the closest one

There's closest rejection Before the retracement, there's rejection area above that. Here There's another rejection at the right of it We can draw a line that touches the rejections Both must be touched This is the psychology area that's closest to the running Below it, there's a retracement. So, it's near We can test the down power here If it goes down and when it's at the psychology area it goes back then it indicates that buyer is still strong While it can't breach that, then buyer is still dominant Especially when it's a down correction, then it's turned by a strong buyer Strong means thick volume without meaningful rejection Rejection means tail. So, this is a strong buyer momentum So, if buyer appears strong there we focus on buy again In order to test the power, make sure the buyer breakouts If it can't breakout, it can bounce or sideways Logically, if it's green, red, then green again and it's 75% If we combine it, red is almost closed by green So, red is absolutely ignored If we combine the candles, it'd be like this The green candle closed the other red candles So, the remaining body is just a bit If we combine the buyer, it's like this Buyer is like this. So, seller has no power anymore

So, we focus on buy Where's our order spot if it's like this? Since it's at the line Since it's at a psychology area above here There's rejection here we better wait for it to go down as strong as it can first When the candle changes, let seller goes down first Even if it's going down strong, don't oppose the trend Our main focus is finding the buyer chance In order to find a very accurate buyer chance Wait until the seller appears and let it go down first Let it go down as far as it can This is long, for example, then it becomes a tail It goes down to here, then rejected by buyer This is the remaining power of seller When it goes down and rejected by buyer red becomes green, breaching the open and starting to be thick watch the time Don't just watch the candlestick, but the time too How? At the bottom right if you use PC Adjust the time. If you use phone, then watch the phone time If it's still 5 minutes, wait until it's stabile The shakes over after the first 10 minutes If it's more than 10 minutes it's starting to go up green volume is starting, watch the beats. 1 down, 2 ups No need to count, just observe the volume If it's hard to go down, then buyer is starting to be strong Let it go up, then when there's small correction, enter Don't be afraid if we don't oppose the trend What matters is prepare the risk after you enter For example, we order buy there Where's the risk if we order buy? If we don't like complicated ones just count it around 400-500 pips from the order spot It's if we don't like it complicated. For example, we order buy here Measure 400-500 below, since we order buy There's psychology here. It's our stop loss area

Our loss limit is at 1768.02 Stop loss isn't mandatory, but we must limit the loss. We can do manual cut loss Stop loss is an anticipation if we can't monitor it If you just learned, nothing wrong in putting it If you have long experience, stop loss could be a barrier for you There's still up chance, but the stop loss could be touched first So, we should have get the profit, but the stop loss is touched first then we'd get a loss. But, it doesn't mean that it isn't important

If you just start learning, you must pay attention to this too However, we don't have to wait for it to be touched. We can do recovery earlier If we order buy here, where's the target? Actually, it's free For me, if the profit is enough, close it No need to think that it'll be here or here. It's hallucination If you do that while doing short-term trading, you won't survive long It's only for mid to long-term trading If we play quick but we do that, the market would turn again and we'd be nervous We better secure the profit so it becomes ours I always say don't reject fortune in psychology trading lesson Secure the profit. If you want to enter again, find another chance This is the example. There's strong support and psychology level How to find a psychology level? There's rejection here And there's rejection above here. This is a strong psychology level

We focus on buy for now But, don't ignore the support line I made before When it's at a support, it bounced up again If it bounces, don't oppose it Bounce, so we focus on buy. Wait for the trigger It's a buyer momentum, but don't order buy when it's square like this If square, don't order buy because the volume is very strong strong momentum. If we order buy and there's correction, we'd get a loss The main thing is be patient and wait for it to go down first What if it doesn't go down? We don't order so we don't lose Watch and observe each movement. Learn it Don't be hurried and fascinated by thick candle because it'll do a correction If we're hurried, we'd be dragged After we order buy, the market goes down Then, we'd blame the broker, thinking that the played us And like, he knows I ordered buy so he turned the market We're not played. It's just we're wrong in reading the chance

Haven't found the technique If you found it, there's always clue, both up and down Even a strong up, there's always correction. When it's down, we can order buy First, we don't oppose the trend. Second, we get a cheaper price What matters is count the correction to the edge, don't get too close At least there's profit after the spread For example, our target is 80 and the spread is 50. So, we need 130 When it's down 130 pips, we order buy Don't just focus on candle, but focus on each movement too especially in the first minutes, the shakes are heavy There's stabile spot, it's around 20 minutes So, do it so you can aim accurately If it hasn't go down yet, wait until there's correction Surely there'll be correction Our patience will be tested there This is the introduction. Also the steps to order the steps to see the probability of the market direction To be continued....

2021-07-07 05:47

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