Steven Flawlessly Imitates Ryan • Watcher Weekly #009

Steven Flawlessly Imitates Ryan • Watcher Weekly #009

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It's. March 4th. Hello. Welcome to watch weekly, a show filmed here in our breather office, a show where we kick back chat. And answer your guys questions to. The best of our ability, that's right and you will notice we have one member, not, present, the professor, that's right yes. The professor, well the professor's right there their use right here so we're not missing anybody go. Baby. Good riddance now I've been waiting for this day because, I've. Always wanted to do thee it's Club, a blood date but, Shane's. Always been in my way how do you think you did so now that he's out of the way it's, my time to shine and how do you think you did mmm. Enough, practice yeah I had notes well. We're gonna play rock-paper-scissors cuz, I want to sit in that chair no before, we started this shoot I said Ryan what's he do you want he said it doesn't matter to me well I was here. I was gathering question. Okay fine best out of three or just one, where, the chill zone maybe does one fills out okay rock-paper-scissors. Well shoot wait, oh no though there's a cheater alright here we go Rock. Paper, Scissors shoot. Rock. Paper Scissors shoot. So. What what, went on this past week, we've been all over the place we've been in London London. Just got back from London Shane, and I were just filming at an, undisclosed. Location for. A weird wonderful world where we fti we, traveled directly, after London and now we're here yeah I don't know your line I am NOT a human right now wheeler not a human oh no. It's, been a crazy time and I. Think, we've realized I, was, talking to Ryan this morning, we. Haven't taken a day off like, literally, like a weekend. You. Start a company or love it hit though we love this company, we love watcher we. Love watching my body is a void. See. This is usually where Shane Johnson and joins you in the bed but I love just watching you say let's see what nobody, to help me. See. You know a bit here. What. Am I gonna give you an improv way. You're. Supposed to take, the baton then run with it and then you do a little running and you toss it back right right right and right, now what I did was I tossed the baton at Stephen and, he fumbled. At it you, know you know what he didn't, even he took the baton he, saw coming towards him and he just like. Oh just, watch it hit the ground Shane, picks that up for like uh like a maniac your I could shake bits, you throw our like I. Can't. Tell if they're good or not that's, the best part about them we make it either better or we make it worse which is my favorite.

Where. Would we where are we here Oh. Chill zone one thing I do want to bring up in the chill zone do you notice anything different about me mmm. No. I'm. Pretty, hurt actually, right now I'm glad, um. Let's see just look at my face, it. Hurts but I'll try. Alright, here we go a GU view at three-second, bursts. Yeah. Okay. I didn't, notice much in that three seconds what what what I, haven't. Shaved in. My. Base that, you're gonna say since you were born. In. Five days I've grown some facial hair holy smokes man that's cool I could see it pretty. Do you know today I thought, you looked a little more Haggard. This morning I wasn't sure what it was was on purpose I was just like I hadn't shaved in a few days like we're not filming i watch what weekly till Friday let's, see what it looks like what is your imaginary girlfriend think I mean she probably loves me for who I am regardless. Of how much facial hair I have or yeah anything about me I'm glad you guys have a very supportive imaginary, relation thank you thank you but what do you think anything, actually, like it quite a bit yeah yeah, I keep it no. Puppet. History went up last week we are now in the, beginning of cycle - it, seemed like people had all this pent-up energy for, the puppet they were like, and. Then, finally after eight weeks of whispering, puppet the. Doors released, him I mean how, do you not love this little girl a weird puppet mirch look at that. These. Are for our friends this is gonna become a QVC, show hey, if, you call right now in, the next twenty minutes we'll, give you the exact same deal that you can get online but, you'll get the thrill of talking. To one of our telephone operators which. Will probably be Steven call, this number right here we put Stevens personal cell phone number on screen it's baby, doing a dot watch restore calm it's got a number that's our number Oh what. In the world we, also had emerged Instagram. Thing too right oh we do oh that's, right we gotta merge Monday's now if you buy our merch and tag us we will do, some pre/post in on our Graham dress yesterday yeah your watcher so will repost you on Mondays on merch Mondays I saw one morning. From a plant, friend Oh platform, from discord, yeah yeah she's from the discord, in our patreon community which, is like a little uh, chat. Interface I suppose. It's. A room a virtual room where you could talk to all your little buddies you, know it's actually on, the app it's called Chat for gamers really, yeah oh. Hey yeah we're chat we're gamers I like it at discord. That's. Funny. Okay. Actually got funny after you did it for another 15 seconds, cool. On, to the. Show that's coming out this week we are now once again in cycle 2 and because, of that we're going into the second episode of spooky. Small talk that is a show hosted by moi, try, to scare our audience right now, yeah. I'm not scary guy already, now just, imagine this face staring through your window when you're trying to sleep anyway. Speaking of which you, got spooky Smalltalk merge on right now. That's. Not a train moving in the distance that's, a that's my stomach actually it is a training if you want to think about poop is a train it's a tree moving towards the station and eventually, it will reach the station I'll let you guys know when that happens, no. No boy I know follow me on Twitter at Ryan's bm's. Hit. Me up in my bm's my bajo. Yes, spooky spots a guest my guest this week is say, my name say, my name now, you may remember for. All you Ryan fans, I don't. Know what. I say why Shane's not here by the way oh he's sick yeah cuz he's not strong enough to. Make. It through, although, he's working travel, we've been doing, he's weak. Alright. Anyways. Say. My name is my guest I was I was saying before for all you Ryan fans out there if you remember. Back in my days at the feed I made a video called can anybody DJ or we, tried DJing, to, see if we could I think that's what they changed the title to because. It wasn't performing that well anyways. He. Was my DJ coach and since. Then he has done quite well for himself he's as. They say in the biz blown up how, do you dance if this is like the. Move, I should close my eyes or not during a certain segment you ever close your eyes when you're dancing I close my eyes all the time when I'm dancing or. You. Know I think I do right. But then I'm like oh wait it's, kind of weird if we're just watching me but I can't see that well I can't really do my dancing, because if I did I'd have to I mean isn't like oh. God. Anyways. He's, a very very tall man he's actually taller than Shane I think he's like six six oh wow. It's my goal in life to only stand next to giants, so that I look like a tiny little man that could fit in a thimble and I think I'm doing a good job and we're, not rolling a trailer because we already wrote it last time get out and go check out the other episode.

And Then check out this one and we did premiere this shirt for, spooky small town yeah. I felt it odd to wear a shirt with my own face on it but I would love rare all you to wear that because, it's a such a cool design inspired, heavily. By the art, of the 80s horror scene, and I enjoy it quite a bit and there's. A fun little secret about this shirt what is that um. This. Is actually me. Know. Uh the secret is that this shirt slows in the dark it, does glow in the dark will it demonstrate, that right now let's just charge let's try turning off the lights first I don't think okay it gonna work this is gonna be quite embarrassing, the. Door. Actually. Charged. It really quick charge, me charge. Alright, here we go three two one oh. It's. Not glowing. You. Need to be out in the sunlight this is a lesson for all you kids out there make sure you go outside it's important, not only because it's good for your skin and your health mentally, as well too, but, it, also will make your shirt glove I literally, just put it out of this package right here and put it on only. Available, at watch. Restore calm, and. Let's. Move on. See. This is what, happens. When, we. Did important meetings in this office. Crap. About my meetings you'll. Hear more about that on waterer making, watch. The. Next episode of making watcher I know the first one was packed with emotion, there is a lot of emotion in this next one too because this is a hard thing we're doing here but, there's, a very funny sequence, where Stephen, had, several axes to grind and he took them out on care, no. Better way to fight things out than on cam yeah oh we fight off-camera - if I only fight all the time we really be like. A little like this. Let's. Move on yeah at night I just I take this shirt home I'm like oh you, just Ryan you use it as a dart you punch your chest Oh. What. Are you doing, it's. Alright let's move on let's go to some we talked about VidCon a little bit we would like to extend a thank you to all of our UK fans that actually made the trek out to, see us at VidCon, first time doing that blue. From California. With us to, VidCon, UK this yes you know it's a little watcher, pitstop and you get to see the rest of London I get it but also that, is cool and insane I actually, really appreciate that that's crazy there's, also people that flew around from all of Europe, mm-hmm yeah they took the right train not the fufu train that, trains coming. In a bit but not yet. Man. I want to use the bathroom before you do today I'm. Gonna make sure you only use the one I use as soon as cameras cut we're, racing the bathroom, and if you're out in there I'll be like. All. Right VidCon. UK and also big shout out to Simone, big shout out to Simone who helped us out on social she was running the we are watcher social accounts over, the weekend while we were at VidCon which you, probably noticed that our social accounts were actually active in good. That's, because it's a Mon her information is that right here she's buzzed out wheeze or Simone. Malik, that's, her Instagram. Handles or she, also makes videos on YouTube as, I believe simile yeah she's she's very talented very good very smart, and, also just quite funny alright let's move on to the Q&A section, and a right, what. In the hell is happening. I. Now. I now understand, I now understand, what it's like to be tortured, by a bit that does not work. I. Actually. Kind of enjoy it I have to say. Making. Dumb accents. About things I. Don't. Check that show out. Well. That was weird we're gonna do the section a little bit differently now in the past we ask questions or answered questions, based on the content that just came out the show that just came out the past week but because you guys already know all of the shows we, are now going to answer questions, basically, on a general, basis, so we'll, have a pin comment, on this, video that says submit your questions for the next watch our weekly will answer those there or ask. Us questions on the at we are watch our accounts on Twitter and. Instagram, and we'll answer them for the next watch, or weekly you want to continue building this show but we want your input, yes so if, you have any ideas for segments, you want us to do if you want us to try something new if you want to talk about some conversation, that's current, or not current if you want us to go. And fly a kite let, us know and, we're, gonna start doing more segments, Walt Disney once said that Disneyland. Will, never be finished and that's because it's always evolving always growing and that's, what I Ryan, Bergara, now saying about.

Watch, Or weekly hi I'm Ryan Bergara and I'm basically Walt Disney. First. Question okay. Let's move to we. Do have a couple questions though, we have one question about puppets this comes from Pete Korg on YouTube question for watch or weekly would, you ever consider doing a live show version of puppet, history will absolutely, love, these oh, we. May not do a full, version. Of it I think it's okay to say that we're brie we are actively. Mulling, over the idea of, a. Live, tour of sorts. Somebody. Is being very noisy outside I'll, deal with them later you. Know what I mean he's. Gonna poop in the restroom no I'm just gonna kill them the live show would be very much a variety, I would say we, could do live. And this is just me submit balling this may actually not come to fruition but the idea behind it is we could do maybe. Segments. In that, show that are versions, of the shows that you see on YouTube yeah we. Could do a top five on stage we could do a little puppet history bit we could have Steven go up there in a, harrass somebody's grandma. We. Will be doing ideally. Some, cooking classes in the future yeah that would be fun yeah I think the most fun live, show though would, be top five puppet. History would be tough to do live just because there is so much production that goes into it we, paint we play part of it live yeah we're shooting it but a lot of it is graphic heavy right and the, music also helps, and frankly. Shane messes up a lot. Is. A tougher time she's not perfect, no and he's got it he's got even here right now you tried to be perfect when you have your hand up someone's ass. He's. A puppeteer. Let's. Move on to another question this comes from. Twitter. Haley this comes from at ghost-proof, baby, random, but, I need to formally thank whoever is doing the bighead edits in the videos at we are watcher I lost my every. Time every time now, this is after the first time we've actually not, acknowledged, this oh. Because. Going meta I don't. Care Wow, I'm. Sure she already did it because she's great, the she we're referring to is Lauren. Lauren Yemen Yemen Yemen, Yemen, anyways, how we say yoo-min because I'm. An asshole. Lauren. Yemen is our editor for watcher weekly and yeah, she's great she's very funny she actually did. The bighead thing without really letting us know at first and when we watched the first edit Shane, was the one who was over her shoulder and he noticed would you guys notice that wait a second, did, that head just get really big yeah am I am I going insane and then he was like I'm, just losing it and he let it go and, it happened again in the, edit and he was like okay wait a second, are you making our heads big every now and then and, she was like yeah.

That's Not that what she did she was like that's, actually she has a very stern, and stoic, glance. Which, I love cuz it's very deadpan, she went yeah, yeah, but also she was like is that okay because, I think she was like thinking, maybe we wouldn't like it I wouldn't. Loved it yeah obviously we loved it moving on general, form Instagram, here we go Jake, Daly, 18, says question for watcher weekly what, weird talent do you have no. Talent moving on whoa burn. Okay wait let me answer this I'm, a great, no. It's over don't you do it you son of them. That's. The sign of a great voice actor, every, time he does the characters a different, voice completely. I. Saw, all ghosts when, I came out of my mother. There. Was a ghost. That's. Wrong with Ryan's catchphrases, that's, a lot of quiche. What. Does Ryan say. That's. That's the noise I make whatever I trip over or something where I fall that's, the weird talent you have that someone you're gonna go with voiceover, because I don't know if it's that good um no. I um I, play the drums I play the drums yeah. Oh. You do platino you play the drums that's pretty cool, uh. You. Wait. Let me ask Ryan Ryan. Okay. No I don't hear your answer actually what if I answered it is you I could. Eat food and I kind, of talked about it and later, I poop it out and then I and then it's gold. And then it's good and then I go to sleep I know you're there my momma business, is great and now. Maybe. Tying. Every, conversation. Back, to poop I, above. That - it's good, someone's coming in oh. Yeah. All right we shouldn't acknowledge the plan because we murdered it no you didn't murder it we just scorched a little bit but we're taking care of her, we murdered that plant it's then sorry, plan for him you ready mmm, this comes from Laura. Matz. CAC at super, nerd 44 she says hey guys and we are watching had, some pretty good stuff to watch I think, I'll do a drawing for each of the shows at some point hashtag watcher but the reason I bring this up is because she has a fun little fan art of tourist travel, that's so much fun, so. Much fun I said I love it I'm just. Not in it. Again. Every. Version of Ryan that you bring up feels like that version ate the previous, version, for his power so ask me ask ask Ryan, what. Wait wait Ryan why, does your voice sound different, every time I got this from Brittany so we'll have to save this for watching weekly Plus which is our page for an exclusive show you can watch on, patreon. It comes out on Thursdays and you. Know it might be the strongest call out we've ever had you got to hear that 9th voice I don't watch a weekly plan circle. Of Ryan you, just did it outside of the shirt. Okay. Guys I'll admit that wasn't Ryan the whole time though actually me Oh what, I know I, know that's crazy, anyways that does it for this episode of watcher, weakly thank. You all for sitting in the questions that you did to the aforementioned social, media account right for commenting on the video thank you for watching puppet, history once again thank you to everybody who came out to VidCon UK, thank you in advance for watching, spooky, small talk episode 2 which comes out tomorrow. Say. My name that's right so please subscribe and share this, channel with your friends you can follow us on our social we are watcher we're watching and remember if you have questions, for next week's watch, or Weekly comment, on this video we'll have a comment pinned, ma. Is. That a 9th voice no this is just me flying away what's funny now is if they cut around that I'm gonna be counting, out the number of voices you have done and if we cut out some of them they'll know no, those oh no bad that, we couldn't even feel it was actually a natural number I mean that was never not wow.

That's. A lot of numbers 10.

2020-03-06 03:56

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