Step By Step Tutorial On Setting Up A Youtube Channel For Business

Step By Step Tutorial On Setting Up A Youtube Channel For Business

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have you decided it's finally time to take advantage of the power of video marketing in youtube fantastic well done you today i'm going to take you through a step-by-step tutorial to show you exactly how to set up your channel we're going to talk about your about section links that you can put in there customizations that you need to do everything you need to know to have a fantastic channel and don't forget that if you have a marketing virtual assistant they can take care of 99 of this for you a lot of our clients are really not tech savvy and they're happy to hand that off to somebody who is capable and who will do a great job representing your business be sure to stay to the end of this video because we have some templates for some channel art that we're going to give you as a thank you for watching our video today remember it doesn't matter what type of industry you're in youtube can help bring you new leads and new business every day my name is jeanne wilson and i'm with six figure business coaching and i'm excited today to show you how to set up a youtube channel from start to finish if you like what you see in our video today be sure to hit the like button hit the subscribe and ring the bell to be notified every time we publish a new video okay so let's jump right in to setting up your youtube channel so all i've done here is i have opened a gmail account you are going to need some type of google property whether you have a google drive a gmail account google analytics for your website any of those properties quote unquote just log into whatever you have and then you can get started so we've set up a separate gmail account here and so we're gonna go over here and click on youtube we're gonna go up here and click on create a channel your creator journey begins so once you see this picture you know you're in the right place so we'll click get started now you do have the option to use your name or use a custom name go ahead and select custom name even if it's going to be your name because there are different rules this is actually going to be a personal account there are slightly different rules for that so go ahead and select use a custom name and then add your channel name and this is going to be your business and if it's not your business it could be your personal name if it's not any of those it could be what type of business you're in but this is really really important because this is what people are going to see this is what your url is going to be based on so your channel name is important so i'm going to put genies new channel click the button click create having said that you can change this so um we're gonna go ahead and click jeannie's new channel and say don't ask again okay so jeannie's new channel has been created well done so next couple steps is this is a profile picture so this is the circle that's going to show up next to any comments that you make it's going to show up on your main page smaller than your channel art which is your cover image and the best thing to put here really is your picture we used to sometimes put our logo in here but statistics show that people want to see people they want to do business with people so they really want something that's more personalized and the size of the profile image it should be square and it should be 800 by 800 pixels it cannot be an animated gif so you can't get as creative as you might want to be at this point so i'm going to pick a picture of us now although i said it needs to be square it's actually going to show up as a circle so that's um kirsten and i and then here it offers you an opportunity to write a channel description so your description is um a short paragraph it's some sentences but but think about using your keywords when you are describing your channel so you absolutely want to include you know who you are what you are about what viewers can expect from your channel because this is the overall description about your channel and then you could even link to one of your opt-ins so i'm going to go ahead i already set up this description this is from our channel our six figure business coaching channel but you can see um it tells you a little bit about what we do we help entrepreneurs leverage video marketing with the help of a marketing virtual assistant so our clients can become an influencer generate more leads close more sales it has the word entrepreneurs again it has some of the industries we work with coaching real estate online marketing and then we also have a call to action here if you're ready to scale your business book a call here and then we've got a little bit of a background on us and you can see right here we've used 975 out of a thousand possible characters so we're good to go there but you know use as many characters as you can so that um you're taking advantage full advantage of everything that you can of all the real estate that that is on here for you this is a really nice part of your site too when you when we set up your cover image your header image which they call channel art um you are also going to have the ability to have some links show up on the bottom right hand side and i believe that only shows up on desktop but it's really important to add so what we do what we recommend right here is to go ahead and the first link make that one a link to your opt-in in our case it's double your income with a marketing va and i had to shorten that to mva because it only has allows a certain amount in your title so then i'm going to put copy this i'm gonna put the link right here make sure you have the https colon slash slash um here is facebook if you have a facebook url doesn't like that last slash twitter is sf biz coaching so here we're going to sf bizcoaching and then same here sf biz coaching so at this point actually our channel is up and running um although we haven't made it customized at all so up here we're gonna click on customize channel we'll go to branding and we're gonna upload our they did call it our brand banner image so we're going to upload that and it already tells you sorry it already tells you right here it wants the image to be 2048 by 1152 pixels and that's because this is this image is catering to the size of youtube tv so that's a nice big image it's also catering to a banner that will show up on tablets on laptops and desktops and also on mobile so we're going to go ahead and upload a banner image that we created and you can see here the big outside part is what you would see on youtube tv then this middle part is on all devices so i could go back and move that little bit of text over and then this is what's visible on desktop so we're going to hit done and stick around to the end because we have some templates that we are going to give you so that you can create your own banner art because i know sometimes it's not easy to come up with something out of the blue if you're not a designer or you don't have any software uh to help you but we have some templates to give you that you can use in a free software that you can customize with your own branding look you can add your own imagery to it you can add your own text to it but we want to give you something to start with and don't forget that if you have a marketing virtual assistant they can take care of 99 of this for you a lot of our clients are really not tech savvy and they're happy to hand that off to somebody who is capable and who will do a great job representing your business so the video watermark is a little mark that will appear in your videos in the bottom right hand corner and we're going to go ahead and upload that it should be 150 by 150 pixels um it can be a png no animated gifs but it can be a gif bmp or jpeg so i'm going to upload one that i created in canva right there and it it looks a little distorted a little blurry but that's because it's so big it's actually going to show up quite small let me click done so you can see people at any time can go ahead and click on that during the video but actually um you have some options as to when this actually gets displayed so i'm going to do a custom start time and i'm going to leave it at five seconds so it's not going to show up right at the beginning of the video because people don't know if they really want to subscribe if they haven't watched just a little bit of your video um or you can have it up there for the entire video but i like to just start it at five seconds and then we're gonna click publish okay so next we're gonna go to settings and under channel settings we can say what country we're from and then this is where you should add all the keywords that make sense for your entire channel so these are things that youtube will look at when they are looking at what someone has asked for has requested in the search box and see if what you have matches what they're looking for so some of our keywords are marketing virtual assistant if i put a comma in there it'll automatically make that its own keyword actually it's a key phrase uh youtube marketing outsourcing entrepreneurs and so on so you would i would just hit save here actually let's go ahead and make all the updates so we went ahead and put the correct country where you're based we put some keywords in there and go ahead and fill up those keywords as much as you want but make sure that they make sense because youtube will look at these keywords and then it will look at your videos to see if in fact what you're telling youtube you have as content matches what you actually have as content so in the description here you're going to tell viewers about it says tell them about your video because this is what's going to show up as a description under your videos now each video is going to have its own unique description which will go in here but i also have some standard things that i put under every video i'm gonna copy them and put them in there and then i'll show you what they are so what we have here is um our free opt-in that they can request at any time during under every video um we have an affiliate link for a company that we use you can book a free discovery call we also have some more opt-ins 30 tasks should be outsourcing another opt-in then we have some videos that we want to be sure that that they check out if they haven't already so listed a few videos here then i have some playlists that we set up for canva and small business tips and strategies then we also do a click to tweet and we put that in here so this prompts me to remember to set up a click to tweet for this particular video we have links to all of our social accounts and we have a notation that sometimes we do put affiliate links that's just a disclosure in our description we have some of our keywords here and that are hashtagged and then we have a copy a link to the current video and again this is going to prompt me to um update this when this gets added to our video and you can see over here we've only used 2500 out of 5 000 characters in the description so don't forget to use that real estate in the description because that is one of the things that youtube will look at when someone is requesting someone is searching for something they're going to look at the description of the video so visibility so once you upload your video do you want it automatically to be public private or unlisted we usually put unlisted which just means that only people who have a link to it can see it and then again this is a great place to add some tags we typically don't put tags in here because this is going to be again this is the information that shows up under your each video and we choose tags based on what the topic of the video is let's go to advanced so let's just set this up properly so license leave it as standard category we consider our category education because we want to educate people on what we what we present um the video language is again is hold up skipped it uh english actually i'm going to put english u.s caption certification this content has never aired on tv in the u.s the title and description language again is going to be english united states the comments it actually has some filters here allow all comments hold potentially inappropriate hold all comments i'm going to hold potential inappropriate ones users can view ratings for this video that's not a problem permissions if here in community if you wanted to uh block some words i usually add those if and when they show up and they might you know there might be unscrupulous people okay so we have everything i think we need here oh okay this is a really important one advanced settings under channel do you want to set this channel as made for kids there is um a children's online privacy policy act that you have to follow if you say yes this channel is made for kids and that's fine there are just legal requirements and you're going to want to go ahead and click in here and learn more about that and i'm going to say no this channel is not made for kids um if you have a google ads account you can go ahead and link it here display the number of people subscribed to my channel some people turn that off when their channels are small but i say go ahead and leave that we don't want people to not trust us as soon as they land because they can't see how many subscribers we have so some features you have to verify your account so that you have access to them so because this account has not been verified yet you don't we're not able to put up to upload videos that are over 15 minutes we can't upload custom thumbnails we can't do any live streaming or content id appeals so let's see what we can do about that so we can go ahead here and verify via a phone number so we can go ahead and do that and submit that so once you get your code you submit your code and now we're verified so if we go back to channel eligibility we can see now that we have enabled features that require phone verification okay so that was really important because you're going to want to be able to upload videos over 15 minutes you're definitely going to want to do custom thumbnails you're going to eventually want to do live streaming so you absolutely want to make sure those settings are ready to go so now we've gone back to the channel you can see here's our cover image it's um get the free resource you might want to move that arrow over just a tab but these are actually live links right here double your income with an mba there's facebook there's twitter there's instagram you can click on these and go right to the account which is brilliant okay so now we are in we're gonna go to basic info and this has our about section so if we want to make any changes to it is right here we could add a language if we wanted to this is our channel url so right now it's just a really a bunch of letters but you know you can copy this and and use that anywhere you'd like to promote your channel to help get your subscriber count on but once you have 100 subscribers you can customize this and we've done that for ours so ours is now

six figure business coaching which is really nice to have okay so we've gone back into the basic information so you can see here the links and if we wanted to move those links around we could so i'm going to grab instagram and move that up and then we could add linkedin we could add tik tok we can add whatever else we want however keeping in mind that over here it says first five links it's only gonna show up to five links in the banner so it's gonna show the first five so in our case it's gonna show these four um now if you want someone to be able to reach you to contact you via email if you have any if they might want to inquire about your business then you can put an email address here okay so really that is everything that we need to set up your channel here we want to see what our channel looks like now um we are we have our nice header image we've got something about our business it's nice and catchy we've told them we've got new videos coming every week which we do so at this point you're ready to upload some videos so when you're ready to upload a video you just go up here and click on create upload video okay and then it's going to ask you to select the mp4 file of the video from wherever you're getting that from and then it will walk you through a series of steps and then it will show up here on your list of videos okay one more thing i want to show you in the settings if we go to channel advanced settings and we scroll down here to manage your youtube account if we wanted to add someone to manage this now keeping in mind a lot of this can be done by your marketing virtual assistants you just give them the information and they can go ahead and head and you know they can create the imagery they can upload the imagery they can set a lot of this up for you so you can add them here as a manager so that they can have their own access to it to your channel we can also go here to view advanced settings and this has some information that we may need this is your user id which is completely unique to your channel and your channel id and both of these can be used when you add add-ons perhaps like something like tubebuddy which is going to help you with your seo and keyword research so i'm gonna put a link to tubebuddy it's a fantastic tool there's a free version you can get started with but we highly recommend that you use that when you're deciding what your titles and your keywords are gonna be for each video so your channel is ready for you to upload videos and get started we hope that you found this really really helpful in the comments below go ahead and let us know what your big aha moment is from what i've shown you today if you're looking to utilize youtube as a lead machine be sure to book a call with us there's a link right in the description below and we'll be happy to tell you more about how we can help your business generate leads through youtube you

2021-03-13 13:53

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