Starting a Home Baking Business in 2020/21! My TOP 10 Fears

Starting a Home Baking Business in 2020/21! My TOP 10 Fears

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hey guys welcome back to another video today we  are going to be talking about starting a business   and my 10 fears that i had when starting my  business so this is relevant to 2020 2021   i started my business in 2020 for those  of you that don't know i signed it   in may 2020 so right in the middle of covid and  i'm going to be giving you all of my fears because   there's quite a lot of things that stop people  from starting a business and i just want to give   you my insight and kind of like my advice on each  of those subjects and how you can kind of overcome   them because it does get better and you just gotta  push through any issues that you have and just   try and think of positives because a lot of the  time these fears are just you being too scared   to take the plunge and start a business because  it is quite a big deal so i've got my 10 things   written down here grab yourself a drink i've got  a cup of tea and we're going to get right into it   so if you haven't already please like and  subscribe make sure you hit the bell if you   want to hear about all my new baking videos i  upload three times a week so there's quite a   lot of content coming out and i have lots planned  i have a big long list of videos that i need to   film because people keep requesting various  things so there is a lot more coming up so   we're going to get in to these fears so number  one is probably the thing that most people are   going to be thinking of and that is money loss so  depending on what your situation is whether you   aren't employed or whether you already have a job  that can differ in terms of this fear so basically   when i started my business i was in a secure  job and it was well paid in accounting   and but i wasn't enjoying it because i've  covered and i decided that i was gonna quit and   start my own business i didn't know whether this  was gonna go very well it could have completely   flopped and been a waste of money for one and a  waste of time and obviously once you quit your job   there isn't necessarily any opportunity to go back  so that can be quite a big fear for people so i   would recommend getting in some practice before to  make sure that it is definitely something you want   to do and also preparing yourself like i didn't  really prepare myself in terms of monetary um   commitments i had my bills that i pay every month  and i just i made sure that i did enough notice   to be paid and then i started the business  two weeks before so that i was getting orders   prior to leaving um but i guess for me i just  winged it if i'm honest but i would recommend   if you are thinking about doing it especially with  covid at the moment because it has been going on   for quite a while i definitely recommend getting  yourself in a financially viable situation so that   maybe you do your job part-time you try and reduce  your hours if you're thinking of starting your own   business or you get a separate part-time job which  i did in october because i wanted to get a bit of   extra money and covered was still going on um so  i got a part-time job but now i've quit that and   i'm doing baking full-time so i definitely  recommend doing that even if it's just for   the first few months until your orders pick up and  you know you're getting noticed by people and then   your business will then pick up and you might  not need the part-time job but yeah just think   about your options in terms of money whether  you can afford to not have that income because   if you have a partner i don't but if you have  a partner they might be able to like subsidize   the money that you're losing or the money that  you don't have so yeah you have to think about the   money that you might lose work out your bills all  that kind of thing to make sure how much you need   to earn before you then start this business so the  next one is your skill set so obviously a lot of   people worry that once they've made a few orders  if they aren't going to get any better are they   going to progress are they going to be good enough  to get lots of orders in a month rather than a few   um and i think i mean i've heard this a lot from  like either comments or just people messaging me   saying you know i haven't got any orders is it my  fault um is it my skill set and it usually isn't   i mean there it's such a saturated market at the  moment especially because everyone is starting   businesses baking businesses in lockdown it is  such a popular thing at the moment so because   it is so saturated you're gonna have little lulls  where you don't have as many orders and with covid   and the restrictions changing constantly you can't  necessarily blame that on yourself because at the   moment people can't have gatherings so they're  probably not going to be ordering big cakes   so that would be why your cake orders are going  down highly likely and it might also be your skill   set but if you think that your skill set isn't  good enough then i would just recommend getting   more practice in i mean i thought that i was  good when i started and then in the past month   i've really seen an improvement in my cakes  and that isn't me being like big headed but   i can really see a difference and it's because i'm  putting more like quality time into them um and   there's a lot more enjoyment there i think which  has grown with it um i absolutely love it now so   i just love putting in that effort and spending  time on cakes and the skill comes with that and   the more cakes you make the better you're going  to get so yeah i would just definitely recommend   just learning as much as possible watching youtube  videos just building your skills to a point where   you have learned quite a few different things  and then you can apply that to when you're making   cakes and when you're making cupcakes brownies and  test out different recipes just perfect things to   a point where you're happy with them um so  the next thing is business and paperwork so   this is to do with not knowing what you're doing  in terms of paperwork is basically this fear   so i was in this position and now i seem to be the  complete flip where i'm making videos about having   all my paperwork sorted for my inspection getting  five stars i sell business um like spreadsheets   and stuff on etsy now and it's like i went from  worrying that i did not have the paperwork skills   and like they weren't up to scratch and that my  inspection was going to go badly whereas now i'm   on the opposite side where people are asking  me to sell my spreadsheets and to sell my um   kind of knowledge on paperwork because they  think that it is to a skill where it's good   so i would definitely just do your research do  your research on what you need so give yourself a   list of everything that you need to have ready for  your inspection and everything that you need to   keep records of on a daily basis and just try and  make it as easy for you as possible because you're   the one that has to fill out all this paperwork  every day you're the one that has to maintain it   no one else does so if you make a spreadsheet and  it makes your life 100 times easier or whether you   have a paper version and no digital documents and  you find that paper version of your paperwork is   much better then do that so i personally like to  have both so i have spreadsheets and then i also   have written paperwork i just like to have two  logs i don't know why i'm just very organized   and i like to have a they're slightly different  so like my spreadsheet log is for the whole year   so it will have just indefinitely all my orders  and then i have paperwork logs which are like   monthly items and like my temperature check are  all printed out um and i just write them in just   because i find that i'm not going to go and type  in a temperature into a spreadsheet when i check   the fridge i'm going to write it down because  that paper is going to be near the fridge   so it's just making sure that things are in the  easiest place for you to keep maintaining them   um i also have all my paperwork in terms of  recipes i have them all printed out and i rewrote   them because certain ones i tweaked so i've got  all my recipes written out so that whenever i   make a cake or a brownie box i can just take that  recipe out of my folder and it's right next to   where i'm actually baking so it's a lot easier for  me to locate i'm not having to go on my computer   or get my phone out i can literally just get out  the folder easily enough so the next one is money   loss in terms of supplies so the first one was  money loss in terms of changing job so this one   is more so about buying equipment so a lot of  people think that you have to have the fanciest   item possible and i mean i thought this originally  i wanted a kitchenaid since forever um but i felt   like i had to have it the first week i started my  business i didn't get it until about two months   later and the only reason i did that is because  i had a hand mixer and it used to get really hot   whenever i was mixing because i was doing it for  too long it wasn't built for that kind of thing um   it was meant it was like a five pound hand mixer  so it wasn't built for big batches of cake and   brownies so i decided that i was gonna go for a  more expensive mixer and that's just because i am   in accounting so i kind of worked it all out and i  worked out that i would rather buy the kitchenaid   that i know i'm going to buy even if there are  cheaper options out there i wanted to buy that   whether it's in a year or whether it's now because  i like the way that all the appliances work and i   can have it in my house in a couple of years and  i can interchange attachments and stuff like that   but i wanted it anyway and i thought well if i'm  going to spend 100 or 200 pounds on a different   machine then that's 100 or 200 that i could put  towards the kitchenaid in a year so i might as   well buy now that was my thinking but if you don't  need it for the appliances so if you don't if   you're not bothered about all the attachments so  when i move out i'd quite like the pasta maker and   the blender that attaches onto it but if you're  not bothered then i would definitely recommend   like the k-mix or even some of the cheaper options  because if you're only looking for it to be a   mixer then you definitely don't necessarily need  a kitchenaid despite how much i love it it is the   more expensive version so i wouldn't like tell  you that you need it because you definitely don't   there are so many cheaper options which work just  as well but i just wanted it for the baking and   the kitchen kind of style of it not just for my  work also for like personal stuff so i that's the   reason i got that one but i definitely wouldn't  recommend going crazy on supplies because a lot   of people worry that they're going to spend loads  of money on stuff to start their business and   then they're actually not going to make enough  money back and unfortunately when you start any   business there's going to be some outgoings before  you make any money that's the way that it works   you have to put money into the business in order  for it to start actually producing money back and   getting that interest and then getting orders so  i definitely think you need to consider how much   money you have to put into the business prior to  starting it and then you can decide what things   you can buy what's most important so say you  already have a hand mixer then you might do what   i did where i thought it was more important to buy  things like boxes and like cake boards and then i   waited until i had the money to buy the mixer  because i waited two months where i knew that   i had had more orders so i was able to commit to  it because i felt like the business was going well   whereas again you don't want to spend 500 pounds  on a mix so that it's only for your business   and then you decide in a month  that you don't like baking and   you're not going to have your own business  anymore so you want to make sure that it is   a permanent decision because when you're spending  that much money um this goes for anything um even   like redoing your kitchen some people redo their  whole kitchen which i would definitely recommend   maybe a few months down the line but if you're not  sure then i'd recommend going for all the basics   because things like turntables spatulas a lot of  them and even scrapers you can get the cheaper   version and they are just as good but i just like  some of the branded items for their special touch   that they have um and like certain nozzles things  like that but i definitely don't think you need   branded everything it's not essential and it's  surprising how much you can do with the appliances   that you have and a lot of people think they need  a separate fridge and you don't you just have   to have separate shelves so again that saves you  money because you don't need to be spending money   on separate fridges and freezers and all of that  another one is your hygiene rating a lot of people   worry about this i get so many messages  especially since i did that video on my   hygiene rating where people say like i don't know  whether i'm gonna pass is this okay is this okay   i've had people sending me photos of the kitchen  where they say like is this layout all right and   i would definitely just say don't worry about  it a lot of the time you have nothing to be   worried about they are there to help you and  a lot of their stuff is advisory obviously   if you have a really dirty kitchen and you've got  like pests running around then that's probably   gonna fail you but if you have a clean kitchen  you're organized you have all your paperwork in   order all of your procedures then i can't  see why they wouldn't pass you obviously   don't hold me to that because i don't know what  it takes to get a four but you will definitely   be getting a reasonable score four or five if  you have a reasonable kitchen you've got your   paperwork in order i've all the people that have  messaged me have always been fives so it seems   like as long as you have all that stuff in order  there is no reason why you wouldn't get a five   so i would definitely just recommend not worrying  yourself about it it's really easy to say because   i've done it now but i knew how much i worried  about it i literally cleaned my kitchen from head   to toe literally scrubbing the floor because i was  so worried that she was gonna look in like all the   little cracks and little spaces and be like oh  there's a bit of dirt there um which is just   crazy they obviously wouldn't do that but that was  just me panicking so i would definitely say try   not to panic because it's a lot like calmer and  less stressful than you can imagine so try not to   worry about your hygiene rating it will be fine if  you have any questions just let me know down below   or feel free to message me on instagram because  i'll just reply um i reply to lots of people so   um yeah any questions let me know so the next one  is impressing people family or customers and so a   lot of people worry that their family are sort of  like making fun of them i mean mine i wouldn't say   made fun of me um because that is quite harsh i  would hope that no one does that um but mine were   sort of questioning whether it was gonna turn  into anything they were completely supportive   but like my dad said oh you know are you going to  sell 20 customers this was when i was making loads   of stuff for my family to try out and i was like  yeah i'm going to like start this business and   you know it was i just quit my job to do this like  it was a complete switch so it wasn't like i'd   been planning it for months i literally started  the business two weeks before and then i went   right i'm quitting my job i can't do this anymore  um so it was quite a sharp decision but obviously   now i make all my family cakes and they commission  me to do it um and obviously i have a lot of   orders and i have etsy i have my own website  like it's quite established obviously it's not   big i'm not sort of saying that but it's  established in the first six months and i think   they're quite surprised and i would definitely  say don't worry um if they are taking the mick   out of you then just prove them wrong like if  anyone whether it's customers because i mean   some people get funny about pricing and they might  say oh that's that's not right um you know you're   charging your customers too much don't believe  what someone else says you are the business owner   you make the decisions if you want to price  something the way that you want to price it   there will be someone that pays obviously if  you're cheaper then you might get more people   paying but then you sort of run yourself into  the ground because you're overworking yourself   and then if you're too overpriced you might get  less orders but it's all a learning curve you will   learn your pricing you will learn how to respond  to people how to advertise all of that comes with   having the business for a certain amount of  time so i would definitely say just focus on   yourself and the business don't worry about  whatever people think obviously if you get   criticism or feedback then try and take  it constructively because obviously   a lot of the time they don't know your trade  so like a customer won't necessarily know what   it takes to bake cake so there is a lot that  goes into it um so yeah try and take things as   constructive obviously if there is a negative bit  of feedback we'll get on to that because i have   got a subject on that but yeah just try and remain  positive and put yourself in the business first   so the next one is actually  bad reviews so i would say   it's gonna happen at some point you can't  please everyone unfortunately um touchwood   luckily for me it hasn't happened yet um but  it will happen at some point it's inevitable   when you're running a business and it won't  necessarily be the worst thing in the world   you might just get someone saying you know it  was great but this if you could change would be   great um you know it's not going to be that they  completely hate it they might just have some tips   and you just want to take that professionally and  just accept that feedback and then just try and   resolve it if it is an actual issue then i'm gonna  actually do a video on that because that can be   quite complicated um but if it is just feedback  then just try and take it on the chin and learn   from it and yeah don't let it get you down because  i see so many things in cake forums where people   are really kind of like let down by negative  feedback and just try and take it positively   because it is difficult and running your business  is difficult there is so much that goes into it   and i think some people don't get enough credit  for the amount of hard work that they do and   i know that bakers in general do a lot of hard  work and the hourly wage might not necessarily be   that great but you put everything into your work  so just try and take it positively so the next one   is pricing so if you haven't already i'm gonna put  a ticket for my pricing video um because this is a   big fear of people's because they worry that  they're not pricing right that they're not   gonna get any customers or they're worried  because they're getting too many orders and   they can't fulfill them or they can't um fit in  the amount of people that want to order which is   potentially because you're um you it can be one of  two things you're either very skilled and you're   in very high demand or sometimes if you're pricing  too low then you will get a lot more orders but   you might not necessarily be paying yourself  the right hourly rate and like the right cost   for your ingredients and just having a break  um because you're kind of overworking yourself   and i would just say do your research on pricing  work out an hourly rate work out your costs   just make sure that you're not plucking a number  at a thin air just because someone else said   that their cake costs 40 pounds it doesn't  mean that that's how much yours should cost   it all comes into ingredients and how much they  charge per hour and this all differs from baker   to baker um i mean mine vary from people in my  area and i mean they're local so they're gonna   vary from someone that's in birmingham or you  know scotland so because that's far away from me   so just try and focus on your own pricing and  do the maths to work it out don't um you know   just worry and take someone else's number as  gospel um because again in like these cake   forums people say what they charge they might put  a cake on there and although it is very helpful   um it gives you a bit of perspective into  the different prices that people charge   but it also gives you that difference so people  will be commenting someone might say i would   charge 50 i would charge 90 i would charge 70.  and it just shows you that there is a difference   between bakers and you want to charge based on  your hourly rate and all of that but that is a   whole separate video it's quite complicated but  it is not anything to be worried about once you   get your pricing sorted you will be away i have  finally got mine sorted about two months ago   and i'm getting customers based on those prices  so i'm not worrying that people aren't ordering   because i'm too expensive or anything like that  and yeah it seems to have stuck so now i'm just   gonna stick to those prices not change  them um but yeah it can be worrying and   you end up changing them loads of times because  you're worried it's either too high or too low   but yes make sure that you do all the workings  out and then it should all fall into place   um so the next one is not enough orders again this  fits into the pricing worry usually um and just   if you don't have enough orders just try and use  your free time to educate yourself so trying new   techniques i definitely recommend i've done this  in previous videos where i've recommended this   um but i would recommend cake dummies because you  can practice on them all you're using is icing you   don't have to use you're not making any cake and  then it means you're not wasting too much money um   on however many cake dummies you want to do um in  your free time i probably do maybe one a month and   obviously because you're just using buttercream  is very inexpensive and a lot of the time people   can't tell it's a dummy so it means that you're  getting your skills out there by trying something   new and a potential design that someone might  order and it's also not costing you very much and   the last thing is losing interest and motivation  this is quite an important one because obviously   if you don't like your job then i would recommend  you don't do it um obviously stick something out   if you aren't enjoying it on the first day then  it's highly likely that you will enjoy it within   you know a month but if you have been doing it for  months and you're not enjoying it then you need to   change something about it because it's not gonna  change if it's been going on for a very long time   so just make sure that you're doing everything  you can to make it easy for you so like having   a routine i find is really good i find baking in  the morning is good because i'm very motivated in   the morning i don't really want to be baking um in  the afternoon but i always find that i quite like   to decorate in the evening and that can sometimes  be really late depending on when i got the order   if it's a last minute one but i do like to get  everything baked in terms of like in the oven   in the morning so that that's all done and then  i feel like i haven't got as much stress because   i enjoy the decorating so much so i find that that  isn't a hassle for me to do that whenever i'm free   but baking i don't like to do in the afternoon so  it just it's up to you like if you hate washing   up then try and figure out something around that  there will be tasks that people don't like i mean   again on cake forums people say you know i hate  washing up i hate baking i hate the decorating   i hate making buttercream or i hate doing fondant  there are things that people aren't going to like   but you just need to get in a routine to the  point where you have it set that you enjoy   different tasks at different times of the day and  you've got certain things done before you sort of   lose motivation maybe after like midday you lose  motivation to try and get all the rubbish tasks   done in the morning but again like i say if it  is just a case of you don't like your job then   i would just recommend talking to  someone and try and figure out a solution   if you look for something else this isn't just for  baking this is just in general no matter what job   you're doing you shouldn't have to just work and  not enjoy it i the fact that the reason i started   baking and doing this job is because i didn't  like my previous job and i was thinking i'm 21   and i don't enjoy my job how am i going to last  another 30 years before i retire if i don't like   it now that's what you need to think of so as long  as you enjoy your job you'll be able to do it for   a long time so yeah i'm rambling now but you know  what i mean um but yeah i hope this was helpful   and giving you an insight into my fears just  showing you that not everything is perfect all the   time people do worry about things these are things  that i worried about when i started my business   and now i don't worry about them at all because i  have overcome them i've found solutions and yeah   i hope that any of these fears if you guys have  any of these then feel free to talk to me about   it my messages are always open and i don't mind  answering anyone's questions as usual so yeah i   hope that this was kind of insightful and helpful  to people so that is the end of the video if you   did like then make sure you liked and subscribed  and hit the bell if you want to see more of my   baking videos if you have any requests then please  put them in the comments down below because i have   a list of videos that i want to do and that i  need to do but i also have a list of ones that   are requested which i try and prioritize over mine  so that you guys aren't waiting too long to see   something that you've requested so make sure to  comment down below if there's anything that you   want to see and i can try and get that done in the  next few weeks so i'll see you in the next video bye

2021-01-11 13:16

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