START AND GROW A DRONE BUSINESS (Part 2) - How to SCALE Your Drone Business

START AND GROW A DRONE BUSINESS (Part 2) - How to SCALE Your Drone Business

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all right happy thanksgiving everyone  today we're going to talk about   how to scale your drone business okay so let me  just switch over right now just so you can see me   give me one second alrighty guys  so today we're going to talk about   how to scale your drone business happy  thanksgiving brett caramella the drone   pilot pro here let's dive right into it  all right so we have right here all right this is part two of a three-part  video series for helping you   grow start and grow your drone business  so to grow your business or scale your   drone business that's what we're going  to talk about today so if you already   you've already got some clients if you didn't do  so watch yesterday's video and i talked about how   to get your first client so now that you have your  first client if you follow what i said yesterday   you'll have your first client now we're going  to talk about scaling your drone business so   there's three key roles for scaling a business  okay for scaling your drone business okay so i'm   gonna give you those three keys today and really  it's really three different personality types   so we'll talk about it right now so those three  key roles for scaling a business are you got to   be an entrepreneur you got to be a manager and  you got to be a technician okay so you got to be   all three of those things in order to grow your  business okay so one of the main reasons why   so many businesses fail so many drone businesses  fail is because people start out usually they only concentrate on one out of the three okay  or maybe two out of three but you need to have   all three of these roles in order to  have a successful drone business all   right i'm just going to check give me one  second i'm going to check online to see   anybody's online or if everyone's just eating  turkey all right everyone's eating turkey all   right so we're going to keep going if you're  watching this on the replay i'm sorry about the uh   interruptions here all right  let's keep going all right so the   what we're gonna talk about because we have these  three roles entrepreneur manager and technician   we're gonna start with the entrepreneur and  the analogy the man i'm gonna choose today   since it is thanksgiving i don't know might be  appropriate might not be appropriate but i'm gonna   use christopher columbus okay so christopher  columbus was the epitome of an entrepreneur   and i'll explain why okay so as you  know christopher columbus you know   was was a person who discovered the americas are  a european who discovered the americas in 1492   okay and he had these four core skills or four  core traits that made him a good entrepreneur so   you'll know if you're entrepreneur if you have  these four uh skills right here so number one   he was a visionary okay he dreamt of exploring  a new land with lots of gold and yes having a   vision or being a visionary is a skill of course  it can be taught but some people have it naturally   then he was a great planner all right he had  a blueprint for traveling to this new land   he he knew what ship he wanted he knew the the  kind of crew he he needed the money etc in order   he could plan he knew how to plan all these  things in order to make the journey a success   okay then the third type of skill he had he was  a networker so he knew how to promote the journey   this is going to be amazing we're going to  get tons of gold we're going to get rich   it's going to be an exciting journey okay it's  going to be a great adventure and we got to do   it now before someone else does it so he's a great  networker great schmoozer promoter okay and he was   also knew how to spot talent so you could promote  but if you're promoting to the wrong people   your business isn't going to go anywhere now now  i'm using christopher columbus but this is going   to relate to the drone business so just give me a  second i'm gonna come back to the drone business   so if if this bores you apologize but i thought  this analogy would be a good way of telling a   story that relates to business okay so he knew how  to spot talent he schmoves with the right people   to get the things he needed okay so he had all  four of those skills and he could not do it alone   okay so christopher columbus although he had  these four skills he was a great entrepreneur   that alone would not guarantee him being  successful okay so he could not he could not   do it alone he needed two other types of people  to reach his goal in order to complete his journey   and as you can see in this picture right here you  see we'll just make believe i don't know this is   the artist's rendition of who he thought columbus  was and whatever so this is columbus right here   we'll say in the front and the two other people  we're gonna look at well the workers right here   the rowers and then this guy is standing up with  this little like feather in his hat like kind of   like looking on with the sword by his side okay  that's the guy we're going to talk about next   so this guy with a sword in his his thing and  uh he's got the feathers right there that guy   is the manager okay he probably didn't columbus  probably didn't call him a manager he probably   called him a first mate or whatever the  terminology they used back then so the the job   of the manager the first mate is task delegation  and he's kind of the big problem solver okay so   tons of things can go wrong on the on the boat and  when you're running a business you're always gonna   eventually run into problems there's no business  that doesn't have problems or doesn't have   holes in your boat so to speak so the business is  basically the boat okay so to speak and as your   business as you go along with time you get holes  in your business okay you get holes in your boat   if you don't patch them up if you don't fix  them your ship's gonna sink your business   is gonna sink so that was the job of the first  mate or the manager he makes sure that the all   the oarsmen and everyone all the workers on  the boat they knew their job and they were   he was like the task manager he makes sure hey  are you are you rowing here let's get going or   we need to help with the sales over here he makes  sure everyone did their job and he also there's   things like holes in the boat and things like  that he makes sure that they took care of those   so that they could get across the ocean okay now  the third type of role is the technician now the   technician is columbus's crew it's all these  people here rowing working uh in order to get   that boat to the shore so you there there was  obviously very various types of technicians on   columbus boat you could he had the navigator  he had the carpenter okay he had the cook   to prepare all the meals etc etc so there were  so many different uh crew roles but most of the   roles are technician okay so you had columbus who  was the entrepreneur you had that gentleman over   here who is the manager and then you had all the  other people on the boat who were technicians okay   now we're gonna go back to our drone  business okay so the technician uh   for columbus was his crew all  those people we just talked about   but for our drone business the technician is the  drone pilot okay so he's in charge of creating   the final deliverables the photos and videos  now most people when you start your business   okay let me just switch over for a second and  just talk to the screen because it's getting   i don't like to go too long see who's on all  right jack robinson good to see you see if we   got any questions over here happy thanksgiving  planner that is why we are here cool follow your   analogies put together a sport team got it so  planning on your support team project lead pilot   spotter technician yes exactly exactly so this i'm  going to explain this more and i'm also going to   talk about how this relates to my own business  what i've run into personally um what i've i've   had difficulty doing uh so personally myself  i got into starting a drone business because i   love flying drones and i think like 90 of people  do that they they work at a job and they're like   ah forget my boss forget the manager i can go  i can do this better i can go off on my own   right so you go off on your own you start doing it  you start flying your drone you start getting jobs   you start making money you're happy right but  then as you're and you get more and more work   more and more jobs you realize wait a minute um  there's a lot of stuff i need to take care of here   like that i need to hire some people my business  is growing and we need to hire some more of those   technician roles like a spotter like a video  editor like um any sort sort of thing maybe a   producer for a big shoot stuff like this so as you  start getting these other people you need you need   an accountant you need you know a bookkeeper to  keep take care of your finances so all these roles   in the beginning you might try to do but then  it takes away from you being the technician   and then you also still need to be the  entrepreneur because you have to have a vision   for where your business is going in order to scale  it so in the beginning people make the mistake   i made the mistake myself i can talk from own  personal experience and i think most people   do this is that they start out with too much  focus on being a technician or flying your drone   so in the beginning if you're just starting  out by yourself you're like brett what do i do   if i have to be all three of those these roles  what do i do do i need like a split personality   do i need to like uh read all these books and do  everything well in the beginning you don't have to   like go crazy you just have to focus a third of  your time on being a technician third of your time   on being a manager and a third of your time on  being an entrepreneur okay so you got to split   it a third a third a third okay so now let's  get back into the slides i'm going to show you   what you do as your business scales all right  hope that makes sense for everybody all right   yep all right so we're gonna go  back to the slides right here okay   so yeah so so there's all these different roles  you need a spotter someone to see your drone you   need you know eventually you you're gonna need  a photo video editor you start doing yourself   but you start getting so many jobs like myself  right now i'm hiring video editors and you do   a real estate or some other type of shoot you  might need a voice over so you hire someone to   do the voice over stuff like this these are all  just uh technician roles that you're gonna need   okay because you can't you just don't have the  time even if you're good at all these things   eventually there's only 24 hours a day if you  want your business to grow even if even if   you're getting very little sleep you still can't  do this all so you need to hire other people   so as i said where most people fail too much time  being the technician so you begin hiring other   technicians and the manager and entrepreneur  tasks get dealt get neglected and the business   fail so what people do is like i said they go from  being the technician and then often they'll hire   another technician now you got two technicians  trying to do manager and entrepreneurial tasks   but they're that's not that's a totally different  skill so you have to hire someone who is their   skill as being a manager okay and ultimately  you want to be the entrepreneur okay so   when you start your business by yourself like i  said you need to be 33 percent entrepreneur 33   manager 33 percent technician but as you scale  your business you're gonna have to first hire a   technician because that's gonna take the most  time okay so actually doing the video editing   doing the actual shooting okay that is what  takes up a lot of time okay in the beginning   you can do it but then once your business grows  the first people you gotta hire the technicians   then if you have enough money and you have  enough technicians or people flying your   drone people editing people doing your accounting  etc then you're going to have to hire a manager   okay so the manager is going to be in charge of  making sure all the drone pilots are doing their   job making sure the bookkeeper is doing his job  making sure accountants doing their job making   sure everyone's doing their job that needs  to be done okay so you can focus 80 to 100   of your time on being an entrepreneur being an  entrepreneur is looking for new work seeing where   the opportunities are uh you know meeting  with potential other businesses or clients   that can really grow your business beyond just the  day-to-day work okay so the entrepreneurial skills   are all the things that christopher columbus  had all right you have to all right where's   my business going i have to plan i might need to  change my blueprint a little bit all right i need   to network i need to look for better talent this  all takes time okay and then i need to sit alone   and or i need to meet with other people talk with  other business owners or people other drone pilots   and come up with a vision for my business because  your business isn't always going to stay the same   it's going to change as as time evolves technology  evolves the world evolves okay so that's sort of   the strategy for scaling your business okay let's  see if we have any questions before i continue any any questions jack i see you here   alex moe all right from italy all right  alex grazie mill italia all right yeah um i'm half italian so appreciate that all  right higher higher in skills you need to   cover all the deliverables you are offering  to clients that's what jack says yes exactly   so you should do you should know what your best  skill is and ultimately you got to work on your   entrepreneurial skills because that's what's going  to make you the most money that's what's going to   help you scale and really grow your business so  you want to you want to be with other people who   have entrepreneurial skills but also you need  to find a good manager and a good technicians   okay so one thing i i i will say is once your  business does grow all right let me just switch   over here real quick once your business  does grow a lot of people fail in that they they neglect or they they underestimate the power  of a good employee or a good person working for   you independent contractor whoever it is so i've  been at businesses before where i've delivered so   much to that business i i can't get into details  just because i don't want to put anyone you know   speak negatively of anyone but i've been i've been  at certain jobs where i've gone above and beyond   and done everything to help this business grow and  that business let me go like they'd never give me   a raise they never gave me commission they didn't  give me anything when i was giving them making   them hundreds and millions of dollars right so  if someone's making hundreds of thousands of   dollars millions of dollars you want to keep that  person happy because ultimately your biggest asset   for your business is your employees okay it's  actually you know the customer is very important   but your employees are probably your biggest asset  and a lot of people don't understand that because   it when you start your business as you as you grow  your business you'll realize that finding really   good employees is one of the hardest things  to do so once you get them keep them like   gold they're worth so much to your business all  right so that's what i recommend your employees   are really your biggest asset and the most  important thing in your business and i think a   lot of business owners out there who are watching  this you'll understand if you're not if you don't   have a drone business another business i think  you'd agree with me just from personal experience   the value of having great employees okay so  let's come back to the slides um see if we   got any questions here any questions we got a  bunch of people in the chat any questions here i have been flying three years  without part 107 i need help yeah   uh well you got to get your part 107 if you want  to make money i have a part 107 course you can   go to the drone pilot just  scroll down you'll see my course right there   um jack says been there had that happen more than  once treating them right matters yes definitely   treating good employees and treating  all your employees right matters but   keeping your good employees  is such an important skill   all right so now we're just going  to get in thank thank you for uh for that now we're gonna get  into black friday we've got   two days left today and tomorrow  i just want to let you guys know   about my biggest discount of the year okay so  if you are looking to grow your drone business   i put together a course of over 125 videos  of everything from mastering your drone to   getting your part 107 license and the business  skills some of the skills that i talk about today   in growing your business okay and i wish i  knew these a long time ago and uh that's why   i put this together for you so you don't make  the same mistakes so in the course on my page   the you can go there i have  these mini courses now these are all for sale   i mean you could purchase any one of these but i  put them all together for my premium course called   drone pilot pro and that's going to be on sale  black friday until tomorrow there's going to be   60 off so you can get that entire course you can  get all these courses combined for just 3.49 okay  

so that includes how to master your mavic how to  get your part 107 license how to edit your videos   fast and how to build your business like what we  talked about lessons like today i show you over 20   lessons like today in growing your business  this is from personal experience as well as   the group of other business owners that i speak to  on a regular basis who are doing much better than   i am because you always want to surround another  business skills you want to surround yourself with   people who are more talented who are making  more money with you who are smarter than you   because then you can learn from them okay so i  share things i learn as well as my own personal   experience in the course okay then i also give you  my i'll show you how to color grade give you my   lup pack and then i have a ton of bonuses which  i'll talk about in a second but the biggest one   is you get 60 off the adobe creative cloud which  will pay for the price of the course itself so   here's what some other people are saying this was  lamar davis he recently passed a par 107 exam and   he did his first job he sent me this i think it  was a week or two ago he sent me this i just did a   screen a screenshot right here okay then we have  other gentlemen who have enrolled in my course   and they've had really great results and they've  been enjoying it because thing about my courses i   tried to do everything step by step and really go  into detail uh sort of not not leave any uh stone   unturned so to speak so that's that's the um  the perk of joining my course and when you join   you'll have a lifetime access now black friday  offer now if i taught something like this this   is basically five courses in one if i taught it  at an institution or school you might pay several   thousands of dollars all right i think personally  this course is worth over a thousand dollars   uh but right now i have it on my website at 7.99  but because of where it's black friday i lowered   it down to 349. so that's i mean that's as low  as i could possibly go i'm practically giving   it away to you so that's the deal for black  friday and when you join like i said you will   not only get mentorship from me you'll get all  the new all future content so anything i add   to the course as i add to the course new  technology come out okay you get that for   life you get all those courses and you also  join the private facebook groups you'll get   other people who join and you can network with  them we can learn together and grow together   okay like i said one person can't do it alone  christopher columbus couldn't do it alone i   can't do it alone you can't do alone no one can do  it alone so the benefit of joining this course is   you have other like-minded people who are serious  about starting and growing their drone business   okay so we can all network and share our ideas and  our skills together okay to help one another grow   and some of the bonuses in the course you'll  get uh my premiere pro presets so things like   animations transitions okay you get sound effects  i have thousands of sound effects that you can add   rather than going out there and  recording themselves and this will   make your videos a lot better okay i'll  show you how to use those in the course   then you also have my preflight checklist so  you can use this on your ipad you can print   this out just to make sure you're prepared  so when you go on a professional drone shoot   you have everything you need okay this is really  important and then you get sixty percent off the   adobe creative cloud which i use every day  things like photoshop lightroom premiere pro   audition spark etc so you get all these apps  right here 60 off okay once you sign up for the   course okay then also music is so important  for your drone videos and you don't want to   get in trouble whether you upload your videos  on youtube or with a client okay you need the   licensing so the licensing is so important but  you don't have to worry about this when you sign   up for artless soundstripe or musicbed these  are three uh licensing platforms that i use   personally i think i like art lists the most then  maybe music bed after that but they are all very   good so i give you an option of all three and i  give you discounts on all three when you sign up   and then when you join you get lifetime membership  for all these courses and you get a 14 day money   back guarantee so you can try it out for 14 days  if you don't like it even with the black friday   discount if you're still not happy just send me an  email and i won't ask you any questions i'll just   give you a full refund okay so you got nothing  to lose and uh yeah and you can also by the way   you can pay with paypal or however you want to  pay so you instantly get your money back as well   if you're not happy but i'm sure you will  obviously that's the whole point made the   course to uh help people but if it makes you  feel better got the 14 day money back guarantee   okay so below this video you can enroll it is 60  off okay that deal ends at midnight on friday or   you can just go to the and  i have the link there as well all right guys  

that's it for today let's see if we have any  questions before i go all right let's jump in here okay we've got a bunch of people in the chat here   jack gives it a thumbs up jack i really appreciate  you men always supporting mark p says adobe's   expensive and predatory i'd use a finite vinci  yeah i've used da vinci although i will say   i've used these other platforms and to me adobe  just makes my workflow the fastest it's the   easiest it also has it's kind of like the most  universal so when you use it with clients and so   forth it's it's a lot easier because everyone  sort of uses it with the discount you get all   those platforms you get uh it's not really that  expensive i think it's like a little over 20 a   month it's between 20 22 a month something like  that so for all those platforms uh for 20 20 and   change a month to me that's pretty cheap for if  you're doing this full-time professionally uh   trying to cover that license battle at this point  yeah so one thing i let me just go back to that   jack to ask about the um licensing so for the  licensing where is it right right here i have   in the course i use artless soundstripe musicbed  artless the good thing i kind of the reason i like   them their licensing is because even if in the  future if you decide to cancel your subscription   if you use some of their music you're you're  covered for life and also covers commercial   work whereas music bed you have to pay different  licensing fees whereas artless and soundstripe are   kind of like one fee for everything whether that's  with a commercial client or your own work so i   would look toward towards art list or soundstripe  if you're worried about the licensing even though   musicbed they do have some amazing songs too  so it's it really depends on the project okay all right um and jack says yearly adobe creative cloud lets  you have any up-to-date adobe program yes it   keeps you up-to-date i got the new uh let me see  in my screen right here i got the new uh premiere   pro 2022 adobe photoshop 2022 so you know for next  year basically they recently updated those so yes   you get all that all right so thanks for tuning in  guys i'm not gonna not gonna keep you any longer   i appreciate appreciate your time appreciate you  guys tuning in hope you have a great thanksgiving   I'm Brett Garamella, the drone pilot pro happy  thanksgiving and remember tomorrow 1pm   i do another live stream where i show you  sort of like today but i'm going to show   you all the little tips and tricks that  i've learned that i wish i knew when i   started my business so if you want to tune  into that tomorrow 1pm have a great day

2021-11-28 07:28

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