Start A Halal Affiliate Marketing Business | WHY? Halal Business Video #2

Start A Halal Affiliate Marketing Business | WHY? Halal Business Video #2

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Hello in this video i'm talking to  you about creating your own business   but without a product or a service you  want to know how to do that? Please join me Eello welcome to take a step to a better you  here i share what i now continue to learn   and these days uh these coming videos i'm  committed to talk to you about business how   you could create a business for yourself if you  are new here my name is Sherifa Nakalema I am a   business owner in Virginia USA but i'm originally  from Uganda East Africa i'm passionate about   sharing what i know and continue to learn so that  we all create a better life for ourselves a better   life ourselves and the topics have been many but  now i'm focused on business on business and making   money but through as i'm talking to you about that  i also have these uh this is a sign of motivation   that means if as i'm speaking to you about  business i'm also motivating you using words   to motivate you so in this one we are going  to talk about how you start your own business   without a product or a service and you know  do you know what that is it's called affiliate   marketing so i'm talking to you about different  defining what affiliate marketing is why affiliate   marketing the best thing that has happened at  least to me and how that this work and how do   you get to learn to do it yourself uh let me ask  you do you drive you drive a car or have you done   something that's technical and you didn't know how  to do it how did he do it you had to learn right   someone had to teach you so i'm going to share  with you how you can learn this step by step okay   so what is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing  simply is a promotion of other companies products   and services and or you choose you promote someone  else's product or service you earn a commission   that's all you do your own money comes from  commissions if you know by sells uh a sales   agent innocence agent car salesman that's uh  the kind of affiliate marketer only this time   you're talking about online you know when you  are talking online at the moment i call this a   miracle if you connected to the whole world when  you talk about a sales agent they just have one   dealership and they're right there selling cars  in just one location but for us we do it online   and we do it's automated so the way it works i'm  still on the definition that you okay promote and   you are called the name they call you remember  the castle man you call the castles man or agent   you they call you mostly people most  companies they call you an affiliate   affiliate others call you an associate like they're called their they are   uh their affiliate marketers associates so when  you're promoting one of the things you have to   do you can multi uh and you'll be  called an associate but then there's another   company i promote like four percent i they call  them partners for him he says people who promote   my product i see them as partners so it could be  called a partner you could be called an associate   like but the common word is affiliate  okay that's what you'll be called and the amount   of money you earn is in muslim commissions there  are some programs that pay a flat fee but mostly   it's commission percentages so it could be uh like  amazon people don't like amazon by the way because   they said they paid a little like something that  small but the kind of things i talk about you get   at least 10 percent maybe the minimum 10 percent  15 percent 30 percent there's click funnels   on one spanning hour challenge they pay a hundred  percent you you take their person they in the   challenge they pay a hundred dollars and all the  money is given to you you just got great uh uh who   russell branson the owner co-owner  he said he gives this out for free   so because he wants to promote people to own  businesses when you go there and their challenge   you promote the hundred dollars they get they  give it back to you so that's a hundred percent   commission okay commission the range from what i  promote here from 10 to that one a hundred percent   it exists and that's all you do you promote and  uncommission you want to ask me so many questions   how do i get the product remember i started  the series this is video number two on this   series that i call i start a harald online  business and this is video number two so   i'm going to continue recording in the next one  i'll talk about the kind of products you promote   and why the reason i call this halal i in fact i  took some time in the video number one talk about   halal what's called money halal is famous for  money is money that's allowed if you're muslim god   allow allow is once permitted permissible money  you are allowed to earn this kind of money so   you don't want to make money through ways that  are not allowed by god i'm assuming you believe   in god but this is not supposed to be uh like  a muslim lecture or anything but i wanted to   use the word hala to show fellow muslims that  this is because i have even local here where   i live and means virginia people who think oh  what do you do over there online what's that   is harald thing okay so it's not so many people  are like me here online we are few so i want   to mention to you whether you're a muslim or not  that what we do here is good honest money okay you what is halal money it's more common use  commonly used with food but halal can be money   too so in the video number one i took some time  talking about that and giving examples but now   i wanted to mention why i call this hala it  doesn't mean if you're not a muslim it's not uh   it's not for you and also it doesn't mean by the  way that the people in this program who are going   to teach you are muslim they are not but what  they are not doing is okay because the programs   are good just knowledge no problem they teach you  how to do affiliate marketing step by step right   so now let's go to why why active marketing  promoting other people's products to any   commission can you how beautiful is that all it  is promote so i'm going to give you five reasons   but if i give you five reasons why uh there are  more by the way but i picked out five they're just   in my head because they are so common like i think  about it every day i didn't have to go read a book   to know the advertising after marketing but before  i tell you the advantage of atheist marketing let   me talk about the disadvantages of having a  product creating your lack of starting your   product remember we are promoting other people's  products that means we don't have our own product   i have done in my life i started by that doing  this kind of selling things like when i was i   think 14. um for some people know me so i'll be  55 years and i've been here on youtube at this   almost the third year two more months in july  july 1st i have been on youtube for three years   so i have some experience with business and  selling things and here in usa i started at   least two businesses one from scratch a cleaning  service from zero the first customer by the way   i'm proud that the first customer i got those  were offices we still have them over 10 years   and online i used to do e-commerce or i used  to sell children's books but the way those   student books were they were personalized so  i had someone probably give me their child's   name like someone let me give an example a baby is  born i would make a story with their weight their   length the doctors where the name of doctor who  delivered them the first people to see the baby   the hospital where it was and they i'll gather all  the information on my website people fill it out   and i'll make a book i'll make buy the book  shipping some people request rap gift wrap it go   take it to the post office ship it and something  happen like a slice slight mistake if you type   letter a instead of e you just messed up a name  you have to do a product a book again i think   with all that that didn't happen much maybe in a  hundred books you'll find maybe one single mistake   you have to deal with refund you deal with  messages they're giving complete information   you're still working on just one book and the  most you could make one book that five dollars   but then process it two to get the  five dollar so run your business like   when you do now i'm gonna get to the advantages  of artist marketing number one you don't own a   product you are providing someone else's product  so you don't people who create product if you   know anyone who ever came up with a product from  scratch it goes through testing is this a good one   they make it better they do all that you don't you  want to find a product and that's your what you do   you check out is this a good product are people  buying it before you even sign up to do what   promote it so it's ready to go number two that's  number one number one why you want it you don't   you want affiliate marketing because you don't  need to create your own product number two look   customer support remember i told you i was doing  customer support to those people at that time it   was a lot of calling telephone calling emails  it's a lot of work so no customer support you   don't have to process transaction i have to sign  up to process uh credit cards oh my goodness some   of them people give them to you all over the  phone sometimes you have to do that sometime   automated but some you have to process it yourself  the time it too and i want you for five dollars   to try to get to five dollars by the time i finish  that whole process remember i have to print the   book bind it and all that and then that's the  number two no customer support number three   no processing transaction which i said i had to  apply to process transaction credit cards debit   cards all that number that's what number number  four uh you don't have to achieve to deal with   i already mentioned that at the disadvantage for  owning your or dealing with your own business   i mean product and and dealing with the whole  thing then but i didn't even mention employees   i have number five points i want to review them  number five you can't change your mind you can say   to them promoting tomorrow i don't want  my mother don't come i want one i want best buy i   want another company you can change your mind okay  see that no no that was five reasons let me go   over them again you don't own a product you don't  have to own a product or service that's advantage   number one number two you you know do customer  support the other company does all that for   you number three you don't process transactions  number four you don't achieve deal with refunds   number five you you can change your mind but as i  was speaking i remember another part of running a   business oh employees hiring firing all that stuff  that would be like number six that's the bonus one   but there are many other reasons why we like  affiliate marketing now how does this process work   or what kind of products it can be a product or  it can be a service you think about  

if you are familiar with amazon called anything they do that you can you can   choose to promote you get a commission like i  mentioned the commissions are low amazon but   here on youtube many people promote  i used to also to have amazon in here but now i   don't do it that much but it's on my website i'm  an associate too it can be a product  

or it can be a service so when it's a product  a product like a camera you can be promoting   cameras you're passionate about cameras or  computers or those are physical products   uh it could be like books like physical  products now when you say service it's different   you can be promoting a service for example me  when i promote services it's like uh software like   people are using a service like to automate their  emails and stuff like that those are services and   you find there's so many services the next video  i'll be getting to detail what you could promote   remember i said i i've becoming solely soldiers  but then get you to where you are ready to start   promoting so the products come from three main  categories when you hear people talk about this   they say the first category so you can choose it's  good to decide to be in one maybe on two but not   too much you could decide to be promoting things  in the health or wealth all relationships and   when you sell relationships anything to do with  people it could be clothing cosmetics all that   uh they go in the relationship part but if you  are passionate about health you can choose things   that go with just health me i'm passionate about  anything to do with money or people getting better   i do also personal development so if you went to  my website on you see the things that   promote over there so there is uh the pro these  programs that teach you business how to start   a business how to earn money and then they i also  do personal development thing that gets you better   to make your life better i like those kind of  things okay so you can choose some me i'm in the   wealth but you could win the health if you care  about good health good food good nutrition good   uh like exercising losing weight  stuff like that it could be in that   and then like i said the relationship one that's  wide it covers so many things so it's up to you   so next to video which will be video number three  in the series i'm going to go in detail i'll give   you examples that if you're in health you're going  to be promoting this if you're unaware there could   be more to this if you're in relationship you  could be promoting that that will be my next video   now what else the difference in the commissions  it could be one time so it could be selling   something and you sell a camera says  two percent is your money they send it to you   but the other thing about affirmativeness that's  beautiful is passive income that's the money   that comes you set it up and continues to come  so if it is a subscription for example someone   see like here we use about television let's  assume uh someone pays for cable television   or internet service and sign them up you send  them up maybe here in the usa you have verizon   like where i am here you have comcast you sign  people up as those people you sign them up   you keep getting commissions every single month  whenever they say they pay a bill so if their   bill is like a hundred dollars every month  and maybe verizon or comcast promise you 20   then every time someone pays 100 they'll  send you 20 okay that's the service they   passing part of me that's why i like the services  so that when you sign up for someone one time   like what's popular here online is happy uh  clickfunnels clickfunnels they pay almost 38   for every every month but you stand up a person  just one time so that part is good but there is   the one time i also go because it can be high  ticket you know in my videos i link these   some videos below the ones i've been recording  recording about this high ticket means you could   earn like like a thousand dollars a month just  one sec okay a thousand dollars one time per se   or 250 for those who start free i have little  videos i record the i'll link them in below   you see them below the description so you  can see well go watch them it's beautiful   the products can be high ticket like that or there  can be no ticket where seven dollars will go until   60 cents so depends you decide you decide so  well like i said there is a could be one time   it could be passive income and then the way this  works all you do is sign up with the company   right now you could go sign up and  become an associate within the same day but   some companies are picky they have to approve you  like amazon you have to show that you have some   kind of like a website or a youtube channel  can qualify to they don't want you to come   with nothing but there are those who don't  mind once you sign up all they need is   that you go you have a bank account they'll be  able to maybe paypal they'll be able to send   you the money and also they're going to need a  form w9 or w8 if you're on usa they need from w9   that's why i give them the social city number  or tax id but for if you're international you   will need the form i think they call w uh the  eight something's eight you have the number on   double eight so that's all you need to be able  to be paid okay now next video i'm going to talk   more about the those the categories they  will call them niches niche or niche   that you can choose from and i'll give examples of  the kind of products you could promote but you see   that i call it business because really for you to  do this in a serious way you have to see it as a   business don't just come as is the way i do it see  other business see you set it up properly then you   start bringing because you bring in money for you  one time commissions uh then passive commissions   like that then you put the time to to create like  if you went and clicked below and see the way i   have my thing you see they have landing pages they  have all the things that you're going to learn   you're going to learn uh if you choose that  you want to join me here i want to create a   community of people who are taking care of  their teachers and i believe strongly that   a business the best way to do it you can start  small as you do a job whatever you do but later   it will be beautiful to go have some some money  coming in through automation coming online all   this i'm talking about it's done online it's  not local i'm talking about online business   it's all uh the advantage is you work from  anywhere i want it's online you work anytime you   want is is because you are judged and also you  the money you make will depend on your efforts   on your efforts and how much money if you have  money to you know they say you have used money   to make money if you have some money to use but  if you see the videos i recorded that i'm going   to link in the description here check below by the  time this video is ready the links will be there   you will see that you can search free you  can start to do this free all you have to do   enter a challenge and once you enter  this challenge they're going to teach you   slowly by slowly and i also have another  program where you they teach you step by step   now this this builder one will teach you but  not uh you have to have a little knowledge and   not a little knowledge but you have to move fast  fast they're not going step by step but there is   another step by step so what you do please if  you this sounds like something you like to do   click a link below and go put your email  somewhere you'll see where i'm asking for an email   you get her phone number my phone now i'll  leave her back from me my name is sheriff   and please watch the open up that email because  it has my phone number my whatsapp number text me   then i'll i can see where you are what where  do you if you need to step by step or you don't   need the step by step that's why i offer myself  to be available but those people have their own   customer support you can ask them but me because  i've done this for a while i can say you know what   if you don't know this you don't know that you  start from scratch come on this one has got zero   step by step but this is also not in every country  so when you pay only seven dollars to start   to learn and this program i have below is  just seven dollars and that's it no they   don't ask you any more money yesterday so go  when you follow that process it will take you   to getting to pay the seven but if you find that  they are not taking your civil that means your   country is not included so text me uh what's  up my phone number or just listen to that email   and say i don't see my country then i'll see  what to do with you because i have so many   problems so many and as we go through this  series i'll talk about where you can go to   sign up the other program but for me i like this  one because these programs that are teaching us   are also products so you can promote those and  just just be okay with all because the just   program the education program you promote and  you are in commission without even getting to   the other reaches you just stay right here but  as you learn of course you can branch out and   do whatever you want you can do whatever you want  whatever you care about is what you promote every   product you ever thought about has  some kind of athletic program somewhere   because remember this is international so  a company may not be best where you are   but the companies are dealing with muslim bets in  the usa but the other way when they are other they   have their ways of affiliate marketing too but  you have to have the basics you know like when   you started running a car to drive a car can you  imagine if someone put out a car right there and   said come drive it i didn't know anything about  driving cars someone had to show you so that's why   you want these programs that are teaching you how  this is done and then if you want you can expand   to other products but me adjusting with those  products the ones that are teaching you they're   also affiliate they have also have affiliate  programs okay so you start with that as you   get comfortable you can literally create your own  course you can learn so like if you have a skill   already you you package it and it becomes the  course it becomes an ebook this is what we do here   you can create your you can be a coach right now  maybe your coach already they're going to show you   how to expand it do something really big they show  you everything because they already done it these   things you are trying to do they have already  done that's why they decided to share with us   while we are too we support their business while  they support us so that's my video today please   uh keep coming because i'm going next time i'm  going to show you how what the these health wealth   relationships the kind of products that are in  there and then i'm going to start taking action   but if you want to take action to start action  today there's links below i have i'm linking to   videos that i recorded where i say how you earn  a thousand commission and 205 250 commissions   and then on how to sign up free when you see  high tickets somewhere and the and then also   you can go start i have a link there you can  go enter your email and go see what happened   i talked more again and then i also shout david  sharp is the one there he's a millionaire by the   way he's the one who created this program  that i'm talking about he's already there   too but if you don't want to listen to him just  click you see a button somewhere and says start   but i'll show it in another video in another video  you see the process what he goes through to get to   pay i put it here the description below so i have  like a video showing you high ticket commissions   where i'll explain that another video that's  showing you how you earn quickly how the step   how you get to start quickly i'll show it and  then i also put a link to take you to starting   if you want to go start but remember it's not you  don't go straight you got to put your email first   you see me explain then ask you what to do forward  as you continue just know that as you go through   this process soon you could create your own thing  the things i've created here you could create two   but you can start with just a phone or just like  in a small way you can start because you don't   have a laptop yet you can still start that's why  i encourage you to please send me a text message   or respond to my emails when i send automated so  that i see what you're going through and what your   intentions are and see how it can support you i  also have a facebook group maybe i'll link it too   facebook group you can come in my group i'm  starting tick tock uh group two oh i'm not   i'm doing it i'm doing it through my whatsapp if  you want to to be if you're already a tiktok you   want to be on title that's the hot thing right  now i also have a group there we support each   other i just started it so keep close keep  close i'm passionate about supporting you   and sharing what i know maybe you know  something too you can come share with us   because i strongly believe in business and halal  business let's do things that don't annoy our god   i'm assuming you believe in god and you don't have  to be a muslim from doing me everyone is welcome   like i always end them i say take very good of  yourself take a very good care of your family   take very good care of your health  take a step to a better you don't   forget to click below and go see what i  have there for you the links bye for now do you

2022-04-15 04:11

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