Stable Fund AI Trading Bot Review (I Can't Believe They Did This)

Stable Fund AI Trading Bot Review (I Can't Believe They Did This)

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are you kidding me stable fun just added busd what's up my friend ben martin here and welcome  to my youtube channel profits and paradise on this   channel i make videos about how to make money with  affiliate marketing ebay and cryptocurrency i'll   be sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell  so you get updates about brand new videos to this   channel so in today's stable fun review i have an  important announcement to make about an addition   they just made to the platform because as well  as being able to earn 1.5 daily rewards on matic   you can now earn 1.5 percent daily rewards  on b b-u-s-d that's right you can make 1.5   daily on a stable coin so with that being said  i'm gonna go over to my laptop share my screen   and show you exactly how that works okay so before  we dive into the meat and potatoes of this video   i want to make it clear that this is not  financial advice anything i say in this   video or on my channel in general should not be  taken as financial advice you do whatever you want   with your own money i'm just a guy documenting his  journey online sharing the things that both work   and fail for me and only an idiot would take the  advice of a youtuber you should only you should   only listen to your own research and always do  your own due diligence so with that being said   wow where do i begin with stable funds  in the last seven weeks since i've joined   the growth of this platform has been  phenomenal and this is all being done through   organic marketing as in the only way  this is spreading right now is through   youtubers like myself talking about the projects  and the amazing thing is as i say in every video   there is no affiliate program with stable fund  meaning that when you see myself or any other   youtuber talk about this project it's because we  really like the project we're actually invested in   it and we're just sharing it with you because it's  working and this is probably my number one project   in the d5 space right now and they just added  something really cool and that is the ability   to invest busd which is a stable coin and earn  1.5 daily rewards on that stable coin which in  

a bear market is phenomenal because what that  means is you can invest your busd get 1.5 a day   and there are no fluctuations on light with other  coins but i'm getting a little bit ahead of myself   i should probably rewind just a fraction  and quickly talk about what stable fund   is now if you're already in the project or  you've been thinking about getting in the project   i do apologize but bear with me because  i'm gonna walk you through the process of   putting busd into this but first i must explain  for anybody who might not have heard of stable   funds what it actually is and i'm actually  on the old website right now now this website   is still operational but there's a new  much more slick nicer looking website   which i'll show you in just a moment but  when i got started with stable fund on   may 3rd of 2022 this was the original website  that was available and what stable fund is is   it's a state of the art trading bot built on the  polygon chain where you can earn 1.5 rewards daily   so you invest your matic you put it you put matic  into this or you that was the only option at the   time i got involved and you earn 1.5 percent daily  on your matage now any initial investment you make   is locked up for a period of 29 days so for  example let's say you put 200 matics into this   that matic is locked up for 29 days meaning  for the first 29 days you cannot withdraw that   investment however unlike many many other  projects where your initial investments is   locked up forever after 29 days with stable funds  you are free to withdraw your initial investment   it becomes unlocked what you can do however is  withdraw your daily rewards so every single day   any investment you make into this project is of is  of that you're available to withdraw the rewards   that those investments make so after your first  24 hours your daily rewards become available to   take to your metamask wallets my brain is a  freezing a little bit this morning because i   literally just woke up but i was so excited i had  to shoot this video so apologies if my brain isn't   functioning properly yet so yeah you can take out  your rewards daily and you can sell them you can   exchange them for another crypto you can take  it to your bank account or you can choose to   re-compound those so the amount of match that is  working for you and earning you rewards continues   to grow now when i joined and i'm i'm actually  gonna flick over to the new website now because   that's as simple as stable fund is it's an ai  trading bots that is earning you 1.5 percent  

daily rewards on matic and now busd and i heard  about this originally from a guy on youtube   who did an ama with the developer and the guy has  seen the trading bots according to him and again   i can't say 100 because i didn't see it with  my eyes however i have no reason to doubt the   person who told me about this but according to him  he's seen the trading bots and what i can say is   for the past seven weeks this has been printing  me matic i'm working flawlessly so i'm gonna go   over to the new sites so this is the new sites  and you can see the total match invested now   is 10 million 510 thousand one  hundred and one point four three matic   which is absolutely insane growth when i  got into this platform on may the third   there was i believe there was less than four  hundred thousand matics invested in this program   and over the past seven weeks organically i  have seen that number get to where it is today   at the time as well there are only like a couple  of hundred investors and now there's 3 252   investors in this project which is which is insane  because there has been no paid marketing yet   and by the way side notes this project is about  to launch an app on the apple and android store   now again this is not financial advice this  is just this is just my thoughts on it but   when this launches on the apple and  android store and regular people   can access this platform through their smartphone  my guess is that these numbers on the screen could   5 and and 10 x these numbers could be insane so  what i'm saying is in my opinion this is very very   early days for this project what's really really  cool about this project is if you go under trade   right under trade you can select matic or busd  and let's say you wanted to buy 500 worth of matic   you would enter in 500 there and it tells you  500 matics will give you a 500 us will give you   860.22 matic if you click trade you can actually  purchase matic and busd with a bank card directly   through this platform it will go into your encoded  wallet on the platform and you can stake that   all from the platform meaning that if you're  new to crypto and you don't know how to set   up metamask or anything like that then you can  easily get going with this from the platform now   obviously if you've been into crypto for a while  and you understand where to go and buy matic and b   usd and bmb and all those things then that's kind  of irrelevant to you but the point i'm trying to   make is they're making this as easy and accessible  for newbies as possible which in my opinion   means that we are about to see these  numbers explode even further now last night   if i change over to busd they only added in the  ability to make 1.5 daily on busd last night   and already in less than 24 hours there's 1  million 111 646.16 busd invested in this program   and again in my opinion is just my opinion i could  be right i could be wrong do your own research   do your own due diligence make your own decisions  but in my opinion as busd is a stable coin   meaning that as the crypto market tanks or  goes up one busd is always worth basically the   equivalent of one dollar but as we're in a bit  of a bear market at the time of this recording   when everything else is tanking it means  that you can make 1.5 daily on a stable coin  

and know that you're not gonna lose anything so  i imagine that people are going to be flocking   to this and putting money into this crazy crazy  crazy stuff man this this this project i i just   absolutely love this project at the moment now  let's take a look at the stake in and we can see that if i flick over to um let's flick over to  matic because you can see that i got started   with this on may the 3rd 2022 i put just under  33 matic and then i put another 504 then i did   1393 and basically i put a total of about two and  a half thousand three hundred matics into this   and my game plan was basically once i compound my  daily rewards and double the amount of matic that   i initially put in i am going to start taking back  my initial deposits but making sure that i have at   least four thousand or very close to four thousand  matic working for me and earning me rewards at   all times and you can see where it says where it  says released you've got this 32.98 release 504.4   released 139 release 52 release 444 released these  are all parts of my initial deposit that i've   already pulled out and got back now why am i  pulling those out well it's because i want to   be in a position where i'm playing with free  house money and i'm very very close now to   being in a position where i have just under 4 000  matic at this time working for me in this project   but i've also become very close to  getting back my initial investment so   very very soon i'm just going to be playing with  free house money and that's how i like to approach   all these kind of projects now where it says minus  18 days 1393 that's part of my initial investments   and what that means is i could have taken this  out 18 days but i don't want to take this that's   probably my biggest investment of matic i don't  want to take this out yet because it will affect   it will affect my daily rewards too much so  i'm going to wait a little longer before i   take this out but when we go to the top  here and we look at these numbers 101.85 70 32 64 and all these numbers here and i can  keep scrolling these are all daily rewards i've   been earning or like every couple of days  let in fact let me show you exactly right   now what my daily rewards are because this  um project has a calculator too and i will   link to the calculator as well as  the websites mentioned in this video   in the description box below this video so if  you use their calculator and you enter in your   metamask wallet address because i use metamask  to link to this project you can see oh i'm on   the busd calculator so let's go to the matic  calculator and let's click on get values   you can see it'll load up in just a second  drumroll oh there we go you can see i've got 3962.80 matic working for  me in the contract right now   at this moment in time if i wanted to and  i will do this in a minute i could withdraw   26.118749 matic to my metamask that's what  i've earned since i went to bed last night  

now my daily rewards are 59.44 matic so matic  is sat at um 55 cents right now so if we do 55   0.55 times let's just say 59 right now i'm earning  just over 32 dollars a day and obviously this   number is growing as i withdraw and re-compound  my daily rewards now down here if you look   if i was to reinvest everything i'm earning over  the course of a year minus the three percent   deposit tax there's a three percent deposit tax on  every deposit you make but if i were to calculate   the projections of recompounding for a year i  would be sitting on over 772 000 matic which   is a hell of a lot of massage especially as matic  typically hovers around a dollar a dollar 25 now   i'm not going to recompound everything i earn for  a year there's gonna come a point where basically   i switch to a six one or five two strategy meaning  that six days a week i will recompound my daily   rewards and one day a week i will withdraw  my rewards and pay myself or maybe i'll do it   five days a week re-compound two days a week  withdraw when i get to that stage i'll obviously   make a video about that and let you know what  i decide to do now if we switch to the busd   calculator really quick and i just want to make  sure that i've got my metamask set to be usd   go to the busd calculator i enter in my  metamask address i click get values you   can see i've got 281.3 busd invested in the  project i could withdraw 1.7 busd right now   my daily rewards are 4.21 busd which is the  equivalent of making just over four dollars a day   and if i was to recompound everything  for the next year i would be sat on 54   approaching 55 000 b usd which  would be 55 000 basically off a 281   deposits now i am going to be topping this up  because i am extremely bullish about this platform   i'm probably going to top this up to about a  thousand maybe 2000 busd and i'm just going to   keep re-compounding daily and use the exact same  game plan as i'm doing with matic so if we go over   to and by the way before i forget if you do  have any questions after you watch this video   make sure to ask them in the comment section  below and i'll be happy to get back to you   as soon as possible and if i don't have an answer  for your question i'll try and get you a credible   answer for any questions you may have if i go  back over to um stake in and we'll start with   busd because that's what my metamask is set  to right now i'm just gonna refresh the screen i'm gonna go to busd and it says i have  26.51 b usd of my wallet now when you deposit   uh from metamask if you're  doing it from metamask remember   you will need some bmb also in your wallet  to cover um gas feeds because this is on   the binance smart chain which of course like gas  fees and bmb if you um don't know how to get bmb   just real quick you can go to a site called  change and you can switch  

some crypto that you've got in your metamask  wallet and you can you could let's say you add btc   you can go i'm going to send 0.1 btc and i  want um i want bmb on the binance smart chain   and you can go through this process and you  can pretty much exchange a bunch of different   cryptos for whatever crypto you want this is not  a tutorial on how to do that though um i believe   i do go into that in depth in other videos or  alternatively you can just youtube and find a more   in-depth video so my balance is 26.51 busd so i'm  going to drop another 26.51 in there or let's see   i'm going to do 26 i don't think i can do decimals  so i'm going to go 26. now i'm gonna believe i'm   gonna have to approve busd real quick so i'm  gonna confirm that i'm gonna approve the busd   once i've approved it which will probably  just take a few seconds so hopefully no   longer oh you can see it's approved  now it's approved it's automatically   asking if i want to deposit which i do i'm  gonna confirm that i'm gonna deposit that   just real quick this normally is pretty quick  sometimes it takes a couple of minutes but you can   see now that's pretty quick now sometimes when you  initially deposit it takes a minute or two to show   up here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to  refresh the screen real quickly and then i'm going   to switch over to busd again okay didn't show  up yet so i'm just gonna i'm gonna refresh again   as i say i did you know i did panic a little bit  the first time i did this but don't worry after a   couple of minutes it does show up what i'm gonna  do um right now is i'm actually gonna while i'm   waiting on that i'm actually gonna do the matic  so i am going to withdraw my rewards in matic   again whenever you withdraw if you have drawn a  match there is a gas fee that gas fee is paid a   matic so make sure you do have some matic in your  wallet to cover it i'm gonna just click confirm   i'm gonna withdraw i'm just showing you how how  easy and how how simple and pretty much quick   this is so you can now see that this is already  reflecting both in my um if i go over to polygon   main nets it's sort of reflecting in my metamask  and it also reflects in here now i'm going to   recompound 27 matic i'm going to recompound 27 mat  it's going to deposit i'm going to click confirm and let's see that should hit this should hit  the should hit the uh platform in just a few   seconds sometimes it takes a little bit longer  than other times but you can see that it's there   you can see it's already showing up there 26.19  matic that is now locked up for the next 29 days   but if i go over to the calculator you can see  um if i go to the ma actually i won't do that   not not that important you can see it's you can  see it's there it's being added to the platform   and if i switch back over to busd you can now  see that the 25.22 busd i added before is now   reflecting so if i actually go to the calculator  you can see it says total busd deposited   deposited by me 281.3 but if i click on get values  again you can now see it's it's been it's been  

updated so it's pretty flawless pla pretty quick  pretty smooth pretty easy platform to use now   you might be thinking well if i don't already have  bmb or or sorry busd or matic on this platform   like how can i go about it what are some ways  i can get it onto the platform well if you um   click on let's say you wanted to get some matic  or busd over here you could click on receive and   if you click on let's say busd you click on busd  where it says um this address here you would copy   this address i'm going to copy that address and  let's say you had some um busd in your metamask   you would go over to your metamask um wherever  you go over to obviously the binance smart chain   and wherever you see your busd you click on  busd you click send you put in the address   you copied and pasted before you choose how much  busd you want to send over you click next and it   walks you through the rest of the process  so it's really that simple you can send busd   um straight from your metamask wallet or any  other wallet you have it in same with same   with matic you can come over to trade and you can  buy it directly through a bank card they've made   it so easy to get your crypto onto this platform  and i have to say this is right now i've said it   before and i'll say it again this is my number  one platform my number one project right now   i've watched in seven weeks these numbers explode  and in my personal opinion this is really going   to be big and the fact that they've now added a  stable coin that you can make 1.5 daily on for me   it's just like the cherry on top of the cake again  do your own research do your own due diligence   this is not financial advice it's just  my opinion but in my opinion stable fund   absolutely rocks i hope you're getting  a lot of value so far from this video if   you are don't forget to subscribe and push  that notification bell also give this video   a like because that helps me show up in the  youtube algorithm now before i wrap this one up   take a listen to this short and powerful story see  there was a time in my life where i was totally   and utterly broke in fact i was so broke that i  was forced to move into the dark dirty snot green   wall back bedroom of my friend's house and you  know this room was on the bad side of town in fact   i used to look out the window and i overlooked a  crackdown and every single day every single hour   of the day you can think of there will be drug  dealers dropping off shady packages to customers   but you know at that time in my life even though  financially and mentally i was in a bad place   i found a way to believe in more and i was  determined that i was gonna change my life   and it was about a similar time that i came across  this lady in the picture here who is now my wife   now she actually started off as my mentor  she was the first person who showed me how to   make money on the internet we then became good  friends and we then eventually started to date   and got married and that is why i'm so passionate  about mentorship and helping people because i've   had people help and mentor me along the way but  on our journey over the last five plus years   we've been blessed enough to build a business that  pays us up to half a million dollars per year and   we spent almost five years living in the caribbean  and this is a picture of a helicopter tour we took   um but unfortunately you know even though living  in the caribbean was cool and stuff eventually   the weather got so hot and the hurricanes got  so um close to hitting us that my wife broke   out an eczema and we had to come back to her home  state of ohio where we actually bought a car for   thirty thousand dollars in cash now this isn't  a ferrari or a supercar or anything like that   but we were blessed enough to be able to buy this  outright in cash and not have those crappy monthly   car payments with the interest we were also  able to put down a six-figure sum on our dream   home which is close to half a million dollars in  value and it sits on nearly six acres now i'm not   sharing this to brag or boast or anything like  that i'm just sharing this to impress upon you   what's possible when you are ready for a change  in your life and you have a system that makes   making money online easy and if you're interested  if you need some guidance you need some help   and you want to earn a full time income online  i encourage you to click the first link in the   description box below and check out my number  one way of earning money on the internet well   that's it for today all the links mentioned in the  video can be found in the description box below   and remember if you have any questions make sure  you leave them in the comment section and i will   respond to you as soon as possible with that being  said don't forget to like the video subscribe to   the channel and push that notification bell  and i will see you in the next video you

2022-07-01 23:56

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