SPECIAL INTERVIEW: MAYA NOVAK about the Light Up Your Inner Boss program

SPECIAL INTERVIEW: MAYA NOVAK about the Light Up Your Inner Boss program

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Hi. Maya I am so excited to talk to you today so. You. Have been onto the light of universe, program. And I. Wanted to get some of your feedback about how is the program for you and like kind of like the words of wisdoms, that you, want to share with women, who, potentially. You know is it a ting to get on to a program, what, they can expect what was super helpful for you so. Tell, me a little bit more about who you are you know and what you do what's your website how. You help other, people in the world tell. Us you know what your offer is. Perfect. I'm so, happy to be here and talking to you and you know because I have, to say that this program changed my business so, I'm so. Extremely, happy that I'm able to talk. To you other women who are decided, right now if, they should do that or not so, my. Name is Mai lemak I'm an injury recovery expert, and mindset, coach and, I. Shall, we, months you get, from. These injuries, that are having to. Their lives as soon as possible, because sometimes. Injuries, take. A lot of time to heal but there are some things that you, know a, person, can do on its own to, speed up the recovery, and. Especially, I'm helping, them with the mindsets. And emotional, work, and. Yeah. This, is this is what I do. I was, so before I decided, to beat your program, I, was, in a business already so, I did. Have some, you know basic. Knowledge, yeah, but. Basically. I was still trying, to. Get. Clients, and. Start. Working with more people and. It was, it was really frustrating, because I. Was. Putting out so much but. Then I heard crickets and it, was like there, what am I doing wrong you know I'm putting so much out and, so much. Without. Any success. So. Starting. We. D with, a program, was like, it. Changed my life so I don't. Extreme. Extremely. Happy. For. You to put this together and. Yeah. Yeah. I love that you mentioned that you know a lot of time, you. Can have the strategies, and you. Can be putting a lot out there but. Very something, missing and so. The only thing that you can see like you were saying like you hear crickets and you don't know what's going on it's, like we, know you know you get excellent results, with. Your. Clients. And people get into, like life-changing, for, them like they can't go, anywhere and they, recover faster. They, can get, back to their life as. Soon as possible which is really a big deal like I think when we're talking together you know these. Ladies are not necessarily. Being. Able to do normal stuff that we take for granted because, they have an injury so, that's. Really, interesting so, you were feeling like you were present. A lot and. Giving. A lot I know you have a YouTube channel you, have a Facebook, group what's the name of your Facebook group my. Facebook group is injury, recovering, BFFs. Yeah, and so you were super, super active, into, that Facebook, group but. You, didn't, get um. Lots, of cool rules or things like that correct, yes exactly you, know I was, putting, so much out you. Mentioned, my youtube, channel you know there is a lot of content, but, and, people, were you know contacting, me in regards to sing thanks to me like thank, you so much but. You know I I, really cannot leave out of these, things because, I still have to pay my bills you know so, it's. Not just something, on the side is, basically. Doing. A business. Without. The business I could say that yes so, young, people for free which. It makes, you live right, no, I, often, use that that.

Metaphor, You know. The, oxygen, mask interior. Plane it's, no good to anybody if you don't put yours first on so definitely. You know I think it's super important, for new, coaches to understand, that like they have to as soon as possible, get their, their. Business off the ground so, that they can really be out. Of that. But. Surviving, wouldn't but that's mode. I'm. Sure, you know mentally. It, was exhausting, for you to like not know where is the client, coming from and all of that right yes. It was really. Really exhausting, and you know before, I started, this business I was doing. Something else before, so, I was, coaching. People, into, healthy, lifestyle, it was the same for me so you know after so, this business, the bank in or working, on my earth for, my own business it's just something that happened, in the last year because. It would I would still have more. Energy but after a few years so, we. Are talking about five years of not really seeing results it's. Like you know there. Were so many times when I was just like I'm giving. Up I can't, do this anymore it's, like I'm, I'm, tired of it and I'm, tired of just, hearing if I thank you so much for this but you, know money. That's coming in so, yeah, tightly, extremely. Frustrating, instruments. Yeah I frustrating, I can bet that yeah, and maybe like resentful, as well like you're giving so much but. You can't leave out of your passion, I think you know there's a lot of. Going on you know like. People saying like follow your, passion. It's like well yeah, sure you can follow your passion that's gonna be a strong driver when, you have your business, and when there is high and lows but. Just following a passion, without having like the business knowledge of like, what to do with your passion you're gonna have to market your passion you're gonna have to like and say. How. What. You do in a way that really, resonates, with people and get them to work with you because sometime you can be like the best, in the world but if you don't know how, to get clients you don't have a coaching business stone, exactly. Exactly, you. Know I, I. Love. That, I got, like a step by step thing and. This, is so, amazing, because it's, not just you. Know in, the program it's not just talking about well. You know you should do this but it's like you. Should do this and this, is how you do it and this, is like so. Extremely. Important, and so beneficial and there's a reason why. Things. Shifted, and changed. Okay. Yeah I guess that's like my engineer, brain. So tell, me Maya what has changed. Since. You've been in the program like what what was different what. What. Results did you get out of a program yeah. Oh so, many so. Definitely. I. Got. Clear. On my message yeah, you know how to present, things, in. Regards, you to myself I. Become. Much. More confidence. In regards, to calls, so, the, mostly.

Discovery. Calls before. I was eikenella, I was like yeah I know I should do that but every time the person came, onto the call I, froze. And I went, into the coaching, mode which. Then. You. Know. And. It's, just last week I had, like. 90, microts. Research, calls, boom which is you know I was glued. To the phone to, the computer, but. It, was so extremely, beneficial. To, get that, feedback and, you to, hear, from people what, did they also think about my, program and everything so it was oh my. Goodness I mean you know. 2018. If this, is going to be the most amazing here, ever mm-hmm. Yeah and so what type of. What. Type of engagement did, you get on. Tubers, post you know like when you refine, your messaging, which particularly. Into. Your messaging, was, important. For you to get out to your to. The people into your group. Yeah. Well definitely, you know I think that also my energy, shifted because I. It. Was much, more engagement, on. To the posts and people really fast commenting. And coming, onto the calls with me and it's. Just you. Know it's such a joy. Having this. Type of engagement. And. That you know that when you put something out then. That is, also coming back to you you know it's not just I'm giving, and giving and giving because, otherwise. Sometimes. In the past I really felt like you know I was being in a abusive. Relationship. It's like I'm just giving, and, I'm not getting, back in and. Yeah. If it shifts this is. Absolutely. It's more, joyous it's. Easier. Yes. Yeah. So what's, next after that when you get this engagement, and. People. Contacting. You how is that affecting, your life you know even. Outside of the. Business, well. I definitely. Feel, more at ease because I have strategies. In place I, know. How, to you. Know answer, some. Of the things that that people are asking me so before I, went into the coaching mouth and how, would you know, put. Everything on the plate if you like it is because I'm such a good person or, whatever but. Right now you know I really know how to present. Things how to talk, about what my program, how to advise. People on, to. The recovery, of an African big story cause with me yeah, it's. Just so much easier and I feel so, more, and ease. And not frustrated. And you. Know also the mindset, work, that. You. Us. It's. Like. It's. Easier, I mean I can enjoy my life it's not like you know I'm working. 24/7. Like literally, my, psyche, okay there, is enough time and to. Know these, are the things that I have to do and. People. Are coming so I, I. Feel. More alive and I really, feel that I'm able to. Live my life not, just to struggle, through everything. Yeah. That's nice isn't it because the. You. Have you know your online business, for a reason and definitely, it's not to get back into like another 95, why.

Do. You have to be the slave of your business, and that's. Really really important, I really like also that you mention, you know how. A. Lot. Of time we, go into like coaching, mode and that's basically, when the sales go out because. The. Thing is like we, know how to coach and we want to help these people but the thing is like by, just giving them a little bit and coaching, them on come home and that's not what really is going to help. Them solve, their problem, right if someone. Comes. To you and has an injury it's not with like two or three little things that they're going to be able to resolve. And, get. Recovery, faster, yes. I'm. Sorry to interrupt but this is also such, an important, topic because it's like even, though you know I yes. I want to help them if, I give just one, or two advices. To them I'm not basically, helping, them because they're gonna grab that and, do, just that but there is so, much more, then, it has to be done so. Basically. I'm not helping, them you, know, yeah. Maybe you know like a band-aid at that moment but, not like. Really. Get them to where they want to be yeah. Yeah absolutely. And so. I know well so you started, sharing more about your story like you know where is a big, part of a program, based on like storytelling. And, I know we went through you know like a testimonial. Of your clients. And your story, your, about page and how, to share your story what, did you learn from this. From. This module which. Result did you get from this module oh it. Was so. Smooth. So great you have a small job because, you know before it. Was like my. Story, is so, everything. Sizes that I barely fractured, my ankle, more. Than five years ago, so, my, story was you know this, was the main story and this is what basically, was. For me I have one story and that's more, or less it but, you know going, through this module it, was, Somen official, to see how. Many pieces I can put out and, not just about my story but also about my own stories, so, it's not just you know this. Is person a and this is what, she, achieved. But. It's like you know there are so many pieces, then, she, had to go through to. Get to that end result so it was. It, was really. Really, helpful really. Awesome. Awesome, and so, one. Piece also the program you know is about having premium, prices. And. Really. Charging. What you're worth, I know we had some like discussion. About that also into recalls, how. Do you feel now about that. I'm. Definitely. I know we had a you. In. Regards. And you know my coach, she. Is. So grateful for that really because otherwise. It's just like oh yeah we are having fun but you, know all the great things happen out of the comfort zone so. I still. I'm still. Working, on your mind sense of that people it's not like I'm done right right, now but. It's. Yes. Because, being. In a health. Niche. And. Doing, you know recovery. Stuff it's like this. Should be free it should you know every person. Should have this kind of information it, was really, hard for me, to charge, higher prices and, now, I can really see the to no charging, higher prices, is what. Also gets results. To. People because otherwise, you, know if they don't, invest. They are not so engaged, and. It's. Just not helping, them and for me, it's. Easier. Because I can now live my life, because. You know having like, program, sweets I don't, know for $27. I. You. Know I would have to have like a really. Really big email, list. And. This. Is what, was, basically, killing me yeah, the best. Yeah. So you mean, like going, to sell. Like info, products, with like a smaller list like I think you know you you really realized, as well but like. It's. Not a heater or honor to, sell a higher, package with, like $1000. Rather than like a $27. Ebook. Or something like that right yes yes, oh definitely and you know it's, what you said. At the beginning about, the mask you know you you. Really have to take care of yourself. As well because, otherwise. You're. Just going, I, don't. Know you, cannot, survive and then you, resent, people haven't. You and you know your spouse and, your, life in general and you just cannot. I couldn't. Serve people. In. The best boy. Yeah. Yeah and that's the truth you know what you are saying like a lot of special in coaching I can see it also in in health coaching, when is your in, this. Should be for free you know you should be you, shouldn't be charging that much I growl so much believes that, people. Put on you and it's, like well you know what's. Better me, charging, higher, prices. And having. People who are committed, while doing the work and me. Being able to help more people. Afterwards. Or you know me, struggling and having no business after year because I wasn't, able to make. The ends, meet into, a life right so yes it's. Really, really important, to really, remove. That mindset, of like, this should be free or like I'm taking advantage of people a lot of mindset. Shifts, need to happen obviously, for charging. Premium prices, and feeling good about it because like, you were mentioning you know on a, discovery, call you want to be confident, about what, you're saying how.

You Talking, about your program. And in that famous, moment, where you have to say the price. You. Know and and. Then be being confident, because the rice person. On the other side, of the phone or the computer can. Hear it and not. Be you. Know feeling, your agitation or, feeling, yeah, you're not confident, oh yeah, absolutely because, you know before, so. When I said, the price, before it, can't be the question, mark. But. I really. See. With, now, we can all your, help, my discovery cause. It's. Different. Feeling, would be to be to potential, clients and. How they feel. Things and and how I present things, so is it. Changed, everything, that's. Awesome, and so how, many clients did you sign up, so. I. Sign. Up basically. In a month after, I start. Yeah. I sign, up three. Clients previous. Science. Discovery. Calls and I'm doing the follow-up. So. This is still in the making yeah, yeah yeah you you were reworking, also your your. Messaging, in between right yes, yes, yes we we. Work a lot in. Regards of, yes. How it's you message, the program, because before. It was like an old way, how, I presented, things, and now. Is the new way and it's so. Much easier and. You. Know also. People. Potential. Try this see. You. Know results. That they're waiting, for them on the other side yeah. Yeah the benefit of working with you is much secure me yes, yes. Awesome. Idea well. So any other words of wisdom or, anything else that you wanna had before we wrap it up my dear. Well. He's, evil. Lady you know yes if, you are on the other sides lady. I know what's, her name but if you read you know, deciding. With you goodies or not I had to say that if you, need. Like a step-by-step thing, not, just like talking, but like stem I said I mean this. Is like a no-brainer it's. Like. You. Should do it you should jump, into. The program, and, do it because, it's, it, changed, my. Life and I know other. Ladies, in the group. They. Got, amazing. Results, as well and I. Know this yeah it will. Be beneficial yeah. And I want to put a disclaimer as well you know that it's. Like definitely, the step by step help but I want also to acknowledge that, like you, were on it you know like you, where I could boy every Kools asking. All the questions in, the world and that's the thing you know like that's, really really important, when a lady or, anybody, is investing. Into a training, to, be able to, show. Up for themselves and so I really want to try knowledge fat as well for you I am because you showed up you know you wear on top of it listening. To all the material. Volunteering. When there was some opportunities, for role play when, there. Was questions, to be asked, you really asked all the questions and, that, shows you know into your resource as well that you could implement what. Was start and and willing, to go outside of your comfort zone, and so I think that's really that's, really awesome, because I think that's the combination of your, work and you showing up in the step by step of you knowing what. To do and when and how that's. Really. The. Success, cocktail. Basically, yeah, well thank you so much for saying that thank you know when, I aspired I, said. To myself okay you have to be involved, here because otherwise it's just like another. Program, that, it's not gonna work because. Yeah. You, still have to be active. In. Doing, the thing so yeah, absolutely I, was I was, there all the time. The. Course ins your Facebook, group asking. Follow-up questions, and stuff asking, you know to read you your pages, the cookie writing and everything and so that's, the thing you know like there is no coaching happening, if someone. Doesn't show up on the course or if someone doesn't you, know provide, the, homework but I'll need it in to the training so you were always very every, week to, you, know show your homework, and going, to rework it and I think that's that's. Really the power of the combination, you know the program and you that, you were really the ideal. Student. To go into the program and to get the results that you got because of, that. Exactly. That you know it's like it's really, really important, so that's not for everybody definitely. You know like we don't want to have people who are just like other thing this is gonna be a training but it's gonna sit in the house Drive and never, be looked.

At So yes yes, well. Thank you so much Maya, for. Coming and sharing this with us I really really appreciate, it you've, got so much I come you. Know congratulation. Again on like your three new clients, premium, clients. On. All the engagement, that you're getting into your Facebook group and all those market. Research schools that you got or that. Getting. Out of your comfort zone, that's. Really, really great so, if you're watching this you know head over to galco.com. For. Its /schedule. Now, and you, know if that works, for us if working with you would be a good fit we'll let you know if working. With you is not a good fit we'll let you know as well but if you think that lighter communi bus is the right program for you if you want to know more about it, we. Can talk about you know your goals and where you're at and to see that good works the best so, gilma. Code for, its dot-com. For its /schedule. Now alright thank you so much my dear and i hope you have a beautiful rest, of your day love thank you bye, bye bye.

2018-05-05 16:52

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