SpaceX crew Dragon splashdown

SpaceX crew Dragon splashdown

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Coming up on 82, miles in altitude, continuing, to dip down. We're expecting, that entry interface, to start pretty soon. Where the vehicle itself's, really going to start heating up. It's going to continue, to use its draco thrusters, to maintain, its attitude, as it continues. Through the earth's, atmosphere. And we'll have that calm blackout, coming up in just a couple of minutes as. Well. Just heard the cabin, purge has started again this is when they're going to. Flush the cabin, of dragon with cooled air, they're also going to do a suit purge. Running cooled, nitrox, through the suits for bob and doug just to keep things. At a comfortable, temperature for them as the capsule, goes through the re-entry, and starts to heat. Up. So like we said we are anticipating. A brief blackout, period where we're unable, to communicate, with the capsule, that's, uh we're expecting that to start in exactly, three minutes. That will last, for six minutes total. And during that time we will be unable, to command the vehicle. Or receive telemetry. That being said dragon, is designed to be fully autonomous. So. It's driving itself, anyway. So bob and doug. Will. Stay fastened in their seats. And like i said that. Anticipated. Loss of signal, or as you'll hear it called los. Is anticipated, to. Last for just six. Minutes. During that blackout period. The, capsule, will. Will encounter what's known as entry, interface. This is when, the capsule. Is now. Really in the earth's atmosphere. And beginning, to. Be subject to, aerodynamic. Forces. This is also, when a lot of that friction will begin to build up, and raise the external, temperatures. Dragon, spacex. We show two minutes until predicted, calm blackout, we will see you on the other side at one eight, four two. Dragon cappies. 1842. We'll you. Then. So there's that heads up. Communication. From mission control, to. Dragon, endeavor. Confirming, that calms black out. Like i was saying during the blackout, the dragon capsule will be going through entry interface. Where, it is encountering. Aerodynamic. Forces. Really starting to build up uh, the external, temperature. As it and that external temperature, will reach about 3 500, degrees fahrenheit. However the the the interior of the cabin, is environmentally. Cooled, so bob and doug will, should be, should remain comfortable, during their descent. There will be cool air flowing. Not only through the cabin itself but also through their suits. The suits have sensors on them that are able to detect. The temperature. Inside that suit and once it once. Uh, that. Sensor. Reads that. It has reached the the maximum, temperature threshold. It'll flush the suit with some cool air, and. And really circulate. And, cool it down. All right well we are right around that estimated, blackout, time. As we heard the call we'll see them on the other side expected, to regain. That communication. At about 42, minutes after the hour. So for these next six minutes they're already less than 60 miles in altitude. And this is when the capsule, is really heating up during that reentry. Reaching, temperatures. Of, around. 3 500. Degrees, fahrenheit, as again you're, essentially, hitting the atmosphere, more than 17. 000 miles an hour, in the friction building up that plasma, around the spacecraft, that's what's going to prevent, us, from talking to bob and doug or getting data back from the spacecraft, for the next six minutes. Flight computers, are in control though, it's going to continue, to maintain, its appropriate. Trajectory. And attitude. Having, attitude, determination. Devices. On board the capsule, not reliant, on communications. With satellites. And it's going to continue dragging. Down the correct, path. For this splashdown. Off the coast of pensacola. So. We are in that black out period. We're going to continue, to stand by until we get them on the other. Side. All right and just about, two minutes after we get. Acquisition, of signal, aos. Back with dragon. We're going to be looking for those parachutes, and we should hopefully be getting some views from a couple of our assets, out at the landing zone. Including, our wb, 57. High altitude, research, plane which is going to be. Relying, on dragon's, telemetry, to actually lock onto it in the sky. And give us an infrared, view of the capsule during the final stages of re-entry. We're going to be looking for the drogue deploys. At about 44, minutes after the hour those will be two drogue shoots, they're going to come out when the vehicle is still moving in about 350. Miles an hour, it'll be in an altitude. Of about 18, 000 feet. They'll come out and do some initial, slowing. And stabilization. Of the spacecraft. And then. Less than a minute later they'll detach.

And The four main parachutes, will deploy, you'll see them, come out and, look kind of closed up initially, and then they'll do what's known as reefing. Opening up in really two different stages. Just to, minimize, the immediate, loads on the parachutes, themselves. Those, main parachutes, will come out at an altitude, of about 6500. Feet, with dragon already slowed down to 119. Miles an hour and they'll do, the rest of the slowing the whole way down, until we splash, down. In the gulf of mexico. We should be. 10, minutes, away. From splashdown. So right now we're getting, our cameras, on the, wb, 57. Airplane, which is in the area. Getting those cameras ready to give us our first. Glimpse. And we should still have about three minutes left little less than three minutes. Until we anticipate. Reacquiring. Our signal. And our connection with bob and doug in the dragon spacecraft. If you're just tuning in we are in a blackout period, that, we were expecting. This blackout period. Will last a total of six minutes and we're about halfway, through there now. At the moment. Dragon. Is re-entering, the earth's atmosphere. And due to the plasma building up on the exterior, of the vehicle. We're unable to communicate, or send commands, but dragon is fully autonomous. It is, steering, itself. And right now bob and doug are flying. Home. So. Dragon, spacex. Com. Check. So we're still inside that, anticipated. Blackout, window it does look like we are getting. Maybe some sporadic. Data starting to peak through, this is why you heard that. Communications. Check with the spacecraft. Dragon, spacex. Com. Check. We've got you 5x5. As well doug, looking, good and you can expect an automated, shoot deployment. All right really good news there we have come out of the blackout, period and we have reestablished. Connection, with. Dragon, endeavor. With nasa astronauts, bob bankin, and doug hurley on board. We were able to reacquire, that communication. A little bit earlier than expected. And now we are just waiting. We should just be. About two and a half minutes away from that initial, drug shoot deploy. Yeah two minutes and 26, seconds. A gps, has converged. You may have heard earlier that bob and doug are currently experiencing.

3.5. G's. Not too bad that's about what they pulled during the ascent phase. Just like a mild roller coaster. So the vehicle is now, over the gulf of mexico. It is approaching. The landing zone. Off the coast of florida near pensacola, and there we have our first shot. There it is this. The first view from the wb, 57. Airplane. It is dipping in and out a little bit this is going to be an infrared camera showing us dragon, re-entering. We have that com back with bob and doug. You heard. A gps, is converging. Dragon has. Three gps, units that it uses. Actually in the parachute, deployment, process. As it helps. Along with the pressure sensors. Really give, a solid, altitude, to the flight computers, on when these are supposed to deploy. We're standing, by, for the drogue chute deployments, we should be just under five, minutes, away. From splashdown. Passing, 15, kilometers. Brace for drogue window. Kathy. About 14 kilometers, in altitude, 8.4. Miles continuing, to descend. There on your screen we have a shot of the capsule. As it is preparing, to deploy, those initial parachutes, the drug parachutes. Again these. Parachutes, help slow the vehicle down. Even further. And help stabilize. In preparation, for main shoot. Deployment. Right about now the capsule, is going about 400, miles per hour. Decelerating. Quickly. And standing, by for drug. Deploys. Visual, two drugs out. There on your screen we have visual confirmation, of those two drug deployments. All right so two of two the droves, now out they're gonna do their. Slowing, and stabilizing. Of the dragon, spacecraft. They should be detaching. In just a few moments. And then we'll see four parachutes. The main parachutes, deployed. Dragon, under droves. Trove decent, rate nominal. So the expected. Descent rate the expected, velocity, under the droves nominal, we're, right at around, 150. Miles an hour and already dropping. You can see the, droves, now detach. There we have confirmation. Of deployment, of the four main parachutes. We are visual, on four, shoots, out, we are, visual. Four, main parachutes. Deployed. So at this point the main parachutes, have deployed. They are, inflating, as you can see there on your screen continuing. To, slow dragon down. Significantly. We are anticipating. Splashdown, in just under two minutes and 30 seconds. We've already slowed the vehicle down to about 16, miles an hour it's already less than a kilometer. In. Altitude. Main shoot decent. Rate nominal. Passing through 700, meters. So at this point dragon has saved all propulsion, systems on 600, meters. 600, meters. And we're 600, meters, above. The gulf of mexico. Should be approximately. A minute 30 from splashdown. Mission control team here in hawthorne, has reported, the precise, landing coordinates, to the recovery, team. They are standing, by. Ready to go get our space. Dads. We just passed about 300, meters. One minute till splashdown. 200 meters. We have braced for splashdown. Copy brace for splashdown. So there we heard bob and doug reporting that they are bracing, for a splashdown. We should be able to see. The gulf of mexico, here in the shot just momentarily. As we're now just about 20 meters, off, the. Ocean. Splashdown. As you can see on your screen, we have visual confirmation. For splashdown. Spacex, copies, and. Dragon endeavor has returned, home. Nasa astronauts, bob and doug half of the spacex, and nasa teams, welcome back to planet earth and thanks for flying. Spacex. It was truly our honor and privilege, to fly, in flight of the crew dragon, and endeavor, congrats. Everybody. It. Uh, all good, and we're, into. Section. Of four decimal. Eight, zero zero. Thanks for those words doug and we copy, that you are into, uh, 4decimal, 800.. So great news all around there our space dads are back on earth, after a 19-hour. Return, journey from space. Dragon endeavor has played splashdown. In the gulf of mexico, just off the coast of pensacola. Florida. And on your screen there you can see our two fast boats, and they are indeed fast. Racing out to greet. Dragon endeavor, as, uh it sits there, the first. On there we can see a view inside the capsule, bob and doug looking good, although the communication, was a little choppy we did hear, the endeavor, in three decimal, one we show ourselves in stable, one. And spacex, copies, for, vehicle assessment, step three decimal, one, stable. One good news. Stable, one essentially, they're upright, in the water stable two. Also another potential, where it could be on its side or even upside down but dragon does have a water ballast, system. To keep it upright where it's able to, essentially, pump seawater.

Into Bladders, in the service section of the capsule. But they're upright, we already see the fast boats approaching. They touched down. Came, right on time. At, 11. 48. Am. Pacific. 1848. Iutc. Bob and doug now in the water and the recovery, ops they've already begun. We already see the, fast boats starting to move in. We're still maintaining, that good communication. Back. With bob and doug and the team here in hawthorne. Pretty soon we should be getting, the go for them to move in, begin their hyper golf sniffs. And begin, wrangling up those parachutes, but we can see, bob and doug. Inside the capsule. Back on planet earth. Yeah those fast boats will be moving in to do a couple of things, they'll be performing, what's known as a sniffer, test, that's essentially, to ensure, that the air around the vehicle. Doesn't have any toxic, fumes from the hypergolic, propellants, on board. So once we get the, all clear from there. The water recovery, lead will give the, will give the go for approach. And that's when the the first fast boat will actually approach the capsule. Hopefully give a little, wave to bob and doug through the window. And. One of the crew members will, one of the team members will actually, climb on top of crew dragon, and begin, to. Begin to place, the rigging equipment, necessary. To hoist dragon. Out of the water. I was still getting a view from the wb. Uh the airplane, flying overhead, it gave us those, those great views of really our first views, of bob and doug re-entering, the earth's atmosphere. From up above you can see the four parachutes. In the water, uh, we heard those were cut automatically. As, expected, by dragon. So for now the crew just standing by again they're going to stay in their suits, in their seats. We're waiting for all these initial, checks, dragon, spacex, comm check. Cloud and clear hello. Loud and clear as well just wanted to verify a quick com reconfiguration. Thank you. So essentially what just happened there is they reconfigured, solo if you can just relay, the. Status. Of the. Fast boats and the recovery. As you get them, we would appreciate, it. You bet absolutely, doug uh we'll go. So what just happened there, you heard. Com's reconfiguration. That's essentially, looping, bob and doug's communication. Into the launch excuse me into the recovery, team, uh so that if. They can hear feedback from bob and doug, directly, as well, now we talked a little bit about spacex. Endeavor, you can let ben and james know. We're doing pretty good so far. Okay we'll let the flight docs know that you're feeling good so far thanks for that update. Really good news there to hear that they're feeling good. And they can let the flight surgeons know that all is well inside dragon endeavor. All right and it sounds like we do have, uh. One of our folks that's on location, there, with the recovery, forces, nasa's brandy dean, she's been. She's uh joining us by satellite, phone brandie if you can hear me. I mean what is it like right there on the water what was it like to watch. Watch them splash down for the. Test objective. Stand by at the council. As we get it up and operating on that. Okay spacex, copies we'll be ready for that in just a couple minutes we should have the go for you in just a moment please stand.

By. I think you're used. To. So. So. There in the center of your screen. Dragon capsule. Waiting, for the fast boats to approach. And, begin, the rigging, process. There on this left-hand side of your screen we can see that second, fast boat come into. View. Spacex, we are go for, recovery, personnel, to approach, expect personal, personnel, aside. Alongside. In just under a minute. Dragon copies thank you. All right so they're starting to move in. As case just said that first boat's going to go in sniff around the capsule, for, any traces of hyper goals the second one is going to start rounding up the parachutes. Which we're getting some really cool views. From the wv57. Still flying overhead. Looking down you can see the parachutes, in the water, and the second boat start to gather them up. We'll try one more time real quick we have nasa's brandy dean, out with the recovery, forces, randy if you can hear me, what was it like to watch this dragon come down under parachutes. Oh it was amazing, i wish everybody could have had my view it was a, beautiful. Gorgeous, day, the water is calm. Really the best, weather we could have asked for. And we did we heard the um the sonic booms, as it made its way back. We were able to find early on, as the parachutes, were deploying, it was very exciting for everybody who was gathered here. That's incredible, we actually had some questions from people if you'd be able to hear the sonic boom and we weren't sure so i'm really glad you just answered that for us. Um. I mean we talked so much about the weather, you said it looks great what. I mean what was it like on the ride out there has it just been kind of, clear skies and clear seas the whole way. I'm, not sure if you can hear me right now um but, you're asking about the weather, whether it was clear skies, there are just a kind of a circle of clouds, along the horizon, very low. But um. We were able to see the parachutes, far above. It all the way. All right well. We're not getting, any views, on the boat so what kind of activity, is taking place right now we're able to see the fast boats approaching the capsule. What's everybody doing on the boat to just kind of get everything ready. Uh the boat's also making its way successful, i can't see it with my, with my beer. But yeah so we're getting closer. Because everybody's, been kind of standing by, i'm holding, ready positions, for quite a while now so as soon as it it doesn't flash they'll be able to just, expand, and, start working on their own, their own activity. All right copy that well, we're going to keep watching, from here. Um. Thanks for calling in, and, thanks for being out there with everybody and getting us these great views it's really incredible. Uh. Thanks brandi you hope it, gets you back, in port soon. And we'll talk to you back in houston. So there on your screen. Camera view change, that is a view coming to us from go navigator, the recovery, vessel. The two fast boats are out there, getting to, getting ready to. Basically. Plot excuse me. Install the, rigging equipment, required, to, hoist dragon. Out of the water. One, the other fast boat is actually collecting, the parachutes, from the water we definitely want to. Bring those back on board with us. But. Shortly, here we should actually, see one of the team members. Crawl up onto the side of the capsule. In order to. Install, that. Install the rigging like i mentioned. That particular, team member, is. Highly experienced, and highly, trained. As you can imagine. Climbing on top of an oddly. Shaped thing, in. You know the ocean, it could be, a little tricky, so. This person has undergone, a lot hours and hours. Of training and certification, in order, to perform, this very important, task there on the right hand side of your screen we see the second. Fast boat approaching. Of course both of these boats. Needed to wait for their queue. From, the water recovery, lead in order to approach dragon, after splashdown. Again that was just to make sure that there weren't any toxic vapors in the air. And now that they got the all clear we do see them, beginning to work. On and around, the dragon capsule. So, even though the camera is a little shaky. That water looks super. Super duper. Smooth, almost like glass. Which is certainly, ideal, for a water recovery. Like today. Yeah got to remember, that this is a view from the the main recovery, vessel which was still a few miles away from the splashdown. Spacex, we have hypergirl, sweeps and unfired, ordinance, checks, uh nominal, rigor, is on board the vehicle, about two five minutes until capsule, lifts. After that yep we see him. Outside, and. Good news. All right, confirmation. There, that all of those, hypergolic. Vapor, tests, came out. Positive or rather negative which is a positive, thing. So the team was able to approach.

And, Now the crew member that is installing, the rigging, is on top of the capsule it's difficult to see there. Because. The. Slower vessel that the primary recovery, ship, is a little further away but as we heard it's just a mere two and a half minutes until. They will be hoisted, out of the water. I'm i'm sorry. 25, minutes, not, 2.5. I misheard that yeah. They're fast but they're not that fast. We also, have been hearing that, the secondary, boat which its primary, mission in this case is securing, those parachutes. Uh they've already got buoys attached to both droves. And uh two of the four mains nerdy had eyes on the other two so they're moving through that work pretty quickly. Again their primary responsibility. Getting those parachutes, together. The drogues. Detaching, from the spacecraft. Right before the deployment, of the mains the mains. Automatically, detaching. Immediately. As dragon, detected, splashdown. All of that happening. Right per the timeline. We've talked a little bit about, the hardwired, buttons, that bob and doug have, on their, seats and in their control. Displays. And cutting the the main chutes is one of those buttons. In the event that they weren't automatically, cut after splashdown, bob and doug would have had. The. Ability, to do so. If the winds, were stronger. And, they caught the parachutes, it could certainly create a condition, where the capsule. Could be moved, unintentionally. By, those dragging, parachutes. So, definitely want to avoid that so. That's one of the the few buttons that are hardwired. Into. The cabin, for the. Crew. And again right now we're expecting, about, 20 minutes. For the, the main recovery, vessel to go navigator, to reach dragon. By that point all the rigging will be affixed, and then they'll be able to use the a-frame. Hydraulic, lift, on the back of the, on the back of the vessel. To begin to pull dragon, up out of the water. Bob and doug did report they're seeing, the guys climbing around outside their window on the capsule. Getting that rigging affixed. Still doing good. From all of their reports. And we're just going to see the vessel continue to close in it's a little over, 1.3. Nautical miles still away. But you can see things starting to sharpen, up in our view as it does drawn closer. One thing i didn't get to mention, as the sequence, events was happening. Everything was going so quickly. Just before the drogue. Deployment, the seats automatically. Rotated, to about 26, degrees. And so, if you, think back to when we saw bob and doug, while they were still on orbit, and, during, the. The deorbit, burn and all their departure. Burns. They were actually laying. Closer to on their backs, at the 40 degree position. Where, essentially, they were looking, up, at the top, of dragon capsule like their stomachs were facing. The top nose cone there, at this point, the seats would have rotated, so they're in a little bit more of an upright position. That's done to ensure. That. The loads experienced. From, landing. Are you know don't. Doesn't, doesn't hurt them, so, uh, at this point, they are not really laying on their backs in the ocean they are seated upright a little bit which would allow them, to have a better view. Of the, team working to. Install the rigging. Equipment. So at this point we're, at about 22, minutes until dragon will be lifted, onto the recovery. Vessel. Bob and doug are still strapped into their seats. Kind of like an airplane. You know they say. Do not unbuckle. Your seatbelt. Until the captain determines, that it's safe to do so. They will say remain, in their seats throughout. The entire, recovery, process. Essentially, until, it's, time to get them. Out. Like i said we are expecting, to lift dragon, onto, the go navigator, recovery, ship. In, about 21. Minutes. And then in 28, minutes, we will be opening, that hatch. And beginning, crew, egress. Also known as exit. And we did hear the rigging is pretty much complete, so. Right as they arrive. There at the capsule, the main recovery vessel will be able to begin. Getting it up out of the. Water. So now as the recovery, vessel go navigator, is getting closer, to dragon.

Dragon's Position. There off the coast of pensacola, florida we're able to see. The capsule in a little bit more, detail. It is, certainly, no longer. A. Bright shade of white. Like we said those external, temperatures. Were reaching, up to 3 500, degrees fahrenheit. So the thermal protective. Systems. Thermal protection, systems. Enable, dragon to return. While keeping the. Internal. Temperature. Rather, temperate. And you are seeing a few more boats, than expected. The team's currently, working. With, a few private, vessels. In the area making sure that they get out of. There. And now we see one of the spacex, fast boats moving. In. So we are being advised, that, uh, the recovery, team is radioing, out to the vessels, in the water, near crew dragon to vacate the area. Uh so that we're able to extract, bob and doug safely. You know also for the safety, of, those folks in the area as well not just bob and doug. Yeah this is this is obviously, a dynamic, operation. One of the first things we do is make sure there aren't, essentially, poisonous, fumes around the capsule, so. Something like this just. Really. Can endanger the whole thing endanger the crew members and endanger, themselves, so, the spacex, team's moving in to try and get them away. So they can safely, recover the dragon capsule, and get bob and doug on deck and, safely inside. Their medical quarters, so, we can see them they're getting a lot closer. We expect. About 10 minutes or so until they should be in position. All the rigging has been affixed, on the dragon, capsule. And once they arrive they'll be able to use that hydraulic, lift, to get dragon, up and out of the. Water. So the recovery vessel go navigator. Is getting closer, and closer, to. Dragon, endeavor. As it awaits. Its recovery. As it awaits to be hoisted, out of, the gulf of mexico. Again we landed just off the coast of florida. Near pensacola. Maybe next time we shouldn't. Announce our landing. Zone. Oh there we got a shot from our wb-57. Plane it looks like that area has cleared out significantly. So that is good to. See. And we're also hearing. That all of the parachutes, have buoys on them so also good news. As the recovery, process continues. For spacex. Demo. Two. Dragon spacex, for comrade config. Go ahead mike. Hey doug we're about to reconfigure, the forward link we, may lose that for about one or so minutes, and that should happen shortly.

Let's Give this call back when you think we got it back. We'll. Do. So. So as the main vessel gets closer it's going to back up. And get its hydraulic, lift set up right next to the dragon capsule still in the water. Bob and doug still inside. Not just waiting for that recovery. We should start the hoisting operations, in the next 10 to 15 minutes. And then it'll be a pretty quick, lift up out of the water using that hydraulic, lift into the dragon, nest. On the deck of the boat, or the ship rather. And then they'll move it underneath, the helipad. Into, essentially, the crew recovery, area where they'll have a platform, right up to the hatch, they'll be able to open up the hatch. Spacex. Medical doctor will be the first one through the door able to do a quick, check in with bob and doug on their status. And then, he and the other. Medical, doctors, flight surgeons, and trained technicians, will begin to help them, out of the capsule. Yeah earlier just after splashdown, we did hear. Bob and doug report that they were feeling good after re-entry, so. That was relayed to the flight surgeon. And. Good news to hear. Again this is a view coming from the wb, 57. Plane. As it is circling the area. And, we can see. Dragon. Awaiting. To be, pulled out of the water. Again, we are anticipating. That lift. To. Begin, in, just under 15 minutes we're approaching. 14 minutes here. And then. In 21, minutes. We will have. An open hatch. You can see the main recovery, vessel in the top right there that's the helipad. With, the big spacex. On top. It's now backing up towards, the capsule. Certainly not to be confused, with, one of our. Landing, drone ships. There's a live view. Of. Dragon. Of dragon floating in the water there in the background. Along with, many onlookers. Certainly from a safer distance at this point. This is a live shot coming from, go navigator. Our, primary recovery vessel here so it's dr crew dragon is also accompanied, by, the fast boats that are helping to bring it in closer. And there you can see a couple of the recovery, team members. On the deck. And also just behind them we get our first good view, of the nest, uh yes so, this is. Essentially, the nest in the background there dragon will be hoisted using the hydraulic, lift, out of the water and into that nest. That nest will then be pulled, towards the camera from this view towards those individuals. On that upper deck there, uh and that's where, the dragon spacex, com check. Loud and clear solo how else. Loud and clear as well and from the video looks like the boat is about one uh length away about five to ten meters backing up to you. Copy that uh thanks for the update. All right so good news there we're getting ready to see, dragon to be lifted out of the water, and into the recovery, nest. As i was saying that nest will be pulled towards the camera. Towards the upper deck that we saw there and that's where the medical stretchers, will be waiting. To assist them into, the medical bays for. Evaluation. After capsule, egress. It's already been, it's already been 25, minutes, since they splashed down. It doesn't feel like it, was definitely the fastest 25, minutes of the day the the timeline, we were anticipating. Was for the lifting operations, to start within about 30 minutes so we're pretty much right on the timeline, still that's been a. A pretty common thing so far today. You can see them, with one of the fast boats getting it positioned, to start. Moving out with the additional, rigging. To affix to the dragon capsule where they're going to use this a-frame. To pull it up out of the water and you can see the dragon nest at the very bottom it's, that circular, object. With the a1, right on it. So while this is the first time, we are recovering. A capsule with crew members, on board.

The Recovery, team has been, dragging just letting you know we got a couple lines connected, and rigging is in progress. Thank you. All right there so just updating. The crew that they might feel some. Momentum. As the lines as a couple of the rigging lines are attached. There we can actually there's our first good shot of the individual. Who, is. Placing that rigging, equipment, equipment, again that's someone that's, highly specialized, and, very well trained for these operations. As i was saying the recovery, team has rehearsed, and practiced, this with bob and doug themselves. Actually. In a test capsule. Practicing, the the egress, as well as. They have recovered. Excuse me they have practiced the recovery, process. Many times. And actually. Through those practice, runs. They have effectively. Cut the recovery, period, in half. From the initial, demo one mission. So. It's really nice to see that. The the process, itself. After being rehearsed, and carefully, choreographed. Is is going, super efficiently. Again. Safety is the number one priority. So making sure that, only. Personnel, involved in active, recovery, operations, are present on the deck. You may have heard us mention before, that there are about 40 people on board today, but we certainly don't want. Anyone, in danger. Or to fall. Overboard. That guy intentionally, jumps. Speaking, of falling overboard. We're ready thank you. All right so the crew was just told. In about 30 in the next 30 seconds. They have the lines to fix so they're going to start lifting the capsule, up, out of the water. And at this point the communication, we're getting with dragon. Is, actually being routed through the boat itself at this point. So, there we can see the lift. The dragon, is out of the water, yeah so now, a frame is going to start swinging, it back. And it's bound right for that nest at the bottom of your screen. So there we're getting a better shot of all the points in which dragon, is tethered, to the hydraulic, lift ensuring that it isn't swinging.

Freely. And there we can see, dragon endeavor, being carefully, set down into the recovery, nest on top of go navigator. Dragon, spacex, welcome aboard the recovery, vessel. Recovery, personnel, are completing final checks and preparing to translate you to the egress platform. Be happy, thank you. So for the first time, in two months. Nasa astronauts, bob benkin, and doug hurley. Are on, some sort of ground, guess we can't call it solid ground because it is a ship however. It is the first time that they are not. In space. On a rocket, or, bobbing in the. Ocean. So now that they're in the nest we're they're going to start, translating. It forward. And dragon's, going to move into, essentially the hanger section, underneath that helipad. And then up to that recovery, platform that we saw a little bit earlier. At that point. The. Spacecraft, technicians, will work to open up the hatch as we said previously, it's a manual process. With a couple of. Different. Attachments, you have to engage before the hatch itself can be open they'll get it opened. And then. Spacex's. Neil menon will be the first one through the hatchway, to check in on bob and doug get their, initial health assessment see if they're ready to move, and then we'll start assisting, them out of the capsule, and into that medical, facility. On the. Boat. So at this point the recovery, team, is doing. Uh final securing, of the capsule. In preparation. To. Actually, move, the recovery, nest. Into, closer to the interior, of the ship it'll actually be. In a little bit of a covered deck there we had we saw that camera view earlier. Looking straight out from, the center of the boat. So once, dragon, is secured, in the nest. The nest will be translated. Then forward. And. Closer to the recovery. The, excuse me closer to the position in which we're able to actually open the hatch. So while dragon is on board, safely. We're not able to, do that just yet. Yeah they're, they're. Working, to. Detach, some of those lines that were used to hoist it using the a-frame, and. We heard that they should be done with that in just a moment, and then we'll start that. Translation. So right now we can see the recovery. Team. Releasing. Those. Securing. Lines that were used. During, the, lift. Of the capsule, from the water. Into. The nest. So they are releasing, those securing, lines from the sides, making sure it is secure, from the bottom. And there we see dragon moving forward. Look at that. Smooth as a tesla i would say. It's really interesting to see those scorching, marks. Now that we get a really nice up close detail. Shot of, dragon. Standing, by for the go for side hatch open. That rounded square there in the, center. Of the capsule, is that side hatch. And on either side are those oval windows. Dragon, spacex. Stand by for side hatch opening, and. Egress. Happy we're ready. All right crew got the call we are go for hatch. Open. So. And if you look closely immediately, above the hatch you can see the area where you can see them working in now that's where those drogue shoots, deployed, from the two. Circles, on either side were where the mortars, were. The main parachutes.

Now Hidden by the platform. Underneath. The, side. Hatch. So the crew, is, in the process. Of removing, the side hatch. We can see, that, go navigator. Is in transit, it is making its way back to the pensacola. Naval air station. However. Bob and doug will get a ride. From, the, recovery, vessel, via. Helicopter. So again we're preparing, to open the side hatch. And once that done once that is done the flight surgeon. Will. Pop his head in do an initial. Check. See how bob and dog are doing. And dragon spacex, we got a slight delay due to some, potential ndo hits near the side hatch. Captain mike we're uh, by. And so they're still continuing, to do kind of those sniffs, so checking for any vapors or anything so those ndo, it's, no2, nitrogen. Dioxide. Primarily. Can. Get detected, in the air from the burning of fuel. So they're going to continue, to, just inspect, around the capsule, make sure that it's, again safe for the crew safe for the recovery, experts. Before they get this hatch open. But again moving, right along the timeline, it's. Since they splashed, down at 11, 48. A.m, pacific. And so again they're just pausing the operations. For a moment. Doing some additional, air sampling. Around the prop system, we still have. Telemetry, being fed from the vehicle, so flight controllers, here. In hawthorne, able to, monitor, prop tanks, propulsion, tank pressures, and not seeing any issues with those at the. Moment. So again just a short, pause. In the operations. Is again they're just sniffing around the capsule. Making sure we don't have. Any readings that might indicate a fuel leak or anything around the vehicle. They did detect some ndo, some nitrogen, dioxide. Which is typically, a residue that, arises, from the burning of fuel. So they're continuing, to do just a couple of different air readings. Grab samples essentially. Before they proceed, with the hatch. Opening. And dragon spacex, update we're still investigating. It looks like we'll be setting up a service section purge we're working on eta, for. You. In case if you're just joining, us. Nasa astronauts, bob benkin, and doug hurley. Have safely returned from the international, space station they made an on-time. Splashdown. In the gulf of mexico, just off the coast of pensacola. Florida. At. 11, 48. A.m pacific. 18, 48, a.m. Universal, time. And. They have been pulled out of the water, and hoisted, onto the recovery, vessel go navigator. And, right now the team, is. Just completing. They did an, initial check and found that there might be some. Remnant, vapors. Which we certainly don't want to be around when. We have. Bob and doug coming out of the capsule, so. The team is. Working to. Purge the service section in preparation. For, crew egress. Just a little commentary. On. The hatches, that, that, we've been talking about. So while dragon's, top hatch is used to connect to the international, space station. That's the one that's located, under the nose cone which is currently hidden there. At the top of the capsule. Before. The this is the the side hatch is what is utilized, utilized, for, uh, ingress and egress. Both on the launch pad as well as coming up here, on the recovery, vessel. When the international, or excuse me when the. Capsule, is docked to the international, space station. They will use the forward hatch, to, exit and enter, the capsule. Something to note that once that side hatch is opened. It will be the first time that bob and doug have. Gotten a breath of fresh, air. The first time that they've been able to do so in two months. Since they boarded, the falcon 9. At the start of their mission. Back on may, 30th. Yeah with an on time splashdown. They returned with almost exactly, 64, days. In space, on this mission, just a few minutes shy of that. So i know they're looking forward to it. In a little bit more of a stable condition now that they're on the boat, not in the water. But again our team's just continuing, to step through they're they're reporting, that they're seeing. All of the vapor levels that they initially detected, have been dropping. Um in that service section. Spacex. We showed that levels are declining, but are continuing, with.

Purge. Uh and in addition, just so you know we are not seeing any you know, leak indications, or anything like that these are pretty small levels but we still need to do the purge at this. Time. Okay kathy yeah you're reading our mind mike we were just wondering if you saw any indications, of a leak or some depressurization. Somewhere but it sounds like it's just. Part of the deal. Yeah that's a good read back. Doug. All right so we're just continuing, to get a view down. Uh right at the hatch of the capsule, they are, detecting, those very small traces. Uh of a couple of the hypergols. Um, the one we've heard specifically, mentioned was uh ndo or no. 3 nitrogen, or no2, nitrogen, dioxide. They, are at very low levels. Obviously, not. At a very harmful level as we still have people, in close proximity, to the capsule. They are going through with the purge they're not seeing any indications. Of a leak. In the service section of dragon that's where, pretty much all of those different fuel tanks. With the hyper galls, are, located. Inside the. Capsule. And we are just about 44, minutes. Post splashdown. Actually still ahead of the timeline. As we weren't expecting to get the hatch open until shortly before 60 minutes, at which point we'd be bringing bob and doug out, so. This service section spacex, another update the service section purge should begin in a bit under five minutes, uh right now we're showing nto, about 2x, of our personal exposure, limits, and we're hoping once we start the purge it'll drop down for us. Okay thanks mike. And i'm gonna have to correct myself, so it's nto. That's the dinitrogen. Tetra, oxide. And that's one of the hypergolic, fuels, used inside dragon. For powering. Those. Uh. Draco. Thrusters. So again the spacex, engineers, detecting. Uh, levels, of, nto. It's dinitrogen. Tetra, oxide. It's one of the hypergolic, fuels used inside the dragon. Spacecraft. Levels higher than they would like um so they're essentially, doing a purge to help, uh dissipate, any vapors, in and around the service section where those fuel tanks reside, in the dragon, capsule, we're expecting that to take within the next five minutes or so. We were still expecting, the crew out inside, of an hour, so still, on the timeline, or a few minutes ahead. And we should be seeing, bob and doug. Once we see those. Levels continue to drop around the capsule. We'll begin to step through the hatch opening process once. Again. So right now we're getting ready to purge the surface section. This is to make sure that. The, lingering, nto, fumes that the team is detecting. Get, flushed out essentially. The service section. Is. Not the interior. Cabin. Where bob and doug are. It's actually, the part of the capsule, that is, outside. Of, the place where bob and doug are that's it's external, to the to the cabin. But it's inside. The capsule, itself, so you can think of it as, the space between. The exterior. Of the dragon capsule. And the interior, space. Where bob and doug are there's the i think the interior, pressure vessel essentially, yes, exactly. So. Bob and doug are fine the air that they are breathing. Is you know that nitrox. Mix that, they've been getting, throughout the entire duration. Of. Of today's. Operations. But it'll be, essentially, the area. Below. Their cabin. Completely. Sealed, off from the service section. Yeah that service section is where. We there's a lot of telemetry, it's where. There are. The prop tanks, and we're just making sure that those, get aerated, so that. Lingering, fumes. Are. Swept. Away. Again they had, detected. Higher levels. Than they want to see of nitrogen, tetra, oxide. That's one of the two, hypergolic, fuels, used. In dragon, the other one being, monomethylhydrazine. Those two fuels. Essentially, when, thrown together even without an ignition, source. Will react. That's what makes them hypergolic, fuels a much, simpler, more elegant. Solution, used in a lot of. On-orbit, maneuvering, systems. In spacecraft. So again we're just standing. By. So as you can see on your screen. There, is one crew member that has. Kind of what looks like a dragon spacex, i don't have a great huge update for you just letting you know the service section. Purge is still in work. And we'll try to get you out of there shortly.

So As i was saying two individuals, on your screen there one. With a face mask, and what looks like a scuba tank there. With some clean breathing air. There might be another, crew member with the same. Personal protective, equipment, or ppe. That will come on deck here. That type of equipment, ah there we go. That's the kind of equipment that is required. In order to perform, this purge again. The nto. Is, the fumes from that are toxic. And, of course we want to keep, all crew members. Safe. As we prepare. The, side hatch. For opening, in order to let bob's face. Looks like limits. Are dropping and getting pretty good. We're still continuing, with the purge just to be extra sure. Okay. It sounds good mike thank you. All right so we just heard the call the limits continuing, to drop. On that. That nto that nitrogen. Tetra oxide. So they're just going to continue to monitor, those, they're doing a purge essentially, flushing the air around the service section, where the tanks. For those hypergolic, fuels, are, in dragon, as kate was talking about they're not inside, the pressure vessel, the section of the dragon interior where bob and doug and their atmosphere, exist. They're essentially outside the pressure vessel but still inside the outer shell. Of the dragon. Spacecraft. So. So. And we are just about, 52. Minutes. Post splashdown. Again we're just waiting for them to get good readings, on the levels. Of any hyper gulf vapors, still, in existence, around the capsule. And then they'll be able to step, back in. To this hatch opening, now we did hear confirmation, that they haven't seen any indication, of leaks, to the telemetry, they're still receiving, from the dragon, capsule. And so, dragon spacex, we're gonna purge for one more minute. There we go should be one more minute. And then if levels have dropped sufficiently. We'll be able to step back in. To the hatch opening. Process. Bob and doug will be getting assistance. From the recovery, teams while exiting. Dragon, endeavor. This is the same process, for any returning, long duration, crew members. As returning to a gravity. Rich environment, can. You know be a little jarring wreak havoc, with our vestibular. System. So. Which is responsible, for maintaining, balance, and motion.

Of Course. As you've heard us say. Multiple, times, earlier. Safety, is our number one priority, with this operation. So you will see both bob and doug, helped out of the capsule. And assisted, to just the few feet, over to, the medical, quarters. Aboard, the boat. Yeah if if you've ever watched. Long-duration, crews return on a soyuz, it's, a pretty similar process, where. They're literally carried out of the capsule, and immediately, placed down into a waiting, chair. Where they usually get, some initial medical, checks out there in the field, before they're then carried to an inflatable. Inflated, medical tent, we don't have a tent, we have quarters. And they're a whole lot closer so they'll just have. A couple of feet to go from, the capsule, itself. Into those medical quarters and then once they're in there they'll get some initial checkouts. From their flight surgeons, who are on location, on the boat with them, these are the people that have essentially, been responsible. For their health and well-being. Throughout their mission. Both beforehand. All of their pre-flight, data takes, uh offering them support. In the lead-up to launch. And then the entire, time while on board the international, space station, and then they're right here. With the front line with the recovery, teams, ready to welcome them home. So it's been just about a minute since we heard that last call to the crew. We should be just about done with the purge we're going to stand by, and hopefully we'll resume these hatch opening operations. In just a. Moment. Um. Try again spacex, 4. Update. Okay exterior, we're seeing uh three parts per million nto. And six parts per billion, of uh mmh, anil however is asking that you desto, your triggers, and take a sample, inside the. Cabin. Yeah which detector, what number like. Yeah it'll be uh detectors. Two and, three, in location. Fourteen. Happy. Okay thanks doug. All right so we just got the the call out of the current readings, of both, the nto the nitrogen, tetra oxide, and the monomethyl. Hydrazine. Either in the parts per million or the parts per billion, but just as an extra safety precaution.

We Heard a neal so anil menon the, medical authority from spacex, on the boat. Asking the crew to, take out some. Air, detectors, that they have. Inside, with them just to do some quick sampling, inside the cabin, itself. So again. We've said it before, we'll continue to say it throughout, safety, the top priority, with this operation. So the teams, are going to be very methodical. And make sure that everything is in a good setup a safe environment. Not only for the crew themselves. But also for our recovery, forces. But for now bob and dog still, inside, of crew dragon. We are just 58. Minutes, post. Landing. Spacex, dragon with a status. Go ahead. Doug. Okay for uh nr2. On detector, 2 it reads, 0.0. And on detector. 3. It also reads. 0.08. For mmh. Okay, great news 0.0. For detectors, 2, and 3 for no2, and mmh. Thank you very much. That's good, coffee. And so doug hurley reporting. Zeros, across the board no traces. Of either the nto, or the. Mmh. Dragon spacex, for a status update. Okay so currently our exposure limits um are below limits, but the purge is actually doing a pretty good job we saw nto, go from, three parts per million down to 1.5, over the last few minutes. So ideally, with a lot of caution we'd go ahead and let the purge run for a little bit longer but we want to see how you guys are doing. If you're okay with uh continuing, with uh with the purge versus uh knock it off and get you guys out of there quickly. Yeah we're fine hanging out mike. Okay thanks for that doug we'll uh keep working the purge, to uh get us down and uh, and uh thanks for the thanks for that. Yeah let's just keep everybody safe no reason to rush. Yeah we concur. Spacecraft, commander, doug hurley reporting, the crew still doing well in dragon. So, they are good to continue to hang out. The medical authority there on the boat recommending. Uh as long as the crew is. Okay, and still doing well inside dragon they'll just continue, with the purge, trying to get those. Trace readings. Of, any, hyper golf vapors, all the way down to zero. Because again we're really focused, on not only keeping the astronauts, safe but all of the, recovery, engineers. And medical professionals, there on the scene as well. So they're going to continue, this purge, just. Dispelling. The immediate, area around the service section. Of the dragon spacecraft, so this is. Really a series, of fuel tanks. Outside. Of the pressure vessel, so where. Bob and doug are inside the dragon spacecraft, which they did. Some quick readings, inside the cabin and had zeros, across, the board. But they're just continuing, to, let these, levels dissipate, bring it down to zero. And then we'll resume, hatch operations. We're just a little over an hour now an hour and two minutes. Post splashdown. Yeah good to hear a bob and dig report that, they're good hanging out meaning they're feeling all right and they're pretty comfortable. Staying inside for just a couple more minutes. Yeah they were they were doing their best. Prior to leaving. Of playing up their expectant, seasickness. So good, it is good to hear that they're doing well still inside the dragon.

Capsule. And dragon spacex, we're still seeing good indications, from the purge we're looking to uh go about another five minutes and looking for, zero indications, if at any time, you'd like us to speed things up please let us, know. We're good just keep doing what you're doing we can wait the five easy. All right thanks doug. Alright so we'll settle in, at least another five minutes. While they just continue, to. Disperse, any trace remnants of those hyper golf fuels, around the service section. Of dragon. Before we once again step. Into the hatch opening, we're gonna we're gonna stay with you stay with this. Until bob and doug are out of the capsule. And into their medical quarters. At this point bob and doug, are still. Strapped into their seats. The seats have actuated. Away, from, the. Position where, i guess in the orientation, in which you see the capsule, now. During their on orbit. Excuse me during the, departure. Phasing, earlier. This morning, and yesterday. The, orientation. Of the seats were such that. Essentially, bob and doug would have been laying on their backs, in the orientation. Where we see dragon now. Currently. The seats have actuated. Upward. Slightly, so. They are not, completely. Upright, but they are reclined, a little bit nice and comfy there. But they, are able to, see in and out of those, windows there that we see on either side, of the side hatch. And then once they're able to, finish, the, really. The. Egress, process, getting bob and doug out of the capsule. Once they're in the medical area they'll look to start bringing in the helicopter. As. Both. A bomb and dog are going to be flown back to pensacola. Via helicopter. Getting them. To the shore in just a matter of minutes. Where a nasa plane is going to be standing by to, then. Load them up, and bring them home to ellington airfield, at the johnson space center in. Houston. And a dragon spacex, things are still trending well we're expecting another reading in about two minutes so at 1956. And looking to hopefully egress you guys shortly, after that. Okay sounds good bud thank. You. In light of one of the, social media questions, that we were asked earlier someone asked if, bob and doug have netflix. Available. On their heads-up displays, there in the capsule, and. They've been they've actually been pretty busy throughout. This mission you know monitoring, telemetry, and data. And, checking for timing. And, i would say, now's about the time that, they would certainly want. Something, to watch because. You know, at this point their only job left to do is. Get out of the. Capsule. Has to be a feeling of just. Success, though. For those two. I mean taking, taking the first flight in a brand new spacecraft. We knew as test pilots, this is something.

That Was kind of their bread and butter when they were in the military. And definitely something they they left with the chance for. Once they became, astronauts. And. Really a pretty flawless, flight. For dragon, uh, obviously, we'll have all of the the post-flight. Review, coming up in the next several weeks. As we. Continue, to assess, all the data. That we receive, throughout the mission, and any data, still. Recorded locally, on dragon, itself. And we'll be spending the next several weeks. Going through and assessing the mission, and working through the certification. Process. And we're already, targeting. The first operational. Flight. Currently pegged for no earlier than late september. And dragon spacex, are now planning to stop the purge in one minute at about 19, 57. Thank you. All right well with them stopping the purge in about a minute that means that the levels have gone down. To what they were looking for, and then we'll begin to, to step back into the hatch opening, process, and then. Be able to, get bob and doug, egressing. Or moving, out of the dragon capsule they've been in there. For. A little more than 19, hours at this point since they departed the space station. On saturday. They had a sleep period eight hours of rest on the capsule on their way home. They've been up since, a little bit earlier this morning that, weight coming, about 4 40, a.m. Pacific, so, a little more than eight hours. Ago. And a dragon. The purge is now complete one more drager check and then we should proceed with hatch opening. Okay good news thanks. That is good news indeed so confirmation. That, the purge is complete, and then they're just going to do. One more test to make sure that. All of the, fumes, of concern. Are away. And that it is safe to, open that side hatch, and retrieve, bob and doug. Once again once that side hatch is open. Our flight surgeon, will. Be the first, to say hello. Get a quick, medical checkup although based on the reports, that they've been. But that the crew have been. Giving us along the way it sounds like, they're doing great they're feeling good, and they're pretty comfortable there inside a crew. Dragon. And. Dragon spacex, we show 0.4. Parts per million on nto, 18 parts per billion of mmh, that's below limits, we are proceeding with hatch opening. Okay great news thanks mike. All right so there's the green light we've been waiting for. In fact the green light. We've been waiting for for, months, at this point. This is our first opportunity. To say hello to bob and doug our favorite space dads. As they, are now about to. Egress, or exit, from. Dragon, crew endeavor. Again this is the culmination, of. What has been about a 19, hour, journey, home, all starting, yesterday. As they departed, the international, space station. So this hatch will be manually, opened. And once doing so flight surgeon. Neil menon will. Say hello and make sure that they're still doing all right. And then proceed, to assist them. With exiting, the capsule. And we see the hatch, is now open, hatch being opened at 12 59. Pm. Pacific. Match is. Open. So right now they're going to put. A. Piece of equipment, in there that, basically, smooths out the edges and make sure. That it is a, comfortable, exit from. The dragon capsule, just a little piece of structure there to ensure that. The hatch will remain open, and that any sharp edges around, that side hatch.

Are. Protected. In the blue suit there that's one of nasa's, flight surgeons. For the crew that's dr stephen hart. And then hatch open coming at 12 59. P.m pacific, that's, 1959. Univer. Universal, time or. Gmt. So once again the spacex, recovery, team is now assisting, nasa astronauts, bob benkin, and doug, hurley. To exit. The. Spacecraft. Sorry we got the hatch open just about two minutes ago. We paused, for a little while, as they were. Just detecting, some trace amounts. Of. Some of the hyper golf fuels. So we executed, a series of purges. And then once those were down back in acceptable, limits. We were able. To then start with the egress. So there we see a stretcher. On deck. This is normal. This is part of the standard recovery, procedure. And. It is just simply to ensure bob and doug remain safe, like we said, readjusting, to gravity, can be a little challenging. Dizziness, can often occur, especially when you're on a boat. So this stretcher will just be used to. A standard procedure, to make sure. That the astronauts, make it over to the medical tent. As easily, and as comfortably, as possible. Yeah as we discussed. The reintroduction. To. To gravity, from microgravity. Can be a bit jarring. Especially, on our vestibular, system so the stuff responsible, for our balance. And as they are, on a ship underway. We just want to make sure we're taking every possible, precaution. To. Ensure that their, arrival, is safe, and free from any injury, now that they are. Home. And they're working to get a few of the items. From the seats out of the way, first before they begin. Extracting, our crew members. They'll be coming out one at a. Time. As we saw during the ascent portion. Of, this mission, there is enough room inside the capsule, for. Them to do a backflip, in. Microgravity. However, considering. There's a couple folks in there right now from the recovery, team. Got you loud and. Clear. Just a quick calm check there between dragon, and mission control, solo, from the plt, i just wanted to thank you guys for bringing us home safe before we uh, i disembark, from, chip endeavor i'm sure doug will have some good words for you guys as well but. Thank you for doing the most difficult parts. And the most important. Parts of, human space flight, getting us into orbit and bringing us home safely. Thank you again for the good ship. Endeavor. Thank you bob for those awesome words, it's absolutely, been an honor and a pleasure to work with you from the entire spacex, team it's been. Awesome. Some initial words from. Nasa astronaut, bob banking. He's in the pilot seat so you've, heard him refer to himself as plt. We're still standing, by for, crew members to begin making their way out of the crew dragon. Spacecraft. And again they're going to get some assistance, just uh a couple of feet to the medical, quarters, on board the ship. Where they're going to be able to, get out of their suits that they've been wearing for all the, the, final dynamic, phases.

Of The. Separation, events deorbit, burn, re-entry. Splashing, down. Just a little over an hour ago, at 11 48. Pm. Or am pacific. Time. Here we have our first view of, michael we just would like to. Sort of reiterate, what bob said and add. My thanks, to. Everybody, over the last several years that's either worked in hawthorne, mcgregor, or down at the kennedy space center, anybody who's touched endeavor. You should, take a moment to just cherish, this day, especially, given all the things that have happened this year. We certainly. Can't thank you enough for families can't thank you enough. Just proud to be a, small part of this whole effort to get the. Company. People, to and from the space station. They can celebrate, with each other. Cease. Thanks so much doug and you're welcome and thank you so much for those kind words, and we all wish you a safe journey home, and a happy reunion, with your family soon and we look forward to seeing you in person as well. Some really nice words there from bob benkin. There on your screen we saw. Nasa astronaut doug hurley, egressing. Or exiting from the capsule. Might have been hard to see, on your screen there but. We got a thumbs up, indicating. That. Things are going well. I'm sorry excuse me i mixed up my positions there yeah. Those words were from doug and we have bob that just came out first. So bob bank and, the pilot, the joint operations, commander, for this mission out of the capsule now. So he's. Making his way over to the medical, area. And now they're gonna work to get doug hurley, out next. I think i saw a smile, on bob's face. He was he was a thumbs up all the way. As they've been giving us some regular status updates from inside the capsule they've been feeling really good. And so now we're just standing by for, our spacecraft, commander, doug hurley. To make his way out into the fresh air for the first time in 64. Days. All right so they're getting set up, and we should see. Spacecraft, commander doug hurley making his way out of the capsule. And it looks like we've got him out. We've got him. Seated. And there we go another, thumbs. Up. We've got some applause, here. And as you can see in mission control a standing ovation, for a job well done. All around. Yeah our, crew members. Bob and doug are now safely, back home, on earth. And uh, they're going to get checked out now by the nasa medical team they're going straight into the medical quarters. On board the ship that'll be their, first stop, on planet earth, and then they're going to be making their way up into a helicopter. And then heading back to dry land, so, once they're complete the team's going to prepare dragon itself.

And They're going to begin. Taking it back to shore. But. Just, it's been an incredible. Incredible, mission. This all kicked off just two months ago, on may 30th, from, launch pad 39a. At the kennedy space center in florida. We had a successful, lift off we had to dodge around some weather it was suspenseful. Clearing up the last possible, moment, they had a flawless, ride to orbit a 19-hour. Journey to the internati

2020-08-04 12:38

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