Smarter Business Podcast - Ben McAdam - Generating Ideas (and Results) with Content Marketing

Smarter Business Podcast - Ben McAdam - Generating Ideas (and Results) with Content Marketing

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In the spirit of a new year, we're going to try something new for this episode of the smarter business podcast. As you may or may not know as part of the vid wheel creator network, we host twice monthly zoom meetups to help solopreneurs and small business folks network and gain new insights into how they can grow their businesses through video. These meetings, feature presentation with an industry expert.

And that's what I'm going to include in this podcast episode, one of these presentations. Going forward into 2022, I'll be releasing these presentations as podcasts as they happen. So look forward to a more active podcast stream without further ado, enjoy the most popular of our recorded zoom meetup presentations, Ben McAdam presenting, generating ideas and results with content marketing. So here's what we're going to cover. There's going to be a few things. So the idea is generating content ideas, but we need to cover some basics before we get there.

And then we're going to end with talking about how to actually get results from this content marketing. So we'll start with the end in mind, like, remember why we're doing all of this. I'm going to talk about the journey and I'll elaborate that on that a bit later, and we'll go through some ideas to generate content and then getting results.

So, if you're ready, we'll go on and I'll talk about how amazing I am for a moment, but honestly, Neil's intro was actually pretty good. Thank you Neil I appreciate that. Um, my job, what I do, I'm a coach.

Like if you have a business, it's my job to help make that business grow and especially grow more profitable. And if you've got any questions about your numbers, I can help you with that too. Like, what does this income statement mean? Do I need to know any of this kind of stuff? Okay. That's that's what I do.

Um, I've grown and sold to my own businesses. Um, been doing this for over a decade, got some great results for clients, which I will save your time and just leave on the screen rather than brag about personally. Cause we only have a short time. Um, but the reason why I put this, there is so that it gives us some context of like, yeah, I know what I'm talking about and you'll take what I say a bit more seriously. So this lovely picture that I found is the comparison of the two different mountains. We've got Mount Everest there is this lovely light gray, one we've got some darker gray, these mountains of different heights . And this is my

way of bringing across and, and cementing the idea that you need to start with the end in mind, which of these mountains do you want to climb will make a big difference. It will help you answer a hell of a lot of questions that will otherwise seem to be really vague and gray of like, should I do this? Should I do that? Well, if you know exactly what you want, it makes some of those gray area decisions, a hell of a lot clearer and a lot easier. So for example, if you want to climb a mountain, then it's like, well, what kind of preparation do I need to do in terms of physical fitness? Like what kind of gear should I bring? Well, if you don't know which mountain it is, it could be Mount Everest, or it could be like Mount Kosciuszko here in Australia, which is a bit small. not the tallest mountain. It's a big difference preparing for those mountains.

Like how much gear do you need to bring to go climb , Mount Kosciuszko? Um, I don't know. It takes three hours and there's stairs. Um, you know, if you want to climb Mount Everest, that's obviously a bit of a different thing and you know, okay, I'm going to need shipper.

I'll need teams. I'll need training at elevation and stuff. It answers a lot of those questions. You can then find the specific answers a lot better. It also helps with focus.

Like, what am I doing right now? You know, should I go to the gym or should I sit on the couch and go watch Netflix? I'm like, well, I really want to go Mount Everest. And you know, it's, it's, it's a thing I'm going for. I'm going to go to the gym, say it like it'll help you focus as well.

So what result do you actually want to get from your content marketing? And I'm going to put a whole bunch of things on the screen and I lied. It's interactive time. I want you to pop in the chat, which of those it's going to be for you. So it could be followers.

You want social media followers. Subscribers on YouTube. Um, it could be email subscribers, people who are on your email newsletter, you can nurture them and then hopefully sell them one day.

It could be, you want people to submit a form on your website, like a booking form or a questionnaire, uh, could be you just want to start a conversation with somebody. This is the, you know, if you're doing outreach on LinkedIn, for example, this is what they like to call. Starting conversations, not like bothering poor, random people who have nothing to do with what you're offering is what I sometimes get in my LinkedIn inbox.

Um, maybe it's you want people to book calls, maybe that's what you want your content marketing to do. Maybe you want connections or introductions. This is particularly important. If you're like, you know, trying to sell the big companies, you know, a connection might be worth more than someone subscribing to your email list.

Um, or maybe that you want to get other opportunities. Like one of the fantastic benefits I found when I was running my podcast is that you would get random opportunities that you couldn't ask people for. And you wouldn't even think to, to ask. I see, Nick was that you were, you just nodding your head there.

Um, Um, podcasting is really good for that kind of thing. So here's the list. It pop in the chat, everybody. What is it that you actually want to get out of your content marketing? What do you want it to achieve for your business? What's the result you're aiming for? We've got a few people.

Who've pots pops and things in there already. We've got followers and good review or ratings on the podcast. Yeah.

Calls booked or connections to senior leaders at target companies. Yes. Creating connections with potential new customers. Yes. Subscribers and discovery calls.

Yes. Connections and other opportunities. Connections, credibility, credibility.

That's a good one. Thank you, Ginine for the suggestion. Um, credibility speaking engagements.

So if you want followers, then, in your content marketing, you would be encouraging people to say, and we'll get more into this, on the results, but just to illustrate the difference, like if you want followers, then you will be asking people who watch your videos or listen to your podcast to follow you or people who see your social media posts like follow me like that. That would be the thing you're asking them to do. And it's a fairly low ask of people. Um, but if in your content marketing, you're like, I want to get connected to a senior leader at a company. I want you person who doesn't yet know me very well to risk your reputation with somebody and introduce me.

That's a bigger ask and you're going to need to do things a little bit differently with your content marketing so that people are more comfortable, potentially ruining one of their friendships by connecting you to someone. So not that you would do that just to clarify, but it's just to get you thinking about there is a difference, you know, which mountain do you want to climb, which result you want to go for? You've got to prepare a bit different. Next, let's talk about the journey. Um, and I tried to keep like the mountain climbing, hiking thing going.

And honestly, this is the best that Google image search gave me. Um, but still like, you know, they've got backpacks, they're, they're going on a bit of a journey. Um, and this is not your journey. This is the journey of the people who are watching your content. And I want to talk about an idea.

I keep messing up here to attribute this to it. I keep saying it's Ogilvy, but it's actually Schwartz. And there was a book called breakthrough advertising. Um, many, many years ago, it's an older book, but a very helpful one that talks about the, the journey or the awareness spectrum that people have about the problems, the solutions and where they get to the point where they're interested in you.

I'm going to outline it first. And then I'm going to give you an example. Using my prop. So step one on the awareness spectrum, they're completely unaware. You've got to start from somewhere and this is, they don't know that they have a problem.

That's what this is. This could be random traffic you get from clickbaiting people. Um, these people like they. They are unaware that they have a problem.

They're not really suitable. Who cares if they see your stuff. Um, don't optimize for, for these people next, the next level, the people who are aware, they actually have a problem, but they don't know that there's a solution to it. These people, you don't need to convince them.

They have a problem, which is the hardest thing to convince someone, um, and not exactly the friendliest thing to do. Hey, you, you have a problem. Um, the people who are have an awareness that there's a problem, you've just got to teach them that there is a solution. That's the step you need to do for these people.

You don't need to do one of the latest steps for them until like they become solution aware. Like now they know there's a problem. They know that there is a solution.

They know what they want to happen instead, but they don't know that you do it or that your product will do it for them. That's the next step is they're product aware that now they know they have a problem. They know there's a solution and they know that your product also does that solution, but they're not sure that they want to work with you.

They're not sure exactly sure that it's right with them. So as you're going through. Like, remember if, if the people who land on your content are problem aware, do not try to sell these people. They're not ready. They don't even know there's a solution yet. The final stage is most aware.

These are the people who are ready to buy it. They know they have a problem. They know there's a solution. They know you deliver the solution and they like you. And they, they want to work with you. You give them a deal and they take action.

They sign up. The thing is. It's only like one to 3% of the market are here. So like one to 3% of the people that are seeing your content are at this stage. And so if your content marketing is all sign up, now I have this discount for this month.

Like most of the people that it's not going to land and your focus is wrong. If instead, you know, most people who get to your content, you find out like they know there's a problem, and they've been attracted to you because you're talking about this problem. You tell them there's a solution. They're like, aha. They're there, they're grateful.

Um, they like you a little bit more because you've transformed their life in a small way by realizing like they don't have to put up with this horrible situation. Like there is a way out of it. If you tell the people that, you know, they know there's a solution, um, and then you tell them that you do it, then that's also a helpful thing too. So the point about why I'm telling you this awareness spectrum, I'm going to give you an example in a moment.

The reason why I tell you this is to make sure that. What you're doing in your content, marketing, the things you're saying, the message you're sharing is moving people along the awareness spectrum. It is possible to move someone from problem aware all the way through, to most aware in one piece of content.

Um, if it's long enough, But taking someone from problem aware to solution aware, um, and from solution aware to product aware, doing that in most of your content, and then in a few pieces of your content, doing product aware and asking them to put their hand up to work with you, or to get in touch with you or to reach out to you about any speaking engagements, like the ratio there. Not like it step five, whereas like you've possibly seen a few people and you've never gone back to their website again where you're like read three through a few blog posts and it's all like, we do this, we have a deal right now. Um, it's like, no one wants to hear that kind of thing. No one will stick around and get nurtured and know like, and trust you some more. All right. Now it's time for my example, the sharp-eyed people or those of you who will now go back in the recording and try and spot it.

Well, I've noticed that. I have a hole in this jumper. This is one of my old jumpers that I use for the purpose of illustrating this. Let me tell you a story about this jumper. I was completely unaware that I had a hole in my armpit and my jumper until I was at a choir rehearsal a couple of weeks ago. This was my favorite jumper.

And I was at the choir rehearsal and I was having a good time and I stretched at some point. And someone on the other side of the room said, Hey, Ben, you've got a hole in your armpit. And suddenly I was problem aware. I have a problem that there is a hole in my armpit.

I was carrying on totally fine. And honestly, my life wasn't hugely impacted. It's just a hole in my armpit. I don't normally stretch in front of random people, but still like I had no idea was there was a problem. Someone pointed out I have a problem, um, by pointing out like the symptoms.

So like, for example, if you help people in marital transition, you could say like, You have a problem because finances can be messy. Um, that could be an example of maybe helping someone become aware that there is a problem you can't say to someone who is unaware of that problem, I'm going to help you with the finances in your marriage transition. Cause they're like, uh, no, I didn't really think I need that kind of thing. You know? Um, so first thing is people need to be problem aware. The next step is.

I got really sad about the hole in my favorite jumper because I thought I'm going to have to check out my jumper and I'm stretching the truth a bit here as like, I didn't know that there was a solution to holes in jumper armpits, and then someone told me, Hey, did you know that there are tailors? There are people that like can sew this thing up? And I became solution aware. I think, yay. My favorite jumper is going to be saved. So I was really grateful to that person who told me that tailors existed. Like if I had read that on a website, I would be subscribing to their email newsletter because I'm following them on social media because they helped me and I'm like, maybe they can help me with other things.

Um, I liked the kind of things they say. I like this person quite a lot who has saved my favorite jumper or told me there's a way to save it. The next thing that happens is, uh, This person then says to me, Hey, you know, I'm a tailor. I'm like, oh, I didn't know you did that.

That's very interesting. Can we talk about my jumper? Um, so this person who has taken me from the point of oh, no, I have a hole in my jumper. I'm going to have to Chuck it. I'm really sad about this problem has told me, you know, Tailor's fix that. Great. Thank goodness.

I'm really grateful. And they says, oh, by the way, I'm a tailor. Oh, cool. I want to talk to you. I like, and I know, and I trust you even a little bit because you you're helpful. Can we have a conversation about that? Like.

We haven't even got like very far down the things and I'm warm and open to this person because they have helped me go from problem aware solution, aware to product away. Any of those transitions is a big jump and know like, and trust. If you can do that for someone, you know, do that in the majority of your content marketing, you'll get a lot of happy people. All right.

The final step in this now becoming very fictional scenario. This person says to me, um, did you, well, um, yeah, sure. We can, we can talk about the, uh, the hole in your armpit. I'm happy to talk about fixing it.

Um, and we talk a little bit about it and I say, yeah, that sounds pretty interesting. And then they say, well, did you know, I actually have a deal on right now that, you know, 50% off armpit hole patching services, I'm like, great. Take off my jumper and I give it to them. I was, I was most aware because like I knew I had a problem.

There's a hole in my jumper. I was new, there was a solution. They were tailors. I knew this person was a tailor. They offered armpit stitching services. And I liked them.

We had a little chat about it. I am most aware and like I'm ready to buy all in is that little thing to tip me over the edge. Um, and that's when discounts and promotions like that are actually the most powerful is when you use them just to tip people over the edge. If I had, if that person had done like tons of videos or tons of blog posts or podcast episodes saying about, I have this deal on armpit hole, patching wouldn't have been as powerful as the journey that he'd just, you know, the emotional rollercoaster that I just went on. I don't care what his price is to fix my, armpit hole right now. Like I know, you know, I like this person I've, you know, had some interaction with them.

I trust them. I'm not going to nickel and dime them on the price of fixing the hole in my favorite jacket, like that valuable service that they can do because I've gone through this awareness spectrum with them. So I've spent a lot of time talking about this, even though this is supposed to be about generating content ideas, because we're starting with the end in mind. Like what's the result you want is you want somebody tipping off the end of this awareness spectrum and we're working backwards from there only one to 3% of the market is ready to buy and just needs the deals. So 97% of people need content and most people are actually at the problem aware stage. So most of the people that come across your content, you can teach them that there's a solution.

And you teach them from the perspective of someone who provides this solution. And you also take off the next transition at the same time. So teaching people that there is a solution, there is a way to get a solution to their problem is one of the most effective ways to approach your content marketing, to help move people through this awareness spectrum. So before I move on, I'm seeing, I saw a lot of nodes and laughs during my story about the hole in my arm, pit the hole in my jumper armpit, I should probably put it. Um, does that make sense? Was that helpful? Just pop something in the chat and then give me yes.

While I have some more delicious, delicious vegetables. Excellent. We got some yeses fantastic. All right.

So let's move on to the topic of generating some ideas. And I thought I was being particularly creative when I was creating these slides. And I thought, you know, when we talk about generating ideas, all the pictures are so colorful and rainbowy, I'm going to be a little bit different.

How creative am I? All right. Let's talk about some methods to generate content. All of it stemming from the understanding of what's the result that you want and what, where are people on the awareness spectrum? And one of the particular problems that you help them with? There is a thing called a content grid. Honestly, I got this. Somebody else.

I can't remember who, but, uh, for the record, this wasn't originally my idea. Now the idea of content grid is it can be really hard to generate ideas out of nothing like completely blank slate. So let's put a grid on it and help you out.

In this grid, the columns are going to be the top three to five problems that your ideal customer has bonus points. If you can put it in their words as always, um, feel free to copy and paste what they say when they're talking to you about their problems on the sales calls and so forth, put those top three to five problems in columns across the top. And then the rows are different types of content or different ways you could talk about that content.

And I've given you an example here now. Remember. For those of you who are in the community, you'll get a copy of the slides that you don't have to write this down. And for those of you who are watching this video elsewhere, you'll just have to like pause and wait your arm out or something, writing it all down. Anyway, there are a whole bunch of different content types that you can do for each of these three to five pin points if you multiply them out, this is like at least one quarters worth of content, depending on how frequently you post it could be all the content that you need for a whole year. Uh, we've got, let's say five problems that your ideal customer, and then there's like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

There's only seven ideas here. I I've, I've put in of, uh, so five times seven that's 35. And how often are you going to post? If you fill out this entire grid there you go, there's all your content ideas.

And when you put this framework around it of like, I'm going to talk about this problem in this particular way, it really narrows it down. You don't need so much creativity. Um, I really liked the idea of constraints around creativity because I had a blank page. Um, actually, no, what I hate the most is never asked me to find an image for a website or slides or anything because like the images I've done on these slides was there four of them or something that took me two hours.

I go down the rabbit hole of like, oh, this is a nice image. It's not quite what I want. This is a nice one. This is not one. So yeah. Creativity is helpful with constraints.

So for me, I set myself a timer. I'm like, okay, you need to find four images and you have five minutes to do it. And that really helps, um, because it gets rid of that feeling like, oh, I need to spend a bit more time. So this content grid is something that can really help you.

And it also, apart from being just a great way to help you generate ideas is it keeps your content focus on the problems that most matter, it will mean that your content is way more compelling to your ideal clients, because you're talking about the thing that they really care about or that's causing them some pain or blocking them. If you, if you follow this content grid, um, I'd be very interested. Uh, those of you who want to send it to me afterwards, if you fill it out, I'd be quite interested to see what you come up with.

Um, if you fill this thing out, there you go. There's already content ideas done, and I could end the presentation right here, but I have some more, um, I would say one thing you don't have to fill out the whole content grid. Like I've, I've done this for myself and I've only filled out half of it. Um, there are more types of content that you could do. Maybe you're already doing some, maybe you got some from another presentation from the community. Um, there are other types that you can do, uh, telling a story, um, uh, it's with a lesson in it, like, you know, a moral lesson, um, kind of thing, but about this particular pain point, like there's a couple of others that you can do.

And so the grid can get pretty large and you don't have to fill the whole thing in out, and you still got tons of ideas. Anyway, moving on, um, questions that people ask Encore and Facebook groups like you never, ever, ever have to come up with an idea from scratch. Um, I would also add the main questions people ask when they're on a sales call with you or sending you a contact form or something like, what are the questions they ask? Literally answer those. It's like the Q&A section up here in the content grid. Like there you go, you've got the questions.

You never need to come up with a content idea again. Um, just make sure that you filter the questions and make sure they are relevant to your ideal customer and their pain points. Um, so if you see a question in a Facebook group about, you know, there's a Facebook group of your, your type of customer and you go in there, you look at the questions they ask and they're like, um, I'm having trouble getting my daughter to sleep. And your business is about podcasting.

Like, you know, obviously don't answer that one unless you've got a podcast about getting daughters to sleep. Um, you could also look at competitors and be inspired by what they say and use that as some inspiration, not necessarily copy it, but maybe you react to it and you're like, you go, you look at your other, all your competitors and they're saying this kind of stuff. Like, for example, um, I keep coming back to this idea that helping people with their finances during marital transition. Thank you, Gina.

You've inspired me. Um, like there are different approaches to dealing with marital transitions. There's like the really combative argue everything to the nth degree approach.

And then there's the, like the, the, I don't care. I just want everything gone. And then there's like a whole gray scale spectrum in there. And so like you can fit, find your place somewhere on that gray scale. And you can show people your place on that gray scale by reacting to like the combative types.

If that's not you, um, you can say like, I've noticed that a lot of other people who help with this kind of thing have this kind of approach. And there is a problem with this approach because XYZ, here's the way I prefer to do it because ABC, like, that's how you can like react to what your competitors do. I wouldn't necessarily say company X sucks. I hate company X. Like that's not professional.

It doesn't make you look good. But you can definitely take kind of inspiration and, and, uh, react to what they do. You can also do that with other industries. So like, I like that this group has such a wide variety of people in it. Like if you're sharing with each other, what you're doing, um, for your content that can inspire other people for their content as well, even though it may not be relevant to their customers, they may not have the same problems.

That's something that you can help. Uh, you can inspire each other. Um, a couple of things to remember, don't forget what works.

Like if you find something in your content that really inspires people and gets them going, don't forget to keep kind of talking about that kind of thing and come back to it after a little while. Um Also remember when you're talking about the content, uh, for this, this teach one in particular, don't teach them all the exact steps to do what you want them to pay you to do for you. Um, you can still do it. Like I, I can teach people everything about what I do and they will still come and pay me to be clients. And that's great. Um, but it doesn't work for everybody.

Uh, especially if your ideal client is a bit cheap or looking for the lowest price. No, my favorite type of ideal client. Um, you don't want to teach them everything you want to tell them, you know, like what the solution to their problem is, why it's the solution to their problem, but don't actually want to tell them how to implement the solution. All right. I can see the time is getting on. Um, I have a tendency to talk a bit more, cause I'm just passionate about this stuff.

So let's talk about results quickly. Um, if you remember on my about slide, uh, which I think had almost the most text of any of my slides, I apologize. Um, I mentioned that I sold two of my own businesses. Well, in one of them, I did all the things that I've talked about so far in, in, uh, in this presentation, but I didn't do this next step about getting results.

So I kind of wasted a few thousand dollars on a content marketing expert who wasn't actually focused on results. I like I had a lot of pretty blog posts and they were really happy at their ability to make wonderful, pretty engaging blog blog posts, but then nothing happened so time for everybody here to learn from my mistakes. And the main thing is the call to action the other bit where you ask them to do something, whether that's click a link or subscribe or follow or reach out whatever it is, the call to action or the CTA is a critical piece. Um, I see somebody in the chat is, uh, made the same mistake I did more than once. Yes I sympathize.

Yep. Um, I'm I'm hyper the other way. If someone says my marketing strategy is going to be content marketing, I'm like, we need to have a conversation. Uh, anyway, so calls to action is the way that you get results.

You need to ask them to, or suggest or request or plead or beg or whatever it is you need to get them to take some sort of an action. And for a lot of people that can feel a bit slimy or salesy. So I want to deal with that first. Okay. The reason, whenever you're asking somebody for anything or like sales, when you're asking them for money or to sign up with you, if ever you're feeling slimy or salesy about it either, you know, you've had an experience with a used car salesman, or like you've seen them in movies or something like that.

And you don't want to be that guy, but mostly it comes from. You don't believe in the thing that you do enough. If you believe that what you do or your product will solve the problem that they have, then it is a no brainer for you to try and help that person.

Like if your focus is on helping people, Gina again, helping people with a marital transitions with their finances. That is a hard, hard time they're going through and they can screw up their finances for a very long time and get screwed. What you do is really helpful. And if you believe that, um, if you believe it's helpful, if you believe it will help them believe it will get them results.

Then, why aren't you asking them to sign up with you? Like, why aren't you asking them to opt into your email newsletter? Like, do you have a duty to help these people? It's not about being salesy or slimy or trying to trick people or get money out of them or anything like that. It's like, you need to help these people. So if ever that feeling of salient loneliness comes up, think like, is this going to help this person? If the answer is yes, then you're all clear. You're in the clear of the morals.

Um, make sure that, uh, You, I forgot what I was going to say. I was going to add something extra there. Um, another thing is seating. Like I briefly mentioned with one of these things that, you know, the type of clients I work with aren't cheap clients. So I have seeded the idea that I have clients like you are a bit more solution and a bit more product aware of what I do because I have briefly mentioned it. And that's not salesy or slimy.

I'm not actually doing it intending to get any of you as clients. I'm getting a making sure that I point this out as like with the jumper, how I stretched right at the beginning. And you, somebody might've noticed that, but it was so light. I wasn't like, Hey, look, I've got a hole in my jumper and until later, anyway, um, so seeding is good opt-ins versus content upgrades.

And I know we're moving along. I'm so sorry, Neil. Um, but, uh, Opt-ins versus content upgrade. So if you're like, uh, you're asking people to, to subscribe to your email newsletter, for example, you can say, Hey, join my newsletter.

Or you can say, Hey, here's this extra checklist or cheat sheet that helps you with this stuff. I've just talked about. Um, that is way more compelling. And it's also easier for you morally speaking, because you are helping that person. You're giving them some extra value in exchange for their email address. So think about whenever you ask somebody for something, even if it's like an email address, you can, you can offer some value in exchange.

Um, If you're asking people for comments, discussion or replies if you're thinking like, oh, if people give me comments that will help more people discover my video, you get probably going to feel a bit more slimy or salesy as opposed to comment and share your experiences below. Like, do you have any tips that worked for you? Like those kinds of engagement questions? Um, there's a better option. You can also, polls are a good one as well for getting results because that gets people to take an action. Um, as well as it generates activity, which, you know, more people might see your stuff. Um, you could get them to click to an article or another page.

So if you, this is a good backup plan. Um, if like, if they don't want to give you their email address or sign up or subscribe or whatever, you send them to another another one of your videos, and you've got another chance to get them to take that next step. Um, we're running out a bit of a time. So I'm going to have to gloss over this segmentation engagement and promotion. This is the idea that there are some people in your audience that have this problem. There are some people in your audience that have this problem.

And sometimes it's really hard to say one thing that makes both of them real really compelled. So what you can do is you can say to people, you know, Hey, I I've, I've done two videos recently, or I've done a video recently on, on this problem, click here. If you want to watch that one. And then, you know, that the people who actually click through and watch that one, maybe you're telling them about this on an email list.

You're like, Hey, I've done two videos, this one, and this one, the people that click on this one, you know, they're interested in that topic and then you can send them a promotion that's specific to that topic and you can send it to only those people. Um, you don't waste your time, potentially damaging your relationship with the people that don't care over there or over here on this kind of thing. Um, so you can use a bit of that. Important for getting results in your content marketing is promoting it. You need eyeballs or listeners. Um, making sure that it gets in front of people is a pretty important part.

So with that, that is the end of my presentation. Thank you everybody for listening.I hope you enjoyed that replay of Ben McAdams presentation, generating ideas and results with content marketing. If you found this information interesting and helpful, please consider subscribing rating or sharing this podcast. Thank you all for taking the time to check us out.

Create confidently.

2022-01-12 04:34

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