Small Business Summit April 10, 2018 - Part 2

Small Business Summit April 10, 2018 - Part 2

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Good. Afternoon everyone. Welcome, back, hope. Everybody, was able to get, a bite to eat get. Re-energized. A little bit. Excited. To kick off the afternoon, sessions, here. First. A quick public, service announcement. We, found a pair of glasses, sitting. Outside so. If anyone is missing these. Or. Know. Someone who might be missing these. I'm. Gonna put them in the back there and we'll. Keep a close eye on them but hopefully whoever is the rightful, owner will reclaim their glasses before the day is through, my. Name is Jonah Berman I'm the sight program manager here at Google Cambridge and, I'm excited to kick off our afternoon, sessions so, for the next hour to hour and a half I'm really excited we have three Googlers. Who are experts, on an array of digital. Media tools, and resources you can leverage through Google and. So I'm gonna take up no more time up here on the stage so we can get right to that and please, join me in welcoming my, colleague Nancy Dugan. Hi. Everyone I hope you enjoyed lunch and are feeling, re-energized, for this afternoon's, lightning, talks, quick. Intro and myself as Jono mentioned, my name is Nancy Dugan and, I'm, an account manager here, in Cambridge, on our health systems, vertical. But. Today we're not going to talk about healthcare we're gonna talk about Google, my business. Specifically. How, to get yourself set up on Google my business and how to manage it. Hold. On I gotta find the clicker. Okay. So before, we begin to clarify. What. Google my business is, and, what. It might look like to you and your potential customers, will, use dandelion. Chocolates, here in San Francisco, as an example. So. Someone has searched dandelion, chocolates, in the Google search bar and what, you're seeing here is the SERP or, what we call the search engine, results, page on the, left are all your organic, search listings. And on, the right is this card, with, all the business details. You need to know about dandelion, chocolates, so, the address, the hours the phone number, all the, information, someone might need that, is our Google my business listing. So. What's great about this card or this Google buy business, listing is that. If you own it you, can control these, details, you, can say what Google will post across. The web now. What that means across, Google you can obviously, see it's on search. But. It's, also on Google Maps, so. We know that people, visit, 1.5. Billion. Locations. Monthly. Related. To their Google searches and it's. Happening locally so. Of those billions. Of searches on mobile. More. Than 30 percent of those are related to a location. Now. It's great here is that Google also makes it, really. Easy to show across devices. For. Your users so no, matter how somebody, is trying to access, web it'll, show on their laptop, on their desktop, on their mobile device, or. Tablet. So. Before we get in get, into how to set this up we'll. Take a, quick minute to look at an introduction to the product. Jeremy. My. Name is Damian I'm the fourth generation of, Phase II seafood, here in Baltimore we're one of the oldest, seafood, companies, in the country not many places can say that they've been in a family for 126. Years bill. And Nancy are my parents, my. Mom is the queen of crab, cakes we, make anywhere. From 1,000. To 1,500 crab. Cakes a day out. Of the best ingredients, I could possibly, get. It's. Nice to have someplace, that you can go it's, friendly, and there's. A lot of love this. Is my son will. Fifth. Generation, of phases when. People search, for us it's important, for them to be able to find us and Google's. The perfect place to do that. It's. Neat that you can see how, many people, hit, you on a certain day. Having. That information allows, us to, be able to say you know look we may have a crowd and that's that's, huge, right, now it's, oyster, season we. Have a wonderful, Easter stew we have wonderful fried oysters we have this beautiful. Raw bar Google. Can help us tell, our customers what's, in season. It's. Key to our survival. Knowing. That sale ease will still be here. Warms. My heart. It's. Not a dunce path it's a crab. I like. That, wanna dance. So. I I hope you guys are feeling inspired by faidley's seafood, and are excited to learn how to set up your own listing. On Google my, business, the, good news is this is really very, simple five, easy, steps that, we'll talk, through today. Step, one, pretty. Basic start. An account so. You'll, want to navigate to, Backslash. Business. And click, that big start, an hour Now, button, that'll be in the upper right hand corner, or in the main body of the the. URL. Or the domain and.

Then. Sign into your Google account. So this is actually a single sign-in platform. Username, and password, that will. Log. You into all your connected, Google products, so. For instance if you're signed into Gmail. You won't have to sign in again to access your calendar your, Docs or. Google my, business if you if you've set it up, so. The. One catch here is if you don't have a Google account you, have to have one to access Google my business so. You'll have to take a quick, detour go to, backslash. Accounts, and sign up. So. Once you're signed in this, is interface, that you should see, and. You'll want to start typing in your your, business name into the search bar and the box below it will start to populate with options, for you if you see your business name, that's great, all you have to do is click to continue. And, if you don't, see it which is likely the case you'll. You'll, continue, to fill out the rest of the the box. With your full business name and click, let, me enter full, business details. Which. Should kick you over to here step 3, pretty, straightforward pretty basic, fill. Out all of these fields, including, your official, business name, your. Registered, business, address, and you, don't want to include anything like, nicknames. Or, slogans. Or. Cross, streets and your address it, should be all the official, registered. Information. As this will go through the verification. Process. The. Last step here, in step three is category. So. You'll want to pick a category to assign your business, start thinking about what that might be type. It in and options, will start again to populate, for you here, however. You, have to pick a category that already exists, within this list you can't edit or create a new one so don't. Get hung up on on selecting. The perfect category, category, for, you it can be something similar. Something. Something. Close to what you were thinking. Step. 4. Review. All of your information because. What you put in here is gonna go live across Google check your punctuation check. Capitalization. And check everything. And. Then review, the terms of services, and click. Continue. This. Will put you into the final step where, we actually verify. Your, business location and, then. Your. Authority to manage the location, so, you'll have likely, have two options, here to verify your business those, being, phone. Or. Mail so, phone, Google. Will actually call you at the number you provide for your business with a verification code or, two, mail, which, will then trigger a postcard, to, be sent to your registered business, address, with a code on the back once. You have that verification code, in hand. You, can then sign, in to your Google by business click. On the address enter. The code and follow the step by step process to complete the verification. Very. Simple, very straightforward. That's. It, so. Now that you, have verified. Your business location. Yeah. Quick quick quick question. Yeah. So you you actually do have to have a storefront, where where you would actually see clients. Or customers in, order to set, up a Google my business. So, now that you're verified and you're all set up you you can start managing it so let's let's take a look at some, of the things you can do with Google my business and some general. Best, practices. On how to manage it. So. First of all this this here is the, dashboard you'll, see once you're registered and, where. You'll go to review. Your business information, and make any changes, to, the information that you've already entered. So. What's critical, here is that, you.

Keep Your listing, well, maintained, by. Adding, all of the possible business information, you can so, that includes. Business. Operation, hours photos. It. Includes, encouraging. Your customers, to write reviews and, then making sure you log in to respond, to those and the. Reason we say it's critical is because, we know that these up-to-date, listings, are 2. Times more. Likely to be considered, reputable. 38%. More likely, to have searchers, than, visit, your location, and. 29%. More likely, to have searchers, consider. Purchasing, from you. Sure. So. Users. Actually. Have the option to make recommendations or, to, update listed. Listings. That aren't necessarily, owned or claimed. And. Well. That they have the option to make sure that's published, we want users to be able to contribute to what they're seeing live, so it's up to date. So, what you can do is check back regularly or. Set. Up, notifications. So if something's changed. You can make sure you you correct, that or claim, it so that it's registered. I'm. Not that I know of. And, if you guys have more questions actually. We will be doing a panel, following. This session and the two to come so any other questions if you don't mind holding them we can we can answer them live for you here in the in about of 45, minutes or so. So. Just. Skipping back here again this is a dashboard right so this is where you're gonna go to make any of these these, edits, these business updates that you need to make the. Great news is we say it's critical you can edit it here but we give you the option to also edit. It within our app and this app is free just like Google my business is free the, app is free and you can download it on Google. Play the. ITunes Store, and. It works of course on Android and iOS. You. Also have a third, option so. If you are the owner of this listing, you, can search, your business name and in. The search results, or SERP as we mentioned, this. Blue box will show and you can make changes, on the fly quick, edits, to. Any of the information without navigating, to the dashboard. So. You might be asking okay. Great I need to keep it up to date what kind of and it should I be making, so. I know I I, mentioned, business, operation, hours and those being critical, but. Something that you always want to think about are your holiday hours so, 40% of, local, searches or. Searchers, are. Searching, with the intent to find your hours of operation so. If you decide, to close for Thanksgiving, or you have an abbreviated, schedule, you, want to be sure that you post that and it's live for your clients, so they're not showing up on your doorstep based. On the incorrect hours that might have been left on Google my business. Another. Great, way to make, your listings, stand out is with, photos. So. We. Know that listings, that have photos, receive. 42%. More requests. For directions, and actually. Receive. 35%. More clicks to their website so. You want to add in as many photos as you possibly, can whether that's the. Interior, or exterior. Products. Or services, anything, that really best showcases. What you have to offer you want to be sure to include that. The. Next piece I'll touch on are attributes. Or, optional. Details about, your business so these can be found in the info, section of, your, dashboard navigate. To info hit edit and all, of these options will, be pre-populated for. You depending, on your business and you can go through check. Which ones you, want to show as a highlight. Here, and your listing, that, may set you aside from, others so it could be anything from, whether.

Or Not your wheelchair, accessible, or. You offer gift wrapping, or you. Accept. Unique. Forms of payment. The options, will vary so. Go in choose which ones you you'd like to show and then, actually, it's, encouraged, that you navigate, back to attributes. On. A regular basis because these will update on our backend and give you new options, over. Time. So. Once you're verified, you, have the option, to read. And respond to reviews across. Across. The Google platforms, any review that's posted on Google, so. Reviews. Or responses. Can, be anything from. Clarifying. A, new company, policy or. Thanking. Somebody, for positive, feedback. But. Keep. In mind that the, timeliness, and the professionalism. Of responses, really, demonstrates, that you're that you're listening to customer, feedback and, it. Can, positively, influence, new. Potential, customers who are out, there reading the reviews. So. The final, feature I'll touch on here are posts. So, posts, are a relatively, new feature within Google my business that. Lets you make, live updates, across, your listings, on search. And on maps, and. It, lets you communicate a new and unique way, so it can be, a. Post, about a, push, for an email newsletter or. A. Post. As we saw in feedly seafood about oysters, being and letting their customers, know that their favorite season is back and come. See the raw bar or. Push clients, to to make a reservation. Really, the choice is yours with, post and there's there's, a lot that you can do so so take some time to think about what. You might want to push live to your potential, customers. No. This is entirely. Separate, from social media so these posts, will live within your card with live, within your Google my business listing. So, anytime your, listing shows on, search, or. On maps that. That post of late. Will show, and. I believe if you if you add multiple posts at a time -, they'll, end up being a carousel, so users have the chance to peruse. Through, not. Only the latest, but previous. Ones you might have had. Which, also brings up another good point of when, does it show when doesn't it show so, Google my business or. Google. Takes into account a, couple, of different things and its algorithm, when it's deciding whether or not to show your listing, so you're not gonna be able to show all. Of the time or, for every single possible, query that matches your. Business name the. Three things that Google looks at or considers, when it's looking to show a listing our. Relevancy. Distance. And prominence. So, relevance. Is how. Well the information, within. Your listing matches, the search that's, happening, so again. If you keep your date listing, up to date and there's a ton of information in, there for Google to look at you, have a better chance of, serving, on relevant, searches. Distance. Is just like how it sounds so, how, far is your business from, the search that's happening, or how, far is it from the, specified.

Location In, the search and. Then. Prominence, this is gauged on how. Well-known, your business is based. On the information that Google can find across, the web so. Those three things are, gonna be taken, into account when, deciding whether or not your listing shows, so. So, that said we we really touched on all of the features. In. Google my business that, I wanted to touch on today specifically. The. Final, piece, I'd like to bring up that, all of you will have access, to once you register is, the insights, report this. Report is great, for, understanding, what's working so, it'll, tell you really. A slew of things, but. Primarily, how. Your customers. Sound. You across, search in maps so, is there a certain day or a certain time that they're more likely to search for you did. It come in on mobile, or desktop do. They search on a brand query or something, more general. And, then once they get to your site or to your listing. What. Did they do how do they engage with you so you can see whether. Or not they clicked on directions, or called you. They're purely there to peruse your photos. So. There's a lot of information in this report a lot you can sink your teeth into, so it I had encourage you all to take some time to look, at this for your listing, and. Then. You. Can make changes from there of course to your business information so. With. That I think we'll close Google, my business for. Now again. Google, my business or,, backslash. Business, you can go to set, up your. Listing, as well as any edit your information and, look. At all of the resources on what we discussed today so there should be a whole section, on all. Of these features as well as additional information on things like setting up your own website so. Take, some time later, later on this evening or tomorrow to, go to, backslash. Business get set up and, with that I'll turn it over to, Aaron. And. And, again questions. We will certainly take those at the end of. The. Next, two presentations. Thank, you. Hey. Everyone my name is Aaron Heights I work. Here in the Google Cambridge office working. With some of our largest.

Global, Advertisers. Helping, them build. Their business online with, Google platforms, I'm also a Cambridge resident. I live, in what I love alehrer fir - as southern. North Cambridge or northern, Porter square, off. Of Mass Ave just, north of Porter's square today. I'm going to talk to you about online, marketing, what. It is how, you should be thinking about it and most importantly, how you can act, very, quickly. We're. Gonna watch a video here in a moment as we. Watch this video think about your own customers, and their, needs and the kind of moments, in their life that, they. Might, need something that you offer product, service, information. Food. Haircut. Whatever. It might be so, thinking about that while we watch this quick video. And, people asked us all the time how do I get into work. Great. So that that's the reality of consumers, today they're living in the moment mobile. Phone in their pocket, ready. To be connected, to. The. Thing that they are most, interested in being connected to through, a discovery process that's. Most often happening, on search. This, past weekend I was. Tooling. Around town with, my my five-year-old son I get a text from my wife she says make sure Emmitt gets a haircut today I say, all right I, was. In Austin I'm. Not terribly, familiar with Austin so I didn't know where to go get a haircut in Austin did, a quick search, found. A place within. 30 seconds, that I knew was open that I knew, did. Kids, haircuts. That. I knew may not be busy at the time that, I wanted, to go and. Found that found directions you know all within a minute and was there and they. Gladly, took my money so I think that's, what today is all about is kind of understanding. How you can make those connections and I'll be talking about that in the lens of online, marketing and online advertising. So. The, three pillars that, we'll, be thinking about today are being. Found by local customers, this, is really all about your Google my business listing. That Nancy talked quite a bit about I won't. Go into too much detail there the. Second pillar is. Being. Found everywhere across all devices so, know. People, are not just at their desks, anymore or on their laptops, or on their home computers, it's, a mobile world we. Have to figure out how to you, know operate, within that most effectively and of, course we also want to talk to you a little bit about how, to be found with online marketing and advertising so if you have a, website. Or product or something that you want to sell or drive foot. Traffic we'll talk about how we can do that with, online, advertising, so. Let's get started so. The. Key to being found by local customers, starts with what Nancy was talking about so go do all of that right, the, thing I want to point out here without. Going into additional, detail, is. The. Urgency, of the. Now these moments that. Your potential customers. Customers. Are. Having. That, you can connect with them within, so, 76% of people who, search on their smartphones, for something, nearby visit. That business within a day, so. Perfect, example is the the haircut, example, I gave with my son I, was, there within 20 minutes, the. Second thing I want to point out here is that 80% of consumers use, a search engine when. Looking for info about local businesses, so. If you think about the the last large, purchase, you made it's, a television in her car you. Probably did not go straight to Best Buy and start immediately talking to a salesperson, or to the car dealership you. Probably get some online research and that's. The world we all live in now a lot, of decisions are made before entering. A store or engaging, with. A retailer. Or a business, and. That's, really, key when, you think about online marketing. So. Near, me searches, I just want to point this out as a really. Interesting, trend. That we're seeing. Here. At Google when we look at search. Behavior, people. Searching, for literally. Bakery, near me haircut, near me even. Adding on you. Know open now for example so, think. About that when, you think about your local advertising, and we'll talk a bit more about. Keywords. And what that means for, Google advertising, and search engine optimization in particular. This. Is what Google my business looks, like, don't. Need to go into too much detail there, reminder. That Google. My business - Nancy's point does show across all devices. So. You. Will show up on desktops. Laptops tablets.

And Mobile, phones. And the, key point from a marketing, perspective so setting up your. Google, my business profile. Is one piece the key point to the marketing perspective is the stuff that Nancy ended on which was really, about real-time, updates so making sure that your, business info is correct that. You are updating. Hours, that is a living, breathing. Space, for your business. I'm. Going to skip over if these things. So. Let's talk about what it means to kind of be found everywhere, so. You've, set up your your, Google my business listing. The. Next piece you want to really think about is, your website and. There. Are you. Know four questions here and I, think the first two are the. Most important. You. Can't do anything without, really understanding. Why. You want a website what. The purpose of the website is and who, the target audience, is so. With. Your website, do. You want to drive people in store do you want to provide, directions. Do you want someone to call, you you. Need to establish all, of that going, into that website creation, process, in. Addition, who's your target audience is it, existing. Customers is it new customers, is it a specific neighborhood these. Are the kind of things you need to think about when, you're starting that website development process. How. You reach them and how you measure success are really. More about the marketing, side of it so you, know think about getting your platform, built first which is your website, and. Then we'll talk a bit more about the. Marketing side in a bit. So. You. Have your website it's, part of developing your website how many folks are familiar, with search engine optimization great. Two. Things I'll point out here one. The. Typical, search engine results page as Nancy, pointed out, you. Will see ads. At the top you. Will see what we call organic listings. Towards. The bottom so. You can see here on the mobile example, four. Stations bakery, there's, a label this is ad that's, not we're talking about right now we're talking about the organic listings underneath, that. To. Show up in organic listings completely, free the. Clicks are free the traffic are free. The. Thing you want to keep in mind here is when. You're optimizing that. What. You're optimizing for is what, Google, sees. In your website right so Google needs information to. Feed off of in. Order, to determine what searches you appear for what content, shows up as your as. Your site is appearing, so. Those some of these bullets kind of go, through that but we have a lot of free tools that I'll touch on they can help you make some of those decisions. Does. Anyone ever use Google Trends it's. A really cool tool. To. Find popular search terms on Google so, Slash, Trends. It's. An interesting way to pick. Up on new. And emerging trends, but also understand, more about you.

Know Keywords or searches, that people have been doing for years in this particular, case I think. Using the bakery example. We. Type in gluten free vegan, vegetarian. And the. Owner stashes, bakery can, get a sense of the, popularity, of those terms are they becoming more popular or less popular this, can help the owner of that website and that business decide, what. Sort of keywords to optimize, their website for potentially. Even what sort of products. To begin offering so, we can help. Guide. Your business in multiple. Ways. The. Google search console, is a view. Into how. Google. Sees your website, so. Their. Data tools. And, Diagnostics, that tell you this, is what Google thinks your, website is about this. Is the type of content that Google. Thinks that you are offering. And. Here are some recommendations on how to promote. Or boost, that content, or change content, on your site in order, to make it more, relevant one way or the other so there's a fantastic, free tool it used to be called webmaster, tools, you. Can see it here at Slash, webmasters. And. You. Know we've talked a little bit about mobile. It's. Extremely, important. Over. 50% of, Google searches, today. Are happening, on mobile devices. Same. Thing goes with YouTube video abuse over 50% of all YouTube video views are now happening on mobile devices. We. Have a quick kind of, checklist, here of things to think about but. If I were to boil it down into one key takeaway it's. Kind of the middle with the literal checkbox, I. Call, it kind of the keep it simple stupid idea. Make. It really easy for people to complete, whatever. You're asking them to completes, if, you. Want them to give you a phone call, make, sure your phone numbers at the very top of the page if you, want them to fill out a form, make. Sure that the number of fields they need to fill out is very. Limited. You. Know people are more likely to fill out a form that has two fields versus ten fields if you, want them to find directions or information, make sure you're highlighting that information. Because. As. You know we're. All in a hurry we're on our phones we want to get in and out get what we want quickly, and get. On with it so it's up to you to, make sure that you think, about your mobile experience. In that way. Most. Modern. Website, building tools will, automatically, optimize for, mobile, and. There are some features, that you can call out or pull out along the way that. You might want to highlight differently, on, your mobile site versus, your desktop. Site. And. Speaking, of speed we have a really cool tool that is also free, called. Test my site. All. You need to do go, to the site mobile or desktop, plug. In your URL and it. Will tell you, how. Fast, your page loads and. It will also tell you, an. Estimate, of how many visitors, you may be losing due, to slow load, time, so. Our, research shows that three, seconds, is about. The attention span people, have when. They come to mobile websites so. For example with Stash's bakery her. Load time is four seconds and while it's green it's, pretty good that's, fantastic. Compared to some of the businesses. That I work with, but. You can see they're estimating, 10%, visitor, loss so 10% of people four. Seconds, is too long for them to wait and they've already left. So. You can use this tool to understand. Your page speed and. It also gives, a laundry. List of recommendations. On how to prove your. PageSpeed, within, mobile specifically, it's, all free just, plug in your URL. There. So. The kind of third, pillar we'll be talking about is online marketing and advertising. Some. Of this will be applicable, to to, kind, of all digital platforms, google included some of it will be Google specific. How. Many of you are using social marketing, social media in some way for your business great. The. The you. Know depending, on your business and, your customer. What. Platforms, are used for social marketing will vary. Facebook. Could be right Twitter I can't, say Google+ is necessarily, always right, for for. Anyone. LinkedIn. For example. The. Platform, itself will vary depending on your, audience. And your objectives, but. The key point I want to make here with, social. Media marketing is. A that its cost effective right you can do this organically. Without, investing, a ton of money in. Promoting. From an advertising perspective. Developing. Content, that's entertaining. Engaging, driving. People to action visually. Appealing so you think about all, of the sharing, that happens with social media today, people.

Aren't Sharing things that are ugly let's be honest like it's it's they want beautiful things, they want beautiful cupcakes, with sprinkles right. From. An engagement perspective. Well. You could be asking someone to visit. Your store or take advantage of coupon, you, can also do something like here's an example, from stassi's, bakery they're, having a contest to name, their, new lemon cupcake, right a cool idea just, to generate. Some conversation, engagement, with. Their. Audience. And. Social media marketing certainly, falls under a broader. Theme. Of content, marketing and. You. Know content marketing serves. Two core purposes. One. Is around, providing. Information, engaging your, customer, in meaningful. Ways. Some. Great examples up, here like how-to lists. Top, ten and from top, ten lists, all, sorts of educational. Material. Variety. Of different types of contents so you, don't want your website to be just, a hodgepodge of text, you want photos and, videos and, infographics. So. One, side is about customer engagement the, other side is about I'll. Call it meat for Google to chew on right. Google needs things, on, your site that it, can see that, it can take, advantage, of and using the algorithm to. Help determine, what, and when and how to present. Your business in search. Engine results pages, so. For example someone's searching, on stashes bakery if she's heavy on cupcake. Imagery, there's. A good, chance that Google, will see that as a relevant, piece of content, and serve, that up as part, of organic. Listings, or image, search for example. How. Many of you here doing email, marketing, great. It, is the absolute, best way to, engage, current, customers, so. When you're thinking about nurturing, your customers. Offering. Them special, deals. Upselling. Cross-selling. New. News new menus, new offerings, whatever it might be email. Is really the. Way to do that it's. Very cost effective, often, free, up to a certain point there are a lot of fantastic. Services. That. You can take advantage of there. So. The, last piece I'll touch on is very Google specific and this is about online advertising, and, search engine marketing. Advertising. In particular. How. Many of you have done search. Engine advertising with. Google, great. So. As a reminder on the SERP the. Top. Results. Are, typically, ads, you. Can see and the laptop. Version, there's. A little note. There that says sponsored, you. Can call, out here on the mobile. Version there's, a little call out there that says add that's. How you determine, that these are ads versus, organic list. Couple. Quick things here so you. The, the, act of your ad appearing. Here and these two these box blocks of texts are ads is.

Free. So, - - for your ad to show up is free you, only pay when someone clicks. We. Have a platform it's called AdWords, within. This platform you identify, keywords. Messaging. Pages. That you'd like to send people to. Budgets. Etc, and. There's, a real-time auction that occurs every. Time someone does a search and based, on the, search, past. User behavior. Or location. All sorts, of inputs millions, of inputs, the. Google algorithm determines. Which ad is most appropriate to show in any given point in time, sounds. Complicated but. There's. A really easy way to do it which would go into a moment, one. Other thing to point out here about, advertising. With Google you can, show, your ads only on so. Someone, searches for you. Know stassi's bakery Stasha, shows up on Google, com we, also have a, Google. Display Network we, call it of millions. Of sites where. You can do the same thing it's, just not on so it could be on you. Know CNN for example, other. Sites that have search bars or, that have content, related. To the keywords, that you aren't. Interested in. So. Some. Quick tips and then we'll talk a little bit more about how to how to get started on this. Very. Similar to thinking, about your website and thinking about your mobile. Strategy. You. Know there are millions, and millions of tips online Google, has them a lot of people have them I'm, gonna point out really the thing that I'm think is most important, and that is defining, your goals in, advance. So that very first bullet you. Know you're gonna be investing. Your, hard-earned, money. Into. Something like this you. Want to make sure that, that. Dollar, is as. Effective as possible so. You wanna make sure that you have, a strategy, that is driving people to do. The actions. Are complete to actions that you want them to so. Understanding. Your objective, again do you want to drive, foot. Traffic or phone, calls or leads. Or menu, downloads, or reservations. Understanding. What you want to get out of this is the key and everything. Else will kind of fall, under that that's how you start, your search. Engine marketing strategy. We. Have a really great tool it's plug-and-play if you've ever done Facebook, advertising, this is very similar to that it's, super, easy super. Streamlined, it's, called AdWords Express you, choose a category similar. To what Nancy was touching on you'll, write a quick ad it's not a lot of characters, and promise you you'll. Decide where, you want your ads to show how. Much you want to spend and. The. Google system will, help, you help guide you and show your, ads of the most relevant and most effective, places. Over. Time as you begin to you, know learn the system if, you want to spend more time in it you can obviously get much, more advanced. But. Starting, off with something like AdWords Express is, a really great way to dip, your toe in the water. My. Friend. Will coming up after me will talk a lot more about Google Analytics but I wanted to point this out as a, really powerful tool, to, help measure your success and measure. Your customer behavior on your website again. It's free it's something you put on your website and. Gives you all sorts of insights into, what. Visitors to your site are doing how, they got there what. Actions, they're taking, what are they watching what are they engaging with and, then. Potentially also most importantly measuring. The effectiveness, of your online advertising so, that 10 bucks you spent on online. Advertising the people who clicked on those, ads what, did they do when they got to your site can, you tie a phone. Call back to that person can you tie a. Address. Search back, to that person, Google. Analytics is a great tool to do that and. If you get really awesome and you decide, that you. Want to expand. Your online advertising, and. You're not able to handle it yourself anymore we have a great. Directory. Of partners that are all Google certified, that are specifically, helpful. To small, businesses, so Slash, partners. You'll. You know you'll need, to pay them a fee of some sort but it's a really great way if you're looking to scale beyond. Your, starting point a great, way to go. I'm, a little short on time so I'll skip over this. Again. Create your Google my business listing. Get. Your website up and running. Making, sure that you understand, how it's, influencing. Mobile visitors in particular, begin. To promote your business. Online, with, Google advertising. You, do need a Google account as Nancy, mentioned it's, really easy if you have a gmail address you already have a Google account and. I believe we'll be sending out some resources. Afterwards, but tons. Of links and help online. To. Help you get started in AdWords. Express or, other, marketing.

Endeavors, Thank. You very much oh. Sure. I'll. Leave that up oh we. Might, be transitioning. Will. Share it after. It's. My friend Ryan Mike Marra Oh. Perfect. Hi. Everybody my, name is Ryan. McMorrow I am an analytical. Lead here, at Google, and I, am here, as the last lightning talk of the day to talk about data, and numbers and, math so, if you, aren't. Already asleep, after, the first two you will be at the end of this one. No. No I'm I'm here to talk about Google, Analytics which, Aaron, had briefly. Discussed. But, I'm gonna go pretty in-depth. So. The actually the subtitle. Of. My. Talk. Here is. Users. Sessions, and goals. Oh my, just. Like Dorothy. And, The Wizard of Oz we. Will be kind. Of going down the yellow brick road and hopefully. At the end of it some wizard isn't going to not give us any insight or any, actual, answers. But. Hopefully, I can I can help us do that so a. Lot, of people when they hear Google, Analytics, they, think that there's a really steep learning curve, they, think that it's just this this really, weird, thing. That you. Put on your website and, then it like gives you a bunch of numbers back and I don't know what to do it I don't know how to work it and really. In order to. To. Use it you have to be somebody, like this who like has a bunch of computer code in the background and like. Just pulls up laptops, wherever he is and just kind of types away this, is how I secretly. Want, to think of myself as when, I do, my day job, but. Really you don't have to be like this this guy you don't have to be like. Me you can just be anybody. Who has five or ten minutes and wants to poke around just. A quick show of hands who has Google, Analytics, on their website already, oh great. Perfect. So. For those of you who don't I'll be, walking through how to do that. But, for those of you who do will. Be digging in a little bit more in depth about all, the different reports that you have access to so, again a little bit background on me I've been here for, a little over two years I work. With b2b, software. Companies so. Like. Yeah. Like selling. Large enterprise. Software to, other people but before that I was, running b2c. Site, analytics so exactly what we're gonna be talking about today at Digitas. Which is downtown. So. To. Start us off we. As. We as we all know we own businesses, we have they, are open at some points they are closed at other points you can't be in your shop all day but.

That Doesn't mean that people aren't looking for you that doesn't mean that people aren't, researching. Trying to figure out. Whether. Or not maybe they want to go to your shop tomorrow or when, are you open or do. You have this or that and. They're. Gonna be on your website they're gonna be looking they're. Gonna be researching they're gonna be trying to figure out what they want to do and so, if you don't have the right experience if you aren't, talking to them in the right way and if they can't get the information that, they need they are not going to you transact. With you they're not going to buy, what they want to buy, and. So one of the best ways to get insight into what, is going on on your website is through GA Google. Analytics today. We will be specifically. Using, examples from the Google merchandise, store which, has both a physical, location in, Mountain. View California, and, an a very strong online, presence, so. You, could right now go to the Google merchandise store and get a t-shirt, if you wanted to. There. We go I don't. Know I guess. You could if you wanted to so. When, you get a Google Analytics account they will give you access to. This for, free in. Addition to your free Google Analytics account so, you can start digging into the data and see what kind of data that you. Can pull yourself on your own website and just. One quick little, thing here, that I again. Took be about three, minutes to pull one. Of the reports when you first open, up the Google merchandise, stores Google Analytics account is a. Graph, of the users, by time of day so you can see the, darker, the color the shade, the, more users, that are on the Google merchandise, store website, that's, at, that point in the day during the week so you can see the hours of operation over, there 9:00, to 5:00 and you can. See that there's all that traffic that's happening, outside, of the hours of operation and, that. Actually, amounts to. 55%, of the sessions and 40%, of the transactions, take place on the Google merchandise store website when, the store isn't even open so. In, addition to making sure that you have you know the best storefront, that people's experience. When they're in your store, is fantastic. You need to make sure that the experience on your, website, also matches, that, and. Again. The best way to do that is through GA and just, a quick plug a little, support, from our friends, over a national geographic google. Analytics products helped us improve engagement by 33%, click, throughs by 21%, for, content, promotions, on our home page so, they they looked at how users, were interacting with.

The Content on their website what they found interesting what they didn't find interesting what they were actually looking for and they, realized you know maybe, we should change what we're putting on our website, because. People, are actually looking for this and we're. Putting this other stuff on there and it doesn't work when we don't give, the users what they want, and. They wouldn't have been able to do that without the data that they pulled from Google, Analytics. So. What is Google Analytics Google Analytics really has three goals. The, first is to understand, your audience and how they, interact with your website which, we've already kind of harp down a little bit, the, second, is tracking. The role of digital, and how, each Channel, so when I say Channel, whether, somebody's searched for you on Google whether, they came through to you through social media whether, they came to you through, like. A referral, partner, somebody linked, on their website to your website, tracking. The role of what. That traffic is doing and then, taking, the insights, and the data and the numbers that you're gonna get with, Google Analytics and using. It to test and optimize your own website. To, maximize the, experience, for, those coming. To your site all, right so, installing. The Google Analytics code. Shouldn't. Really take that long, there's. A bunch of gobbledygook, on the left-hand side there that's JavaScript, you just need to copy that when you create a Google Analytics account it will say copy this and put it on your website so, you need to put it on every single page, if. You have a content, management system something, like WordPress, or, Drupal or. Joomla or. I'm. Sure these words are kind of ringing bells, they. Have pre-built. Things, that you can just say this, is my Google Analytics code thing. And it, will just automatically, do it I think. Squarespace has integrations, as well yeah so, they, they all know GA very, well and they they. Make sure that it's easy for you to put, it on the site now. We, only have I've. We've, got a little bit of time left here. We. Don't have enough time to go really deep into the reports but I wanted to give you the 80/20 so, if you had like you know ten minutes in the morning to go alright I've, got you know I'm sitting down with my cup of coffee I'm gonna pull up my Google Analytics account what are the things that I need to know today how. How. Can I make, an impact on my website how can I plan for the future based. On the data that I've got so I'm. Gonna give you the 8020 the super, secret cheat. Sheet of being, successful with Google Analytics, the. Way that I break it down is the. Way that Google Analytics breaks it down we have four different kinds of reports in, Google Analytics, the. First our audience, reports, so who is coming to my website, what. Can I learn about them what. Type, of consumer.

Are They what. In terms of the behavior reports. So, what, are they doing once they're on the, website where are they going, what are they looking at what are they engaging, with how. The. Acquisition. Reports so how is traffic getting to my website and then. What value so, how. Much money are they bringing in for me are they doing, the things that I want them to do are they converting are they signing, up for my form or are they buying my product, are they reserving. Whatever. Are. They doing the things that we find valuable, and. How do we get them to do more of that so. These are the four different kind, of key. Categories, we'll be going through each type. Of report, very, quickly and I apologize, in advance I took very large screenshots which, looked great on my computer, but probably don't translate to the back of the room so, you will probably have to just listen to my voices I explain it because. It will be large. Tables, here, so. You can see this extremely. Attractive, graph on the top, portion here that looks like it may, be from. 1993. But. It's actually very useful if, you look underneath, it we. Have an. Age breakout, so, I don't know if everyone can see this but we. Can see on the left-hand side it says age then, it says 25 to 34 18, to 24, 35 to 44, etc, etc this. Is information, that Google has either guessed or, knows about, the users I visit your website and it's. Not all of your traffic but it's a good amount of your traffic and if. You've got this feature turned on you're, gonna be able to see what, are the key demographics. Of people that are visiting your site, and. So, in. Addition to all of this you're you're going to be able to see the, bounce rate which is this. Demographic, did. They land on your page and leave, immediately. Or did they actually engage with your site did they go a little bit deeper how. Long did they spend on your site so that's the session, duration there how, many pages did they visit on your site so that's the pages per session and, then did they buy anything so that's the transaction. Which, you can change to whatever is. Valuable, for your, business and for your website and, so this is really cool because in. Addition to saying okay great now I see, that like a lot of 25 to 34 year-olds visit the, Google merchandise, store. It's. It's kind of a catalyst. To asking, more questions like, well why. Are, 25, to 34 year olds coming to my website my. Target demographic, is I don't know let's say 18 to 24, why is that the second, demographic, that like why is that the second most and not, the most, where. Is that traffic coming from where is my 25 to 34, 34, year old traffic coming from and why. Are they more engaged, so these, are things that you can like start digging into a little deeper and you do, that by. In the upper left hand corner there's a secondary, dimension button, there if, you click that you can slice and dice this data by anything. You want so, I built, a nut, I just added in device. Type and again a little, hard to see but, you can see, the. Desktop mobile, and tablet, breakout by each one of the age groups so you can see the top. One. Here 25 to 30 for desktop, followed, by 18 to 24 year old desktop couple. Down it's 25 to 34, year old mobile so, going back to what Aaron has said and the importance of mobile this will give you a really, key indicator, as to what, percentage of your traffic is coming in through mobile in your key demographic, area is that. You can slice and dice so if you're, finding that the majority of your traffic is mobile. First mobile only. And, your. Website is not super, mobile-friendly, then maybe you should kind of fix that. So. One, other kinds, of questions can you answer with the who reports the user. Reports, is your, audience who you thought it was do, you have the right mobile experience, and then are you are. Your target, users engaging the, way that you want them to on the site are, those, users more likely to bounce are those users less likely to transact. So. Those are some key reports that you can use to really dig in and and it's, more of like a health check on your. Website, in addition. To. Your. Marketing, and acquisition, tactics, like are you are the things that you're doing drawing. The right type of people to. Your website, the. Second, is, the. What. Section. So, this, again apology. Is hard to see but, on the left-hand side are all of the pages that. Are. Contained. Within the Google merchandise, store so, you these are all of the pages that people visit on the, website along, with all sorts of different metrics for them so, first. And foremost is the home page we get most, of the traffic on the Google merchandise store lands, on the home page which, I would, assume most of your website's that's also true for and. So.

We See the home page followed. By shop. By brand YouTube. Which surprised, me I didn't expect YouTube, like people, just want lots of YouTube things so that's, good, okay. Then we've got men's, apparel, the. Shopping, cart accessories. And then, a few, other things here so this is great because. We can see where. The interest, is of people. Going to our website we, can say to ourselves we. Are you know YouTube's. Great I don't know if we were trying to get people to go to that part of the website or not but if they. Were really, trying to put, a focus on men's apparel then. Maybe. We need to do something different because YouTube. Is still popping or, if, YouTube. Is strong. Do, we double down on our efforts and say how do we like, YouTube, really seems to be trending for us this month how, do we make the content, on our website point, even more people to this YouTube stuff because it make it easier for them to find it because, it's it's on the website people are looking for it naturally. And, there's an opportunity for us to capture. Some demand, and, make it easy for people in the meantime in, addition, we have some other metrics, here including, time on page. Entrances. So entrances, this this, page represents, the very first page that somebody, visited. The website used. To visit the website so one. Thing, that I like to do is I like, to find where. The, most popular, entry points of a, website and then go to. Those entry, points of the website and say if this, is the first page, that, I am interacting, with my brand on. Is. This enough information, is, this the right information. Do I have everything that I need especially. If they bounce rate again the, bounce rate where, they've only, visited, that page and then they left if that bounce rate is really high and, it's an entry point where's. The disconnect, between, the. Expectations. That the user, has, and the, content, or the experience, on the page that I'm delivering and how can I make that better to, capture, more, of those users to keep them on the site and keep them engaged. So. So. What if. Questions that you can answer with these reports are people. Entering your site on the pages that you thought they were is this a good thing is this a bad thing how, can you change that a lot, of that can be changed through testing, and optimization, we. Have a product called Google optimize, that is really easy drag and drop you can change things on your website, and. You. Can apply it to any page, on your site that you want and. It ties directly into Google Analytics which is really helpful second. Are people visiting all the pages you want them to third. Where, are people leaving so, the exit, pages and what's, not working, the. Third report is the. How. Its. How is traffic getting to your website again apologies. For the difficult to see but you can see that. We've. Got organic search over, here up, top that is the most, popular, way that people get to the merchandise store followed, by social direct, referral.

Traffic Which is anyone who links. To your website from, their website. If. You know a little bit about SEO referral, traffic's really important, and, I didn't. That's. When I hear. Paid. Search and then. A, bunch, of different other things their affiliates, in display so, when. We look at this we can see where are not only where our traffic is coming from but where our valuable. Traffic, is coming from so you can see the, conversion, rates over, here so how many people that, came from this channel actually bought something or did, the action that we wanted them to do in addition, to other quality, metrics you, know the bounce rate pages. How, many how long did they spend on the site etc. Yeah. And I'll. Go back just, digging into the referral channel this is a bunch of his. Big table here but you, can get really long lists, and individual. Metrics by. By. Referral source so you can talk to maybe your partners or somebody that you're working with to make sure that they're driving quality, traffic to your website so a couple answers that questions. That you can answer how. Are people arriving to your site is it where you expected, is it what they expected, are, certain traffic sources working, better than others what, about the traffic that you're paying for you. Want to really want to make sure that that's working well and then, what's profitable for, you so if you find certain channels or working really well how do you double down on those efforts maybe you should maybe you shouldn't and then, for those that aren't working very well how do you retool it or how. Can, you. Maybe. Stop, that area of marketing. Last. But not least is the conversion. Section so the how valuable, I'm. Gonna start with the e-commerce section. Here so looks, really boring but it's not we've. Got the revenue section which is that little that for 24. To 97. That's, how much money the site has made or generated, in the last month, it also has the most popular. Products, down at the bottom so we can see the most popular products sold, on. The website is the nest cam IQ, outdoor. Interesting. It's all nest products by the way like the, whole top list is just all nest products so we've got nest, secure, alarm system nest cam IQ, Nest. Learning Thermostat the, nest cam outdoor security camera so if you ever were curious, what Google. Merchandise stores actually selling, it's not the t-shirts it's all the, nest stuff because, Google. Employees get a discount on the nest stuff and so they go here to buy all the stuff exactly, yep, so, that's, why. Some. Of the reports that you can see so, this is the shopping behavior, report if you set this up it. Gives you a great, view of all the funnels on your site so you can see here all sessions, start. On the Left these, sessions with product views so how many people viewed a product detail page or got. To a listing of your products, followed. By these sessions with Add to Cart so how many people added it to their cart and, then checkout and actual, transactions, so this is really great to, see where the drop-off points, are in your, website so. We, can see a pretty, steep, drop-off, between, product, views and the, Add to Cart which is not uncommon, because. People like to browse and they're maybe the, price, of the product isn't available until you get to the detail page and then people go whoa I'm, not paying 20 bucks for that t-shirt that's not worth it. So. There's a lot that you can do here in terms, of just understanding. Where, users, are dropping off where maybe they're running into trouble and. Brainstorming. Ideas on what you can do to, optimize your website to make those better, again. I don't know I don't really know why this one, looks like this but you, can do the same thing for the cart itself, so the billing. Page the, review, page the, shipment. Page you, can see where the drop-off is if all of a sudden just tanks maybe, your, payment. Provider like, stopped working for a day or two, so. Just opportunities. To check, stuff out there and then. We, have a product listing view, here so you can see all of the products and, how. Many honey, were sold, how many were, sold per order what was the order value etc. Etc. We. Can get the same thing by individual, order so if you're trying to troubleshoot with a client and you're. Like order system. Is having, some issues you could potentially go through GA and see. What they ordered and what they need, last. But not least for. Those of you without an. E-commerce. Platform on your, website, and you just have normal, everyday like, forms. That you fill out or, you. Know other things, with with high value that's. Where goals are going to come in so we've got in. Addition, to the. E-commerce, stuff, there are registrations. That people can fill out, there. Are different. Goals that they've got here. That. Are indicative. Of like higher value, customers.

So, They can remark, it to the people who have. Completed, some of these goals but not all of them they. Can also do, the, same types of reports, and views, just with stuff that's not specifically. E-commerce. So. That's where you're gonna if you build a goal for like a form completion, then. You're, gonna be able to see all of those metrics for how many people filled out that form or. Not and. So. Anyway the. Last, questions, here so what's selling or converting, is there a hiccup with your check-in or or, conversion, process and then what's. Profitable for you what, products are profitable. And then what traffic and that. Is, Google. Analytics in a nutshell. Testa. Hey. We'll do a little QA you. Guys have questions. Hopefully. We have A's they can be questions on any any, of the presentations, we have this afternoon. Yes. Google Analytics, is completely. Free doesn't, have to be connected to Adwords or anything like that. Sure. So the, first, and foremost for. B2b you're gonna want to focus on those goals so, the last piece that I talked about are. People filling out your form, how far are they're getting through your form before they bail. They they don't continue. And. Then, on your back-end system, tying, together how, many people filled out the form where that came from and then also were. They quality. So were they actual, people that converted. To. Buy. Your service, or, were. They people who you know you tried, to call them five times and they just didn't answer the phone and it just wasn't worth it, getting, something a signal, around that quality, is really going to be valuable. And then. For. The rest of. For. The rest of the reports in there you may not care, about age as, much, but you may care about. What. Like what, industry, they're in or where they are maybe, some Geo's are more important, than other Geo's if you're hyperlocal. Then. There. Are there, are reports, within Google Analytics specifically. Like the the demographic, and geolocation. Reports. That are going to give you that level, of information, and. Maybe you want to talk to like the AdWords, I. Mean. I think as. You, kind. Of build, out your portfolio, of keywords. Focusing. On what's most relevant to whatever, subset, of customers, you want to target and. Then ensuring that you have some of that content, on your site as well right so if you are offering. A business service to. Lawyers. Or. Physicians. Or whoever it might be ensuring, that you have some content there and the, content, that you create by, the way is also trackable, in Google Analytics right so you could see if, certain. Visitors, are interacting, with certain types of content and in different ways I. Guess. Okay wonderful god it's working so, I have a question in regards to Google Business, one. Of my clients recently, purchased a. A small, business from someone but, the pre-existing. Business. Still exists on Google and so, when she's trying what I'm trying to provide her and consult information, for her how, can, I direct. Her to let. Her know one how to get rid of previous. Reviews, some of them weren't the best reviews but, she has had a great track of individuals, so that it's not linked to this new business, and. The reason why there's that, it can't be two separate is because sometimes people will, put the old business name in reviews or, that, is even still accessible online when, it doesn't exist anymore so. How do we go about I. Guess, we're moving or, having. That be nullified yeah, sure so I think step. One what. I would do is try and claim that listing, for yourself first so if you can contact, Google my business and go through that verification, process, to claim the listing again, under. The new name or, a business owner that has. The authority to manage it that would be step one in terms, of the reviews, we, do get that question quite. A bit actually, so, unfortunately. We. Can only remove, reviews. If. It's requested, or alerted, to us if. It's against, policies, so if that's anything. That sexually, explicit, or uses. Crude language or, you. Know have some sort, of like biased. Approach. To it we can review those for you and potentially, take them down if they're against policy, but, if it's, just a disgruntled customer, who. Is saying you know I didn't like the service that I had and it's legitimate. Unfortunately. It has to live there, so, the one workaround. We usually. Recommend is well one first, making sure that you reply to these so if you can put, some sort of response out there that level sets things things.

That Helps and. Also, encourage. Your customers to write positive reviews, so if you know somebody had a great experience say, please leave me a review go, to Google, you. Know I'd love to hear your feedback and, the more positive reviews, you get those ugly. Ones, will be pushed down so. You won't see them as. My. Question is also about Google, my business and, it's kind of actually, have two questions I hope it's okay, the. First is if you're if, people, find you on Google my, business this. Is just curiosity, does. Google, my business ask them to review you. Because I we, tend to get a lot of like. Five-star. Reviews but no comments, like it seems like it's a very quick action. Thing. To. Be honest I don't know that I have a clear answer for, you on that I have, been victim of some some of those questions before where, if you navigate, to a location using. Google. Directions and we know that you've arrived there sometimes, you'll if you have opted, into it through your profile, your settings and Google you, might be asked, you know does this particular. Restaurants. Or fast food, or is it you know farm-to-table. Something, like that that helps put descriptors, out there for us and it's the same thing that, will. Impact, as. Erin was saying. Like. Popular. Times of day so that dynamically, will just show up that's not something that you can edit in Google my business that's just a known fact that we have so. If we see an influx, of get. Directions or people arriving at a particular place, that's how it figures out. Popular. Times, okay, one, thing one thing I mentioned that I'm actually, and, anyone in the room can do this I recommend it a you, can be a Google local guide so. Some of the stuff Nancy, mentioned you. Know now when I every. Time I visit a, restaurant or a shop or whatever it is I'll, get questions, in my app for. Google Maps it, will say you know is this, business. Wheelchair, accessible, you know does it serve fast food or not or did some of the questions she was mentioning, and. You can get a sense, of how, Google finds. And kind of cultivates, som

2018-05-03 15:57

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*Shock she walks without linen*

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