Small Business Saturday - Pop Up Shop

Small Business Saturday - Pop Up Shop

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hello everyone welcome to small business saturday pop up shop edition i'm santana hope i am the creator of shop small online which is a online business directory um dedicated to small businesses um we love to help small businesses grow it's a platform where you can lease your business for free or if you're trying to discover a new business to shop with go ahead and visit us at all right so i'm not going to take up too much of your time i'm going ahead i'm going to go ahead and uh pass the floor to a lovely businesswoman we have four businesses that are going to um showcase what they have to offer all right so i guess we can start with um the owner of bb lavish hello hello hello everyone my name is uh bibi um with bb lavish i i've been on an entrepreneur journey for a long long time but things kicked off for me back in uh 2014 with a product of zip and go belts which i'll get into um everything was going great doing vendor events having a ball and then the pandemic head and i had to shake things up a little bit um so i started doing things crafting so tonight you're going to see a lot of different products um that i have um yeah so you went for a treat so i'm just going to figure out how to okay all right so sorry okay so you're gonna have to hold the camera okay so i have zip and go belts shirts tote bags um i offer um notebooks mugs light up um masks t-shirts and masks and then i also do um customize a customized glasses and i'm sorry guys uh the camera okay so go ahead son one of the products of that hurry up that i love and uh i'm gonna like talk about my top three products it's the color changer mug so basically what happens is um when you pour hot beverage like whether it's coffee hot cocoa or some tea in it the mug a change colors i'm going to show you guys that right now just to do this right here so this is the color changer move i made this for a principal basically it says uh y'all going to learn today and then as you know it was breast cancer awareness month so i made this for any and all survivors it turns it's going to say i won all right come back okay so that's one of the top products and the next pro top product is the light up mask and um i'm going to probably turn the light off just so you guys can get a better idea here you go uh-huh i'm gonna change it [Music] so this is the light-up mask it turns red green blue so if you want to make a statement it's your birthday or something or you want to make a statement where you're going it matches you can you can put that on the color that matches your shirt like i have on a red shirt so i'm going to do the red mask and yeah so this is the light up mask it's available as well i have so many of these in stock this is mine though but i have a lot in stock all right let me turn the light back on just gonna play around with it okay and it also comes with a charger two guys the charger you just plug it up right there now the other main main product now it's a lot of different styles and sizes it's coming extra small all the way up to 3x forex and as you see we have different kind of colors um and what you do is let me grab one this one right here [Music] uh-huh yeah you see me scroll back so if you are a runner or you're going on vacation or something and you don't want to carry your purse put it down some this is the zip and go belts you zip it up around this is a padded zipper you zip it up around you and it's a pocket in the front and a pocket in the back and you can put i guess what them will demonstrate you can put your money your keys your phone whatever you would like in these pockets i have been told it can fit up to five um passports you can fit up to five passports and you can wear it up under your clothes where no one knows that you even have it on can't even tell that it's on so zip and go belts is basically anyone that wants to be hands-free it has a pocket in a water resistant pocket in the front and then a pocket in an eight-inch pocket in the back you can keep your phone your keys your money your wallet like i said if you're going on vacation you put some passports in there whatever you whatever you want to do just you don't want to wear a purse hands-free and let's get into my shirts and hoodies because it is hoodie season now as you guys know um or have heard this holy spirit activate has really been on the road from that girl from family um family feud so i made a whole bunch of hoodies um obviously you know you could go on the website and you could get your hoodies customized it's that's not a problem the hoodies come in for screen royal blue um red and of course black and white hoodies um we also have long sleeves and of course we have a whole bunch of t-shirts the t-shirts actually for black friday will be um i'm thinking like probably twelve dollars it's we need to move some shirts so um the t's these are pre-made so i'm gonna put these on the sites with the different sizes these are pre-made pre-made it's going to go for eight dollars okay guys pre-made shirts are going to go for eight but everything else all the other t-shirts will be 12. um so so this is bb lavish you can find me at bb leverage calm facebook is uh bb lavish tick tock i just started tick tock that is bb lavish shop and instagram is also a bb levitt shop um thank you so much um even thank god shout small online for this opportunity to go virtual promote my business thank you so much and um thank you so much that was great all right so next we're going to have uh the owner of yoshi's wax works hi oh let me let me get me situated hello how are you um this evening i'm just going to speak a little bit about my business i started in i think june of last year making candles i had a friend of mine take me to a local candle bar and we made candles and it was a little expensive for like a little bitty jar like a little small jar was like 18 and i just thought to myself there has to be a cheap way to do this so i ordered a kit from amazon because you know pandemic time everybody was booming with amazon um and once i got started with the actual process i fell in love with making candles because it's really you know it's relaxing um it's peaceful but also my house smells amazing and i personally am a candle lover so it was a big thing for me to try to make sure that i can figure out how to get my scents to be strong how to make my candle stand out i think you know with the pandemic as well a lot of people started making candles but i don't think that anybody that i've seen locally makes candles i make candles so it was just you know it's been a journey to get better it's been a journey to you know learn a little bit more about my craft and um i've been trying to you know grow with my packaging with my branding with my you know process um but enough about me and how i got started let's talk about my actual candle so i'm here in front of my babies i'll show you just a couple of my new ones there is a trend going around with bubble candles so this is like a little bubble candle that i made it's molded it's gel wax and you can squish it they have their own little scents i keep them in protective plastic containers those are five dollars um i have my dessert candles this is my hot fudge sundae candle and so this has been like a big uh deal for me you know with the different dessert candles this one is going for 30 on my etsy website um i also have my cookie jar candle this one is going for 18 on my etsy website it just it's a bunch of little cookies in there looks like you have your own cookie jar it's also a wood wick candle so i try to kind of branch out a little bit some of them are woodwick some of them are multiple wigs for those bigger candles that you know some people might be interested in um some of them are uh just a small little candle so i also have like little votives for the holidays and you know these are normally going to be one with candles so i try to do my best to kind of anticipate what people would want um right now i'm doing a lot of the holiday candles i have a gingerbread person and this is like just my little gingerbread cupcake candle it's going to be um about ten dollars i've been you know kind of just trying to make my prices reasonable so that if you want to experience one of my candles you can definitely experience it i have a wide range of you know different candles that i make i also have wax melts so it was my idea to make the wax milk look like candy bars for the holidays so they're snap bars they look like this you can break them apart put them on your wax warmer but i have them all wrapped up like candy bars and then i have um like different scents like your lavenders and um eucalyptus and men or jasmine patchouli you know things that are going to be floral or things that are going to be considered essential oil but then i also um do like your bakery scent so i have you know pumpkin i have sweet potato pie and getting ready to work on pie candles and launch those on my etsy website i also have um the uh snickerdoodle and sugar cookie uh wax melts that are available as well as cake candles that are available and so what i started doing is i am going to start selling um like my little embeds for other people who are making candles um so that they can be able to use in beds if they don't have the molds that i have because that's one of the biggest challenges that's trying to find the correct mode to be able to make the candles you want so you know i've been trying to help out other candle makers like myself by you know selling those wax mothers or selling those embeds to other candle makers also i'm getting ready to work on launching for 2022 my own um virtual candle workshop so we're going to start working on me kind of teaching the basis uh basics of doing like the whipped wax and kind of explaining the process of how to make dessert candles because i know some people do it um but not a lot of people know how to do certain intricacies and make dessert candles they don't know the different temperatures they don't know you know what to use so i kind of want to just showcase you know what i do maybe do like candle classes as well like in-person kindle classes so we're working on something like that i think for the second week of december here locally in kansas city missouri um i'm working with a friend of mine and we're gonna do like a ladies night and do uh candle making so that'll be um a good you know bonus for me and then something that you know will help me kind of learn and kind of feel out how i want to teach the process to other people as well as give the ladies something cute to take home with them uh when we have kennel making time um also i just wanted to showcase really quick i make drink candles as well so i'm not sure if you can see this one says crown royal but i make candles that look like drinks for the men so that way the men aren't left out in the candle making process i put together customized baskets as well for people who are trying to do birthdays for people who are looking to do candles um for you know uh like different events like father's day mother's day christmas um i'm starting my gift sets as well so those are also going to be available on my etsy site and any candles that you see here tonight are going to be posted if not right after the broadcast at least by later on this evening as well as i also do the traditional jar candles because of course you know sometimes you don't want your house to smell like a bakery who wants to be hungry all the time so i have um what i like to call funny candles so this one is i don't know if you can see it donald trump's tears i mean it's like a little funny picture of donald trump on there and it's tobacco i have one of my boss chick candles it says hustle and caffeine this one is going to be on the website as well just for those women who you know get up and get to it every day you have a candle that you can burn it smells good it's a nice smooth scent to it then i also have a new candle i don't know if you can see it or not it's called a hug in a jar candle i had a friend who recently had somebody pass away and they asked me to do a customized candle um you know it's a hug and a jar candle and basically just a smooth send something that i can send to them but also with a cute little message so once you burn this candle and melt it down it'll be either you know like a cute saying like sorry for your loss you know love you miss you something like that and the candle once they melted down but it's also going to be an image that's safe so it's not going to cause like any uh issues as far as the candle is concerned so it has like a little secret message in it once you melt it down that's what makes these candles so special i also decided to do a nipsy hustle themed candle that's uh one of my favorite artists who's passed and i think that he made a really big impact so this is a cologne scented candle it's called nipsy blue um and i think that that was gonna be you know a good candle but then i also have some of my parody candles so this one is my turkey candle it says gobble me swallow me drip gravy down the side of me um i have another candle that's called let's get lit for the holidays so this is one of my uh just fun scents i like to make fun you know labels if we're going to do a basic candle we might as well dress it up a little bit and make it a good time but i do customize my own labels if you wanted it to say something in particular if you wanted to make a candle for somebody customization orders are going to be a little bit extra just because it takes a little bit more time to get the labels made create the candle and get it sent out there but i try to do what i can to make it so where you guys have a good selection you have strong scented candles and you have the opportunity to you know support a small business that's growing and hopefully i'll be able to really you know shine so definitely check out my etsy shop um also i have sale um that's going on until december 15th it's uh the coupon code is holiday 21 so all caps holiday 21 you'll say 15 in my etsy shop and that's going until december 15th so make sure you get your orders in today and then for my etsy shop anything that's 35 and over is free shipping so um i try to get your even though it says i think like three to five business days i try to get your orders out as soon as possible so i've just been over here creating doing what i can to make beautiful you know work to sell to the public and you know hopefully you guys find something that you're interested in um i do want to uh let people know that my facebook is yoshi's wax works uh instagram everything uh it's yoshi's wax works you can google it my pictures will come up i also have the google suite um set up as well so definitely be looking out for me and definitely support it i appreciate the opportunity uh tonight from santana and i definitely thanks to uh you guys with the shop mall for allowing me to just be able to showcase my business and let it be known what it is that i do i can't hear you there we go thank you so much i am adding links to the chat in case you guys um are missing it um so i did put maybe lavish this link and then i just added yours to along with the um the coupon okay thank you you're welcome all right thank you so much and next we're going to have the owner of our natural hello everyone um hi santana thank you for having the space for us sorry my son decided to wake up wow everybody was doing their of their lives um so i started all natural llc um last year uh the website went live around november actually november 11th was my one year anniversary so when i was younger i had a lot of health issues eczema asthma allergies the works and i had a lot of medicine that i had to take so i decided to go to herbs so that i wouldn't have to take as much medicine so i started doing teas for myself and then for family members after a while when i got older i started making ani's things for myself yani oils um anything really that doesn't need medicine or medicinal attention um so that's how all natural llc started and then i moved on to crystals because one learning about herbs started my spiritual practice i decided to look inside myself and go deeper within my spiritual um beliefs so i started with crystals so i expanded on natural to crystals um crystals are efficient absorbers and transmuters of energy they have high vibrations and they also help heal the physical the mental the emotional and the spiritual so on my website we have i want to say 20 crystals so far on the website uh starting with amethyst rose quartz citrine green adventuring clear quartz smoky quartz all of the well-known crystals along with some crystals that aren't um as well known so if you ever want to know more about a crystal there is a description on the website but we also do consultations the consultations are free you just have to contact me through my email adina.d

at it's also on the website in the contact page and you put a consultation and the consultation is 30 minutes it's free um we do consultations for tarot readings we do consultations for crystals and uh consultations for herbal products so along with the crystals i do wire wrapping i do crystal uh rings this is an adjustable crown ring this is more of the basic ring with one crystal in the middle i do crystal pendants so i i made this one this one and this one i also do bracelets and i do nose cuffs so the nose cuffs can also be made into ear cuffs um just if you don't want to put it in your nose but you like them and you don't have what the commitment of getting another piercing or a piercing you can just clip it onto your ear just like that same thing with um putting it on your nose it just it's not really a clip it's just you squeeze it to tighten it or open up to loosen it my newest wrapped product is a crystal manifestation ring i mean i'm sorry a pen so if you know anything about manifestation there are different ways that you can manifest um you can script you can use the 369 method you can have an intention journal so all of those things is great to it's a good idea to use this type of pen the crystal on top of the pen is intentionally chosen so i chose amethyst for this specific pen because amethyst blocks negativity and enhances focus it enhances memory and it's a great manifestation crystal along with the wrappings i also have other crystal jewelry so i make crystal charm bracelets and i have some with smaller crystals so with the charm bracelets or really any jewelry that's not already pre-made you'll receive an email from me just so we can go over details um so that your jewelry can be specifically for you and what exactly what you want so i we also have bracelets that this is black obsidian and tiger's eye another crystal bracelet that i have is rose quartz and i have moonstone bracelets so with this moonstone bracelet um if anyone from this live from i shop small business small online um the first three purchases will receive a free moonstone bracelet all you have to do is put in the notes section of your checkout of the checkout page you can put i shop small online or you can put live anything along those lines and you will receive a bracelet so like i said earlier i made yanis themes they come in a small bag like this this bag maybe can do three i usually tell people to it just depends on how much herbs you put in your pot this is the bigger bag i believe this bag is 4 ounces this is a sweet dream bath same thing it comes in the four ounce bag um this bag is only one bath or you can stretch it to two and i have oh i'm sorry i showed the all warm tea so this is the honesty and then this is the tea so this is a womb tea it can help regulate periods um cool down menopause issues it can also help with cramps so another thing the last thing that i wanted to show is my cleansing kits so in the cleansing kit i include sage a lot of people are more weary about sage um especially with where it comes from because it's endangered and a danger herb so i make sure that the vendor that i get my sage from the the sage is ethically sourced they actually grow their own sage and i have a working relationship with the vendor so i i'm just i never wanted to use sage because of that issue because it's in danger but because they make their own sage or they grow their own sage i felt more comfortable um getting it for myself and selling it to my customers this is the chakra sage this sage is good for meditations chakra meditations um manifestation meditation anything that you really want to use your chakras for along with the sage is palo santo palo santo um so sage takes all of the energies out of the space um so you basically starting from zero and starting from nothing house santo brings in positive energies so whenever i do cleanse my space i use the sage first and then i follow up with paulo santo the last i'm sorry i said that was the last thing but the last thing that i really do want to speak about is my rose gold blends um these are smokable herbs no tobacco no thc no cbd i mean you can add it to whatever you'd like but they're all organic herbs um again ethically sourced hand blended by myself i do research on all the herbs that i use um i have four blends i have a bliss blend a meditation blend a lover's blend and an ajna blend which is more meditation but it's also clarity enhancing memory enhancing uh so if any of these products uh really enticed you or you saw that you you think that you might want it go to my website um or if you have any questions you can email me again it's adena.d at or you can hit the contact button on the website and type in your question or request a consultation thank you i can't hear you can't hear you i know there we go i keep forgetting to take myself off of you but um yeah thank you and i added your website to the comment section and um guys don't forget to go ahead and put eyesharp small online in the notes to get your free bracelet alrighty thank you so much all right and next up we're gonna have an author that's going to share with us miss rolanda all right hello sorry i'm trying to keep this phone still let's see hopefully it was working all the time for everybody else and now when i'm telling when it's time for me to get on yeah we're here meet you you guys hear me okay let me just get it okay how's everyone doing we're good we're good okay thank you oh sorry guys okay we can't see you by the way just won't let you know before i get off the camera oh yeah i can't see me no we cannot we can only hear you oh that's weird [Music] it says that you're only in here you're in here only with um audio oh wow that's so weird hold on the camera is on can you see me now no no it's just let's say you just add it with um you just enter with audio that's it maybe if you should i leave it come back yeah try that really quick okay all right guys so we're going to let her get that situated so um later on well i don't know when it's going to go live but if you're missing any information about any of these lovely businesses they're going to be featured in a blog post on i shop small online dot com i shop small so um one second so if you are a small business owner and you want to go ahead and add your business there you can add your business there for free okay rolanda is back so we're going to see if it's working now let's see there we go all right you can see me yeah we can see you alrighty go ahead okay you guys can see and hear me okay i hope so hi everyone my name is rolanza how you guys doing thank you for this opportunity i am a new author and a um poet and i would like to give you guys a little backstory um so i started writing poetry when i was in middle school and i had this um this notebook as a reward so i said you know what i'm going to publish my list of um poems so i said for many years that i wanted to um to publish my poetry book and i procrastinated and then back in 2020 during the pandemic i said you know what i'm gonna just publish my um my first poetry book and so far it's been a year in some change i loved writing poetry it was a great it was a great outlet for me everything that i felt or anything that i had online i would write it down it was just a great sense of um relief for me like i just enjoyed i listened to other people with reciting their poetry i read poetry books my inspiration is the late maya angelou i just really enjoy expressing myself in that manner so when when i launched my poetry book i believe it was one of the greatest um things it was a great dream of mine i can actually show you guys this is how it looks my favorite color is purple by the way and this is the back of it i can give you a brief um synopsis on the back it says purposeful group is a book of poems written from the heart and minds of a queen it represents growth from one's childhood to now some of the poems are about the author while others are written through the eyes of other amazing people readers get ready sorry about that readers get ready to be cultivated and positively changed so that is one um one of the pros of my um of purchasing one of my um poetry books it's on amazon online and it's also on um barnes noble online i also do mail out copies as well so if you guys um follow me on social media or send me like a dm i can um have an autograph copied um mailed out to you guys i have mailers and whatnot so you guys will definitely be able to get it for the holidays it's twenty dollars for an autographed um copy and i actually if you if possible i can read like a little snippet of one of my poems really quickly i'll pick a short one so it doesn't take up too much time i can start by this and when it is entitled let's see let's see a good one okay it's entitled grandma this this one i actually wrote for a friend actually their grandmother had passed away so i wrote it as if i was them this one is entitled grandma dedicated to miss power living with you since childhood feeling your touch and embracing you with love every day you are my motivation and my trust i can't believe how much i love you so much the way you called us tina and nina and told us to say our prayers the way you smiled at us in the morning before we left for school grandma you are my rock and you help me to succeed and be all i can be you are more than a grandmother a mother or sister you are a true description of god's love he created you for a reason and i'm truly proud at times it's going to hurt and stink and bruise the pain inside of me because i lost you i will never forget you or stop loving you you may be in heaven but in my heart and mind you are still on earth living with me feeling your touch and seeing your smile i love you grandma so that's one poem that i um i wrote for her one more this one is entitled empowerment women are strong but sometimes we want to take the load off open the doors for me hold my hand be a man understand that it's not easy being a woman especially a black woman the weight of the world on your back the pain the agony the disrespect the neglect no way should we be treated like that keep your head held high it is okay to cry wipe your eyes let it fly you were made for this ancestors paved the way for this for you to know and never be afraid to show your beauty you are strength the s on your chest stands for superwoman the crown on your head stands for queen you are the epitome of heaven sense that's another um poem from my poetry book um once again i thank you guys for this opportunity i am also doing a holiday sale so be on the lookout for that my email is our st felix so r-s-t-f-e-l-i-x i can be reached on instagram at underscore poems and poise so that's underscore p-o-e-m-s a n d p o i s e on facebook is diamond st felix s t f e l i x um i take like all forms of um payment you know zell cash app apple pay venmo and things of that sort once again you guys can get an autographed copy you guys can send me a dm um you guys can send me email and yeah you guys can get an autograph copy once you um send me an email or a dm i'm so excited the holidays are near and you will definitely want a great read you can read them to your um your children it will be a great stocking stuffer for family and friends co-workers it's a great um poetry book it's not it's not like how you say some of them rhymes some of them don't but it's actually like meaningful deep poetry you'll definitely have a change of perspective and you'll definitely have a you'll gain self-love after reading it and you'll definitely learn more about me throughout the poems i started writing poetry at a young age and now that i'm an adult it's a lot of trials and tribulations that um occur within the book it's definitely a wonderful read and it's definitely life-changing and i thank you guys so much follow me on all social media platforms because i'm doing a sale for the holidays so get ready thank you so much i can't hear you i know sorry say it again i was just saying thank you and i was adding some information into the comments about um everything i didn't quite catch all your links and things like that but i will be adding it to the blog post on shop small online so also yeah the only thing that i i forgot to um to mention was that it was on barnes and noble as well online i know i put that in but i forgot oh thank you thank you appreciate it all right no problem well thank you ladies for sharing with us um if you guys are watching live or if you're just watching um don't forget to put hashtag replay and just go to i shop small online and you can get more of the information about these ladies and other small businesses if you would like to support alright so with that being said thank you and until next time take care

2021-11-22 21:04

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