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Small Business Owner Vlog | Work Life | Mom Life | Business Life

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even if i try and try too hard nothing's  ever enough even if i try and try too hard   tell me what to do say anything if we pressure you escaped are you hungry excuse me okay your option is this or this which one do  you want with you yep okay good job let's go good morning ellie excuse me get your hands off the camera day birthday okay b the b movie no boy you are too big for this   save us save us save us do  i look like a jungle gym help you what do you need help  with women do you love me yeah yay   no oh you changed your mind that  fast yeah do you love me no oh yeah yeah it's early in the morning cause  he always wakes me up early in the morning   another summer woke up first and  then he has a little tracker on me   that beeps when i get out of a certain  range yes i don't know what he's saying   aren't i supposed to know what he's  saying but i have no idea i love you oh thank you thank you for the besitos so i'm just waiting here chilling with him   until my mother-in-law is ready to watch him  that's that's that's water oh you want juice i'm about to hit you with the juice cocktail  88 water 12 juice let's do that juice   yeah okay juice but to get that splash yes so today's cf man shout out goes to belize  farm look at her etsy shop she is all the way in   germany that is so awesome if you would like your  own business shout out please join our cf fans you   get 15 off my etsy success course you get private  live streams where i critique your etsy shops and   a lot more it's like a behind the scenes so go  ahead and click the link down in the description   to join thank you isabella for being a cf fan  back to the video boop i'm in the bed i just made   uh i need to print the aj blanks  orders the computer downstairs   i don't know if i've told you it like sucks like  it's super slow and like i got it maybe like five   years ago no i probably didn't even exist yet so  like six years ago um when i was selling on ebay   and it was brand new it worked perfect it was  so fast and then like three days after i got it   keenan added a profile to it and then it was slow  ever since like it's slow so i try to print all   the packing slips for aj blanks off my computer  that way by the time i go downstairs they're   already printed because they will be taking  forever forever forever ever forever so yeah those   are printed so what they're printing i'm gonna  go ahead and head downstairs pull those orders   and keep looking at tick tock if you don't  follow me on tick tock follow me on tick tock   all right let us go in an ideal world i wish i  can clean up down here because it is irritating   me how messy it is like there's boxes all the time  so we always have to get new boxes but i really   like do a little tour down here but it's a mess   so i am going to put stickers on these  orders so we're out of aj blank's bags   i don't know why it takes long for them to get  here i ordered them forever ago so today we don't   have that many orders there's something going  wrong with our website right now i don't know   why shopify in general that like not everyone  can check out it's not giving everyone shipping   options i don't know so i'm going to have michelle  contact shopify today dtg orders for key man to do that's the worst paper cut i was just trying to crumble a paper so instead of  putting all the orders here um there's really not   that many so i guess i could oh it's so dark we've  been putting them like in bins and like having the   packing slip separate them safe space because  we dang michelle you left the light on all night   all night that electricity built though so  so yeah all right let me pull these orders so gotta order my coffee we're getting  starbucks today all right let's order a   iced white chocolate mocha nice white choco  mocha venti we did the small orders they're   all done now i have to tape up some boxes for  two they're not big orders but bigger that   it's like 40 more items there's our  box room you know nice and boxy and   boxy two of these oh i thought that was  a spider oh my my soul just left my body i'm going to pull these two orders and then i'll  probably go upstairs honestly or i might turn on   the dtg stuff so that clean it's already ready  cause dtg you gotta shake the white ink and then   it takes like ten minutes for it to be on and  turn the heat press on that way when he's done   shipping this stuff you can go ahead and start on  dtg i designed all the dtg stuff for him yesterday   um so everything is ready there's been a  few more dtg orders since yesterday thanks man i'll see you guys later all the  orders from last night are here for him right power heat press oh it says psych i ain't turning on you gotta shake the white ink we ain't  gonna be using it shake it shake shake shake oh guys my baby gown listing  was sold out i don't even know   that's like one of the most annoying things to  me i'm like can you just alert to my phone like   item sold out so it is sold out so i just renewed  it i need to print all of these packing slips oh   my god i have 16 orders to ship tomorrow well  we gonna be busy well let's see one two three   four five six seven seven of them are dtg that's  still crazy that's a lot of orders i need to shoot   well we gonna be busy today okay guys so it's 9  30. it's been a while so i'm trying to register   riley for school the school that's zoned to this  house we literally missed the good school by our   backyard so we've been trying to find a private  school and obviously my first time enrolling   because she's going to kindergarten and like the  requirements and i'm like yeah there's like oh i   need her progress report from a previous academy  and i'm like so in home daycare over here so uh so   what uh i don't i don't have that ma'am you know  so like well she needs a letter recommendation   at f4 years old well she's five i keep saying  four she literally just turned five two weeks ago   it's like so much so scheduled doc's appointment  together physical um trying to fill out all these   forms private schools something else so yeah i  mean plus we can put it in private school but   everything was booked so we looked like 10  000 private schools trying to find one that   had any opening for kindergarten but everything  was like gone in this area because the school   zone to this this neighborhood is horrible  so um i guess everyone pressing the child pub   not public private oh yeah then she take a test to  even get in like what you want a five-year-old to   know just asking you because i mean shoot i mean  hey my child's smart though so it's cool she'll   pass the test in terms of work work i need to make  some more baby gowns someone ordered the navy gown   but they made their own customization  they wanted gold and white and i'm so   happy because i wanted to make that last time  but i decided to go with gray and white so i'm   so excited to do gold somebody actually ordered it  so i gave uh what's that word not clarification i   don't know what i mean i was like oh i was right i  was right those were some good colors but yeah um   i'm gonna go ahead try to figure out how to apply  to the school what she needs what i need to do and   all that so see you guys after i really need to  clean this there's stuff everywhere but whatever   started the application for her school um  stop because i don't know what i'm doing   i don't like making decisions for your child is  hard i don't like being responsible for somebody   else okay i don't like clicking buttons like  no i don't even know my own information okay   but right now i guess i'm an adult i have  a whole child who's going to kindergarten   but still i think being a parent the hardest  part is any decision i make can affect my   child for the rest of their life i don't want  that responsibility i don't all right cut vinyl   and get these gowns made um so that you can keep  moving shift the stuff keep moving so i need uh   eight inches by six let's see is this  eight inches please be eight inches   it is exactly eight inches perfect so i'm gonna  just throw it on there and get something moving   i do need to get my heat press and put it  up here so at some point today we will be   getting my heat press up here that's going  to be another video the unboxing video all this stuff foreign um is they're all cut up now now to make  the gowns i'm so excited for this   one anyone else get like super excited  to make new stuff so comment down below got another confession to make i was recording a tick tock today i recorded  it like it literally took maybe a minute   to record the tick tock right it's been 59  minutes i've been scrolling through tik tok   literally wasted an hour it was  entertaining but it wasn't an hour   happens whatever whatever all right so all right  so we have this order done dude it's my birthday   and then i think this came out  adorable i need to take a picture of   this one i try to take as many pictures of  every item um because it's a new listing   each and every item although i already have gowns  listed i'll add it to my already gone listen   all my whatever you know what i mean my my gown  listening that i already have but then i'll make   a new listing because this is a different name  so that's how i do it so i'm putting the shipping   labels take some pictures and get moving hopefully  not get on to talk again you okay angel you   tripping you you lying you lying angela because  you know what you can go on tick-tock and you're   gonna go on instagram reels and then it's gonna  be 5 p.m that's what's really going to happen   um all right let's print these shipping labels so  one thing i don't miss about living where i live   is um the air force base is right next to us  and that's where the president flies out from   so his airplane is so loud air force one is so  loud and it literally is because you know it has   his airplane but then other airplanes go with it  and it'd be so loud and like it'll be the middle   of the night sometimes you know when it's his  his plane because it is the it shakes your house   so it's awesome awesome all right my face is  still in the camera but i'm printing or does   all right let's print them and then this is  the stuff that's all supposed to ship today   some for like a few days later down the week  but this is everything that i already have done   so i just want this done and out  the way so i'm gonna package it up   keenan will go to the post office usually in  about an hour twelve o'clock twelve thirty   so usually when he heads to the post office so i  just want the stuff done so i can get out the face   and then i can start on the embroidery stuff  because none of that has to ship today not   one thing but i can start on it so i don't have  16 orders that i have to do tomorrow i can get   most of them done today or at least half i try to  get work done as i can because oh yes it doesn't   have to ship today ships tomorrow but man could  be popping up like not that i didn't know i had   to enroll riley in school because obviously  i knew i had to run real rally in school but   the time it takes to do the application all  that you know so just gotta keep on moving and package stuff all right this is super cute it's gonna go  with the tutu i have downstairs downstairs finishing up the aj blinks orders  we had a few more come in i think the website   is fixed now um i think it was just a  shopify issue nothing to do with us um   just wanted to mention that anyone else like  not like cursive fonts because sometimes like   some letters just look dumb like j's  look like l's sometimes and then z's   i don't even know what what kind of letter those  turn into i'm like what is that that's not a z   or like e and i'm like it's like yes the parent  chose the name so they should obviously know   what the cursive looks like  but then they hit you with   ah it's not what i thought it would look like  and i leave you a bad review and i'm like listen   i didn't name your child that you named your child  that you put that letter there not me but they   still get mad and say i don't can you choose  a different font like mario i already made it   i don't name that you name them not me you you  name it but so like usually if i get like a name   the font the name just looks weird and cursive  i try to find another font that has a similar um   similar looking cursive so that i could just  change out the first letter because it's usually   just the first letter because the capital  cursive letters are odd very very hard so   kind of get these packages take  pictures of these and then we'll   work on embroidery after i package this stuff   so okay orders are packaged oh let's go take these  and put them in the bin and go check on kingdom   because he is printing dtg and i kind of want  to make a tick tock um printing dtg stuff   tiktok has the ability to go viral it hasn't  worked for me except the video that's keenan   king is in literally like every video with keenan  does well with me no i'm like tim talk must like   but i gotta be quiet cause roman might be sleeping okay lee and roman sleeping ah one more oh my god i can't read it this is so funny   oh my god oh i can't even put it on there go look  at the tick tock oh this is hilarious i got you oh my god that was so funny i'm in tears i  can't breathe watch the tick tock i can't   post it because it's copyright sound on it  but go to my tick tock and you can watch it hello sir putting a shirt on got one under here it's one of our biggest orders so like can't fit  one box that fit in two boxes but came in we're   gonna get it right out ship today she was having  issues with the website like i said yesterday this   nothing was shipping um it wasn't well not nothing  some people couldn't check out yesterday i don't   know why she was one of them and she wanted to  order so it may have shipped yesterday if she was   able to order it yesterday so just let you get the  order as quickly as possible i'm trying to ship it   no i'm so tired ooh ew i'm tired this computer is  so loud because this computer is like broken i'm   hungry it's two o'clock it took me a long time  to pull that water but i got pulled it was like   stuff missing that i need to go to the garage  and go scavenger hunt to find the new ship i'm   not new but like i needed more red boys shirts  that i needed to find to fill the order and then   girl onesies i needed to find i'm scavenger  hunting drop the toe i didn't drop a toe i   dropped a box on my toe ugh i'm so tired and i  have not got any embroidery stills things happen   it is what it is i'm just super sleepy right now  and it's two o'clock and i'm like contemplating do   i do these orders or do i just take a nap but it's  kind of like me to take a nap then i don't sleep   my digitizer did send over the unicorn file  re-digitize thank you so i could actually do   those shirts that was another thing i didn't want  to make these shirts their unicorn shirts but like   how i was digitized is they literally did like  the unicorn and the satin stitch then then one   piece of hair then the satin stitch i'm like no i  want all the fabric to be put down first so they   can do the sacks and satin stitching at the end  that way i can walk away and leave it so i have   three orders for that shirt i do not want to do  that over and over and over again so it is done   so i can do those how many how many boarding  shirts is it one two three four five six   seven embroidered shirts supposed to  ship out tomorrow the rest with dtg   oh man so keena's working on all the  dtgs so they they should all be done   soon in like the next 10 minutes i think he'll  be done i want some good food i love to eat if   you don't know that about me i love food food  makes me happy okay my computer's dead and i'm   just gonna take it as an excuse to just lay  down i've gotta adam probably watch kdrama   and then keenan's finishing packing up some orders  to take the post office and resume with that   probably go get some coffee but i'm gonna lay  down until then because i'm tired it's like i   didn't do anything today you know i got nine  orders out all these dtg shirts king and did   they need to be packaged but there's so many so  um i think he did it's totally 14 dtg shirts so   you guys see you guys saw my last video or  my live whichever one they're selling like   crazy um so it's 14 i think since saturday  today's tuesday so they're selling fast   and i'm gonna go take a nap lay down and  fall asleep take a nap something like that gotta put my phone on the charger because it's  dead because i didn't charge it all last night but   i'm still super hungry like starving at this point  but i can't go downstairs because roman sees me   he's gonna cry for me you know mom struggles you  know your child sees you it's like like nothing's   wrong with you but you know he wants to be with me  so to not have to be a part of that i'm just going   to starve for like another 40 minutes hopefully  i'm on a skeleton by the time keenan's done   but i'm just gonna lay down because i  work a lot and i can lay down if i want to   talk besides me taking a nap  because that almost doesn't happen   you know unless i have no orders i caught  up on orders it doesn't happen but today   we're making an exception because i'm  tired so i'm allowed to be tired and   i have my own business so i'm able to take a nap  i want to that is disgusting did i tell you guys   that i hit my toe and my pinky toenails hanging  off so like it feels horrible just horrible it's   like i didn't have big toe to begin with oh i  had a pinky toe i did a big toenail to begin with   it was always like super tiny because my brother  dropped a can on it when i was like three so yeah good night i'll see you guys on the other side  guys nobody went live today like if somebody   went live today i feel like i would have gotten  more work done but like why didn't anybody go   live today so why don't you go live today huh  huh huh why huh why don't you go live today   need somebody to go live so i can feel productive  or to post a video like no one posted a video   like nobody like nobody cindy you posted  a video um zoe posted a video so often but   there was no video either no live zones always  live like at least it seems like it to me she's   always live but she wasn't live either country  view monograms i actually didn't post a video i   usually have something to watch i'm caught up on  ashley's videos i'm trying to think of anyone else   pamela i already watched a video last night so  nothing new so i like i got nothing to watch   no motivation cool well i'm just gonna  lay down so i'm gonna sit here go on   and watch my korean shows for the next i  don't know how long so kingdom comes back but   30ish minutes i'll probably fall asleep which is  cool um i just will be up all night that's part of   it but whatever um i guess i'll see you guys later  if i go anywhere if not i don't know we'll see see   see guys i swear i didn't fall asleep keenan  came up here he ended up falling asleep i was   thinking i'm saying yes for the post office  or whatever and then i'm like waiting for him   to text me like all right packages in the car  let's go this man left me he left he left me   and now i'm trying to figure out what the heck  i want korean barbecue food whatever but like   for i made like a list of our menu for the for the  week for dinner and we had like orange it's like   an orange brown sugar that's pretty good honey  stir fry which you made yesterday already baked   chicken breasts green beans mashed potatoes okay  tacos and chicken alfredo so we already eat two of   the meals that i'm like i don't want any of that  none of it sounds good to me so i may order it   but like doordash it's just more expensive than  what it needs to be but it's not close to here and i don't know i don't know i don't know i really  don't know if i just order it because the kids   don't really eat it anyways keenan eats it  but there's leftovers from dinner yesterday   the kids can eat make your kids eat the  leftovers you eat in the new food angela oh my god i just really want to eat that so i'm  probably just going to order for myself and then   maybe i'll still make them dinner make them eat  that i'll just eat what i want you know make them   see like tacos forgot the the  tortillas which you pick up the store   so really the only option is the orange ground  chicken which is super quick super easy but i   like that meal but i don't want it today because i  just had this honey stir fry which tastes exactly   the same yesterday i'm not exactly just similar  and the bait and i'm trying to figure it out   i don't know i don't know but long story short  he left so i'm not going anywhere um yeah so   that's it for today's video  guys if you enjoyed the video   give it a thumbs up i know it was totally  different it was just literally i don't know   just talking to you guys i mean maybe i'll do more  videos like this from now on just legitimately   instead of just a tutorial or just you know a work  with me it's just just talk to you guys like you   guys can hold me as the friends so let me know if  you guys like this type of video of course we're   gonna do tutorials and stuff like that not i'm not  saying i'm not gonna do this i'm always gonna do   those but if these are just better they're just  more i don't know these are more like real angela   although like it's not like i'm faking the other  videos other videos are just straight to the point   and this is just my whole day i  feel like this is a super long video   that is it for today's video if you haven't  we haven't if you haven't already signed up   for the meet and greet center for the meet and  greet august 27th in atlantic city new jersey   it's free to attend it's like a little event so we  got a whole uh meeting room conference room thing   you can meet todd from melco as well it's  going to be sponsored by melco so there'll   be like some some refreshments um there you guys  can meet each other meet me so yeah it should be   so much fun i'm excited some of you guys already  signed up i'll put a link in the description   where you can sign up again it is free but i  just need to know how many people are coming   that's why i make you guys buy tickets so yeah  thanks for watching i'll see you in the next video you

2021-07-24 10:58

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