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hello welcome to take a step to a  better you i'm so excited today because   today we celebrate two years of me being on this  youtube channel and you with me so two years   265 videos including live streams uh 12 000  subscribers that just happened recently and   youtube you know keeps playing around with those  that number because some people subscribe without   watching so it removes them put them by like the  sound cam and remove them so i've been watching   that number hopefully right now it's like 2000k  but you know when you watch you go to a channel   and you're so excited you just subscribe without  watching after youtube removes you in about   you sometimes it takes a few days so  they've been doing that on my channel   people come and just subscribe without watching  so always when you want to support someone please   watch before you subscribe all youtube remove  people okay that wasn't intended now i'm so   excited because it's also my birthday i'm 54  years today it's july 1st 2021. welcome welcome   if you are new my name is Sherifa Nakalema  i'm a business owner here in Virginia USA   and on this channel i like to share i'm passionate  actually about my messages what i know and what i   continue to learn this time all these years i  started i was very passionate about inviting   people when the COVID gets started inviting people  calm down this animal online i talk about business   tips youtube tips personal development asking  you to to to better your habits their habits   being grateful writing i am statements SMART goals  80 20 rule that's what i've been doing here today   and then recently i started the books i  finished reach that what that i have 68   videos on that i'm reading cash flow quadrant  that this is by robert kiyosaki i'm a video   we just finished 37 so all this is intended to ask  you to take a step to make your life better and in   this you know think about what to do on this day  and locally here in virginia there is a lady i've   been watching but um uh she owns a Property  Management Company her name is Michele  Odems and i i'm actually a contractor in this business  because i own a cleaning company locally   so we clean their homes their homes when people  are moving out like other renters are coming in   or so we put on sale we clean with other  cleaners i mean other companies that are   one of my companies one of them so i said let  me if i asked her to come and talk to us my   viewers and she said yes i think she'll be the  perfect guest because she is a true go-getter so   for those of you who are interested in business  kind of things i mean topics even in just like   i have today i'm talking to miss michelle  or them it's a conversation that's going to   happen in the store and you have something  i think you take out they call them nuggets   they're nuggets there that's coming next  but before i get to miss michelle i want to   mention the stairs you know those stairs  you see when my people are starting where   with the message take a step to a better you  those are old stairs and i'm wearing old shoes   there's the message there i mentioned it one of  my motivation videos oh i think one of the by the   way if you want to know more about this channel i  recorded the video when i said i got to 100 videos   and another one when i got to 10 000 subscribers  i'm going to read those because i don't want to   go through oh when did you get to 10 to  1000 subscribers when you get monetized   i tell all those stories so i'll link those two  videos you can go here my story there but for now   i want to still talk about those those steps  we can move ourselves first of all how to take   mistakes like how you see i'm taking a step that  would mean in that image those are all steps   you can move yourself from all the steps to  better steps better steps would be a new house   then shoes those are all shoes look like one of  my girls uh talk about those shoes where does she   yes there's a message in those shoes because those  shoes are old we can work hard and get ourselves   to better shoes so that's my message that's  what i'm doing here mine is a certain word story   uh if you if you can want to know my story i call  i have it in a video called we need more money   that's what what most people the first  subscriber to this channel are saying   we need more money it's still a message we need  more money so in that one i told the reason why   i'm starting over more and you can go watch that  uh i don't think i'm reading that one if you go to   search for we need more money or in the i think  it's the affiliate marketing uh playlist you'll   find it it has the most i think the second watched  video on this channel that's where i tell my story   so it's starting to go but we can make better and  make it better and see these books that i read   but written by Robert yourself they can change  your life they are better than the business degree   so i said i have six or eight videos  i called lessons from robert kiyosaki   i'm reading this one the cash flow quadrant uh  this one's more for the talks about employees   are self-employed and being a business owner  investor and you breaking it down so keep keep   it here my intention in the next phase as we start  the third year is i want to make sure these books   this message goes to more and more and more people   let me first finish reading them and think this  one then the next goal will be to make sure your   son your daughter your mother your father anyone  you know listen to this this message because it's   really empowering you need to know what an asset  is reliability is passive income all those topics   and the other thing i'm going to do and i think  i'll connect it to my live streams i want to go   back to why most people came to this channel  well the first subscriber came because i was   talking about way more money and i was promoting  affiliate marketing which is the promotion of   uh the promotion of other companies products  and services to any commission i'm coming back   to that message in the third year i'm going to  connect it with the live streams so that i can   answer your questions i'm going to try and search  for what people people without money can promote   because you could promote this for someone  to provide their email address and get paid   so i'm going to focus on that more the third year  but you hear me with business messages because i   strongly feel that's why i'm interviewing with  michelle is that business ownership is where   we get liberated that's where we're going to get  liberated because when you're an employee the more   money you earn the more taxes you pay and all that  stuff robert is breaking it down so please keep it   here i want to thank all of you who watching every  day especially those who come my opinion those who   see a notification and click on it those are two  by the way you see that i have live numbers but   most people because i think i talk about so many  things i also talk about youtube things i need to   narrow it down maybe more that's why some people  don't care about what i say because they came   for different reasons uh that's why it might be  when you see that the views are low some people   but they also have a number of people who really  love to watch but they don't they can't afford   the data or especially in developing countries so  it's a combination but where i'm going with this   i want to emphasize owning something owning  something i'm going to own something by   fast making the money so i'm going to be coming  live maybe more right now i'm coming on Friday   live but maybe i'll add in another day and i'll be  please when you see me show up in your feed make   sure by the way that you're subscribed look at the  button please subscribe to this channel and click   on the notification the bell that comes up so that  you get to know when i'm here when um something's   coming up i'm always looking for things that  can benefit my community and it's daily i'm here   daily i want to just schedule today i'll just  say i'm here daily watch some more videos and   get to know more about what i do okay so right now  again i thank you all for supporting this message   this is this is a very important message but i'll  invite you before i move you to the interview   with miss michelle the conversation i want to  invite you to come to my facebook group i'll put a   link below i'm putting a link below for to take it  one hour when i pinched 100 videos another when i   got to 10 000 subscribers i'll also put a link to  Ms Michele's website and also i think let me put   a link to my facebook group please come over there  i'm live every monday and i'm emphasizing having a   smart goal i teach what is my school is and every  member i want every member for if you're watching   them you don't have a smart goal yet at my group  you are behind we are setting up smart girls   success habits being graceful every day writing  i am sickness uh listening to our nightingale   have an audio all that stuff when you're in my  group and then of course when i start sharing the   man online stuff if you applause  then you know what i'm doing   please i'll put a link below come to my group but  only if you feel like a go-getter like you feel   good right now i have people in my group who are  not true go get us please if you're in my group   i need more action from you come make sure you  have a smart goal be active if you want to start   this youtube channel come so be my group i'll put  a link in the description below uh it's called   take a step to a better you so again thank you so  much for supporting this message and please share   please this is empowerment we have to do it  ourselves no one is going to do it for us   now i'm not coming back on camera i'll just come  i'm talking to mrs michelle you see right about   wearing masks when i was having this machine  so that really doesn't matter as long as you   can hear what you're talking about i think it's an  important conversation if you can finish it today   come back to it there is nuggets there again  thank you so much for your support and Miss   Michele if you're watching this thank you so much  for giving me the time to offering the time and   sharing didn't he didn't leave anything out we  just had a conversation he said no limits who   god into private matters thank you so much and to  my viewers please share this message keep coming   again thank you thank you so much if i've impacted  if what i do here has impacted you in any small   way please this is the time to put in the comments  post a comment and say since i watched you this is   what has happened in my life please add that into  uh in the comments below okay thank you so much   now let's start uh let me take you over to the  conversation i have with i'm having with miss uh   michelle odin especially for business owners and  also for those not business owners anyone who   wants to make a better life actually although we  are discussing business if you have a business i   think you should be attentive in that conversation  it's like personal but also we share things that   are important because she's moving her company  to another level so we are learning from her okay   again don't forget to leave a comment for me thank  you for watching this question now next to the   conversation with Ms Michele thank you you know  as we celebrated two years on this YouTube channel   i thought about who to talk to who to have a  conversation with that would benefit from and i'm   honored today to introduce to you a special lady  a true go-getter that have worked for eight years   she is a small business owner growing getting to  where Robert Kiyosaki always suggests that you   move from from S to B i think she's go heading  over there that's why i'm inspired by her story   and when i asked her to to come to talk to us  to share her story she said yes i'm so happy   to introduce to you Miss Michele Odems she's  the owner of RPM Direct which is a competitive   Property Management Company here in Virginia  and welcome Miss Michele thank you thank   you for having me i don't think you even  understand how much i admire your business   so don't get into how i got to know you  but first of all tell us something about   yourself and help you i'm going to tell you  something about myself that i can direct but   first i want to say hi to your go-getters right  there and i'm happy to be here with you today   and also i want to make sure that you know  Sherifa that i also admire you very much   a very long-term relationship  yes 8 years i checked my records yes and i know you often talk about how much  you you admire me and how my company has grown   but also i admire so much about you and what  you do in your business and also what you do   here online it's remarkable thank you  so much so i wish i didn't have talk to   talk to you through a mask but you know these  times so tell us something about RPM and what you   do so RPM Direct is a property management company  located in Virginia we manage 400 properties so   these are primarily for people who are  in the military or the state department   and they own rental properties they're leaving  the area they're going around the country around   the world different time zones and they  can't manage their properties themselves   so they entrust their properties to us and we  manage it for them you know when i see what you   do i see it's actually a very basic science it's  very very important but how how did this start   why profit management why do that i feel like it's  a lot of work it is a lot of work we fortunately   have a really good staff you know our staff so  we have a great staff to help me implement it   the company was actually started 12 years  ago my husband was a real estate broker   he had been a broker for probably 10 or 15 years  at that time and he had a lot of clients who   were in the military the stock mark the real  estate market had just crashed and the values   of homes were down significantly so a lot of  the military clients that he had sold homes to   were now getting stationed in other areas  overseas helped to grow and they had to   go and they could not sell their house  because the values of the house were low   some other people were letting their houses  go to foreclosure or doing short sales but the   military members could not do that because it  would impact their security plans so they had   to keep their homes but of course they couldn't  manage it themselves from where they were going   around the world so several of them had called  my husband and asked for a recommendation from   property manager yes after this happened several  times he realized that this was a trend that was   um so he and his friend actually  started a property management company   and uh so there were no property  management companies at that time   there were very few um there were very few  companies that actually specialize just in fact   there are several large real estate companies in  this area that have a property management division   but they were not really any companies that just  focus on population might go to me to think of   something i didn't even think about so how do you  set up this whole system so how you know you know   robert kiyosaki the one i admire a lot you read  the book he said a business has to be assistive   you don't have you set up things how they go and  i watch how you go so how who set that up how do   you know so what i first did was i contacted uh  some other property managers that i actually knew   and i asked them for like the most basic things  that they use all the time like what forms do   they need what software do they use what rules do  they have well they want to say the regulations   for the state and so i kind of started with that  and then after that i just kind of learned as i   left i learned something from every single client  that i brought on as i brought them on whatever   process we went through whatever unique situations  caused us to expand so you learn as it goes   forward like it trains and then you  do better you learn and move on so   i have to mention how i first met you the reason  by the way why i decided to talk to Miss Michele   is because from the time i watched her i've been  learning and as you learn the lessons on this   channel i said the things we are learning from the  books i read she's actually doing so maybe if you   bring her here she's gonna tell us like how she  does things so maybe you can also learn and and   use in our own lives this conversation is going to  help those of you who are interested in business   either think about starting a business already  have a business but also small business right a yes but growing because our goal like robert is  teaching us in the casual quadrant book is to move   ourselves from small to grow it to be large where  you in fact i'm going a little other people's time   like you i saw you like how you travel and  people can manage things when you're not there   that means you're getting to that when you step  out and people can do work when you're not there   so the benefit of this conversation is for  those people who want to learn how do you   really move it from small to large stitches  are you do you want to get it from life   what's your intention i do want to continue going  to companies okay we've always from the time we   began we've really had this goal to add on a new  employee every year and so we've been a business   12 years we have 10 employees and so we're  kind of on track for that goal and i want to   continue to do that in order to add on new  employees we obviously need to add on your   customers yes so i wanted to mention the story of  how i got to that committee because on my channel   i told that the cleaning story for me it just  happened out of starting over i'll of desperation   what can i do because of what happened in my heart  my vaccine and everything so i said how do i get   places to clean so i just sat down and wrote a  letter and i wrote and i said i went in the yellow   pages at that time to be okay right i i looked at  companies property management i said who could i   send these results to so i wrote i'll say i'm so  and so i really i could do a good job with your   property clean stuff like that i made them and  then someone called not you though because that's   something i learned too because at that time  you had like one or two employees but you still   didn't make the call yourself right that's  something to learn because delegation right you   sent someone else to call me and i remember  when i walked in eight years ago i i came   and she went and called you this this kind  of was over there yes we just rearranged   so you came out and said i wonder why she didn't  call him herself so i was learning so we learn   learn to delegate simple things like your time  you know valuable come and meet me you don't have   like she had to invite me in and i was ready  and then when you're ready you can that means   you're managing time there's some minor lessons  right there right yes i mean that's when someone   starts their own business initially they're doing  everything right like usually when people start   their own business up to doing everything and  then they as they can afford to or as they can   allocate funds to they usually bring on people  to help with the tasks that take the most   of their time and so that they can focus on  another thing that bring more value to the   company yes and the the reason i brought that  up i thought that because you are not big yet   but you still even know you  do it you know when to do because for you you always respond like so fast so  you solve the problem really fast you know when i   talk about you know my mind the way it works it  jumps around so i'm sorry for that but okay and   now i'm thinking about time management because  one of the tips i give about primarily something   you can solve in five minutes don't say later  do it you do that all the time like when i call   you and i say okay this is something you're gonna  handle look in a minute you already responded and   already i mean how do you get to be like that  i think for me sometimes i'm worried about if   i don't do something right away then it'll fall  off of my radar and i won't get to it so i'd like   to get everything that's all that i need to do  quickly but back to the point about delegation   because i've been doing this business for 12  years i can do it quicker than anybody else   right i have so many experiences in my mind that  i can come up with a solution pretty quickly so   that's why sometimes i direct you to say hey  you know call my staff for that instead of me   because how else can i respond right  but how can they ever get to that level   if they don't handle everything you  know the problems that they want so   i really tried to divert the the actual  day-to-day work so that i can focus on   the things to help the company grow the things  to help the company improve but still it could   also be a personality thing uh this point i  wanted to mention your late husband because   at some point we were talking about him what are  the process and he made a statement he said he   made me yes what does that really mean so the  statement i said is i am the woman that lingam   built right so my husband Lingam people called him  Lee for business yeah um he passed away last year   and we have been together for 36 years  36 years yes and so we met when i was 19   so literally my whole entire adult life was with  him and he was such a go-getter yes such a goal   and a goal setter yes and professional yeah and  he really pushed people to be their best and so   he pushed me and so think of for 36 years he  literally like had he had his hand on my back   pushing for 36 years he never took it off but  when i first met you it wasn't so obvious it   seemed like you're not at the same level the way  you're doing things were you still learning for   well the company was well you know newer yeah  when we met but you seem like you know what you're   doing were you still learning i learned every day  just like you talked about reading i read every   single day just like you do yeah we have that  in common yes so i'm always learning one of the   things that over the past couple of years i've  learned is that i've developed skills to be an   excellent property manager but i haven't yet just  developed skills to be an excellent people manager is that sometimes if my employees need to have  take corrective action i had always learned that   you want to start on a positive statement talk  about the corrective action and then come back to   another positive statement so that they feel good  about the process but i feel like for me i do too   much positive on the top and the bottom and then  i don't focus enough on what the actual corrective   action is and so i mean i thought they didn't work  yeah like if i have to show you know tell them   they did something incorrectly and i need to talk  to them about how to do it better in the future   i for me that's one area i need to improve in  and then i need to make sure i'm really focusing   on how for them to change for the better and  not so much on being positive at the beginning   maybe you're just a good person yes but if my  goal is to help that person improve on their job   we can't be the best property management company  around unless we have the best property managers   and so a very important part of my job is  to help them grow and learn and improve   that that's true that's what i need to focus  on so you have to grow in that but the real   reason actually i wanted to talk to you  was because i remember when i first met   you said that you want to grow you have that  you have like 100 properties maybe and you said   by next year i want to grow it to 200. i remember  the number that's double i remember thinking huh   and when i was talking to you you said you didn't  advertise tonight right we never advertised until   this year actually see how do you do that so we  were very fortunate that for the first you know   eight plus years as we as we grew that almost  all of our business came from google searches   natural google searches no seo optimization or  anything like that we were very very fortunate   because as i mentioned earlier there weren't  really any property management companies that   would just focus on property management so some  of the larger real estate companies their website   might have ten pages and nine of them were about  real estate and one was about property management i read books on google i did i did  have a background in it also so yes   i made sure that our website  was following everything that   google needed to yes i think that helped  to you know advertising is always a big big   part of like the expense of yes we actually did  start advertising this year for two reasons one   because of coded the military moves uh last year  slowed down significantly they really stopped for   a number of months and so that impacted our  business and some of i'm going to call them   my colleagues the my competing companies property  management companies in other areas i do call them   my colleagues because i'm friends with them they  have started marketing in our house yes competing   directly yeah so they're my friends i called them  i asked them to stop marketing this area yes what   it's a friendly innovative way in a friendly way  but they all said no they're going to do that   so well i tried and it didn't work so  because they're marketing so heavily now   i'm not so much at the top of google  search because there's a lot of ads   you know that are up top that my colleagues in  other counties are putting out there so i've had   to join them that's interesting they've  got to talk to your competitors please management community we actually have a  organization the national association of   residential property managers to normal and we  meet on a regular basis so we know each other we   get together and we we share ideas and departments  so how did we grow because by the end of that year   i think the year when you wanted 200 you had like  400 i think probably close to the 300 at that time   because i was asking you did you get to the 200  you say oh it's more and then i was watching   it too like more people and everything will  happen so how did you get it there fast how   did you get there that fast i will say honestly  that the most important thing was to respond   immediately to the leads like if somebody called  i called them back right then i took every single   call if i missed a call i called right back like  following up on these was the most important thing   and no matter what i was doing if the lead  came in that stopped everything and did that   i remember one time in that time period  where somebody called me i was in kohl's   and i literally sat on the floor and  talked to the person for like a half hour   and got that as a person as a client and i  mean literally i i took everything and i think   from what's working with you right now i  didn't mention that i actually worked for   you i didn't mention it right no i mentioned  that you called me another but i didn't   tell where it ended you actually ended up hiring  my company and gave me the biggest house all right   first let me say i was really impressed by that  letter and by your company's name on the other side but then you did a fantastic job i was like  i'm still learning and uh i wanted to uh   to mention because remember these are two but you  know we didn't want to talk about me and then we   left okay because we stopped okay so you  also mentioned that he's my late husband is a word that doesn't feel good for me but um  he's my husband who passed oh yeah it's not the   same thing it is the same thing it's just a word  that i don't like to say myself but so he's um he   passed away last year he had a 10-month unwinnable  battle of cancer oh they're about to ask you how   long it took exactly so um it was ten months that  he was fighting it he's fighting it very hard   and we literally thought he was going to make  it but just that's totally sort of unwinnable   but also it kind of goes to a point  where that you were talking about   when you own a business what it allows you to  do with your time so from the day that he was   diagnosed with stage 4 cancer i didn't come back  to work and there's something if you don't mind   i wanted to mention about that because i had it in  my last year that i've never seen i think a person   committed to treating someone or to loving  someone to the end i i've never seen it   because it will happen you know i didn't say they  said no i can't take the call i mean the gospel   because you can answer no i i i have never seen  that you see i don't want to get too emotional   though yeah no i'm i'm okay with it um it was  the hardest year of my life obviously but yes i   didn't come to work i took care of my husband  for 10 months and you you kept saying this is   the most important thing this is the most  people that say what i thought maybe you   could take a moment a little bit no no the  only thing that i did is i had to sign checks   so my staff would call me if there's checks that  need to be signed and i would either come to the   office at night to sign them or they would bring  them to the hospital so i could sign them there   that's commitment and i think he died the happy  man is that a good segment to say i mean with you   i will say it a different way in that 10 months  we had the opportunity to say everything that   we needed to say to each other there's no single  word more that i needed to say to him or i'm sure yes um so uh he was a joker he jumped around  a lot and he wanted to joke with everyone who   came here yes yes yes yeah we miss him but he  was very strong really you're a very strong   person and i learned that from you very loving  and something i need also to mention very humble   do you know that do you know i try no let me tell  you why i know you are humble i don't know if you   want to mention this to the whole world because  when i went for height remember you came to work   before recovery you came and although i okay i'm  a contractor for uh rpm i clean your properties   and all that another person will see me as far  down there because i clean you see what i mean   well i see you as my equal yeah no no no  that shocked me though yeah because other   people don't see like that when they give you  because i had worked for other companies before   here they see cleaners as like even it doesn't  matter no they don't see you as people at all well   i see you as a small business owner yes yes but  what's some of the humble that i'm talking about   i didn't know how much money you heard or whatever  i didn't know what your level of success at that   time when you came until i came to your home  and you never even mentioned about your home when i was recording and talking about  apartments and i remember mentioning a   million dollar home that i have entered  a million dollar home that was her home   because i've cleaned them we filled them the  big ones but to enter it at the setup home   it was your home and you came to my small home  and you're so humble i know that i appreciate   that very much and keep it up please because you  set a very good example even with their employees   the way people don't they don't play you it's  like you're all almost equal the way you say   although they still respect you right yeah i  hope so no no they do all right you fire them you like i just said i literally didn't  come to work for 10 months those   employees they're they're like my  family like they had my back yeah yeah because for those of you who are owners maybe  there's something i'm sorry business owners or   bosses whatever if you are maybe you can learn  something from her how do you do that though   how do you humble yourself  i'm not sure i mean it's just   it's not your thing or is the way you're raised or  what because i mentioned the million dollar home   when you came to my small home you didn't behave  like oh this is small whatever i mean i didn't   i couldn't imagine you're coming from  that kind of home until i snapped it but still another person would see if you  live in a gated community you could see   yourself as high up there but someone dealing with  you would never know that and i appreciate that   about you so i mentioned already hard work i think  you mentioned the hard work right very hard work   professional dream kindness but strict there's  something yes i wanted to mention when you say   that why didn't you lose homes there's something  else you do with your company that i get used to   of someone moving out of a home at 5 pm and  make sure it's ready for the next person by 12   noon the following day yes i think that's big  so not a lot of property management companies   do that yes it's a significant decision to do  that yes but the reason we do it is because   most people want to move in on the first of the  month and if we don't have that house available   in the first month and we took time to other than  you know right now we're having people on standby   to clean it on the night of the 30th or 31st  or the morning of the first if we took extra   days to do that then probably we wouldn't have a  tenant move until the 15th of the month or later   because people always want to move in on the  first that's the natural grade to move in okay   so if we didn't like if we said okay this house  is available on the third people need a house   on the fence so they wouldn't be able to move they  would pick another house yeah and so then we would   be getting people who were looking for the first  of the next month but are willing to move in early   so we didn't do this one day turnover our  landlords would be having some vacancy   some money we'll be losing some money so we  specifically are looking out for our landlords   and so we put a lot of work on our staff to do  that we put a lot of work on our vendors to do   that and we feel like it's really oh i'm one of  them yes so you know i know where the house is i remember one time i had good stuff to we had a  thing feeling home to clean so i had seen one i'm   telling another and then i think i got a message  to say this one should be first or could we finish   but the stuff's already in another house but then  it's 20 minutes away and then i think Victoria   was saying we need this one guess what i have  to go to Home Depot and buy a set of i mean   i said how can i drive back over there everything  set up clean the other house and now this one is   needed i said then we could just buy some things  i said what i will go with the flow we go with   the flow because i know it must be done it has to  be done i appreciate that i definitely appreciate   that there's a lot of scrambling you know on that  one day turnovers that we do especially at this   time of year so this is our busiest time of year  and um but i feel like it's enough our landlord's   best interest and that's why our company is able  to grow because we really focus on so i hope you   are for those of you who are business owners  you are learning something from this discussion   for those of you who are regular viewers you  may say i wonder what they're talking about   actually what we're sharing here is really really  important the other thing that's important and i   first heard this from Oprah a long time ago i  was watching Oprah she said i think some people   stole her money so she said sign your checks sign  your checks and through all that remember you said   even when you're the hospital they'll call you to  sign the check you'll sign the checks i do sign   the checks it's very important for me um because  some of the checks are our businesses money you   know like when you pay our employees they um the  utilities and everything associated with running   a business of course that's our business is money  but we also manage a lot of money um that are in   our accounts that doesn't actually belong to us so  we hold the security deposits follow our tenants   we take rent in from our tenants it's going to  ultimately go to our landlord so a lot of money   passes through our accounts and we have to be  very diligent yes imagine that not only do i   sign all the checks but we also have three levels  of audits so we have one of our one of our our   bookkeeper she's not an employee but she's a  contracted bookkeeper she audits um every month   one of our employees audits every week and then  we have a third audit done by an outside company   that specifically obvious property management  company so we have three audits how are their   um we have to make sure that our bank accounts  are reconciled to them that's that's that's great   and so as a business owner what do you think is  more important cash flow or pro pro stability um how so how we started um we started  with just myself so there wasn't like   it was myself and then the first client so  there's like no cash right because the um   cost the income from that one client isn't  covering the likelihood you know so for us   we it wasn't probably until three years  in that we were truly profitable right   so i did not take any pay to myself for  the first several years um it was more   important for me to keep the funds inside the  business so that we could grow and get to work   yeah so i feel like um cash flow is  really important to manage because   if you aren't managing your cash flow you could  be you know come up with not being able to pay   your employees yes and that's how businesses  fail exactly so it's really really critical to   keep your company organized yeah so what do you  learn from that you know some people especially   like you know this is the local business by the  way we are discussing a local business a service   business but for some people when they start a  business they expect to make a profit immediately   so it's you could go even three years without  the profit but at least you have to be looking   that you're improving oh yes absolutely yeah we  literally from the time that we took on our first   client all the way through 2020 we grew every  single month yes we brought under classes how do   we improve it otherwise you could borrow money you  can't pay back yes that's also we never borrowed   money that's what we have houses so hopefully  there's something to learn from this now Miss uh   Michele do you have anything you wanna close with  to go get us anyone who is hesitating and maybe we   should have mentioned the advantages of business  ownership over being an employee okay we can talk   about that first of all i love that you call  your um subscribers go again i love that um my   husband and i always talked about striving to be  the top five percent and so forth from burn yeah   four percent even yet so um but i love the term go  get it so i love that we refer to them as that um   because that's my message yeah so i think that um   the most important thing in my mind is to  always be learning so figure out what skills   you need to improve on to just constantly  learn sheriff and i both read yes yes things are changing so there's a couple of  different levels of learning so in my property   management business right now i have to be on  top of all the new regulations that are going   into place because of COVID because of national  eviction moratoriums have to stay on top of their   everything yep extended it so there's the type of  learning to keep me up to date on my business the   actual core of my business but there's also the  type of learning to continue to improve myself   personal development i talked about needing to  be a better manager of my people my employees   not just managing properties um i need to be a  better speaker i need to be a better leader like   those types of things just always as an individual  have room for improvement and so to me i feel like   no matter what industry you're in what no matter  what business you're want to start a word and be   involved with i feel like you have to just always  keep learning to improve yourself as a person and   i think that's fine that's the students we  have here what do you think Lee would say   right now how long has it been done um so that's  in February so it's a little over a year now   what do you think he would say because i  see you are committed i see you're committed   this i'm committed to this because i'm committed  to following the path that he and i have been   on for a very long time we had a lot of goals  and dreams and he would want me to keep on um   and he said he said everything so he wanted me  to keep going with this what was his wish for   this one yeah he really wanted to begin  to grow the business um he believes that   so like i mentioned in the first several years we  didn't take any salaries at all and he believed   that the company would get to a critical mass  so that we would not have to work his home   many years we worked 60 hours a week we worked  nights weekends we put a lot into it and it was   stressful and frustrating but he would always say  there will be a time when all of this hard work   will pay off yes and so unfortunately we are  at that time i work much less now than i ever   did even though our company is you know growing  thriving it's easier for me because i have the   business to be able to increase the  staff and have less workload on myself   so we are now at that point that he always  wanted to be i'm really sad that he's not here   with me to enjoy that part but this is where he  was always striving to be he would never want   me to give up you know at this point actually what  business owners are looking for so Robert Kiyosaki   in the book Cash Flow doesn't say that you always  have to have a plan either you sell it you plan i   think you said you said if you said you have an  exit plan yes so what is it for you can i just   say one thing before i talk about that because  uh we also were readers of Robert we actually   yeah have you uh are you familiar with the game  yeah i played it she played me playing so and we   had all of our kids played our friends played so  that was a good part of our life for a long time no no no i mentioned this i played and i  i've said at some point if i can show it   in the video we'll see where it's going i  could kind of bring it on the channel yes strategy was to retire because he  was actually 11 years older than me   and so we did want to be able to sell  the business and retire so we could do   other things that were important to us while he  was still you know able to get around easily um   and not before his body start getting you know  losing interest in traveling where a lot of   um charitable organizations and causes that he  wanted to work with so we did have a strategy   to retire at some point in their  future but now that he's gone um   have a lot longer or working years you know in me  so i'm definitely going to continue oh i see it   again i think we're really proud we don't know  what uh where whether they see or we don't know   where they are maybe we can see maybe he's here  we don't know yes no he'll be very proud actually   for us for watching you and those who watch it did  i even mention that the kindness is uh i watched   both of you the way you were you have the same  spirit i remember the very first time when i met   you when i came remember you first gave me homes  before you gave me the office too yes yes yeah   so one time you said why someone had been cleaning  this but you're going to call it our office too so   i came when i met you both of you after everyone  is gone and then you was you promised that you   gave me you said yes after i walked around and  told you how much it cost he said yes and then you   wanted to give me a key i didn't have an extra key  so i remember him offering him his name his key   yeah because he wanted to go make  a copy for me he gave me this game you're talking about and i'm so honored that  you uh you gave us this time you shared this   time i know you're very busy thank you so much so  you have anything for us i think just i love what   you're doing i really do i know a lot of people  who started youtube channels and the ones that   i know haven't had the um the level of success  succession and i think the difference is is that   you are very committed with a time schedule i  know that my people in my office are telling   me oh Sherifa uh focusing right now she has a  recording schedule you are very consistent and i   think that i really think that's a big factor in  people's success and so let's talk about always   be learning but really that consistency where  having a plan and wrapping it and sticking to it   consistency is important and the habits that you  when you have a routine you have all that so maybe   we'll get you back here when you get to a hundred  thousand subscribers yeah so we celebrated now we   just completed two years you're starting out here  congratulations yes yes yes and wishing you the   very best too thank you i wish you the very best  okay thank you okay thank you so much for watching   please leave a comment what do you think what  do you learn what did you learn from what was   michelle shared actually that's a lot to  learn from what she just shared hopefully   it was clear hopefully you follow that because  this was the big business and she is hopefully   she got to move herself from the s to the b  because that's why i wish for you so you can   just go hang around somewhere be happy are they  money flows in right so that they do a good job   because then you have to have the right people  by the way we didn't get into the right people   topic but that matters a lot before you trust but  now you have achieved trust we didn't even mention   Johnny Johnny that one is the treasure yes yes yes  yes so but i think those people are good because   you are good too i think they're working for  you you're a good person so they do a good job yeah so thank you for watching it please leave a  comment especially about miss this year i don't   know if you wanna link your website on my channel  okay you can put this you got to go check it out   and see for those of you interested in  properties i know that if you're watching this   maybe this could help you you  could come and give their services   thank you so much for watching like i always end  them i say take very good care of yourself take   very good of your family take very good care  of your health take a step to a better you bye you

2021-07-06 01:33

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