Small Business Festival LinkedIn for Business Consultants and Freelancers with Sue Ellson

Small Business Festival LinkedIn for Business Consultants and Freelancers with Sue Ellson

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So. So. Light. And move develop in 1994. She joined meeting on the 21st, of December 2003. And. He's one of the first people, in, the world platform. She. Has been consulting on the topic of LinkedIn since 2008. And. Launched. Her first 380, thousand, word for C 2008, system just. Background in banking training, recruitment. HR, marketing, employment. Websites, and social media, and. Her first website. Social media. First. Looks like you come to this network, calm, went. Online in 2001. She, created a warning with Def Con in 2012. And 120. Ways college in. 2003. Currently, independent, linkage specialist, for while insulting, and. Socializing. Company. Into. To educational, facilities, and provide business consulting, service. Internationally. So. Office first of all my service with individual, members who, are excited, to what we did for the smart savvy. And the professional, assistance will, be a little wary students take, action and achieve. Results and, suit. Will be around, article. So far from any wishes this. Is. A, small business festival and so today. Which is you either share knowledge and linkedin business, consultants. And freelancers. Which. Is. What. But. Some of these things. What. I did, was. What, my values, and, my. Or, Easter's and, I've actually realized I've, been used too many views now and I'll, be sharing lots of tips and suggestions with, you like. To have the stats. On the future but. Anyway in that article, haven't you to be able, be released, that's. Really important, because you want. To do something that we need for the know when you try to change you, know because otherwise when you start with the content, that's. Very. Finely. Profile. Or, actually, going to interact and do it with you and, I'm gonna be much. It's. Designed in such a way people. Don't want to. Use. All the free stuff so. Because. We're. Talking about both haunted. You love the content curation and content collection. I. Recently. To do presentations, the Monash Business, School alumni, and. Many. Of you got offers from every. Single person in the room. So. I said, well no no she's obviously talking something about depending, on their to profile, which, is exciting. Schools. There's. No such thing as job security or, business security. Today. No. Requirement. That you, today. So. Before, I start working with any of my clients the first thing I do is I collect some statistics, prove. That there's. Been some sort of improvement. And. The, first one that you would want to know about is, how many connections you got so, if you click on my network you can say that I've got forty thousand, three hundred to, make sure that I write that number down this. Is a real time statistically. So, we need two notes to come right down that number and they reflect the time. Number of connections has, increased, also. From your own profile, to, be scroll, down and you're reasonably, active, as, it enough back use vehicles you'll. See you've got a certain number of followers, and if, you're known as a thought leader you have more, Oliver's, in connections, so, they the people who say yes you still want to hear from su University.

Vietnam, Including, order, didn't even ask to connect with me so if. You're a number of Flores is increasing, more of any more number, of patients, actually. It. Also means that number, of connections is about, thirty thousand. And. We need for mrs. McCann the, next. One is, the number of views you had in the last 90, days. And. It. Was a colleague. Of mine in Atlanta, 3,000, years per 90 days but if you get any work so. Just getting news is not necessarily, that, to an intervention with even again geeks but, differently, if it's over a hundred and, put a much better chance that's under our so. Differently. Right this number to start with objective. Profile after today and see if it changes, and, this is also where I like to do my favorite to your Lincoln which, is right or were those stories. Like, you, three. Three bombers people do something, so, I love. Mining. To breakfast does, that tells me whether it's working, and somebody. Who's being in an of age course one of my super. Excited. It's. Why he's number. Next. Release the number of times you're competing search, results, in the last seven days, and. Again this number should, be more, than. 1500. -, doctor zero that's wrong. 69. Appearances, last. Seven days and. You. Can, save some of the organization's, to build each it's really easy helmet head was there some, example. Later I spoke out there to a group and. One. Of the lady. Who organized me to come and speak to the staff at mobile Airport she put a very first post on LinkedIn last, week and said open nine thousand six hundred percent, interviews, in, six days, you. See some of the techniques, I suggested, which include so even if you've never posted, before. Another. One that you may be interested, in is whether you're an all-star, profile. Or not. You. Are an all-star profile. And basically. Just means that you filled out most of the boxes in windy, because. At the end of the day it's just a dumb student, database no, stupid databases, like than most of the boxes.

So. In. Theory has some. Scratching. Anyway. You. Can have up to 50 skills in there with your top 3 obviously. The most important, you. Want to be known for you, need to make sure that those top three I'm, in there and, if. You want to specialize in, the area I'm suggesting that 20, but, because I ran backwards to do lots of other things. These other things as well and. I can even go in and shuffle. The order. Using. The hamburger from the side gift so, I can shuffle the order around. As. My snowshoes, its. It was just a little picture that think you put out two years ago I don't even complain about it because you're not even devoting there to really know that the person have the skill a lot but. It's stuck because it's easy, the. Next evening news, recommendations. And, I would suggest that, you want, a similar, number both. Given, and received here. One, person's, well. Jeff had a hundred forty something that they Christy and zero. That, they've given what does that Jim you about that. So. Please. My make sure that number of recommendations you, post given in received is very similar and least, it's a bitch. You, can also be really strategic so, this guy I keep he's hot on off the trot I rarely, listening on that day and later, that day broke any recommendation. Because he knows that you know thousands, of people into, profile, so, he notices and The Economist, illegal. Right well you, know to an excess of my temptation. So you. Know it was pretty to do it. So. Be strategic, you know favorite. Clients. Recommendations. It, was a little different, velocity, your details, however. You. Do need to remember that what you write a recommendation can. Be used in court of all so. Please do not punch, the truth something. That you're not the same. Organization, there may be a policy where they say. The. Next thing that I do before, I start fiddling, around with somebody's, profile, is, I. Click on the wall box and, I choose save, to PDF, when. I save it to PDF I choose. Today's date back to front. And. Without. Their. Relationship. But. Also in, the unlikely, event that, lead, in Joe's both or they, close your account because we've been naughty, at. Least sort of record the, connections, that you had. So. If you do these savings, renounce. Your. Connections, as well as the. Information. So.

The. Midst most important, and most valuable. Settings to. Change on the key now I realize, some of the people in the room before you know something that we do so apologies. If you already know. You'll. See. Changed. Your, public. URL. Optimized. With. Your name. Useful. So. Further. Down here you can also tick all the boxes to, show you what will be visible and leave. Your machine, translations. As, well. Now. When. You look at some one of these LinkedIn, profile. What. Do you know you can first. The. Future, correct. Graduations. Would you believe that, up to 60% of, the time speaking kind of a LinkedIn profile, 3:17, at the photographs, so. You. Need an updated one you can see Chris Rock. I. Think you profile, booth next water they. Are receiving, comments in, fifth Street. This. Photo took, me a week to prepare women like what that means and. 70. Shots. And. I, encourage. You to have your eyes on, the ones that I want. Because. That's what, the artistry, preference, you. Also need, to verify name, comment. And. I'm not saying that because I'm recruited, I'm, saying it because it frames your face. So. One of my clients a lovely Irish, had. A hairy chest. And though. Only. This age we wouldn't be definitely seeing a bracelet, we cannot see he's here a chance in only, teens. But. You know no photo just essential, goodness so I know one of my clients she's. An artist, do you bring some months as it is across they basically conceded, but, she's not just so. That's my case I'm not saying you have to use a sterile. And. It's body shots, too. Okay. So. -. And. She, was. Recruited. You. Got agile, skills people kind. Of stuff it's. A very big stage in. Life. And she's been through five calls a day. About. Me online, visiting. A bunch of amazing an eight-mile call me so, why wouldn't I put that at the beginning of my summary, so, even don't have to click to see contacting, even, though I was there they.

Can See it immediately and, the beauty of this is on an Android, device they, weekly links, so. Even. Though it's plain, text. I. Also. Do. The. Extra things to demonstrate. So. Definitely. Do that also if you click on this you'll. Say aye. Because. It's. Much easier to make points, and it is a long, narrative and. You probably recognize a lot of the information from your comment said about me because people, don't, have any modifier. Profile. So, you, know when you do even speak. Interesting. He. Would. Have come from, corporate. Into. Your business consulting. And freelance, role and, you. Would have an email address. Organization. I'm, going to suggest that you never ever ever remove, it. Because. People who have. Addresses. Just change, the primary. If. We go into the, privacy, section, this. One. Email. Address. We. Want people to contact us so. Please change it to everyone. And, wingding because you want people to reach out to you so why don't you leave it. Also. You. Know. This. Next one is really important. That you change tonight. Viewers. Of this profile, also, viewed, so, if you look at many on one, of us. And we scroll to the end and. I am is turned on - yes all. The other specialists. So. You need to. Know. Design, inside out yes. Yes. Also. Popular. So you, want to stop your competitor, okay, you, don't want them to know if you. Shirring, I. Missed. Enough to know you, don't change, my content, over time everything. Is. Only in Reverse numbers, so I don't. Making. Changes, and. You. Have the chance on the contact, info session. 283, websites so, wouldn't. You link, to your own website, or your, company. To, your Facebook, page. And. We. Add, websites. We. Encourage, you rather. Than just to say that's, my personal, website. Characters. So. On. Now. Fixing. Creating, a company page so, you might think we'll unofficial, one why, having. A LinkedIn. Company, page. Well, that's because you. Could have, a logo. Mix. -. Which. Was much more professional, than, gray box so. I definitely encourage. Help, me first off if, you watch the, iPod you have to go to the Wikipedia and. She. If, you're part of a larger enterprise, are usually sufficient three administrators, to have somebody else available. So, I've, got a number of company pages many. Different enterprises. So. They're all one of my main menu and I can go in there and. Provide. Updates in, the notes I'm going to send you. As. Well, as 20 ways to. Experience. You'll. Notice with mine I'll go to my see a new job. And. Then. I talk about. Anyway. Please. Do not experience. Education. I. Did, a Bachelor of Business in administrative, management which is like a baby MBA I did all these subjects, now, mostly, do you look at, I. Remember. Scout, camps, and schools. Volunteering. One. Of them was at the Jamboree. Instantly. So, you're. Following. Or. Comments. For the only. Key you, know to. Do that it's, also Olympia results on how to showcase, your professional, membership. So. Going back to the comment and for that content, the. First level of content, is to just engage with. The news page so. You'll. See lots of different posts, in the newsfeed. Subjects. Now. I suggest, that the life is worth one more any point a comment. Is worth five rating points and share is worth 10 points for. This time I really believe. So. That's, the first step they, move into the second step you, assign as you content. From somewhere else and you've shared with self so you just be ready somebody. Else's amazing, content and, the third money is creating content that you needed my to close to put me as placed on.

This Screen. So. The. Only rhythm, women should have. You. Know that's obviously. Such. A great example I, want to use it she's had a hundred and ten months and. So. It's a really good example of the, difference. In. This. One I wanna show you is, an article, I wrote on. And. My. Guarantee. However. Is. Our corridor. Calm I spent three days in front of my laptop answering. Questions and in. An apparently I. And. So, they created or appliances, and on my. Three nights we're just went out. So. Please if, you are publishing, content, please, Cody. All. Whatever you published, on your computer, or on the cloud because. It could anticipate for, it up without, the morning I also. Need some tips in there on, how to do. Well with that and how to. Search engine optimizer, I've, also suggested, ways that, another. Michael which is kind of get sales and results had a big deal so. And. I'd. Also like you to do been defiance. First. Of all. Congratulations. All. Right so, what, is now on the screen it's a whole bunch of people. And. Finally. By. Now. What it's doing is. It's, bringing up all the people who are in the room now, lots of you are already in touch me because I believe a checkbox is there but, if I scroll down and, I. See just a little head with a plus I'm, not related to those, so. If you just keep pressing plus plus class and then many people get back to. And. This is a really good trick that you're presenting, to, connect with everybody in. The room so we'll leave it open for a couple minutes. So. You're speaking a little bit and you want to get into the ring. You, can. Yep. And. Then you just pass, us while it's happening, but. You have to eat the non that's great thanks, Vic to something else on it both. Disappear. I. Don't. Know exactly but, flooded. One between a few tons of it'll. Have. To be on that's right I think so the next thing we're going to do is if, you just press in the search box. It, should say scan, a QR code, on. Your screen so pressing the search box there's a little sweat and. You'll. See my, code so if you've never had an every Manish I'll. Go, to my clothes and, I'm about to using, pen camera, while. You're swimming sorry. So. Brandy well, you. Want to be optimized, for your name your. Expertise. And. Your business time so. All three of those need, to be mentioned. Also. If, you have a company, page, we. Need to be updating, them at least once a month you. Don't have to do it six times a day. Lifting. Samsa, mark neutrals okay. I've. Heard that number of people tell me that they'd rather advertising. Campaigns, on with you and there's a lot of money and no. Results and. Then I've had a few, very, extremely. Competent, weather finest people say, it's been very successful. So. Considering. The sales and marketing options, you. Really need to know a lot, more than what I can cover today you. Also need to have a fairly large wings, so, one of my clients is the prostitutes. Girls pilot school in Sydney we, tried to run an, ad only, interviewed. Black people. And. We. Didn't have enough people who could even qualify. For that campaign. So. Also. Can I just have a show of hands how, many of you spend more than half an hour. And, you're interested, the. Average punter doesn't. Say. So. There are. Okay. So. It's. Scary. 20 Americans, to. We, get so. Nothing. Hit shots you really need to think about which would, be like taking photographs all these, are people like illiterate people somewhere else you know so what, human especially trained photographs. Cells. Now again how to get the most out of this module again not, something I use is but one of the things that is during alligator, is. An assault or context, within prospects, or clients and, that's something that night, so, I definitely encourage you to consider you.

Know Really, understanding, before you take it off what, tends to happen with, a lot of painful services. If, they're all very helpful to you subscribe, and in the help disappears. So. Please make sure you have all your questions before, you sign up. Dudes, for The Reluctant social. Media, consultant. Don't, be, in. Here. Somewhere else, I still, believe in regulation and the right Asajj because. That you own you, keep you, can adjust my. Children. Small. Business ideas for seniors. Told, his son is, a senior. And. He's really excited getting, them home some extra, instead of retard, so. You, must remember what. Your best, interest, to TCS and we have the most value, and, in. A way that, will our new client, will understand. So. You might have this few 12 experience, one of my clients is a Latino, 70s we've been painting the last wagon needs Johnny, wants to paint so, she doesn't mean to mention in the previous 30, years of the Karima. Painting. Career so, think. About the. Message years. Later, as, I said if I attract, people, to me but, I don't just use my deep. So. Nothing. Specific but I used in June for researching, companies context, that would be great to know how, do you system up until the message to all the team to, the linens India I haven't advanced search is on Google as well as to do some searches, on lifting, and her tracks. Research. Company. Pages under, the link engagement. Engagements. Are very important scene because all the platforms don't, want you to just show how to create content content, and not, engage with any content, so. Each piece of content you put out usually. People. Like it, when, you interact with their content, oh. Oh. My, goodness, they'll be so excited that, you've ever to interact. And. Equated. To a million dollars so. One. Because, there's only two buttons to press services. Will reduce so somebody always clicks, on you. To do find. Out while they, look at that assignment they're legit pieces with me. So. Many. Piglets. And. This way always. So. If you put it on LinkedIn boots right away and, then add two per side because, in any bowl of onions, you, clearly have. To in, theory if you want both. Different. Days. Because. Already. Is today I try to update one, with AD index for Google and, in. All being outdated, so, I'm actually polish. You. Should have come in look. You. Couldn't be very careful, with what you publish and, what you shave because, it's all part of your identity. So. Intermittent. To me I. Would, easily know why I make, millennium, Diwali. Really crazy what we do because it's something popular it, would keep going through the newspaper. Before. So. I don't want to always, be. Because. It's good for me to judge, somebody else if. It's only in Tibet blade gently gently. Quite. Often not, need someone who can actually do business. So, it always. Try, and say to yourself he's. Content with my life is she related. To, students and research of this year about. My. Exes. And. Sharing. Content to, become you do and, you in the newsfeed your. Name is me see, so, Dean is a CEO maverick but my luck so here's headlines, and we're here with, every post so, your line, is very nature. And. What she says. See he thought of Telstra pretend, to a tank we're doing well. And. If, the PR department of, Chelsea has been doing well. You. Need to be on. Business. Generally. Suggest to touch, the cocktail on Iran, and share, yeah. Also be shared or just. Wait. So. I do tweet, my content. Pieces. Interesting. Cycle. Yes. Oh. Thanks. For joining us to, get out.

2018-08-16 17:44

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