Small Business Check-5 | Business Solution | TikTok Compilations

Small Business Check-5 | Business Solution | TikTok Compilations

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[Music] i [Music] do [Music] our house has been a warehouse for over a year so finally this weekend we decided to go to ikea buy some bookshelves that did not fit in our car luckily we have a really good friend who has a truck that helped us move we started setting up the bookshelves that took us a few hours to make and finally we were ready to move our product in if you are a small business owner working out of your house keep going keep pushing it gets better and this is our new office what do you guys think i got in one little fight and my mom got scared i said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in bel air now this is a story all about how [Music] all small business owners show me everything that you have in stock right now everything that you have ready to go ready for people to purchase and be shipped out there's no better person to promote your business than yourself so let's do this take this video and show us what you got how do i sell myself or get my name out there when i'm just starting out that is literally one of the biggest questions that i get asked almost every single day when you're your own boss and it's your own business you have to remember that your business is going to grow as much as you put into it you are the face things for my small business that don't make sense these rainbow drawers everybody has because of the angle you can't put separators in there so you can basically put one thing these cardboard ones are better because they're flat on all sides so you can put more stuff in them and you can just stack them up wherever not take up as much space this demo printer everybody told me to get do not get this demo printer get a rolo instead this one is always breaking and jamming getting your business cards for moo and vistaprint is too expensive and takes too long staples does 24 hour printing they can be double-sided and they're also cheaper please don't be ugly please don't be ugly please please oh my god hey guys i saw this hat and i really wanted to try it out so you get these boards and you duct tape them together you can use as many as you want i used four and you kind of create like a book for them if that makes sense so that each flip is basically a different background and then you get any different colored paper wallpaper contact paper i chose marble over here and you cut it to size with a bit of extra and you stick it down onto one flip if that makes sense so two sides basically and then you cut off the trimmings and all that stuff and then it's basically a great photography hack for anyone selling any products or anything so when i take pictures of my cakes i can now use this as my background and like the best thing is is that each time you flip it be like a different designer print so it can easily match any product that you're selling so you finally started your own business let's go over the side hustle checklist start by forming an llc you can do this with your state it's fairly affordable or you can pay a company to do it for you but don't pay more than a few hundred dollars next get an ein they're free and easy to get i made a video on exactly how to do it then we're going to take the llc and the ein and we're going to open up a bank account doesn't matter where just get a separate bank account always check with your city some cities require permits like los angeles the most important one keep good records no exceptions never mix your business money with your personal money keep everything separate it's easier to do taxes it's easier to do accounting and it's easier to save money with write-offs be good to future you guys [Music] running your own business is not easy here's a list of some helpful skills to understand that will make you a better business owner my secret to running and owning a successful business is understanding let me explain it's just not possible for a business owner to get good at all of these things so what we need to do is we need to understand how they work so that we can hire the right person to take care of these things for us let's use seo as an example once you understand on-page off-page and technical seo you know enough to be able to have a conversation with an expert that way you can make sure you're hiring the right person here's another one if you understand the basics of bookkeeping how to read a balance sheet a profit and loss and a cash flow statement you can hire the right bookkeeper to do your books in a way that will help you run your business better this list definitely doesn't have everything use it as a jumping off point to educate yourself and be good to future you [Music] is that small business really overcharging for their handmade items or are we comparing them to mass-produced products whose prices don't reflect the time energy and effort that are put into their creation by workers who are undervalued and underpaid in a society that promotes mass consumption so i've seen this sticker dispenser all over tik tok needed to upgrade my tupperware and chopstick let's go [Music] hi this is part two of my five business tips to get you started grab your list of identified opportunities look through it and i suggest narrowing it down to three or five how can you do that well assess what you can do immediately as of now with your resources business doesn't have to be big okay you can start small and grow it big don't be intimidated by those who have big conglomerate businesses everything started small okay now as you narrowed it down we'll go through the second step which is creating a business plan let me tell you a secret business plans don't need to be complicated remember analysis by paralysis you don't want to get stuck planning about your business that it doesn't enable you to start so here's my very actionable doable business i know a lot of people use drifty shirts so then i order some from there and also order some from shirt space both of them arrive quickly however shirt space is a little bit cheaper so [Music] three entrepreneurs should be part of my first million is a support group for making your first million dollars lmb is a group for entrepreneurial women who also love their wine and the ads mba is a group for women in ecom who want to master facebook and instagram ads nobody's gonna know nobody's gonna know they're gonna know how would they know [Music] so i have a small business and i needed one of those label printers but i did not want to pay a hundred dollars for it so i found a much cheaper option everything i got was from amazon and so the first thing i got were the shipping labels they were four dollars on amazon and they also come in different quantities the second thing i got was this scale this was only 17 on amazon so once you have all your supplies the first thing you do is you take your package and you weigh it see how much it weighs then once you have that you go on this website pirate ship where you can create your shipping labels you put in all your information all the dimensions of the package and then you buy the label it's always much cheaper than it will be at your post office then you just print the label and you download the pdf you get the label paper and you put it in your printer upside down then you just print it out and it should look something like this and it's a sticker so you can just stick it right on and then you're done much cheaper nail tech finds in kmart trinket tray for client jewelry [Music] glitter containers for custom acrylics or nail art containers for nail art [Music] all right business owners show us where your packaging stuff is from let's help people out some people are starting off the way we were starting off at one point so let's show them in the right direction show them where you get your packaging stuff from and show some love so you guys liked my last amazon video for small business owners so i'm gonna give you another one this has to be my favorite purchase from amazon for my business it's the rolo thermal printer this is what i use to print my shipping labels there's no ink no toner nothing like that and it prints super super fast i have some orders i'm about to do so i'm gonna show you so i have it hooked up and it's connected to my laptop print look how fast [Applause] here's how i create a month's worth of content for my clients in under one hour first i start creating their three to five content pillars then i create numbers one through ten under each content pillar next i do some content research in pinterest instagram and tick tock and list out some ideas and topics under each pillar then i batch create the content load it into my content calendar and send it off for approval here's a simple exercise that can help you determine the niche for your new small business so try to answer these questions as honestly as possible because it will really help you determine the niche that you can apply for your business number one what interests you what is your passion don't limit yourself it can be any topic under the sun and here's some examples two what takes up most of your time how do you plan to manage your time and three what are your talents what are you capable of so that's it let me know how it goes if you need any more help comment down below and have a good day bye if you own a small business please keep watching this this is really important i don't want any of your accounts to get deleted so this is very important if you're using music on your videos you're probably breaking the rules without even knowing it while i don't really believe in this logic it's still important that we follow the rules because i don't want any of your accounts to get deleted because i know for so many people tic toc is really really helping their business for that reason you need to make sure you use music that is okay to use for commercial use even though you're not selling anything with the music in it you are using that music to help sell your product and so it is against tick tock's rules and it's against the music rules and you could get in serious trouble for it what i mean is you could get your account suspended or you could even get it deleted thankfully what's really helpful is my sounds thing it says only showing sounds are licensed for commercial use i don't know how you can get this it just showed up online but this has been really helpful we're going to take freezer paper put it shiny side down set to your cricut to parchment paper to cut after weeding you're going to take your iron no water in it and iron this to your mat i just do it a few seconds let it get down now we're going to do some flex seal spray um you might see some loose ends come up if you do put them down with either toothpick or attack to make sure they stain they don't fly away or move when you're spraying i like to spray on a 90 degree angle so it's even coated and mark off your sides because fluffy does get a little bit crazy and does go everywhere after flex seal let it dry for a few minutes and then pick up those loose ends first because if you wait they're going to get all over your mat and some of the [ __ ] feel after pull up your stencil look how good it came out let it finish drying and you are good to go so i just had a genius marketing idea for the holiday season for my brand and i thought i would share with you all so that you can do it for your brand as well so it's kind of like a willy wonka golden ticket situation so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to sticker mule and you're gonna get their sample pack of stickers go to the website click get samples and then scroll down and you can do the normal ones or i prefer the holographic ones and you can get ton of them for only nine dollars now you're either going to upload your logo or you can think of a cool design and you're going to click order ten stickers for nine dollars so when they come in they're gonna look like this they're gonna be holographic and they're gonna be super cute like i said it's gonna come in a pack of ten and it's only nine dollars okay so once you have your stickers in here's what you're gonna do we're gonna create a marketing campaign called like the 10 days of christmas or if you don't celebrate christmas you can call it whatever you want but it's going to be a 10 day holiday fiasco situation and you're going to advertise that for those 10 days one order a day that goes out is going to have one of these secret little stickers included one of these magic tickets you're going to put a note in the order saying that they're the winner and that they need to email you or dm you or whatever it is it's up to you what they win but i'm just gonna do a free product from my site is [Music] i have a confession to make people get really pressed when i share that these are the books that help me to make a million dollars but i haven't made a million dollars in my business no i've made three and we're requesting for oh and we're the number 16 fastest growing company in the midwest according to the inc 5000 just had to show those receipts real fast i'm going to go through this list fast but every single one of these books is super powerful first we have dot-com secrets by russell brunson this will teach you the basics of building a business with marketing at the center next up expert secrets by russell brunson i was very fortunate that he was my personal mentor i paid him 25 000 per year to learn from him and man did it make an impact on my business next up we have crush it by gary vaynerchuk so good the ultimate sales letter by dan kennedy the irresistible offer by mark joyner and building a story brand by don miller donald miller [Music] eyes [Music] these are the best times to post on instagram to boost your engagement make sure to convert them to your timezone this is a great way for small businesses to show their product here's how it turned out we had to give it a go the setup looked like this we put in a lot of effort and to be honest it did not work out at all well done to the jack skin girls [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you

2021-07-19 18:51

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