Small Business Big Leaders Episode #4 - Beck Bamberger and BAM Communications

Small Business Big Leaders Episode #4 - Beck Bamberger and BAM Communications

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My name is eagle and you're watching small, business big leaders. Join. Us as we find follow, and feature courageous. Committed, and culture oriented, business leaders on small, business big leaders. On. This episode of small business big leaders we're highlighting Beck Bamberger and your business band communications. I'm. So, excited to have dick Bamberger, on the show back thank you so much for being here thank you for having me after like four people saying you, need to interview back for the show I said that's, it you're, here did you want your hair we're finally here thanks man sorry, that's right I love animals, it's great thanks for being on the show you for having me awesome, so let's get into it sure I talk about business and leadership right. So that you agree that we walked in here tons. Of employees, the places, has. A great vibe to it thank, you tell us about them Communications, why, you started, and what it is mm-hmm, BAM, communications, right now represents. What we like to say barrier-breaking. Technology. Companies usually, venture-backed, fast-growing. They're, usually collecting, money from a Series A Series, B and they're doing something that is. Moving. The mark in their industry, or their verticals, so we're not interested, in Oh an app that helps your dog, get streets. Faster, more, so companies, that are doing something quite innovative. In maybe AI with a health tech component, to it something. That may be driving industry, and construction technology and things, that are actually viably. Making. A dent in the world saving people's lives and so forth and that's our main focus in terms of what we do it's, about getting these types of clients showcased. In all types of media whether, it's in a bloomberg or on CNBC, or in a TechCrunch, or USA Today they're. Coming to us because they want that editorial, media, exposure, nice. So I want to go back in time a little bit yes that's, okay would, your website tons of information yes, right. Graduated. At 19 yes. Yeah. 21, I mean you see like yes yeah no to Miami I'm so, from 21, to now what happened a lot. Of things do you want this is only 20 minute, okay. Notes. Is I'm, from San Diego I love it here my parents are still here loved, everything, about it so of course I wanted to come back came. Back was. Doing, was, working at NBC the local station here at that time I already had a number of internships in television. So working on certain shows doing, the producer, being the line producer you know sending. The copies to everybody I mean like that the grunt worked the bottom of the barrel and I. Knew that well. I want to do my own TV, show that was a hosting. And showcasing, business, leaders people like Ralph Rubio here in the community how, do I, pee, Oh Rubio's how did it start with the fish taco and so forth so eventually I did my own TV, show which was great we ran that on a couple of stations here then. Or, somewhere, in the midst of that I got, introduced, to a PR executive here, in town who had his own company for several years and he's. A team of maybe ten or so and while. I was working on a certain season, of a show I was in his office and via, I mean just osmosis, I picked up oh this, is what PR is it seems kind of kind, of I could do this it's kind of maybe it's getting easy yeah. And I thought oh well I'm gonna start my own firm I'm gonna start that so then I started my own firm BAM, and at. First it was just local. Stuff I mean I knew it had new training in this whatsoever so a lot of my team has been at firms went, to school for public relations know. This this is a fully hacked. Piece. By piece figuring. It out at a time now thankfully, there's people here who have done this for many years so there's many things to learn but it, was really hacked along the way and, at. This point now we're, about thirty folks, some, in New York some, here and. We represent clients all over the world but a lot in San Francisco Los Angeles and, so forth and that's. Where we are now and we're interested in growing the company to an acquisition by a big daya big PR firm so that's our that's our how we win the game that's our game but that's how we would know like ooh we, got to do it and then I did some other stuff like I had a food tour company sold that we sold that last year that was fun we started something else. There was always things you know to dabble in but the main focus is boom now. In the pre-interview. We talked about you. Know being the first female on the show it's, it's taking something sorry. But. Like everybody said you, have to get back so I waited okay, right so you're special okay way to save yourself no I like it okay so, in. The peanut we talked about that whole thing about you know being a female boss and then she like, you said you, kind of have an idea about that yeah.

Tell Everybody what. It. Is there, does not need to, be the. Added, prefixes. Or any adjectives. Of CEO. Or, girl, boss or anything, it's just boss, it's just. See it's, just leader, and, so, my, perspective, on this has been there's been too. Much of the pendulum swing towards. Emphasizing. The female aspect and. Really. The emphasis should be on know producing. And game and growing, and mentoring great, leaders, regardless. Of sex. Or regardless of sexual orientation or, whatever they even identify, with now it's very I think a little funny to think it's, very binary you know it's male or it's female but it's there's, a whole spectrum so, the whole even knows right, and so it seems, too, much of focus, is misdirected. On just focusing on that and and, leveraging, that now, I'm not saying programs. Should not be directed. Towards that or there should be help, and resources, to help bring females. Into the fold or any minority, into the fold it's. More so to de-emphasize. It so, that we can have a conversation on just know, it's leadership it's being, a boss that's being a CEO and there doesn't need to be an extra, adjective, or an. Association, with something else like you said you know thing about us is just being about us yeah there you don't need to have a. Subgroup. It almost seems to me it almost seems like a sub Christmas. And and we don't need to emphasize that no, right you talked about having 30 employees about. Ish don't. You start losing count yeah and so going from something that you hacked yeah, into, what it is now what's, the hardest part of. It all it. Does not get easier. It. Gets different. And. Actually. This was almost verbatim. I did not get this from the book but read de la la has a book, out principles, he's from the big hedge fund group everything. In Alice book after his almost, 40 year career spans. Us and there's a part in the book that I just read, that talks about oh yeah, there's always challenges they, don't evaporate you don't get to a size with, oh well I hired that person and I'm done oh we got to that amount of money and oh it's all easy or that it. There's, always different problems, there's always different problems to solve and I would even say if it does get easy if there's everyone where you're going - wow this I'm really coasting, you. Are not pushing yourself enough you're you you to refigure. Out, what. Else you can hone. In on or push to the next level because you're probably getting a little bit lazy a little bit cushy there should not be a point if you are pushing yourself and you are striving that. You're. Coasting and it's comfortable and it's easy should, not be easy it just gets different which.

Segues Beautifully. To, the. Uncomfortable, experience oh. Yeah. So talk, about you talk about being, comfortable and getting, out of the bubble and damp and you, push yourself to be uncomfortable, yes and you've got some wild stuff tell us so. First. If you're gonna start a business you're gonna grow business that's uncomfortable enough but. If you want a next level that and you, want to get even sharper, with, it there. Are all types of things that you can do to be uncomfortable. You, can think of probably a few things right now that you're like oh I really you know I don't want to do that why would I wouldn't like to do that like anything you go I don't know that's, the uncomfortable, stuff and everyone. Has uncomfortable things you're uncomfortable, things are very different from mine though because we're all different people with different backgrounds, and all the stuff but everyone, can have some, edge of the bubble of what is comfortable versus, comfortable, it's, not that you're ever done with the practice, you, just need to consistently do. The practice to keep pushing, on the edge because there's no like oh you're at the finish line it's it's, the edge of what is comfortable. Just. Gross, so. In. Business, life it's. Amazing when you do this practice and do the really hard things that you're pushing against, that you come back into your business environment, or your or your life your day-to-day life and go like huh I hope, it's much easier oh my god there's a problem there's a disaster it worked like it's not it's bad cuz at least I'm not naked, you know like think like literally things like that so, it's, it's so, great and I, would say particularly for entrepreneurs, who already feel oh and learn you're doing uncomfortable stuff it's. Sharpen as a saw it, gets you to the next point, and then. Things, that used to bug you really. Will dissolve quickly and not and. That's the cool part yeah, I respect. The courage yeah, some things is that list yeah. See. We, did start. Making your list yeah right. Show it to you tell me it's good, yeah so 30 employees what, does that then to your leadership here and how do you create the. Culture, so. There's more, success for the company so on. The culture thing it. Only it does not just, originate. From one person, so. People think oh you know I have to hire vets is that the culture it's, an organic. Multifaceted. Think, that is contributed, to by, each person, who's, here which means even. More importantly each person who's here has. Something to contribute to it and either is going to hurt it harm it contribute. To it make, it flourish all, the different things so you kind of have to think of it as kind of this ecosystem or this thing, in nature that's that's always evolving that you are a player in it of course and you get to be used maybe the boss the one who selects in who's, in the ecosystem, but, that's kind, of about it, so, in, terms, of oh what do we what do we do and I can say this right now we're about to have a surprise bridal, shower no but I brought a baby shower for one of our employees she has no idea I didn't. Come up with that I didn't say oh hey guys we need you someone, came along with my team and said hey would it be great if we did this in this and like yeah go yeah great do that so you're. More of a shepherd I believe in the entrepreneurial, role, and you, need to cultivate the, ecosystem, of of the culture in terms of the leadership aspect of it as. More. People will come to, an organization. They. Also draw, in others to the organization, and what. I'm having conversations about with people right now on the team is especially those who have not had you, know big teams or small, teams even under, them is the fact that people come, for you they. Come for you you. Can always make more money you can always find more perks you can always be working at Tesla or Google let's say or whatever you know you can always be going, after the greener grass of sorts for your career and whatnot but a, lot of people when you ask them stay. And come. To an organization because. Of who they, work with who. Their peers are who their bosses are and everything, so people who are leading other people in your team need. To get that and need to understand, oh wow. Maybe, it's flattering for a moment but more so it's the responsibility, of knowing they're, here for you you, really are at the end of the day because they can make all there's all these other options that they could take but they're shown up for you which, means show. Them them respect, give them the tools that they need ask them for the feedback and, encourage. Them more to have that feeling that they're here to show up for you they want to. And. So, with that baby shower today yes and you've created kind.

Of The company to to, be able to have those ideas on their own yeah and free, not to micromanage, exactly. Everything that's happening I don't believe you micromanage culture. Then. It's not authentic yeah it's, kind of like if you were to be like oh here's, a rainforest and I'm gonna decide, how when, it rains and what animal eats what animal and what is that I mean that's not it's, not how exactly it were it is an organic thing that needs to fuse. All together and. It's gonna come out now if there, is something that's damaging. Or killing, the whole ecosystem, of it that's where okay there's maybe things need to be taken out of it but, it always going to it always goes back to people it's never because of the type of business it is oh well, we're in the trash business or oh, okay, we're in the medical device business it, does not matter the business you can have whatever culture, regardless. Of what. The business is you're in - which. Means great you, can then, decide who, are the players involved and what you want to do with it what. Are some things that you have a line in the sand when. It comes to your company like, if this. Happens that's a no-go for me I, will. Say it goes to our core values and. This. Is a like hire and fire this, is very cliche but it is seriously true is you hire and fire by your core values one. Of our core values is positive, if, you're a negative nancies pain in the ass or asshole. That. Cannot, be tolerated and, it'll, it, one, of two things happens that person cycles out themselves because it's like whoa you, know this is this is not my people, or - that person's just eliminated, you're, fired so, you. Need to stick to, those. Core values so for me it's those if it was someone who came in here every day that, out is - negative that. Would be gone if it's someone who's just kind of Oh bump on along and just kind of oh every day no proact is one of our core values so you can't. Be just writing, down the, I mean, it's not even a business that can succeed if, the type of business were in a public place you need to be you, know on it so, that. That would be the line that, would be the type of line and, then the reverse is true with the type of clients we bring on board too because. We. Have a selection criteria for that but it also goes to those core values so if we're, talking to a potential company, oh and, they're doing this really radical technology and, they sound so interesting what. We're talking to the marketing person who would be who we talked to and that, person is an ass. We're. Probably gonna say you know there's things we will say like you know it no because this person's not going to be a positive person, to, work with or team to work with is gonna be a nuisance and in the end of the day people are not gonna want to deal with that from, our team so without would be a client we don't even take on and. You choose that clientele, once you see that yeah yeah you have to thank you coach. So let's get back to the 5:00 a.m. right right. Because that's I heard, a great phrase two weeks ago which is discipline, equals freedom it's. Very true and. If you wake up at 5 a.m. every day run. Every day yeah that's. Gonna be some dissing you know what else no one calls you at 5 a.m., not. Even the New York team yeah so not even our use Cosi Cosi so that for me I'm already a morning person and and, if you look at my family my dad is a super morning president my mom isn't sleeper my sister was asleep so it's it's, like whatever judge is funny we, got it from that so for me it's. My sanctuary it's my sanity, I get to listen to all types of books I could think I get to go review over goals I do vocabulary, words well award I it's, just not like my time, that is not intercepted, that. Is not. Miss. Scheduled, or were somehow derailed, I could. Not do the like 4 o'clock gym, out workout, or like 7:00 p.m. like that cuz do you just get concerned for me you get consumed by oh oh I got to do that thing and someone who's I know that thing that, doesn't work for me so, my.

When, People say oh I just don't have time the thing is we, all have the same 24 hours, a day every. Person, Elon, Musk even has 24, hours a day so. How, great is that is this just it just wipes the board clean, of the, have-nots or the have many, or whatever whoever you want we, all the same amount hours day so, how you use, it is, up. To you. And your. Time allocation, could then be figured out to be the. Best use of your time with what you want to do what you want to accomplish so, mine, is the 5 a.m. so I can get that out of the way I'm charged up for the day I love, it great I'm fresh you know my mind is clear and everything maybe. It's something else, maybe it's a noon time for someone else or something but you need to have, that or else it it. Will you'll become reactionary, now because, there's business, owners, and leaders watching this what, are three things that you think business, owners should be disciplined, in in. Order for their company to get to the next level. What. You, were winning, with the game you have set that. Is the number one thing so let's let's say first, of all if you're running a business if, you start your own business, you, basically selected. The game you want to play what. Is the game you want to play you, want to grow a small business you want to have eventually 10 employees you want a lifestyle, business you want to retire at 40 you want to change the world whatever you know whatever, your game is then. How. Do you know you won the game because. The worst is when, you don't have a goal you don't like when you hit it you're just you just you don't know if you're there cuz you never really figured out where you are so defining. How. You win the game because it's fun to win it's fun to win and you're in your own game that's, why you're doing then you can do the next you know game or the next thing in life so I'm, all about that I'm a competitive to as many entrepreneurs are so figuring, out okay what's the game I'm playing how. Do I know I won the game and then. Sticking to playing that game you, cannot be on the field of multiple, games at a time so, you need to stick to you know the shiny stuff that people get confused by or like if you get all over but you.

Have One game at a time typically, typically. One. Main game at the time that you were or winning form and then execute. And focus, all attention, on winning I'm also a big fan of let, everyone else know how. You're gonna win how you're gonna win the game and what, you were trying to win so, that everyone could be focused everyone can be driving towards and everyone knows that some people say oh well we usually tell you shouldn't tell your staff you shouldn't tell your employees like how you know what your plan is like huh I'm, transparent. Why would you not want your. Leaders, and the people that are trying to work for you to accomplish something not to know what the game plan is that just, seems. Unwise. Me well, I think it's a saying, aspect. That all the leaders that we've interviewed so far they say the same thing be, transparent, be open with your employees. A lot, of business orders say like. An open, what I mean like what the goals are how are you gonna get there as opposed. To like I'm not going to tell them we're, going to. Plan. Is to. Marshall after something that's, just good, leadership and, we're not a new generational. Situation. Yeah they, want to know the mission to, help you get there yeah so they can get there as well yeah. So. Before, we wrap up couple, more questions one. Is how. Can people find you okay, if. They want to hear about your. Uncomfortable. Experiences, or bam communication, okay so, for, my personal, website it's just Beck Bamberger calm, easy, my. Information, is there and we'll put that you can put it you can put it down here someone and then BAM is just BAM communications, dot biz because I see and that's the website for the PR firm you can see all our clips. And team and good stuff like that awesome, the last question I ask everybody. Is, who, was a leader in your life and, explain to us why I. Was. Thinking about this moment do I want to go with the cliche answer I have to go the cliche answer because, it's, been someone I've been watching, since. I was a child and it's Oprah it's seriously Oprah I know it sounds like I, brought. In you to do TV interview. Oprah. Seriously. That, is a cultural. Icon of, our time, unprecedented. For many, many many reasons but. Someone, who in, in. The, function of storytelling, which I love stories I love storytelling change. The face of how that was done for, decades. And is still doing that so, it's a long-form that like the sit down the interviews, the things she does now like in her forest at her Santa Barbara life like that wasn't done that wasn't a lot of what was done it in a casual, like homey setting and a real deep dive and even on this soft stuff or you know that, was really drove. Driven. By her but when you said cliche, I for, the first time read her story like a month ago, and what she went through and what she dealt with from. The traumas, the setbacks. Into. Where she is today it's like Bravo you can say Oprah anytime yeah exactly. I'll. Say it forever so yeah there. You go awesome Beck thank you so much Amy for sure yeah it's been incredible and check out the other episodes of small business big leaders online, and check, out back she's awesome and make. A list of uncomfortable, experiences, yes email. Me if you're having GE done. Thanks. For watching small business big leaders if you know a great business leader go to small business big leaders com2, nominate them for a chef thanks. You.

2018-01-17 04:56

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