Single Girl Tries The 100-Baby Challenge In The Sims 4 | Part 4
Let's get back to some baby-making. Hey. Everybody, my name is Kelsey I'm single, and we thought it would be funny if I played the 100 very challenge, last time I got, to see a bunch of your dad's that you guys created for Chelsea, and so this time we're, gonna go all in we're gonna seduce more men we're gonna have more babies and we're gonna hopefully age up our first toddler, I have ambitious, goals but I spent a lot of time looking at men last time so I really need to catch up oh my gosh to, just start out Lars, is already called and it's asking Chelsea. To go on a date I'm pretty sure we're allowed to go we should go on a date we're going to go on Chelsea's first date oh wait. This is such a cute place, Lars thank, you let's embrace to. Begin our date Oh what's, up Lars, mm-hmm. You, guys made it with such a deep voice the, largest, voice is so deep it's been a while since I've been on a date so this is exciting and Chelsea's never been on a date this is her fourth kid and she's never been on a date I'm sorry Chelsea I did you dirty let's kiss him oh. I. Think, they went on a date to a bar but is there food here she's got hurt scrambled, eggs and bacon she's just gonna eat it she's gonna pull it out of her purse I think he'll respect that she just doesn't care she's, gonna confess her attraction, then she's gonna be like Lars listen, I'm attracted, to you and, I want you to be my. Next baby daddy asked him about his day too she's, been a little flirt, heavy with Lars but I think they want to build their friendship, too, this, is helping okay her eating and having a date she's the queen of double tasks oh he just went inside that's, okay, I think he went to the bathroom, she's just gonna continue to eat her food out here maybe there's like a game inside, that she can play let's play with. Lars. Domenic, here, and Connor. Wait I think Connor is another one of your guys's, dad. Oh my gosh our ex Dominic, is here that is so awkward while, we're on a date and this girl is pregnant - how, many pregnant, women are here, around this town flirt oh we could wound a bush, well, that would get her fun up real fast why not all right enough with this game let's, seal the deal here on this date makes sense for Chelsea if you could come up to and be like hey I saw, a bush outside wanna. Have. A little fun in that Bush can you stop playing foosball, for, one moment like I know it was my idea bro but I really really want to ask you this question about a bush really, oh no, you are not doing that you are not talking to other people on this date except for maybe the bartender you, introduce, yourself - Connor what's up the dates almost over it was a good date though I think she's successful. I'll call you baby, ouch. Lars whatever. You know what Chelsea's too good for you and I'm sure you'll come over when she calls anyway bye this. Was a fun date guys she's. Going, that, is not good for the baby Dominic. Don't follow me home we, both knew, at the beginning of this what. This was is, she gonna walk home. Chelsea.
Are You gonna just walk home I don't think that's good for baby all right she got a pee first and foremost let's check on Jamie Jamie needs a bath, Brielle needs to use, the, potty and, then, use the sleepy. Time Olive, is perfect, so we're gonna have olive, build her skills, you're almost done with thinking, so let's do that all right break. Who. Just passed out she did not finish her potty, going, cuz she needed this leave I think we got the order wrong come, on Brielle you got this Chelsea. Why did you go to bed you have to give Jamie a bath. Give. Jamie a bath you goon welcome. Back to the MGP Schmid children family you wanna take a bath Jamie yes. Please I have, stink lines coming off of me mom you've been a little bit negligent, put away these plates cuz Chelsea's a single mom and she needs some help she needs all the help she can get Oh Brielle. We got a stinker, I can't wait til all of his like a kid what that'd be exciting. Now you get to go to bed Brielle take, yourself to bed my darling great this is perfect everything is going according to plan I like that they can learn thinking, from up iPad, that's, good Josie's, got into labor but she's writing a book Chelsea. You're in labor have, the baby at the hospital she's. Like I am, super. Contractee. That. Was a technical, term baby, number four Wow we're gonna have another baby that brief, pause without a baby was super nice right I'm excited though this just means that we cannot invite, over our good friend Lars, to. Have, baby. Number five. Only. 95, to go right I need. To figure out how to get twins I know there's like a lot thing we can do so maybe we'll look into that today congratulations, it's a girl Wow we're, gonna have an army of women house, really, it did ask a couple challenges ago for some baby name suggestions, so. I'm gonna jump on to there my favorite was that a lot of you suggested. Your own names which i think is, hilarious so, Alexis, said Alexis. I love it Alexis, is the name Thank, You Alexis, for the name of our baby we named our child after you thanks for watching this video baby, alexis, is here and. We're, ready to have another baby. Let's. Go have whoo hoo oh wow. I didn't, miss the sound of babies crying all right go home Chelsey you got business to do it's, business time Chelsea's. Home from, the hospital in, her finest. Outfit, and she's gonna oh she's gonna take care of her baby alexis, is crying find, out what's wrong here and COO at her and then we're gonna call up our boy our, new BAE Lars, what's, up Lars.
Why. Is our baby sad again well the dad is coming in the. Future dad leave, stop, talking to your daughter. There's. A man over here she's like hold on one second I got I got motherhood, to do but like there's, a purpose for having you here okay no no don't, where are you going, what, is he doing, all right Laura's embrace, it we're, gonna do a little flirt she's like hey thanks for coming over I don't know if you noticed but I clearly, recently, just had a baby so, it's that time of, video. Again, where, we try, for a baby you. Down why, is the baby well Lisa Alexis. I know we need the baby after you but my gosh we, can't we can't get it on while the baby's sleeping or can, we or. Can we. I'm. A little, bit sister I wanted. Her to stop what. They just did it so here, we are what I I'm. So sorry Alexis to the person that named this baby after themselves. At. Least you know at least Chelsea's, having a good time fix your baby then take, a pregnancy, test and then go back to bed this little girl is still crushing. It at, her skill building but she doesn't even sleep so let's have her sleep we don't want a bunch of cranky kids she's looking a lot better so, maybe we'll have her pick up we're. Eating. For two Chelsey. Is pregnant. Thanks. Lars and. Thank, you to the person who created Lars for us I'm, pregnant she. Says and. Lars is like are you serious that's amazing. I fulfilled my life purpose what, is he doing what, are you up to man he's, cleaning our floors, I. Mean. Thanks. Man, this. Is freewill baby, I'm not gonna say no to this wait, she's level three I'm thinking great all right so your level through I'm thinking now we just need, movement. And then, once her movements, done we just need potty and then we can age her up maybe we will get her aged up in this episode that'll be great where, is this guy going he. Cleaned up two of them but he left the third that's fine Lloris you're, more than we could have asked for thank, you so much it's all done. Alright, no we all we need to fix, her potty so let's have her go potty I should really get going now thanks for hanging out with me see you later thanks Lars thank, you for being, a friend I. Don't. Know the rest of us huh I just know that part she's, pumped. She's, like I just pooped, and I'm proud look, at all those little bugs in a rug, everybody. Sleeping that's great. Huh. Proud parent right here she's feeling confident, I'm feeling confident. Chelsea all right it's, time Jamie, we're. Gonna potty train you he. Said I don't wanna and you're like too, bad you don't have a choice why is he angry. Don't. Want to do it he's a defiant, baby, yeah. It. Looks like he's doing it I'm. So proud of you, rails working on her finger skills olives. Working on her potty skills, Jamie. Is working on getting, his way to the food good, job Jamie you've made it and, she has three yet she's, really close go.
Potty If we just keep making, your go potty will it help, will. She keep going, looks like our baby doesn't like us Alexis. Why are you so difficult oh my gosh are you there yet no you're not but. You should probably sleep and, then. We'll help you try again and we made more money Hey we've hit a thousand, dollars guys loyalties. Are amazing. Wow. Ever since we got a iPad. Our kids have been angels I feel. Like that's a lesson for us all maybe we need another iPad, we've got another iPad we spent a ton of money I don't care oh they're. So cute look, at his little outfit, he's got a little tail oh. Look. At human Brielle. Feel. Like I'm. Playing a game do you play the game they're probably not saying that they're toddlers it's probably not good at all she's in here doing our work they're having a great combo. This. Is heaven am I just too good at this challenge now ha ha a couple little fixes, and now I'm queen, of challenge. I'm challenge, Queen I'm feeling confident, real still, crushing, it she's, almost at level 2 of thinking, which is great and he's at level 2 communication, already my children, are brilliant, and, I'm brilliant, Goll is quiet in the PG schmate household, Brielle, is getting close to level threes on everything, wait. Kids will go to school to half the time I won't even have to deal with them that's incredible. She's just giggling to herself on the potty you know as one does she. Just, said Goomba oh thanks, Santa just called to say congratulations, on the new addition to the family thanks, Nana everyone's in bed everyone's, sleeping this is incredible, it's 5:00 p.m. a little bit of a weird time but like who cares potty around 3:00 all right here we go she's walking, up to the potty. She. Knows this might be the moment the, true moment, that she becomes a kid, why. Is partying, the thing that stands between her and childhood. Heck. If I know but, here we are, all. On the edge of our seats come, on Olaf you can do it just. Learn the. Potty. Yes. Crush. The potty make, this potty your. Final potty, on. The little kid toilet and graduate, graduate nope, ah, so. Close. Go. Again. All. Right this time is the time. Don't, let potty stand between you and victory is it, time is it time is it time, oh my. Gosh, this. Potty might be it one small step for kid what, Charlie, her, childhood, kind, let's age this baby up. Let's age her up oh they're, having like a nice mother-daughter, moment, right now Chelsea, pause in that book. Gotta. Bake that cake for for, your kid so, that she can age up what a special cake special. Cake with magical powers Chelsea's, like I am. Feeling, incredible, I am, an expectant, mother a mother. Of four. Beautiful, children and. I'm. In, a new flirtationship, with a guy named Craig he seems really great advert, they candles it's almost Alexis's. Birthday, that'll, be great, one. Must baby in the house alright here we go okay. Yes, pickup. That. Was weird, she missed she missed, but apparently it still worked okay here we go oh my, gosh our first kid, oh. My. Gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh she's gonna age up oh my goodness oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh. Wow. She's, aged up okay okay take a number between one, and four it's too great, so she's a mental, she's a little geek oh and then for this pick, a random number between one and thirty the answer is 18 18 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 17 18 whoo so she's squeamish and she's.
A Whiz kid. She's, a squeamish whiz kid all. Right oh. You. Oh my god I love, her I'm in love with olive, and. Marcus, has set his daughter all of it get all, of his beautiful. Oh my. Goodness she can do our homework do, that homework olive, look. At her space clothes, Wow. Oh, my gosh. Okay. We got to get her a big-girl bed oh my gosh all. Of you're so beautiful. Now. Olive can do a bunch of stuff can all clean this all, up can clean it it's, a whole new world we don't have to have dirty things anymore we have helped olive, it's here to save the day she's, gonna be a great kid start her homework, she's a little smelly doesn't, matter she, can watch her Sal oh, my, gosh olive I'm so sorry for using you I'm gonna use you a lot I'm gonna be using my daughter they're, both sitting at the edges of the other kids is beds while they sleep and having breakfast, she stirred homework because they don't have a table maybe. I should get a kitchen table maybe this is a sign but I think this moment's are really cute so I don't care. Chelsea. In her army, of children this, is a precious moment they're bonding, this is so cute. They. Have like the best relationship. To that's amazing, I think all of us always gonna be secretly my favorite but not secretly, because I just said it out loud today. You're doing, great maybe let's have you finished writing your book for a second so you can make more money to get all of more stuff well I'll have to have a great life olive is my everything, all of you is a stunner, she's gonna be a little heartbreaker, maybe. Like her mom yes, oh she's, so responsible. Good. Job olive now go take your bath and then can we have her like mom. And. She can clean this which, is good I'm gonna put you to work my girl she's finishing up her novel. It's 1:00 a.m. so she can't really invite Cregg over right now but, maybe tomorrow when. Her kids at school writing achievement. She finished another book okay cool we're gonna we're gonna publish that why, are you stealing that outfit. Maybe. We have enough money for a shower bath now. Whoa. This is not a look olive maybe we need to change olives outfit I'm not feeling, this these. Sandals, with joggers, in this vest, oh I. Mean it's all the same color but olive, maybe, she dressed herself for the first time fried, oh. He's. Mad. Why is Jamie always so angry and he's very frightening with it too I kind of like don't trust this kid oh she's, so responsible. Olive wait. What's that why is she uncomfortable, Oh gross, she's squeamish from trash maybe, it's because she's my kid but, I think all is the prettiest, kid I've ever seen, in the sins I just said it okay, all of it peaches may is the. Best. Oh it's, rebate day. What's. That. Shopping repay all purchases. In build mode or an extra 10% rebate. For today only by, an object worth at least 500, simoleons to complete this tradition, oh I, want to buy something cool, sure oh, can. We buy our our shower our shower bath. Okay. If we sell that do we have enough money for our shower bath that I really want, wow. This is how they get you yeah, shower. Bath. Olive. Is crushing, life. She's gonna be a straight A student in, no time her homeworks complete she's. On vacay like what else is there for olive to do but be a spectacular kid, she's gonna clean up she's gonna be the most responsible kid not because I'm trying to teach her responsibility, but because I'm using her. As. A second, parent, for. Olive she's gonna have to grow up so fast, yes bath shower I, love yes. Our bath shower she's playing computer games which is great girl after my own heart she's. Her mother's daughter look at her zoning, out oh my god are you gonna be a streamer I think.
When She's a team she can even get a job which is amazing, mom's gonna get a piece of cake for breakfast, I'm actually gonna see if there's like a lot traits, we can do a lot trait on layline yeah I think we can do that all right let's try to have twins that'd be great maybe maybe, we'll have twins with Craig oh, my. Gosh wouldn't that be amazing cuz, he has twins into the game that he's from why, is she like oh she's just uncomfortable from cleaning but she did that on her own I didn't even ask her to do that good. Job kid, olive is the best I love you olive so much, today's, mails have been delivered Oh No we. Owe a lot more, money than we have and we have 48, hours to pay maybe. I shouldn't, have bought that shower. Wait. We just got paid, you. Well. That, worked out was she up to Tricia's playing oh so. Cute she's. So creative. Well. Just pay her bills, who's, a lot Oh can, all i've helped with the baby, she, can bond with the baby so that's kind of cute go go play with your little sister Alexis, olive olive, looks mad about it he's like I don't want to hang out Alexis. She's medium, sad. We'll have mom come over and help, meanwhile, olive what can you do you, can clean up whatever that is pour olive is squeamish, and I keep putting her through the wringer she's hungry all. Right let's get this cake out give your children cake this is a good call look at this family time. Mom. Looks like she's in good spirits. So. She's. Gonna pee. And then she was gonna invite over Craig. Craig, what's, up Craig. Mom's. Like hey, Craig. We, met at the bar that one time with you remember do. You want to come hang out this, is our moment guys this, has been probably. Over a year in the making Chelsea. And Peter sh me and Craig yeah. So. Problems sorry I got way too excited too confident wait. No no, Craig, don't, leave I'm, sorry I'm talking to my daughter okay here we go sharp we, can't mess this up. He. Was down oh. My gosh is she just no don't do that, clean. That up mom is eating, a cake and not talking to Craig no no no no no no no heartfelt, compliment come back Craig I can't eat cake and talk to you at the same time go get em Chelsea get, it with your cake and your baby bump. Okay. Okay, okay ask about this day compliment. Is out there tell. An engaging story they, like, okay. Great brick brain is de yo-yo, and, then. Slide. In a little mini, place like a little like hi. That's. Not how I flirt shoot the baby's crying. Olive. Interference. Run, it wait is she just finishing her cake really fast, no Craig, don't leave yet Craig. Don't leave yet is he leaving it's he going on a run he's going on a run. That's. Our Craig are you sad Brielle all right she needs. Thinking. As usual, not. A finger our Brielle I feel like I've only always, upping, her thinking, and no wait we're - Craig go pick, up back-to-back Craig.
Craig. Is. That him it's, not him it's a teen, celebrity. There's Craig brighten, his day and, then we get to flirt, alright go team go team while I'm gone, you're in charge olive. Go. Chelsea go. She's. Not going very fast go to your love I, ship, it when this is all over and, a hundred babies are done maybe she and Craig I'll settle down Brielle, is being. Sad with, a cup. Can't. Say I've never been there she's flirting from very far away this is long-distance, flirting, complement. Him this is looking good olives getting. Marcus. Her dad wants to come hang out with her is. That allowed. If. Not it's really cute, what a cute dad doesn't say anything right it, just says that you can't have like make them come over right and move it okay I'm, gonna have him come over and hang out with his daughter olive, that is so cute, meanwhile. Chelsea's. Flirtin. It up with Craig I hope he doesn't find out I mean, not that it matters I think, that he already knew but. Like at the same time, I don't think he'd be happy to see his, former flame, crushing. On someone new you know it's not fun. This. Is going well Craig, is super into Chelsea I was hanging over there down. Oh my. Gosh my heart. House. Chelsea's here with Craig what where, did he go how did you lose him I left you alone for two seconds. Go. Home Chelsea, go. Home Brielle's, leaps level four of communication. Skill she was playing the wrong game, no. We. Didn't need level 4 we need her to reach level 3 own imagination. Or thinking why don't you stay thinking, Brielle, I remember. That, I put you on that and you changed. It Chelsea's, having a good P. Marcus. Is in Chelsea's, bedroom getting on our computer, as all. The boys do alright, Marcus, isn't gonna go see you later as the baby starts cryin I would. Leave what a baby started crying to its Alexis's birthday alright you know what that means Alexis, you're aging, up. Happy. Birthday, Alexis. Give. Me a number between 1 and 8 9. Give. Me a number between 1, and 8 the answer is 4 all right so this baby is a charmer. Alexis. Little charmer, look at a little Alexis what about the cute haircut and now we need a new bed for Alexis which means that we probably need to extend. Our room we have enough money for that though, we'll. Find out. Insufficient. Funds. Insufficient. Fun welcome, back to Kelsey's, not that Extreme Home Makeover. I'm your host Kelsey beach kay still. With very little money but enough, to make it work, and that's all we need here on Kelsey's. Extreme not that Extreme Home Makeover, all right yeah that's.
Fine. Just. Like a broom of beds it's not cute but it works that's like how everybody kind of go back to sleep actually, you know what you. Can learn. Literally. Anything cuz you don't know anything yet you're, like a little Jon Snow so now we have. Three. Toddlers and, a child, and, a pregnancy. I. Am. Much further along in this than I ever expected to be oh my god is there a park across the street and I literally never looked my, children could have been going to this park the whole time I'm terrible. Parent, but, I mean that's not a new discovery. Anyone. Else waking up all right we. Got some kids at toddler, time this. Toddler is hungry he can have sugar even though you're not probably supposed to have sugar and you, can have sugar, as well I have a great parent why don't you go get some more cake kids flat for the last 24, hours all they've eaten his cake, it's. Great but there's no cake left so now we need to make more, food oh. He. Moved to get closer to his sister, he's, a little stinky, and here's all of our special angel, Oh No. We, don't have enough money or replace that okay, I mom's gonna have to fix that when she wakes up mom's got a lot to do when she wakes up but we're gonna keep letting her sleep cuz everything's like fine-ish, now, it's, just like an Olaf insanity, behind her she's sleeping. Oh Brielle's, level potty three baby why, is she angry cuz of sugar well James, alright. She, reached potty level three which is perfect, so now she just needs, thinking. And imagination and then we'll have a second, kid on our hands. She, huh oh my gosh, Alexis, acquired, the potty skill. Such. A good girl and. Maybe we shouldn't, feed our kids sugar, it just keeps making them all mad oh she really needs to go I hope she doesn't pee yourself, hurry, up little kid mom needs to pee too there, you go oh no. Mom's dumb I, peed herself oh gosh. Oh, everything's. Bad well. Go. Take a shower oh no Alexis. No. Bad. Alexis. Absolutely. Not that's not how we do it in the picture Schmidt family, no. Alexis, oh. Oh. My, gosh oh I'm just taking out the trash and, I didn't even ask her to oh my. God what a treasure oh. My. Gosh did, you see my perfect angel, daughter pick up all that garbage and, throw it away like. The queen, that she is she's, got a school an hour she's, uncomfortable she's. Gonna clean up I didn't even ask her to that's, how perfect my daughter is oh. They're. Hugging. You're. The best child you. Can tell the other children I don't care look see another, proof that she's the best child she. Looks miserable but, she's doing it Oh nope okay well bye. Go to school okay, we got our first kid up who's very sad cuz. She's hungry. Alexis. Sucks at walking, it's adorable. Mom. Just walks straight by Alexis, and it's like bye okay. Who's. Calling what's up Chuck all, I've got sick, and threw up in the hallway in front of a bunch of other students she's at the nurse down do, a thorough check or, make. Sure she doesn't get teased. Too. Thorough check or I should threw up. But. I increased. Her responsibility. But her motion control, is decreased, so I'm making a bad mom great another, sink, has gone. Bust, that's. Amazing. Oh we, only need to finish thinking, for Brielle and that she can become a child.
Yeah. All. Right we're really close so everyone. Else looks solid all right you can sleep Chelsea you've done your duty by your children, Brielle, super happy she's crushing, this potty situation. Like. A boss and, then she's gonna last, but not least she's got to learn thinking, I'm. Gonna be on top of you Brielle until you finish the thinking, come on Brielle I. Know. All right these. Are your last steps, little baby toddler, steps into, childhood is this the moment is this it. It's. Working, it's, working, all of his back home from school what, you need more sleep why are you up then you're gonna wake up your mom because she's no go. To your sister don't wake up mom mom. Never gets to sleep don't. Do it. Stop. Stop. Nap, on the couch all right if you're so tired and sad, nap on the couch be your own independent, girl Alexis there. You go oh that. Looks kind of sad but cute yeah, Brielle. Is level, three let's. Go doesn't. Matter mom sleepy, wake up. Cake you know what we should have done we should just kept that other cake and not evening used, it again but it doesn't matter Bob. Let's go advert. The candles, its aging up time we, don't need this many toddlers that, is one, too many, that's, honestly, three too many toddlers happy birthday. Brielle. Aged up pick a number between one, and four the answer is two all right so she's also a mental kid nice that's, a surprise pick a number between one and thirty it's 1999. One two three four she's. A kleptomaniac, cool. Never been prouder of that child's, accomplishment, oh my god Brielle is so pretty, I thought that, our other child, was pretty but ding is she pretty, welcome, back to you Kelsey's extreme. But not that Extreme Home Makeover, I'm your house Kelsey and I need to buy another kids bed there we go great. When's she gonna have her no baby, oh she's. Third trimester, so it should be soon oh my, gosh everyone's asleep in the household a family, of five, oh no Chelsea's in labor okay, I guess we're gonna have that baby at the hospital oh.
Wow. It's, time honestly she needed this because her needs are really bad right now she. Just had an accident, at the hospital, I feel like that's happened, before Wow, funny seeing you here Dominic. You're also a patient here, what, is this baby number five oh my goodness. So then won't be on to baby number six and hopefully oh my gosh what if this is twins also, though that would be a lot of children and the house at once okay. Chelsea's like back, to this old song and dance. It's. A boy. Okay so I'm gonna choose a next. Name I see, Myles I love the name Myles that's very cute Myles and Pete Rashmi is joining, the family it's, to. Our. First, twins of the baby challenge. And Rene, I see Renee is next let's do Renee by none of your business, oh my goodness we got twins, way we got twins six kids and one mom we can only have one more baby in this household we have to get someone out this, is a little overwhelming honestly. There's too many babies now. Was too much I regret, everything go, home because you know what time it is, time. To get to know Craig like you thought next time we might start it with a bang, but a bum we're at six out of a hundred this is still weird this is still weird.
2019-01-21 07:16
You forgot to put the birth certificate of Alexis on the wall
Elias for a boy's name and Serri for a girl's name
It wouldn’t let me reply to you when you asked for baby names. I was gonna say Piper. Idk why but I love this name. Hoping you see this
Name one of your babies LALA
Plz plz name the next girl Larken
YESSSSS! Love this series sooooooooooo much! Can’t wait for the next episode
Name a girl Ani pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssseee
Girl names : Bella or Renesmay Boy names:Oskar or Chad
why am i enjoying this SO MUCH ?? i love this OH MAH GAWD lol
am i the only one that thinks craig looks like zayn malik lmao
If you put music on "childrens music" it can help with getting twins :) It's KIND OF a cheat but what pregnant woman can't listen to music? lol
Once you have enough kids I think you should put Chelsea in the kids’ room and the kids in the bigger bedroom so they all fit in the same room
Boy-Charles Girl-Cadee (pronounced as kad-e) Boy-Makai Girl-lizz
*Is it just me or does it make anyone unomfortable how the children potty like 50 times and the potty itself is actually never cleaned??*
The girl's name is Doga. Pleaseeee
Hey if you get a girl name it Evie If you get a Boy Name it Luke plzzzzz
Why don't you buy bunk beds in order to save space
Heyyyy Xx I looooooovvvveeeeee this series
At 18:29 did anyone see that butterfly fly past the screen?
theres a green cheat slab on the corner and you put in motherlode
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NAME PART 5 BABY MAEVE ( that's my name =) ) ps live the videos
theres a cheat for money look up how to get money on sims 4 for pc
You need to put all the birth certificate on the wall
Aida .for baby name
Please could you call one of your next babies Julia? Or Erin, Kacey or Jess?
Ive never heard of this challenge but im loving it hahaha
*-The most dysfunctional family on planet earth-*
Here are some names u might like. I am greek so some miiiigh sound a biiit off. Bimitris( boy) hiraclis ( boy) helena ( girl) antonis ( boy) . Also you could call them unusual names like silver .
I like how you say Silver as an unusual name right after you say names like Bimitris and hiraclis.
Use Nick as your babies name
Lauren for a girl and Lucas for a boy :)
Please name one of your babies Lily
Name one of your baby girls Destiny
And this is why the world is overpopulated.
Kelsey, make the kids room a long room so all the beds go along one wall! Also get another IPad because the kids will be more entertained
You have to make it out if you are ready
I would recommend getting the trashcan that gives you money for trash and dirty dishes. You get like 30-70 for each item you throw out in the trash can.
Watching her play makes me want to go buy a computer just to play the Sims I haven't played since I was like 13 and I'm 27 now and I want to play so bad and am reminiscing all the hours I spent on it as a pre-teen
Name a child Kristyn or Lizette
My sim had triplets. #threetoomany
If you google "sims 4 random traits" you can find one that randomly chooses traits for you so you don't have to count.
"You don't know anything yet, you're like a little Jon Snow" :D you're a genius, kelsey!
Oh my goodness we have twins! Wait, we have twins..
Name the new baby Kelsey pls
hi yeah bye cant watch this episode sims 4 episode 4 44, the devil is coming for u
A 31:09 Minutes Video. AGGGGGH
I really enjoy this kind of video, please make moreee thank u all! sims
Yay! Do more!!!
Name a baby Nami *its my name*
This video bad !
Pls. Name a baby Carysse Pls.
Name a baby Jaime
But she already has a Jamie so that might be confusing
Name a baby lily
Name the girl Sofia, it’s such a cute name.... ok fine it’s my name:)
Name a baby Alex
Make more of these challenges
Lol I pooped and I’m proud
Lars cleans the floor, and doesn't destroy the dollhouse? What a keeper
You need to put Alexis birth certificate in the wall.
Could you name one of them "Baby McBabeface"
name the next one kelsy
clean the goddamn potty
Can you put the other baby certificates up on the wall?
You can totally have my name for one of your kids aha
Theo, Valentine, Poppy or Zeke
baby names sofia shawn kelly samantha Melissa Vanessa
what about a parkour guy plays mirrors edge
Pla girl name selin boy name derek
Girls name: Lancey❤️
Please make another video!!!! Love it!!!!
Put all the beds in a a row
Girls name Ava, April, Bianca Boys name Aron, Cole, Emil
This series is lovely
I think Penelope would be a really cute name for a girl And Adrian for a boy
i would date you. but then i guess you can't do the series anymore
Post prime
Is It Weird That I'm Soooo Into This Hahaha Don't Think So
Zahra You pronounce it like the shop Zara but then with an H cause it's an Arabic name
you can paint and sell your painting to make money too.
Oliver or Kia
I'm just dropping my name here. "Marleonne" (it's a girls name btw)
can you make the next childs name Aiko?
Please if the next one is a girl name it audrey if a boy Chaz please
So I started this but have decided I will just go to 26 babies because I am naming after the letter I am up to in the alphabet. My sim just had twins named Jason and Kent. I try to age them up asap and then have moved them out together. Also as soon as the pregnancy test is positive I tell her to tell the dads to just be friends. That also helps me keep track of what guys she has had a baby with.
LMAO @ the guy ditching sex in a bush for foosball hahahahahahah!
baby donna because its a unique name and it means lady is its a girl
When do you make another video??
Name the other baby Kelsey
I love how this is 30 mins long
Finally!!! Can't wait for the next time! ☺
One of Chelsea's lovers is the person my sim is married to. Marcus Flex.
Can u call ur next girl Shelby
My male vampire sim is just going around impregnating women. With his wife they had over 12. He has over 30, and a bunch of twins.
Girls names : Boys names : Hunter Jay Jacob Josh Jake Hudson Max Toby Sin Ruby Lucy Jenna Jemma Saffron Maddison Bailey Mae
I’ve got a unique baby girl name for you. Jacaranda
Jahrie is a great name
You need to add the birth certificate to the wall
For a girl name pick (Zara) ☺️
You could be on your trip go back cuz you could be watching this at bedtime like I am so yeah
Buy the nanocan touchless trashcan, it's a bit expensive but it gives you back 10 simoleans for each person in the house whenever you put trash in it
can you name one abby?
If you have twins please name it Lawrence Lorraine
Name a girl hanshika
Hi Kelsey! If U want olives grade to go wayyyy up make her do extra credit homework and make her study hard
Proud mama for olive
If you have another girl name her Remington if its a boy name him Hunter.
if you use motherlode you get 50,000 simdollars
For a boy you could name him Owen, Astrid or Jack. For a girl you could name her Willow, Opal or Quinn.
Do it for another more video Kelsey. #ILuvIt Let's try Kyla after this.
How about Roscoe? It's a cute boys name.
For the next name of baby I recomand my name. Daria☺☺☺☺
Lol my name is Brielle
You should name one of your baby's Kelsea
When are you going to do part 5 ?
Celeste for a girl
name one alissa
If it's a girl - Daria
Loved it. !! Can´t wait for the next episode ! Can sims 4 players join you on this challenge somehow? Greetings from germany :)
Maybe next girl name Rebekah...and 4 boy Jasper
Names: Maneli (girl) Mani (boy)
This is. Awesome plz keep playing
My god, you would be HORRIFIED at how negligent some of my sim parents are if you think woohoo while baby Alexis crying is bad. Ahahaha
Okay but Kelsey is the cutest gamer ever
Lara,Alissa Or Kate
For bb name
I love the baby certificate wall. You should put up the others
i really need more episodes of this amazing story called ''lucky us we have olive''
Girl you need a roommate ☺️ help with the money honey!!
A roommate loved kids don’t mind 100 babies!
Now I’m just waiting for part 5
Just keep on bring the videos I’m enjoying these videos way entertaining then Netflix sorry Netflix but ya don’t cut my rolls as fun and entertaining
Always fun to watch
Anyone else think Olive looks like Grace Vanderwaal?
I mean famaly
Move Chealsea to a bigger house with her familia
Name one of the kids Juliet!
you should really change your occupation and become a youtuber, they earn much more money
Call the next baby TAYLOR
Name one of the babies DANA!!!!
use the fertile trait!
please give baby girl name Alaia and baby boy Rio
U can have one of the children sleep in the bed with u instead of buying a new bed
If there another girl Gabriella if a boy tyler
Oh, move houses already ... pleeeeeeeeeeease !!! The Impicchishmays deserve a pretty, well-furnished house ... with a garden
Next baby name if it's a male...Manitoba.
Lars: I should really get going now, thanks for hanging out with me! Me: Hanging out? YOU CALL THAT HANGING OUT!!
she should hire a nanny
Kelsey... you forgot about the baby certificate thing that you plan to put on the wall
Jast use codes like motherload or something
HEY KELSEY GOT SOME TIPS FOR YOU!!!:) 1. If you want to eat without paying for food, have anyone child and up make a "Quick meal, and you wont have to pay. 2. You have a lot of empty space in your house so if you want, bulldoze the entire lot and make a minimalist house with the basic needs 3. Use objects such as: Tents, Camping beds, single cheap free standing sinks, cheap flooring and walls. 4. Invest on some seeds so that you can start a garden by dragging the different produce to the ground and click plant. You will make a lot of money this way and if you use it in meals, they will cost less. You can also eat them just as is. 5. Buy a toy-box and kids and toddlers will be able to play with the toys. 6. Get the kids to join a after school activity so that they build their skills and can help more. 7.In your spare time, (If you have any!) You can complete whims and part of your aspirations to earn lifetime satisfaction points so that you can save up to buy the reward trait that helps you have twins and triplets more often. 8. Fishing is another good way to earn money. Children can fish. 9. Get any child to search for collectibles in the world (frogs, crystals, fish, plants etc.) These can be sold for a lot of money. 10: If you have seasons installed, make sure to check the neighborhood after a thunderstorm because gems and crystals will be scattered on the ground. Sorry for the long comment! Hope this helped!
Girl Emily or boy Alex .
Next baby's name could be Avi (for a girl/boy!)
please do more in dying to know what happens next
I am in love with these types of videos can u plz make it lest than a week though because I want to see part 5
You should have a party with all the fathers
Birth complications: Pretty much the only thing Sims can't die of.
Your next baby should be lilly
I'm getting attched to the Impiccishmay household ❤ Keep it up Chelsea.
You should clean the potty chair
Name it Neena Bella
I have done one...I have a mod to have 25 sims in my far I have 16 children...have had 4 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets without cheats or fertility treatment...just lucky
How do you leaves the kids at home when you go on a date?
you should name your next girl liana
You should get married with larze
Have a baby with santa
I have to ask why you build such a big house? It´s cheaper having a small house :)
Every parent have a favorite .... :< And its oliveeeee..
Your personality gives me life
Love this! You can plant roses for easy money.
I'm going to be on top of you brelle Lmao
BOY NAMES! Bohdi or Byron
GIRL NAMES! Aurora or Alura
How is Kelsey still single?!??
Name a girl baby Kairi!
Kelsey call your next baby Kelsey if it's a girl
Girl names Rosealina Piper Leah Rebecca Addiell Boy names Jack Sid Kyle Carmelo Hayden
I want Kelsey to react to herself on an actual date.
For gurls... Scarlett, Charlotte ,Cora, Sarah or Lisette!
I'm currently pregnant all these name suggestions are coming in handy
I had triplets by making a lot of whoo-hoo with the same man, on bed and on bushes you can fertilize. I hope it helps xD
Thank you for being a friend......with benefits...
Can you please name one of your girls Leia (from Star Wars) and one of your boys Daniel?
3 new babies in an episode, way to go!
You need to put up the three new birth certificate on the wall of brith certificates!!!!!
Just have bunk beds, they dont need so much space
Kelsey if you have twins name one Luna and the other May(together that is actually my real name Luna May)
i think she is not single haha
Can you name one Galaxy?
What town is this?
I'm in love with kelsey. Been watching her in every video she's in
watched em all lmaooo
Why is it so important that Kelsey is single?
Can you plz name a baby kailayia btw if you do this is how you pronounce it (ka-lay-ah)
Yfke (for a girl) please?
Don’t forget about the babies Certificates!!!!!! Thanks for the 31 minutes We needed that. You are awesome
The nest name could be Amelia
This challenge is gonna take so long Kelsey is gonna be married before Chelsey has 100 babies
can you name one of the kids Minette pronounced min et
This is way too addictive to watch, BUT let's get to know Craig...
Grils names :Gabby , Melis , Sam , Cat Boys names :Tom , Park , Jeon , Carly I am Turısh and Melis turkısh girl name
Omg yessssssss
I WILL WATCH EVERY EPISODE, you go girl. I love the Sims 4... And own it... But I'm so lazy so I'll keep watching even if there's 100 episodes.
real isis play csgo pls
To get more money you can do a cheat press control shift c and say motherlode and enter
Pleaseee noticeeee mehhhh: name your next girl: Juliana
How about the name Elizabeth or Melanie if it’s a girl
23:03 "Alexis is a charmer!" Me: Awwww that might help out later. Drunk me: I SMELL STRANGER DANGER!!
Imagine if you will, the ability to make a gay male sim to throw in the challenge. She'll be trying so hard to woohoo, but it'll never happen! #WastedTime
name the next one in the next episode Ashley
Everytime you say Alexis, my Alexa turns on. Hahaha! oh god.
100 babies seems like a faraway dream.... or nightmare
name your baby oliver or olivia
Next baby name ezekiel that mean sigh of god
girl name: heaven boy name: casper
*Wait if you have another baby name it Naibeth*
8:09 The rest of the song is "...with benefits"
Freya! Pleaaaaseeee!
if Until Dawn Voice actors plays Until Dawn,that's would be great
Hey, Kelsey! I have a suggestion for names! John for a boy and Bella for a girl. I hope you read this! :)
My name is Maria - Valentine and if you make them one it's Marilia
love this series!
My name is Justyn and it would be an honor if you named your boy justyn
Hi my name is Kelsey and can you please name a child after me please
Caspar is a good name so is greg
The name to the Next baby it's luna
Love it!!! Are you gonna keep putting the certificates on the wall it would be hilarious if you actually got all 100 on your wall.
Can I ask you some things why do you look so ugly umm... I guess hehehe
Alexis is so cute wobbling around. Also Alexis wanted to wake mom but "Mom never gets sleep." Then when the other child turns 3 your like "Who cares Mom wake up."
For girl names Daphne, Anastasia, Hermia, Chloe and Lexie you can use cute names I guess
Name baby twin girls Storm and Rain
I’m about to lose it okay I downloaded the origin and it keeps saying that I can only play on a PC but then when I refresh it it says I can play on my Mac I’m so confused I need help
❤️ Ur series
Some names Girl : Jennifer, Susie, Cassidy, Charolette, Charlie, Elizabeth Boy: Noah, Gabriel, Oscar, Jeremy, Matthew, Fritz, Henry, Michael, William, David, Scott, Samuel, Anthony
Please make a part five and I have another name for you emma
I mean Emmah
you look like emma stone, kelsey!!
I think it we need to warn Kelsey that the way she's playing this challenge, it's gonna take A LONG TIME to finish. I mean, I've watched people do this challenge before, and it's taken them up to 3 years to complete it (with NO cheats).
Can you call one of the babies Rosie please
OMG I'm having such a good time watching this, I should try this challenge too! Girl names: Francesca (am i being obvious here?), Delia Boy names: Ander, Voli
Why is this so entertaining?
Dominic does not give up!!!!
*“brielle is being sad... with a cup.” IT IS 1 AM AND I REALLY JUST LAUGHED HARD AT THAT*
Can u pls name a baby snowflake (a girl) after my puppy :)
You should let Olive also do part of The 100 baby challenge
How do you download sims4 it looks fun
Here are some names! Girl: Ashley Boy: Junior
girl names: Lucy, Victoria, Marlette, Cynthia, Jenasis, Anita boy names: Jordan, Marco, Mason, Eli, Angel, Jason, Mylo, Max
You should name a baby Emily
guess you can't get a nanny to help with the kids in the rules?
A boy should be named Barry and a girl Amy
You can just leave the crib after baby ages up for another one.
LOL you're so stinkin' cute with how awkward you clearly are about some of it haha... Idk how you do this without cheats and nannies lmao! One of my houses had like 4 nannies at once (ofc they had like 10 kids before I somehow accidentally made them think they were related and they couldn't woohoo anymore and had to have affairs but that's another story).
Best episode yet.
Can't wait for the next episode of this!! This has been a hilarious and feel-good series. Seeing all these kids learn and grow is awesome :D also Brielle is adorable?? Love her.
you can make the house smaller and get money for it (if your in a pickle).
Lol once again Katie or Duke
You forgot the birth certificate
In my opinion, you should take a break from having kids, and work on earning money.
honestly her laugh makes the video x100 times better, i love this challenge
also, the music in the video made me laugh so hard omg
The birth certificates aren’t on the wall
Name one lucy that's my name
you should name one Aimee
I can't wait to see what the twins look like as toddlers
"You're like a little Jon Snow" lol
names for girls: lorena jk jk :) i love the name “Maive” , Liana, Jocelyn boys: josiah, alexander (these are all from my future baby names list)
Pls name a baby jasper (boy or girl is for both gender)
How about a name "Hyacinth
Name the next baby Jenna
HI,can you do some more episodes of sims 100 challenge , im addicted to this game,
I have been repeating this video like A LOT! I need new ep ; ; I miss kelsey
Never loved a youtube series so much. You make me wanna do this challenge myself!!
next baby name: venice!!
Or just boy and girl like in bird box
Baby girl: Ingrid, baby boy: Lennard
Call the next one Beth
Do the thing 2
How about my nameee, Caitlin :)) lovely righttt, you should 1000 percent call your next baby this because it’s just such a great name ... :)
I have some name requests either Ashley or Sophia Ashley I my real account and Sophia is my sis
If it is a girl name her Emily and if it is a boy name him Adam.
Can you please do a part 5
Can you name a baby Bianca
Boy: Jimin Girl:Jennie
OMG! Can’t believe how much I love this series!!! Thank you
When is the part 5?
When you get twins can you name them Angel and Angelo
Can you name a baby Angel or a boy Angelo
My name is kelsey to
This video is just Kelsey and Chelsea favoriting Olive for 30 minutes,
You need an Olivia as Well
How do you go to the hospital when mine had a baby it didn't take me?
Please upload this more often I love this sieres thank you
Chelsea please write more frequently, Olive needs to get out of that room. And take the kids to the park please. One last thing please play frequently, dying of curiosity.
Name the baby Brynn!! Brynn: It means 'Hill' in Ireland. It also is a welsh baby girl OR boy name!! Brynn is the sweetest name I've ever heard.. Hm.. Wonder where that came from.
Soooo looking forward for next episode
I would condense the house so there’s less open space and open the kid’s room to into one massive room for ALL SIX lol Can’t wait for Olive to become Fiona Gallagher and take care of all her younger siblings
can u upload more oftennn???? :((
Tips use house traits and use the one who makes it easier to have twins and also you can buy her that trait too! PS: Really fun serie!!
Name suggestionnnn: MAUREEN
You should swap chelsees room with the kids and then you will have more room for the kids
You should name a baby girl Eloise and a boy Noah. That's my babies names! :)
my name is olive!
When is the next video I really want to see it
Another baby nmr could be Mercedes
U MUST put Alexis certificate
How about the name SCHENNY
you know what a good name would be? ... cecilia eheheheh
You are inlove with your child? You are going to use her? I dont like where this is going,
I think jenae is a nice name
the part 5
hey kelsie just wanna let you know that if you buy a microwave olive can cook chicken nuggets and pastys and stuff and give it the toddlers
New part pleasee
Name idea Saisha
The sims only lets you have 8 people per household... sorry to disappoint.
Should probably hold off till Olive is able to get a job lol...You're allowed to get help from her right?
How do I play this?
You forgot about your birth certificate wall
Yash karan
the twins names should have been miles and miley
Dude. Lars is marriage material. He cleaned her house while she was Thank u nexting him.
Name your next daughter Jordyn
Can the next baby be called Grace plz
Or Sophie
Sarah, Ashley, James, Maddie, Connor, Lily, Violet, (Summer, Winter or Emily and Emma for girl twins.) Hope you use one of my name suggestions!
Btw please name it Sara, name it after me! Lol. I hope I don't sound demanding! Btw you're so funny, when i'm sad, you brighten up my mood! Video liked!
I am so liking this funny video! Don't want to be mean, but it's fun watching you struggle with all the babies.
Or Josh, James , Connor , Lily, Clare
omg why is this so entertaining
Or sarah
It could be Ashley
Can you do the name Allison?
Pls. Name your baby (lasie)
I find this so entertaining. Im always looking forward to the next part.
I am new to this channel is very fun to watch you play and I hope you can get to a hundred babies it's very interesting to watch SIMS because their face expressions are always interesting as much as the way they make different sounds like they're talking but not really
Name your next baby hannah
My baby cousins name is miles
Name a baby Anya pls xxx
To help imagination they need to also use toys
male name:*_gaylord_*:
I have baby suggestion name for a boy Ryder
This might sound weird to you but you should get girl bunk bed when the other girl ages up and then there will be more room for a wardrobe and other things
You forgot to add the birth certificates to the wall!
you must get a NanoCan Touchless Trash Can ; i know it is a lot of money but every time you throw something away you get money and the most that i got was $60 and it helps
Can you name the baby Olivia?
Baby Names: M: Milo, Theo(dore), Tayden, Balin, Xavier, Alexander, Mattheo, Thomas, Kai F: Willow, Celeste, Violet, Maeve, Lily, Talia, Ellie, Lilo, Lilac, Rose-Marie, Kai, Lani
Love you Kelsey! You're so fun and entertaining to watch! Hope part 5 with come soon.
use the name Bobbi gener netural
Baby girl name: RaeAnn That's my name, and idk I thought it'd be cool if you used it. (It's very uncommon)
Baby Name Girl : Luna ,Nadia, Andrea,Saira, Casey,Hershey,Nicole Maureen IF Its A Boy: John,Erick,Matthew
Pls name a baby Altessa a after me
Andrea or andrew
911 percent Kathryn call me time baby boy Gregory Phone call me time baby girl Rita call me time baby love you too baby boy Ryan Phone call me time my phone call me time. Natalie love you too baby girl Jessica has time you too baby
this will take a long time
hoping the series lasts till 100 babies
Please name the baby Maria. That's my name
Pro tip! (But not really a pro tip cuz I’m not a pro
Start planting. Not only can you sell them but meals cost less because you’re got the ingredients
Here's a baby girl name.. Kenzie
Can I suggest my name? "Ria". I would be so glad if you chose it, it's a Greek name ♥
For the love of god, where's ep 5
Name ur next sims baby Sarah
Name it tasha!
She a hoe if I've seen one
If it's a girl my names are chole,cianah,Sophie,Lucy, Taylor,Jayne,Everleigh,Louise, Ondrea(oni for short),Abbey,ruby(rubi)elle,Payton,karma,amber,phoebe,skylar(sky),Luna,if it's a boy Benjamin(Ben),Ethan,James,chase,Tommy,Leo,Liam,Jayden,Jackson,jai,jay,Theo,Alex,xander,Xavier,Zachary,Flynn,harry
Plzz can yhd baby name be Amber not Ember
About Jarvis
I have some names you can use: Girl: Mia, Sophie, Emma. Boy: Liam, Charlie, Jack
PLease put alll the baby certificates on the mural fro the collection
When I saw olive going potty that made ME want to potty ;~;
Im so obsessed with these Videos xD please mooore
More videos pleaseeeeeee
Baby Sasha
Pls name a baby girl Charlee
is it bad that I check back to this channel a lot for the 100 Baby Challange videos and get super excited when a new one comes out lol
What about Anushka as your next girl's name?
I hope this video never ends
I love another name like Geraldine and Francis
Lol my name is Alexis to
You havent put up anymore birth certificates on the wall?
When are you going to make the next episode
She can wash....*HERSELF* (needed an air-horn sound effect there)
Name ur nxt baby Ansh.
Cant wait for next episode
i lov€ dis tho! im look forward watching mor€ :)
When will there be more videos of the challenge
Youre soo good When i watch you doing some challenges in sims i really want to do it.
If u have a baby at home u need 2 basanets so u can have twins
My name is Ebony!
Name a boy Ash and name a girl Alexandra or Erin
Girl name: Andreea
Do a part 5
Or Madison
You should sell all the beds and get bunk beds (Unless toddlers can’t sleep on bunk beds.. Then just get 1 bunk bed for Olive lol)
I have some baby names here are some girl names Zoe,Gracie,McKenley,Emily here are some boy names Zac,Chase,Jorden
You should name a girl artimis. Also love you!!!
name the next babygirl taryn! after me
Name your next daughter araya
A baby name could be James
We need moreee!!
Don’t forget about the birth certificates on the wall
A girl name: Janet A boy name: Michael If you know what I mean then
U should call a baby girl Lola and a baby boy Finlay (pronounced Fin-ley)
Your hilarious love your channel
Get bunk beds. More beds. More space.
Put the baby sutufecit up
Is there a rule against just waiting a little bit to have more kids and crank up your money making so you can actually afford all the kids? Or do you have to always either be pregnant or giving birth? Lol. Just wondering if you can't just pump out a ton of books and then go back to baby making.
*Chelsea and her army of children*
When are you gonna upload part 5?
Baby names: Lia Harry Lief Kirra Kirralee Jamie Lucas Ria Ronald Elianna Hermione Heidi Layla Leila Aaliyah Farida Emma Megan Emily Leanne Cameron Ryan Jordan Ari Ben Dory River Alex I love this series
Christine, Sara, Jenna Adrian, Leo, Danny
what about mikayla
Did anyone tell her to Grow A Money Tree Yet?? That Can Be Helpful With The Money Problem.
Anyone noticed that the baby wall only has two baby certificates
argh can’t stop watching!! Please keep going
The money is called Simoleon, right?
When's the next episode? Seriously need to see baby Jaime grow up and the twins age up
OML That is soooo wrong, don't 'woohoo' with a baby in the room
why when olive age up kelsey was so annoying
Name it Leslie please
you should name the next baby Jazmine
Noooooo I just watched all these and now I’m sad because I have to wait to see the next video!!!!
Next baby: if it’s a girl, Phoebe. If it’s a boy, Phoebo. You’re welcome.
Did anyone know? what app Kelsey use for picking number?
the jon snow reference
Next baby girl should be called Maria!!
Yassss more please do more
Right when she said Olive my special angle Olive broke the sink.
“Oh my god twins!!!” “...Oh my gosh twins...” also for some names what about Ophelia and Maple?
I got to twins in a row and there’s two girls and two boys
Here's a suggestion for the new babies: Ivan, Evan, Chelsea Jr. , and Sydney
How about some Asian names? Nine special girls name for u: - Nayeon - Jungyeon - Momo - Sana - Jihyo - Mina - Dahyun - Chaeyoung - Tzuyu
I love watching this
Hey my name is Myles!!!
Name your next girl Rosie.
Played this on the TV and almost EVERY time she said Alexis it triggered our Alexa lol
what expansion packs does she use??
Name a baby Sabrina
Kelsey's excitement after Olive aged up is life.
Please name one of the baby my name please Blaze
Name the next baby Celeste if it's a girl Noah if it's a boy
Oh my word olive is the most precious diamond beautiful gifted helpful little child in the world
I am doing this challenge. I am at baby #25
Nah, I wouldn’t want my name to be used because it’s unique. And I don’t think she’d pronounce my name correctly. Oh, and she highlighted the best part of a child for a parent: school Edit:
I need you to put the birth certificates on the wall!!
Hotdog down a hallway...
Girl : Hope , Faith , Amber , Andrea Boy: Mathew , Rein , Jakk, brelson
Kelsey's gonna legit name her real-life baby Olive.
Jiaa please
Kelsey, by the time you're done with this challenge, you is gonna be married.
Why am I so into this
What do you do this challenge again maybe a baby after me Kobe
You should name one Geli! (Pronounced like Jelly)
I have a crush in someone and hes name is Lars
buy another potty
Please name your next daughter Brihana (Bree-ha-nuh)
Just HOW is she single?
*It's time to get to know Greg!*
I have a girl's name: Meghan (It's my name)
Make Lars ur husband
You can’t have a boy and girl twin if they have different traits like gender they are fraternal twins
Can you name your next baby yvana?
Wait, Kelsey's single? *cough* Heyyy
You should have a boyfriend and if you are not going to then other men is not going to be with you
I just binge watch this series and I gotta say, I'm attached to Olive hahaha Good luck having 100kids Kelsey
Hey, can you name the next girl shalin and if it's a boy Chris, that's my boyfriends name
The moment when kelsey realized olive can clean the potty and clean herself is hilarious
I pity Chelsea so much right now
Is it just me or why does when she says "my children are brilliant!! I'm brilliant " I feel like she is going to be a good asmr Queen?
So mach
Youtube keeps recommending this for me. And now I'm hooked.
Also if you make the party sized meals, it’s 8 meals in one, which saves so much time and money. I never make single person meals, I’m always way too poor and way too busy!
When's part 5 coming out
Invest in the $1000 trash can, because each thing you throw out, you get $10 per sims in your household, which is especially great for the 100 Baby Challenge!
Ur playing it very well!
I've been playing Sims 2 and just phone multiple nanny's
I have a baby name suggestion: Ruby :)
Please name your next girl- Sana
Can you name a baby Charlotte lowdell
24:40 “Here’s our little angel Oliv-“ breaks tap
Please please please please please have a baby with Santa I am living for that moment
im gonna keep watching this series this is hilarious, and it gives me tips for my 100 challenge (aargh)
Watching this challenge feels like my guilty pleasure. Enjoying this a lot more than I ever thought possible
You can make twins or triplets by using your aspiration points .. Buy a fertility potion!
You need to get the garbage can that makes you money!
I am loving this series so much! And now I’m about to start my own 100 baby challenge... I didn’t know anything about this... it’s adorable! And so funny... I’m trying not to wake my husband as I’m laughing and watching!!
Baby Names: Ari Paige Raine Myrraqhuel Hollie Piper Ayiesha Louie Arianna Porchia Betty Anne Genevieve Ericka Sia Reina
Hi am Edwina can you call your next child Edwina
For a girl name is Jackie and for the boy name it Ricky or Ricardo
The next baby name is emily
I LOVE this challenge/series - this is the best one so far!
Kelsey if you have a baby girl name her Mars or if you have a baby boy name him Joey
Yeah screw the other kids! It’s all about olive
She should trade rooms with the kids because her room is larger
For a girl name her opal or Alice and for a boy Percy or Magnus
You should keep putting up the birth certificates because they look so cute on the wall
Please do another few episodes I really enjoy watching these videos
That Siri got an attitude
Do plzzzz more this becouse its so goooood
Do Savannah for the next baby
Name your next baby girl Emily
wow your so thankful
she for got the put the birth certificates on the wall
Name one Alma please
Maybe u should move the babies.. bc your sim is procreating with the child in the room.....
Can you put your fam (esp Olive) on the gallery ?
Name the girl baby Stephanie
I really want this game now
Home birth please
olive will get on twitch so mr beast can donate cash
try hanna
I love this series!!!!
Upload faster! I wake up and check notifications everyday! And it not there! Hurry up!
How do you complete the love quest ❤
This is addictive
for your next boy can u plz do my name Jacob or Jake??? plzzzzz
baby (girl) names: Katelyn Kayla Lucy Blake Summer Veronica Vanessa Abby Hailey Holly
Katie or kaithlyn
Name your next girl Denisha! It means Goddess of the Sun :D
But you only have 4 kids, wait until you get 50
8:15 travel down the road and back again
The next baby name sould be Baileigh
The next girls name should be Oakley
Julia, Evie, Elena, Jackson, Luke, Carter, Mikey, Trix, Mena, Kat, Nixie, and Katlin
Love this!!! Starting my own 100 baby challenge.
love the series ok name ur next child morgan pls n thank u
When’s part 5
Wtf is this
You gotta do another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want moreee lol
Alayna is a good baby name lol
Omg you're so funny
You have to put up Alexis baby certificate
I think there's gonna be 80+ episodes of this lol but i'm here for it. also NAME RECOMMENDATION: Myfanwy and I was about to say I'm the fourth girl in my fam so it would be the same but Chelsea had twins so oops. Anyway love u
You should name your next girl liberty or freedom
This is the only sims-related video I watch. I'll be honest... I bought the game because of how funny your videos are. XD
name the next girl Paige,,, that's my name and I want to be apart of this family.
Was anyone else thinking just buy a bunk bed?...
Next girl name: Avideh Pronounced: Avi-day
"Who have I become?"
Name for a baby: Jitske
This was the best episode yet!
You should move your bed and the cot into the smaller room so you have the bigger room for more kids beds.
Why don't you get bunk beds
Eps 5 pleaseeee :((( cant wait
how bout moving to a new house which personally made by u so it'll be cheaper plus perfect for your babies
Name your next girl Poppy and for a boy Mason
name the next girl Shanaia
name the next Jonathan
The next baby girl's name should be Abby , Ava , Emma, Charlotte, Mia , Sophia, or even Isabella.
Can you call the next one Jessica ,Jacob Evie,oli or matilda
Name ur next girl Camren and next boy Cameron, great series!!!
part 5
Mai oskar
Delaney, Taylor, Francine, Bianca William, Billy, Ryan, Vaughn
You gotta upload more!!! These are my new favorite!
Call another girl Martha
You forgot to add thos tabels on the woll
If you are pregnant DO NOT DRINK WINE OR BEER! hint: it is bad for ur child. XD This is a weird comment. AT 6:39. THIS BABY IS CRYING I THE CRIB AND HER MUM looks busy.... THIS KD IS GONNA HAVE NIGHTMARES. lol
Baby name: Monica? Hehe
Can u call ur next girl Ellie plz plz
Today you're going to make 100 babies challenge
Name one of the babies Pascal
you do know u can just klick the crib in ur house and have the baby in like 30 sec, not deal with traveling, loading screen and reception ppl that dont show up
It sucks when i keep coming back for part 5 here just because i am one day ahead. Asian here. When I learned that it was gonna be published at saturday morning and got so excited.... Also! Aira for the baby girl!!
you should name your next baby Aubreigh
please don't forget to put the birth certificates on the wall
name - ella
I love the series keep it up and my name is Brielle
You should name a girl Venus for beauty and a boy Mars for strength
This kept coming up in my recommendations and I was like "why would I want to watch that?" But here I am on episode 4 and can't wait for the next episode lol. It's going to be sad when Olive becomes an adult and moves out
Emma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have to pay for sims 4
The reason Jamie is so angry all the time is because he's the only boy
Hum 2 hamare 2
When you are pregnant do a WooHoo for a few time and that's how you can get twins. :)
I have a girl name and a boy name for the next baby or babies after the twins. Blake for a boy. Violet for a girl.
Oh, maybe Sidnie girl, and Luke boy?
Omg, I'm waiting for new part! Love u, and almost this game. U are amazing!!!
Baby name: Hannah
You should name your baby Shailah.. after me! I have such a weird name but it’s different
MYKA for the next baby!!!
Caitlin love your videos! ❤️❤️❤️
OMG i love babys
do a : girl : Alesha , Inari , Anastasia boy : Benjamin , Isaac , Jean please ... >U
Cleann up your mess dirty mother!
olive is the prettiest by far
Skylee for a name =) Thanks guuurl
Can you plz call one of the babys Breezly????
Do moreeeeee
Don't forget, you can "beguile" guys via an aspiration reward (assuming that isn't against the rules). It could speed up the bow-chicka-bow-wow.
You should name a baby girl Bethany
Baby names Samson Niko
Can you hire a nanny to help you with the kids ?
name next baby xela (Zayla)
Annika like the holiday Hanikuh or however you spell it but with no h
If you'd love more baby names you can use mine. I have 5, 2 girls Jayda and Valencia, and 3 boys Vincent, Michael, and JeMarcus. This is hilarious and I love watching
Bunkbeds do bunkbeds
She keeps forgetting to put up the baby papers on the wall
You could do my name Adabelle it's like Annabell but alittle different
Part 5..... I love this and can't wait any longer the suspense is killing me
Get a pet
you forgot to put alexis's birth certificet
Olive can clean it!!! (the potty) It's a whole new world! Cracked me up real hard
I love Olive too but her dad has dark skin. Can you edit her in create a sim so she is more realistic? Also, if you start a garden, it'll pay for itself, and you can eat the fruit instead of selling it.
hashtag save chelsea
A name recommendation is Tiana ,my name, like the disney princess
Anyone else notice that they filmed two episodes back to back because she's wearing the same shirt
Name your next girl Matilda
I can’t believe I let myself get hooked onto a live series.
If you pay attention you will notice that brielle and olive swaped beds
Girl: Hannah (my name) Boy: Xander (my brother’s name)
Who wants to grow up with a mom that does sex a lot with random men like a prostitute? Not me!!!
What about the name Ella plssssssssssssssssssssss
I hate BuzzFeed but could you name the baby Lars Jr.?
Can you name the next girl Lucy
*”Oh Olive’s a little dirty, thank okay she can clean HERSELF!!!!!!!!”* i need this for my alarm!
Baby names: Julie Julia Miranda Kaelyn Angelina Angie Melanie Amber Ella Kimi Caleb Cameron Matt
u need to make chelsea paint to earn more money too!!
Is there part 5?
You should name your baby Cassie or Elise
Name the next baby girl Aira.
I wish the next part would be presented
you should get the garbage can that gives you simoleons anytime you throw something out - also; painting will earn you tons of money
It’s my own name and I think you’ll like it
Can you please name one Teneika and you’re the best you YouTube ever love you
Name another one of your children Sasha
Hey, so I was thinking of baby names for ur next child and I was thinking Girl: Rose or Angel Boy: Liam or Bradley PLEASE CHOOSE MINE!
Boy name: Dylan Girl name: Alisson
I can't wait for today video.. so i decide to watch this again
Can you please name one of your girls Elizabeth or just Eliza
Lola , Maya , Robin , Hope and for a boy Zak , Cameron , Mason , and Trey
Can you please name the baby if it a girl name it samantha pleaseeeee
pls pls pls just have a quick meal because (as u probs know) it is free food
What about the birth certificates on the wall???
Video 7s
Next baby vid should be Aria
Nico nicoo niiii
I like Abigail as a name
You can lock chelsea’s bedroom incase you don’t want anybody going in her bedroom.
Why can’t she just have 1 dad?
aatje mebe a baby name
That will take 100 part
I just watched her praise olive for 13 minutes straight.
The birth certificates Kelsey! You have to add to the wall of birth certificates
i dont think she can complete the goal
Why don’t you buy any bunk beds?like this comment if you think that she should
Name a baby boy Jordan
it’s a problem of how addicted I am to this series thanks buzzfeed
I think this will take about 100 episode, if Chelsea keeps having 1 baby at a time and not twin. Right?
Hannah. Hayley. Penelope. Matthew. Josh. Colby. Logan
Check your inventories person and house inventories - people send you presents
"you don't know anything yet, you're like a little jon snow." i'm living for that one
Please name a baby girl Faith. I think it's a really sweet name.
A boy his name are Johannes
Here olive my special angel *Breakes sink*
If this gets cancelled or is left incomplete I will CrY
Make a room for olive Please
A lot of people don't like my name, but maybe you will. Vika
I don't know why but it feels weird to see a baby share a name with me
"You're like a little Jon Snow" LOL
can someone please tell me how to download this game. I can't figure it out
10:19 her face tho
Did he say ebony lmbo
These kids mood swings are accurate lol
you keep saying my name my name is Brielle so every time you say Brielle I'm just like what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KELSY NOT NOW
1:34 Chelsea says "AhA YeA
This is what I look forward every Saturday! We love you Kelsey!
I've been loving this series and laughing by sides to pieces watching it so it would be the world to me if you would babe what is 100 babies after me of the good think about by day but is it could work for a boy or a girl I've heard it both ways
my suggestion for a name was Kingsley
This is good
i have name suggestions! for a girl: kelsey boy: flynn
Baby names.autumn Hunter Mya Charlie Campbell Stormi Jack
Love your phone case girl
Name your next daughter Katniss and son Loki.
can you name one of the babies jaysa
You need to get some garden supplies for your sims to help make money.
I am loving this
Can you customize the kids clothes because they’re really ugly sometimes I think you would customize them really well
28:23 I'm DYING XDDD
Do Peyton
Chelsea you cant drink while pregnant OMG just kidding Great video
You should try to have a baby at your house in the game
I just realized that in reality pregnancy takes 9 months... so this might go on for almost 100 sim years lol
I am John snow
YOU,,, Kelsey, are a "special cake with magical powers." lol Sorry if that sounds wrong, ha! but i am seriously giving you praise... Your'e beautiful, spunky, and have a smile to make my knees tremble, and you are still awesome enough to make a name for yourself just by making videos and youtubing them because its an interest of yours. I wish i could do that. If i knew you personally i would hope that i could make you feel like being anything but single may actually be possible..
I'm laughing so muchhhhh this video is hilarious and I kind of want to do it now hahahaha
Why don't you just swap the moms room with the kids room? :P
Me: *that is a fugly haircut for Alexis, I bet she’ll change it right away* Kelsey: that’s a cute haircut!
20:56 relateable
Yo I love these videos so much but like the constant crAP on the floor is gonna have to gO
My amazon echo turned on at 9:09 in response "AlExIs,wHy ArE yOu So DiFiCulT?!"
My name is Alexis!!!
Dont forget to put the baby certificate on the wall
Wate my name is Alexis too
Can you plsss give olive her own room!! She needs it! You should also do bunk beds to save space. Love u
Rene is my middle name
Name her Kylie! Like my name :)
You should get a nanny
Please just keep all the baby furniture, it depreciates in value each day and if you continue deleting them you will have to buy the items over and over.
"Let's go have Woo-hoo" would be a great song!
you need a new house
At least when olive is a teenager she can help with the kids
Everything was so peaceful then all the sudden, 1-The pipe burst. 2-Alexis was making a mess. 3-The mother (forget her name.) peed herself. 4- And her children are mad. LOVE IT!!
Get a bunkbed!!
If you say you want a boy you will get a girl but if you say you want a girl you will get a boy
Renee is my middle name
The next baby should be chloe
if you have a boy name him isac or isaha or sbashten or damien and if you have a girl bree or lucy or hope or echo or my name nevaeh
Can you please name a girl Mia or wendy
Lololololololololol I cant believe I'm still watching this lol lolololololol
can you uos bunkbeds
You have not put up Alexis’s birthday typic it
Cadence plz
You should name one of the babys Grace ! :D
Thank u, next XD
When you grew olive up you used Brielle’s bed. You know that right?
Hey my name is lars
Yas, The Day I Start Watching These, A New Video Is Posted. (How Come I Didn't Watch These Before Lol.)
Julieta , yes with one t
Brielle is always my favorite shows even more
why don't you use bunk beds??
If my wish happens then your life just got uhh.... just listen to my wish 99 girls vs 1 boy That would be really funny Awww I did this at the start of this vid and now at the end THERES ANOTHER BOY
Did you make a grandma for more people than other kids can go and see their grandma and stay there you know you
You have to call your next baby Caitlyn
U should put rest ov the certificates up on the wall
Can you name a child Amber :)) Its a pretty name
Renee is my middle name!!!
when they get older you can put them in bunk beds so it doesn't take up so much room
name your next girl Lyn please
Yes please upload more often!!
Name a baby Mahala, its pronounced mah-hay-lah
If it a baby once a year olive could be 100 or 99 yrs old?!
You need to hang the birth certificate with the others, and a baby name is Jess, Anya, Madi, Phoebe or Bella, I love your vids! Can u post more pls!!
You forgot to put up their birth certificates
When you have a part 7 can the name be Brianna and can you watch my YouTube channel plz
Chelsey forgot about the baby name wall
perfect dad!!
my sisters name is Brielle and my brothers name is Miles!
Name suggeston. Boy. Nathan. Girl. Kaylee.
A baby name is emily
Brielles so cute
Please have a baby with Santa -- PLEASE
“ being sad...with a cup” That KILLED me
Im laughing at this emotional music
She should try to make Santa one of her baby daddy’s ahahhaa
Who have I become...
my sisters name is Alexus but we call her lexi for short
Could you please name one Lizzie?
Oh and did anyone else notice that in every picture of the video it is chelsea pregnant with her hands on her back?
my kind of lady im kidding love the video very funny
Can you please name your next baby Ana
Name it luna
That's the same area where lady bigwallet lived in rags to riches
Could u name one of the girls Skylar??
Baby name Kira
My computer brings all the boys to the room and im like, i wanna woohoo~~
you should name the next one Bailee
oml please just clean your house XD
Baby name Veronica
Olive reminds me of grace vanderwaal
Kelsey, you should get (I don’t know exactly what it’s called
name the next baby girl as Erica pleaseee
you didn't put the baby certificates up on the wall ):
If you have a boy you should name him finn
Your narrative is hilarious.
ifs. It’s a. Girl name. It. Sophia. If. It’s a. Boy name. It. Chess.
I got triplets and two of them were taken away. I texted my friend, “I DONT KNOW IF I SHOULD BE SAD OR GRATEFUL.”
I got a name suggestion. For a girl. Addylynn, and for a boy, Tate.
You need to put all of the birth certificates on the wall
Who else saw the Butterfly blast through the house at Mach 4 speeds?
2:03 no she isn't
Happy birthday to you-your baby number 1-you can doooo some stuff so I’m gonna use you! Happy birthday Olive
Name a baby Avery for my sister with Brain Cancer
I think you should name a baby Emma
Rip I really liked J
Have the Sims Whoo Hoo during the pregnancy...They would have to do it more than once.
18:54 big Clare siobhan vibes
"you're like a little Jon Snow" Got me smiling like an idiot
When Olives dad came to visit her it warmed my heart ❤️
Eliana? That would be a good name
Does anyone know what she did to get twins
use the zack next if the baby is a boy
It’s faster to have the baby at home i think
you're phoebe buffay
Maybe you could use one man to make a couple of babies
Olive looks just like me, but I am a bit more pale and I have a ton of freckles.
Dominik is a freaking stalker did no one notice how he was following her sometimes hahahahhahshdjjdjdjdjs
poor alexis will be forever tramitized
Name the next one Jenna
You can demolish unnecessary walls like the ones at the entrance and even your* (sorry Chelsea's) children's bedrooms' and just put the beds at a corner of the house to buy more beds and finally a table!
Oliva looks like me
I think on babby name Lilly or Rose
Ginger should be the next baby
I would have suggested my name but...
26:27 to 26:32 XD IM DEAD!
Name a baby Ivy
Can u do Amy pls
please name a baby Tinley
Kelsey: “I’m not gonna say no to this.” Me: “SAY NO TO THIS.” I’m true Hamiltrash. ;-;
Poor Kelsey doesn’t realize that she can send her toddlers to daycare during the day
"Youre like a little Jon Snow"
who do you get that trait thing where you can try for twins ???
or chloe
You should name a baby Alyssa
there is a trashcan that gives u money when u throw things away. GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! u need it
By the way I HAVE BEEN BINGE WATCHING this. It’s amazing
Can you please name one Kayla?
If she gets twins she should name them Alexa and Siri...haha! Just imagine her always being like, “Alexa, stop!” Or “Hey Siri!” I would DIE.
Name one Sarah it means princess
Boy name Jayden Girl name Aaliyah
Name one reagan
9:24 honestly this is so accurate
Get the mode that makes bunk beds
And you should get a dresser
They work for teens and kids
name your next girl Alizea
Please upload more frequently pleassse love the vidssss
You can sell walls for money, too lol
I just realized I’ve only done three things this weekend: homework, watch this series, and play Sims
Love this series, but I think she needs to spend more time talking to olive. and caring for her
Name the next babys Angelie and kamila if they are girls
Name one Briar!
Please call your baby zoe
The epic music during “The Final Potty” was the best moment of this entire thing.
names for babies girls Shannon, Naree, boys Finn, Andre
I enjoy these videos so much lol keep it up single girl!
Y can’t u just marry someone so it wouldn’t be wrong? Just saying...
Name suggestion: Laurina :)
30:28 parenting in a but shell
I'm the only one who is uncomfortable due to the dirty toddler potty? xD
Do the name Aubrey for the 8 or 20
You should use the name Genevieve
"Brielle is being sad with a cup" -Kelsey 2019
It's hard to believe that you only have 4 kids, it seem that you have like 40!!
For names how about Abby for girl and Nick for boy
Can you name your next one Breyana?
8:09, Thank you for being a friend, traveling down the road and back again. Your heart is pure, you’re a pall and a comforter. (BumBumBum) And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me, and the card attached would say: “thank you for being a friend.”
You have to put there birth thing up on the wall
Is it against the rules if you invite Nancy over to help you with the kids?
You forgot Jamie and Alexis’ birth certificate
Olive= the maid
Could you name one Brynn
*wants to pee* * feels very uncomfortable* *pees herself* *feels very flirty*
can you name one Madalena
Erick is a great name
I don’t think you are allowed to make a lot trait....
You should do jenna it's a really beautiful name in my opinion
Name next girl Issa
olive gets even better. If your still doing this challenge, get the activity table. even if for only a little bit, you can sell the drawings she makes. Olive/other kids by now can help make dat money. like if you want her to see but nobody will see this anyways.
So glad the guy cleaned the floor Bc it was honestly bothering me
No stop don't walk up mom she never gets to sleep two seconds later wake up time to age up! lol XD
If you leave the house you have to take the whole family with you. The only way that you can leave the house without the family is to go to the hospital. You don’t have to take children and teens if they are at school. I love your vids and I love this challenge. I am currently on baby number 37.
Name a baby Kayla
here’s a baby name poo or pee
"we dont have to have dirty things anymore, we have HELP" what a mood
my name is alexis
Olive had to grow up so fast because her mom wanted 100 kids lol! Imagine being the oldest of 100 lmao
I wish that potty was cleaned at least once!
When you have twins there are 2 passies
Can you name a baby Brianna
please have a baby with santa an name them something christmassy
Baby names, Girl: Luna Boy: Sky
13:53 It's a whole new world! We don't ave to have dirty things anymore because we have *children as slaves*
You should make Olive her own age bc she needs her privacy
Please name it jurzie
w00p, you did.
I think you should clean the kids potty...
I kinda look like olive but with long hair
Where does he have a tail? I seriously don’t see it
if you click on a mroowe you can custtmis your sim
Name it Deedee.
The kids can play together too!
Can you hire a nanny or maid? Lol. It might not be okay for the challenge.
Stephanie's always a good name!
Hi Kelsey, I really enjoy your videos, you are the best and your accompanying comments are outstanding. Base on the rule: "our matriarchs may register as self-employed but cannot have a career. They must make money at home through one of the skills.'' a great opportunity to make easy money is by painting and sell the pictures. It does not take a lot of time and the Sim will have a lot of time doing her own stuff with babies. Hope it was helpful!!
Do you have the get to work game
Put the birth certificates on the wall! :)
you should try getting married then have the rest
Baby toothpaste
olive (children) can sleep in the same bed(s) as chelsea (adults)
You should get married with Creg.
She’s going to be a great mom one day if she chooses to have kids❤️
Name one of your babys alyssa
I love watching this, PLEASE have the 100 babies don't abandon the challenge
ugh im so obsessed w this
Name your next baby Lulu!
...That's our Craige
olive looks like me
Girl: Carlie, Elana, Selena, Mary, Emily, kassandra Boy: Cameron, Carl, Josh,
Name one Angel
You should get Chelsea a roommate and then have her have babies too. It can be a sister wives situation or just a baby factory. Oh God that sound terrible. Hahahaha
You should ask one of the boys to marry you
twins? only 1 per man was allowed? :p
If you wanna get more babys at a time, you should watch childprograms and play With ya kids under ya pregnancy
Buy a nano trash can! You can throw away plates and get $20 per plate!
I'm sick can you guys hope that I get better soon :(
You may not be able to hire a nanny but you can still hire a maid to clean your house!!!! Didnt say that in the rules so theres a loophole for you
Well i would make a 100 Babys with Kelsey. Is that normal??
I think you should Call a baby after me(and you
build olive her own roooommm
Your so loud and annoying
The next name should be Nora
ok actually no one cares if she's a single girl like is that supposed to make us like her more?
olive is legit my favorite lmao
Can you please do lulu
You should name all the babies after Harry Potter characters
Omg I think I have this shirt! UO?
Girl.Elizabeth Boy.Freddy P.S please can you use one of my names
"did you see my perfect angel daughter " LMAO
How old are you
I HAVE A NAME: Joelia, thats my name
If it’s a boy please name it Alexander or dean
0:05 chelsey
Martina for a new baby! Really love this season! Watching from Argentina!!!
Try my family of baby dads and moms it is called babymaking factory supply
Omg what a great surprise my name is Renee too!! This family is nailing it
To have twins or triplets you can woo hook alotttttttt
Honestly I'm having so much fun just watching the commentary. The sound effects make it even more intense lmao
Olive is sooooo cute
Maken sum babies
I'm really invested in this family
If its a girl name her Annabelle and call her Belle for short.
I know I'mma name my baby girl feyre and boy Timon
Kelsey:I’m the mother of........4 bootyful children Me:*lmao*
Can you use the. Name prisha for the next baby girl
Boys: Harry, Ethan, Callum, Grayson (if you noticed I've got a twitter fan so yeeeaaahhhh)
Girls: Erica & Jen Boys: Rodger & Charlie
I think IF you were to stay with the same guy yo I should stay with Lars or Olive's dad. One cleans your house, the other will love your family
Next baby Lylu
JIMINIE wait wtf why?
olive is the best
give me a number between one and eight fine lol
I think this game has given Kelsey baby fever!
Baby names Girl: Gloria, Ava, destiny. Boy: Jeremy, Alex, Oliver.
The next baby, you should let the babies get their name after the dad
Well I’ve said previously that Olive is the favorite child, now it’s confirmed
you shuld get a craft tabble
How does she have the hospital??
"Renee" is actually spelt Rennah. Just so u know. K?
please name it martha
Brielle is going to be depressed
Where is your dinning room table
I didn’t even try but now I have a baby with my name here
What about Cheyenne
I like how there's an actual reflection of Chelsea in the bathroom mirror.
Why am i enjoying it so much
You should name your next baby Madi
If you don’t have a baby with Santa I’m boycotting
I tried this... all my saved files disappeared
Thank u for being a friend travel down the road and back again
7:28... You can always count on Lars.
Name Lia? Elizabeth? Tom? Harry?
19:56 is my favorite thing all the time ❤️❤️
Been watching, wasnt going to subscribe until you said "hes a little jon snow!"
This is so fun to watch!
did anyone else see the butterfly?
Thats funny having woo hoo while the baby was crying lol. On the sims mobile it takes them 30 mins to woo hoo for a baby
Beautiful video. Thanks.
One episode will literally need 15 kids to be made in 30 minutes if you don't want to make season one more than 10 episodes
I love your vids and sims 4
Name next baby Jasmine
For a girl u should do Samantha Blayke Rachel
In another dimension this is actually happening and your controlling her baby addition
So many guys won't do pregnant women
Call the next baby Porsha Lyn or Abbryanna
Baby certificate wall?
21:52 olives dad says my name ebony which is ironic cause I dont know my dad
How are you leaving the house without a nanny hahaha
Maybe the name Argerie :) for a girl
R.I.P the baby wall
Which expansions is she using
You should use the name Tejia for the next girl or Timmy for the next boy Tejia is pronounced like Asia with a t in front of it.
do a 4000 baby changle
Yes my name is miles ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
I tryd downloading the app but it's too much space an I ain't got anything on my phone
lila, avery, bryan, Grace, jason, liam, hailey, william, vincent, tessa
Is this gonna be a 100 parts challenge or something lol
U could adopt it might be cheating
You should collaborate with CallMeKevin
omg olive shes so cute
Another name can be Zaria I think it's a cool name lol
Name the Next child emelynn
I'm so obsessed with this
Allison Make one Allison
When you have kids you have to get a microwave so you don't have to cook even though they sometime complain about it being old in the middle but whatever.
Can you use my name for a baby Juliana
Girl: Emery Boy: Grayson
Can one of the girls name be Noelle
i love this episode!!! so many wins.
WHICH sims game tho? There’s like 3 of them and i just want my sim to be a mom asap
Haha when your sim children live up to your sim parents expectations
Baby names: Boy:Carson Girl:Delaney, Cameron
"you don't know anything yet, you are a little Jon Snow" xD
dude Olive is literally Olive from Ant Farm
You should name the baby Gabby or Elle or Ellie
i started this and im on baby 19
You can only have 8 babies on sims
Name your next baby ... Harpreet
Olive, Olive,Olive,Olive do all the work NOW!!
I'm a girl with a twin brother
For a girl NATALIE
@kelsey Get bunk beds it’ll save you money!
I love this
If you have the baby at home there’s more of a chance of twins or triplets. For some reason going to the hospital my game seems to only give me one but not at home. I’ve seen that with other’s games too! To do: Keep or buy the cot and then when Chelsea goes into labour click on the cot and it will say “have baby” click it.
I just love how my name is Olive and you keep complimenting her
Ok sims
If your struggling for money there’s a cheat for 50,000
Omg I started playing Sims 4 before I watched this series and my sims are named Olive and Miles lol.
Name a baby girl Stella
Can you make another 100babychalange video?
I like to watch Kelsey the most
Hi baby
great names would be Amina:) Juniper Penelope Rachel Maya Yvette Chloe Theodosia Leticia Melissa Brooke Boy names: Jake Neville George Alfie Newt Ben
You are sooo great! It's such fun watching you!!! Greetings from Germany!
DO Jasmine!!... Plz
OMG!!! To have TWINS more often you need to WooHoo more than once to up the chances.
20:16 idk nan molla
If u use a birthday cake for the toddlers they will get bigger
The kids have not been outside
She needs the robot garbage so she can ge5 money from it
Olivia if it is a girl and if it is a boy joe
She's glitching, that's not good for the baby. " LMFAOOOOOO
EMERY for a name boys
you need to swap chelsea’s room with the little kids room...then your kids will have a bigger room
it s a boy alix it s a jecika
What about the certificates?
Watching this has convinced me to finally upgrade to Sims 4 (though I'm definitely still going to play Sims 3). (Update: It's downloading as I type this!)
If u have another girl can u Name it Angelika
*FINISH THE LYRIC* Thank you for being a friend
You should get the kids bunk beds.
Renee is my middle name
Girl names: Ophelia Shyla and Collete Boy names: Keegan Caleb Reed
You are gorgeous
Ur pretty much cheating on every last boy u r mean to them
Presley should be the baby’s name
You should name a baby waverly
name the next girl Daniella :)
you have to put up your certificates
Tristine is A name plz
The next babies name should be katlyn if its a girl
Yea let's go play in a bush lol
She should paint itll earn more money
The next baby name plz be Shania :)
Get her to paint. She’ll make more money!
as a child their gonna be at school most of the time so Chelsea can sleep and clean
You should have a baby with Santa!
baby girl name- Elizabeth or Liza boy name- Cj or Will
That's our Craig
Sims = Humans' lifestyle with the life expectancy of a cat.
My name is Alexis
call the next one monica
Can one of the babys be named Ella
If your next baby is a girl name it Lucy
Did anyone else notice the kids keep switching beds like the color of them bc Brielle had blue , olive had yellow and Jamie had redish brownish or is it just me by the way love this series like if u agree
21:54 Jamie’s just twerking in the background
When Olive aged up, I swear Kelsey said Olive a million times
This is the only series I have actually followed don't stop they are hilarious!!
Lilly or Tyler xx
Lord show me how to say no to this.
U have to clean the potty thingy and change the baby's Dipper
Does this series end when you get in a relationship irl or...
a baby name Elise or Valerie
Kelsey is freaking going to need a mansion for 100 kids like, god
U should use the money cheat
If she woohoos while pregnant then there should a better chance of twins
You forgot to put up Alexis' birth certificate
"I just pooped and I'm Proud" hahahahha, btw name the next baby either Zach for a boi, or Tate its it's a girl, lol
Having 4 twins babies and pregnant again.. im dying
You should name a baby girl Georgie and a boy Dylan
Name tf next one Nadine if a girl n Enrique if it’s a boy
Is Alexis a girl or a boy??????????????????????
This is so fun
Takes a shot every time she praises Olive....calls 911 cause alcohol intoxication
Call another one Shane or Yasmin or dale or kelly
Did you just make a flight of the conchords reference? "It's business time"
Please change olives clothes
Kelsey please can u take your kids on a trip in a car
this series is amazing
Sell some walls or fencing for money!
Maricella for the next baby girl
What sims is this
i have 70000 dolars in sims
Make ones name Lia that just seems pretty or even Liam
How are you single??? Your awesome!!!!
"Brielle is being sad with a cup. Can't say I've never been there." ME
Here’s a name: Iris
plz clean their potty omg plz
Please empty that potty...
Will you name the next one Hannah
Please name one of the children to come Kelsea? It’s our name, it deserves praises
Your mean
You could also be a at home painter
Kesley when are u going to make another video we are waiting happily
You should give olive her own room and then when the kids come they get bunk beds
Name them after friends
And more butiful
U should make more rooms in the house expecially olive please!
Put the birth certificate on the wall
Name a boy if you have another one Preston
I think a 100 baby challenge with the father raising all of the kids and having 100 baby mommas would be just as funny. it wouldn't take nearly as long but it would still be entirely hilarious.
Get more iPads
Do you know what is funny my name is Brielle
No more baby certificates plus you can only have up to 8 people in a household unless some move out when they are older Baby name could be Sophie or Sofia if it's a girl or George or ale if it's a boy
Could you babe your baby after me my name is Lia name her Lia please
Learn coding
Another baby name: Lulinda
Can you name your next baby after me meh name is Esmeralda pls choose meh
Do Delilah
If you need another baby name
can you named one baby valentina
For the twins and the 2 children get buck beds
to get more money tipe up mother lode :]
on sims 4 i had triplets
yea my aunt and uncle got my lil bros a tablet and ever since then ive been getting random hugs and food from them. its honestly scary
MORE MORE DO A PART 5,6,7,8,99,10,11,12....!!!
name one of the babies Paisley!!!!
You should name one of the emma
Olive should get her own room
Lmao the kids can help clean, yes that's why you have children! Helping hands! Hhahahaha
Why don't you just hire a babysitter??
Can you name kristine please!!!!
you pressed imagination not thinking
Girl names tamzin, ruth, ella, for girl names and carlton, Williams, Perry for boys names
Why did you stop putting the birth certificates on the baby wall
Why is this so fun to watch???
Here's a tip don't sell the crib keep it so you don't waste money
Can you name your next baby Gigi plzzz
Olive should get here room with out them
I LOVE THAT THIS VIDEO IS LONG hahaha i can't wait for the next one
please please please please woohoo santa
Name one of your baby girl Emily and the boy Anderson
When will you get a twin
i dont know what ep your on but if you have a girl can you name her Lili
Samantha or Carley
Whenever Chelsea kisses a man I’m always like, “Yeah, no. I’m not watching that.” Then I just cover it with my finger
Don’t forget your baby certificates!
Baby Alexis keeps triggering my Amazon Echo!
You can have twins more frequently when you watch kids channel on T.v
When she said Alexis my god damn echo dot went off
kelseyi love you, like real love!!!!
You should name a baby Riah
I wish you could post more frequently Im really enjoying this also you should do more sims related liek challenges cx
Call One Alexa (After Me Lol)
To get more money pressed shift Ctrl and c at the same time in motherlode
Type in
Come on
u gotta put Alexis birth certificate on the wall
10:21 *that's exactly how parents must be feeling about school.*
23:50 “You’re like a little Jon Snow” Omg I started freaking out when she said that!
What about the birth certificates
Name a girl Charlotte
call one girl Zoe
you’re not putting up the certificates !!! also, the funniest thing is when olive made a mess infront craig, and you said “clean that up” and finished talking to craig
Name a bab Angelina or Noah
What about the baby sertificet
Name arlt
For girl: Charisma For boy:Kaden
Okay so when shes playing she can join her sim at the hospital while she has a baby, but in my game I cant? i've never seen the option.
Get a nano bin you can make money when throw stuff away
You should get a back door and have outdoor activities
My name is Alexis
My name is Abrielle
Alexis is my moms name
I’ve got tips Get Chelsea to harvest apples from a tree, then go into her inventory and drag them out Place them on the ground (not in a stack, just separate) then the toddlers & kids can Get them by themselves
Baby names girls,Stella,londan,paris and kaylyn boys,dammion,adien and cameron
I like my own commets because no one will
Lilyana? ‘
Can you name one hailey
Lily or Ivy
brielle ia gonna be a rebellious teen
dominque is stalking you
Can you name the next girl Mary-Grace?
For a name will you do Emma for a girl
And here we are pretending that motherlode does not exist :DDDD
Can u name one of your baby’s Emerald
You should save for a bigger home or get another room
My amazon echo responded like 200 times during this
can you please use the name Zikeriya if its a girl and Elijah if its a boy
alexis is difacult because i was difacult and my name is alexis
Sky is a great name or maybe Ruby
I love the name Daniella
If she had to get someone to always watch her children so they weren't home alone this would be so much more complicated lol
Nice video
It's just me or she sounds like Phoebe from Friends???
OMG 6 kids in one mom wow Six babies out of hundred
do my name mika!!!!!
I wanna try this. I would probably get to 5 then age them all up to be children and repeat that over and over
Dominic is clearly a stalker. He keeps invading Chelsey's privacy.
why dont you get bunk beds
And get a new computer
You gotta put up the birth certificates up
i love your videos so much
I feel bad for just one boy.HAVE MORE BOYS.... plz
girl name it maci boy name it coonr
U had a boy!!! #cute kids!
Did you make a part 6
Next baby you name if it is a girl name her Mazie
What about Emily that is a cute name
When you get the kids to be teenagers they can help with the baby more
why am i eating at 11:11
when are yall gonna post part 6?!! Im ready!!!!!!!!!
Let Olive have her own room
Baby names for girls: North Evie Eva Sophie Ellie Rose Rosie Rosetta Violet Samantha Blossom Bloom Bethany Lauren Shimmer Abby Annabelle Pheobe Miranda Jessie Anna Elsa Cousette Bella Stella Katie Kat Kate Charlotte Baby names for boys Mike Jacob Jack Jace Zack Zachary James Bryan Otis Ryan Brandon Tony Harry Leo Callum Caspar Recce Flynn Aiden Charlie
LMAO but seriously... thats me with my pets
Or Alex
If is a girl Ashley and if is a boy James
give olive her own room becuse big kids need thier space
PLEASE NAME A BOY ARISTOTLE And could you name a girl Ailsa? I think it's a really pretty name
Name your next daughter Natalie
When Santa called I thought he said addiction and I was dead
she wouldnt live with triplet why does my sim have triplets
Buy that composting trash can that gives you 10 bucks every time you throw away food or poop! So worth it!
Which version off the game is this? Cause i want it gaming too on my phone. ^^"
Good luck for the challenge!!
Baby name Girl:Ariana/my name Boy:Ashton Btw I'm gonna be a big sister
More episodes please love them
Love how much you love the kids or how proud you are
Baby names for girls: Mia Avery Jordan
Please name a baby after me!!! Leaetta is a unique and pretty name :)
There is a preschool
U need to post more videos
What expansions is she using in this??
make her eat a ton and then you will have twinssss someone tell her please
Renee is my middle name!
My name is Summer and that should be a baby's name.
Can’t you do child support on the dads?
If its another girl please name her McKenzie. I absolutely love the name McKenzie❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s funny how my name is Alexis
if you have another baby, Name it Olivia ;)
U should do some art work to make money.
Do Keira as a baby
You didn't put the baby certificates up on the wall !!
in the hospital you can't get more kids than 1
A babby boy should be TROY
Fynley could be another baby name
Name the arther Babie Ginger
Pls call one Emily
Dont woohoo with babies around, Kels!!
Should keep baking them cakes and adding candles to age them up (if it’s not against the rules). It’ll make it easier! Especially when they get a teen and can get a job.
Baby name moon
I wanna get that game seems interested but dont know how to get that game
Aww.. Olive is so beautiful!
"I really really wanna ask you this question about a bush" ahahahaha
We need mooooore
I really appreciate all the music in these hahaha. So good.
If you get a bunk bed for the kids you will have more space
jacksepticeye LIKE A BOSS!!!!!
i love that she keeps having babies while still in her hospital gown, that`s rad lmao
how can she woo-hoo at night when olive is home?
My Harte melted watching this ❤️
By the time the last baby is born (#100) Olive will be a teenager or even a young adult. Olive is the og baby
You should name a girl Kayleigh or faith
Did you know there is a cheat code to get money?(motherlode)
can u do more plz
Why am I so here for this?
omg how many hours have you invested in only 4 kids??? good lord
XD She's glitching ... thats not good for the baby XD
name the next baby Paulina!
She just reminds me that hard on lilly Reinhart hahaha love them both ❤️❤️❤️
Wait she didn’t put Alexis’s certificate on the wall!!
Dominic is such a damn stalker.
hy what kind of sims 4 is she playing
Love this, i am Not Sure if this is possible
Pls name one Rikki is a cool name
Please season two
My mom had 6
you need to expand de wall of all the births
*_WhO hAvE i BeCoMe?_* -Kelsey after 4 episodes
Buy the garbage that you can sell plates and things for money
Watching her do this made me frustrated, so I did it myself and I already have 10 children. You should become a painter , and get the money tree aspiration. No cheats and more money
She should name a girl Ellie and a boy Will works best with twins
You need to get a bigger house so the girls can get a room then the boys.
name one Skylar pls
U need to upload again I love watching these vids also u should name your next child Micheal if it's a boy and if it's a girl Shelly.
Can the next girl be Leslie?plz?
Make a baby LAYLA
You look like Betty cooper from riverdale. That’s a good thing. Make a baby called LAYLA or BETTY
Kelsey Please get your own channel!!!! I loved it when you said "Noooo Craig Don't Leave, Im Sorry, I'm Talking To My Daughter" Then proceeds to pursue Baby Daddy and leave the kids with Olive
Paxton, Paxi, Cammy, Luna, Aura, Matteo, Stella
I freaking love Olive
"She's glitching, that's not good for the baby." comedy at its finest
Lol im tired for her
7:37 lord, tell me how to say no to this I don’t know how to say no to this
You should name the next one Rylin ;)
You should name the baby Karlie
Girls ava Boys Isaac
I think the potty needs to be cleaned
Kelsey Impicciche is #challengequeen! If you get enough money then you can buy the money trash (if you throw something out it will give you money)
And remember to put up their birth certificates
You should name the next girl jade
"Only 95 to go. WOW"
Lars listen, I'm attracted to you, and I want you to be MY NEXT BABY DADDY
Torias or Elspeth for names
The name for a girl should be Lexie if a boy Alroux
I’ve been waiting for so long. I wanna see what happens next
Was kinda hoping santa would be the next baby daddy
you should exstend your house to make room for your other kids
Baby : Gia plzz
you forgot about the sertifacet
If you get a girl call it Taylor if boy Tyler Taylor is my name Tyler is my bros name
Thanks Santa XD
Good idea
You forgot the baby wall
I’m sorry if I’m a bit late but , SOMEONE CHANGE THE KIDS OUTFITS!
Literally subscribed for this series XD
This series is hilarious. I love it! MORE PLS
I love that she just walks around the house in a dress and heals while 8 months pregnant lol
Watching this is making me want to buy the sims 4 and do this challenge
The name of the cheat is motherlode
If ur on computer to get to cheat u do control shift and c at the same time
There is a cheat code u can do to get 50,000 sim coins and u can do the cheat over and over again untill u get 9,999,999 sim coins
Baby names: Girl names: Olivia Alexa Annie Piper Mia Chelsey Victoria Stephanie Elisabeth Bella Boy names: Stephen Leo James Eric Kristopher
I'm actually confused as to where/when part 4 will actually start YAY,finally a like! (And it werent mine)
Call a baby Sarah if it’s a girl
The fact that santa keeps checking in is HILARIOUS
My name is alexis
I'm playing Sims 4 and when u said twins me sim had twins
I would rather be freaked out if I got a boy do not have a really wish you were the twin that were both girls
If the next baby is a boy
Please name a girl baby Chloe
Savannah, and you can call her Vanna It’s not my actual name but It’s cute
Can you do Ashley
Name a baby Anna, I think its a beautiful name!
"I don't wanna hang out with Alexis, she's needy and sad" me, whose name is also Alexis: Heyyyyy :( but also tru
one of the babies gotta be named kelsey lmao
You should expand the house and get bunkbeds
Chloe since my twin die and she was my bff
sorry my account name is DMoney but my name is Kamari a girl name. So please use that name in one video.
Name your next child Mia
I just watched Kelsey obsess over olive for 10 mins straight
I think she should have a kids bedroom and a toddler bedroom
strange, you get hungry every two seconds but you never EVER have to drink ._.
I cant stop laughing
I have some name suggestions Girl:Allison Boy:Caspian Twin Girls:Brianna,Rose Twin Boys:Daniel,Dave Twin Girl and Boy:Leah,Leo I hope u use them!! And if u used then already sorry bc I just skipped to this episode so I didn't watch the other episodes
Can you call one of your kids Lily please please please it a cute name
You are too funny omg
Sadly you can't you use lot traits for this challenge, I was going to do the same thing though
i̸f̸ u̸ w̸o̸o̸h̸o̸o̸ w̸i̸l̸e̸ p̸r̸e̸g̸n̸e̸n̸t̸ u̸ g̸e̸t̸ t̸w̸i̸n̸s̸
At 13:53, I Weased (Laughed) SO HARD
OMG the farewell huhu kelsey will be missing olive as her mom
Chloe for the name
when u want to pause the video but u accidentally try to click the sims 4 pause button...
If you get twins and it's A boy and A Girl you should name the Girl Simone and the boy simon
You should name one Janelle. Also I LOVE these videos and want the game so badly!
I love you Your YouTube videos
Name a baby girl named Dharma
i you have another girl can you name it dakota?
You need quadruplets or to adopt then it will be much quicker
Name the baby grace
the funny thing is, the household looks moderate, Chelsea being cheap, but it has 2 ipads haha
please name your next girl Anna after me lmao.
Baby name: Tatiana !!!
20:42 XD Olive's reaction seemed like she heard what Kelsey said. XDDD
I was doing the 100 baby Challenge and then Nancy popped up
"Why are you wearing miss-match socks?" "Why do all your kids got miss-match dads?" -Tabbes
Name your baby renata or Gabriel
Could you use the name Dèjá (Pronounced Dayja) in honor of my cousin who passed away when she was 2. If it's twins, her twin brother's name is Dylan (Pronounced Dielin)
Theres hacks to get more money for free without working or anything
You should always help Olive with her homework so she can be an A+ student ^_^ and if you discipline the kids when they make a mess they learn not to make so many messes/become responsible so when they grow up they can be great helpers to you like Olive is. Also, you can leave the food on the counter top and the kids/toddlers can still get it down from there.
There's only 3 birth certificates on the wall.
I would suggest bunk beds for the kids, it will save space
ella name one ella
Next baby. Boy mike . Girl Alice
I would pay good money to see this as a real life series
A baby name Jennifer 4 a girl and a boy Tyler
You forgot about the baby certificate
Why do I feel like such a proud mom seeing olive age up
If you (and with that I mean Chelsey
Please name a baby Harper
Because I watched you do this 100 baby challenge, I also want to play Sims (it's been literally forever ago since I last played it). Do you need the extension parenthood to do this challenge? Thanks
You're not supposed to have a favorite child, bad mommy
Use Carissa if the next child's a girl then John if it's a boy
This is soo crazy my mom had a girl, girl, boy, girl, and boy just like the game
Cora for name
I literally died when she said "she's like a little Jon Snow"
Get a bigger house.
name a baby paisley
I like Brielle the most then olive then Jamie then Alexis
Best mom 2019 award, anyone? Let's get it done.
I have to put up the frame for the last baby
That is cute
name a baby girl Brittany. thats my name
Girl is Lily and the boy Lucas
Baby names Girl= Addison or Ariel Boy= Keegan or Alex
Do a baby with santa
If you have another girl you should name it Kennedy
I SAW DOMINIC IN THE SIMS i punched him!
Lol “let’s go have
You should name one Kailey
Can you name one Bella please
Forgot a birth certificate
Omg my name is Alexis OMG
I am playing sims too!!!❤ But i am playing on phone
You don’t need potty at level 3 to age up
Emelia, jasmine for a girl Ethan, jordan for a guy
I feel like you missed a few on the Kelsey/Chelsea counter
Kelsey!!! by the way I love this series so please name the next baby girl Rachael!!!!!!!!!(two As)
Dominic is dedicated
Hello from Brazil! I just want to thank you guys for putting subtitles, it really helps me understand the language. Loving this series, Kelsey is SUPER funny.
The last time Olives dad hugged her
What is the games name
Can u plz name a baby girl heaven
You need to add the baby certificate
was there anything special you did to get twins? or was it completely luck?
future olive: ...and that’s the story of why i have 99 siblings
My names Brielle
A trick for sims is hit ctr alt c and type motherlode and you get 50.00$
You should to Kenleigh
you are going to have 100 beds
Do Lily
Put up the baby Certificate
Could one be named Golda lol
Omg the dirty paint on the floor bothered me so much and THE BABY NAMES IS MEANT TO BE RANDOM
Kelsey I dare u to woo hoo in a bush
Plz plz plz do it
Kelsey it would be so weird and funny if u had sex in a bush so plz do it with ur next baby daddy lol
heres a baby name Abby
Hey my names RENÉE
i realy like this
Here are a few baby name suggestions: Rose, James, Abigail, Carol, Sam, John, Sarah, Charlotte, Griffen, Michael, Caroline, Ann, Anna, Marie, Mary and many more to come. Hope your successful with the challenge. Hope these work if your still doing the challenge.
If u have a girl name it Kailey if u have a boy name it charlie
Lea is a nice name. Or Luna.
omg just found this xD i love it makes me go and install sims all over again. can't stop watching it ahah
I have been watching you for forever
Plz do mollie
You hit 1 thousand$ i hit 37 thousand$ love your vids
"And here's olive our special angel" *who just broke the sink*
You're going to be a great loving mother! Haha
You should woo woo and not take a pregnancy test and have birth at the house
Otis is a cute name
I think at the end of this you and Craig will get married and be neighbours with all of your kids. Olive will always be your number one. Edit: Chelsea not you, oops.
can you name one of the children Juliet if its a girl please, thank you!
Call your other baby emilianna because that is my name
In this game I’ve had triplets
Me and my cousin don’t talk that much but when I bring my iPad when I come over we bond over Minecraft
I can't find the Sims 4 where I can have kids but I wanna playyy
Do my name for your next baby Maia!!!!
Name her Dana
Terrion or Terri
watching her mistake overweight girls for pregnant is hilarious
To get twins is yur need to wood hood a lot
Get a mod where you can have more than 8 sims
Don't sell the toddler beds you don't need just put them in the inventory so you don't have to buy more later
I keep trying to zoom in and move the camera XD
My name is Olive!
24:40: “Look at Olive, our sweet little angel” *sink breaks*
all her kids are going to have 99 step siblings lol
You need to have a baby with a vampire. So when you have him or her grow up they can help you and stay up all night taking care of the children. PLEASE READ
Please name one of your kids who is a girl Rory
Please call your new baby Claire
Um the shrieking llama?
Aww little baby Olive is so grown up now .
Plz name a baby girl after me it’s cienna
Chelsea and her army of children
You need bunk beds.
Do it in 24 hours COWARD
Do It in 24hrs coward
As long as you dont flirt with your ex lovers in front of other lovers they wont get mad at you.
Can u name a girl Brooklyn plz
How would I play this game on my laptop? You think I could download it
Oh my goodness we have twins! oh my goodness me have twins...
i think you should hire a maid hahaha
Next elina
Did you know if you upgrade your sims you can have twins, triplets, or more? Would help you I think!
could you please name a baby Amberly...that is my name
I would have chose to make a baby with every different kind of man blondes brunettes dark light Yeti gnome Santa just to see what the kids look like
the steph0sims sinners are coming for you
This is the time **the whole news team comes observing her** And there is the olive in her natural habitat
You can’t see Olive through the window
I made lars
At the moment Brielle aged up Kelsey forgot Olive’s name
you should give olive her own room now that she's older
"get him with your cake and your baby bump" lol
"Why is she angry? Oh sugar"
Name a baby Nora !!!!
I cried a little when Marcus and Olive hugged
Olive Briele Jaime Alexis Miles and Renee Well, let me remember
She keeps going on about being single but her Instagram and Twitter show a bearded dude kissing her in November. "It's been a while since I've been on a date"... ya, sure.
A few names: Ella, Hope, Nina, Carly, Lyla , and last one Hannah
Chang the clothes
Have you forgotten about the birth certificate wall
I love you! You are soo fun to listen to and watch!
you should get bunk beds or get a better job
Name one Emma
Honestly STEPHOSIMS did it better. She is the greates daddy to ever dad.
who worked chose?? This said "MomTuber" "Youtuber/Momma" this Is a mod or what career?
Make the next baby jordan
By the time this is over, $1500 will have been spent on pregnancy tests.
you know buzzfeed has officially run out of steal-able content when they take on the sims
name your next boy child cameron
You can have the baby at home in the carrier
I literally bought sims 4 because of this HHAHAHAH
Name a girl Kate Ellie Ashley Katherine Lilly Ava
Name the next girl Analeigh!!
My moms middle name is rena srry do t know how to spell it
My name is alexis to lol
Could you please please name a baby after me? If you can it’s Zoe. No Y
very nice game
I am doing the 100 baby challenge myself so I feel your pain
Name a baby Carrot
I love that series❤❤❤
What is the game called?
"let's go have wohoo" - I'm dying
Name one of the girls Kriztella pleaseeeeee
You forgot the put up the newborn pics
Aother youtuber is threatening u
You should be with lars
Can you name some baby’s Angie, Noah(for a girl or boy) eeva and Tom thanks I love theses videos
Do it in 24 hours you Coward
Maybe i"ll try this challange (only with 50 babies), in the sims 2 :P
why is no one complimenting Kelsey’s phone case?
Baby Eleanor
U mean Chelsea is brilliant..? Haha
i have never laughed so much watching a you tube video :)
Can you not get a babysitter either for while you are away having the babies?
Just started this challenge myself (goal being only 26 for all letters of the alphabet) - so far, I have 7 boys. We should hook em up with your girls. Thanks for making me believe that I am NOT too old for this. I'm 28.
This is so addicting
Wohoo with santa
*chelsea hugs her daughter* chelsea's mood: very flirty
4:50 so THRILLING. I’ve watched every one of the episodes and I’m just going though them again
Shut up
Lol actually it’s half siblings
me screaming the entire time: THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!!!!
I just realized when watching this. If you join the mother at the hospital all her needs are reset to full.
you forgot to put a babay certificate on the baby wall
If you get a girl name it Aurora or Anameika and if you get a boy name it Quinten or Stiles.
It's official. *Olive is the favorite child* .
Can you name a girl Caitlin and a boy tyler
"Im sorry im talking to my daughter". Dont be sorry child. Lmfao.
What do use to pick the traits for the kids?
I like your self
I like your house in sims 4
Can’t wait to play!
"Alexis, why are you so difficult?" omg you sound like my mom XD
"I'm taking name suggestions and some of you chose your own names" ME: lol how funny would it be if it's my name- "and so Alexis said Alexis so that's what I'll name her" Me: *le shook*
I want a taco right now. Btw it's 11:00 p.m.
At the end of the challenge you should have a family reunion showing all the kids and maybe dads together.
Is this just the sims 4? Or additional games installed with it???
can you name one lily
You can do gianna that is my name
Lars: Cleans the floors Me: KEEP HIM
isnt alexis a girl?
I just realized that Chelsea was talking to one of the toddlers about noncommittal things
You should try to have the baby at home instead of the hospital
I have become addicted to this series ....
Hannah that is a great name
You broke a rule! You chanced a lot trait
“Room of beds” Or.. bedroom
can you put a name Elizabeth I've always loved that name!
walking home IS good for the baby
Omg hilarious. I never thought I'd have so much fun not actually playing a videogame.
22:55 he had enough
You forgot to put up Alexes’s brithCertificate
Whenever she says “Look at all those bugs in a rug!” I thought she was going to say “Look at all those bugs in that toilet!”
The lessons of my friend at school the listed as my friend how when I get back in school I learned the lessons why I want this on a toilet why Ayana. The Legend come back here right now come downstairs when I get back let is Kombat scare I don't know where I live oh my best friend zone basically
makinna please
Name your author baby Michael
also this came to me when she got the baby the toilet but i'm commenting this now her children do not wash there hands after using the bathroom there little minds will after process this skill later in life haha
name the next baby Cadence
(*kelsey* thank you for being a friend) (*me* traveled down the road and back again your heart is true your a pal and a confidant and if you threw a party invited everyone you knew well you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say thank you for being a friend) also dont hate most this is from memory and the golden girls did cut off some of it haha
At the end of this challenge with her one hundred babies she should marry Lars.
Can you name the baby Abby
I I l I lo I lov I love I love t I love th I love thi I love this I love this s I love this se I love this ser I love this seri I love this serie I love this series yeah im not finishing this
Name one baby Avery
Name the next baby Amanda
Jaime is adorable and give Jamie a bath you GOON that is what my mother tells me I am
You know I had no intention of watching this but somehow I’m here and I’m all in
Baby girl names: Kelcy/Kelsey Savannah Posie Erika Lilly Baby boy names: Mike Kurt Louis Bruce Barry Austin Hope you like them.
I love that you are getting it on with Lars while still in the hospital gown from delivering Alexis. So fun.
Sorry to bother you, you may run a busy life style but this will only take a moment☺ I just started a GoFundMe page to help out a young girl thats homeless and is in need of many things. If would kindly take the time to at least read and think about donating just a couple dollars we'd be really thankful
You should name your kids: Sydney, Riyan, Rihanna, or Sebastian :D
Hey Kelsey there’s a bin in the sims that gives u money when u put stuff into it
Olive looks like Riley from "Inside Out" to me lol
The next challenge you should do is the Disney princess challenge (see LDshadowlady)
Hey Kelsey can you name a baby Ada Please
U should make one lainey
Names for kids Alyssa Alex Sky Jack Jackson Jacob Brandon Caleb Bob Sam Zoey Riley Lily Damien Dominic Rose Jack Kelly Charlotte Foxy Ballora Loki Tonks Penny Pete Olive Jessy Teddy Sunrise James Elsa Ana Pepper Teddy If I said names twice I’m sorry
Donna do Marco, I am uncomfortable about the potty too.
This was such a great episode
What about the birth certificate wall Nvm I saw it
I love it and hi did you post a video can you just tell me thanks bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye, come stop thank you
I don't know how your video came up on my youtube home screen but I'm glad it did. You're such a delight to watch and crack me up! It also makes me want to play the Sims again...
Your children are soooo cute
Also since when did children and teens become slaves?
name baby charlotte
How about Teah
I think says eating for two month means you should start eating if you want to twins
Painting also makes you a lot of money. You should try that!
You should name one of the babies Nicole :)
I did this challenge and so far I have 4 girls!!!! When am I gonna get a boy!?!?!?!
Here's a good baby name Kristina
Your so good☺☺☺☺
how do you play this game
Could you make olive her own room
What is the app she uses to choose the numbers?? 22:55
Whenever I watch your videos I want to play Sims 4
Did you forget to put up the birth certificate
On the side of the house she should make a little house for olive
Turned on the Notifications
Please use these names I subscribed to your channel
I think it is not Gucci too have a lot of babies
Mason should be a name
love ya keep going
Bless Lars for cleaning the floors my OCD was being mildly triggered
My name is Renee omg
Bo b
You have depressed children.
Can u name a baby cerys
You should make olive go to school
you can use the hammer to sell stuff
Don’t forget about the birth certificate wall!!!
"I thought that are other child was pretty but DANG is she pretty." #BestMomEver
There is a lot of kids
lowkey crying when olive aged up.
Name a baby girl Harley
14:26 "Chelsea and her army of children" -Kelsey 2019
7:32 such a good man
O my gosh we have twins ....we have twins
You should name your next girl Emily and the next boy zachary. After me and my brother
Can you tell me please how to install sims 4 on mobile Android
U should name the next one Skye
Am I crazy or did a butterfly just pass through at, like, mach 20? 18:29
You’re like a little Jon Snow
can you do my sis name lorela
In real it would take 100 years to have 100 babies
Call the next baby Laetitia!!!!
pls could you name one of your children gracie
if you have a boy can you call it cubby
I had only 2 toddlers AND a husband, and was still struggling to keep them alive.
I love how she left the toddlers at home alone why she went on a date.
Name her Samantha :)
you need to add a extra room
OMG BABY ALEXIS! My name is Alexis!!!!
Lars is the best babydaddy by far
17:58 that was the Perfect place to put a Soulja Boy clip. i'm disappointed
I hate these
I love this series
You forgot the baby certificate
I forgot Alexis existed! I’m rewatching the series XD well....middle child syndrome I guess.
how about the name ava
Kim,Aubrey,Mariah,and Landon
the amount of time and the emotional investment i have in this series is probably unhealthy *continues to watch the series anyway*
Honestly I feel bad for olive
Name it stella
Name her eshara
name next baby ava girl loe boy
Do a girl named Mida
What is the game called
Or amber
If it’s a boy can you call it Jai
Одни англичани
10:53 she looked like she triped over the mouse
Type in motherload
There is a way to get money by cheating in sims
You had me at little Jon Snow
Name your baby ALICE
21:53 to 22:01 was so sweet but then after had me cracking up
6:25 that's SO wrong hahahah
Xena or zena
What about murphy
You should name one of your babies David
Oh, Brielle is a kleptomaniac! (29:06) I never understood why she kept stealing! It makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE now!
Baby girl names: Lillian Christina Haley Baby boy names: Ronald
Remember to put the birth certificates on the wall!
I have a name for a baby Joann
Hey if you het a girl plz do Melody!
My name is actually Chelsea
Could u name one after me? Lol?
"While I'm gone, You're in charge Olive! 20:44, Her reaction was priceless XD
Girl name ryleigh
For another girl how about Cassie or Abby?
Hey can u name a baby either Sophie or Charlotte
subscribe to meeeeeee i subscribed to u
she should get a job or do the money hack
Is chelsea going to get a job
A name for a baby girl is Ashley
I think you should name one of your girls Saydie and one of your boys ronald
We don't have anymore problems anymore we have olive. Impichismay
Baby names: Abigail Carolina(Car-ow-leen-a) Agnes Lexi Alexis Jr. ;)
I'm so lucky that she named the most difficult,bratty baby after me..- *read my name*
im really enjoying this hahahaha
Yass the oldest kids are the best
you name baby after me Alexis but i wasn't the one that commented that but my name is Alexis #TEAMALEXIS
Wait so your gonna have 100 bed in one house
20:56That’s me on my period
im olive!
I love playing the sims, but seeing you play is so much fun, your smile makes me smile.
can u name a baby after meh??????My name is Sarah
in my family we ar 5 kids
can you adopt a pet?
Name one Ariana
Name 1 Ava
My name is Renae!
You should name one Riley Kate
You forgot to put up the babies certificates
Every time your Siri says”the answers is” I think it says “Beyoncé is”
Thank you for being a friend Traveled down the road and back again Your heart is true your a pal and a confidante And if you threw a party Invited everyone you knew You would see the biggest gift would be from me And the card attached would say Thank you for being my baby daddy
Baby girl name naomi please, boy Leon what you think?
Honestly, I got so confused when I heard “Alexis” omg
Hooray for Olive!
Olive comes to save the day!
6:32 That baby saw too much at a young age
Pls name one Ellen
For a boy
you need to put the certifficates
For a girl
Ava maybe?
Can you name one Ashlee? Thx xx
Okay but lars is a keeper, please bend the rule once plss
Can you name a girl Adeline? Or Rianna?
omg i should stop binge watchingggggg
Please name a baby Bella or BellaRosa (my name lol)
(Kelsey) “look at all the bugs in a rug” (Me) *looks at bugs in potty instead*
I actually cried when olive grew up
You should put my name too. Is almost Alexis, my name is Alexia.
stop c
The more babies she has the more problems she has XD lol
my name is Alexis and I'm excited that you named one of your children the same.
Tricky and Memory
You have forgotten to update the baby certificate wall of fame
Lola, James and Richard
when you ask your mum to do one thing 23:10
I think the genetics went a little bad with olivia's father, she doesn't even have a little bit of colour
Kelsey gushing over Olive is everything!
Can you name a baby Madison
You should have 5baby with one man
Buy another tablet
You keep forgetting to hang up your babies birth certificates! Be proud on how many babies you have! Lol
For the live part 8 can you name a baby if it's a girl alayna because my best friend is named hazel please
3 babies in 1 episode. That’s the best we’ve had so far!!
There is a cheet code in the sims 4 and you press crl and you type in Motherlode and you get sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much money
I choose a name of alaynah or Kayla or claire
try the Motherlode code for have moneyyyyy
If I was you I would change the babies/toddlers/child’s bedroom into the big room and you go in the small room since there are lots of children
Oh god... Watching this now... Olive, Brielle, Jaime and Alexis are now all young adults and have moved out... :´)
Madeleine is a cool neim
Can u name one Reese
I swear someone stole my middle name for the twins name I suggested Renee' LIKE REALLY DUDE FUDGE
Next baby name my name pls: BEA :) if it's a girl :)
In the future though, Alexis sees Chelsea and a future baby daddy woohoo
needs to use the sleepy time lol
Please put my name Alyssa
My name is madisyn name one of your kids madisyn with a y not and o please
Hey could be secret the kids in The Sims
Who's here when Alexis Jaime Olive and Brielle have moved out together
Haters-LOSER JUST TAKE THE CHANNEL DOWN LOL Fan-Omg ur so good! Luv it! Me-Oh cool more 100 baby challenge hm do I wanna comment or not this time!
If you have a Nother baby call him Brooklyn
Baby Names: please name one baby one of these Ella Emily Jazzlyn Jocelyn Daisy Andrea Mia
can you name one after me please!!!!! (also my name is pronounced Lily. ah.nah.)
A few more baby names ! Girl names 1. Sophia 2. Hope 3. Harmony 4. Megan 5. Imogen 6. Evie 7. Mimi 8. Minnie 9. Zara 10. Emily Boys names 1. John 2. Luke 3. Connor 4. Seth 5. Ollie 6. Micky 7. Alfie 8. Jonny 9. Junior 10. Ken Thank you for uploading! And for the likes (3 likes )
If u get a mirror u can change their looks
You should name a baby Ava
Kelsy put alexises birth certificate
Name it may or James
Name her may
kelsey you keep forgetting to put the birth sertifercits on the wall
I have a name for a baby girl Arya
Pregnant lady at a bar = Wynonna Earp! LOL :D
So much happened this episode
" I can eat cake and talk to you at the same time. "
I’m more interested in this family than my own...
Hi can you name your next baby lily And I've your channel
Olive is such a QUEEN
What Other jobs besides a write can you do as a stay at home Sims mom?
I have the Get to work Pack what comes with it? What are the perks?
i'm planning to get this game next month are the challenges worth it if so i'm planning to do this challenge
Name one jaidyn
love this series but don't like how olive is favored.
Carolyn for girl and dallas for boy
30:30 lol
Lmao I heard renee And my name is Rena Y e e t
Jessica or chloe my name
You need to put the certificates up!
you should get olive a desk or try to get olive and brielle there own room. Name option's MacKenzie , Esmerelda, Jupeter
Put up the baby birth thingy
Can u name ur next baby miami plz I would love it
Is it me or olive looks like *lil tay*
I think Alayna and Isla are good names for baby girls
Ha 1leap for childhood kind
DO It iN 24 HoURs CoWArD
your kind
Watch out olive, Charlie's commin soon
Gen is a good name
You should add onto the house
hmm the name should be "Annabella"
She named a child Alexis when someone suggested Alexis who was named Alexis and I Alexis am watching that video So hello to the other Alexis's out there
Idk if this series is still going,but some baby names are: Jayden/Jaden/Jaeden Blake Hayden Penelope Isla Reese/Reece Grace Quinn Hailee Amber Brooke Peyton/Payton Alexia Ashlynn Natalia Madelyn Dylan Hazel Harper Harmony Preslee/Presley Paislee/Paisley Ava/Eva Kesley/Kelsey;)
my names rene
Can you name one of ur baby's called charlynn that's my name
They're birthdays are slow
I got 2 baby's in the Sims mobile
I am officially BINGE WATCHING this series!!!
Brownie_SwirlE Toy girl me
Can you name one of your babies Alivia
with all the needs there is you can't do this without cheats.
Omg olive is so cute! She said "Alalala!" So adorable
it if a boy name it jeff and if it a grle name it jenifer
Oliwe is osome
Love how u say wassup I’m single then the screen says ::sup boys
I think if you go to the spa and get a fertility massage you have a better chance of getting twins too.
Craig is too needy
24:40 olive's our little angel! *As she proceeds to break the sink*
1 subscriber hereee so funny and hilarious each episodes we love u Kelsey
The baby shood be called lexi
Name suggestion : Maddi or Maddilen or Maddison
Kelsey inspired me to try this challenge... I'm up to 17 babies and just had TRIPLETS! Omg so much work, lol! But, once you max out parenting babies are a LOT easier to deal with. I made her a writer & painter, but I have enough extra cash now that I've also been dabbling in social media! I'm having a TON of fun, though. Thank you for re-inspiring me to love my Sims again! Totally hooking myself up with the merch next weekend too!
kensley as a baby name
Dunno how Kelsey is single O.o hot, funny, great smile, kind and likes games. Like O.o.
They’re all half siblings! XD
Put them on a schedule so their needs will not get so low
I think it should be Addison
I don’t know if it’s just me but did I just see an option to *throw a rock* at Alexis? Omygawd
can you but one baby that name: Merly
Have to like my own comments lol
Is she a little smelly? It doesn't matter! She can wash *HERSELF*
If you can afford it there is a bin that can give you money but it is quite expensive
If it's boy it's Hunter aesthetic girl it's Isabella
Devon is a really cute name
So far we have: -Olive -Brielle -Jamie -Alexis -Miles & Renee
Get Olive her own room. . . She's the SPECIAL one. .
Can name a boy Kaleb please T.hanks
And are better
Omg when here kids grow they look better
Name one Bella!
Hello! How about Alba, Maya, Alondra, Saul, Wesley, Rene, Katie, Yadira, or Dora for baby names
My ears!
you should name her/him katie or jack
Baby names: if a girl name her Cassie pronounced Cahsee if a boy name him Casey pronounced Kaysee
Baby Scarlet
Name ideas . kendrick boy . Brittany girl . Jayce boy . Daisy girl . John boy . Peter boy . Janet girl . Barok boy . Diana girl . Ethan boy . May girl . Ash boy . Emma girl
if you jog the baby will come out faster
way better to watch than to actually do
Bae also means poop. ._. Just u know, Kelsey/Chelsea
Okay so I have a list on my phone of potential names that I want to give my future kids some day lol! (There's a lot, judge me all you want i dont care): - Jemma - Daina (Day-na) (for boy) - Scout (girl) - Eliza - Lilyanna - Finn - Easton - Marlow - Brin (girl) - Piper - Marley - Oliver - Turner - Pepper - Vivvian
Bb name: Ally
Hey you should buy the trash can that gives you money when you throw away trash