Single Girl Starves Six Toddlers In The Sims 4 | Ep 49

Single Girl Starves Six Toddlers In The Sims 4 | Ep 49

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I think my toddlers, can smell fear. Hey. Everybody I'm Kelsey, I'm single, so we thought it would be funny if I tried the 100, baby challenge, it's a challenge in, The Sims 4 where you have a matriarch, and they are supposed to have 100. Children all with different parents, there is a lot of rules to this challenge so if you're interested the link will be below last, time we. Had 60. Babies. I'm. Very, proud of us it's. Been almost a year and now. We're, up, against, our greatest foe, make. It through we always have in the past you might have heard of cuffing, season don't. Know her I'm talking about Cozy season, the season where you bundle up and play video games alone, because, the weather outside is frightful, and inside, there, is Wi-Fi. And. Also my quirky girl I, love, Feeny's kind of hippie look I want to lean into that more so I think I'm gonna give Phoebe a makeover, no I'm not avoiding, taking, care of my toddler's, before. I even started, the game let's, go. Plan. An, outfit. I'll. Just look at what's going on it's Todd's going to bed you should go to bed you're, going to bed you should you're, eating a salad it's a good call oh my Todd's are doing what they need well Phoebe figures, out her TEENhood, yeah I love this top part the rest, of it doesn't go so let's go into, outfit. Category, and let's look at the boho yeah, yeah okay, all that matches, so nicely, I never used this one oh we, could do it in blue oh that's cute actually I like that a lot I think these might have been kind of like what she was wearing already that's cute no just wants to, get. An elegant, in the neutral that feels very boho, oh yeah that looks cute it's got like blue and pink in it which is like kind of our headpiece let's get her some bracelets, and stuff like, a blue vibe but yep whoo I like these beads I think this is our Phoebe, our, Pheebs. Our. Future, Evil Queen there's. New clothes actually I know that there's new overalls. Let's, change this to some new clothes yeah, new overalls. Baby oh, my god yeah, this. Is a little case he's a little sporty, too I like that I'm will do like a little sporty shoe oh she's. Got a new wait are there new haircuts, oh my god case you look so good with, this, little bit oh, wow. Big case rocks that look I think that looks for another girl, yeah I like this one okay KC looks adorable he's, so cute. Okay, okay. Well thank you so much for being a part of Kelsey's extreme, sim makeover, I'm your host cozy. Kelsey okay. What. Is happening, let's see Casey looks. Like she's feeling pretty good how is she doing with her public, image she's, a half way through notable, newcomers, so I feel, like I really just want her to keep that up so add your sister, Graham story like a lot, look at her phoebo she's. Feeling. Autumn. Is, very. Sad, autumn why don't you take a nap actually, autumn, you're. Like hungry, so why don't you instead of complaining, to your mom, get. Like a nice little meal grab. A servant okay ready and break. Oh Casey's. Updating, her Sims, 2 grand followers on her latest. Babies. That she has oh my gosh. Best. Image ever good. Job Casey go, jog you for a total of two hours she's never done that if, she also has to spent 10 hours exercising, apparently. I'm kind of surprised about that but alright I think she should post. Updates. Reply. To some comments, and then I want her to maybe like begin a stream and then go jogging that'd, be fun autumn, is just a helpless. Toddler. She's, a caregiver, her caregiver spits, whoa who's this guy. Excuse. Me. Sir I mean she's already met like a ton of Fred. Jensen. He's got like such a nice head. Of hair here.

He's Got like that five o'clock shadow long, jacket. Boots. Yes King why, don't you I, mean, she's, going jogging oh my god there's her ex. So. Awkward oh she had 4000 followers good, job Casey and, she went jogging for a total of two hours and she's got a lot. Thinner. That was random Oh autumn. Is very, sad, well why don't we give a bubble. Bath to, little autumn, who else is awake, it looks like August, is awake August is gonna have like a nice little meal good, job autumn, all. Right and then after that Casey I would love it if you oh you can't potty train cuz you're too good all right well then sleep poor, August, I'm so obsessed with autumn that we really don't give all guests appreciation. He is also you. Know a somewhat, Auburn, blue-eyed. Baby he's quite cute as well oh my, gosh just, his mom got to bed, Mars, is crying all right mom get back up and August is having a great old time, that's. The key to Tod mageddon in survival, is like making sure all your Todd's are sleeping, at once and just pull one out at a time really, come on come on yeah, a little. Too good, job Oh looks. Like Connor is woken up poor mom just really can't get a break to be honest, here's, evil feeb Owen, or, a little I forget I forgot that this towel thing was backless, I actually love, this what, mom why, didn't you fix this Conner still upset he. Is from cyber life Lucian's. Hungry, feed, him, before. He dies. There. You go listen where, is Lucien Lucien is asleep come on nation he's stinking, up a lot for someone that's not quite meeting hygiene, yet Connor is still upset dude. Connor what do you want there, you go, I wanna make mom wake up and potty-trained, you can sleep when you're dead Casey oh it is very hungry as well oh no oh, and just woke up luckily. I leave a garden, salad in the Todd room there you go oh my god they're all awake at once and I'm stressing. Lucian's, getting potty-trained, Phoebe, is doing her homework which, is good she's, 50%, done she does need a skill to level 3 I feel like she.

Should Read a book, but. A special book about vampires. Just. Figured. Out potty little too proud. Of you sweetie alright now he's on level 2's on everything, so is Owen actually, babysat works complete good job Pheebs. You doing Owen he's just so sad that he's so alone in the world, it's. Okay you can chat with your brother okay unlocked vampire, tome good, job Phoebe oh my gosh it's almost their birthday are you kidding I just had those babies I am, NOT gonna have six. Todd's this, is terrible. All right we'll purchase some vampire tomes just, for you darling, and have you read it because I think you'll enjoy that I feel so. Bad for all these toddlers because, none of them are really getting all the attention that they deserve they, deserve, and need attention but unfortunately a mom is like about ready just died and Phoebe, needs to do her stuff before, school which is in four hours, but like I think I'll have needs they'll have needs oh no he's so angry oh, my. Gosh all my children, are sad Marrs. Super-efficient. Baby care and then go I think you need to cook a bunch of salads, I think we're running low anyway, she's, not super well rested but she's not dying so she's, almost a level three there she goes. Amazing. So now she's done she's just like up late at night 6:00, a.m. reading, things about vampires. He really needs attention in hygiene so poorly and solution. Also needs hygiene the, other two are asleep but it's fine everything's fine I don't think you can die from bad hygiene right, she's still reading that book I think you're good feeds like for now can you give one of your brothers a bath the really fast for me Phoebe I know you have your own needs this boy is very sad, he's just the saddest boy, Phoebe starts school in an hour, know what a good sister even. Though she's evil she protects her own you need potty why don't you just keep going potty here I just need you both to grow up I can't do six of you, I can't, I can't I can't do it I know autumns, upset, but luckily in front of her are a bunch of guards out he's sobbing, because he's so lonely all, right this. Is just really, Oh God and he's mad Oh No okay. We need to do a beauty, review but, no one's available to. Do this they all need attention and they, can't I can't give it all to them I'm, giving you attention right, now aren't I end of oh my gosh they keep finishing salads. I'm so proud oh no August, is awake August, is awake and needs attention, give all your children attention. Oh wait he's sleeping. Go to bed dude, dude why are you not sleeping oh my god everybody's, obsessed Oh No.

Kasey Can only pay attention to like a couple at a time oh, my gosh they're talking to each other oh I forgot they can talk to each other no but you need to go to bed what, are you doing up what are you all doing up you're all tired go to bed oh my gosh everyone's go to bed and they're. All asleep, Oh Phoebe's. Home she's. Just a B student but she is the smelly B student that might pass out at any moment why don't you take a brisk, shower and then go to sleep in your mom's bed who's that it's Darrell. Casey. Wake up it's. Darrell. Go. Get to know Darrell, he happened to be jogging, by your home I feel like he did that on purpose for, sure, oh, my. God she just gave him a kiss on both cheeks, give. Up cut out why don't you let Darrell, tell the dramatics are with me oh. He. Is picking. Up okay, put that Oh No, Conor man, Casey. You gotta go fix Conor what are you doing don't. Wake up your sister well you, potty-trained, Owen that's like not fun for him, but. It is like a bonding, experience that. I think he'll appreciate oh, my, gosh we, cannot have these two children aged up before I figure, out these hot no they're. All awake they're all awake oh my god, this is my own personal, purgatory. Put him to bed she, stressed out - look out ten she is I feel, your girl okay we need all hands on deck no she's. Not good either deep. Breaths and cozy, playing keys okay, autumn, also needs a bath and so. Does August but also what you could be doing is sleeping, why did you all wake up did one baby cry and they all woke up like what happened here. Oh, my. Gosh mom is just. Tired, as. Heck heck. And tired go, to sleep mom you just got get someone, out of this child phase wait, is there some outside who, was. This Greg. Not Craig Frank Knott Craig is old he looks like old Craig and then this is the son well, we never I don't think she ever had, anything with Craig not Craig why don't you know a flirty, introduction. She's. Exhausted, but you know it's, never too late at night to flirt. It up my girl all right Greg is a eligible. Bachelor you might as well know him oh it's so awkward for Logan. Logan's, like come on mom, and she's, like what, I. Heard, voices outside. Who, is up why are you up loosen wait is this Greg not Craig he what, okay Greg was just outside at Chelsea's grave that.

Is Spooky, Wow. Nobody, is okay ah Connor. Please stop talking and finish your homework there. You go that's the spirit 25%, gun that's not the spirit oh just. Take care of some stuff okay just watch watch, some TV okay. It's fine everything's fine. Chelsea's. Here oh my god she's gonna be Greg not Craig Chelsea. Ghosts Chelsea, oh she's. Haunting, that. The. Casey. Just, flirted it up with this old man wait why didn't he like why is he he that indoor was, it awkward oh he just left okay, she's, gonna pass out man, I, really wanted that to work out Oh Chelsea, was cleaning, up the tome she's, like I don't want this up people, are gonna see it there's just so much to upkeep, that I can't even do like. Funny. Things okay, pay attention to this toddler who's throwing a literal, temper tantrum he. Is enraged, uh, Phoebe. Please help, oh no, Nasim's, awake no it can't be Mars and Connors birthday today I can't. Do this I can't do this I get I can do this I can do this we're fine it's fine, Oh No. Why are there always babies, crying. Oh my gosh Casey spotlight, is fading, no ah. I. Wanted, to make her famous and, now she's even less famous, oh man, okay it's fine it's fine fine we're gonna have our post or sister grips um are you eating are. You calming, down sir, August is going to bed oh no someone's. Up uh he's. Hungry okay okay okay everybody fine it's okay you don't need to. Be sassy all right you've got a garden salad in your inventory know all. The Todd's are awake all the Todd's are waking up okay. We. Got this whoo Kelsey, how did this happen, how. Did this, sneak. Up on us so badly I have no idea it's time to go into fight or flight here like we gotta just get this and enough, okay mom you can stop posting, on Instagram for. A minute the baby's been crying for like a really long time okay autumn needs hygiene fun and attention, we can have her play it's. Getting close they're getting close they're just not there yet mom is tense so can she play with like a guy she just met that you were trying to like seduce yes play with Derril that's how you get your man to play online video games with them what she's, late for school, oh no Phoebe. Phoebe's. Late for school and, she's so look how mad she is it's. Like mom you should have woken me up, that's. My teenage daughter yeah, okay have fun at school darling, you. Better study hard, autumn. Breeze imagination. Skill level two that's so good good, job autumn Lucien, how are you doing he's fine, just keep potty when's my daughter come home oh, my gosh autumns, up now oh she's getting a bath that's right she's getting attention though oh my gosh I. Know you're super sad bro. Level. Three okay, okay, he just needs potty and thinking, and that's it oh my gosh she's so cool. Lucian. It's potty level 3 yes. Lucian you did a good job can, mom teach, you something, okay I'm gonna pause this I'm just so wrong Lucian.

Needs. Thinking. Mom teach, shapes to. Lucian right, now Phoebe's, home from school she's. Got still a B probably. Because she. Was. Leaked Auto, breached communication, level 3 good job bottom go straight. To bed Owen has reached thinking level 3 thank goodness. All right what does Owen need left just, potty all right potty potty, it up potty it up load, I don't care how much attention, you need we got this we got this we got this we got this this. Is fine everything's, fine I'm fine, it's fine so soon my darling you, will be a child, and I will have to worry about you so much just, can you just a, little, bit farther oh and a little bit farther don't be crying don't cry don't cry don't go - sweetie, sweetie it's okay August is so upset that he might be taking away well good line are you serious. But. Oh it is officially, good. Enough to be a child I am, so happy, oh my, mom needs to make a cake. For him why don't we have you go to sleep sweetie while we wake up mom autumn, why are you awake she. Can't fall asleep because she's sad just, go make a cake please please, just go bake a cake I wha what let's die. Hards. Might get me this time honestly. The todd's may, be. The death of me in this episode you'd think after 60. I'd get better at this but I'm not no, no you, are gonna add birthday, candles no. Corner. It's not about you I, know you're just a baby I'm yelling, at a baby I don't like this I didn't. Ask for this I mean I kind of did I mean I did say like I want the hundred baby challenge, like that was on me but come, on don't, get on each him up pick him up pick him up pick him up he. Wasn't even a problem to sleeping, but it's fine okay, happy birthday away. I'm so happy you're, not a toddler anymore. Ticket number one through four. Okay so he's a motor kid and he's, a klepto. Amazing. Great-great-great-great, cracker great that's one oh wait I did I was so stressed out I didn't even notice how cute Owen is he's so dapper he looks like a young Clark Kent own. Cute. One but still why. Can't you just, go back to sleep for me can you just community, that thank you I don't. Want to deal with you right now all right she's having some fun why don't we have. Her, teach, shapes. That's my good girl Pheebs, my good evil girl there you go her socials kind of issues, social going up oh my gosh. Are. You not pleased she's. Giving you attention, oh it's cuz she's evil she's. Being. Mean to him Oh. Harry. Came back and he's cleaning out the toddler, toilet, alright, he's tired now why don't you just go to sleep my buddy alright and you need to do your homework okay. You, don't need to do anything else with that kid who else do I need a job this one alright he's almost ready to go are they talking good they're talking, and your big brother's here too look. Kid aren't you happy yes oh my, gosh, Oh. Connor. In case he just became good friends good job Lucian's, having a good time, wait, this is the last one.

Lucien, Doesn't need anything, else, come on Lucien. Lose. A, little beat up, oh, my gosh oh my god will have just got rid of two kids, by. The time that we get two more what. No. Mars. And Carter just ain't up Mars. Is fussy, and Connor is silly. Oh silly. Connors, mom what are you doing can you just like help, blow. Out candles too, Lucien oh my gosh you've. So many Todd Oh. Mars. Got a cute little hat on there chatting with each other they're pretty cute they're stressful, but alcantara, cute little skirt Oh they've just hugged, each other, lucien, stop let, mom eat you up happy, birthday, Lucien. Okay Lucien needs to be fed or else will be taken away I don't care, happy, birthday Lucien. Odd. It was hungry everybody's, gonna die okay Lucien eggs duck pick a number one through four, social. He's, a social, butterfly and, he's a glutton just like his mom happy. Birthday, Lucien. Oh he looks. Okay. So we still have four todd's have two kids that. Can help her in the house, I have to like height myself up over these tots they're just they're. So upsetting, why don't you. Cook. A big. Party. Sized salad, for us everything, is dirty. Disgusting. Oh wait. I have two children now ha ha oh. Wait he can't clean that though you can mop though that's what children are for to. Help oh. It's got school for the first time he. Hasn't done any homework yet though do your homework Owen stop cleaning I know I don't mind another quick pause how's, everyone, doing his knees are all pretty good so, he can just start on playing. The same shape same, way you, find. That when I paused the game - you. Know organize my sins I don't. Feel as stressed. Okay. He's got to go to school and so does Phoebe Phoebe gotta go to school my darling I want you to get out of the house we can get pregnant speaking, of getting out of the house so you can get pregnant, Casey is very, tired but once. She's not tired she's gonna invite someone over autumn, is sad. But. They're chatting together so hopefully it's better buy flowers. For every 100. And. Bought flowers for everybody in this class and they were all really happy that's. Too sweet oh my gosh sensitive. Sweet charming, thought-provoking. These, are the few of the descriptors, kids are whispering about Phoebe in the halls she's definitely fooling. Everybody at school because she is evil some say the school bully renounced, his previous, Taxation, on school lunches the popular girls are allowing anyone to sit with them even if they aren't wearing pink I see that reference and nobody, has been stuffed into a locker today and all because of Phoebe's lovely. Card so she said for love day it's this what being a teen legend feels like possibly, oh we, missed that thing that we were supposed to do she. Had like a brand deal, ah that's. Fine that's fine so guys we gotta pick and choose your. Goals right, now our goal is 100. Babies and so. We can't do the extra stuff right, now ooh Lucian's, reach, social level - good job Lucian he's all good for school tomorrow. So we'll just have you go to sleep, they're. All asleep oh my gosh the entire, P Jewish my household is asleep except. For Kasey just woke up good, job Casey what who's calling in lab Oh in science experiment, exploded. And made a big mess, along with frightening another student we think he did it on purpose ah. Not. My own my own would, never and then she's gonna call over, Darryl. It's, time to seal that deal, with Darryl I think, that. In a couple hours, her. Daughter's gonna come home and be able to move out now do I want to move out or daughter absolutely. Not tell an unbelievable, story here we go case talk about cooking can she not eat and like chat with him she can flirt with him a little bit needed salad, no. Seriously. Why is he going upstairs no no sir you, are he's gonna go up on our computer isn't, he Casey go up and flirt with him bring, yourself she's sitting on her child's, bed, but. It's fine, ask about day and then we'll do another little flirt moment, oh and swiped an object while he was at school oh it's a C student but Phoebe's grades are up good job Pheebs.

Okay Well Phoebe and we gotta age us and mom. Is gonna just continue this flirt-fest, oh. Happy. Birthday Phoebe. I kind of love her even if she is evil and a bro, and, she's also a kleptomaniac she's, gonna make a really weird, vampire, and I'm proud of her so now my darling, unfortunately. We need to move you out she, looks so sad oh. We. Need to move her out so we're gonna have a baby I thought she'd, live with the girls yeah she'll live with the girls back into the house let's. Get, this, woman, pregnant. Where, did the guy go arias. First kiss yeah I like that our son came to visit that's kind of nice here we go first kiss baby. All. Right. He's. Like oh what, a lovely first, kiss in your child's, bedroom. Now we're. Going to, try. For a baby, but. You can try for baby in a shower that's new. I'm. Very, curious about this he's, wearing a lot of eye makeup I just noticed oh my gosh all my toddler's just got inside the house oh. This. Is new our. Ex is asking us what, Lucian, just walked in on. His mom in the shower loo, should get out of there, oh. My. Gosh Lucian. Go to sleep go to go to get out of here, autumn. Oh my gosh okay, looks, like they had some fun why. Don't you take a pregnancy test there girlie she's eating for two. Congratulations. Casey she. Is now pregnant, again she's, like good, bye this man is just like came here said, okay I really should be going Casey spotlights fading as usual, oh my gosh no Leo jr., we don't want to come over do not understand, have, stuff, going on right now no, bad. Kid. Okay. That's been it's been a minute oh my gosh he's having an emotional meltdown, what's this toddler need here oh my gosh this toddlers, making a mess to go to bed, I'll have one of my kids come clean it up Casey, please, discipline, him and then, give him a bubble bath that. Is not how you get attention in this house sir I know that the, tension is hard to come by but like it. Doesn't matter you. Are not a loud he's, happy now when. I got what I want I'm happy.

All's Quiet now, in the Peter Schmidt household. Oh our. Buddy here he's, taking care of some kid oh so now she woke up I really wish I could ask him for potty. Help but we can't have her do that well it's pretty so hard for KC to get this all done herself always, cleaning up for her at, least she has like lovely, children, like Logan, that'll come by and help clean the house he, is upset. Really, over these Todd's I don't want any more Tut's somewhere. Todd's please all autumn, is very, cranky, she, can go to bed no it shapes yeah I think the kids can actually teach, which. Is kind of cute he's gonna teach you thinking your guys are gonna hang out I'm, excited to watch this kid teach thinking, Casey just go to bed, get. Some sleep while you can Lucian's, helping he's such a good big brother he's. Teaching. How. Are you feeling August August is not getting any attention from this are you kidding me what do you mean oh my gosh and she just passed out oh my goodness go back to sleep love. Day was awful, but you had a baby on love day he needs to do is homework and everything what he needs to be in a better mood before he does it there he goes up, to level no I, was. Getting phone call Teagan, past, no. It was gonna be sad all right good job Owen. No. Not, again Archer, just passed oh my gosh everyone's, gonna die. Guys I just can't do this it won't change the game I can't auto age Fred played six they're not gonna die anymore thankfully. Oh my gosh it's so stressful no everyone's dad though welcome, to the sad era oh wait I kids up and hungry. Mars is so hungry that, he will be taken away he also as usual, say. It with me kids needs attention hygiene, luckily, mom is actually not in too bad of shape there you go she's gonna give that little baby a bath look how dapper, Lucian. Is my all-american lad. Someone. Else is wanting us to promote TV, dinner it is too late we do not have the time are, you so sad, sweetie.

It's Okay he's waking, everyone up oh my. Goodness, are you kidding me oh no. Everyone's. Awake I just I just need a break I just need a break I'm gonna travel with her and you know what I'm, trouble with. I need something to talk, to you about this, August. Is very shot hungry I hope you doesn't get taken away while we're out I just need space. For, my children talk about sending letter hey. Chelsea I think we got off on the wrong foot now your grandma, we. Were friends once I feel like Chelsea's. A little judgmental, of Casey's lifestyle, which is ironic. Because she. Looks just like, her mom she's like you you, have. More to you than taking, care of toddlers she's, like excuse. Me look, at her she's so mad, she's like I can't believe you would say something like that to me oh it's. Like your mother's a llama yeah be like oh yeah, you think my mom raised me wrong your mother's a llama, you stole my mother's face, and you don't look that good my. Mother looked awesome more than you throw, a drink in her face Casey. She. Just said something very negative, about our Casey I don't know what it was but it does it all Casey. Man. Oh, she just laughed, at Casey she was gonna give her a gift, bloody, something, for gift, ah, ha ha sucker. That's, what you get for, ignoring. My children. And making. Your way into our live. Shoving. Just threw, a drink in to take these face, honestly. She's not worth your time we're, going home boy did I stash Rohan show, Chelsea who's boss Chelsea, got off scot-free from, her age and, she just really like made Casey, upset. Look. At that she looks so pain because, she needs to pee and, it's, tired and hungry and needs some fun and woman. Is just a nightmare just saying if Chelsea doesn't step off she's gonna get what's coming to her but I wanna rise above it and maybe, there'll be a Christmas miracle, who knows we'll find out next time next, week it's episode, 50, and it's also the season finale of. Not. The series finale but, the season finale of season one, of the 100 baby challenge we're gonna take a little, break, from, the show just, for a little while I love you all so much and I'll see you guys next week bye.

2019-12-11 14:52

Show Video


Boy of girl morgan

Please name a boy Zebedee or a girl Delilah. P. S why isn't there a Sims live where you can play/interact with other real people

Kelsey, they level up in the movement skill MUCH FASTER if you make them "wander" around or "take clothes off". It also increases their fun. Get multiple stuffed animals so they can babble to them and get attention and increase their communication skills. You can read them to sleep to give more attention and increase their imagination or just read them a book, but it is more hands on and is hard to do if you have more than three toddlers

If it is a boy can you name him Merlin? So when you need to swear, instead of saying “with Merlin’s beard” (as they say in Harry Potter) or “With Merlin’s pants” (as Hermione once says in Harry Potter) you can now say “With Merlin’s diapers”.  And if it is a girl can you name her Sofie or April.

"We are gonna take a little break" What the hell am i going to do with my life now! I am not ready to be without the show! :(

Baby names Girls: Summer, April, Alice, Julia, Athena, Iris Boys: Vincent, Axel, Forest, Craig( a tribute to "step dad")

When she said that Owen looked like Clarke Kent, all I was thinking about was Beverley saying to Mr. Keene, "You look just like Clarke Kent!"

You can lock your computers to jeep other sims from using it

Twin girl names: Peach and daisy (Mario kart/party) Twin boy names Mario and luigi (Mario kart/party) Other random names: leah, macy, lindsey, lia, candace, adina, dylan


Got to love use Catholics

Baby names: Boy: Isaac, David or Darragh Girl: Mika, Leanne or Henny

Boy: bones because mars needs bones

Baby names Boy: Nick (because it's Christmas, and Santa clause) Girl: Nixie

Girl: Thora, Alice, Lucy, Amalia Boy: Thor, Kenai, Finn, Sawyer My favorites

Girl: Astrid or Alice Boy: Noah or Nick

Can you name a girl Evie or Noelle and a boy Asher Toby

"Break from the show"?

Name suggestions Girl Names:Jasmine,Lacey,Isla Boy Names:Jack,Harley,Cohen PLZ NOTICE #kelsey100babychallenge

Please fiks the toddler’s bed in between the wall. It's been there for a few episodes

I legitimately think that I will cry once we reach 100 babies. This has been a LOONG but amazing journey with Kelsey and *WHY AM I GETTING EMOTIONAL*

Baby names- Lauren, Paula Paul, Lawrence

18:32 the heck was that noise in the background? Did anyone else notice it?

Hi love the video can you name a child Boy Josh or Jacob or Neil or Jeff Girl Emily or Martha or Katrina or Claudette

GIRL you gotta live stream with the drone! your sims fame goes up super fast just by constantly having the drone following them around. when it runs out of batteries, turn it off, then immediately start another stream. FAME, BABY!

Kalsey love,please buy better beds for your family. It will save you so much time and you have the money.

Because they were conceived on love day... 2 girls: Lovely and Rosa 2 boys: Valentino and Cupid or Romeo and Juliet or Matthew and Kristina (my bff's name and my name...) love your series... love your energy, emotions and passion....

Please please please please please name a baby Emily

Baby names Girl: Julie Boy: tony

Baby namesss! Boy: Devon Girl: Devon But it’s pronounced Devin

You should call the next baby Valentine as it was conceived on love day

Kelsey: gets stressed and starts panicking *In the Hall of the Mountain King intensifies*

B : Corbyn G: Carson

Kelsey: GIVE HER A GIFY AND... AND IT A... A FART GIFT OH YE KASEY- our Kelsey 2019 Omg Kelsey I comment this every episode but this is the highlight of my week Baby names= Girls- Mable because autumn is the best Boys- tad so you can say tad the Tod

An baby names For a girl: Johanna, Mariella Boys: Mats, Lasse

That Bob cut looked so good on Kasey! Maybe she'll grow her hair out a little

I just read the title and was like "oh god, kelsey no, why.."

baby names girl - Michelle, Lucy boy - Michael, Luka

What?!? A BREAK?!? Don’t just quietly shove that in the end and think we won’t catch that? I live for these episodes

I though she called me XD

A BREAK! What would ı do without you.. ı am going to watch all of them again

That was a stressfull episode because of all the toddlers

You can give all toddlers at once attention when you read a book to them. Just click on a bookshelf and choose “read story to...” and choose all toddlers. They also learn imagination while listening.

I humbly submit my own name for a girl

Hi Kelsey, For a girl: Harriet, Fae or Serena For a boy: Jacob, Reuben or Toby. Hopefully you will get some much needed respite from toddler care

Girl: Emmanuelle Boy: Jasper ( After my brother)

Sims: boho Me as an Aussie: hobo

has anyone else noticed that one of the toddler beds goes through the wall?

No there all awake this is my own purgatory

Cute baby names Alina, Eva , Izzy Andrew,Ethan,Phoenix PS love this series I don’t think I’ll survive with out it

Wait a baby died? Which one?

Baby names Girl: Kitty ( my own name) Boy: Lucas

Call a baby Julia pleeeeeease!!

Chelsea: 1. Olive 2. Brielle 3. Jamie 4. Alexis 5. Miles 6. Renee 7. Charlie 8. Hazel 9. Eric 10. Niya 11. Natalie 12. Rosé 13. River 14. Flynn 15. Cooper 16. Addi 17. Ellie 18. Dorian 19. Theo 20. Tristen 21. Willow 22. Ginny 23. Bran 25. Arya 24. Jon 26. Nova 27. Freya 28. Sirius 29. Stacey 30. Kasey [Current Matriarch] 31. Taylor 32. Tayler 33. Tegan 34. Archer 35. Blaire 36. Brooke 37. Brendon 38. Hope 39. Bella 40. Ever 41. Jake 42. Romeo 43. Caesar . Harry 44. Dustin 45. Leo Jr. 46. Logan 47. Holly 48. Hayley 49. Olivia 50. Chelsea Jr. 51. Annie 52. Ashton 53. Phoebe (Young Adult) 54. Owen (Child) 55. Lucien (Child) 56. Autumn (Toddler) 57. August (Toddler) 58. Mars (Toddler) 59. Connor (Toddler)

Give Kelsey a level 10 bed! that raises her sleep-bar a heck of lot faster!!!

“he might be taken away—well get in line”

If it’s a girl name her:violet or Lizzy If it’s a boy name him:Luke or Eddie

LUCIAN!!!!! count = 18 times

Aww, Mars looks like Bruno Mars

baby names girl violet and bionca boy lukas and william

Not sure who was most stressed out about Todmageddon, Kelsey or Kasey! Loving the series, been here since episode 1, gonna be so lost without it when you’re on a break but you really deserve it you’ve been at it for almost a year now non stop. Can’t wait to see what the series brings after the break. Baby Names Boys: Zach, Jared, Colin, Josh, Sean, Killian, David, Robin, Henry, Mike, Lucas, Will, Steve, Finn, Caleb, Noah, Joe Girls: Kelsey, Meghan, Jennifer / Jen, Ginnifer, Lana, Tiera, Rose, Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina, Kelly, Robyn, Tilly, Alice, Margot, Elle, Max, Nancy, Robin, Millie, Sadie, Natalia, Maya Thank you for creating this series, you’re doing amazing and I can’t wait to see what the future holds with it

I just want to wail here among people who understand because my toddler was literally taken away while playing happily with his grandmother, for "neglect"! He is one of the least neglected toddlers I've ever had. This is so unfair. Fortunately I managed to get him back by not saving, but I'm super scared of losing him again now!

baby names girls: Ella, Meridia, Tia, isabella Boys: Adam, Ares, Emmett

Girl name: Bailey and Adelyn (me) Boy name: reckless and Zach

Names Girl = Gemma,Roxanne Boy= Levi,Scott

*No more tods please* *SPOILER ALERT* You’re only at 59/100 baby’s

Names Girl: Elin or Molly Boy: James or Henrik

Name a baby Pandora so she can open Pandora's box


Are you taking a break from the show or the toddlers

Name a girl Joan after my granny!

Kelsey needs a break from videos. I have 4 kids. Hmmm

Anyone else waiting to see how long the toddler bed will be stuck between rooms lol

So like, can we name a baby Stitch? Is that a thing?

Kozy Kelsey

Where can I find her EA id so I can download the sims in the gallery? Can't find the Malibu barbie anywhere :(

0:49 "Oh man, that's a lot of toddlers." Was that a Maria Bamford impression?

Baby names: Girl, Elisa, Olive jr or kylie Boy: Luis, Darren or Liam

girl names: Indy ( like me haha) Nova maya boy names: max finn rox

is it just me or did it go really blurry half way through?

Is...Is a toddler bed phasing through to the baby room...?

Maja for a Girl or Adam for a boy

Hi I’m from italy Can you name same baby with italian name. Male: Carlo, Aldo, Giacomo Female : Sofia (read it like sophia) Chiara(my name , read it like Kiara) and Barbara Ps I love your videos

Baby names- Girls- Charlotte, scarlet Boys- jerome, jye

Since it's the season finale, name your next baby or babies after the seasons you don't already have kids for! Summer, Winter, or Spring. Or name them Joy, Felice, Ivy, or Mary.

Remember when you said you would never have that many todds again? What happened Kelsey

Baby names Girls: Nami, Nala, Ireka, Juli, Aylita, Anastasia Boys: Zoro, Rolli, Rene, Silver, Jack, Patrick

I think u should "train" the toddlers so like have then wake up and eat at a certain time so then they get into that rhythm Like so that she can see

Girls: Zaria, Zarina, and Zyna Boys: Zeke, and Zane

Please turn aging back on!!

Hildy (after me) But in case that's too weird here are the names of all of my friends: Rosie Hannah Ellie Esther Caitlin Katie Millie Martha Nancy Storm (Sorry if you've already had any of these I honestly can't remember)

Greek baby names : Avel Aster Darius Eros Effie Artemis

BABY NAMES: Boy: Memphis Harrison Kane Girls: Rhea (Ray-uh) Valencia Hadiya

How long the brake will be?

Isaac and Isaiah for boys

Love how kelsey still hasn't noticed the toddler bed phasing through the wall.(including toddler)

Baby names: Girl :Helen Boy:Alex Love you

A break???nooooooio

I think you should name a boy Bruno or Chase or cash and a girl mav or key or maggy

If it's a boy name it Houston so every time you have a problem you can say "Houston we have a problem" and if it's a girl then name it Candy because she is sugar sweet

Just hire a nanny

Just realised i'm watching this show for 49 weeks now.

Girl: Kylie (my name❤️) Boy: Christian

Can the toddlers not play with each other?

Hi kelsey!! Im under a lot of stress right now because of college so can you please name a baby girl Alessandra after me? and Noel for a boy. Thank you!

I wish you would use the garden more, or take the kids to the park or beach


Girl names: *skye* Brooke Lia Harriet Adriana Jill Delilah Izzy Isabella Bree Chloe Millie Evie Tehya Tia Roxy Erin Grace Gracie Maisy May Shania Rebbeca Becky

Do you need a pack to woo-hoo in the shower? If so which one?

You should get a coffee maker for kasey for times she needs a boost because the kids needs her

Baby names!! Girl: Kinsleigh or Brixlee Boy: Troy or Benjamin

Kelsey can you name a girl Sierra ❤️

I will never get tired of her saying "Greg not Craig"

Baby names- Boy : Jughead , Archie Girl : Bettie , Veronica

15:52 *60 because Harry died as either a teen or young adult (can't remember, since it was a birthday party if he already was aged up). Regardless mr. Editor, she did raise 60 toddlers, it just doesn't count into the overall number of moved out sims✌

Boy: Barron or Bear Girl: katianna or Katya

Girls: Josie and jessie Boys: ridge and reid

“Okay mom you can stop posing to Simstagram for a minute the baby has been crying for like a very long time” Mom of the year right there

Name idea! Aspen

Boy Names

You got this Kelsey! Toddlers are the spawn of evil (in the Sims

Baby names Girls - Jasmine, Oliana, Atlanta or Nell Boys - Ash, Chase, Dean or Clancy

wait, so next week is a season finale but not the series finale but you said,, see you next week so which one is it?

Girl - Molly, Polly, Grace Boy - Polo, Apollo, Blake I have watched this from the start wow

"You Think my momma raised me wrong? Well YOUR Mama is a LAMA!" I cant

Toddlers can talk to the stuffed teddy bear and their attention will go up

At first she got stress because too many toddlers, but then she wanted another baby again as soon as possible.

Ummm...the toddler bed near the potty is glitching out of the wall in 3:32

Its been a while so idk if you already named a past boy this but: here are some names that you may like. Girl: Sabrina, Aubree, Trinity, Shilo Boy: Elijha, Carson, Skylar, Hero.

Hades , Persephone

Question, because I read the rules a couple times after pausing this... why can't a toddler ask a family member not in household that they already know for flash cards or potty training? I didn't see anywhere in the rules where it wasn't allowed...

I'd like it if the next baby was Patrick, in honor of my brother who passed away recently. (Or Patty for a girl)

When I Play Bad Ice Cream 3 on hudgames I Fell Crazy Hahahahahahaha :D

I started trying the 100 baby challenge after watching Kelsey play!!!

Baby names Girl:Eliana Boy:Denzil

Girl names- Ember, Annabell, Reesie, Melody. Boy names- Coal, Chase, Duke, Wilder, Phoenix, Theodore.

Boys: Jonah, Drew, Corbyn, Austin, Jack, Brady, Edwin, Michael, Zach, Sergio, Daniel, Brandon, Erick, Nick

Who here has been here since the start? Click the like button if you have!!

Can you plz name a girl Kate or a boy Finn after my brother or i

Boy:Houston,carl,Ross,chandler,joey,Lukas,billy Girl:Emma,Rachelle,Monika,MacKenzie,rocky

if kasey has agirl can you name her Olive because she was the first baby that was born in the challenge.

Twins are the very worst thing that could happen to you during the 100 bby challenge because they won't age up fast enough and so your mom will age up >.< Learned that the hard way...

can you make a series of chelsea jr making a fam too like real Chealsea


Oh yes please do it

Name for girl is mia ,boo Name for boy is mason , nate

Baby name ideas: Girl: Kameron

When should we tell her that Darrel Charm is engaged?

Baby name suggestions: Boy: Ryker or Noah (after my nephews) Girl: Hermione or Luna Either: Blake

Baby names: Girl- Mary Boy- Keiggan

Can your next kid(s) be called: Girl: Ashlyn, April, River Boy: Jett, Samuel, Tyler Thanks!!

Names for the next set of twins: Flora and Fauna

The birth certificates look like they say Abigail, that should be a name

As sad as I am that Kelsey is taking a break, I'm also relieved. It definitely seems like she is getting burnt out in this challenge and could use a breather!! Enjoy the holiday season with no todds!!

name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin

name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin name a baby griffin

Name ideas: Girl: Aimee ❤️ Boy: Dalton ❤️

For a girl : Diana


Toddlers can talk to the bear stuffed animal and get there attention up and skill.

There’s a little outdoor toddler area that you never use. Why don’t you use it UGGG! Am I the only one that’s upset about this?

NAMES Girls Luna or moon or Lilly Boys Tyson or Jason

Is that toddler bed being through the wall driving anyone else crazy!?

If it's a girl named her Lucy short for Lucian

that toddler with red cap looks like Dustin from stranger things

Have a person READ STORIES to your kids. You get their fun and attention up at the same time and you can read to like 6 at a time.

What?! No breaks i look forward to these each week.

You have a Phebe, now you need a Phebo!!

Kelsey saying she's over the toddlers makes me think she would have LOVED this challenge back when Sims 4 first came out and there weren't any toddlers in the game at all lmao

Mayloni, Myka or Mickey for baby name's And I like your videos, they're fun to watch

Can you name a baby Noel for Christmas

Please name a girl Ella I have been here sense the beginning

royal family names girls- meghan (my name too), elizabeth, katherine/catherine, diana, charlotte boys- william, henry, philip, louis, george

Dose anyone remember olive

Koda for a boy Kai for a girl/boy

Does anyone else think of Phoebe from OG Charmed whenever she says Phoebe?

This is probably the best episode yet! So much many great reactions and one-liners from Kelsey XD I think she deserves a break

baby names girl: Rosabelle, Joleen, Juliette, Alissya boy: ricky, georgio, james

She had a baby with Darryl Charm not knowing he's engaged and I CAN"T

Next baby Christmas themed name! Girl: Holly Boy: Claus

You should name a baby girl Winter!

Baby names: Boy: Adam Girl: Eve Twins: Literally the same ones so the family is awkward

Boy:Paden or Mason Girl:Sienna or Louise

girl: Asia. Brooklyn. London Boy. Dakota, Thai, Chad (a country in africa, i swear) Geograhical names

Who thinks mars looks like Bruno Mars . Also baby names: boy: Harrison in remembrance of Harry Girl: Harley or Harriott

Kieran and Malachi! Key-air-in and mal-eh-kai!! Girl for K, boy for M!!!

If you put a radio in the toddler room, set it on lullaby music, and have them listen to that and get the good music moodlet before sleeping, they won't wake up with nightmares

I bet she filmed this when a bug was in the game that caused toddlers needs to decline twice as fast.

Brother sister baby name suggestion.... Monica and Ross.

Name the babies after Youtubers! Start with Jenna for JennaMarbles or Mark for Markiplier ;)

Name a girl Merisa and a boy Maddox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plzzz

Kelsey the toddlers can talk to each other for attention

Please name a baby Rain(rainbow) because of the bisexuality of mom.

Can you not say “oh my god” so much. You say it all the time.

Get hype for Percy Jackson Names Girls: Annabeth, Persephone, Athena Boys: Percy, Nico, Grover

Or for girls: piper, hazel, Rachel Boys: Leo, Jason, frank

you should get kasey a better bed!!!!

So everyone noticed the bed through the wall but not the floating bowl near the stairs in the first 5 minutes?

Baby Girl Names Mia Alexa Sasha Becky Bayley Miranda Iris Nora Kadence Kara Jaelyn (Jay-lynn) Ellamina Baby Boy Names Michael Lincoln Alexander Travis Oliver Robert Tommy William Jonas Jonah Leonard Dean Roman Seth

If you have a little girl this time can you name her Kisa? It means tiger in german.

Emma and Ellie for baby girls Samual and Sven for baby boys

anyone else notice that one of the toddler beds is inside the wall???

There has to be a baby called Baby!

I think sometimes Kelsey just needs to pause the game and breath.

How many babies there are now?

Baby Name Suggestions: Boy: Terry Jnr, Glen, Darryl, Henry or Ron Girl: Carol, Samantha, Lizard (Liz for short)

Girl: Lydia Boy: Luke

Ah that's the spirt! 25% that's not the spirit

Whoaaa, there's a season finale???

Baby names: Girl: Kira, Davina, Tyra Boy: Christer, Derek

I really like the name Damon or Dean for a boy and for a girl athena, Persephone, or you can choose my boring (but it would be cool cuz its my name) Megan❤❤ love you kelsey

Next names you can use Girl- Robyn Boy- Justin Hope you like the names Please can you use them. Love you videos.

So after 49 episodes, I am finally suggesting some names. :D Greetings from the Czech republic! ;) Girl - Caroline (my name, but in Czech Karolína), Katrin, Maria, Lydia + Barbra (Beetlejuice :D) Boy - Adam, Daniel, Peter, Simon

Have you looked into the Asylum challenge? It’s pretty fun and a good short term challenge. Love that you’ve stuck with this so long. Happy Christmas!

Girl: Belle,Caelyn Boy: Edward,Benedict

Can you please name a girl Noel for Christmas

Is it cheating to use the cheat that makes Kelseys needs full

You should name a girl Annabeth!!!!

name a girl katie!!!!

Names for girls: Tilly, Venus, Luna or Stella Names for boys: Toby, Isaac, Maxwell or Phoenix

Girl name - sophia Been watching from the start, love the series!

“ the tip is to send all the tots to sleep at the same time “ * stresses everyone once they all wake up as one *

Can you name your baby boy jem and baby girl jade

Omg Kelsey you ABSOLUTELY ROCK that blanket. And also here are some baby names.. Girl:Hannah and Lola and for girl twins Elsa and Anna for Frozen II! Boy: Josh and Nick

I love this challenge and have been watching since ep 2 thank you for your cheerfulness Also Girl: Echo, Siren, Onyx Boy: Axel, Evole, Nyx

How about April and June for a girls name

Name a girl Hannah!!!

Can you please name your kids after my brother and sister Stone and Lily!!! Thanks!!


Kelsey! If you choose read toddler book from the bookshelf, you can read to MANY toddlers at once. It's super cute, AND gives them attention and imagination skill. Like so Kelsey can see! ***

could you pleaseeee name a girls Ava (my name)

can you name your next girl ava after me, or robyn (my middle name) or kirsten, or ayla, or sienna or payton, or nadia or raven for a boy or austin, or francis, or steven/steve

Babie names : Girl: Madison, McKenzie, Paige Boy: Garret, Wolfgang, Luke Unisex: Parker

Next babies plz be Tammy Sawyer

Why don't you hire a maid. It's not like you can't afford it.

Percy for a boy and annabeth for a girl

Can you name a baby boy Carlos

If you have another girl, can you please name her Josephine? Or Josi for short? My husband and I are expecting and were going to name the babe Josephine, but we found out we’re actually having a boy. So excited to have a boy, but sad we can’t use the name.

For a girl: Riley and for a Boy: Avery

You should name your next boys after the actual band Queen ❤️ Boy: Freddie, Roger, Brian, and John

Girls: Ainsley, Sara, Brooklyn Boys: Quinn, Dallin, Daniel

Girl: Tatum, Mackinzi, Alyssa, Lynnlee, Brooklynn, Natalie Boy: Carter, Jason, Evan, Jeremiah

girls: Dália, Alice, Thaís.

Kelsey, your videos are starting to bore me a lot... I wish you finish with this challenge soon. Please, do something to catch the attention of the viewer.

Oh so sad....I loved this series but it’s pretty clear she is over it.

Can you name a girl: Allyiah or Jorge

Hi Kelsey! Because they were conceived on Love Day, Valentina or Valentino would be so cute!

I'm pretty sure if you have a toddler book you can select "read to" and read to all the todds at once. That way they all get attention.

"Deep breaths and cozy blankies"

I like how Kelsey is just forcing Kasey to geo out with Darrel Kelsey: "Why don't you like Darrel?"

Names Girl: Carrie Boy: Curtis

No breaks!!!! You may sleep when 100 babies have been achieved. Muahahah

Name a girl Lia (after me) please

Kelsey 2019: “I’m yelling at a baby”

okay but can we all agree that Kelsey needs to get custom content ONLY for Connor and find the cyberlife outfit??

Remember Olive

How aboutttt no break hmm?

Can you please name a girl Ocean

baby names Girl: Lilly- Boy: Ryan

That toddler bed sticking through the wall the past two episodes has been really bothering me.

I hope the season finale doesn’t last too long...i iteration watch these every weekend religiously!

Love the bunny slippers

All inspired from supernatural Boy Names- Sammy(sam), Dean, Castiel, Bobby, or Fergus Girls- Amara, Lilith, Rowena, Mary

Girl Cami or Dulcebella Boy Beau or Cash

When will Kelsey realize that one of the toddler's bed is also occupying a space in the baby room and it is actually funny to see though

Name a baby Quinn so you can say "YAS QUINN"plz? Lol

just the sims imagine in real life

Why is she wrapped in a towel?

Can you please name a boy or two after my favourite band Waterparks? The names are Awsten, Geoff and Otto. ❤ some girl names from another band I like called Little Mix, the names are Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jade or Jesy.

Why would u say it's season finally 28:32 BUT you just said.... See you next week

Twin Boys: Stefan or Damon Twin Girls: Bonnie and Caroline Boy and girl twins: Jo (girl) and Kai TVD Inspired

Uhm. Excuse me... a break?! Unacceptable!

I am a teacher and here is a list of the five most difficult students I have had: 1. Gavin 2. Atharv 3. Matteo 4. Mason 5. Anya

baby names girls: Izzie and Pauline boys: Ivan and Ikabod

Sooooo Girl names: Elisha, Darling, Apple, Regina (because it means queen so you can say "yaas queen"), Mary Jane Boy names: Simon, Daring, Aiden, Elijah, Charming, Johnny

Hey! Been watching since E1! Here are some baby name suggestions! Girl: Tulip, Topaz, Ryan, Anja, Lucy, Christine, Madden, Skyler, Avery, Noelle Boy: Jacob, Brady, Haden, Ivan, Afton, Tyler, Eddie, Ares And Heres the upside of having 6 toddlers, You'll have 6 teens in a few episodes

So.... Im a toddler teacher meaning , I teach five one year olds and as i was watching kelsey struggle in this episode, I felt her pain. That’s my day to day. But at the same time I can’t help but laugh at her struggle. I feel you kelsey, but its funny

Also Jane, Lisbon, Rigsby, or Cho for names

Babyname!!! Boy: Phoenix Girl: Wilma (like me) ☺️

Suggestions for baby names: If it’s a boy: Patrick, Wayne , or kimball If it’s a girl: Teresa or grace ( names from The Mentalist, it’s a great show you should definitely watch sometime)

Baby name suggestions: Girl: Rayna, Amara Boy: Cedric, Rafael

Can you name a girl Raven or Cora

Can you name a baby girl after my little sister? Her name is Cora

Is anyone noticed that the bed in the todd room is going to the baby room

Baby Names!! Kaitlin for a girl and Thomas for a boy (aka my and my bf's names lol)

Please do Audrey, Jolie, or Lorisa (Lorisa was my aunts name who passed away from cancer)

Ok what's up with that toddler bed? It's through the wall. Baby names Girl: Penny Boy: Stockton

Baby names: Girls: Avalen, April, Nova, Quinn, Charlotte Boys: Donavan, Cameron, Harper

Hi I really love the show and have some beautiful baby names that I intend to use myself. Girl: Spenca, Joy, Sebastian Boy: Noah, Eric, Jared

Did anybody else hear that noise in the background at 18:33????

Baby names

Girl: Amanda, Senna, Maia Boy: Tucker, Brooklyn, Isaiah

Girls: Audrey Abby Sadie Boys: Austin and Aaron for twin boys Xander



baby names boy, benny girl, leighton

❣️❣️Baby names❣️❣️

since the baby was conceived on Love day it should have love themed names like Valentino, Cupid, Valentina, Rose

in honour of christmas if you have twins one boy and one girl you should name them Mary and Joseph

Omg I wanna do this challenge!!

PLEASE name one Gracie for a girl and George for a boy

We need to have at least one child whose name starts with every letter of the alphabet by the end of the challenge!!! By my account, we are missing Q, U, V, X, Y and Z. So, for a girl: Queenie, Unique, Veronica, Yasmin and Zara And for a boy: Quentin, Urban, Valentino, Xander and Zach

Walter for a boy or Genesis for a girl

Baby names Girl: Lily, Dani, Diana, Kylie Boy: Elio, Ryan, Khael, Chen No background for those names but i like it, lol

Baby names Girl:jess,jessie,jessica,millie,sadie ,Robin Boy:jess,Noah,shawn ,

Am I the only one who's confused about the number of babies Kelsey already has? I mean, Harry died before becoming an adult, which means he doesn't count as baby 44 - that's why Chelsea Jr. was baby number 50 and not Olivia. But then, after Chelsea Jr., I believe she's only had 9 more babies, which means the counter is actually on 59 and not 60 as she said in this episode... So baby number 60 must be born in the next episode, I believe. Am I counting it wrong or something?

You should give us a challenge to work on while you're away, like certain sims we can make or new houses!

Boy : Luka Girl : Cera

BaBy NaMeS Girl names: Lucia and angel Boy names: Alexander and Zain

Baby Names - Since its Christmas: Girl - Eve (Christmas Eve) Boy - Rudolph or Rolf for short ily x

Please name a baby girl after me.

Don't put the tods to bed at the same time. put 2 to bed and deal with the needs and learning levels of two, then put them to sleep and deal with the other 2.

Baby name idea: your favourite sailor moon senshi (Japanese name or English dub)

Please call a baby girl KARMILLA

idk why but the “mom, teach shapes!” at 14:30 killed me

When she’s done with her “break”, she gonna realize Kasey’s kids are dying...

She turned non-household aging off, so not anymore. (Unless that's NOT what she did... hmmmm...)

Wait now the baby’s won’t age up on there own that’s cheating cause she can just wait till she wants them to age up sooooo she better change that

Baby name suggestions girl: paisley or Maya Boy: daxton or xander


❗Girl: Arielle , Addison, Eddison, Allison , Ellison , Elle , Aïaya , Faithleigh, Roxie , Dixie , Marleigh, Carleigh , Ryleigh , Jayleigh, Kayleigh , Kyleigh and Roosevelt..or name it after me Alondra Boy: Dexter , louie , Dejax , Jaxon , Blaze , Blake , Alex , Axel , Jason And Johnny ❗

Baby names Girls: Tiana, Charlotte, Jackie, Jazmin Boys: Joshua, Jimmy, Jake, Kyle

Kacey reminds me of Kris Jenner

please name a girl Quinn and a boy Benny.

Phoebe totally reminds me of Phoebe from Charmed - She even turned evil at one point!

Boy: Billie Girl: Ritchie

Wait a minute is Owen wearing Hanna jammies!

Girl: Augastine Boy:Noah

What do you mean take a little break!? I wait patiently every week for these episodes.....Now what will I live for

Baby girl names: Sophia, Jade, or Caprese Baby boy names: Ethan, Jack, or Beckett

Baby name Boy: Aryan Girl: Aryanna

Why don’t you like Derral he’s a hobo

Girl: lily, rose, Santana Boy: Joshua Also Kelsey should do a video where she takes care of toddlers in real life.

Boy names: Nicholas, Jolly, Odin, and Buddy Girl names: Gracey, Holly, Ginger, and Joy

Kelsey- we’re going to take a little break Me- noooooo please don’t stop I love it sooo much

For a boy steve and a gurl rosa please im a big fan hope u love the names and if u wont to name anyone of your other kids this the name is Chris for Christmas

Nooooooo! I look forward every Saturday to watch you! I leave time just to watch you play my favorite game. It’s going to be so sad without watching you do your thing. But I am looking forward to watch you again soon. And MERRY CHRISTMAS

Can you name one of Kasey children after a zodiac sign OR Boy- Lucas, Noah, Mason Girl- Kayla, Sophia, Chole Boy or Girl- Peyton, Cameron, Riley

Can you name a after you

Why is that tod bed in throw the wall

Just discovered on sulani you can woohoo in a waterfall, she needs to do that one

Can you name the next baby/babies after members of MCR in honour of them coming back? Boys: Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray Girls: Frankie, Gee, Rae (pronounced ray), Mikie (pronounced my-key) Thanks :)

Baby Names: Girl: Isla, Ivy, Lyla, Catalina Boy: Ryder, Elliot, Reuben, Jasper Neutral: Rowan, Reece

KELSEY! You do realize that Tegan was Kasey’s first child and he died before his own mother.

The toddler bed is in the wall

does she have the IPhone 11!?!

Name a child Todd in honor of Todmegeddon

Name a girl Destyni PLZZZ

girl names: isla and loren


Y’all it’s almost been a year of 100 baby challenge i feel it’s necessary to celebrate

Hi I’m on ep 35 so I’m trying to catch up but these baby making videos are coming to fast and I would really appreciate it if u Called a girl kadie (pronounced like kay-dee) and a boy Mitchell


Name your next girl Midian and your next boy Kagan

Name a girl fine, so that someone really is always fine

you r aware of thr todler bed in the wall

Boy: Geo Girl : Gia

Taking a break from the show!? For how long though? At least give us a timeline please!!

with the university update you can now lock the computer so only certain people can use the computer :-D

Girl name: Celia Boy name: Charles

Hi Kelsey, I just found out you are a Hunger Games fan too so I have some name ideas: Girl: Katniss (duh), Rue, Primrose (or just Prim), Clove, Kate (not THG but my name. It’s a really nice name! You should try it

What are we going to do when this finishes

Baby names Girls : Violet , Scarlett, Plum Boys : Cameron , Jason , Cole Twins: Zac and Cody

You should name a girl Maci and and a boy Kamran

Hire a maid

Please please please please please name twin girls after my sister Alissa and myself (Ashley) I am hopelessly addicted to this series and I love your and your personality!! Please keep up the amazing work!!

Since the next baby(ies) is probably going to be born during the Christmas/holiday/winter episode, here's some themed names! Unisex: Aspen, Aster Boy: Janus, Colden Girl: Iclyn, January/Jenara

Name a girl Caroline so you always gave the song “sweet Caroline” in your head Name a boy Sammy or Freddy

name for girl Valerie and for a boy Alexander

Let me just say I was NOT prepared to have my name be in this.

I love you Kelsey! Girl: Avalon, Eva, Callie, Bee Boy: Oliver, Declan, Milo, Elliot

NAAAMMMEEEES - Rosalie - Anastasia - Ofelia - Augustine - Rubina - Ella - Eli - Dafni - Loui - Steephan - Jullian - Ditlev - Silas - Elias

Oh and someone please fix that tod bed in between the wall

Feeling some type of way about this break! I have an attitude

I think a cute name for a girl would be Aria, and Kayden for a boy

Ever since Phoebe I’ve wanted the rest of the children to be named after the cast of “Friends” so we need a Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Ross now...

Sooo how long of a break from the show

Girls: Anariet, Siana, Oriana Boys: Dethlaff, Regis, Emiel If you know where are they from, you've got my respect.

this series has been going on for MONTHS. do it in 24 hours coward.

cause Mars reminded me of Bruno Mars can you name a baby boy Bruno and or if it's a girl Jane after me please

I lost track with this game and idk how many babies does she have

Is it just me who realized that the todd bed on the wall by its self is kinda In the baby room?

Have a great holiday... cant wait until next 'season'!

Girl:ariannah essence riannah somaya Boy:Mason elijah alijah armon

Please could you name your baby girl Emi

Baby names Girl: Shauna, lilyrose Boy: Ronan, Tj

Take a break from the show....hmmmm did she find a boyfriend???? HMMMMMMM? Jk. I can't wait for the next season.

Kasey should buy a bed with more energy level so that it doesn't take her as long to get her needs up!! :)

Will you please name a girl :ireland (after me) :Ella (after my best friend)

Babies name: Girl : Lena, Nella, Sarah Boys : Luca, Nolan, Silas

If it’s a boy name him: Matthew If it’s a girl name her: Misty

Girl: Eleanor Boy: Daniel

for a girl : michaela or kayla for a boy : graham, alex, josh or ryan

Girls name - Andrea, Lori, Maggie, Michonne Boys name - Daryl, Glenn, Shane, Rick

Girl: Courtney Boy: Brandt

I also want lucian to be a vampire

I'm not sure but I think the toddlers attention also goes up whilst talking to the huge teddy bear.

Can you name the babies Boy: Axel Izuku Piers shouto kirishima Leon renji uryu Girls: Ace sherry Claire sheva momo

Names: Boy- David or Patch Girl- Jeanette or Valerie

Also why the break???!?!

Baby names: Girl: Dana Boy: Liam

Greg not Craig impregnated Chelsea, that's why he wasn't that into Kasey

Female: inis, Andrea, Tessa Male: talen, Willis, Quinn

Girl name: after my own tod  Nevaeh (Nuh-VAY-uh) she is 2 and loves your videos. Boy name: Walt since you're always at Disney.

Name a child Faith because you have faith that they aren’t going to be a hassle

I think a TV in the tods room would help tremendously when you have an army of them.

Kieran for a boy (pronounced keer-an). And Kyra for a girl!

Boy: Christian

Names: Grace, Faith, Mercy, Hope, Joy

I wanna name one of the baby’s forest gump

Hi Kelsey am faith am making s house for you I hope you like and some men so I ask can you please look at it in a video I hope you like it I work rellay hard on it

Name one of the babys Ava or alaska and boy lanz or renold

My colleague and I watch your videos at work.. Please name your babies Vanessa & Mike in our honour, LOL :)

My name is Kaelyn Quen. Can u name a baby after me. Please. Love you.

“Friends” names Girl: Rachel and Monica Boys: Chandler, Joey, and Ross Combination: Rachel and Ross Combination: Monica and Chandler Combination: Monica and Rachel Combination: Chandler and Joey

Girl:Azllyn or Emery Boy:Wyatt

For a girl Victoria or Zelma and for a boy Gary, Sebastian, and Orion

4:22. Is the bed threw the wall?

You should do a challenge were you try to name all the babies dead and not dead also some baby names are Fluffy after my cat, Remy or Templeton after my two rats(sorry I love my animals it would ba an honor to have you name my animals after your sim baby's or Ceci/Cecilia after me!

Can you please name a girl Xoé with a x And a boy Oberen

Boys: Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Rajj Girls: Penny, Amy, Bernadette, or whatever Rajj's girlfriend's name is if he has one

Can you go back to blonde hair or maybe switch to like purple or red or pink??

Baby names: Zoë and Zachariah because my roommate and I love the show. Don't leave us :'(

girl: Summer boy: Scott

4:45 *completely ignores the floating bowl of spoiled food.*

Love the random floating bowl and the todd bed halfway through the wall

First, names. Girl: Elizabeth, or any part of it like Lizzie or Beth and Susan Boy: Brandon, Braiden, Tyler ***** Is the break because of COPPA? If so I get it. This show has been my guilty pleasure every weekend of my first year of college life!

Name ideas Girl-Winter in honor of the holiday season

Boy name Chris or girl name amiliya

Kelsey please name a baby Theo (boy or girl) and Ewan (boy) I am a new Sims player and I am loving it! Been watching your videos since day one, and that’s what got me interested in playing the game!

Girls names: Carly,gracie,arianna, Marisa Boys names: Liam, Diego, able, mark Hope you get to 100 baby’s! ❤️

Kelsey looked like she's about to do an impersonation of Chernobyl because all the toddlers keep waking up

In the rules occult children count as 2 children. So that makes Bran from Chelsea count! The # of babies from birth should equal the total births even though we lost Harry before he aged due to Bran

Names for girls Lillie Louise Louisa Lucy Lyla Names for Boys Jack Jake Jentzen James

Baby names!

Girl: Ramona Boy: Robert

Girl names: Leah, Diana, Peach (for the pun factor) Boy names: Oliver, Elijah, Silas

She’s is so cute I’d love to take her out on a date

Name a baby Thalia after my puppy ❤️

Here's some names for babies!! Girls:Luna, Alley, Gienie, Linda, Allison Boys:Gabe, Tommy, Bob, John, Willson

How about Grace for a girl and Bear for a boy

Episode 30: I'm gonna love Tegan and Archer forever! Episode 49: Oh, Tegan passed. Ugh, now everyone's gonna be sad.

Kelsey, girl, you gotta stop moving multiple kids out at once. Twins are overrated. You can keep your matriarch pregnant almost all of the time if you have one baby at a time and a bunch of teens/young adults in the house to help you out so you can get your flirt on.

BABY NAMESSSSSS: Girl names: Hannah(me), Fiona, Lucy, Madison, Mackenzie, Shayla, Riley, Jessie, Devyn Boy names: Jace, Corey, Bentley, Ryker, Jessie, Riley, Andrew, Mason, Colby

Could you name a baby girl Lacy May after me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Did anyone else notice the toddler's bed, that's stuck into to the nursery wall? :D

Names for sims babys Girl: lilly x Boy: luke x

Name a baby Billy Rae because why not

TrY iT In 24 HouRs cOWaRd!

Names: Girls:vicky.alexa.cineamon Boys:walker,james,connor

Girl names: Alyssa Boy names:Bobby

Baby names!! Koda for a boy Clara or Claire for a girl

Girl Name: Gabrielle Boy Name: Edward

you should do it again but with aliens and monsters and vampiers and mirmads

Anyone else notice that one of the toddler went through the wall?

Wait which child died? Lol

Christmas baby names!!! Eve, Ivy Klaus, Nicolas,

my brother is called lucian XD

If it is a girl jacey If it is a boy Isaac

Name a girl Lexie and a boy Adam

I wanna play the sims so bad but,I don't have a computer or a laptop until college

Baby boy should be named Chandler or Ross Baby girl should be named Hermione or Luna

for boys name: jacob, edward, emitte, samuel, zach, dannick, steven, jhon for girl names: annabelle, isabella, harmoney, renesmay, rosalia, haily, Joanie, samantha, hannah gender neutral names: thunder, lightning, bolt,

I laughed so hard this time

Girl name: Madelynn ~my name Boy name: Jayden ~ brothers name

u noticed their washing dishes should get rid of all sinks so they would toss every thing in to the trash and make some sweet money!!

would doing a read the book to all the todd's give them all the attention they need?

lol that bowl floating in the air 4:49 XD

Has this been the more stressful episode so far??!

Names Aleera Kelly Names Thanos and Bay

Hi! Here are some baby names Girl: Eliza Boy: Lachlan

Is there mini fridges in the sims, if there is you can put it in the toddler room for food

baby names:))) girl or boy: mackenzie or kenzie for short!

Please name one of your kids sierra

If you have twins (a boy and a girl) you should name them Eleanor (Nellie) and Luke like the characters from Haunting of Hill House

I'm so sad there's going to be a "season finale." This series is my Saturday afternoon ritual while my toddler naps! And, I'm about to go on maternity leave again and need things to watch! Guess I will binge it from the beginning.

Baby names!!❄️With a winter twist❄️ Girl: periwinkle (Peri) because it's sort of winter themed Boy: Jack (like Jack frost)

Maybe it’s befause I haven’t watched this in a while, who’s the old Chelsea? I thought the OG Chelsea was dead???

I saw this name on web of lies.... thought it was super cool and unique. Her name was Rehteah (rah-taya) Heather spelled backwards!!

Name a boy Mickey so he can be so fine, he blows your mind

Baby Names Emanuel Austin Curtis Alex Twins: Zach Cody Cole Dylan Girls: Sadie Roxy Ziza Zira Twins: Mary Kate Ashley Jessica Susie

summer if its a girl winter if its a boy

Also you should do some galaxy JUPITER can work for either boy or girl

For continuing with the seasonal names, you should name Boy: Winter Girl: Alaska

Now that Annie's out of the house, we need more SONG INSPIRED NAMES!!!! GIRLS: (Sweet) Caroline (BAH BAH BAH), Jolene, (Hey there) Delilah, Baby Jane, (Come on) Eileen BOYS: (A Boy Named) Sue, Alejandro, (Hey) Jude, (Bad, bad) Leroy (Brown) TWINS: Jack and Diane Or name them after me, Selene, hee hee! ^^

Silly for a boy and sassy for a girl

Baby names:

Plz name a girl Audrey it’s my favourite name for a girl and a boy Craig jr. their my favourite names

You should buy a better bed so she can get rested faster!

julia or jerry for baby names plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pick these cuz ur pregnant

Baby names: Girl- Sue Boy- Sue because of reasons.

Julia or jerry

Name a baby Ripple or Neon. I think those names are very cute :D

If you want your sims to stop being jealous just “ask to just be friends” after they get kasey pregnant!!!

you can lock the computers so only household can use them

Baby names: Girl baby names: Shaye or Elizabeth (my first and middle names lol) Boy baby names: Shane or Shawn, Elliot

Idk if she had 100 ( so the p7s say ) kiddiewinkles

Girl names: Serena, Serena, Serena

More Friends-related names :D Girls: Rachel, Monica (the obvious ones) and also Estelle, Julie, Janice, Emily, Susan. Boys: Chandler, Joey, Ross (the obvious ones) and also Jack, Mike, Frank/Frank Jr, Paolo, maybe Gunther.

Have the toddlers watch each other. It raises their thinking skill really, really fast. It also makes them friends with each other, it keeps them occupied, it makes them sleep better, and they're really cute while they're standing and staring at each other curiously and giggling.

You should really buy the nerd traits in the rewards store. Not against the rules. And that way Kasey won’t need to eat or sleep

Pls name a bb Todd

Names Girls: Morgan Chole Dejia(as in Déjà vu) Boys: Nathan Damon Jamie (in honor of Chelsea's first son)

Next baby('s) name('s) Unisex names: Wolf, Bane, Grim, Sam, Marry, Pip, Frodo, milka, mika

If it’s a girl: Amelia If it’s a boy: Matthew

Baby names: girls: Kat & Agatha (if you'd like to name them after me and my friend who LOVE your work :D) boys: Craig / Mat / Damien (from DREAM DADDY, OF COURSE!)

TIP!! Kelsey, you can block the computer for anyone outside of the family to stop the men from using it :D its from the uni expansion!!

And long

I would recommend the names Gwendolyn (short form Gwen), Hedwig, Cheryl or Johanna for a girl or Sietsko, Olly or Tubtin for a boy. Note: Finally have picked up on the newest episode!!! =D

Girl name:Ophelia meaning help Boy name:Elia (it‘s a girl name too)

You should name a baby Ella it’s a adorable name I would love that comment down below if u agree Ella is a good baby name

If you have a fork name it quen if you have a boy name it greg lol

Have watched the challenge with my kiddos since day 1, so after my babies ...Boy names: Gus, Iver, or Liam Girl Names: Ella

For a girl, Rayne For a boy, Rowen.

Please change up Kacey's pajamas since she uses them so often. She needs a little pampering.

I’m doing the 100 baby challenge on Facebook! My gaming page is QueenButta Games. Search for it on Facebook and like and follow the page so you can get notified whenever I go live doing the challenge

You should name your next baby Ishmeet for a girl or Sanmeet for a boy btw love your vids bin here sinds ep.8

Boy names: Lincoln, Wyatt, or Sawyer Girl names: Kennedy, Everleigh, or Carmen !!

by this time i would have used the mailbox cheat to fill needs

Can you name a girl after Sailor Moon by naming her Serena

Can you name a girl Alaska after my favorite drag queen?

Kaitlynn for a girl (after my daughter) Levi for a boy (it's what I would've named my daughter if she was a boy)

Please turn Kelsey’s hair blonde again!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kelsey I love your videos and I have some baby names .Do you like the descendants movies because these are the main people’s names in and out of the movie btw I live in Australia

"Conner its not about you!" UGHH 'I'm yelling at a baby' -queue commercial time. Whew!! I was getting overwhelmed too lol!

Goldie as a boy or girl name its my name

For a girl pls name serinity For a boy pls name karrson

In honor of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation: Girls: -Audrey, Bethany, Ellen, Katharine, Ruby Boys: -Clark, Rusty, Eddie, Rocky Happy Holidays Kelsey!

Name: Letitia, because it means joy, and she needs some damn joy in her life.

Name a baby shapes

I literally spend 10 hours a day with 4 under 4 that aren’t even mine but this is stressing me out so much.

Name a girl ivy

More spin-offs, please! :)

"Todmaggedon" - Anyone thinking of Alfie/Stormy from Doctor Who?

"Because the weather outside is frightful and inside there is wifi" should be a new millenial christmas song

Put potty in different room so lights stay off and don’t wake up kids

Baby names: Girl: Rose (after Rose´ srry probably spelled her name wrong) Boy: Ross (also after Rose´) If u can't already tell Rose´ was my fav

For baby names: Girls: Lila, Lisa, Lulu, and Blake Boys: Jonathan, Julian, Cory, and Ross IM LOVING THIS SERIES! Hope you choose these names!

Girl: Honour, Harper, Nova, Ivilyn,Violet Boys: Jordan, Grayson, Bailey, Cameron

Girl Name: Lena please choose this name!!!

Girl Name: Pearl Boy Name: Disco PLEASE USE THESE NAMES!!!

There is a cheat on sims 4 to enable cheats press ctrl shift and c at the same time then type cheats true to get 50,000 simloans in one got type motherlode

Girl- Sora & amore Boy- spirit & soul

Girl- Alice & Kara Boy- Marcus and Luther From Detroit become human

You're single, I'm single. I have a phone number, u have a phone. Lol just saying

Some names Girl: Madison or Lexi Boy: Spencer or Billy

Pls do mine I have to comment on my tablet because my tablet computer won't let me comment on your channel so please choose my it's from kingdom hearts games

Girl Kairi or Xion or Aqua or Namine or Maggie Boy Riku or sora or Tierra or Roxas or ventus

Boy: Deyvan Girl: Clara

please name your next girl sadie! this is my last 100 baby challenge of me being 15!! (birthdays the 20th)

Girl: Chloe, Penny Boy:Lucas, Peter

‘Needs attention and hygene’ should be on the new merch

Why not lock the toddlers' room so that they can't get out? :\

I'm only subbed to this channel for kelsey ^-^

For a girl: Matilda or Sabrina (in hopes they grow up to be witches) For a boy: Harrison (after our boy Harry, may he rest in peace❤️)

Girl Zoe Boy Nick or Cam because Zoe’s my name and nick and cam are my half brothers

Could you name a boy Shawn after Shawn Mendes, it would mean a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Name the next baby Rebecca

Can you name a baby Luke for a boy and Marlee for a girl

Rip Tegan!

Baby names: Melina for girl Andy for boy

Hi Boy: jack. Bradley. Girl. Rosie. Molly

I thought of something today - you don't HAVE to get toddler skills to 3 to age them up. They CAN just age naturally. I know the goal is to get them to 3 to age them faster, but if you ever just need a break from them while you focus on getting the teens their character traits or increasing child and teen grades, you can just let those tods do whatever they want.

Luna dor a girl and leo for a boy

Lol you're cracking me up with how spastic you're getting. You need the totts to get to kids to get to adults to get moved out to get to preggy again. Cycle of life.

Dude I wish I got that thin hella fast after a 2 hour run....that I've never ever done.

I never noticed before now that one of the toddler beds is just chillin’ through the wall.

"You may have heard of cuffing season, DON'T KNOW HER."

You forgot the nightlight in the kid’s room I think; that’s why they keep having nightmares

Baby names : Girl :Jessica, Janae, joy, Jasmine, ellie Boy: Johnny , james, jalyn, Jake, Ethan

Baby names:Bella for a girl and Austin for a boy☺️

Hi Kelsey I have a name if it's a boy you kan name him jake and if it's a girl you kan name her phina because of phoebe

Why does mars kinda look like a baby Dustin from Stranger Things?

Girls:Victoria/Vicky(me)Viola(my sister)Valentina /Vale--Camilla/Cami--Melody --Ginevra/Ginni--Ailce--Mariaisabella/M. Isabella/Isabella/Isa(my friends) Boy:Tommaso--Niccolò(my cousins )

I tried to find that game but I can't and I think is because I have a Samsung computer

Avery and Dawson for baby names

Lily or lynk

girl name katelyn boy name wyatt

name a girl ophelia or Delilah please their such cute names

Girl names: Barbara (like me), Rachel Boy Names: Adrien, Danny

girl names: Kara, Melanie, Millie, Zaya boy names: Phoenix, Cash, Isaac, Kaiser

Female: Kristen Male: Kris

Kelsey please turn back on aging outside played household! It made the game very realistic as realistic as this can get

Plz name a girl makayla bcuz that's my name

Kelsey needs to but Kasey a higher quality bed so Kasey can get more energy in less time

name the next baby Harley for girl and hadden for boy

If u have a girl baby name it kaydence or Madison and if u have a boy name it rhyker or axle

Kelsey in the very first episode: um, I don't think I'm going to resort to elders just yet, let's look elsewhere.. Kelsey about a year later: *looks at elder* I don't think she's had anything yet with him...let's flirt it up!!!

our next ones name should be Lily

!!!!! If u need more baby names!!! FEMALE NAMES- Ares, Atlas, Reah, hellen, Isa, Gabby, Sparrow !!!!!!! MALE NAMES- Zeus, Ryder, Tritan, Trace, CJ, Jet, Rocket !!!!!!

I like how phoebe is weird just like phoebe from friends

what about the attention im giving you... arent i enough

Can you please name a girl Grace!!!!!!

Girl name :daisy ,Amelia Boy names : jack , tommy

I wish she would use houses for her kids that arw moved out

you should name one of your kids Sydney, after me or Skipper's girlfriend, or Stella after the rice krispie and sims cake


Lol I love how when kasey was having steamy shower sex and Lucien walked in his mood was “fine” like it’s fine I’m fine

When in need invite over your grown kids and maybe they'll take care of a few things

Hi Kelsey i really enjoy your show.Every time i finish the last episode i get the feeling to start from episode 1 when I am really bored its really cool. May you please name a girl Ellah and Elliot for a boy in honor for my sister and best friend

Who died? Why does it say 59 because 1 died?

I have a baby name Charlotte and Leo

You should name a baby Sammy (works with both genders) and/or Samantha

We LOVE YOUR SHOW!!!!!! My daughter and I watch every episode!! We really like the name Emma after my daughter

Girl:Sky Boy:John

Please can you name of your twins girls Yasmin and jasmine they don’t have to be twins.and Christmas themed names could be frosty and winter

Did the OG Olive have kids yet? Is she dead? WE NEED AN UPDATE!!!!

Anyone remember the OG Olive

Can you name kids Aria, Anielle, Amethyst or Amber?

did anyone realize one of the todd bed is in the wall? and Kelsey, why dont you make another door from todd room to the bathroom so that kasey wont have to go around everytime wanna bath her kids. these 2 things makes me anxiety like i wish that i can tell you directly. haha

Anyone else wish they could lose weight that fast?

name a boy or girl Bam

the next "person" to have the next batch of babies should be Monica from friends. '-'

Girl: Jada Boy: Jaylen

Please name all your next kids after Friends characters, Boy: Ross, Joey, Chandler, Gunther, Bobby. Girl: Rachel, Monica, Janice, Mona and of course, Chandler

Names: Boys - Mathew and Mason Girls - Margaret and Mia

Name for : Girl:Anja(my name),Ana(my bff name) Boy:Luka(name of my brother) Anja and Ana is super name for twins girls

Baby Name Suggestions: Girls= Nicole, Kasper, Momo Boys= Dino,Phoenix, Carl

Can you please call A girl daisy ? And A boy Steve Love youuu❤️

Call a girl freyah spelled with a h because that’s the way my name is spelled and for a boy chandler the friends character xx

Baby names Girl names yana and lily Boy names max and billy

you should have a matriarch named Jolene who steals everyone's man

I suggest for the next matriarch Halsey...Kelsey, Harry, Chelsea, and Kasey all in one!

For a girl Marie or Maria for a boy Ace or Jason

girl - Betty Veronica Cheryl Natalia (me) boy- archie jughead Reggie i like riverdale ok!

Ahhhh this is so stressful and I'm not even playing!

girl:camille Boy:cameron

Could you name one girl Catherine after me?

Hi Kelsey please do me a fav and call a few babies these names please Girl: Felicia,Penny,Riley,Josslyn,Joy Boy:Shaun,Ed,Roland,James,Jason Thx Kelsey! Love ya

Annalexia for a girl Felix for a boy

Girl:rose cami caroline tulip carol Boy:Noah Liam keelan mitch todd hans

I love your show! Girl Names: Mary and Margot (pronounced Margo) It would mean so much to me if you used these names!

You should name a baby boy buddy from the movie elf because it is Christmas

Please name a baby after me Ella I hope you see this

Has anyone else notice she hasn't used the outdoor tod playground once??

Kelsey can you do a 100 baby spin off where one of the kids go to university?

You should dress every matriarch exactly like Chelsea but not change genetics (hair color, face, body, etc) to see how she evolves

Does Kelsey know one of the tod beds is going threw the wall

For a baby name you should do Nick or Clause for Christmas

Can u please do the sims college with/for Chelsea jr or the girl in the blue dress with stars on it

After the 100 baby challenge

baby girls name : ELOISE , LUNA, SHANON bay boys name : JAIRO, LUKE , SONNY HOPE YOU LIKE IT!! :)

Kelsey, can you name a girl Maddy or a boy Jacob.

can you plz name a girl Daisy after my amazing cat!

Can you please name a girl: Kiana And a boy : Henry

i have a boy mane and a girl name jocelyn or blake

For the next matriarch call her Macy or Maisey It sounds like Kasey !

Please name a boy Finnick, cuz that’s my name (:

Here are some cute baby names Girls: Ella (after me), Winter, Summer, Soukee (named after my pet who sadly passed a few months ago). Boys: Austin (after my bro), Max,Jake Edit: I just realised that Kelsey is taking a break. I have been watching the.. series since it started. Good on her she deserves a break. Merry Christmas Kelsey!

girl:ocean,sea,betty,cheryl,veronica boy:jughead,archie,jason

Baby names:

Names! Girls: Juniper, Renn, Sophia, Persephone Boys: Charlie Jr, Ace, Apollo, Zeus, Quincy Twins: Zeus and Hades, Xavier and Xyla, Chip and Dale Triplets: Blossom Buttercup and Bubbles

Baby names: boy: Carmine cooper William Girl Chelsey 2 the sequal

Almost 50 episodes and I’ve been here since day 1. I would love if you pick my baby names.

Your first girl

You remember Olive?

Baby Names Boys: Isaac, Drew, David, Thaddeus, Ry, or Jace. Girls: Victoria, Sophia, Olivia, or Eliana. Fun fact I know a family with ten kids and these are all their names.

Baby Names: Girl: Christine or Anja Boy: Phillip or Dimitri

Girl baby names!!: Alasia (uh-lay-sjuh) or Alyssa (uh-lih-suh) ❤️❤️❤️

Kelsey you should name you kids either piper or Kaylee if it’s a girl and either Jordan or Finley if it’s a boy


I think Hunter, or Holden for a boy, Remy or Kendyl for a girl

For a boy: Keith or Alexander For a girl: Sofia or Riley

How many kids does she have now?

Girl: Haley,haliey,hayley( bc it’s my name ) Boy: David ,that’s my dad’s name, btw love u ❤️

Harmony for a baby name please

I hate girls with short hair

Please respond to me someone. I love her vids, i wanna try it out BUT I DONT KNOW WHICH SIMS EXACTLY THIS IS

who else saw that her sons spirit is fading and she did not see!!!!!! oml

I have looked at all the episodes for two days, and I'm from Sweden, maybe you can name the next baby after a typical Swedish name :-D Girl: Svea Boy: Sven

Hi!! Boy names: Thad or Bode Girl names: Hailee or Karrington

Ethen for a boy and Katie for a girl

I personally think that you should catch infections from low heigene

Baby names: Girl: charllet or chantelle Boy: jared or rifky

For names

Myla and carter

You should name a girl Lauren and a boy Lawrence

Girl: Evie, Nora, Vera, Frida Boy: JJ, Finn, Fletcher

“I’m yelling at a baby”

James, Joey, Brian, Sal

Boy names : Brian, Sal, James, Joe Girl names : Alexa, Alexis, Zoey

If your still taking baby names here are some. Girl: Emma after me. Boy: Alex after my husband.

Has anyone thought about how many hours we've spent watching this

Can you name a girl Jaylynn plz I love you videos

boy name: Everest, Wesley Girl names: Robin, Abigail(Abby), Brooklyn

For other baby names:mya,rezzie,Leo,genna,aliyah,Mia,Mikey,raven,baby,smile,Livy, Miami,floral,Cali,makiyah,kiyah,Stacy,brave,talent,Roman,Cameron,Tyler,Logan,kaden,Kole,Boston,lacy,dillian,Jillian,kacy,Kevin,silver,gold

Also rose,roselynn

Can you name a baby Elvis? When he goes off to school, you can say "Elvis has left the building."

looking like Bruno Mars-Mars

Kelsey, honey, earbuds for Kasey for fun whilst she does other things. Upgrade Kasey's bed and get all unbreakable items to save on repair time with the ghosts' shenanigans. Girl Names: Pepper, Kara, Cat Boy Names: Tony, Roy, Jaden

Names: Twins Girl:Diamond and Destiny Boy:Darshawn, Marshawn

My name is Phoebe and I'm 9

Can you please name some girls Boo and Bonnie? Or some boys Buzz and Woody? There are so many cute Pixar names! Xx

Girl: Paula, Verena, Amara, Storme, Ezryn Boy: Lyes, Yanis, Timber, Jacob, Damon

Please name on baby Nora or Marie

It’s not Brielle’s birth certificate you’re missing it’s Jaime’s because you didn’t go to the hospital with Jaime so you didn’t get the certificate by the way I have baby name’s girl:Sally because of a garden saled boy:Christian

plzzzz name a girl amber or a boy zach

Do another spinoff-annie goes to uni

Did Kelsey just now realize how to pause and line up tasks for the family?? I've been so confused about that the whole series, I thought it was a game play video thing...

For boys, Sam or Dean, for girls, Alex, Claire, or Jodi

For a girl, Ophelia, Delilah, and Caroline please! And for a boy, Waylon or Oakland/Oakley!!!

“Why are you not sleeping??” I ask my toddler this question daily.

I was playing the sims the other day and one of my sims decided to grill and of course a fire broke out

Please name a set of twins Jillian and Jeremiah ❤️

I like her with long hair

I hate Casey haircuts

I have missed so many fudging videos

Names Maggie Rebecca Ola Jasmine Lauren Liliana Lucia Alfredo Isaac

girl: Sadie boy: Sadie just name it sadie pls

boy or girl (unisex): Luna (moon in Spanish) or Sol (sun in Spanish) girl: Marisol

A baby girl Angala a boy Ken

Some gurl names I think is adorable I I V 1.Zelda 2.Leia 3.Willow

a girl: elena a boy: james

Girl-emily or Penelope boy-eathn or sea'n

Girl-ally boy-alex

My babies are Serenity (From Firefly) and Greyson (inspired by Nightwing)

Please name a baby Alyse for a girl or Luke for a boy

Sounds like my home, I have 2 toddlers and a newborn


Can you name a girl Jade, after me? (Like so she can see!)

Maybe the name Alexus (pronounced Alexas)

Boy name Levon

Girls names: Maggie, Elizabeth, Savannah Boy names: Peter, Parker, Carter

it's been raining at my house for over 24 hours!! I'M GONNA GO INSANE! this has nothing to do with the video just wanted to say. Also I'm binge watching all the episodes!

Baby name suggestions: DON'T READ OUT MY NAME OR ICON IF USED, PLZ. Girl: Delphi, Daphne, Lily, Ginevra (Ginny), Annabeth(Annie), Amelia (Amy or Mia), Boy: Todd, Otto, Dave, James, Sirius, Albus, Severus, Julius, Caeser, Phobas, Phineas.

Just some names to choose from! Boy names: Rinzler, Delsin, Edward, Alphonse, Sokka, Naruto, Sasuke, Natsu, Mako, Zephyr, Hades. Girl names: Kira, Adele, Yasmine, Cloe, Snow, Winry, Faye, Kiaya, Caleigh, Astrid, Priya, Winnifred.

plese, hire a maid and buy better.bad for Kasey

Girl: Piper Parker Harper Boy: Danny Dexter Darby

Death flower is what you put in your inventory to spare your life from an accidental death. Like this so Kelsey can see so she is prepared next time something like that happens. You have to have the flower in your inventory already before the accident happens, so maybe just keep it with Kasey for when her time comes. Also if you have a chess table nearby you can battle the grim in chess and bring them back if you win.

You should name a baby Carmen

I have not watched the whole challenge. But if you have not named any of the kids these names yet then here you go. Boys: Noah, Chris, Luke. Girls: Alison, Katie, Lainey. Gender neutral- Logan and Parker.

Does anyone think that I'll be able to catch up? I give up on trying

when it said that owen swiped and object from school it gave me brielle vibes

Baby names : Paige, Kylie, Preston, Dan

For girls Sophia, Sierra, Chloe, Kaitlyn, Kaylee, Hermione. For boys JJ, Lucas, Luke, Jack, James, Ron (Ronald).

Girls: Stella, Rose, Bell, Alex, Kasey JR, Liv, Jayden, and Kelsey BOYS: TODD, Cole and Dylan Sprouse, or Zack and Cody, Derby, Gill, James, Joe PLEASE CHOOSE ONE OF THESE NAMES ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

For a girl Ginger for a Boy George

Girls names: Minnie, Macy, Mollie Boy names: Manny, Max, Matt If you can't tell, I really like M names

Name a baby girl Paula, Daenerys or Hermione. Name a baby boy Axel, David or Chester

Oh my gosh Craig not Craig is alive

Zoey for a girl or Samuel for a boy!

Hey I got ideas for names! Boy: Ean, Ian, Sam or Samuel Girl: Tracy, Linda, Reagan, Regan, Raegan

name the next baby louise

Name a girl Mercedes please

You can always read to them all in a group. It also helps with there imagination skill

Girl:ariana,Zoey,Elle,Kailey Boy: Noah,Theo,David,elvis

Could you please name a baby: Girl: Merrill, Meryl (my name) or Halle ( pronounced hal-y) (my best friend's name) Boy: Milo (My brother's name)

Hope you choose them i would like very much if you choose one of them If its a girl: Trinidad (like my name) if its a boy: Samuel (like my brothers name)

boy: Carson, Baron Girl: Loralei, Maryann

Boy- Tanner or Tannor Girl- Taytum or Tina

for the next baby girl can you name it abby or abigail?

For a girl Lizzy, Lisa. For a boy Luke, Lucky

Name a girl Stormi please

Rebecca Rumney just 24 hours. I did the math rn

This Sims 4

This is the Sims 4

Hey so I just started playing the sims a few days ago but I’ve been watching these videos for a while and I was just wondering how come you have so many more options for personality trait?

Can you give the boy name: Alam the girl name: Medeline (it's my Name) Because I watch this show from the first episode. I'm your big fan!

Please name a boy Carson or Isaac and a girl Zoe ( my name :) ! )

Can you name a girl Destiny so you can say it is your destiny to finish this skill

For baby names Girl Presley for no reason

Gril : Sara and lilu. Boy: Lee and kody

Name boy ben girls hanna

For a girl please Amelia

Chloe for girl Zach for a Boy

I need to binge all the episodes

baby names boy: bart and jadden girl: lisa or jewel

Next girl Lexi Next boy toddy

Since you have a Lucian already, it would make me very happy if you named a boy Tamlin. These are both characters from my favorite book, A Court of Thorns and Roses.

Girls: Zuri,Ava,Caroline,Riley,London,Samantha Boys: Samul,Landan,Hunter,Riker,Camden

Name suggestions Boy: name after their father Girl: Rachel

Hi my birthday is on The first episode realease date i would love one baby to be Hannah

Can you name the next baby Ocean

PLZZZNAME ONE Adley (pronounced ad-lee)

Magnolia for girl Rhame for boy

at how many babies we at?

I think Rachael for a girl and Jameson for a boy

Sorry blankets

I mean why are you wearing blanketed

Sorry I mean why are you sending blankets

Kelsey why are you sending blankets?

Girl: Piper Parker Harper Boy: Danny Dexter Darby Please use this name!

Does no one see the spelling mistake in your comment?

omg thast one todd bed thats going through the wall also nobody cared that the kids spirt is fadding

Baby names Girls: Mary Margaret, Jane Boys: Thomas, Luke

you need to change kasey's hair to blonde

Can you please name a boy jughead from Riverdale?

Can you please and a girl. Kiana, or a boy, Henry?

next girl name should be sailor, please! :)

If you get twin girls name then dusk and dawn

Girl:Roxane Boy:Ameer

Hi Kelsey I love this series and I would very much appreciate it if u could name a baby girl Michelle after me

Baby names: Girl: Eleanor, Christine, Josey Boy: Elliot, Michael, Louie Love the series so much!

If it is a girl name it Alina and if it is a boy name it James after my brother

Oha hala bitirmediniz mi ya

Warning baby name alert: You should name the babies Rebekah (my real name) or Becky (My nickname) :) Other baby names: Abby, Abigail, Elly, Elizabeth, Katey, Katelyn  Love ya Kelsey

9:19 "Ask If Mermaid"

Baby names Girl: Brynn(I would love to have a baby named after me), Capri, Eliza Boy: Levi, Liam, Wesley.

Girl Names: Addison Lunar Luna

BABY NAMES GIRL NAMES: Jewels, Patricia, my nieces name Aria BOY NAMES: Jensen, Patrick, my nephews name Messiah

you should name the next baby Emily!

maddie grace for a girl and jackson for a boy

( girl) magnolia , delilah (Boy) Alex , kylo

I saw Nacy Landgrab in my sim 4

Baby Names Tanis for a girl Tolkien for a boy

name a baby boy hunter

Fibi looks like Renne

Hey I just met you... And this is crazy .... But here’s my number.... Let’s have a baby

All I’m going to say if from our queen steph0sims do it in 24 hours coward


I think that you should name a baby Hannah or Rachel

Name her Jade it's a pretty name

name suggestions: boy: Brayden, Cole, Jax, Corey girl: Audrey, Barb, Nikki, Kayla both: Colin, James, Chris

Can we have baby names Girls : Nadia, Nova, Sabrina, Baley, Madison or Maleficent Boys: Norris, Nicholas, Sebastian, Brecken or Manny Please if you would do me the honor.

Here's some name suggestions Girl: Amara Alana Evelyn Kenna Katie Aquila tory Linda Boy: katio Keith Tyler Corbin Cody conden caden Aaron

Girl :kim Boy:Derek

Can we get a Kaytlin? Or a Kelsey?

For a girl you should name her Sidonie cause that’s my name Boys: Jace

Girl Zoe Boy andre

please name your next girl hermione because i know you love harry potter p.s. i love you kelsey!!!!!

Me and my friend are doing this challenge and the first man we seduced turned out to be a stalker

Girl names-Allison,Alli Boy names-Thomas,Austin Love you Kelsey


boys: teddy, liam, james, keegan, kameron girls: riley, mia, kyla, hayley, olivia , belle

You should name your next baby if it is a girl Zoey and if it is a boy richer i love your YouTube videos you are so cool

Tucher that is so cool is a start loin

The boy is tucher

The boy is richer sorry

I just found Chelsea Impiccishmay on Akinator. The online guessing genie.


Please name a girl Cayla!!!!!!!!!!

She protecc She attacc But most importantly *_the garden salads are bacc_*

Baby names Girls: Minerva, Nyx, Boys: Malecai, Alexander Gender neutral beans: Leopold, Ola, Kim

Boy Grayson Girl Madison

name one joslyn or jojo

Girl name: Alodia Boy name: Yohann

I rember the camping trip

From part one from the first birth

I stared watiching at 2018

Description of teen hippie: Smelly B student

Girl name : Angel Boy Name: Aspen

Zoe and Phoebe Xxx I LOVE THE NAME ASPEN


leslieeex0o haha

Name a baby girl Elsa or grace and if a boy Andrew or James or Jake

plz name a child Todd for ''toddlers''

Girl: Jessica Boy: Jesse

There is a lot of things we have lost in 2019 but one thing we haven’t is WIFI!

For a girl Caroline and a boy Dayton or Alexander

girl : summer boy : winter

"I think the toddlers can smell fear" I have no place to say this, but welcome to motherhood!

luvvv ur vids xxxxx

Could u please named the baby Naina (pronounced 9-uh) my two friends Brooke, and Olivia have babies named after them, and tease me cuz I don’t... pretty please

Please check the geneology Ps I love these videos they’re amazing

if its a boy u can name it Oakley and is girl Emily

Can you please call your baby ... Girl: Nona or Maoui (both are nicknames my fam and friends use) Boy: Victor (corpse bride bc I love Tim Burton) thank you!! Xxx

Jovie or annalynne for a girl or matthew for a boy

Baby names: girl = ruby or Martha Boy= Joey or Ben

Could you please name the next baby girl Katarina after me? I’ve been watching since the very first episode and i love them all

Nicole Cromwell thank you x

next girl needs to be called olivia

A baby girl name Tiffani would be different and cute

I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the fact that the toddler bed is halfway through the wall into the nursery.

Girl: Lila Boy: jam

Please name a girl Lorelei! It is a really nice name and it’s unique!!! Love you Kelsey! ❤️❤️❤️

You should do a spin-off where one of your kids becomes a mermaid

do the 100 baby challenge in 24 hours

Name a babay after me ooffofof

I LOVE YOU KELSEY. Can you do Alyssa, Danielle or Chloe for girls and Daniel, Joey or Billy

For boy: Parker For girl: violet For twins: Samantha and Safire.

Boy: Damon and Stephen (TVD) Girl: Monica

name a baby: Cam i havent seen that yet in the series :)

Girl: Abby Honey Scarlet Boys:Luke Michael Calum


Boy: Jacob Boy: Akili Boy: Desiel Girl: Morgan Girl: Kaitlyn

next girl name should be carly

“FaRt GiFt” -Kelsey 2019

You should have a baby with a mermaid so you can have a little Mermaid bby idk if that's possible but it be cool

Girl: aqua for Aquarius or Luna Boy:Leo for Leo or Ashtron

Hey my roommate and I love your videos can name you next child Helena or Skye

Do another sims video and name one of your children Mia please

Can you name a baby girl Gracie plz

There's already been kids with my name and my brothers name which is cool and I also had some name suggestions: Lydia Arianna Alicia Siana Or Aaron Andrew

For a boy: Peter or Henry For a girl: Leah or Lanie

Baby Names: Girls: Angel,Savannah Boys: Darius,Damien

Girl: Sasha (my name) or Ilsa Boy: Terry or Tyson

Still waiting for a baby that's named Olga.....

Natasha would be a good name for one of the kids

I think a good girl name is Ava and a Boy name Max

For boys: Stephan and Damon For girls: Elena and Caroline

How do you get sims 4

Kelsey has been single for this whole challenge… I feel so sad for her

Can you name a girl Bella

George for a boy and for a girl Elle

Boy tanner girl baylee


The girl should be Tristen or Sarah or Tabitha the boys should be Tommy Tanner or Tyler. Plz pick the names

Kelsey should put a fridge in the toddler room just for garden salads

i personally LOVE these baby names girl: Ireland boy: ayden or jacob

For a girl it should be Camilia and a boy maybe Archie or Edward

Name a baby disaster

Has anyone noticed that one of the toddlers bed is through the wall into the baby room???

If u have more babies name the girl Joelene and if there is a boy name him Zander

It would be hilarious if you accept and use these names as say baby names! For boy names Phineas and ferb for twin boys Zack and Cody from sweet life of Zack and Cody lol and Stephan and Damon from vampire diaries or Cheech and Chong for girl names for twins Max and Ruby from the old children's show

Boy name: Roger , Joshua , Nick Girl name: Dusty , Star, Astrid , Nikki Also, How do you have so many twins and triplets? I’m stuck having only one child

Or a boy named Levi

Can you make a baby name called Breanna/girl

For a girl name: Millie For a boy name: Daniel

You should name a girl Meeka based of my nickname. My full name is Kahmeaqia and my nickname is meaqia. My mom wanted my name spelling to be unique

Yo I love u

can you name a girl Meghan or a boy Max

please name a baby sophie or allison maybe shawn too

Can you name a baby girl Destiny please?

Can you name a girl: Elisa and if it's a boy: Johnny plz love your series

Magen or jose

I’ve played with 2 toddlers and was stressed

Hi my name is hannah can you plz name the next baby girl hannah or ava and for a boy orlando or gabriel

Hey if you press the space bar it will change the sim you want to control and also can you name a girl Athena (and the twin boy of her Arman) please and if you think you are going to have twin girls name them Ella and Bella I LOVE YOU VIDS please pick bye

I'm getting some soon so I watch ur vids to know how to play and to watch you because your good :)


Baby names (unisex.Kennedy or Kelly) (girl name: Georgie or fredia pronounced freeda) boy boy names: Fred or George Liam or Lincoln

Girl name: Stella Boy name: Judd I love these names. They are super cute

I’ve been here since ep. 1 and I’ve been commenting since July can you name a girl Ashlyn which is my name

Baby Names Girls: Laiken, Myah, April Boys: Locke, Wayne, Neyland Hope the series starts back soon! :)

Name a girl callie marla ellienoor

Baby names Girl: Anna or Celina Boy: Corey or Thomas Also I been a fan for over a. Year

Or if boy name Dylan

You should name your baby luna. Fun fact luna means moon in Spanish

For a girl bliss for a boy Wesley

the guy Kelsey thought is cute looks like my dad.

Next girl name her Nadia

Baby names!!! If the baby is a girl use the names Brinley or Hadley and if it’s a boy use Hudson or Parker!


Some of my friends names: TWINS: Greyson & Dallas, Leila & Gracie, Haley & Bailee Boys: Owen, Darius, Austin, Mikey, Micheal, Cole, Gavin Girls: Caroline, Briley (also Brilee), Zoe, Mara, Emerson, Bianca, Mariah, Ari, Camdyn, Maddi Unisex: Brinli (Also Brinley, Brinlie, Brinlee)

Hey Kelsey! Would you consider naming a boy after me? My friends that watch your show would freak. My name is Azraphael! (Not to be confused with Aziraphale from Good Omens) It means "I have healed" and it's a fallen angel name so woot. (If you have any trouble it's pronounced just like Raphael the ninja turtle just with "Az" at the front)

I wonder if Kelsey is

If it’s a girl Kama (after myself) it’s a unique name I’ve never heard anyone but me have If it’s a boy Todd cause we’ve all been waiting

If ever a Girl name her *Dani* and a boy pls name him *Dan* btw still watching the series since ep1

Boy: Dan Girl: Dani

If it is a girl pls name her *Michele* after my mom and a boy *Mich*

Girl: *Kate* Boy: *Carson*

Girl: Beverly, Lili Boy: Richee, Eddie

If it is a girl name her “Amy” if a boy name him “Anthony” I hope u see this kelsey

Girls - Viviana,cadence,aurora Boys- max,Matt,augustus

GIRL NAMES: Erin,Sydney,Faith,Hope,Macy,Sarah,Cat,Kendra,Maddison,Karrie,Gabby,Neveah,Tiana,Parker. BOY NAMES: Wyatt,William,Alex,Ben,Bryan,Kason,Nathan,Aaron,McCarron,Houston,Tyler,Jayden,Austin

Please name a girl Maddie( not guilty by the way) or Charlotte(preferaably). For a boy, Aiden or Brady.

I just started this challenge, and I was wondering do I need the get to work expansion pack to be able to join my sim at hospital or is there another way to do so?

Girl:Rowen Boy:Thomas

When the weather outside is frightful, but WiFi is so delightful! And also if u ever have baby with a redhead name it Zach plz this series is weirdly funny!

Every time you say my name I’m just like WAT

Her baby is my name her baby is my name her baby is my name her baby is my name her baby is my name her baby is my name I can’t get over how you named your baby Lucian

can you please name a girl Reagan cause that is my daughters name.

Do it in 24 hours COWARD

I want the girl's name to be Lana because I really like Lana Del Rey and my name is Lana ... The boy's name might be Alex. I'm a big fan, by the way, and your videos make me very happy.

Girl- Cali, Ariyanna, River Boy- Arizona, Chase, Peyton

If is a girl please name it emma

if it's a girl please name it Rosie if it's a boy please name it Riley

Name a baby Lily

Baby name: Girls: Klara, Selma, Thea, Anna, Alva, Cassandra, Mimmy, Nora, and Ella. Boys: Oskar, Emil, Malte, Isak, Alfred, Ludvig, Karl, Fabian and Eskil.

where the heck is the next video???

Where is season 2????? It’s Saturday and I’ve been waiting. Not trying to be rude lol.

If twin girls Julie and juliet two boys Ben and Bennie one boy and one girl then Oliver and Olivia

I just found Jeffery Landgraab

I think YOU should name a set of boy-girl twins Boy: Forty Girl: Love

Girl: Norah or Nora Boy: Noah

Baby names: boy- Liam, Naveen, Zac girl- Skai, Maria, Zariah unisex- Tai, Moon, Sam, Avalanche

Name a baby maisy

Will you please consider these names for your next baby it will be highly appreciated Girls: Jayanna Joycelyn Boys: Javaughn Jordan The first 3 are my siblings and my name.

BABY NAMES FOR KACEY~ Boy~Zion or Aiden Girl~Jamyracle or Ja'Zelle(my first and middle name)

Baby names: Girl Twins: Elena and Katherine Boy Twins: Stefan and Damon One boy and one girl Twins: Bonnie and Klaus P.S can you tell that I like TVD ??

Part 49! Last time I was here it was only up to part 8!

Baby Names Girls: Rebecca,Bree Boys:Jack, Finn

can the next girl(s) be named lacey or lorel please :D

Baby Names: Severus for a boy Minerva for a girl

Amy and Lynn!

Baby Names Boys: Dylan Daniel Girls: Emma Ariel Eliyah

this is a sadist challenge lol

Baby name : girl :ariel. Emma. Eliyah. Boy : daniel. Dylan. Domimic

PDF file 10837xv72936

Phoebe looks a little like Phoebe from Friends cause of the jewelry in her omg

If it’s a girl Kama (after myself) it’s a unique name I’ve never heard anyone but me have or Angel so you can say “my sweet baby angel” If it’s a boy Todd cause we’ve all been waiting

Oh no, now I can't unsee it

Baby names girls: grace, Chelsea III, Kasey Jr, Ellen Boys: Bradford, Colin Both: kit, spencer

Can you please name a girl Peyton named after me or Jackson for a boy

If it's a girl name her Roxanne, cause you know Impiccishmays like to party all night......

Can a baby name be Girl: Ebony (after me) Boy: Harvey (my favourite boy name) ilysm xx

If it's a girl, Ella, if it's a boy, Ethan

Has no one noticed about how much August looks and acts like Jamie aka the demon child

Some kinda old fashioned/vintage names would be cute! Girl: Margaret, Constance, Adelaide Boy: Benjamin (Benny?), Edmund, Otto

Greys anatomy themed names Girls :- Callie, Bailey, Cristina, Meredith, April, Lexie Boys:- Richard, Derek, Ben, George, Alex, Jackson

When ia your next episode!?

Boy names: Clark, Kash, Jude Girl names: Veda, Jude, Carmindy

Mars looks like the boy from stranger things that wears the ball cap!!!

Both gender names - Terri, Sage, Honey , Charlie♥️ Thanks for making everyones dayyy

i swear to god if this series is dropped without reaching a 100 there will be an itch in the back of my mind for the rest of my life

18:32 Harry is celebrating Lucians birthday party

Can the new babies name be Jadyn?

Girl names: Alana Elle (Said as Ell- not Ellie ) Boy names: Johnny Jacob (Btw the other episodes aren’t loading for me coz my WiFi is down so if these names have been used sorry

Baby names girls: Caitlin and Ailee, Eva and Amber, Summer and Fallon boys: Aidan and Aiden, Liam and Luis P.S Caitlin is my name and the other names are my cousins and friends (Brooke and OLivia are also my friends names but they are already used) :D xx hope you use my names!

It's not awdum Its aw-tum

Aimee Velasco or Amy and Anthony

Aimee Velasco or Beverly, Lili, Richee, or Eddie.

olivia souza thare is already a River

Hope Smith I love these names! But I think Lake and Loch would be cute for twins because I think they’re the same thing, but in different languages.

Name the baby August please

Hi here's some names for babies Girls: winter,Sunset,summer,clover, Cora,shassa,and lavender Boys: Todd,Nathan, Chris,enzo, Mark, and Steven And if you want to use my name feel free to use it :)

How did they turn this into a season thing? Wth

Girl name Luna (Lovegood) Leah and Alyssa boy names Mike Chanse or Zack

Question.. I am unsure if I am missing it or not but why isn't anyone sad about family members dying? Meaning siblings. I am doing this challenge and am on about 48 babies so far but practically every couple of days someone in the family dies and my sims are super sad for 2 days. Is this happening in this?

Baby names for our girl Girl: Joella and Tilly Twins: Luke and Lucky Boy: Dolan and Jerry Love you Kelsey, your doing great sweetie! Who sees the irony here? ;)

Anyone miss: 'Brielle stole an object while at school'? Also maybe Kelsey, could u name one of your children after my fam? Girl: Amber(me), Jessica(my daughter) Boy: Cade(my boyfriend), Jacob(my son)

Please name a boy Callum, after my son. For a girl, Lyra or Newt. ❤️

Baby names : Girl : Leane or Martine Boy : Ludovic or Vincent Thanks for your videos

Babby name idea for girl penelope or penny boy Baylor Brocher twins penny and lenny or kimchi and timmy or tammy and cammy

Lol is she vegan? Why does she only make them salad?

Boy: King Girl: Quinn so you can say, Yasssss Quinn & Yasssss King haha

Boy and girl twins: Luke and Leia!

Please name one Lily

Is anybody able to tell me what all packages you have to have to have baby’s and stuff?

So to anyone who has sims 4—is it worth the price?

Girl:Jessica(my name), or Jaslene Boy: Elias or Joey(my Brothers) UwU

Girl Baby names: Charlotte, Lena, or Harley Boy Baby names: Henry, Jared, or Mark

Girl:Kelly ,Angela,Kimberly,Belinda,Ella,Kaylee,Harper,Mary,Maya,Maiya,Lily, Violet,Brianna,Charlotte, Felicia, Kelley Boy:Max,Mason,David,Kyree,Kimberly Love you.

So, you have a Brendan and a Hope. Those are two of my eight siblings names. So here are some ideas Girls: Faith (me), Grace, Ashlyn Boys: Brady, Patrick (my other brothers are heckin mean, but their names are Jay and Andy)

Children names: boy: Chris Girl: Michelle Or for both disney Character Names :)

BUY KASEY A BETTER BED SO SHES NOT TIRED ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry for using all-caps but Kelsey needs to see this.)

I really want a baby to have my name so for my name are Caely for a girl for a boy Ionathan

What about name Liliana or lili for girl

Baby Names Boys: Asher, Jace, Drake, Louis, Zane, Henry, Steven. Girls: Christie, Piper, Ella, Michaela, Lucy, Harley, Pearl.

If you have a boy could you name it Isaiah(me), or Quinn And if you have a girl Isabelle or Damian

Can u name ur next girl nomi, or navea

Lucian didn’t go to school when her teen aged up and it bothered me

U should name a girl Emma and a boy Malachi

Can you please name the next baby if it’s a girl Sabrina

Girl-Morgan or Zowie Boy-Carter or Kaden

Boys: Harrison or Harrold (in honor of Harry) or Aloysius Girls: Geneva, Eloise or Eleanor

can you name the baby girl: Maria, Moon, Molly, Ruby boy: Jackson, Moon, Micheal, Rafael

If I had that many babies I would yell at them

Wait which episode did one die?

Part 40

Name suggestion for baby boy: Soren.

Name a baby Priscila!!! I mean, it's suuuper original and sooo pretty (it can also be priscilla if it makes it easier to read for ya'll who speak english)

can you name a baby Ashtyn that’s boy and girl name


Does anyone have all the official hashtags please?

Girl: Mandy or Morgana Boy: Jeremy or Jimmy

Boy Damon, Ronnie Girl Teia, Linnea

Other news