Single Girl's Son Is Possessed in The Sims 4 Strangerville - Part 2

Single Girl's Son Is Possessed in The Sims 4 Strangerville - Part 2

Show Video

We're diving back in to stranger, Ville with our sweet well, arguably, sweet, demon. Child Jamie. So. I'm doing spin off with just Jamie he he's an adult he came out of the house and we moved him into a strange place as he was walking around strange things started occurring it was super, strange there were creepy people that were trying to give him a housewarming and then he went into of like facility and the inspected, it and then he met like a conspiracy theorist and then he joined the army so what has happened right, now we're just going where the game takes us, welcome back to stranger, ville this, place is so strange oh wait we need to prep his fitness level and practice marching so, let's March around Jamie, poop up a little loop buh buh buh buh buh buh buh, buh buh I'm trying, to level, up in the army so I can find out the truth and get a keycard, okay, so that's really what our goal is we need to get a keycard and we needed to get this secret dossier and our dossier, is not enough, we don't have enough things for our dossier, but we need 15 pieces of stranger ville evidence and we don't have that many yet we only have 9 yeah, good, job Jamie. Well. What's, this it's. Weird. Go get it Jamie it, cropped, up on your land this is my land. Get off look. At him he's like whoa oh whoa. This bizarre plant has an odd bloom as if, being controlled. By some other entity. It, looks as though there's, something growing in, it you're, hungry, so I guess like eat something really fast have a quick little. Meal away is he vegetarian. Yes. I, almost came over here haven't cheese sandwich, Jamie stop, I'm sorry look. At his running clothes, we, stand we, stand a pink jacket Oh. Oh God, oh god what if she eats us what if she's a zombie God, God God God God we're talking to her oh my god oh my god I'm so scared I'm so scared you got really close oh. Geez. Oh God Oh God, the mother knows. All do, not what is it oh, the. Mother and knows, all do not resist her, what so we have a bug that we can bug people with but I think honestly. You. Know ok, bye Harley at least shouldn't hurt us like keep jogging my boy is, he out by the thingamabob. Where it sells the thing about LOB's here, it is alright we can buy a curio. Item, we already went to him last time but we can go to him again cuz, this says do, it look at that that was spooky what was that what, was that car do you see it it has like a dish, on top everything. Is weird and conspiracy. II here, will buy another bizarre fruit, and another bug money is about an object, I just want to request this keycard I think I have a key guarded by secretive, door I'll only say list you if you can prove you're committed to the stranger real investigation may be of a secret dossier ah, there. Are ways to get a keycard into the basement of secret lab if you get enough evidence to, the strange stuff going on in town yeah, so we essentially, what we gotta do is get that key card but right now there's two different ways to be able to card we could do it from the army or we could do it from, getting, this dossier but, we don't really have the dossier done let's. Go here and see old Penelope. It's called. How. It is, it's a dudes bunker, this, is bananas. Hello, can. I come in come on in it says come, in into my secret bunker, you are more than a loud what. Is, this. Place. Okay. Hi. Dude let's. Talk about stranger, Ville to him Jamie, just be safe okay I don't trust any of the people around here and I worry you know your mother worries.

They're, Wasting a key card to the basement of the secret lab Wow everyone's, just on top of this key card business. I'm just an old retired fighter pilot do you really think I would have access to some fancy key card I've been one of those sad - sir mercenary, military. Personnel, would have something for you I doubt they're just handing out those things though justjust, Jamie, need to seduce someone to get why. Are you singing all the time. Alright. Looks like this guy doesn't really have much he's just a little conspiracy theorist and a thing so let's kind of go to town and meet some peeps hey, wait we know this girl talk, about your interval we, can't request a key card or we, need a secret dossier, dang. It, people really want me to get a key card - we only need to talk about like three more people about stranger, Ville ok local, libraries, don't have scientists, researching the strange world archives oh that's pretty helpful actually thank. You maybe, we'll go to the library next, yeah just keep talking about it Jamie pick the people's brains because obviously going, to public places and talking loudly about conspiracy, theories is the best way to go unnoticed in a new neighborhood I've been told that anyone asked me for evidence actually report them but I'm starting to think the public hear, about what's going on who is this dude can we like become, friends with him let's plant a bug on him it seems like he knows something and, we got two bugs I gave him a hug he. Didn't notice the bug being planted. He's the listening device to see if he spills any important information ah this. Is fun I think we're gonna go the library, next and, see, if there's anyone, there, we're, gonna go alone, cuz we don't trust anyone don't. Trust, them - what no is that olive. Are olive. No no no don't know. That's. Our famous girl oh my god she was there and our famous darling, lovely, child and we didn't get to say. It's. Too late we're here okay, well I gotta, let it go we got a mission okay are these scientists, I would, like to talk to you about a thing hello. Hello, please introduce yourself. To me I am NOT asking, any, personal, questions please do not attack cuz these are scientists, they might actually work at the lab like what if they find out about us and then they like I don't, know ETA's I didn't, he's asking, he's like what's up hey, Fred I've, been told that if anyone asked me for evidence I should report them but I'm starting to think the public should hear about what's going on she, knows stuff too I'm. A bugger. I'm. Gonna plant that bug oh I was told to be on lookout for someone asking for evidence for the local scientist military do you know anything about that. I'm. Gonna hug hugging, bug, boom. Baby. Hugging, bag how. Can bug that girl. Baby. Yeah. We can't really do much now so let's go home and, see if we can listen to our bucks, I'm, still really upset about the pool of siding I can't. Believe that happened and we didn't see her it's, fine. All. Right so he needs 15 pieces of evidence all, right so we need six more pieces of evidence I need, to buy a listening, device what, Oh cute, that was very expensive I don't care all. Right let's listen in on her, oh look at him go Oh. Cueing. Her, nothing's. Happened, oh. Oh. Oh, the. Things they made us do in that lab I still, have nightmares. Jamie, you're safe stranger girl evidence top-secret audio recording good we could just keep doing this okay. Listen in on, slander. Oh oh this girl says I've seen some crazy stuff in my day but that lab still. Gives me the shivers thinking, about it oh. This. Is all so vague. Okay. We got 11 pieces we only need how, many more, 15. For more I know math, math is my thing. Well we also got, a level up our programming. Too apparently. And hack programming. Is fun look, at you go, broke. Why is thinking, about diapers, a thing that has to do with programming alright, so he's gonna keep programming, here welcome. To Jamie's house, home of Jamie, he's, very angry, and oh it's frustrated, now he's just fine, that's.

Fine. Here's. He, can now mod games, well he's little three I knew he was already doing it, lap time, left. And it's night out so, it's perfect, timing to travel, alone, we, don't trust anyone -. I'm. Nervous what if we get caught. By. Anxiety, okay. Here we are we're at the lab what, we could keep searching for evidence can we hack hack for evidence yes boy, yes. Boy you're. Doing great I'm proud, of you way, to break in enter that's, my boy look. For that evidence we already did this last time we were here but maybe there will be new, evidence since we've been gone oh, we're. Getting close. We're at 12 he's. Hacking but bump up, what. What, is he discovering, share, the tea bro, share. The tea Jamie. Okay rolls there and. Jamie. Found the computer found strange, blueprints, and he ruins the computer way to just like leave, some, leave. Some trail man, you. Messed up there they're, gonna know you were here we could fix it oh we, can't, he has no hand in this level he's gonna just leave it like that I love, the way that he like. Searches, it's like a puppy Jay found some glitched hologram. Readout, and that means that we've hit 14, we only need one more okay, hack it up boy why do you do it again. He didn't find anything useful in this computer are you freaking kidding me are you breaking every computer, you come into contact music. If they're gonna come into work the next day they'll be like wow, this strange dude came in and, hacked, all the computers also do know they have cameras, around things, they just know this cool kid and a pink jacket came, in and broke all the computers, are, we in. You. Kidding, me he found nothing useful on that computer either and also broke it are we just slowly breaking every computer, cuz fine what. A mood he's. So sad he's like I'm so lonely here in my new town he's a little homesick you know at, home he was surrounded by like, a ton, of people all the time and, now he's kind of like this, lone, wolf in a new town and you, can't trust anyone, and, it's, sad man I understand, it's. Okay though maybe you'll find someone, ahh maybe. You'll find something pretty strange, take. Your mind off things leave. Before 6 a.m., what does that mean what. Do you mean leave before 6 a.m. that, is so spooky oh my god ok I was just told that I need to leave before 6 a.m. Jamie Jamie finished. Jamie finished. Jamie he didn't find anything we're getting out of here we're gonna go get out Jamie go go home oh my, god oh my. Gosh what, if we were caught it's 6 a.m. now oh you got to work yeah we're going to work we're gonna go to work bye bye. We're. Going to work Oh a, major deadline is approaching who, needs to find a way to knock it out what should he do hide in a closet no, not. Our boy he, does not Jamie's. Home and he made some money good. Job my boy wonder. If we can go to the library, and hack at those computers, - yeah, let's search the archives let's hurt the Streeterville archives, maybe, we'll find something good no, don't mind me my friend the friends, I'm just a normal stranger, vela person, I am certainly, not trying, to look into the mystery, and uncover unspeakable. Things no, no I am just one of you wearing, a very weird mismatched, outfit, see we all fit it history, of stranger both stories passed down by the indigenous, people who lived in the region long ago speak of a blinding, purple light in the sky followed. By a massive, explosion it, is believed, that this is the source of the stranger, of a career what, this. Place gets a weird, and weirder, so anyway we're gonna purchase a bug money it's, not an object its. Bug and object, that's. Business above it's, across the street I've been told that if anyone asked me for evidence I should report them but I'm starting to think oh yeah he's a perfect, person to bug let's bug him he's like I'm confused why you're hugging me alright, he didn't notice the bug this. Is great let's go back home. We. Just left him we could have just stayed in the same conversation but hopefully he went and had a different conversation. Alright let's listen in he said there's, only one guard at the lab what, what if anyone, sneaks, in and, now, we've got all our pieces of evidence. Compiled. A secret, dossier we, dude open. The sealed door, this. Can be used to obtain a keycard at the secret lab check, the curio shop owner yeah we're gonna go to him I feel like he's more trustworthy than the rest of them secret, inventory, by, keycard, with, are tossing it. With $200. For a keycard this guy is scamming. Us, let's.

Go Jamie you're so successful with your secret dossier, Jamie. Needs feed but I don't care he, needs to be but I don't. Because. I am a bad mom you just obtained the key card it, should grant access to any door in the secret lab and, now he laid on the ground to do sit-ups. Finish. Okay. Okay. Wow okay well that was like a really good time let's go to the secret lab, lab, slap slap slap. Let's use our key card to, get in, Jamie. Ball Jamie. My boy, okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we. What. Where. Are we what. Is, this. Well. This looks, like a bad place. To go. Can. We all agree that this looks you, know, sketchy. Let's, go over here, 15th, floor clusters so we need spore clusters but, the spore clusters, look bad okay. We're gonna go in we're gonna look at these four clusters I guess, how. Do we catch them though. Oh this. Is bad, maybe I wasn't will see that he, needs to pee oh oh. Honestly. I'm. Not even mad that's great. What. Have. We done. He's. Possessed. How. Do I fix, you. Where, our new mission is to fix Jamie fish Jamie, toni90 this is horrifying. Remember. When I joked when he was a demon, demon child Jamie I feel like that was foreshadowing, for my bad life choices this, is upsetting, to look at I hate I just like okay, let's go home honey wait wait he's fine wait is he really fine he doesn't look possessed anymore he looks literally, fine look at him he's fine it just took time okay, so those people have probably been exposed to it one too many times it was temporary it's all tab, right well let's not go into there again let's go here, away, from the, spooky spore how, do we get these spores, these, are inside, I'm assuming maybe we'll have to go back upstairs, to get spores, requires. A military, personnel, at the local bar to get an infection. Scanner, it can be used to speed support okay, we need to question a military, personnel. Guy and obtain. 15. Spore clusters so I don't think we can get them I think we actually have to like make, friends yeah. What. Oh. But. They got bigger oh no, no, no, no no. Oh. No. Happening. Here. This. Looks bad. You think you could put proud of you we're. Not gonna nurture, it and we're not gonna taunt it both, look bad like bad choices oh my god they all got bigger and there's more now. Hold. On to your butts ladies, and gentlemen's. Leaving. The secret lab you can't help but notice the sky has shifted to an eerie, color, something. Has changed in. Stranger. Ville and not, for, the better opening. That lab door must have released some kind of toxin. Into me way we did wrong we did wrong we, we. Did this you. Will need to find a way to protect yourself from the toxic spores and the cereal lab try talking to people around town to see if they know anything that might help oh my. God Jamie, what. Have you look at the sky Jamie. Look. At these they're, everywhere, now oh. God, we done wrong we done wrong let's. Go to the local watering, hole and talk. To some people okay. We're gonna question about. Spores, in the lab we're gonna talk to her but like also that's kind of showing your cards man because, we like spores in the lab I mean but I haven't been there she seemed like she wasn't, gonna tattle on us no wait that girl's pretty oh wow, this, could be a beaut she is really pretty good, to know I. Just got this new scanner it's really cool it can I mean that, is classified integration, buddy if you can convince me I can give you one what okay well wait maybe, we should just focus on this girl even though the love of his life is probably, behind seduced, for infection, scanner and press, for the section skater bribe discuss, interest, let's befriend, her first this girl is gorgeous, can, I be your friend please. Brighten. Your day oh my god he's surrounded by beautiful, women that. Are in the army with him there's. An alien over, there which I don't know why that's not like confusing, anyone really.

Apparently. That's not the strangest thing to be happening in strange ervil's to have a bunch of aliens in some cool outfit well if she's already feeling flirty, then we should probably just seducer for this scare pseudo. Surfer that scanner man you're hot she's. Flirty do. It wrong snooze oh she, did not okay, we're gonna talk to this girl we, gotta build, a nice relationship with this girl before we ask her for a scanner, we're having a combo, we're trying to seduce a woman. Because. We like and. Also because, we want her scanner, she, walked in and Jamie's, heart stopped in so did mine look, how beautiful. She is it's like one of those rom-coms. We're, like you start a relationship because, you're like I need something from you but then they're like but wait I really fell and. Then she'll be like you used, to be and help you like I, you. Know at first I, was but, then I really fell for you and the rest was real and she's like I don't know what to believe anymore and, he'll be like no, Kelly, you're the one for me I would give up all of the stranger, little conspiracy theories. If I could just be with you and. We can move away because dang this place is spooky though but she was like okay. Get, in there and get a hug boy what. Lady. It okay luna lovegood 'he's mother like, calm, down, get. Out the, other girl that we went to strongly on is like what is this guy up to, she's, he's, hitting on my, coworker, and he tried whoa. And. He tried to ask me for my scanner it seduced me first and I. Rejected, him he went in a little strong to the other girl because he didn't mean it but he music Kelly. We. Stand. Oh. My. Goodness we could ask her to be our girlfriend, if she said. Okay. Now we, will seduce. For the scanner she's. Feeling it okay here we go oh my, god oh my god what if she says no and, then we just asked her to be our girlfriend and it's awkward. Wow. That was amazing I really should not be doing this but here take the infection, scanner. I. Feel. Like dirty now I feel like their love was tainted, in this moment but honestly he. Loves her so give her a big kiss I ship. It you, know what maybe they fell in love but also he was like they, talked about it he was like hey listen okay, I. Have. A mission and she's like I'm ready to to. Help you I know we have other things to do but I'm just really excited about this she's, calling us asked us out on a date while we're next to her to, a retail, store next.

Time Oh she just walked by. Right. Now we got spork clustering. To do I guess we need a suit I've got some idea a couple of husband soon my secret inventory, go, figure. Secret, inventory. Hazmat. Suit for a thousand, dollars this guy be scamming, us okay. We has mattad what, what. Excuse. You do, you see uh, nope. This is a lot of nope this is a ton of nope. Nobody. Nope phanie nope nope nope, nope nope, nope nope nope he's gonna clean out those vines and he's gonna work out the machine this is how I clean binds this, is normal. Use. Your keycard my Jambo I don't. Trust. Any. Of this to, be fair we, can only blame ourselves we. Broke all the computers, we opened, the door without a hazmat suit, we went a little insane. Okay. Yeah maybe you should put your hands that suit on the boy what. We. Need a spore. Filter. To. Use this suit this, is the face of. Dislike. Ah. Okay. Well you know okay okay, okay, okay okay okay, okay we, go we're. Scanning, it up buddies, Oh. The, spores they're everywhere. Another. One another, one all right he's got nine so, we only need about one more scan I think, and then we'll be there okay, we, died. Okay, now we got assemble a hazmat suit, and it's sporophyll. To combine. Them with your inventory question about spores and scientists in the local library and the curio shop owner to get more information, let's. Go to the, library as the Sun sets go visit that library, let's. Talk about stranger, willow this guy okay he said strange, Condit's building over the crater, does not look normal I bet something is trying to get out oh he's. Like I have the materials to crop a spore filter but I'd not have been able to analyze, enough Oh have, I got news, for you my buddy okay. I have, been able to analyze enough oh good, you managed to get an infection scanner, that is probably a high concentration of spores around the lab come back after yes click ah we. Needed to analyze, them at the lab pick. To the lab. Okay. We back in the lab fan let's get, to use. Our key card, there. He goes. He. Doesn't like it no it's okay boy yeah. Don't you're. Fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine we, go over here oh. Cool. Where. Did he learn all these skills. In. Demon school look. At that he's proper, science, boy wow, I feel like there's so much to Jamie we just don't know I feel like I'm a mother hardly, does her son his, diligent, analysis, of the collected spore cluster has paid off take this infection. Profile, data to a stranger with science test to see if they have any helpful information all, right so that's it we did it well it looks so cool look at it look. At that data all right now we get to go to the library. Your, name is Leticia Lakeisha. All right Lakeisha, with, your snotty, attitude we, don't need it anyway, okay so we need to become her friend the my friend well Jamie's learned that she is a stranger will scientists at the bird lab. Gasps, to craft spore filter there it is wow you did it let me analyze this infection, profiles over Nelson, poor filter in the mail suit keep digging you might find a vaccine and for this infection after all we. Might save the tab. We. Well. I feel like this might be a good place to stop because she said it might take a little bit thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I'm. Excited, to learn, more next. Time when, we return, for, more strange, things with our demon son Jamie bye everyone.

2019-04-21 17:55

Show Video


I might have made some mistakes.... LOL If you want behind the scenes of how these videos are made, subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Hey Kelsey what kind of sims 4 are you playing cuz' mine have no calendar, the temperature, some of the clothes etc..?

Kelsey, I suddenly have a desire to write an actual book on Wattpad about Chelsea's life and her mission for 100 babies. Is that okay with you? Should I do it? (This is a weird question, isn't it...?)

Classy bit at 10:21 lol

Kelsey Impicciche ...

Why is the lab the ********* lab? What’s the name of it I’m so confused

Ugh!!! I need more!!!

also i just saw your behind the scenes video and i hope you wont lose any audio file or anything else in the future! amen to that

kelsey i cant thank you enough for making these spinoff series, especially this one. not that i dont love the baby challenge, i lOVE it, but this one is such a nice change from the baby factory. thank u! much love

+Adrian Fry

I’m gonna marry you I swear

Once you open the secret lab door you can see the crater that has swirly tornado clouds with lightning strikes and swirling winds like a tornado looks if you click on tape and see at it closer.

11:46 it looks like kelsey's is part of that woman

Kelsey Impicciche Kelsey gogogo

captain sauce just suduced people to get the info

Kelsey's seen too many romcom's :P

Hey Kelsey could you please name a girl sim after me (Lily) Or, if it’s a boy could you please it Brodie

Hi, love this series, I there any way you could name a baby girl Emma (duh because it’s my name) or for a boy, Nolan,and lastly for multi gender Janssen.❤️

Love ur videos

Idk y I read that as “ dangerous at satany speed”

I jabe4

Why doesnt she show the name of the lab

Kelsey Impicciche I’m thinking about getting this sims game

It's fine. He's evil. He wanted to doom the world.

I know this isn't the baby challenge video but it is a spinoff so I guess putting a name suggestion is that bad....Girl: Charlotte, Keira, Olivia Boy: Chris, Vincenzo, or Josh

Hey Kelsey! You are the most funniest person I have ever watched. It would mean the world if you could name one of your baby's Kricket because it is an absolute weird name but I'm stuck with it because that MY name but thanks if you do! Keep posting!!

Allison for a girl and Evan or Adam for a boy?

Can you name a boy Enrique or Girl Octavia

I love your video


Can you name a baby girl Lizzy or Reese? I love you and your videos!!!

I love you. I subscribed

Kelsey Impicciche I use these videos because I’m doing the strangerville thing

You should involve Erik in this season as well. As he is a evil tech boy and working with two you could quickly get the vaccine as well..

Will the vampire twins be posted? I missed that live stream because the schedule was announced 1 hour before stream and I was at worl


7:50 "Why is thinking about diapers a thing that has to do with programming?" You see, Kelsey... in both cases, you want to prevent a LEAK! =o

8:19 It looks like she is the one possessed

Such a cliff hanger Kelseyyyyy

Can you please name one kaitlyn it would really make my day

Wir 3 hatten die Wahl Von nix in die Charts, nun müssen wir dafür zahl’n Auf Leben Und Tod Nur 'ne Frage der Zeit, die Narbe Die bleibt, ist was uns alle vereint Auf Leben und Tod So krank es scheinen mag Angeblich ist man oben allein, doch wir war’n nie einsam Wir 3 schafften es selbst Es geht von ganz unten bis aufs Dach dieser Welt Auf Leben und Tod very strange song=)

Jamie, when possessed, lowkey looks like Ryan after he's heard something suspicious

When Jamie got possessed, I kind of got freak out by his looks.. omg..

Somebody call 9-1-1.. --------------- Each like will = Calls 9-1-1

LOL, arguably sweet.

Kelsey, you don't watch Call Me Kevin?!

I hope you will do a bonus series of the vampire twins aswell! Love watching you, and this challenge is the only reason why I bought all the sims games, and have now played 210 times in 3 weeks, omg

My sims 4 game is playing up so I’m living my sim life through you

Who else noticed that there was a bug on the paranormal guy who sells things??!! Was he beeing listend to?!

I still don’t understand how she remembers all her kids names like whattt

Also can you name the baby Katie if it's a girl if it's a boy than Jack thanks

With the 100 baby challenge, I think it would be better if you do an extra day so Saturday and Sunday for example, Saturday and some other day up to you just a thought also interested in your videos thanks

Why do you not show the name of the lab? Also I love the 100 baby challenge it’s really good

16:57 Kelsey: “Jaime look what you did!” Jaime: **evil laugh**

Who else saw a face at 10:23

This series gives me the creeps but I still love it. Kelsey you make it so creepy somehow. I Love you though

This kind of reminds me of Stranger Things. I absolutely love this!

THE GUY AT THE CURIO SHOP HAS A BUG PLANTED ON HIM!!! (he has waves coming from his chest, just like the ones coming from the military man Kelsey planted!!)

Can you please name the hext children twins kaley and jaime because thats me and my twins name

What about the vampire sisters

Who thinks kelsey should get custom content

Haven’t you noticed all the pink stuff floating around


What about brielle?

Why does she block the name of the Lab? Just wondering

She didn't block it. It's part of the expansion.

Baby names Girls Rhiannon/Emma Boys Ali/William

There's a lot of weirdness in this episode but it's an interesting weirdness. Oh yes. I'll be back for more!

The mother knows all!! You should have him call Chelsea. Just a thought

Get jamie a dog

Olive was there lol^^

This is *definitely* my favourite mini series.

does Strangerville remind any of you guys about Stranger things?? or is it just me

You could have got a keycard for free from the military, you just had to become really good friends with them.

Name a baby Lola

11:37 look at Kelseyshe has a body

When he got possessed he looked like momo

Kelly and Jamie’s ship name could be JELLY!!!!!!!! Btw I love you and these series

why is the lab name censored?

Can u plz do more of the 1 hundred baby challenge

So just burning it all down or nuking it is not an option? Because that's the right answer.

Jaime: *possessed* Kelsey: Aaaahh Me: *creeped out AF*

When this series is over, Jamie deserves a vacation, poor demon child ❤

14:45 i thought you were going to be like other youtubers and end it at a cliff hanger but omg thank god you didnt

4:05 - 4:10 Jamie randomly singing with his hoarse voice on a suspicious secret basement, while a suspicious guy randomly does push ups next to him.

why could you not show the name of the lab

At 18:44, she basically just summarized "After" lol

this place is soo weird Kelsey you should move him to live with his siblings or just make him live somewhere else its too scary and strange

I would love to see more of this series! Plus one about Brielle!

Demon son Jaime becoming possessed was seriously creepy but not as scary as you screaming...

Jamie should plant a bug on the conspiracy dude that owns the store

Kelsey, can u make Olive's carrier?I loved that episode!

This is strangerthings in thw sims

When is the spinoff for the vampire twins

What about Olive's Thing? I miss the episodes where she gets famous

The screammm when he became possessed

Her face when Jamie opened the door

I’m so excited to see what happens next!!

Watching these videos gives me anxiety

You should move Charlie in with him I mean think about it Charlie and Jamee my two favorite boy out of all the other boys in the family.

lol i love how kelsey keeps referring to jamie as her son when she messes up all the time in the original series and beats herself up about it

More more more!!!!!!

She is literally describing a movie that just came out lol 18:47

The perfect series to eat my easter chocolate with

There’s a black out on the lab when he enters the lot I still thinks it’s aliens

Can't wait to see Jamie and Kelly have kids! Then you'll be a granny.

Hey I binge watch every episode of the baby challenge!!!

Very dramatic acting in this one. Screams. Excitement. Adventure. Just some of the reasons I love this living being known as Kelsey.


16:17 *insert magikarp guy meme* edit: just watch her face please just do it edit of edit: also *insert Shia LaBeouf*

Luna Lovegood's mother hahahaha

lmao the moment she screamed when he turned I fell off my bed in shock

You have to become friends with someone and then you can get the key-card

Oh I love this strange series!!

Do not eat the strange frute he will go weRd

18:45 basically explained the movie after in a few seconds lmaoo

could you for the 100 baby challenge name one of the baby's Corra for a girl or Corry for a boy

Love this whole series keep it up

You need to use tab so you can see the actual crater and sky !!!

What if she gets a boyfriend while she’s making these videos? All the videos literally says “single girl” in the title.

I just want this on console already come on sims creators I know you pay attention to buzzfeed

as much as i love the sims4, i just stop watching these....

I'm watching this at like 1:36 in the morning eating baby carrots

What is the actual name of the lab

You should give jamie a secret lair to do his research just in case the military decides to raid his house.

you should bug the conspiracy guy

18:46 - 19:06 that sums up chilling adventures of sabrina's part 2

Honestly you are doing the best job ever when it comes to the 100 baby challenge. Im not really into watching other people play games or do things like this but I love the Sims and so your video popped up and I watched it. I have been following ever since! And I love that you do branches off it like this and the famous olive and hopefully you continue with vampires. However I realize you are. Busy girl and can't be playing Sims all day lol. I love your personality also!!! Wish you the best! PS. my name is Drew if you are ever looking for a girl name. I like boy names for girls sometimes. Hahaha

Can’t you just stick to the 100 baby challenge?

I’m only subbed for this challenge

This is such a creepy but super cool mod!! I am living for it

The quiet "What is this game" is my favorite part XD like she is genuinely shocked and I love it XD

Why does the dude selling weird things look and sound soooooo much like Shane Dawson......... the YouTuber who LOVES conspiracy theories

I love every bit of this series except.... I wish you would stop using AAVE

I’m getting straight to the point, I love this and all the sims things that you do Kelsey!!

What happened to the footage from 17:25 to 17:30 ?

How interesting! :)

Can you name your next girl Madeleine

My name is Penelope oh my God God

its ok

Kelsey are you bi? You seem to get really excited about female characters

Brielle feels abandoned

Reminds me of Under The Dome, it's perfect!

OMG your face when you get scared bahahahahahahaha

the stranger things theme IM DYING

can someone please explain to me how/why jamie is a demon???? i've either forgotten this or missed something and im really confused!!!

Lmao what happened to brielle, u made olive famous and Jaime go to strangerville, now u should do a spinoff series with brielle becoming a criminal Edit: and alexis should be a singer or somethin

Hi. Who else thinks the thumbnail is creepy?

Diaper flashbacks from the baby factory

Kelsey if Jamie eats the bizarre fruit he will get possessed don't eat the bizarre fruit.

evryone makes mastakes dont wrry

I need this strangeville series more!

Love how sims got lazy and said tho... lol

Oh my goodness you just described every romantic comedy basically

That Creepy Thing at 10:23

There is evidence in the bunker and I was literally yelling at my screen for her to notice the evidence!!

Why was the lab name censored?

What was Jamie doing at 22:43??XD

Military marching to the circus music XD

this kinda reminds me of stranger things

I'm glad Kelsey did this mini series. I actually learned more lore through her then any of the other playthroughs

anyone else wonder why the name of the lab is sensored?

Kelsey saying 'we stan' in every video now....

Lakeisha looks like Cat Valentine (played by Ariana Grande from Nickelodeon's "Victorious") lol

we love a demon child with a pink jacket.

2:20 harley on dem drugs xD..


I'm screaming because there was evidence in the Plane bunker!!!


I think it would be better when your in the lab to click the travel button again and travel home so he doesn't have to walk all the way and risk getting caught

I love this mini-series so much! You're all so amazing keep up the great work!

You should make a spin off with Miles making him a vet

Love this spin-off, can't wait for more of this!!!

I love this

Lol you sick gurl ? Or allergies? Or crying? Lol we stan you !!!

Are you really single Kelsey?

At 16:17 her face it was so funny

I just love these videos

I get so paranoid hearing the creepy music :')

My name is Kelly and I blushed at the RomCom skit. Thanks.

I thought I had seen some wide mouths, but when Kelsey saw more plants growing, she boosted up to the top...

I liked this video, keep it up. The military are awesome.

If I lived in Strangerville, I wouldn't leave the house unless absolutely necessary.

U should do a house flip not trying to be mean love u!!!

OMG I cant wait until he gets married and has kids also moves in with his love ❤️!!!

We need more of Strangerville episodes!!!!!!

Why did you “bleep” out and cover the lab’s name?

At 21:10 there were 2 spores in his house! LOVE 100 BABY AND SPINOFFS!!!!

Can you name a boy Archie and a girl Maddi

I love how you said nothing about all the aliens that just showed up

Should only be one more episode


Make jamie a single dad

That was too creepy for me when he got possessed

Why did it have the black thing over it when she got to the lab


Anyone thought of StrangerThings?

When Kelsey entered the lab all I could remember was the Sims 3 world adventures lol

#FishJamie2019 Like to fish Jamie

Girl yes, more! MORE!

I love how there was just a bathtub full of plants/flowers outside the bar

He didnt need to program for evidence.....lmao

“Is he out by the thingamabob where it sells thingamabobs?” Kelsey 2019

I wish playing sims was my job hahaha

"Where did he learn all these skills? demon school..." we love a smart demon child

Alexis is my favorite child she’s so underrated✨✨

“Wow, we might save the town, WEEEE!”

Thank you Kelsey. I was playing Dark souls and was stuck in a boss fight with Orstein and Smough. I decided to watch this episode in the background and it really helped and I finally crushed them. Thank you.

Demon school

My name is Penelope OMG

Do another one please


i’m hoping we’ll get a vampire twins spin off

Can u redesign Jamie's house luv uuu

I want Jamie to be gay so bad Like seriously though

Kelsey's got way too close to Chelsey's children

This kinda reminds me of Stranger Things! Cant wait for season 3!!

Bring in his brother Eric!!! He's a hacker!

1:25 Where is that from? I can't put my finger on it...

In Part 1 you found a USB. You should see what's on it

Jaime is just an evil boy trying to save the world

you know that Jamie is a real demon child when everything is falling around him but he laughs

"He's possessed! Now he really is a demon" - Impicciche, Kelsey

I thought Kelsey hair was pink because of the lighting

is it just me who loves it when she says "no, no"????? 11:27 15:54

10:22 this one just freaked me out

Stranger things who?

so apparently if you don’t leave before 6am then you get infected or something the next day, anybody else wanting to be a rebel but Kelsey left :( lol

Time to celebrate by doing some sit-ups -- Jamie aka Demon Child, 2019

11:47 turns into a sim

Why is the lab name blocked out????

"Ok, Luna Lovegood's mother"

Oh cute that was very expensive idc

“Lady.. Luna Lovegood’s mother”

Why do they black out the name of the lab??



Banjo music starts playing... "Jamie needs to pee and I don't care... Because I'm a bad mom." Lol

Wait what is the name of the lab and y does she keep blurring it out? 7:04. See this it's the Curio Shop owner!!!

Can you name one of the kids Emma or Dylan

Chase for a boy and Violet for a girl

“I think we actually have to make friends... UGH” a mood

I love it

There's a cow plant skull on the shop

OMG that was so entertaining! that scream when Jaime was possessed was awesome!

She is so funny! She lives the game hahahaa

The conspiracy theorist was bugged...

I love these series and Kelsey’s sense of humor

Stranger things who

“We might save the townn....WEEEEEEEEEE”

18:49-19:06 That sounds like a Nicholas Sparks novel

She marches her sim, yet she sings a circus

I really love this spin off

Don’t trust anyone there

Does anyone else find this very confusing?

strangervilles basement to the lab immediately made me think of Hawkins lab in stranger things. unless that's what the game intented to do

Why do I feel like this is the Sims version of stranger things?.

What did you do!?!?!?!

Could u name one of the babies after me? Nysha- girl name pronounced NYsha not NIsha Thnxxxx love ur videos

Girl: Nova or Luna Boy: Liam or Griffin

wow Kelsey, that was absolutely HILARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can not WAIT for your next video!

Should do a side adventure with Brielle and rob a museum or become a famous thief such she loves to steal

Yes!!! This is awesome!! Can’t wait for more episodes.

Little shop of horrors much??

I just finished the strangerville thing... girl you ain’t seen NOTHING yet

"Hello Luna love goods mother"

You ever notice that the inventory guy who gave Jamie the key card is bugged!!!

Chelsey clearly taught him the seduction skills he needed for this mission. XD

Do you blure out the lab name or does the game ?????


Somebody should do a compilation of Kelsey jingles

Yay! Jamie and charlie are my favs

I appreciate all the hard work u an the crew put into these vids WE LOVE U

Does anyone know what pack you need for this

Where are the vampire girls? Can’t find the spinoff on twitch

This looks so much like stranger things Tho!...

Jaime is the poor demon child that Chelsey doesn't have a birth certificate for!!!!!!!!! Hence the demon.

"sHaRe tHe TeA JaMiE" xDD

Let’s March... *sings circus music*

Hey do y’all think that since Brielle doesn’t have her birth certificate she lives a life of theft because she technically doesn’t have an identity?

Girl name Elena or stelena boy name Stefan

Jaime's got his mommas moves

19:00 she just described the movieplot of "how to lose a guy in 10 days"

why can’t she say the name of the lab??

I'm worried about Olive being there! Also Jamie..


oooh this is getting very exciting! pls see this through till the end!

I think Jamie should have a child to help him uncover mysteries

They look so cute together

Love this series!!!

OK so like uhmm.. I'm just going to wait for kelsey to uncover all of strangeville before I play it. I don't want any of my precious sims turning into possessed people

Everytime kelsey screams I almost jump out of my chair lol

this guy from airplane is amazing, i made one baby with him and it was just so pretty girl :)))

11:37 Kelsey turns into a sim

The guy in the airplane reminds me of the conspiracy guy from Independence Day lol

NAME 1 tori 2 aoi 3 luna ,

NAME 1 yuya 2 yugo 3 yuri

NAME girl , 1yuzu 2 amy 3 am

not gonna lie, when he got possessed, he looked like momo

This is probably the best let's play of strangerville that I have seen. Her reactions are amazing. Kelsey is too funny and adorable.

I am thinking of getting sims 4 now but does anyone know what the best version are

The scream

Hazmat suits are normally hecka expensive

this reminds me of stranger things???

Brielle has left the chat

What if the mother is actually Will Wright?

#Kaime!!!!! We ship them!!

I haven’t watched part 1 but I think ik what’s going on here

I think u need mask to go in the purple gas

Need the scientist best friend and one regular girlfriend and 1 conspiracy theorist cuz these will be important for you at the end of the game

why do you have to emphasize SINGLE girl's this and that in every video? What's wrong with being single or what's so special about it? What? Buzzfeed my dudes...

Their ship name is "Jelly"

OMG Love this cahpter xD

this is creepy like really creepy

You should do a vampire with the twins spinoff

here is a name for a girl ash and for a boy

You should totally and completely convince them to get merch to deliver to Australia. I’m devastated down here!

So why can't we see the lab name

How can we see the twins become vampires??

Jaime and Kelley are such a great couple

Wait a minute.... what if when Chelsea finally has 99 babies.... she has twins and never had 100 babies only 99 and 101

I really wanted the twin vampires

His face was genuinely unsettling to me...

I don't know if you know this but you can use the Tab button to see the sky!!

Love this series but high key waiting for a follow up on the vampire twins

LOL Kelsey really does exaggerate and It's Pretty Ugly and disgusting

am i the only one scrolling through the comments looking for a comment with the time of posession?

Please keep making these vids! I love all of your sim videos! Thanks for brightening my day :)

Kelly is evil do not listen to her!!

Kelsey’s facial expressions had me HOLLERING omg

Can you make Brielle a master criminal? It would be so funny. She looks innocent but she's dangerous!

Brielle needs to have a villain family like the one from minions where they just rob banks with their kids!

Okay so Brielle! I have an idea for her! So She's a kelpto soooo make her a theft, ninja or spy

The Story of Jamie... A demon child. Was born from a very busy mom in a very crazy family. Birth certificate was lost. Almost got killed by an angry gnome. Now lives in a strange town and was possessed. Best life story ever

When she she sang “Jamie needs to pee but I don’t care because I’m a bad mother “ it made me laugh

im beginning to feel you have more than a couple coffees before filming these hehe love u

“What is this game” kelsey’s whisper

You should do a spin off with Brielle

Plot twist: CHELSEA IS THE MOTHER She's been secretly trying to take over this town in order to turn everyone into her children. Making children the old-fashioned way was taking too long.

Girls: Venus, Ivy, Athena Boys: Noah, Gabriel, James


I laughed so hard when u reacted to Jamie being possessed

Why does he look like Ryan Bergara when he becomes possessed? XD

how in earth did she know he was a demon boy

Plot Twist: Chelsea IS "the Mother who knows all" and thats why she keeps having demon/vampire and mean children.... Like this post so Kelsey can see this!! PS call the next Female Baby Chloe!! :)

I need so many more strangerville episodes kelsey!!!!

Kelsey had such a weird energy in this video lol

I am concerned for Jamie because that possessed look was very intense and very creepy.

Name a baby shayla

Are u ever gonna upload the vampire twina spinoff?

PTSD from all the siblings he has changed

when is brielle gonna get some love

I started doing this with one of my characters and this is the creepiest thing in the whole game. All I can say is get the respirator you really need it.

*18:48** “AFTER”*

I feel like if dogs could be human, they would have personalities like Kelsey

i just love the way you play this game :D

love it

please post more episodes and not a week after please i love your channel so much

18:46-19:14 Sim’s version of “How to lose a guy in 10 days”

Luna Lovegoods mother is dead by an experiment

why is she hiding the lab name?

didn't one of the siblings have the Strangerville mystery thing as their aspiration? why don't you move them in with Jamie and they can be a mystery solving duo lolol

Sometimes is Kelsey who looks possessed

"We might save the town.....weeeeeeeee!"

It's like 10 pm and I was watching this and I screamed when Kelsey screamed


I love Kelsey's sims 4 videos so much!

okay, am i the only one that thought of Stranger Things when she got in the lab with all that gas coming out. even the part of that circle room with multiple doors reminded me of the under ground scene.


He is P©SS€SS€D. I think he has actually been P©SS€SS€D since he was born.

“Now he really is a demon!”

A demon boy trying to fight evilness. Hmm.

I enjoy the lighting aesthetic here

Why is Jamie the demon child again?

why do they always block out the name of the lab? anyone know what it’s actually called?


Why do you bleep out the lab name?

Your reactions make this sooo enjoyable thank you for the entertainment!

Wow, this lighting is so pretty!

Chelsea Impiccishmay writes her latest horror novel on her laptop: "... Jamie hummed in the shower, still dazed from the alien spore cluster's toxic haze. He wondered, 'now that the skies have changed...will there be purple rain? Aliens have been gathering here, which isn't the freakiest part. More people are going to get zombie-fied soon, or maybe it's possessed by the blooming spores. Is that why I'm craving ham sandwiches now? G'damn years since I ate meat. I'm losing it, if only I had asked Olive, my starlet sis, why she's in Strangerville instead of somewhere being famous. Yet, I had to bail and solve this spiraling mystery. What's she doing mixed up in this nut-job town? If only I could call on the fam, the Vampire Twins - Nat & Niya or the Night Sisters; we weren't close growing up, with mom always preggers and having different men around the house.' Jamie towels off as he looks in the mirror, suddenly his vision tinges purple, he gives himself a blank-stared smile and jerks his head... he shakes it off. 'Maybe they'd help a brother out'." ~ from The (imaginary) Impiccishmay Strangeville Diaries Dear Kelsey, am a big fan of the 100 babies series. I feel parental pride for Jamie after watching him grow up in Chelsea's crazy household, which is a cakewalk compared to this town. Having spotted Olive this episode, I'm inspired. I NEED to see a sibling series crossover, with the Vamp twins Natalie & Niya, after they've mastered their powers like you've been doing on the Twitch stream. Have them move into Strangerville as his supernatural team and help Jamie on his quest, then he won't be so lonely. then Olive can join and seduce information out of the military. Then Chelsea can write new bestselling books about Jamie the demon and his vampy sisters. Like, please! yas qween!

Kelsey's new catchphrase is "We don't trust anyone"

Love the spy music.....

3:07 omg the lady has the Illuminati on her coat



"Okay, Luna Lovegood's mother" Still too soon

Sims 2 still the best of all the sims. They have yet to make one without all the gimmicks.

HELL NO save Jamie and his girlfriend and get them out of there and stop her kids from going there nobody gotta die there

I've noticed that the guy called. Conspiracy theoriest has been bugged. So you may want to bug him. To hear what he has to say.

Jaime: Life is so scary and strange here! Chelsea: hold my beer

Kelsey, you should do one of these for each of you hundred babies- you'd literally have people subscribed until you are 80! Definitely interested in a Brielle spin off. Love watching your channel and videos all the way over in scotland :)

more pls

Can we have a From Wags To Riches Vet challenge featuring one of Chelsea's kids???

I feel like strangerville is the welcome to nightville of the sims.

Can you up load the vampire twins series! I always miss the love streams

Ask her to move in w Jamie and then they'll uncover the mystery together!!!!!!!!!

you should try the breed the weird out challenge

Oh man, this glitchy stuff reminds me of Doki Doki Literature Club so much! It sends chills down my spine, ugh! :D

Why is the name of the lab blurred out?

you can invite eric if u need annother good hacker, or some other active person, that way u can have a military person, and a hacker boi

I think the next boy and girl twins you have should be called Nell and Noah

Why did they black out the name of the lab?

#1 - Thank you for this, I will never play the Strangerville expansion but it's fun to see all that's in it! #2 - Please do a spin off with the vampire twins, that is something the world truly needs!

Make a side story with the vampire children!!

Is Kelsey okay???

I stand

Can you plz name a child sasha?????

*makes fun of Jamie for singing* *sings every thing Jamie does*

Thank you for finding the time for spin offs! Love them ❤️❤️❤️


like so Kelsey can see

1. Jamie associates programming with nappies because he knows his poor brother kept having to interrupt his programming practice to change them. 2. Jamie is perfect for investigating StrangerVille because he doesn't have a birth certificate - no paper trail!

The editing tho! :D

Pretty sure that Eleven will show up in that lab eventually.

He looks like Robert Patrick. )

love this spinoff so much!!!!! KEEP DOIN KELSEY!!!!!!!!

Snap Wright actually Brielle’s was lost

Love you Kelsey, Jamie will be okay! XOXO

Kelsey Impicciche Those weird plants at the lab may be Anthrax.

ok is it just me or did a random woman appear at 10:22



DO A SPINOFF WITH BRIELLE! Like do you know that klepto challenge where you put up a retail store with ONLY all the things youve stolen

not to be dramatic but kelsey playing the sims gives me life almost as much as actually playing the sims does

You walked in and my heart went b o o m

Jamie is the PERFECT definition of Jekyll & Hyde

I dont really like the spin-offs too much. I'm excited about the vampire spin-off though

Hey! Here’s my YouTube Channel! Go ahead and check it out, I make storytimes, Q&A’s, challenges, and much more!! Here’s my blog website we’re you can find all my blogging posts and enjoy a little more of my life. I also have pictures of my photography and links of my YouTube videos on here! Enjoy!!

"I'm not even mad that's great....AAAAAHHHHHH"

make Jamie and his new girlfriend whoo and have a baby from her cousin

Good this story was so long to play...

when will the next episode be up?

When is the next one supposed to come out????

Alyssa for girl and Ryan for boy

I’m wondering what the lab name is ??

When is the next one

WAAIIT you just called a woman "luna lovegood’s mother" and luna lovegood’s mother DIED IN A LAB ACCIDENT coincidence? I think not

well idk about the other stuff but the Rom-Com stuff is true

What’s the name of the lab? And why can’t she say it?

no joke my last name is strange sooooooooooo i own this town

You said joining the army instead of joining the military those are totally different just saying...

After the 100 baby try to get all your kids a boyfriend or girlfriend

Kelsey:ok luna love goods mother...lady me:shes dead girrrrrl

Omg this video was so good!! I love the 100 baby series and Jamie has been one of my favs!! Great job

ok but once Jaime figures out the StrangerVille Mystery, Kelley and Jaime need to get married and have kids

5:25 “IS THAT OLIVE?! OUR OLIVE?!....OH NO NO NO! HE LEFT!” she was the one who made him leave and she’s yelling at Jaime for it ahahahahhahahahahaha poor Jaime also, you could’ve just gone back to the bar to see her


He put all those skills he learned growing up in Chelsea's house to good use.

This would not be the game for antivaxxers. They would refuse to take the vaccine and get the whole town killed.

That purple-pink light is strangely gorgeous..

11:47 she matches the Sim perfect

Why is the name of the lab blanked out?

can we get #fishjamie2019 shirts please??????

I was just thinking that if she did this with Brielle she could have just stolen a keycard. (IDK if it works like that) use that kleptomania for good! ...and now I want a spin off of Brielle being a private detective using her kleptomania to solve cases.


19:15 You could write a film script

Luna Lovegood's mother hahaha

Jamie + Kelly = Jelly

"Luna Lovegood's mother"!! So good

14:20 is possessed Jamie.

I only got to 14:55 but #FISHJAIME2019


Did anyone else think that Kelly Looked Like Merideth Grey from Grey's Anatomy

Harley kept saying the same thing to Jamie for Episode 1&2

What's the best computer or laptop to play this game on? I really need a new one and want to play this game



Can Jamie please get a girlfriend and have two children PLEASEEEEEEEE KELSEY

Or a brielle spin off, where she is a criminal

Pls do a spin off with miles and rennee

Her genuine scream of terror when he got possessed!! Hilarious

Omg your reactions to things make my life! So funny! This spin off is great! xD

"So much nope" I DIED

Please make a series with Brielle!

#hugandbug #fixjami2019

Kelley and Jamie's ship name should be JELLY

#HugAndBug #FishJamie2019

Kelsey:Look what we have done. Me:We?You did it.

Omg, poor Jamie getting possessed by that gas

Their possessed faces remind me of momo and I cant handle it lol

Am I the only one that thinks of freakish when the sky starts to have a strange color ??

There was important evidence in the bunker/plane that you entirely missed somehow.




Anyone who thinks about the alien movies when he/she sees the bizarre plants? Because I am and it would be so terrifying if the bizarre plants are the cause of the strange behaviour of these people Edit: Yeah well I'm happy the plants aren't the cause of the possession XD

"Demon child" becomes a reality at 14:30

Hi guys, I would really like to download these Sims from the Gallery (especially the children), Kelsey said they are awailable, but I can't find them. I tried "Impicchismay", "100 Baby Challenge", "Buzzfeed", the names of the Sims etc., but I only get the content made for Kelsey by fans or stuff that's not related to this particular game. What do I have to look for exactly? Thank you in advance.

LOLOL, Luna Lovegood's mother

Wait. Fish Jaime?!

I legit just said what if the blue whatever it is makes him into the little demons

Kelsey: What’s this?! It’s weird! Go get it! Me:

Did anyone else see the snake thing slithering to the left of Jamie on the floor at 13:21 ?

Why lab?

And she was a scientist

Luna's mum died lmao

Who else noticed Sergio sitting down when Jamie saw Olive?

I wonder what would happen if they noticed the bug being planted

They just have some mommy issues lol

Its supposed to be jamie not jaime -_-

This looks just like stranger things

Love your videos


@Adrian Fry

The guy you trust has a bug on him.... somebody is trying to see what he is saying to his costumers.

OMG Jamie is POSSESED WTF!!!!!!

That scared me so bad

That plant that was in his yard is the same plant as the one at the secret place he investigated

By like 19:10 it sounded like madagascar 3

What happened to Jamie at 21:27...while cleaning the vines from the toilet...

Demon boy isn’t angry any more

10:22 scared the CRAP out of me


I just CANNOT believe that jamie got possessed


ρσѕѕєѕѕє∂ ʝαмιє 2019


Plz name girls mist or brooke

I laughed so hard when Jamie stared singing

How do u get a demon?

He needs a dog to help him

Where is chelsea

You should really update Jamie's house lol it bugs me lol

This reminds me of stranger things so much

Nooooooooooo why him

Chelsea should write a book about Jamie and Kelley's love.

You should make a spin off about one of Chelsey kinds becoming a vet

I'm a little late but why is the lab name censored?

10:28 who doesn't get that part because they can't find anything that says leave before 6am

Why does this remind me of Stranger Things but with Jamie

11:40 she looks like the sims head

I guess I'm old now...

21:26 look her face lol

also if you people are enjoying watching this, A LOT of the Strangerville concepts are kinda copied from this amazing podcast Welcome to Nightvale ;) you should TOTALLY check it out!

he is thinking about dipers while programming because you have literally structures based on objects being "parents" and "children" of each other xD bazinga

why is the lab named censored

Strangerrrrrerrr things

Why did she say: "at the [blank] lab"? During 24:10

10 :23 Am I the only one who saw the woman in millartary uniform

It’s funny

I honestly needed this video to be an hour long LOL it's so much fun!!! Love you Kelsey!!!

Let’s be honest. Possession in the sims is absolutely terrifying

Conspiracy town..... Shane Dawson where are you.

That Blonde girl in the library sitting next to Jamie @11:30 looks like Phoebe Buffet..

stranger things vibes lol

Stranger Sims a Netflix Original

Seducing for scanners is how my Sim met her husband

#FishJamie2019 is what she said haha :p

Where's Brielles series?

stop yelling in ur mic ur hurting my ears and giving me a headache now plz stop yelling in ur mic dang

The possessed reaction is creepy

The guy u got the card from was bugged smh i was literally screaming at the phone

You should get Jamie married to Kelly like you did to olive

kelsey: makes all of the bad choices for jamie also kelsey: jamie! what have you- look at the sky jamie! lmaoooo 16:58

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