Single Girl Reviews Fan Submitted Daddies In The Sims 4 | Part 55

Single Girl Reviews Fan Submitted Daddies In The Sims 4 | Part 55

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Get your finger ready because we're gonna be swiping. Hey. Everybody I'm Kelsey, I'm solo quarantine, and we thought it would be funny if I returned, to the 100 baby challenge, it's a challenge in, the zoos for where you have a matriarch and they are supposed to have 100. Children all with different partners there's a lot of rules to this challenge if you're interested, in those the link will be below last, time Casey got impregnated, so this time we, are looking for. A new, partner, we only have two days left with, Casey as an adult that means that we need to get her pregnant fast I asked, a lot of youtube upload, your own partners, for Casey to the gallery and so, I'm going to be looking through some of those today and choosing, two to three different, options, for Casey to run into around the world and have her next children with and then after that we're gonna be obviously diving into some gameplay so, buckle. Up it's gonna, be a bumpy, ride so. Let's go to the gallery and see what. People, have been uploading. For Casey we were using the hashtag we. Back. Baby. S -, oh I'm. So excited oh, my gosh first off Caroline, made Jack, Dawson, from Titanic. Classic. Who's that Leonardo, DiCaprio, nope even better it's a world's favorite, 1910. Stub Jack Dodson, come back from the dead but why is he back what, happened, to Rose he, came back from his poetic, watery, death scene just, to follow up with a wonderful Casey. I'm. Gonna heart him and then save him to my gallery, cuz it's just so funny I love it right, off the bat we, got princes lovers so I'm assuming these are all Prince's, Disney princesses that is pretty wild I mean we did if you don't have to deal with flippin, Aladdin for so long maybe it's the time for the parentheses, to get their shot in there oh my, gosh there's Darth Vader. Would be the father she. Cute she cute oh she's. Really cute I wish I could give her a witty backstory but unfortunately, I'm not creative, enough. What. The, monopoly. Guy. What. A baby. Meet Leanne she's a romantic redhead. Ready to sweep you off your feet she's fun flirty and neat so you know she can handle a messy household I think she's really cute she's just like I don't know I saw her and it made my heart flutter maybe it's because she kind of looks like me everyone, is this the Zac Efron, oh it's, Hulk honestly. You've, got a high is, a hot hook there's, too many options I'm, getting overwhelmed look at this guy why is it named fried chicken why is he looking at, me so, seductively, whoa sexy, spell-casting single. That actually makes me very happy, cuz we already have spellcaster and family but if our future matriarch, could be a spellcaster that. Would be amazing, so. I'm gonna heart that oh. Look. At this man fresh off the boat from Ireland, Liam. Wants to be a famous painter, but also wants to be a dad to beautiful, redheaded, babies. Oh. I. Really like him I like his personality so much I think his face is very pretty, like I really like his cheekbones, this, little tiny nose and. A style. Who's. This cutie, Lexy, Anderson, she doesn't have a description but she's so cute I like her hipster vibes okay, remember what I was like we're only gonna grab a couple, like, whatever I'm grabbing a ton this guy Alan, Richardson is, speaking, to me whoa that's a lot of hair look at this these ones are all the different seasons, summer.

Autumn. Winter, and. Spring, how cute, how. Creative this, woman looks like she could break Katie's heart like, hardcore, the, influencer. I will I love it she's cute and has a dog so I'm down. Writer, Milligan. Was the awkward nerdy, boy next door who, grew up to become a total, smoke, show. Writers. Returned to his hometown in search of the one who got away. I want. This story, to be told I'm, gonna put all our new friends in, the world and we're gonna see who we come upon first figure, it's so much for submitting all of your baby, parents, please, continue to submit them using the hashtag we'd, back baby s to because. I'm sure I'm gonna be checking the gallery throughout this season and season. Three. Okay. If, you want it to get wit me let me know I owe. My. Gosh there she is with Stephanie, Anderson and her son's friends, that she's pregnant yeah yeah okay, Mars, is, a, beast unit and he's excellent so actually it's gonna be perfect, timing for him to, be an adult so that he'll just sit in the house of help and then we can move them out so I doubt that Elliot, will be the matriarch, but it is still possible that Elliot could be our next, matriarch. To fill, it big nose I really should get going now thanks, for hanging out with me see you later I don't know if we'll ever see you later bye dude oh wait he was a secret agent man though you. Will see him later bye. Game. Plan for today we need to get Casey to, have these babies and get impregnated with some new kids I believe, we can make this work, and have at least one to two more crops of kids before, Casey, becomes. An elder but, it's, gonna get down to crunch time all right Casey's good Mars, you need to do your homework Connor, what's your personality like again you're a little bookworm, I feel like programming, might be for him so let's grab him a book and programming, then, we got Blake over here Blake, needs, to, use. The restroom and. And do, your homework then. Hannah is hungry, oh wait I just realized though if I don't get these two aged up we're, gonna have the. Topic at the situation, Connor, how you doing, Connor, the hottest, EP Trish make those, green eyes that hair. Those, earrings, Mars, like tried but, he just can't compete. Whoo she's working it out yes, Queen, well. It's 8:00 p.m. on a Monday, she. Could go out you. Know out on the town or you know what go to like a coffee shop or something there's plenty, of places to go oh no no, we got some sad kids sad, kid alert KC can can, give, you a bath how about that okay, sees in her red dress day. She's, dressed, up she's, gonna go out past like 9:00 p.m. are pregnant Queen I'm, gonna clean you up stinky, gal oh look. Pause here, to just see how, upset Elliot. Oh my gosh look at this look, at how upset Elliot is and, she looks dirty, like she looks like the, stage makeup people put on like orphans, in musicals, like Oliver or, like the girls in, Annie, oh, my. Gosh she just farted it's so hard little girl she's. Like level once on everything, I've done literally nothing, tell these children it's, fine. Who's gonna be out tonight. Because. She's in her cold weather outfit it's like yeah let's get little fish and chips yummy. That's. What I want to get when I go to a pubs, let's just wait till it populates, this guy is definitely, not anyone that Casey's gonna be interested, in she's, apparently gonna go sit down with these men she's. Like you know what Kelsey I don't care about you downloading, characters, I'm gonna shovel, down food and talk with these two gentlemen while. I wait for the, love of my life oh that's a that's a person in a bear outfit right there isn't it okay. Wait, there's more than one is it bear night tonight this, is unbearable, like this man looks like he's gonna pickpocket. Us and there's just a bunch of bears, what, is she in a fairy tale like Casey, I don't know if you need to sit around with all these bears we're, gonna like look outside just make one last sweep before we call, it a day maybe there's someone you know romantically. Taking a stroll outside in the darkness. It'll. Be a creepy way of meeting someone huh Casey why don't you travel to the discotheque we're gonna try again try, again and, again Casey, could. You imagine if someone like walked in right as I was doing that okay please change your outfit yeah this one and then, who's that Clint, okay we've already met Clint Becca Clark, she's very, cute, let's go dance on the dance floor our Kasey who's. This. It's. Ryder. Milligan. The, boy next door let's. Have a little bit of a cheerful introduction, I feel like if they were actually like, old school, friends, like she wouldn't necessary, stop you know she wouldn't necessarily like just immediately, try to seduce him I'm like obsessed with this storyline, so joke about aliens, over that time we were abducted, we were abducted, by aliens and, then you and I were married that was so funny, right he's like he has some funny there are so many people on the dance floor look at this man stop stop.

That Sir oh don't go now don't go now don't let this man get away go, back go back Casey Casey, go back where's Ryder oh my god he's over by her ex Ryder. Don't talk to this man Daryl knows nothing it's fine can, they go somewhere together like go somewhere a little private, yes, couches upstairs, sit, and chat here oh no all of them are gonna come right no, her, ex is coming writers. Like bringing up the rear gazing. At her back thing like I can't, believe it has a second, chance who she's telling a dramatic story about how she has had a ton of flies in the house and they wouldn't die but. Then she got a robot, to kill all the Flies in our house pretty, dramatic honestly. They're all pretty shook look at look at writer he's like gasps, look, at this cute little freckled. Eman he's, just like the wild stallion, over oh she's gonna like fall asleep what. A party green man, I passed out of the club time to go home she's immediately. Changed, into a sweatshirt what, a queen. What. A quick. Oh. My. God Mars, is having a good time watching some TV with a smelly plate in front of him way to go kids Casey just passed out from going to the club all night oh the girls are up why, don't you babble to each other. She's. So creative ooh, imagination. She's already level - good job Hannah Elliot. Is a little behind we're not gonna lie what about what if you guys played dolls together Oh little. - uh programming. What, a good boy he is oh no he's got to go to school go, to school Connor it's gonna gotta go to the school oh my gosh Mars needs to go to school to Mars go to school oh sure, oh my gosh my boys are late, study hard boys yeah. Ellie. Every skill little - of imagination. They are doing great Communications, pretty high on both of them -. Why. Don't you make some food for your family all right let's let's cook something you can make it simple if you really want you should get make a level ten thing chicken, stir-fry, yeah, I. Forgot she's like really good at cooking she just always she was just to make a level one food that's, not so good right now it's like lunchtime and I'm like oh I, want to chicken stir-fry you know I'm saying and then Casey you need to train your daughters, to pee and poop, in a toilet you need to do it because otherwise we're, gonna have a lot of children, on our hands Chelsea, teachers may have wondering photometer, someplace I mean, how do we say no to Chelsea Junior maybe our guy will be there or, maybe, the artist. Oh my. Gosh so many different options Oh give Babli advice. Remember. When Chelsea dude you're literally what. Watch. Shows. It jr. just ghosted her all. Right well this is our other daughter so let's tell her engaging story, I cannot. Believe Chelsea. Junior just did that what is her game at, least Holly's, here - give her a hug what the heck why don't you just talk some shade about your daughter, start a preposterous rumor, about Chelsea Junior I heard, that Chelsea junior is actually.

A Big liar. Oh my, gosh Elia acquired the potty skill without me being there honestly my kids are doing better when I'm not there so, this is for the bus Oh everyone's, back from school all right well let's just go home you know what she saw something cool today she saw these. These, baskets. Proud. Of her I cannot believe that what a waste of time, how dare, you she like took us into the middle of the jungle this sounds like the beginning of a horror movie, it's, known, while she was gone how. Flippin, cute Mars, our little - I'm working, out let's go bars. I. Think he heard me talking about how attractive, his younger brother and he's like I gotta put in the work, Mars let's just make you an adult it's time you're an adult but, you're not leaving my house yet home, my little boy. Today, mars aged up and he's, a goofball, we. Always do realize oh, my, gosh, congratulations. Mars on Aging um you're an adult now you, can do whatever adulty, things you want to do but. Mainly you're gonna stay in the house cuz you're gonna help out with the kids reach by a little - good, job Hannah oh I'm, so proud easy, not. Smart enough blank, I've been trying to do homework for school but the last few assignments have felt really hard you're not smart enough to do it what do you think Blake, practice. Makes perfect okay, you cut this so, much family bonding, everyone's, bonding, except, for Hannah who's, in the cutest. Little what, is that a rabbit outfit. Adorable. Adorable. Or, is it. We don't care yeah, Eliot, reached up level, two that's all I needed from you Elliot it's 3:00 a.m. on a Wednesday yeah. You do need to go to bed Blake what are you doing she's having a dance party like, turn that music off and get yourself to bed you're tired Missy, I'm gonna sleep it's time for all the features made to go to sleep you know 4:00 a.m. is their bedtime apparently, why are you going outside in the snow oh. I. Always, find it the music it's like I want a day it turn, it off and go to bed you're, tired, it's. Another beautiful day, I think Connor, my age up tomorrow, I'm, not ready for Connor Nate H up again I don't want them to go, it's. Winter. Fast oh. My gosh how cute, oh, my gosh Santa's, gonna visit today well. She's really showing, right now what trimester, she's in she's in the second wine shovel. Down that food my girl maybe, you. Should text, your friend. Writer. Just. A little, happy text. He. Asked. Her to go. To a cafe okay. Let's. Go he's gonna be like whoa you, uh a, lot more pregnant, than last. Give. Him a hug she's thinking about love look at her oh. She. Should. Invite him over for. Christmas dinner. He's. Like I just moved into town and she's like how that ball and chain she got married you, don't love me love us he's like no I'm not married she keeps, talking about marriage and now she's talking about your journals, order. A drink what's that order for here let's have an espresso, so. To you look at this little hipster nerd boy he's, self-assured, yeah you are buddy make some funny faces and, tell a joke about mimes mimes, are hilarious. Want. Them to sit together why, don't you sit here together there you go he's romantic how, did that get brought up in conversation. Oh. My. Gosh this guy was, j-pop. Make. A little flirtatious, joke that's like a little joke like oh, he. Immediately got, flirty, immediately. And now he's like Bob into the song dance. Well they dancing MKC he's like Bob into this he's like this is my favorite anime, jam going. Brace MKC go, get a little embrace doctor yet say go give it a little embrace to him. No. It's, too fast oh, no that's. So awkward. Frank. Who's talking to this other dude it she didn't read the room know.

What You know no no they're gonna go on a walk outside, did he give her a rose he, gave, her a rose maybe. He's just like weird about PDA oh my god let. It let, it over, here how dare, you and the Latin is trying to get in on this I'm gonna be so, flippin. Mad young theosophy, of this Punk still, trying to go into Kesey's life but she's clearly, moved on okay she needs to go home because, she's tired as heck and she needs to get ready for the big Christmas. Dinner however. Clearly. We. Have had some, interesting, conversations. Let's. Get into festive spirit we've got some decorations, let's like throw up just for fun those cuz it's Christmas and we also want to kind of like impress like her new guy you know well put the Christmas tree up maybe like over here, can we put it here really, maybe here, we put a little Nutcracker out not. A little one cheese it's a big Nutcracker, okay, she's like everybody, let's go let's, light this tree together all. The kids are coming over to light the tree Blake's, coming, oh it's. So Christmasy, no. You know what they're gonna open presents after dinner all right we need to like focus up Casey you do need to get some rest, oh one. Minute she's in third trimester, she could have a baby at any point. Casey's energies so low it, is 6 o'clock though gotta. Get this going alright let's invite, writer, and, then you're gonna cook a grand, meal, she, is so, preggers. Look at Casey just flipping showing, off for, what her BAE comes I. Mean they might be a little soon to say huh oops I slipped oh my gosh here because he's Ronnie ha oh, she's. So tired. She. Shoot, chicken she's. So tired, well let's just have the meal now poor girl she's, like. Oh. My gosh is. This mom and dad like, hi look at the way he looks at her get you a man that looks at you the way that he looks, at my girl hopefully, she doesn't pass out in the middle of the meal yoohoo, it's Christmas, dinner come. On everybody, wait, why is no one eating the dinner hello. Hello. Oh KC passed out this, is obviously an impeachment family Christmas if I are seeing one. Santa. This guy's a weird-looking. Brother. Oh Connor. Is excited, he got a present, he's gonna hang out with mom for a little bit, where's Blake oh my gosh they're all talking, with him he's like talking about Mars, he's, like your future. Bull. I'm dead, they're, all having Christmas dinner together as Kasey passed off the couch because she like worked too hard trying, to make everything pretty for Ryder, Santa's. Like rocket just a very interesting look this year I get that all the characters really like right here right now who can believe them but, come on she, woke up she's like hungry, classic. Girl father winter looks almost like Casey's, dad they, just became good friends oh, my, gosh first kiss Casey, put all your stuff down go over there and kiss that man by the Christmas tree your, mother's here she's gonna cheer you watch she's gonna be like oh I remember that kid he lived across the street from us oh my, gosh this is so romantic. Oh. First. Winter. Fest was successful, who blinks was awful Oh No. Hana's, was awful, MRSA successful, and congresses okay so the older kids had a really good one apparently we didn't really focus on the little kids this year but you know what we, tried don't pass out don't pass out don't pass. Oh. Chelsea's helping clean up after dinner Mars. Is in the jam getting. On his fitness, where. His witness whoo-wee it's, like a beautiful, view to like look at his view he's, just watching the snow fall dang.

That. Is goals I want that sometime no he's. Going it is 5:00, am I can't believe he stayed till 5:00 a.m. he, wanted to stay with the family maybe, some day buddy, and with that our, hero, headed, home it is like a Hallmark card oh he's. Talking to his ghost grandma, give. Her a hug, do, not roll what do you mean romance, you're, related. What the heck what this game do literally. Excuse, me, that is your grandmother. Whoa look, at my family tree, KC's, done work you know Trotter everybody, starting school soon oh my gosh that means that Connor is gonna be an adult soon. You. Don't need that Connor that is disgusting, why would you do that put that away what's, your deal bro oh my gosh both of the girls are really mad what is happening why are you mad oh you're, hungry why. Are you mad oh you're, hungry I mean I know you could have guessed it what is love we found an unsent, love letter from Blake to her teacher in her death today nothing erasing boy if I should know look, you put inappropriate, we'll talk you should send a happy text to writer just, for fun because you're very happy. It's. Like oh why don't you winter day it's all snowy, I agree can see it's a great day let's gotta join the day he asked her out to coffee again. And. We were gonna go oh. My. Gosh she almost fell it's so cute, she's, like hey, uh. Flatter, us and then you need to do a little flirty Oh third, writer. Is single, yeah. You. Need to flirt you need to flirt KZ flirt with him oh, he's. Getting a book what a nerd. Compliment. His appearance really you're, looking really good - been a writer really, deep conversation, what is this man doing here why. Did he sit down who is this can, you just tell okay thank goodness tomax is like you know what this is weird I'm not gonna I'm not gonna stay and I'm like good dude. This thing's not open you, should confess attraction no not, right if Juliana was gonna sit down Juliana, and get out.

No. It's. Tom. Hollands. Oh. My. Gosh Tom, Holland, last, for the past Kasey his first love just, sat down she. Has to say hi let's. Brighten his day she's got to do it she's got to say hi she's, already flirting, with, brighter but you know what was canceled that flirt we can't flirt in front of Tom hall she, and Tom are having like a side convo. They just like gave some cheek kisses, oh my. Gosh what, is she doing I'm not even controlling this moment anymore oh my gosh Ryder's still trying to super engage Casey and conversation, but tom is like really, giving her some eyes right now seems. Like everyone's leaving, oh, okay. Writers, decided to head out maybe we need to like ask, about his day we can't just run into Tom Holland, and not have a conversation with him apparently. Tom Hollands cheerful, as if we didn't already know all right Casey I think you just got to go home you gotta call home and take care of your kids Casey, and future Shui is back. Well Connor technically, is an, A student now and so it's like so we got a birthday in order let's get our birthday pants on yeah happy birthday cards. Connor. Aged up in he it's, a child of the ocean so he wants to be really, ridiculously, wealthy he's a bookworm he's a fraction Aspen he's awesome well, child of the ocean I feel like he would move to Suwanee, be like a programmer, out there and just have like an amazing. Late it's your turn to blow out the candles darling, come, on Blake let's go. Oh. My gosh this is all going so fast all right Blake H dubs she is outgoing. Athletic. Active, and pick, a number one through 12 it's, eight it's eight one two three four five six seven, eight, knowledge. Pick a number one through seven the answer is 1 1 so she wants, to be an academic she, really wants to attend a university and get a job most importantly she just wants to learn. Uni. She turned out to be Lake, is a full-on spellcaster. She is really aged. Into a different, lady, but I really, like her vibe, Casey's. Gone into labor so we got one two three four, five six people so Casey can have two. Babies and then she has to move these two out to get pregnant again that. Next episode at the top of the episode we have to have a baby and the, only person that we've actually gotten, to know has. Been writer so she kind, of has to push that relationship, pretty far Oh get. There bestie, what's, up Theo Bennett, okay Casey is in her backless, gown the look that she was born to wear really okay, here we go it's. A boy okay so, that means I gotta go as usual to our comments, to see what, some baby names are you guys have given me, my. Bad but no, this is really sweet it says here for a girl and Oliver for a boy because of olive I think that's really sweet so we're gonna definitely go with Oliver, for our sweet baby angel, thank, you so much Kyra for watching the show and for suggesting, Oliver, that's, it we. Only had one kid and. That is not the matriarch, oh my, gosh all right well welcome, baby Oliver. So, sweet, welcome. Baby Oliver Casey is ready to go she's, going very tired back home we're, gonna have to invite over writer. At, the top of next episode to, be our next baby daddy it kind of feels weird you know like something real is really happening there and we're kind of having to speed it up however he's. Kind of our only option, at the moment of, someone that we haven't already had, a romantic thing with unless, we bring back a Latin which would be crazy, well, I guess all will be revealed next, episode, thank you guys so much for tuning in and I will see you guys in the next one. Hey. Everybody thank you so much for watching the 100 day challenge if you're interested make sure to hit that subscribe button leave a like or check out some of our other videos.

2020-05-10 22:06

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