Single Girl Meets Her Dead Mother In The Sims 4 | Part 44

Single Girl Meets Her Dead Mother In The Sims 4 | Part 44

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We got one, Tod two babes all kids full, hearts can't lose. Hey. Everybody I'm Kelsey, I'm single, and we thought it would be funny if I tried, the 100, baby challenge, was a challenge, in the soups more where you have one matriarch, and they're supposed to have, 100. Kids all with different parents there's a lot of rules to this challenge if you're interested, in those the, link will be below we're getting close to a year during this challenge, which is crazy, and, a lot it's gone down I feel confident. I feel ready, to go I'm a new, woman everything. Is awesome and, I'm here to play we're back on ep-3 household, Casey still doesn't have a job so I'm like making you try to feel bad game oh my gosh Logan's, tired, and, Logan just go to bed in your mom so bed you're already there Olivia. Also, tired also going to bed ha, Haylie also, taught why is everyone tired paulie's not what, a queen Chelsea, Junior is doing amazing. Sweetie look at that face looks like everyone start kind of already doing what they need to do so good, oh it's, really hot maybe they need to do a pool day it's Thursday though maybe we'll do a pool day on the weekend oh no who's, not ok it's Ashton, take care of your kid before you shower my darling you can shower in a sec there. You go lumba, and, then you guys I guess you can sleep you don't have anything better to do not like you're gonna have a baby right now you just had to look, at this wild family tree here oh my god. It's. So, big, and, everyone. But. Taylor. And Taylor, are dead, oh my. Gosh. And. Look at all of our kids I hope that Casey has more kids than Chelsea Chelsea, juniors, moving around why are you crying it your brother are you hungry I can give you food oh I can't, give you ok someone needs to make food Casey get up cocoa. Garden salad, Oh Annie got a gift wait what does that mean no. No. Oh we. Got two new toys I. Mean yay. Annie, aged up Annie is independent. Oh thank goodness, Annie is, okay, Ashton aged up and he's a charmer. Oh Annie, Nash are actually, like perfect, little beans but their eyes look, haunting. You have no skills why don't you babble, to this bear get a skill you can play on this and do, some, thinking yep. And break, but look at Annie's little hat oh they, can't get out that's right okay hold on allow access, to. Household. It's fine. Who our girl is looking at fine and, her little outfit. And Holly are a little spooky Queen when, I grew up I want to be a ninja of course she does ask a ninja to train you if you want to be a ninja you got to take it seriously blue I, shouldn't acquired the thing skill I do like, Ashton's, hair I'm not a big fan of his face I don't, know why your, dad was so hot Chelsea, Junior I know how sad you are cuz you're hungry, I have a surprise for you it's, a garden salad your.

Favorite. Oh Annie, already, elite reached communication. Level three wait is that like what we needed to get Annie to you. Gotta be threes on everything oh you're done Oh. Little. Chelsea. On that little tiny stool, that's pretty cute honestly, Casey needs some sleep, go. To bed case I'm glad you ate an entire. Salad. Just, wander around can, you I wonder. Yeah. Uh oh, you know what you know what no no no no. Okay. Now everything's, safe, go ahead Ashton's. Feeling, pretty, decent. Why don't you get back on that thinking, game oh my God look at our dancing, queen. Doo-doo-doo-doo, motors her highest skill so she's already working on skill how's Logan doing, Logan, needs. To, eat. Take a little brisk shower, maybe, cook another garden salad I think we're out now who logan acquired a cooking skills no and he's upset and he's not okay. Ashin also needs to go to bed go to bed all the Todd's are in bed bedtime for Todd our bright. Red hair, King having, a Nam he's, the child of two pink. Haired women I'm like kind of sad that he doesn't have that pink hair though oh my gosh everybody's spirit is fading away oh no I. Don't want it I don't want it he's really sad about not having. Talking, to people but it's all works complete yeah, buddy. All right have some fun with, your games are, you doing with that gaming skill buddy got to be ready to be an A student tomorrow, everybody, starts school in an hour oh my gosh Logan, you need to finish your level, three of video gaming why is this so hard. Please. Yes. He. Did it he's ready to be an A student my kids have, fun at school we. Just made it on time so that means he's gonna probably age, up when he gets home and, then it's whoohoo. -, study. Hard everybody's, that you can leave my house Casey's, like last. Home alone with my garden, salad, and my Todd's, and. My three Todd's I just remembered we had three Todd's and one just woke up and she wants to die oh no. Listen, okay we're gonna be good where everything's fine, just eat a garden salad everything's, fine they really like that stool, ever since I opened up this room they're like this stool life is my kind of life why don't you potty train a knee since, a knee is okay, now oh no two more children are up are you okay no, they're both really, hungry great see, junior you need to be level higher, levels, you're hungry why, don't we give you a little garden salad moment okay Bella wants to go to a park. We're. Kind of busy Bella sometimes. Being a mom is, saying no to doing, fun things Oh, thinking. Level two yes, buddy that means that you can think with blocks, what's Annie doing, just, moving, around, being. A boss Chelsea, juniors now feeling a lot better Annie's, feeling better Ashton. Not so much but it's just because of hunger and potty okay well we need we can fix the hunger part toddler, management. I'm just so good at it honestly, I should put this on my LinkedIn and now you should, potty-trained. Chelsea. Junior again oh they're playing oh. My gosh I never play with my Todd it's, my Todd learning. Movement. Oh that's. So cool you want to learn how to potty, Chelsea, junior is such an angel she, just said yes please oh wow look at her little pink shoes. Why don't you potty-trained. Ashton. Once he's done eating. Annie, it's just okay Hayley's grades are up she's Abby's turn it Logan today's student Olivia's would be student and Holly's a B student, whoa. Welcome, home kids, oh. My gosh Logan. You, know what time it is no, one's here to celebrate, oh no wait his little sisters are waiting. Aged. Up he, wants to be a joke star live a beachfront, property, is sporty, and it's self-absorbed, I think, he'll be in fantastic on. Comedy, Central, now that Logan is a full grown adult man it's, time for him to get out of my house, yeah. Whooping, with Tim they'll be happy to have you time to invite over read the slip'n dairy cows running.

Through The rain may, be sure, secret, and then try. For a baby oh I'm. Brokenhearted, because my son just moved out will you come for me, he's all giggly, and excited. He's. Ready, to. Have a, baby. Oh my god Chelsea, junior working on a skill that he even asked Chelsea junior to work on freakin hero take a pregnancy test, do not sleep yeah. Casey. Is. Eating. For. Two. I have some news I'm pregnant with your baby just. Like didn't my best friend. You. Not too long ago but, yay, oh. You need a skill at a level four and homework why don't you do your homework you, all need to do your homework and get your skills up House Ashton, Ashton's, fine he's. Remus. Lupin just, cleaned up a mess in, the toddling room love, when boys come over and clean up for me Ashton's too scared to sleep right now great. All right Ashton why don't you. Babble. I think you should give a bubble. Bath - and, Ashton, looks pretty miserable, Chelsea junior as usual, is literally just perfect, and digging. Into a garden salad and, what, else do you need, potty. There we go potty, go on dance buddy who's this it's, ever oh my gosh yes, give, residents keys, please, ever come over whenever you want, ever. Came. To visit. Mama. Oh. My. Gosh share, your big news with ever tell. Ever that you're pregnant Remus, is like I should go down and pretty. Much Casey does not care because. Her, beautiful. Daughter ever is here, and hanging out wow, I wish I was that gifted at making salads, how you doing, yes you're almost little three she's. Still dancing her heart away love. This for her she's almost to, level 4 boom, level, 4 you're done go to bed and then your little three cuz I got you to do creativity. Cuz I thought, ahead for, once in my life don't, get used to it wow there's a lot wait, here he's here I was like there are a lot of puddles, that's, why cuz. Our little drowned baby Harry, is home, merrier, dapper drowned boy, how. Are you doing how's the afterlife glad, he's spending some quality time with this his. Sister, Olivia. Oh. They're, hugging. Honestly. I'm like if anyone, had to be my. Child forever I'm cool with Harry being the one are we sad a little bit are we kind of happy though that he's here with us forever yeah, a little bit are you doing your social, skill I don't know if chatting, no it really does help actually you're really tired though I need to take you to bed you talk to people in the morning what, you up to sweetie, you need to get your skillet I mean I guess you need to eat a garden salad but what you could be doing is, more. Art go. Save. That salad for later that in your inventory, oh no and he's very hungry okay, okay okay okay we, just got, a salad eat that Oh Chelsea. Juniors also hungry okay okay let me let me grab the salads eat it you'll be fine and then Annie's just gonna take yourself body you're doing such a good job you're. Almost on with your creativity skill, yes. Queen Ashton's. Very hungry oh no, there's. Another one no no do not make a mess you don't need a make a mess you know why cuz I got I got a serving, of, headed, your way we need Casey to make more Gardens up you're like I just made, a garden salad not. A couple. Minutes ago Wow I wish I was that gifted, at making salads. Did. She do it yeah creativity. Level four okay, so, we got Holly and Haley are ready to go olivia, is, not, quite, ready but olivia is almost there with social actually, so maybe. You can you know get it okay excuse, you please. Resume your garden salad what is this boy doing he's, farting well, that's fine Chelsey Junior is really really hungry okay no. Problem. I. Prepped. For this eat a garden tell and then continue to go potty oh my gosh are you cleaning up. Wait Holly and Haley, are both cleaning, of one, good girl. Olivia. I think you need to like get your hex together. Here it's almost school time oh it's Saturday. Of course it's Saturday well then we, have a mall ready to go and it's a Saturday, that's okay I'll see Junior's hungry again what do you mean I, just fed you I mean I fed you a half-eaten garden salad in in, your, defense but in my defense, normally.

That Satiates. All of the Todd's Chelsea Junior each movement level three oh my gosh Chelsea Junior what else do you need you have two level threes three. Level twos all right I think we can age up Chelsea Junior very, soon trying, to get all the kids good cuz then maybe we could take them out today but nobody's all good at the same time it's like when one person is fine the next person, gets, uncomfortable. Okay now everybody's, having a good time but you're sad but, you're like fine, I think everyone's pretty good so it might be good wait, why was I saying I would take a pool day I don't know if I could do this it was gonna be such a cute look to do but now I don't want to do it no there'll be hot guys at the pool right Kelsey. For a travel, let's bring just the girls, the Todd's can go to daycare it's too much work to bring them all we're in Cuba good eye on everybody, it is the summer times we need to get over our fears. It's. Cool day buddies it looks like there's some kid already in the pool let's see what everyone's gonna go up to who's like over here. Still in the she's. Like I don't want to go to the pool mom I like, to be inside. Who's. This have I had a baby with you yet are you related, to me no neither. Leonardo. Parrish, okay. Anything. It's okay. Oh wait we've definitely already had a baby with you fitting in Leonardo, Parrish hi. Ooh. Intriguing. Why. Don't you, oh oh, oh. Is, this gonna be drama. He, is Punk'd, Oh oh, no. Finnegans. Really, jelly yeah this is so awkward. Can, you like go somewhere else with him and get away from Finnegan, she's just too much of a charmer, what can we say all the, girls are coming to sit with. Their mama. That's. Very cute darlings, but we wanted to flirt seriously. Call him over wait, a freaking. Second. I know. The back of that head anywhere oh. My. Gosh. What. This, is Chelsea, an, adult, not, even an elder. Alive. And well this is a different Chelsea in. Peach Rashmi but it is but. It's not technically. Her mother that is wild. Oh my, gosh we have to introduce ourself to. Parallel, universe Chelsea, and Pete Rashmi also, how did you what, how, did this. Even happen is, it, because I saved Chelsea in the gallery how, could you just appear in my gate oh my. Gosh. There, immediately like almost like, really good friends oh my, gosh. This. Is weird we came here to seduce men, but. We, met like our mom from a parallel, universe where, she technically, didn't birth us they're like the same age too they could be best friends are, the kids doing I'd like completely, ignored them a little bit okay she's doing great you're doing so, good why don't you brighten his day get. To know talk about school KC, rich charisma level 10. Oh my gosh good job case oh my god she left Chelsea okay, all of Olivia's, reached level, four. Yes girl oh. My gosh Casey's. Coming in. Heylia's. Backfloat like a boss yes. Queen she's. Having so much fun but her Energy's down no Haley take a nap Tim get off out of couch Olivia's, Energy's, going a little bit down but she's not in the pool so it's okay Holly, why don't you take a nap as well Oh Casey, is chatting, away need.

A Little splash have. A little fun with this guy wait. Chelsey's. Like watching. Over, them is she our guardian, angel. He's your big news oh my god did the girl leave yes make a joke that's flirty now that the girls are not in the conversation it won't be awkward oh my. Gosh yeah, sweet, first kiss do it do. It Casey will first kiss then maybe hightail, it out of there it's a 8:00 p.m. so, it's about time for the. Family to go home oh my, god right above, Chelsea, - Chelsea just. Got up Chelsea. Chelsea. Just. Applauded. Casey for, her first kiss I'm dying. They just gave a hug, Chelsea. Get, out of their business. Chelsea, you all right we need to go home we need everybody to go home we had a really positive pool, experience, I felt like this was really healing for all of us let's invite Chelsea, to come over and see if Chelsea does maybe, Chelsea can come hang out with the family we give Chelsea or a room, key even though Chelsea's technically not related to us I really think that this is an important thing that we should be doing house Chelsea, junior doing Chelsea Junior so, close on the thinking we're. So proud of you sweetie you're doing such an amazing job oh my god Chelsea be dish man we'll be right over there. She is she's, in her overalls, oh my. Gosh. This. Is so wild, wheat, this, Chelsea's, gonna age again. I can't go through this again but also give residents keys, we're, adopting you into the family even though technically you're kind of that part of the family it's fine oh wait you did it you did it your little three bow-bow. Bow-bow bow-bow, bow-bow no more thinking for you darling, next, up is, potty. Let's. Go potty, uh-uh-uh, yeah. Oh my gosh. Okay. They got very European, here you come over literally, whenever, you want Chelsea, Oh, dare. You oh, my, gosh. Stop everything. Discipline. Calmly. Ask not, to make a mess that is not how we do it here well clean that up you. Are better than this ash gin my gosh KC and Chelsea, they, really do look very similar. Now that I see their faces next to each other how is Chelsea Junior you're a little sad cuz you made a mess that's okay Josie Junior wait Junior. Needs to meet Chelsea senior. Alright. Okay, now you should, meet Chelsea senior. Look, Jesse. Jr is coming, to meet Chelsea senior. High I'm. I'm. You, what. That's not our Chelsea, our Chelsea would never walk away from Chelsea junior like that. Good. Job Annie, annie is level three of imagination. Oh my gosh you just got it now, so, it's Chelsea junior oh my god - Chelsea junior is ready - a job I'm also like really mad at this Chelsea. I don't know I'm gonna take the resident key back I don't know if I trust this woman anymore, you might be the reincarnation of my mother but you're, like kind of rude. Wait. We. Love you real Chelsea, that's our real mom oh right there let's say you drop Chelsea Junior all right, Chelsea. Juniors ready to go. Mother-daughter. Bonding. So. Cute okay come on sweetie let's H up your daughter happy, birthday. I can't. Wait to see what Chelsea junior looks like older oh my. Gosh oh my gosh. Chelsea. Junior aged up, Chelsea. Juniors a glutton, pick a number one through four. Three. So in, Chelsea, juniors little motorbeam. Chelsea junior is a little, less, feminine, actually, a lot less feminine then, Chelsea senior, ever was but I kind of love that. Little. Skater Queens. Introduce. Yourself to Chelsea senior with, your salad, she. Loved that Oh. Chelsea. Junior, is such a big fan of Chelsea. Senior, that's, so cute, all, right well all my kids are pretty much ready to roll all is quiet, and mean peach ish my house for. Now I should feel like emotionally, wrung out, Chelsea senior. Had, like, an evil twin it's, like not, cool now, we saw Chelsea senior, and Chelsea. Junior aged up and it's perfect. Chelsea, junior came into the. Todd room to hang out with her siblings, oh, my gosh and look at our perfect, hailey being the, clean queen and, her a little Halle I honestly want to give Holly a makeover so I kind of want to give her like this whole. Vibe. Like I want to extend, it cuz this is so cute and she chose this outfit, so I kind of want the rest of her vibe to be black and white like we can even just keep what she's wearing and make it black and white oh my god I love that for her yeah, and then we'll get the shoes perfect.

I Already like that let's shoot the shorts too black for dark colors yeah next, pajamas, just like black perfect. Black, slippers I don't love this let's look for colors oh my gosh could you imagine her rolling up to a party like that this, one's pretty cute maybe, this. For, hot weather wait I love that that's her hot weather, that's so funny and then they're cold oh this. Is. This. Is too, cute I love this I love all her little outfit, that, she just really likes black and white and then her sister looks, exactly the same force wearing all these like colors oh. That's. Josie junior trusty juniors doing her. Homework. The, twins are chatting why don't you two play a game together we've got some royalties, flea, markets in town it's a great it's a great Sunday oh all. The girls are playing video games together and. Chelsea junior just reached motor skill level two which is perfect, we just had a family bonding moment that also worked in my favor yeah, let's, go to the flea market with our son, I'm. Gonna say no. We. Probably should, oh, gosh it's raining, are you freaking kidding me Tegan, you brought your pregnant. Mother. Out. Into, the rain oh my, goodness she, needs to get some food let's get some on me oh my god that sounds so good he's bonding, with her son she look how miserable this girl look she's like no no. Tegan. I'm gonna go get food I'm sad, apparently, someone, died as, usual, I don't know who it was, Olivia. Reached motor skill of before oh they're, all doing amazing. Wait, is this our daughter and this is how I was about hope today this. Is so cute Oh who's that it's it's, no frit, I thought we knew no, well we don't everyone's. Being rained on look, how mad everybody, is especially these two right here they. Are upset this, is that all but. This guy Sharon is umbrella, with our KC he, kind of looks like your son but, like more, handsome, just gonna seduce everyone, Brooke Peterson, yeah yeah let's cheerful introduce ourselves, to Brooke Peterson, as well we'll. Introduce ourselves to every eligible young, man and then. Go home there you go now eat it eat. Your food eat. Your food oh did. That person. Just freakin, steal our food from us oh no oh no, you did, not sir, we just paid for that Alec, alecky. And you just freakin took our food we paid for that oh we're, gonna throw hands. Rude, introduction, you. Tell that man you, tell that man did. You just steal my food, you, food stealing, son. Of a gun, yet, your mother must, have taught you terrible. Lesson who's, that it's, Sirius Black. The. Trifecta. Well, you gotta introduce yourself to serious lack once you've done a ripping. This man a new one you are literally, a terrible, person, this woman is a pregnant. Hungry. Woman, and you just freakin stole her, $15. Dish, the nerve, of this man oh he seems pup to have met her well you know what we're gonna go home I'm sorry, my, son but I. Am and, Oh, Chelsea, peaches, may the faker is here. This is just too much sometimes when, your gut tells you to stay home you should stay home what do we need first the most maybe, have, some lunch of a garden salad this, is just so much. Three, good job Bastian, now you need movement, yeah just keep on stacking, it up how's Annie Annie some level threes on everything, but potty and thinking, honestly Casey maybe you should use the toilet and then finish up that all right her needs are getting better slowly but surely what, I, think teegan's probably, calling to apologize fine we'll accept your call Teigen she's like hello Tegan I'm sorry I left in the middle of the event but honestly it was freakin terrible, but I did meet some potential mates, so you know there's. A win there all right Casey once you do that just go to sleep.

Pass My coat we're and queen doing great, don't, you play in the bath have a little fun time Asha, and. Ashton reached level, three on. This tacky blocks. Can. You do thinking on here you can besides. Potty an imagination, Ashton it's like almost done everyone's in the Tod room hanging out together spending. Quality time could. You clean up and be a good girl for Mom, thank you darling. He's almost done with that so we'll just like have them push. Through, what's mama mom is that, third. Trimester. So. It's, it's anyone's. Guess, if these girls are, gonna age out before. Or. Not if your guess is probably, not then you'd maybe be right wait. Excuse. Me I'm, pretty sure I took back, your residence key miss wake up she's trying to hang out with your children, take your key back I don't. Want you here, now ask her to leave it like kinda breaks my heart to like kick out Chelsea. And Pewterschmidt but at the same time we, don't know you oh yeah you're done baby, level. Three you hit level three I wasn't even there for it because a freaking Chelsea, and peaches may but it's okay Ashton's going to bed Ashton only has imagination, and potty to go pretty impressive, annie has potty, and thinking to go also, impressive, everyone's. Asleep at the same time oh oh. She's thinking about a dead family member. That's. Sad, this, show got real sad grab, your salad good job and now watch. TV because your fun is really, far down who else is up Olivia. Yeah. You should get going now I thought I told you to leave that, is so spooky. Wait what she was in our house. This. Woman, has. Got to go oh I hate that, oh I'm uncomfortable. This is scary, Olivia is definitely. Casey's, mini-me, for, sure. Oh wait Chelsea juniors up no, Chelsea Junior no no no no get leftovers, you mean. Clean out spoiled food what spoiled in here the. Hamburger cake is spoiled, oh poor went out for that hamburger, cake it was a good one everyone's going to school soon that's good all right how is Ashton very, hungry amazing. There you go Ashton, just finished off that part okay Aubree what's off just school bye have, fun at school I, hope you a job why, don't you go back to Ashton. Next. Ashton, get a bath for mom and you yep, can eat that salad no Tegan we don't want to go out with you you suck at it someone else is calling kiss. And tell Olivia spent most of Reese's running around trying to kiss some of the other students, Olivia. You. Need to apologize, that's, not okay you are perfect, darling let's work on some thinking, thinking. That guy. Named. Potty wait oh he just reached a skill. Three and I didn't even ask okay, all that left just for him is for his potty so I guess I'm gonna just have KC wake, up and teach. Him potty she's so close come, on buddy once your level two of thinking you can use the blocks to think instead of this pad yeah. You. Learn to no Casey. No. That's. That's. Not what you like to see that's not how you teach a kid to potty well mom's having a rough one maybe we should just send. Him to bed and let mom kind of get her life, in order for, a minute here she's. Not feeling good how was Annie, Annie's good whoa. Logan's. Here yeah, I guess Olivia invite over a classmate, okay well wait we, should invite him in and give them some residence keys Logan's, here, that's perfect timing your, mom was kind of feeling blue ah none, of them are. A student yet we'll have them all do their homework oh they're, all in here together this. Is cute this is the friend this is Regina the friend. I mean, Olivia brought, him over did, you meet him from that kissing, incident where you're running around trying to kiss everybody mom, oh. My. Weren't you going to sleep Olivia, somewhere simply everyone saw works complete, good, job everybody going to labor oh my gosh. Casey it, just went into labor as, she, was sleeping, on the floor let's go have the baby at the hospital with her wait it's. Not a doctor. What's up Theo why are you panicking, I'm. The one having a baby no we're not going to go light fireworks we're, having, a baby, it's. Art it's our relative, oh, my gosh it's. Brooke wait, Brooke why are you here was, it Brooke here left like pretty. Recently, too. It's. Brooke okay oh my gosh this dudes panicking, it's not your baby we already had your baby okay. Baby 53. Is a girl. It's, a house full of girls, as always, I'm, gonna be looking at the comments, in these, very videos to see, what I should name my next baby this is very funny cuz. I'm also a friend's fan it says if it's a girl Phoebe, if it's a boy phoebo I, kind, of wish it was a boy so I could name it fibo we're.

Just Gonna name her Phoebe thank you so much for suggesting Phoebe Phoebe a peach Rashmi is the daughter of Remus, Oh. Little. Baby baby, baby, 53. Oh my god. I can't. Believe it we. Have another baby in the house already, 53 children is nothing, to. Sneeze at but I'm thinking, that we'll probably get, to. 55. Next. Episode thank you guys for tuning in if we should invite over all the new people that we meet and then just decide, who's. The next one, that'll, be messy.

2019-11-07 00:13

Show Video


If you have twins and if one of them is a boy and the other one is a girl, can you name the girl "Garden" and the boy "Salad" because why not

And a boy jack

Can you name a baby girl Esme after me

Please name a baby Todd. When he’s a toddler , he’ll be “Todd the todd”. *fingers crossed that kacey has a boy next episode*

Lets imagine its 2:00 AM in the sims, Kelsey needs to put the hole household to bed, by the time she finishes, its school time.

Can you name a baby jess or jet or jetty

Kelsey: gives resident key to imposter Chelsea Also Kelsey: doesn't give resident key to ghost Chelsea, so she'll stop breaking stuff

U should name the next boy Kaleb or next girl Kayla

Here is a baby name for a boy or girl Arrow and here nick name is row

Wished that Chelsea "Impostermay" could have stayed with the home keys. She would be helpful to take care of your toddlers :) I know she has an instinct to tend to babies!

Name suggestion: Aryan for boy Aryanna for girl

If it is a boy can you name him Merlin? So when you need to swear, instead of saying “with Merlin’s beard” (as they say in Harry Potter) or “With Merlin’s pants” (as Hermione once says in Harry Potter) you can now say “With Merlin’s diapers”.  And if it is a girl can you name her Sofie (after me ;) )

Love the series ♥️ Here a couple of baby names Boy: Rafael, Tobias Girl: Kaia, Zaira

Girl Zoe Boy Zack

can you name your baby girl Zoe, and Zyler for baby boy? thanks!

Please call a baby Karen

Names: Lily, Luna, Ryan, Nicholas

I thought when she was talking about Ashton he was Remus Lupin as a teen

Name suggestions Girl London,Blakley Boy Ryan,Caleb

You should name a girl Kelsey And name a boy Ron

The Holly makeover

Some Scooby Doo themed names! Girl: Daphne, Velma Boy: Fred, Shaggy

Girl: Luna, Moa, Minnie Boy: Benjamin, Aiden, Jaxon

Girl names: Wren, Gemma, Reese Boy names: Royal, Darik, Dylan (Yes I watch the chatwins lol)

Can you please name next baby girl Timea ( my name)

Can you name a girl Kiky in memory of my bird that died today? Maybe it can cheer me up❤

Oh noooo you should have named two twin girls Phoebe and Ursula lol

Can you please name a baby boy Andre Andrew Preston or parker If a girl twins ca you name them liv and maddie

Do the kids actually have a great grandparents as well?? Cause on the family tree Kasey’s fathers parents is there...

If it’s a Girl Can you Call it Amelia after me? Or if it’s a boy Can it be Bastian like my brother?

Okay, I think these will be cool names Girl: Tiana Boy: Luka

Name suggestions Girl: Katie Boy: milo Can u plz call your next Girl Katie

i think you should call a girl Alice after Alice from your last lets play!

BABY NAMES!!!! Boy: Percy Girl: Laurel

Holly is my fav lil bean so far!

Emma and Luna for baby names please!

Name for a girl: Nikki Name for a boy: Mike

Baby Name sugestions: Girl: Veronica, Zelda, Persephone Boy: Link, Chase

Baby names: Girl: KT, grace, Mia, Leah or may Boy: miles, Charlie, rhys, Tom or tye

I miss the blondes

Baby names Girl : Nara Boy : Noah

Really Hoped Remus Lupin's daughter was named LUNA but Phoebe is a good name too!

Can you name the next baby after me, Juliet

Please name a baby for boy: kaito, eldoris (that means of the sea!) for girl: Aoi (means blue in the most beautiful way), and pearl If you have a child with a mermaid(man)

you should have kasey have a baby with the new chelsea

This was such a weird episode lol a fake Chelsea came and tried to do evil doing or something and then the real Chelsea that died showed up outta nowhere to save them!

Name time! Girl : Rachel Boy : Raphael Pleeeeeeease

Am i the only one, who saw, that Chelsea was “flirty”, when age was with Kasey....?

Names Girl frankee Boy frankie

Boy name:asher, Chris

Can someone pleaseeee explain the Annie joke to me I dont get it

So many Chelseas in one episode

Annie are you okay????

Hi Kelsey I love this challenge so so much I've been here since the start and I was wondering if you had a girl you could call her Indi :) thanks so much !!

I never find my name in any of the souvenir cups, keychains, ect. Can you name a baby girl Amby? Rhymes with Bambi

Can you name a girl Allyiah or Jorge???

If you get a dollhouse and make the toddlers play them, it can easily increase their Imagination faster and if a child's aspiration is creativity, they will too increase their Creativity faster.

Baby names: Girl: Lucy or Amy Boy: Luca or Teddy

Name suggestions: Girl: Deecha, Cressett,crystal,and maxine,Ellie Boy:max , Declan,Elliot

Does Kelsey give her residence keys to every relative irl?

Kasey can you name your kids after my favourite book novel Girl

For a girl: Rachael, Leah, Lana For a boy: Wyatt, Liam, Hudson

Girl names : Millie , Sadie , Kate Boy names : Robbie , kaden , milo

And my sister Sienna

There's a lot of sibs that grew old. Who says it didn't generate kids for them making this Chelsea a niece?

Am I the only one who likes the names if its a girl, Luna or Hermione and for twin boys, Fred and George just boys would be Asher/ Ash

Baby name Blakely I’ve been here for every episode would make my life

I don't even remember what annie and ashton's father looks like.

Anyone else think Kelsey should bring Chelsea back to life

Hey these names are all named after my siblings Girl: Verity, Evie or Christie Boy: Ethan

Kelsey: it's a house full of girls!!! Ashton: am I a joke to you?

Look like recee biby in new hope club

From the Netherlands call the boy Rens Or girl Renske

Who remembers Olive?

Baby names are lily for me or jack for my brother

For the baby names suggestions: Girl: Blanca or Adela Boy: Florian or Rafa (short for Rafael) Twins: Venus(girl) and Neptune (boy) coz i have french and spanish friends who are moving away and two of whom i love watching this challenge every week with

I’d the next one is a boy call him Todd. That way you will always have a Todd (toddler)

I’ve been dying for you to name your baby Shannon

Please name the next boy phoebo

I hate that she just deleted the pool but before that she said let's have a pool day.... XD .....

Name suggestions Girl: Jade, Eve Boy: Dylan, Josh

Am I the only one who hates that Kelsey hates the pool? Lol I will not let Kacey die!!!!!!!!!!!

Alternative Chelsea Impiccishmay scares the life out of me. You kicked her out of the the house and she leaves then 2 mins later she’s upstairs trying to talk to your children. Funny enough it was Halloween 3 days ago

Names for babyyyys: Girl: Europa, Mavy, Amerika, Athena, Nikol, Brjansk Boy: Jupiter, Brjansk, Oliver

I'm watching this late, but this came out the day I found out I'm pregnant!

Girl: Nymphadora,Hermione Boy: Draco, Ron

I'm Kelsey too

How about naming a girl Kelsey or Kelsey jr bc I mean let’s be real its an awesome name and for a boy Ken or Kaiden?

BABY NAMES! girl: Dorothy and Layla Boy: Manila and Nick

i love that shirt is that going to be official merch?

How the heck did Chelsea come back into your game? Do you think it's the developers of the game who did that for you? I wanna find out more about this new Chelsea. Can you please do a deep dive and find out where she came from and if she's really legit. If she's cool then why not be friends with her. Maybe ghost Chelsea could meet new Chelsea. I need to know now!!!!!

Girl: Summer

"It's not your baby, we already had your baby" sums up this series pretty good

if you have twins, can you name them Kylie and Kendall?

Baby names (percy jackson limited edition XD) Girl: Annabeth, Thalia, Piper Boy: Percy, Jason, Nico

Lucy if it's a girl Luke if it's a boy

PLEASE USE: Girl names:Jasmine,Lacey,Isla Boy names:Jack,Isaac,Ross PLEASE NOTICE get this to the top so she can see ❤️❤️#kelsey100babychallenge ❤️❤️

NAME SUGGESTIONS: Cora for a girl and Colton for a boy!

23:47 bottom left corner

Iam on my dads iPad . Name one after me Sofia .

Please check the mailbox or wherever the gifts go! It gives me anxiety when all the kids get presents!! Also please name your next boy after my boyfriend as I force him to watch this with me, his names Luke!

baby names boy: Lance, Ian girl: Peach, Megan

please name a girl emma after me

Girl: savannah or Ryder Boy : Shane or Pedro

Makayla if a girl if a boy Jason

Holy shoot, I've been watching this challenge for a year now???????

For a girl: Sarah (Cause that’s my name) For a boy: Dakota (Cause that’s my middle name)

Hope for twins and do Mary-Kate and Ashley

If you have a girl the name Darcy could be good

Royal Baby Names. Queen, Royal, Tiara (they're different names but interesting)

Can you name a baby girl Delilah so you can say, “Hey there, Delilah!” every time you come back to the game?

Mitzi if its a girl and if its a boy Dixon

Chelsea once traveled in time to the future and there she met her unborn daughter. Now that the daughter is born and grown she meets her dead mother from the past!

If it's a girl: Kira, Ina or Davina If it's a boy: Derek or Danny :)

Name suggestions: Ember for a girl, Tobias for a boy.

Baby names!!! Jasmine - (my name but in English lol ) Mila

Hello I really like this new house and so I also downloaded it and moved my 100 baby challenge family in. Just a WARNING the lights in the pool area are candles and I didn't know that and there was a big fire and because there was pool and chairs around the fire I couldn't get to it to put it down so. Hope you see it.

says she wants lunch *its 3:00am* she wants garden salad lunch :)

names girl : alba or gemma boy: tye or mars

Please name a girl Giulia

BABY NAMES: Girl : ELLA ( in honer for my bestie Boy: Michael ( Maybe With Jackson )

Hey I have some baby names! If it's a girl can you call it Rachel? (My name) or Charlotte? Also I would love a baby called Rain! If it's a boy then Adam, Omar or Emmett!

you should have a baby with chelsy

just a tip, kids can help tods learn blocks and they learn a bit quicker

Name a girl *Tatiana* !!!!!!

girl you need a thermostat in your Sim house, your characters are miserable all year round


If it’s a girl: Ryann If it’s a boy: Ryan (They’re both pronounce the same way )

girl: lyla boy: jesse

Pls name a girl Sasha and a boy Shayne

Girl: Fiona, Eve, Claire Boy: Josh, Noah

Surprised to see our country's dish Pork Adobo being sold at the festival

We want a friends themed baby

You should name a girl either Sabrina, or Samantha

If it's a girl : Buffy, Faith If it's a boy : Xander, Spike

I have played iogames on, it’s fucking smooth there.

Can you name a girl Evie or Noelle and a boy Asher and Toby

Please name your next boy or girl Ashlee (with two e's!) to represent all people who use uncommon spelling for their name

Names! if it’s a girl: lemon, if it’s a boy: lime

I finished the 100 Baby Challenge and the single biggest tip I learned halfway through was to build a large room, put a fridge, a counter, line four or five bear chairs up in front of it, attach a bathroom with potties and a bathtub, add beds, toys and iPads, and literally lock the todds in there FOREVER. Well. Until they age up. Only the adult is allowed free access. Teens teleport in when they’re needed for slave labor. It cuts the chaos down so much. You feed them en masse, get all the plates for $$$, you send mom in to bathe and potty train en masse, and they do the rest. With nothing to destroy and no havoc to wreak on the rest of the house they get skills so fast and none of its cheated.

i love how in the beginning of all of these vids shes like sup boys. Like are u into 10yr old boys bc thats who watches these videos sweetie, also, your voice is annoying. Love you!

“Oh Annie got a gift wait what does this mean?”NOOO NOOOOOOO

name one of your girls Mila as in Mila Kunis!

Baby names: Girl: Abby, Ellie, Grace, Rosie Boy: Jacob, Max, Adam, Alex

A little food hack is that you can make multiple salads so that they can keep your family for a while..

Girl: Odette Boy: Carlo

I sneezed when she was naming the baby

Girl name: Brinneall (br-in-kneel) or Brinn or Skylar or Destiny Boy name: Spencer or Skyler or Aleksandr (Aleks for short)

boy:Tyler or Harry JR or Preston girl:Georgia or Jade or Florence Twin girls:Georgia and Florence Twin boys:Tyler and Harry JR

Girl : Shayn or Amayah Boy : Sam or Dean

You should name a girl Luna

Don't sneeze too hard or at this point you will have another baby.

the irony of mom potty training and peeing her adult pants is amazing.

Im a fan of Mkney Heist and im from the Philippines so can u name the next baby one of our cities If girl: Manila If boy: Dasma Lol hahahahaha

You really should use the headphones so your fun doesn't go down on your sim all the time. It's a life saver.

.......... ok, they got very european here DEAD

Name a baby Molly

Kelsey still has ptsd about that pool

Is no one going to point out the fact she majorly mispronounced Rogelio? Lol

For a boy you could name one Wolfgang— that name is always a hoot

If it is a boy: nicolas (my brother) If its a girl: alyssa (me)

If it's a girl, Margaret or Margie. If it's a boy, Chris or Christopher

hey!! big fan of this challenge. my little sister and I would watch this together every saturday, but can't do that much anymore because i'm away at school. I would love it if you could possibly name two twin girls after my sister and I- Megan and Erin, just to show her i'm still watching and missing her.

You should name a girl twins Ema and Emma or you should do Cleoar and eema and Ricky

Girl: Hannah, Nicki Boy: Matthew (after my little brother:)

My last name is sims lmao

Do the name Jensen for a boy and Jensyn for a girl❤

With all these different Chelseas, it reminds me of the new Netflix series “Living With Yourself” with Paul Rudd. Mind is blown.

Completely unrelated to the challenge, but Kelsey looked bomb in this episode

Baby Names: Boys: Luke, Han, Lando, Ben Girls: Leia, Padme, Rey

BABY NAME: Girl - Renesmee Boy- Edward In honor of the whole Twilight Saga being added in Netflix

Name your next daughter - Ashel, because it’s my name

can you call a girl piper please

I’m obsessed with the names macie for a girl and wren for a boy :)

You should name a boy Kieran and a girl Kylee

i would like to eat you.

Girl :EJ Erica boy : Erin please use my names lysm

Girl Names: Piper, Paige, Emma, Chloe Boy Names: Killian, Graham, Cole, Wyatt

For a girl can it be Monica For a boy can it be Ryan (Named after my friends)

If it’s a girl name her gardenia after garden salads

you should do acey as a girl and skyler/levi as a boy

My name is now in the series... I’m olivia ashton

girls: tawaii (pronounced like hawaii) boys: emery (like emerald but emereeee)

If it's a boy: Cornelius or Nikolai If it's a girl: AnnaBelle or Ariella

Hey Kelsey, love the show. Boy: Phillip Girl: Cece OR Pam I love The Office, please name them after them.

Aurora for the new Maleficent movie

Kasey met X-Chelsea. Like if you understood.

Baby~ names!! \(≧▽≦)/ If it’s a girl: Roxy and/or Ragena If it’s a boy: Cale and/or Ron (2 names in case you have same gender twin)

Love Parks and Recs! If a girl could you please name her: Leslie Knope And If it is a boy name him: Ron Swanson

Baby names! Girl- Luna, or Gwen Boy- Teddy or Arthur

If you have a girl please name her Aurelia or Kara And if you have a boy please him Aizen or Kayden

Girl name: Melanie Boy: Jerry

It’s my birthday today can the next girl be named after me? (Madeleine)

baby names: Girl : Robin or Nise Boy: Robin

NAME THE NEXT BOY DIMITRI if it’s a boy Megan (because my mom wanted a girl so bad she almost named me Megan) if it’s a girl

I love these videos they make my day and I'm emotionally attached to them lol

Chelsea Impostershmay

Wait. Would it be weird if imposter Chelsea had a baby with Kasey?

If it's a girl: Jade (which is my name) or Sammy If it's a boy: Brandon or Kevin

Wait thats crazy! ive been watching this for almost a year!

Baby names Emerald

Girl= beya pronouncements (bae -a) Boy= phillip

Girl Emma boy Julian

Can you please go blonde again?

Captain Sauce also had a parallel universe twin show up in is sims game. Although in his case, it might have been the good twin...original Emma has murdered a LOT of people. On a different topic, we haven't had a Detroit episode in a while. Is zach okay?

Name a girl Samantha and a boy Samuel.

If you have twin girls could you name them Lucy and Lisa? Those are my and my twin sister's names :)

Hi I love this series and can you plz name one of your kinds Daisy or billy

If twin girls Tane and Jasmine or if twin boys Brin and Zayne!

This is just....hilarious

I feel like Chelsea Jr has been a toddler for ever

Will you do the 100 baby challenge with WhickedWhims? But can’t change attractions on it.

can you name a girl bay or lily and a boy toby

Boys Name : Peter Girl Name : Quinzell

If its a girl: Rachel or Monica If it's a boy: Chandler or Joey. I hate Ross honestly. But i am a massive friends fan

Girl names: Ivy, Uma, or Iris Boy names: Dante or Damian

We had enough of the garden salad

Can you name one of the cuties Aspen? Aspen for girl or aspen for boy! They both work. It’s my name and also a cool fact about aspen trees is that they are some of the largest living organisms on the planet because they connect to eachother in large groups. Much like the impiccishmay household☺️☺️

If it's a girl, name it Wednesday after the one and only Wednesday Addams

Girl- Regina-Phalange Boy- Elliott

Chelsea: deletes pool also Chelsea: lets go to the pool

Please name a girl Mio! That’s my nickname and you can say Mio my!

My kids love your video's please van you name the baby's afther them? Boy: FINN Girl: NELL

Chelsea Jr can be trans and can go by CJ?

Hey Kelsey! Could you please name a baby boy Nash?? That is my son’s name, who is an actual toddler irl! As his mom, I freaking love watching you take care of all the tods bc it is so funny and sometimes scarily accur ate?! So it would be amazing to see one of your crazy toddlers share the same name as my irl crazy toddler! *So please pick NASH for a baby boy!* Here are some *other* baby names for you! GIRLS: Katie (my name!), Summer, Whitney, Hailey, Quinn BOYS: David, Gus, Elijah/Eli, Gage, Jack

If a girl: Caitlin If a boy: Wynter Love you so much, hope you pick my names xx

Boy name: Harvey Girl name: Harriet

If it's a girl: Sierra If it's a boy: Sam

Ok so in honor of birdbox If it's a girl name it girl And boy named boy

If you have a girl can you name it Tiesha or Zara

If the next one is a girl name her Jolene! So she can steal people's man's

For a girl you could use my name- Cassara its like sarah but with a cuh sound in front like Cassandra and for a boy I like silas

Triplet boys: Sam, Dean, Castiel Triplet Girls: Rowena, Charlie, Jo I also really like Amara and Lilith as names

why am I crying over the sims

Please name one of your babies Therese names as there my brothers and sisters names Girl: iliana collette belle Boy:yes hamish

Can you name your next 7 children the days of the week? Or the next 12 children after each month!

Call one of the baby’s Bella-Rose

Im dead with the drama with impostor chelsea hahaha

BABY NAMES!!! Girls: Maggie, Elizabeth, Savannah Boys: Carter, Peter, Parker

Can your next kid(s) be called: Girl: Ashlyn, April, River Boy: Jett, Samuel, Tyler Thanks!!

Did nobody else realize that one of her kids TURNED INTO THE FREAKING GRIM REAPER?!?!

Ashton reminds m of Wybie from Coraline


Name that next baby FRANKIE

You should have named Remus' baby Nymphadora! Missed opportunity!

You should name twins Jenna and Julien for Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita

Can u please name Boy: Brent and Girl: Emmie

woah this is weird but as she said “53 babies is nothing to sneeze at” , i was sneezed like 6 times.

Girl: Julia, Aluna or Riley Boy: Aston or Eli Love the series Kelsey!

You should name the next baby after me! If it's a girl, Robyn and a boy, Robin :)

names juju,meala,jalia

Plz can u name a girl carmel after my daughter :)

If it’s a girl you can name her Britney because it’s Britney B*tch

If it’s a girl: Raven after the ravenclaw house

Girl: Caraline, Monica, Rachel, Boy: Connor, Ross, Chandler, Joey

If it's a girl, please name her Gemma after me. If it's a boy, please name him Gabe. Love your show

If it's a girl Angelica or Lilith if it's a boy Dean or Sam like from supernatural

Girl: Vivian boy: Ian

Kelsey can you name a Girl- Hermia, Helena, Juliet, Ophelia, Portia, Cordelia Boy- Demetrius, Lysander, Romeo and not Shakespeare related Daniel Stephen Hosuh Joseph Judah I have a lot of names...

Love da merch

Girl name Carmen if it’s a boy dalas but spell it like that so it’s Salad backwards

If it’s a girl Liberty (that’s my name) If it’s a boy Justice (my brothers name)

please name your next daughter Chloe please please please

Hi Kelsey! I really love your videos and look forward to seeing them every week! Can you name a baby girl Noelle after my best friend who also watches the challenge?

these are all my friends names and i know they would be really happy to see their names here :)) girl names: tiffany, ariana, laurie boy names: karter, vince, aidan

Boy: Yohan Girl: Cheenee

A girl: Karley A boy: Karl love my name

Name it Lil's

Baby names Girl: Raven, after me Boy: Cory, after my fiance

Girl: Aurora

I’ve been watching this for a year now?! No way!!

Please name a girl Charlotte after my mom! Love your series!

The mystery Chelsea is just a young fully manifested spirit or was just in Kasey's imaginaty! She only spoke to Kasey, left when Chelsea Jr. came upstairs, never got in the pool, never ate, and no one else seemed to notice her.

Please name a girl Kornelia or Korenlka my name or a boy Cornelius Please

This running Annie are you ok? joke is killing me!! haha

for twins name them Wanda and Pietro

If Is a girl. Abby Boy Enzo

Boy girl twin names: Isabelle and Hudson Girl names: Izzy, Tori, Clare Boy names: Finn, Hudson, Max

Baby name Boys: Woddy, Buz, Max, Payton, Cash. Nikkie and Alex if twins Girls: Jesse, Bonnie, Rowen. Addie and Maddie if twins

Name a girl SARAH! with an "h" so she's not naked

Baby Names Boy’s: Woody, Buz, Max, Payton, Josh, Cash, Maverick. Nikkie and Alex it twin boys Girls: Jesse, Bonnie, Rowen. Addie and Maddie if twin girls

So I'm trying the challenge. I'm 9 babies in. I made a gnome happy & he dishes out seasonal packets that I can open & sell the produce. So I trapped him in a fence so he's not roaming around & continually giving me goodies ❤. Pair that with the writing & special trash can... steady money

Girl: Marcelle Boy: Marcel

Girl: Cassidy, Zoey, Brittany, Hannah Boy: Caleb, Zach, Bernard, Hunter

Boy: Elijah Girl: Elliana

Artemis, Athena, Apollo, or Aurora for twins or any names

Are we all going to ignore the fact that she ordered a banh mi, and the food she tried to take was a pork adobo, meaning that Kasey is the real thief who was thwarted in her attempt to steal food?

You should name a baby: Girl: Luna or Leila Boy: Shawn or Philip

Can you pretty please with a cherry on top name you're next girl Nani

If it's a boy named it Jason for a girl name it Yasmine

Since it’s fall you could try Autumn for a girl name

If it’s a girl, Mili or Millie (just bc thats my name) If it’s a boy maybe Milo, yea ikr so original

McKenna for a girl (That’s my name)

Girl names: caitlin Boy names: Declan

boys: eugene, keith, ned, or zach (try guys) girls: maryanne,kelsey

Please name a baby Penelope, Harlyn or Ellie.

Name a girl Katy after my twin sister! for a boy, Alex.

girl: emily, nina, keira boy: edward, nico, kian

Ok I just had a weird moment. You met parallel universe Chelsea, met real Chelsea, aged up Chelsea jr, and then I literally just had someone came to me named Chelsea too as I was still watching this video. WTF is happening.

Girl: Fiora Boy: Westley

PLEASE LOOK AT THE BABY DADDIES I MADE FOR YOU, my username in the gallery is ambreexoxo! Beautiful babies are guaranteed




Can you name a baby Debbie please

one of the babies names should be Govanni

Omg I’ve missed so many episodes! What episode did olive die!? :((((

My name is Lily. And my twins name is Lulu

Girl: Carla Boy: Carl/Carlos

Boy calub girl Kayla

Boy Cole girl cloe

Name one of your children Amanda , Jessica , Alexandra or Brook or Brooklyn

Most parents: they grow up so fast

Unisex name: July (my nickname actually) August

What I love about this series is that in the comments I always find some useful tips for the game AND great names for kiddos! :D

25:50 "Hold the Pain Kelsey"

Girl:love,Angel,queen,heaven,ocean Boy: chance,carl,lorince,king,chis Pleassssssssssssse

My Grandma’s name is Neva (Knee-vah) and I think that would be a great name for a girl! Unique! For a boy, how about Calvin or Cal?

baby name: girl: aubrey boy: Rain

Girl: Athena (goddess of wisdom) Boy: Jack

Boy twins: Zack and Cody Girl twins: Riley and Maya

Name a girl Sabrina please

Name a baby Crystal please I just binge watched all these episodes in two days!! Cant get enough of it! ❤❤

Girl : Heidi or Harlow Boy: Arlo or Winslow

Can you name a Girl Raven or a Boy Ezra

Baby Names Girl Names:Aurora,Braelyn,Kadyence(Kady) Boy Names:Arrow,Ace,Carson

For a boy Rory, August, or Apollo For a girl Aurora, Piper, or Iris (

How about these names? Girls: Marissa(my name), Mariah(my sister), Savannah, Nancy Boys: David, Bob, Andy, Drew

Love the names Girls: Reagan, Lilly, or Malory Boys: Austin, Declan, or Max

Song names: Girl: Delilah (Hey there Delilah), Caroline (Sweet Caroline)

I think you should name your son if you have one. lapr

Girl name: Garden (after garden salads) Boy name: Chester

You should name Girls:Sophia, Aleena, or Millie Boys:Arick, Atom not Adam Atom

This was a good episode! Lots of drama! Love it!

Ava and Giovanna are twins in my class, both girls. Name suggestions.

"Our little drowned baby Harry"

Did anyone else notice that tayler is the grim reaper now or????? Am I loosing my marbles??? What’s goin on

So, where do I buy the merch? This shirt and the Sup Boys shirt I really want but they arent in the link

For a girl, since you named one Annie and my sister’s name is Annie, either name a girl Elena (my name) or a boy Joe because that’s my brother’s name!

HI! I love all these videos can u name a Girl grace for me and for a boy could you name it chandler from friends please!!! Thanks!!!

If it is a boy name it Chandler and if it is another boy name it joey

If it is a girl name it James and if it is a boy name it Chandler

If it is a girl name it Monica. If it is a boy name it Ross and if they are twins name them both using my name choice

I love how 3 tods ate like 16 garden salads in 2 hours sims time

if it's a girl, name it morgan. if it's a boy, name it morgan.

Name a boy Ryker please

please name a girl either marie or charolette they are my fav names :) also this is my favorite series and you're doing great!!

I love the office way to much so Angela Dwight Jim Pam Are totally great names!

I have some names Boys: Sebastian(who is my cousin) and Louie (my cat) Girls: Madison( me) and Audrey (my other cousin)

Twin names Girls: Barbie & Polly Boys: Zack & Cody A boy and a girl: Ben & Emma (from friends)

Please name the next baby girl Ursula so she’ll be Phoebe’s sister (would be better if they were twins)

If you decide to look for a new home when Kasey ages up, check out the "Victorian Honey Home" under #Kelsey100BabyHome #Kelsey100BabyChallenge in the gallery. It's a beautiful, refined home for the challenge. I love your house tour episodes, it's so fun to see everyones creations. Thanks!

If a girl: Annabelle, if a boy: Timothy Love your vids! ❤️

Baby names: Girl: Zelda Boy: Link

Baby names!!! Vanessa or Victoria for a girl and Vincent or Victor for a boy

Baby names suggestions: Luna, Luma, Stella, Ash, Ethen, Jim, Leaf, and Caroline

Please name a baby heather or brody

Can you name a girl after me and name it alora

girl names lexi, morgan, lily, and lauren boy names rayan,and cameron

Can you name the next name Ruby after my grandmother and of a boy Robert after my grandfather we were all very close

What about the names Maria (girl) or Orion (boy) thoses are names I would name my kids. Some extra names are Andromeda, Elizabeth, Annabelle, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Sally, Diana (Girls) or Zacchaeus, Samuel, Perseus, Edward, Apollo, Jackson, or Michael. I hope you enjoy the names if I had any kids I would name them one of these names.

Please name your next boy Pheobo I love F•R•I•E•N•D•S it’s my favorite show

I was spooked to see this lol..can't believe this has been almost a year. I'd love for you to name your kids either Aphrodite or Ziva for a girl and Atticus or Zilaa for a boy pls

names: Girl: Maxine, Scarlett, Hazel, Sapphire Boy: Jade, Everett, Fisher, Claire

how many babies in are we lolol

Please name a set of twins Charlie and Lola!!

Please name. Boy: Grayson Girl: Paige

If it's boy twins can you name them Steve and Bucky to throw some Marvel references up in that game!

Girl named Aaliyah but l want it to be spelled like this Alia boy named Lee

Nah and Sabre

Baby names Girl Tara or Yasmin Boy Zane or Carwyn (it’s Welsh and my baby brothers name)

NAMES! Girl: Margaux Boy: Mario

Anna or joe

Please see the girl Cassie .love youuuuuuuuuu

I love this series. If you have a girl, can you name it Megan, if it's a boy can you name it Draco from Harry Potter?❤️

Girl:Leann Boy:Davis

Please name the next baby Esther if it's a girl's and you'll finally have a true queen! If she has a twin brother or if you like that name better, Lester would be a nice choice.

If it is a girl name it Madison If it is a boy name it mason

Not creepy at all that her babies are locked under the stairs

I've been here for almost a while year???

My name is Phoebe!!!!!

A girl Rin A boy Len

Can you name e girl Zoë end e boy Milo pls i love youre video's!!!!

Yo I have some names 1 Eiey and Hayden

Baby names Boys:Bradley, August, Mason Girl:Makenzie, autumn, Kendall

Baby name for a girl: Nellie, Kasey, Darcy, dorothy, camryn, courtney, kayley, alia...... For Boys: Octavious, kendall, justin, cody, Corey, Xavier, Kingsley, tyler

NAME A GIRL AFTER MEEEEE - Please :3 Girl - Analia (Pronounced Ana-lee-ah) Boy - Hunter I love your series!!!

i don’t see that shirt for sale yet

Names: Anna (Ah-nuh), Lennon, Noelle, Winter, Scarlet, Amaia, Brighton, London, Britton Aden, Arthur, Colin, Callum, Percy, Leo, Nico

Girl names Devynn or Emily Boy names jaedon or nick

what about 200 babies!? XD

Can u please make Chelsea Jr. a blonde in honour of her grandma

Can you name boy/girl twins Kayla and Payton after my twin siblings?

Girl names:Aspen, Carter, Regan, Rowan,Evon Boy names: Zander, Zac, Ryker, Bentley, Braxton

Can you please name the girl Mya, Evelyn, or Layla If it is a boy though can you name him Luke or Preston

Baby name suggestions Boy: Noah or Ryker (after my nephews) Girl: Blake or Alyssa Either: Ash or Max

That's the problem with food int his challenge. You have 8 servings in the family size and 8 family members...Every Sim Day I make a new meal usually so I'm stocked up.

you shold name a baby if ti girl sophie or if it a boy space

If the next baby is a girl call it Wednesday after the Adams family.

Ohhhh the food stolen from Kasey is Pork Adobo

Can you name a child Linn, Lynne or Leonore, Luna or Lilith if a girl and Lucifer, Lucas or Leon if a guy? I am rewatching the entire series now!

If you have tublets name them Minnie and Mik(k)ie

Name for girl: Elisabeth Name for boy: Ken(from Barbie;))

Couldn't the "fake" Kelsey be Kelsey junior?

Angel or Felisha Luv ya

Please name a baby Valery or Valerie

Kelsey: oh they're all in here together Me: *starts singing* we're aaaall in this together

When she deleted the pool

Baby names: Girl= Lavender or Kiwi Boy= Oscar or Ethan

you should name your next baby Armani! Its a unisex name :) (and its sounds like my name, Armie :D)

and oliva

next can you name it zola,quin,noah,lyric,justice,paris,sandra,mason,ro,kamyia,leslie,frost

since you have a Annie you could have a Oakley for either a boy or a girl:)

Billy Lilly Ayla maze grasy sherbet barks floppy Emily me and teddies

Baby Names Avenger Theme Girl Natasha (black widow) , Wanda (scarlet witch) and Carol ( captain marvel) Boy Peter (Spider-Man) , Clint (Hawkeye) and Anthony ( iron man)

Wait, what happen to Chelsey???

Girl kaylee Boy Landon

Plz name a boy tap Tim Luke max and a girl Isabella cloud jet sky

If you have twin boys, you should name them Fin and Jake! If you have twin girls, name them Bubblegum and Marceline

Name them babes after your other challenge! If it's a boy, Ken. If it's a girl, Barbie.

I'll do this irl if you know what I mean...

Baby names: Girl: Oakly Boy: Matthew

My name is skylah and would be amazing to be named after one of your simsss Or Lawson or Huxley or Nash those are my brothers names Love from Australia

I have 4 kids in real life!

I like how youv'e just given up on individual bdays since the spooky party lol As for names, Kiersten, Maegan, Wendell, Ryan, and Kannon are me and my siblings!

Girl: Aurora Boy: Philip

If u have a boy zay but if u have a girl zai

Lmaoooo when she wouldn’t leave the house

Was I the only one that noticed how when Chelsea and Kasey were talking the conversation was apparently suggestive?!

Name a baby girl after me! Baby girl: Alisa (pronounced uh-lee-sah)

Girl: Paige, Celeste, or Abby Boy: Tyler or Carter

Baby names: Girl: Lara, Lola, Penelope Boys: Lucas, Fabio, Sergio

Kayla! In honor of Olives beautiful wife of course

Demi for a girl!

BAbY NameS!!!! Girl: Ariel , Belle , Jasmine, Aurora ( because we love princesses in this household) Boy: Eric, Jake, Flynn , Hector ( my Prince Charming LOL)

Name a baby Autumn since it's Autumn

U should have supergirl In pregnant Casey

Liz or Lizzy and Luca or Chad

The link

You should call the child Ron if it’s a boy because the child has a chance of having red hair and Harry Potter And then Hermione for a girl because she’s just amazing and she could have brown hair :-)

Please name a boy Felix

Girl name kaliyah or Kali

You should name remus’s child Teddy

you should name a girl Juniper or Waverly

you should name a child Malayna pronounced ( muh- lay- nuh )

Can you name a baby Bella pleease??? ❤❤

FRIENDS THEMED NAMES !! Boys : Joey Chandler Ross Gunther or MARCELL (Ross’s Monkey) Girl : Rachel Monica Phoebe Emma (Ross & Rach’s Baby) Ursula(Phoebes Twin)

Kids names Girl:Ashlee Boy:beau, pronounced bow

Boys Names : Luca Louie or Lucien Girls Names : Luna Sienna or Delilah

baby boy and girl names: Jeremiah as my brothers name Vera for a girl. that was my great grandmothers name

Baby names! Boy: Alexei, Richie, or Eddie Girl: Pam, Alice, or Max

Baby names Girl: Saddie and Tris and Lina& Rue Boy: Peeta & Gale& Milo

Can you plz name a girl leahna or a boy Xander

Messy indeed

Identity theft is NOT a joke

Can you name a girl Harper in honor of my sister who died in a car crash and a boy Logan in honor of her unborn son

Part 44-Chelsea into the Chelseaverse

Can you name a girl Audrey or Danielle and a boy Henry or Sam please

“Can you not wander?..okay...OH NO NO NO NO N O N O!” *deletes pool* “Okay. Everything is safe now.” PTSD

Boy:Mason Jason Weston Chase Luke Brian Will Tyler

Girl:Josie Emily Claire Taylor Savanna Everligh Piper Penelope Kayla Kristina

omggg i love friends too!!! stick with the friends theme Girl : Monica Boy: Joey

will you please name a girl McKayla and if its a boy will you name it Phil??? Love you

Le dio la llave de su casa a una desconocida

These are names I find so beautiful Girl: liberty (Libby) Boy: Atticus, or Dewey And swing names: Jordan

When the kids call you and ask you something in school, you almost always choose the answer that raises responsibility, but you should also raise emotional control more often, so they aren’t so sad when a family member dies. Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!!❤️

You should give a quick makeover to everyone in the household that you haven’t yet in the next episode. Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!

Girl names: Sabrina, Dana, Tina, Tara, Jasmine, Tamar, Odelia, Mischa, Julia, Adina, Raya Boy names: Shemaya, Afshin, Tony, Sam, Eitan, Kevin, Bradley (all names in my family) Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!! ❤️

You should make each matriarch their own season for the 100 Baby Challenge playlist, once they start having babies. So Chelsea was season one and episode 29 started season two with Kasey. I love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!!

Girl Name: Charlotte Boy Name: Oliver or Charles or Chandler Named after your perfect baby angel children Olive and Charlie. Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!!!!❤️

Girl Name: Mira Boy Name: Amir Twin names that go together. Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!!!!

Girl Name: Ariel or Leira Boy Name: Ariel Twin names that are the same forwards and backwards. Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!!!!!

If you like it, you should 100% keep Kaseys hair light brown or dirty blonde, if not fully blonde. It looks so pretty and it looks more like you. Love you Kelsey and I love watching Kasey!!!❤️

Name a baby girl Amy or Amelia Or if it's a boy Artie

Can you name your kids Girls: Sura, Tessa Boys: Paskal, Garrus, Kepler

to go with your girl hope name a girl Esperanza it translates to hope.

Please name a boy baby Todd, so it'll be Todd the tod (aka toddler)

for girl name wood be kaylee

hay you are my favored you tuber

baby names girl lauryl boy Russ

baby names; girl Azlyn boy Trey

Girl- Ovar Boy- Orin

If you see this comment, will you use any of these names Girl: Sydney (me), Ivy, Samantha Boy: Keean (pronounced Key-an, also my boyfriend), Skylar, Tony

Girl: Elena Boy: Damon or Stefan If you didn’t noticed all of these names are from The Vampire Diaries I LOVE The Vampire Diaries

Baby names Girl: Krystle(pronsed crystal), Barb(from stranger things),Camila Boy: Ed, Edd, Eddy

If you are still taking names could you do Chandler for a girl? It's my name

As per having to make salads constantly...see, we -thought- we had trained you to stop making garden salads and make macaroni or something instead...but I guess we failed. lol!

Girl = Ailen or Ailu, so its a bit of South America in the challenge

Hey Kelsey how was your halloween? i got a lot of candy. you?

You should have the party with all of the new guys and Try For Baby with them all so when the baby is born it’s a surprise of who the dad is

Or Wednesday Addams

Hey Kelsey! Can you name your baby Naomi?

If its a girl name it Alexandria If it's a boy name it Alexander

Hi~I’m your fan from ShangHai~ I really like you !you’re so pretty and have cute voice ^^

Baby Names !! Boys: Grifffin, Justin, Travis Girls: Pam, Chloe, Sarah

Please name one of the baby girls Lina and the one of the baby boys Louis.

Hey gurl! I just wanted to suggest some names for your babes! Girls: Hermione (cause why not?!) , Angel ( cause you are gonna need a blessing), Felisha or Lara -my auntie who was killed before i got to know her and in memory of her

Kelsey, stop making them only eat salads! That's why they're always hungry. Please make it easier on yourself and make some chicken or spaghetti once in a while. They'll stay full longer.

You should have one of the children age up to young adult, take Chelsea's tombstone and put it in that person's inventory.. then have them move out, add Chelsea to that family, then have her move in with Craig Slater. When he dies they can live together as ghosts and get their happily forever after!

Kelsey: I’m not a big fan of your face.... but how your dad was sooooo hot!” How I will try to insult children nicely from now on. Nah jk I would never insult children

Hey i love this series, i would really like it if maybe baby 54 (if a girl) could be Hermione? To complete the set, you know... thanks

Baby names! Girl name : Kelsey Izzy Boy name : Levi

You should have Kasey become a spellcaster. There’s a spell called grand delicioso that makes any random family sized meal appear instantly so then you don’t have to focus as much on making food and can focus on making sure everyone’s other needs are taken care of

Girl names:Columbia, Magenta, Janet Boy names:Brad, Eddie, Rocky

From the rocky horror picture show if you know what that is

Girl:Collete Boy:oliver

Hey gurl! I just wanted to suggest some names for your babes! Girls: Hermione (cause why not?!) , Angel ( cause you are gonna need a blessing), Felisha or Lara -my auntie who was killed before i got to know her and in memory of her

Please like this if you're a nerdy birdy like me... Muuaa

I love how this generation of the matriarch are thicker because they haven't been eating garden salad

"If your guess is *probably not* then you **"

I will say it every week until it happens. Harper for a girl! Make my nerd dreams come true!

Heyo! Girl: Marinette, Alya, Chloe, Nathalie, Sabrina Boy: Adrien, Gabriel, Nino, Kim

Girl: Shannon, Kristelle (like crystal), or Katie Boy: Patrick, or Vincent

Name a girl Stella Name a boy Jona

Cleo Claw Jasmine

I love the series!! Boy-David Girl-Diana

Your a real MVP if your remember when the teens got jobs. Love you Kelsey. I would really love if you could name your next baby girl after me, my name is Isadora (its sayed the way it's spelt)

our family watches these videos together and we love them. For girls: Cleo and tulip

17:42 “omg Chelsea jr should meet Chelsea senior!” Where’s ghost Chelsea when you need her

love the vids! Girl names - Emmie, Maggie, Sara, Cara, Lorna , Brooklyn, Bella, Belle Boy names - Ollie, Marcus, Levi, Myles, Brook, Branson Hope you like these names!

Baby names for twins: Girl and Boy: Ruby and Rubian Boy and Boy: Zack and Cody (if yk then yk

Some baby names: Asher to Lili

Just so you know the fastest way to get toddler thinking up is have the toddler watch other sims. It is found under the friendly interaction.

Girl names: Enid,Carly and Eliran Boy names: ralph,Liam and Timmy Terence

For a girl isabelle or izzy for short because that's my name Boy: Hayden

Name one Gabby Shannon Marissa Adrianna or Vinny

Twins names maybe Suzanne and Claire as those are my twin big sisters names and they'd be stoked about this

Boy: Clint, Cal or Maven Girl: Cinder, Mare or Iris

Maybe you can name a girl Mia or Nancy and for a boy maybe Justin

Can you you pleaseee change Kasey’s hair to blonde

What if Chelsea jr had the skill flower arranging Like so Kelsey can see this

baby names: julia (me) zach keith or ned eugene if u know he'll be hot #tryguys

Name a girl chloe


name a girl chloe

name a girl CHLOE

U should name the next one Eva or Evie

I think it’s crazy how the siblings never see the new baby brothers or sisters until they turn into toddlers and they leave the room

Girl: Laura Boy: Zayn

Olivia and Rogelio should get together and have a little family in a spin off

Baby name: Michalea. Pronounced Makayla

Could you name a girl Ashlee and a boy Philip please!????

Baby Names Girls: Summer and Madelyn Boys: Oakley and Jack From: Alexis

Baby names: Girl: Melissa or Elizabeth Boy: Jonas, Jack, Sam, Dean. I love you

Kelsey: We should have a pool day! Also Kelsey: *deletes pool*

If you have a girl can you name her Roxy or Roxanne?

You should name a baby... Girl: violet, sunny Boy: klaus, Monty

You should name a boy max

You should name a girl lacey

I got twins twice in a row and I don’t even have on leyline lot traits

Can you name one of the kids Lydia for a girl and Beetlejuice for a boy? ❤️

Name suggestion for a girl: Treasure (its my name and my bday's tommorow i would love to see you name one of Kasey's kids that

Baby names... Can you name one of them after Wonho? I really miss him and it's scary So boy name: wonho and girl: wonhee

For a boy: Jay Because Jay Impiccishmay

Baby names Girl:Shelby

If a boy: Castiel or Dean If a Girl: Rowena, Meg, Mary, Charlie or Missouri

Ken you plis name a boy Leo love you

Girls: Emma, Rosie or Bella Boys: Timmy, Finn or Charlie Jr.

For a girl: Nadine Boy: Joey, Dan, Nate, Chuck, Will, Nico?

Baby names: Boy: oliver, alec Girl: izzy, nina

If it is a girl: shilo If it is a boy: Sheldon Love ya Kelsey

name the next baby Rachel from Glee❤️

girl names: Elle Max Nancy boy names: Mike Dustin Lucas Will

YOU COPIED STEPH :( (JK no hate lol)

I think you should name a girl Cher as you’re the spit of Cher from Clueless

Some names here. Girl: Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite Boy: Zeus, Ares, Apollo. Hope you like them.

Maybe some famous youtuber names next? For boys: Shane, Andrew. For girls: Morgan, Ryland

Boy - Zachary Girl - Asia

6:51 when u pause at the wrong time.............

Baby names Girl: Tayah Boy: Fraser

Sorry if my name is weird i am norwegian

Can you name a baby girl: silje Baby boy: austin, lucas

Girl name ideas: Chloe(my name), Kendall, Tessa, Fawn

Girl names:Alischa Kimberly or Grace Boy :Samuel Nelson or Alex

Names: Girl-Daphne Boy-Isaac

Who else noticed 42 wasn't in the playlist?

hey hey , you should name a child after me, lakaisha. La-kay-sha is how you say it (btw)

When she didn’t name the baby teddy

baby names :) girl: mary, Lizzy, luna, Kelsey, April. boy: joey, Ronald, Terry, Waller or keasy

Lily ,lexi,Bella ,boys names ,lupus,Karen,lapis

Emma for girl and cole for boy

"they got very european here"IM DEAD

Boy: callum or Chris Girl: Lauren or Angela I'd appreciate if everyone liked this post so Kelsey sees it

I love how it is Phoebe case my name is Phoebe

Boy:William Girl:Hanna And I also just wanted to say thank you for highlighting my comment on your vid when you reacted to the sims college trailer!

Can you name a baby girl, Lilian? And a baby boy, Gary or Ryan. ☺️

im a big fan pls name a child after my suggestion girl: Sydney, Monica, and Paige boy: Ethan, Jace, COLE

did i miss something with alternate universe chealsea . you 2 were besties then you freaked out . what happened?

Boy: Edward Girl: Essie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Girl Precious Boy Isaac

Baby names: Girl: Alexandra or Angel Boy: Patrick

If its a girl Penelope. If its a boy Drake.

Could you name a girl Bree after Briel

Boy names: Mason, Kade Girl names: Ivy, Haevyn, Lilly, Raelynn

Girls names: Phoebe, Amber, Arianna, Tasha, Noa. Boy names: Gordon, Ian, Mark, Matt, Timmy, Allen, Aiden

Lenore for a girl or Morrison for a boy!

Can you name a girl Alessandra or a boy Alessandro? ❤️❤️❤️

Name a girl Mariah please

Names for gorls:Abigail(my name) Kate(my besties name) Andrea Anderson Addison Lily Jade Boys names: Grant (my brothers name)Lukas Adrian Tommy Skylar jay

Girl:Azllyn or Emery

Name suggestion-Alora

Girl name! :> Shaden ( shad-en. It means young baby deer! :> P.S Your the best!)

Can you plz Let Tom Holland play spider man ps4

I like this T-shirt I need one lol

You NEED to make Chelsea Jr. Emo

Anyone else ready for blonde Kacey to come back?

Please name a baby girl after me, Rebecca.

you shoud put someone in the hotdog

So I know you love Harry so maybe name a baby girl Lily Luna in his honor!

Since my birthday is in November, will you name the next girl ‘Brenna’ after me?

I just found out that you can purchase a buffet table from luxury party stuff pack and you can drag the food into the fridge. That way you don't have to cook Girl: Echo Boy: Skylar

Girls:Rosa,Amy,Gina or Karen for a meme Boy :Jake,Raymond,Boyle,Terry Not Brooklyn 99 names

Name the next boy Brayden because that is my name and btw I have been watching sense episode 1

Girl:Amanda,Ellie,Ella,Emma,Rachel,Monica, Janis Boy:Edward,Nathan,Lucus,Joey,Ross, Chandler

Can you please name a girl Matilda ❤️

For a girl Dahlia For a boy Graham

A good name is girl Paris boy France

Girl names: Madeline, Lisa, and Lucy. Boy names: Nick, Mike, and, Max.

When imposter Chelsea walked in oh my gosh silence sees them kissing

Girl: Rachel, Charlie Boy: Duncan, Aaron

Faster movement for the tods make them go up the stairs and then send them back down and back up

Girl: Luna, Aria or pixel Boy: Loyd, Corbyn or Zane Thx

Friends fan Girl: Rachel Boy: Ross

pls name one imogen

Names for girl: Ayla, Aspen, Julia Names for boy: Austin, Ryan, Seth

Or a girl Karly

If kasey has a boy u should name him kyle

Girl name: MiAngel Boy name: Charlie

Am I the only one who can’t remember what Kasey’s original name?? What was it??

I love you!❤️❤️ Girls- Everlee, Cora, Miley, or Rain after my Daughter Boys- Ziv, Hobbes, Max, or Parker after my brother

How many babies did she get i got lost

Name: If a girl : leila/moana/monica/marinette/moon If a boy : adrien/sun/jimin/man/ nino I hope you like this choices

Also can you name a girl Alison please

Name a baby girl Caroline after me id love it thanks and if its a boy Philip just because i love that name❤️ luv youu soo much!

Nadia . Name a girl Nadia

I think that Brittany, Matthew, Brett and Scotty would be amazing names for future kids. Love these episodes can't wait for more!!

Can you name a girl Marinette or a boy Adrien

for a girl Thana for a boy Vladamir

What hospitals do you use??

You should use Autumnbrooke!

Girls name - Kristal Boys name - Jenson

None of the brothers or sisters had they’re own kids?

Baby names: Boy- Jason Girl- Laura (like my name)

I would recommend Don Lothario as a baby daddy he can give you a high chance of triplets or twins

You could name a baby Leah or Rihanna

(dedicated to my little cousin who passed away a little while ago) please name a girl Callee, the girl now in our hearts. and if it is a boy, please name Alex(Brother) or Trey(older cousin) Another is Izzy/Isabelle or Isabella

--BBY NAMES-- Girl- Karen, Linda, Carol Boy- Frank, bobby, deli

I can't remember if you did these names yet (Giving 3 since you never know when Kasey is gonna have triplets) Boy(s): Malacai, Matthew, Micah Girl(s): Ember, Evelynn, Elise

Hi I used to watch this series quite long ago back in Chelsea's time and at some point I kinda forgot about it and now it popped up in my recommendations again and I'm so glad to be caught up again! I tried this a lot when I watched it before but lets try it again, can you call a baby after me? My name is Sascha it can work for both a girl or a boy :)

Girl name: Emma

Girl: Lily, Julia Boy: Michael, Jackson

Pork adobo

name a gal Julia

For a girl could you name her Katniss or Prim after the hunger games and for a boy could you name him Peeta or Gale?

Baby Names: Charlene, Sharri, Sharon. Timothy, Steve, Adam

I noticed an angel icon with a plus sign when you interacted with Chelsea???

Pork Adobo in the Sims4..

have a baby with the Mermaid man pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

Sims names: Girls - Sofia, star, moon, violet, Jessica, Ava, zali, Chloe, Saturn, Venus,Charlotte, Ella, Alannah, Hannah, Aggy or mia Boys - Darcy, Jakob, Henry, Christian, Sam, Edward/eddy, Ryder, Owen, Julian, Max, Alec, Rafe or Matthew Sims tips: Make food in bulk - While all the kids are doing something, make food in bulk so that you always have food int he fridge, like make 5 family size garden salads so that you have 40 servings of garden salads ready. Buy books - Buy books to increase children’s or teens skills and is a cheaper way to get skills up, e.g buy a book for a cooking skilled person instead of buying a kitchen. It’s just an example I couldn’t think of anything else. Sorry about the bad English. I really want Kelsey to see this so please like it.

Please name a baby Emma because that's my name

Hey Kelsey! Can you name a girl Jessica after me. It would mean the world to me if I saw my name as one of Kasey's children, kind of like me being there with you!

ashton looking like frodo from lord of the rings :))

Lia, Luna, Liam, Henry please

baby name suggestion: girl: odelia or Claire boy: Chess or Chris in honor of Chelsea

Hello please name one of the kids Lilly and a boy London

Because you have her in your gallery, and you had saved her from this game, it will regenerate her as a NPS after she has passed and be no relation to your sims.

Girl: Anika,Ziva Boy: Aniston, Maliki

Into the Chelseaverse

What if... now I'm just theorizing this but... what if Chelsea Jr. came out as trans to her mom? And her hair change was a sneaky hint? Just a thought...

for a boy the name could be Boston

For a girl Jayden For a boy Connor I'm a girl and I have a twin and His name is connor and my name is Jayden

Can you please name a girl Jasmin or Theodora

You should name a baby girl Angel to honor all of the dead Impiccishmays (sorry if I spelled that wrong) Also if you have a boy you should name it Brady from Dance Moms or Jim from The Office

Name a girl Maria, and say dear Maria count me in

BABY NAME SUGGESTIONS: Girl: Lyndsi (after me aka a different spelling for Lindsay) or Aubrey Boy: Jakob (after my brother) Twins: -Melody & Harmony -Eli & Levi -Eve & Jude

Is there a potion to bring Harry back to life

Going off of friends do Monica and Ross since they are siblings

You should name a girl Mia because that’s my name and I would love that

Will you please name a baby girl Gabby after me

Am I the only one that wants a few more blonde kids????? Maybe make Kasey blonde for a little while again??

Chelsea Impiccishmay? No, Chelsea Impostermay


Can you name a child Macey or Mason for my brother

Does anyone remember what video Kasey met and seduced Tom Holland?

I have watched since episode one. /i would lobe for you to name a girl DaJa.

WAIT it's already been a year? O.o

Can you name one if it’s a girl Priscilla and if it’s a boy Riley

Please name a baby after my own tods Isabella and Maximus I been here since day one and love watching once they go to bed every Saturday... #mumlife haha

PLEASE name 2 kids Stella and Luna no matter what gender.

Boy name: Todd (short for toddler) Girl name: Tiff

Girl names: Anna Lola Ross Emeline Annabelle Ella Carla Dahlia Leah Audrey and Evie

Could you Name one of your girls Avery or Ruby And for one of your boys Jackson or Ander

What time do the episodes come out I’m ready for the next part!

Where is the new episode? :') Pls name girl Sakura coz let add some variety in the baby name XD

Baby names Girls Kenzi(my name) Maci ,Sadie, Hatti Boy names Lane, Witten Kyle, Hunter Btw LOVE YOUR VIDEOS BEEN HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING

Thank you so much that made my day❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kenzi, you have a pretty name! Perfect for the next matriarch!!

Please name a baby Basil or Clementine

where's episode 45??

Episode 45 please!

where's episode 55?

Where is todays episode?

i know right, they're never late

Yeah, it was supposed to come out 18 mins ago


Name your child Tristan and tommy if twin boys and twins girls sun and moon love u

Girls: Amanda, Jenn, Angela, and Emily Love your show

Boy: Robert, Thomas, Ben, Timothy, Erik, and Jeffrey

Name you child Yasmin and jasmine twins or not x

If it's a girl: Zoe or Skylar If it's a boy: Toby or Alfie

Girl: Elmira, Aliene (al-een) Boy: Solomon, Jason.

I have been commenting on every video you've made, please do Sofia after me! everything is always Sophia and for once I want it to be SOFIA.

Can you name a girl hannah

Baby girl: Ava Rose Lillie Aroura Sophie Katelyn Mary Sue Dori Emily Marzia Maya Karina Baby boy: Nate Filix Brandon Ronald Johnathan(John for short) Alexander(Alex for short) Colton

Girl: Kisea or Kristine Boy: Yvan or Joshua btw love the series! more power to you in the future!

Can you name a baby Jeremiah, Jane, or Jillian?

girl stacy boy lance

baby names for girls: Kiera, Xenia baby names for boys: Jaxon, Julius pleaseee

Name suggestions girl:Jasmine boy:Orion for the flower/princess and star sign.

you should name a boy Finn because of "i'm fine, it's fine, we're fine"

Btw if you want a pool just lock the door for the kids,todlers and teens

can you name your baby nathania if she’s a girl

Kelsey: oh, that stranger looks like my mum, here’s a house key so you a *stranger* can come into my house and talk to my kids unsupervised coz that will go down well. Who needs stranger danger am I right? P.s. no hate just a joke ilysm Kelsey

Girl names: Luna, Venus, Artemis, Allura, Penn Boy names: Roman, Edmund, Dominic

I wanted to shoot myself at 19:08

Are you visco?????? ?

Girl: Petunia Boy: Crew

Girl: Kasha Boy: Jared cuz y not

names: boy or girl - emmy!! love the series

Baby name ideas: Girl:Theodosia Boy: Philip

Gwen,Celeste,Aurora,or grace if girl If boy Theron,Jake,max,or Robert

If its a girl Mckenzie (or just Kenzie) or Shannon! Its my birthday next week I'm shannon & i watch the 100BC with my 5 year old Kenzie all the time!!

If Gril:saoirse if boy:rory

Girl: Lorraine Boy: Shane, Garrett

Girl: Audrey Boy: Jace

8:36 "ever come over whenEVER you want"

Baby name: Elo Works for either a boy or a girl. And "Hello, Elo." will never get old.

girl: belle boy: pablo

You should make Holly the girl from The Addams Family wednesday

*when you go to the pool to seduce men but find your dead mom from a parallel universe*

for a girl molly, gen for a boy nick, kole either dylan

Girl jaki or boy Dayton

I can't stop laughing at the "Okay they got very European there", I'm French and Chelsey and Kasey kissing each other's cheek didn't even surprised me

When did olive die?

Like the real Chelsea

Can you do a make over for Chelsea Jr?

If its a girl kahmora. If its a boy kahmari

Is there children are a b student and it's the weekend they are all done and you can age them up

Sooo, my name's Logan and I'm ginger, and I just became an adult. Weird coincidence lol.

Can you pls name a baby elsie but it’s pronounced like Lc

i just realized that Kasey can have a child with Chelsea

I also had alternate universe versions of my sims. I killed them because they annoyed me so much ahah Still dunno why though

I feel like time is going faster than the sims now.

That pool lasted way longer than I expected

Sloan (my name) and some Grey’s Anatomy names like Meredith, Christina, Izzy, George, Derek, Mark.

Please name the next bby girl hannah

Can't she just put a fence around the pool


Boy name: George

Play a game for the baby names: (Someone says the alphabet in their head and you say stop) A - Alice/Andrew B - Beatrice/Bob C - Claire/Collin D - Drew/Drake E - Emma/Elvis F - Fiona/Fred G - Gwen(dolin)/Gus(tav) H - Hanna/Hans I - Isabelle/Igor J - Jasmine/Jordan K - Kristen/Kevin L - Louise/Lars M - Marlen (duh)/Marcel N - Nura/Noah O - Ophelia/Oliver P - Penny/Pete Q - Quinn/Quentin R - Rylie/Ryan S - Sharpay/Shawn T - Thalia/Tom U - Uma/Udo V - Valerie/Vincent W - Winona/Wilson X - Xena/Xavier Y - Yolanda/Yves Z - Zoey/Zac

Can you name a boy Elliot or Oliver

Ok is it me or dose anyone else think that Harry committed suicide because he was so sad and wanted to be with his aunts and uncles


Please name a girl Fern :) Thank you

Did anyone else catch Annie walking through the salad put on the floor

I think it was blare and not Brooke

kelsey's done this intro SO many times she almost burst out laughing

Pour one out for that hamburger cake.

You should name Girl:Lenny Boy:Lin

You should name either a girl or boy Camden or Kamdyn

Kelsey: YOU CAN DO THIS KELSEY ITS FINE me: reads kelseys shirt IT SAYS ITS FINE

Or if it is a girl rose

Hi, some baby names suggestions. Girl: Camille, Camila Boy: Mason, Benjamin or Noah #100babychallenge #babynames #100babynames

Girl: Valery Boy: Alexander

Looooooove these videos:) If it's a girl - Stella, Altea, Caroline If it's a boy - Sebastian, Vito, Milo

Baby names: Lina, Rosa, Talia,and Jessie for girl, Carter, Howard, Adrien, and Austin for boy

can u name a boy jay after my brother and girl layla

Girl: Jordyn Boy: Jordan xoxoxo I like my own name

Pretty name!

are you sure her names kasey and not karen

Baby names :)

Ashton is such a cutie, I was lol when that guy stole her food! tear that guy a new one

So... since you're new to giving people other than Olive house keys: Kacey didn't actually take the house key given in this episode BACK from Chelsea. That's also why she didn't leave immediately and instead went upstairs to sleep... (When you take a house key back, it might take a couple tries and the sim taking it back actually goes up to the other one and there's an animation to go with that.) Now go actually give your ghosts, including Harry, house keys so they stop breaking things. Seriously, woman.

Boy: Marcus or Greyson Girl: Desiree or Paige

Veronica, Stella or Alessia for girl names

AHHH NOO I just remebered we have three todds and one wants to die!!!

I would love to name your baby "Megan" for a girl

Girl hazel Boy hunter

Why do the partner Sims always celebrate the pregnancy so much? Like what if they didn't want the responsibility of a baby rn?

Is it just me or is Holly giving me Wednesday Addams vibes??

Can you name a girl Sakura? After my name, and make her look all pink and cute. Also name a boy Yuuto. That is my brothers name

Harry being dead is hilarious 'cos he was The Boy Who Lived and he's the one boy that, like, didn't.

Girls: Eve Boys: teddy

Can you name a boy Michael or Jackson so we can all sing Annie are you okay, are you okay Annie you've been hit by, you've been hit by a smooth criminal.

If you have twin girls please name them Angeline and Evelyn.

Tanisha for a Girl's Name please please please

Here’s some baby names here’s some girl names :Lynn Valerie Ansley :boy names :Landon jerrett and mason :>

Tobias or Zander boy Sasha girl

Girl names: Lottie, Layla, Loni, Mia and Eve. Boy names: Lewis, Kimi, Keon, Lee and Hamilton.

I hate how many people are called leo/Leonardo because that’s MY NAME anyways could you name a baby girl Mario

Baby Names: Girl: Wren Boy: Simon

Kelsey please name a baby girl Sasha after me


I want one of those shirts Kelsey is wearing. That is cool.

please EVER visit when EVER you want 8:36


How about hermione or Ronald

i literally watch this and wish i was part of their fam


Can you name a baby girl Allie???

name a child Sakura

I think the next gen should be either Chelsea Jr. Or Annie.

I really want you to name a your next twins (if opposite genders) Artemis and Apolo If a single girl Persephone, Kore, Nyx, Hecate, Hera, or Aphrodite If a single boy Hades, Aidoneus, Erebus, Hermes, Eros, or Ares

Girl: Unique Boy: Zayn or Uleik Twins: Zayla and Zayn Triplets: Lele , Leion , Lucas Quadruplets: Cayce , Cayden , Carlos , Clarence

Baby names Girl. Chelsea Jr,forever,always Boy, Christian for Chelsea,Zack,max

Boy,ty,jax,payton. Girl,Sue,Kim,Jay Twins.girls,may,Mia Twins.boys,Jim,Joe Twins.boy.girl,girl.kam.boy,sam

Boy: Victor Girl: Dahlia Both are named after my best friends :)

2:55 "your dad was so hot"

Kelsey: *deletes pool* Flashback to the last time she was looking at new houses: *sees pool* “oops my finger slipped “

can you name a girl mia if it is a boy riley

Lol Kelsey you ordered a diff food than that guy. You picked the bahn mi and the food the guy took was pork Adobo or something.

Hahaha wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww bommmmmmmmmmmmmm

I think you should name a girl : Rebecca a boy : renaldo twin girls : luna lilly twin boys: archie Arlo

The merch shop is in the description near the bottom.

Girl name(s) : Lily if twins Lily and Emma Boy name(s): Owen and if twins Owen and Mike

Names: Boy: Neo Girl: Naomi

I’m surprise that, A child didn’t get taken away from her yet knock on wood!


Girl: Ruby, connie, Coraline, or heather Boy: lars, steven, Wybie, or Jason

@I Like YouTube hilarity does not preclude irony, they are not mutually exclusive, I selected based on the tone of comment I wanted to make; it's hilarious *because* it's ironic, the irony being implied semantically to avoid the sense of cynicism and smugness that always accompanies such humourless comments. Congratulations on being able to identify irony though, well done!

Not hilarious but ironic

Phoebe sounds like 53

do you guys like, UNDERSTAND that kelsey is getting closer to 100 children so that means this challenge is also getting closer to the end I´M NOT READY TO LET GO

NAMEEEEEEEEES girl: Luna, Tina, Luciane boy: Rocco, Apolo, Tomas

I find it extremely weird that kelsey is still single i mean she has everthing a man would want and need and still has leftovers Men you gotta open your eyes o (∩ ω ∩) o

Girl: Noa and Miele Boy :Ezra Ilan

I really don’t like this house. I’m not getting good Impicchismay vibes from it.

Did no one else notice that she reamed that guy out at the food stall for stealing her food, but that wasn't the food stall that she ordered from? Lol

You should call a boy Oliver

Sorry this is my last time speaking you should name a girl Caroline so you can say “Sweet Caroline”Bamb Bamb Bamb!

at 13:40 is when kasey meets chelsea plz like^ somewhere

Ok, so my name is Phoebe, every time she says the baby’s name I get anxiety.

Kelsey to Ashton: "I'm not a big fan of his face. I don't know why. Your dad was so hot."

Henry, William, Arthur for boys Matilda, Ella, Evelyn for girls

3:33 Kelsey : NO NO No Me : ya girl

Girl: Brenda, Courtney, Sarah Boy: Jackson, Lukas, Max


If you wanna be a ninja you gotta take it seriously


Next it’ll be Chelsea quit taking all the men

Love that shirt

Girls: Adeline, Ariel, Abigail, Averie, Aurora, Alex, Crystal, Catarina, Cambridge, Camryn, Kayleigh, Athena, Audrey, Lizzy (or Lizzie), Eliza, Liza, Harper, Layla, Ivy, Mary, Lilleigh, Forest. Boys: Noah, Lucas, Brennan, Brandon, Kodi, Cody, Luke, Michael, Mikey, Mike, Ben, Benjamin, Harold, Patrick, Pat, Darvin, Jacob, Blake, Samuel, Whitman, Brian, Andrew.

It’s not Ashchon it’s Ashton

Have a baby with Chelsea

Names Girl: Janet Boy: James

Here are some baby names:. Boy: Emerson Girl: Elizabeth For twins or not

Mom: aaAaaaaaA me:Oh no moms losing D: HEheeheh

Toddler goes outside, mother looks at pool." You know what, no know what. No, no, no,no." Deletes pool,"Ok, were fine now."

Do you support the Buzzfeed Union?

People who have actually lost family members v Kelsey.

I fell asleep through some of this episode, and all I see when I wake up is Kasey taking *ALIVE* Chelsea's resident key. Someone, I'm too lazy to go back and watch, so explain to me what's happening

Can u name your baby after me karlena

If a you a girl name her Stella and a boy tommy

Make Kelsey jr look more like Kelsey

Number of times Kelsey has said eating for two | \/

10:44 I don’t think she realized she gotta full on pink skin pink haired pink clothed Annie on the potty

I meant 10:34

From Elizabeth Peabody?

I watch this video 12 h per day

UM did anyone else notice that Kasey is the mom but in the video description its spelled Kacey?

PRO TIP (though not sure if it will work on Sims 4): I noticed you click the speed buttons a lot with the mouse. To get through things faster by using 2 hands, you can use the numbers on the keyboard for the speeds and P for play/pause which frees up the mouse to move the camera and click on sims while you mess with the speed.


Did anyone else notice that Logan looks like a boy version of Daphne from Scooby Doo

You should give holly and Hayley the same outfits but one wears colours the other wears black and white

A girl: Celia A boy: Killian

"One just woke up and she wants to dieeee" Hi, that would be me.. I'm that lil toddler

It's so funny how Kasey was potty training Ashton, then she had an accident in front of him. Aston this is y u need to be potty trained ok. Take it from ur mom who just pee on the floor

Holly is honestly my favorite....

Wtf my chem prof used the same expression you did in his email when our finals came out “a B is nothing to sneeze at” and I was thinking who tf says that

Ugh you should have gave impostor Chelsea a chance! She probably would have at least helped clean....

Just realized that there is a Ferris wheel as the icon of loss which is a reference to a book I read in middle school. I forget the name though if someone knows what I'm talking about pls help me out!!

Joe is a cute name for a girl

if it is a girl: rose if it is a boy:cole

Chelse jr looks like young shAne Dawson

Pray for meh!

Girl: Kayla or Julia Boy: Justine or Kent

Guys went from playing on your computer, to (unhelpfully) trying to help the babies, to cleaning the house (helpfully)


Death flower is what you put in your inventory to spare your life from an accidental death. Like this so Kelsey can see so she is prepared next time something like that happens. You have to have the flower in your inventory already before the accident happens, so maybe just keep it with Kasey for when her time comes. Also if you have a chess table nearby you can battle the grim in chess and bring them back if you win.

You need to change your hair back to blonde like you said

Have a baby with parellel universe Chelsea

Boy: toe toe girl: tweet tweet

That feeling when you love Harry Potter, have started watching FRIENDS and your name is Phoebe

17:09 her face has me dying

If it is a boy craig If girl Isabella

нσρє ιѕ ѕσ тнι¢к ¢σмραяє∂ тσ кαѕєу

Wait if Chelsea is still alive then Is olive still live .?????

Name your baby girl Luna please

I don't actually know that movie or book, I just think there cute names and there one of my favorite names that's all.


Can one name be amy for a girl and ash for a boy

Kelsey please name a girl erika in memory of eric

every time the kids are ready they don’t go to school

It's not nol it's Noelle

boy chocolate girl caramel boy rocke

Jaylen please

Why is Logan so skinny?

Morning:wake up eat skills needs Later in the morning: skills school After kids leave for school:man and baby time Eating for two:break up Age up baby repeat

Girl: Delilah or Ivy Boy: Jackson

Dani for a girl pls and a boy Dan pls

P for Phoebe, H for Hoebe, O for Oebe, E for Ebe, B for Be, and E for Ello there mate!

How many parts are there

Oh so holly and haily (is that right) are like me and my friend Isla Isla like bright colours and I like black unless it is yellow because I’m a hufflpuff

Anyone remember Marcus? And... Dominque? Is that his name?

I dont understand the "annie are you okay joke "

When is kasey gonna be blonde again I miss it ☹️

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