Single Girl Gets Pregnant With Twins In The Sims 4 | Part 52

Single Girl Gets Pregnant With Twins In The Sims 4 | Part 52

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I don't, know much but I do know that the first baby in season 2 is not, gonna be named corona. He'll, see I'm still, at home alone. And we thought it would be funny if I tried, the 100, baby challenge it's a challenge in the sims 4 where you have a matriarch and they are supposed to have. 100. Children all with different parents there's a lot of rules to this challenge if you are interested, in playing along those links will be below last. Time we. Had a bit of a rocky, start oh my god all my kids are here and they won't leave and they keep eating my food then. Everything, boom boom boom happened all at once at the end of the episode we, got an age up we, got a pregnancy. Up, on site you've seen, like, married. On first sight you've seen love is blind but, have you seen we. Had a baby on the first date on purpose that's. A new show I'm so excited to fall in love with a new baby. It's. Gonna be so much fun so without further ado let's, get into the video game let's, check in on the impeach Rashmi family, we've got KC out here still with say to her, latest, baby, daddy, we got Lucien he's getting ready to sit. Down and do his homework August. Is about to do his homework autumns about to do her homework Connors, about to do his homework so it's Mars and Blake's about to go to bed all of my children are perfect I set myself up for success last time, mom. When was tell him the big news hey, dude that's sitting in my bush, did. You know that, I'm currently expecting, Blair, and PK would like to go flight fireworks, with the humor in hiding festival as much fun as going. Out with. My ghost, daughter, would be you, know what let's do it maybe, we'll meet a new suitor she's still in her swimsuit - I can't wait she's, pregnant but it doesn't mean she can't have a good time, Blair my. Ghost daughter, I, am. Pregnant. Blair's, like mom I'm, so happy to get you out of the house it, feels like you're always shut up there with all of your kids she's, like I really am honestly. I feel like this look has been Casey all along and I just didn't even know she was just such a Queen Fitness goddess. Having, fun whoo oh that's, her own son. It's. Bound to happen in this playthrough, okay, it looks like we don't need to make it weird but I feel like the night is young we can still keep browsing and perusing, who's this Stefan. Andersson, he. Is a correct, also who's this Chad, charmington. It, looks like a prince charming but this guy's more handsome, so we're gonna go first Ethan hi Steven. Happy. Day aren't. I in chanting, he his heart is a flutter share big news be like hi I'm. Casey. I'm, pregnant. I'm trying, to have a hundred. Children, intrigued. Oh she's, chatting with her son she's. Like Romeo wait. Is he sitting got is this Romeo's, friend oh my god she's like Justin crouching, on Broz night like who's, your friend, that's, so weird I feel like the impeach Ishmael Draenei aren't even fazed by this now like most kids would be humiliated. Or embarrassed or. Like grossed out not, the in future space they're like you, get it mom, well he maybe looks a little awkward Hey, look fool flatter. Him give moon, oh look he is vibing. He's like flirty, as heck what's ass gonna be single, be like hey Stephan you, single. I've. Got like the weird giggity, head he, is single. Get. To know. We. Got some fireworks good, for us they're watching it together, this is pretty romantic look at them they're like ships passing. In the night, complement his appearance, tell him how good he looks and that tight t-shirt. With the dragon. Skills mouth. Okay. We're, gonna go home she's so happy. She's, like I'm exhausted, but, I had a good flirt sesh okay. I'm gonna check in on all the kids who has done their homework while we were gone homework 50%, done that's pretty good but you know what we could do a hundred, percent why are you still up oh she's, hungry um we're gonna grab her a little salad here you go darling. My little. Witchy queen she's like the little like, Hermione Granger, of the family you know came from a family of muggles but is totally gonna be the, brightest, Witch of her age you.

Are Very sad why are you so sad you need some attention well what do you have you have thinking, is level one I got, news for you you, should work on that let's, get, you on this. You, got it buddy your movements level three so you just need magic Asian potty and thinking, we're halfway there with little Blake she's so smart. Homework is complete for Ottoman Pewterschmidt, yeah Yoda good, job that, means that, you need to socialize oh my gosh why is Connor. Just doing push-ups oh why don't you talk to Connor about school this is great ask about his day you're, gonna be up there in no time my darling she, is really, having, fun oh it's, 3:30. A.m. and like, my kids are just going, to town well, we got a little brother-sister. Time Lucian's. Gonna be a good brother even though he, like it's kind of evil and only likes animals, what. If he just hates everybody, in the house but his little sister Blake and she's the only one that he likes he's, getting really uncomfortable because of how smelly, Blake, is like, is so smell. Everybody's. Gonna start school soon, oh. Oh, dude, don't do that don't do that oh he really needs just like Casey's. Got. Our little short look today I also want to give her a makeover to, be more like athleisure maybe, we'll do that now before we forget Casey, let's. Change your hair so. That it's in that cute ponytail. This, one yeah that one's cute oh that's, cute okay this is like cute but I feel like we can go lean even harder into the athleisure I mean this is cute with like some leggings but I feel like she's even more athleisure yeah like that that's really cute and then we'll do like some leggings. Skin-tight, oh that's kind of cute actually, and then her shoes will have them be more athletic. Shoes yeah, oh that's cute okay, outfit, to you I still like this this, one we need to change this. Was not the vibe anymore, that's so last season Casey she's, like new and improved she's got her glow up let's do like athletic. Oh this one's cute show off those ABS she's. So red she's. Just so ripped, we gotta get the red dress but we gotta, update so, let's go with colors red, see what the options are No. That. Was very nice that, one's a little more tasteful. We don't go out for tasteful at the little red dress we're going for a buffoon that's a little tube of boom I mean, whoa oh. That's. Actually cute, let's do this for the new red dress upgrade. Formal. I still buy bit athletic. Still, cute sleepwear. Great party, wear cute, I like, her new look I really like Casey's, new vibe this makes me happy duh. All. Right Casey's, here she's eating lunch with, her with her son everybody's. Off to school everybody, was study really hard at school please, thank. You you, should go to school Lucien, go to school drop that let's go to school don't be late don't be late to school Lucien, he's so tired because he stayed up late hanging, out with Blake oh no, ok our baby, is getting very hungry and tired, and everything but, it is ok we've got it, under control. Grades, are up Connors a B student, August, is an A student, good. Job kids. They. All look miserable. Let's blow out the candles, Lucien. Happy. Birthday, good. Job. And. He's, a lone loner, that makes a lot of sense he's a friend of the animals evil eats, lot in his loner we're so, proud of, our boy which, we might we might never see him again and you know what he might like it that way but, he's gonna miss Blake the most I think it's for the best, he's gonna be happy that way we can have twins. Goodbye Lucien. It's, my little loner, August. Was aging up into a teenager, go on August get on with your bad self, Oh No. Oh No. That, is one dirty kid ok pick a number one through 12, six. Six so he's going to be a food, lover pick a number one through two it's one MasterChef. All and. Then he's a perfectionist and self-absorbed. Maybe. He'll have his own cooking, show oh, look. He, even has a turban. We might give this boy a makeover that's, I'm, pretty sure he doesn't need to be rocking the turban but I get I get the vibe right eclectic. You can go for an eclectic man, he's. Pretty handsome okay. Maybe like something like this would be good for him have like a lot of color let's, do a Jean maybe, cuz, that's so baggy, we don't need baggy on baggy these ones are cool they come in a pink that's pretty fun mmm.

He Did say who to the pink he'll maybe wear a watch because he's a perfectionist, so he wants to be on time all the time that's, kind of cool actually with this purple stripe it's a very different vibe than the top though I feel like that's a good look let's see what is that whoa his. Formal, is very, huge. Oh he's, athletic is just, awful. Like what is he I think he's trying to find himself, maybe, this one there. You go oh, yeah, good, job buddy I think he's a stylish, boy I love, August, in this all, right let's get everybody kind of getting their needs in, order to her give a bubble bath to Blake, August needs some sleep so we're gonna put a gust to bed, hey love this the, stink trail this child is disgusting. What, a. Pro mom throws, the child in the air is changed. Oh gross. That. Definitely needs cleaned you're, hungry, aren't you she's hungry and sad that's, okay though get a leftover, salad, after this and. Use, the toilet that would suck to potty train your kid while you need to go like oh my gosh what a terrible, situation she's, like yeah Potter it's a good thing to do just. March. Through social have a three good job Mars you. Just need to be level four oh. Did. Someone say that something need online Mars, oh. He's. He's, enduring. The rough of it on the Internet you know talk, to mom mom, mom, is down to talk oh they. Gave each other a hug oh. My god she's showing she's. Showing a little bit of so cute, go. Teach your daughter blocks teach, teach shapes that, way Blake will learn faster, we, do not want three toddlers at once how are we all doing here, let's get Connor, up an atom and then Mars how, you doing Mars, fabulous, like. Are you going to bed what. About sweetie good night I, love you. Okay. Everyone. Is sad. Old. As usual. Mars. Is just wearing. His little sunglasses to, hide his sadness while he's chatting in a chat room so. Cute, oh my, gosh it's so funny oh. Our. Boy August is up I love your new outfit, August, you're looking great go. To school bye everybody bye, have. Fun at school, Connor aren't you going to school go. To school you're, skipping school, Connor what's, that about go to school well. In that. Case why. Don't you go work on your motor, skills and play some video games hey go Connor work, on your motor skill get that up there to level four I don't know what his deal is you, were my perfect bean you. Were gonna be a a student. Soon, boo boo he reached level three of motor skill good job buddy we got a lot, of stuff in the mailbox this, is why we never need to work she. Just makes money through like toys that people send us for the kids and through, the trash can what, a weird life we live here in the city, oh no, Blake. Someone. Made a mess clean, it up yes Connor if you're gonna stay home with mom you're, gonna have to get, your skills up. Cutie. Cuties. Ready to go potty all, right mom's gonna help you potty. Train and then, Blake is gonna age up today I'm so excited I'm, so so so excited whoa, oh my gosh people's grades are up okay how are you doing you're a B student but autumns an A student Connor, said B student and Mars is Abby's turn autom oh, my gosh guess what your brother who, is very unhappy, is going, to cook you your own hamburger. Cake, because, he loves cooking don't, you buddy all right what are you doing I did not ask you to do that potty trained Blake. So that Blake can age up with this cake okay. He finished yes, okay, she's gonna have a great birthday with her burger cake mom's. Coming to celebrate too every, birthday our little Queen love. Candles Make A Wish my darling autumn. Is gonna be such a cute little teen, girl. Out. Of age that pick, a number one through 12. Three. So she's gonna be a creative, pick a number one through four. So. She wants to be a master, actress, she's hot-headed and she's, materialistic.

Okay, Well, there. You go, oh. I'm. Not vibing, this, look let's, give you a bit of a makeover to, kind of seal the deal I'm feeling. This cool, Shorthair, vibe. I, know you're materialistic. So you probably won't want fancy, clothes let's. See like what the Richer looking clothes look like I want it to be cool and polish I like, this one it's kind of cute, the, bottoms, skin, tight jeans. That, look like kind of nice maybe. Like a cute, delicate, necklace or, like some earrings or something I think this is cute this is my autumn she's. Like wants to be an actress materialistic. A little hot-headed I know she was wearing a lot more color before maybe. Those were like a hand-me-down she was wearing and then she got her own like clothes there's, also August, as like way flashy. So I feel like she'd be a lot less flashy how was mom mom's great Blake, is still go into town on that potty Oh. Autumn. Is hang you know a little, Blake, I'm. Like, vibin. Teenager, autumn she's just like way, cool oh I. Guess just coming into the toddler room to do some, homework -. Blake. Respawned a level 3 another playdate. Link. H dubs Blake is active. And pick. A number one through four. Three. So Blake is also like, is gonna be like like. Athletic. Oh my gosh Blake is so going to play Quidditch I can't oh my gosh. She's, like a little oh she's. Sad but she's like a little tomboy which. You. Know what Blake, did okay dressing herself she got little stars got, fun little haircut we'll just keep Blake let Blake dress herself I think that's fine how do you sweetie, Oh oh, my gosh, classic. Autumn school is stupid I should just be able to start working or living life can, I never go to school again no school, is important, especially. When you're in high school well August students into this house he's going to be making. Sure the infeed Rashmi family eats well so why don't you make some fish. Tacos for the family Oh Blake already got level two of social.

Design Social, is izing. Socialization. He, is almost. A level four let's go let's go buddy you got this maybe. Speaking, the pants, off of you yay, okay. Now you're done so you're actually ready for school tomorrow that's good Marcy's getting ready for school tomorrow too Oh Blake's, actually, already, done ah the. Cleverest, Witch of her age we, stand, how, close, is she to having a baby, she's. In the third trimester it's. Gonna pop soon. Autumns. Awake she's gonna get some food look. At her she's, like bummed, cuz the only outfit that she got for herself is her like mainland so she doesn't like her pajamas, or anything else Oh. Redheaded. Queens having, some discussions. She's, like yeah mom whatever, autumn. Needs a skill so let's get autumn to practice acting there, you go, get. That skill, mom. Just got in the way just, walked, in, it started, washing a dish in front of her daughter and she's trying to practice acting and then talks to herself in the mirror and walks out perfect. Ignorance, rkc I feel so good having a house full of people that are like able, to take care of themselves. No Todd's Oh feeling. For Lauren no one likes me no one I'll ever like me why ball they were liking anything anymore, Kasey goes I'll always love you what, a cute mom moment, for Kasey she's, like I love you he's, like but I want everyone, to love me I'm self-absorbed. He's like I made fresh, bread. For everyone, oh here, is cooking level-3 good job. Good, job August, you need need a little shower before school actually it's Harvest Fest nobody has school today but, you know what we can still do today KC can, still, have, her baby day let's hope oh my gosh all the gnomes are inside I forgot, that this happens once, a year all the gnomes just come to visit Oh autumns. Like already freaking, at level 2 of the acting skill she's crushing. This everybody. Else is ready for school tomorrow so then, we can all just have a really nice meal together oh all, of the gnomes, have gone into the toddler, room and, are all just staring at. Blur. Fie kind. Of uncomfortable. You know what I'll just leave you all there it's almost 3:00, p.m. which is around the time that my family actually normally, has Thanksgiving, dinner we always have our dinner super, early it's, more of like a leaner let's, have oddest, actually, why don't you cook a grand meal ham dinner kind of sense you mean let's took a cooking handover for the family KC's never been prouder even if he is self-absorbed. Autumns, like just, being so rude taking. A piece of bread out of the kitchen not even waiting for him to finish he's, putting it in that, is exactly, how you cook, and prepare ham, it, is not at all weird that there was a sound effect of it pouring, oh. Oh. Wait. Stan look at your basin, yay. Okay. Let's call to, the grand meal its wake mama ja. She's like wakes up she's like it's time she's, like so pregnant, she has to sleep and is just wearing her pajamas to, Harvest. Fest dinner oh she's, gonna have a family full of redheads that I can't wait this is like the first time I've seen them all kind of just have a meal together and I don't even know when this is so cute oh. Be. Thankful there, you go all of you should be thankful to another one this is the first time I've actually had time to focus on a holiday in a while oh. Why. Don't you mop that up and take a shower you know it happens to the best of us. Stop. Being embarrassed in the mirror go, have your baby at the hospital oh my. Gosh it's our ex-ceo as usual, who's actually kind of one of our best friends now I think we've gotten to that point where she'd, be like hey thanks. For being here Oh Mews Eldo Peterson, we're not gonna talk to him I stand, this friendship, he's, seen her for so many babies, if the awkwardness, is gone she's, walking, down gonna. Have her babies, oh. My god so, accept it we're good move. Okay. Here, we go pull. Them out of us. Congratulations. It's a girl our first baby, of season, two of the 100 beauty challenge is a girl and as always I'm gonna look into the comments, to.

See What. I should name it one, point six thousand. Of you have responded let's, see what we see, okay a lot of people have actually suggested. Corona I'm not naming the baby Corona but I want to call out that that's very funny. That's. Just so hard to choose all of you guys have so many great names. The. Hannah sub girl. Hannah boy, Elliot, my name and my sister's, name that, is really. Funny and I'm going to name the first baby of season, 2 after you and your snarkiness, thank, you so much welcome, Hannah, in, Pewterschmidt. Tipping and future Schmidt family. So. I'm going to name the other girl I'm, actually gonna be the other girl Elliot, after your sister Hannah, and Elliot welcome, to the a Jewish making like thank you all for sending in all of your great, baby, name suggestions I will keep looking at all of them as we have more babies Oh. Our, first two babies of the challenge our major. Is still pretty embarrassed. That she's a oh, my, gosh. Oh. My. Gosh Tom, Holland came to the hospital, no man has ever come, to the hospital, for her. Brighten. His day oh, my gosh. Let's, give him a quick. Flirt. This. Was too. Flippin. Much oh my gosh. Well, I think, this is a perfect place to leave it for today thank you guys so much for tuning in we, are now at, how. Many babies so. We just hit sixty two babies I believe in this challenge, I could, be wrong I need to count them again but, thank you guys for sticking, with me for 62 babies and I can't wait to see you guys next Saturday bye. Hey. Everybody thank you so much for watching the 100 day challenge if you're interested make sure to hit that subscribe button leave a like or check out some of our other videos.

2020-04-20 11:46

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