Simple Trading Strategy that works

Simple Trading Strategy that works

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um can you you'll hear me can y'all see me  hear me see me and can y'all see my screen   can you see me can you hear  me and can you see my screen can you see me can you hear  me can you see my screen alrighty now uh welcome all of you to tonight's  session now do take note that um when i speak   versus when i when you see me or hear me speak  there is a delay of about 15 seconds so just take   note of that now today's session is by special  requests however it doesn't mean that i will not   cut down on my answer i will  answer that the best that i can   just to make sure that you understand tonight's  session is actually um sponsored by taxi   so if you have an account um or you don't  have a trading account you can use this link   and you get a special promotion where you fund  in a 1000 sync dollars and you trade five lots   okay five lots round them within two months you  will get a 200 cashback that means this is not a   trading credit this is a cashback so let's just  put it this way in terms of traders basically   i'm not a salesperson i'm not i'm not a  salesperson i'm an engineer by by trade   so in other words if you trade a thousand dollar  and you know if you open an account and fund in   a thousand dollar and you lose a thousand dollar  let's say you lose you do lose a thousand dollar   drop an email say i want that 200 and you're done  basically you can say that trading is not for me   i'm not interested you're done okay um  basically do take note that every time   you trade there's always a risk i cannot  guarantee whether you make money i cannot   we almost can guarantee that if you do trade  almost guaranteed that you will lose money   okay so take note of that you have to understand  the risk of trading now if you have any questions   um you can email at or jungwoo the emails are right there i will post this   into the facebook gathering of traders today's  session um yeah they also do have stocks   alex they also do have us stocks um this  is a demo account so don't have they got somewhere okay because this demo demo account  so it's not listed okay now taxi trade in all   major futures forex and commodity and also  crypto and they are licensed in asic uh uk   um a lot more license okay um for more details  about xc please look for them i'm not a staff of   xe but they basically ask me to do a special  seminar just for you now the good news is   usually promotions are only given to new clients  however this promotion is also valid for existing   client that uses this link to open a trading  account previously so if you already previously   opened a trading account using my link um you're  also entitled to this promotion just meet this   requirement you got any question please drop them  an email okay um this session will last about two   hours um there will be a break in between the  good news is this session are also recorded   as you can see i'm a one person show okay  this section are also recorded and i will once   we finish the session i will post it into the  youtube feel free to share this youtube with any   of your friends okay so feel free to do that um  however if there are questions that requires me to   to extend the time hey power is gonna  speak tonight at two o'clock in the morning   but i don't think so you are gonna stay  with me until two o'clock in the morning   but power is gonna speak do take note that um  eight o'clock just now ten minutes ago bullard   is speaking 8 30 we got news and then two o'clock  power is speaking the last time power spoke dow   jones went up a thousand points and then the  next day it collapsed more than a thousand points   so after that after that u.s market has been  kept on going lower this is smp on a daily candle   this was the last time power spoke in the fomc  so now the question everyone's asking will powell   crash the market again tonight i i doubt even  if the market on a crash may be tomorrow but   let's see mainly because the last time  he spoke market went up after that market   may not be that good after all okay  now let's start our lesson for today today i'm going to share with you give me  35 seconds for me to show you how to use a   very sophisticated strategy combining hundreds  of indicators that you can use to make profits   100 all the time so that you can make millions  of dollars immediately that's today's session   so my question to you if you hear this sales talk  you should be very motivated by now am i right   that i'm going to learn a strategy that is going  to make me 100 profit all the time so tomorrow   immediately i put in open an xc  account put in a thousand dollars   and by end of tomorrow i'll make a million dollars  isn't it great so that you don't waste your time   so that immediately i'll be a  multi multi multi millionaire   and i have financial freedom for the rest  of my life aren't you motivated right now   but as a trader whenever we see or hear this  statement we run we run or we just listen to it's a comedy because this doesn't happen so let  me ask you a very simple question if we equate   trading like a casino i know some people say it's  a casino but it is actually better than a casino   the reason is we see the cut then we decide  if we want to play the cards in the casino   we don't see the dealer card then we have  to place a bet but over in here we can see   the card then we can decide if we want to play  the cards okay but if you ask yourself a casino if even if you sign up for a very very  super expensive class do you think   you can able to learn a strategy that gives you a  99 to 100 chance of winning or let's just put it   the other way around do you think casino has a 99  or maybe 80 percent chance of winning you do you   realize one thing that usually casino play with  ox and the odds of winning for you can be 50 60 70   and the odds of you winning the casino i think the  best odds you can guess is maybe 50 51 but over in   here we are not going to take a 50 51 we want to  increase the odds maybe to about 55 to about 60 all right and generally if you notice most of  the people that go casino usually lose money and most of the time you listen to the friend who  are trading the market they all lose money try not   to talk to you if you're if you're a girlfriend  uh last week girlfriend if your girlfriend's   name happened to be luna uh last week she's not a  very good week isn't it so all you need to do is   find odds that gives you on your site  that perhaps if your odds are 60 70   you can give it a chance give it a try but  always understand that nothing is hundred percent   even if you win the checkpoint the casino can  say oh machine issue machine problem the winnings   we take back nothing 100 okay so today i'm going  to share with you the opposite of this statement   you will not need you will not get a strategy in  35 seconds in fact the easiest job is for me to   share with you this simple strategy hopefully  in less than two hours providing with all the   questions that you have that's the easy part  the hard part is for you to do the homework   so if you have questions feel free to ask but  let me finish the lesson at least finish one   part first so that you you ask the question based  on the part okay this strategy is very simple   but it doesn't mean that it is easy because you  do need to spend some time recognizing the signal   finding out when is the best time  to use this particular strategy okay   it does need a combination of certain indicators  which i'll share with you and share with you   why i use that strategy it will not get you  profit 100 of the time but it can increase   your probability more than 50 60 70 maybe okay  and you can make millions of rupiah easily   not dollars unless you're talking about zimbabwe  dollar apologize you may find that my style and   the way i speak may be a little bit funny but  let me assure you one thing that when it comes   to making money i'm dead serious okay so i'm  gonna share with you this very simple strategy   but it involve you knowing charts a little bit  i'm gonna use this platform this is just a xe demo   account okay you can use a demo account in fact  i'll share with you how to download a demo account   software i'll put into the facebook group later  that you can open a demo account for you to   practice just in case you are very afraid to use  a live account first anyway you have two months   to fulfill the criteria right you don't need to  fulfill the criteria tomorrow you have two months   end of june okay so it will be good that you  start recognizing the signal practice with it and   then once you're comfortable then only you trade  with live account if you do not know how to use   mt4 metatrader4 i would suggest that you  please go to youtube type meta trader 4   and learn a few there's lots of youtube sharing  with you how to use this platform effectively   okay now we're gonna use there are lots  of ways to chart they are line chart   they are bar chart they are candlestick chart  okay so i'm going to share with you a little   bit on how to read this japanese  candlestick in japanese candlestick   we have two categories one is what we called  a white candle and one is what we called a black candle excuse me what's the  difference the difference is very simple   white is good if you are longing that means  if you are buying that particular stock of   that particular counter and if the price  goes up it will shows you as white candle   like this like this like this like this like this  but if you happen to buy luna and it goes like   that your face is very black so black candle tells  you the price has dropped for that particular   time frame now in this case of example i'm  opening up a chart called us 500 is equivalent to   smp and this happened to be a daily candle daily  candle means every one of these signifies one day   one day so this is today this is yesterday this  is friday thursday wednesday tuesday monday last   friday thursday and so on so every one of this  candle signifies one trading day can you change   in a different time frame a smaller time frame  yes we have weekly sorry monthly weekly daily 4   hour hourly 30 minute 15 minute 5 minute 1 minute  if i click on one minute it basically means that   every one of this candle is one minute so this  is one minute now do take note that i do not   this is my personal opinion i do not like to  trade with one minute and five minutes the minimum   our trade is 15 minutes okay let me give you  a reason why and i use exacerbated version why   i'll use bitcoin why bitcoin spread a little  bit bigger how about this i use one sg3 sg3 spread are big okay if  let's say if i enter right now   and i use this one particular candle right  here as my risk reward that means i use   this particular candle if i stop loss on this  particular candle that means if i entered here and i set my stop loss right there and let's say my risk reward is one to one let's  assume that my daily candle my risk reward is   one to one that means if i'm going to lose 50  i want to try to make 50 am i clear you will   notice that one thing every time i open a chart  sometimes you will notice that there is a red line   there is a a gray line and a red line  that difference is what we call spread   that means this is how much the broker charge  you every time you buy and then when you close   that difference is where the broker earns it's  like go to money changer that's buy and sell   if i use a hundred sing dollar to change to us  dollars and immediately i take the us dollar   change back to sync dollars you'll notice that  i won't get back hundreds dollars because that's   where the spread okay if i use sg3 and you notice  that if i take one to one it seems like because   of that red line see there's a red line right  there i'm paying about maybe five percent of my   five percent of my rich reward has spread we put  it another way that means the broker charge me   a five percent commission because i make  that one to one profit just estimate okay but if i trade on a smaller time frame example  like one minute if i say that i'm gonna trade   this particular candle i will buy right now  and i stop loss on that one minute candle   and i want to make one to one isn't  it good that wow if the price goes up   i make profit because the price went up  i predict correctly the price went up but let me erase that line and let me show you where's the red line do you see that red line that means even if  i predict correctly that i made a one to one but did you notice that that spread is so  big exaggerated version that even if i make   i have to pay back the broker two hundred percent  of what i make that means i make ten dollars   but the broker charged me a commission of  twenty dollars so i still lose ten dollars   exaggerated version so which is why i don't trade  until two small time frame because the spread   eats up the profit if i take a candle  as my risk reward so usually the minimum   our trade is 15 minutes there are certain  cases i'll trade down to five minutes but   usually as a standard i trade 15 minutes  minimum so that at least if i make 100 the spread is only about 10 15 it's still worth  trading it unlike trading five minute and one   minute that's one reason second reason  one minute the smaller the time frame   the higher the whipsaw that means their noise that  means you may get whipsaw out even if you're right   but the market kick you out force you to  cut loss before going the actual directions   so the smaller the time frame the  noisier it gets the bigger the time frame   the signal gets more and more consistent so  the next question some of you will ask is wow   if the bigger the time frame the signal gets  more and more consistent fine i don't want to   trade the smaller time frame i'll trade the most  consistent signal which is the monthly candle by the time you wait for the monthly candle to hit  your entry price by the time you wait for it to   hit your profit target your hands may get very  white already because you get very frustrated   waiting for it okay so usually the max i'll  stop trading is at daily candle i'll still   view weekly or monthly but i don't trade the  weekly or monthly but i trade the daily candle   okay that's the candlestick time frame next we  have white candle we have black candle so when   we have white candle black candle this is the  opening price the body low is the opening price   the body high for a white candle this is the  closing price that means it closed for that   particular time frame this is the highest  price for that particular time frame this   is the lowest price of that particular time frame  for a black candle this will be the opening price   high of the body will be opening price the  low of the body will be closing price that's   why open high close low black black face  black high of the candle low of that candle   okay now there are certain candle that looks like  this that looks like this where it looks like   where it looks like this it looks like a cross  this is where the open and the clothes happen   to be the same place where the body becomes so  small that it becomes a dashed line open and close   this will be the low this will be the height that  simple okay so for the last three minutes smp has   been going down black black black but if i take  a look on the 15-minute chart oh it's somewhat   not that bad after all right because this is the  latest 15 minute chart all right on a daily candle   still white one today is still a white day right  so what's so worried so the question now a lot   of you will be asking is what time frame should  i be trading i highly recommend that you start   off with daily candle okay because daily candle  has the least noise where it has a least whipsaw   but you have to practice on a smaller time frame  so you get to understand the trade signal so the   moment the signal happens on the daily candle  you are done you are you are straight away   used to the trade signal okay so today the  strategy that i'm going to share with you works   on daily candle and also works on the smaller time  frame it does work on one minute and five minutes   but i mentioned i avoid trading one minute and  five minutes after some time you will also notice   you don't even bother trading the one minute and  the five minute minimum 15 minutes okay so today first of all i'm going to share with you the  agenda for today understand what is oreo strategy   setup now some of you may have seen this word  oreo yeah it's copyright by nestle but it just   happened that because oreo black white black  so my graduates suggested that i use this word   okay so this is a different copyright word  but you may have seen this in your telegram   especially today okay where you notice  that right here euro yen daily bullish oreo   uh us dollar index that's our sim  uh where where is it very rare right there the aussie cat bullish oreo okay our  sim is another strategy so don't worry about that   bullish oreo so these are the thing  that basically alerts you that hey   you might want to take a look dollar sing  bearish oreo okay so that's what oreo means   so i'm going to share with you how to recognize  the signal how to use it together with indicators   to find oversold overbought and how to use it  together with indicators to find trend trading   strategy how to combine so that  you can trade smaller time frame   that means you're busy working throughout the day  in the evening you want to spend some time trading   the smaller time frame so you try to want to  mix a little bit of money before you go to sleep   okay so that's the agenda that we'll  be covering for today so in oreo setup we got two different type of oreo setup  we have bullish oreo we have bearish oreo   okay bullish oreo and bearish oreo the formula for  bullish oreo is bw black white white don't worry   we'll come to that the formula for bearish oreo  is white black black okay so what does this mean we start off with daily candle this is bullish oreo black white white black white white so when you see a black white white is basically  telling you there is an opportunity for you   to look out for signal to enter on a long position   because there is a high probability  that the market wants to go higher black white white market goes higher black white why market unfortunately only goes  up to two candles before it starts to drop okay black white what don't worry you'll notice  that i'm picking the signal yes i am picking   the signal so that you understand first  then we incorporate other trade signals   black white what black white what that's  it it's that simple yeah it is that simple   but we haven't i haven't show you where is the  entry price where is this top loss and where   you take your profit will come to that stage right  now just recognize that this is black white white for bearish for bearish white black black but jonathan what about this  there's white black white so what does it mean   my question to you white black white is it the  same as black white white or is it the same as   white black black no so no means no okay if  you are married you understand this situation   wife you notice that when the husband  sit in a corner looking just like that and you ask your husband dear what are  you thinking the husband will say nothing   i think most probably guys we can agree that  the husband is thinking nothing isn't it   but when the husband sees  the wife sitting in a corner there what are you thinking about and  she says nothing and if you think that   that nothing means nothing you are in  deep trouble okay so sometime in trading when there's nothing it means nothing don't make  something out of nothing nothing means nothing   so if white black white is not black white white  or white black black nothing nothing means nothing   nothing means what that means nothing that  means long or short nothing so should i long   or short nothing nothing means what nothing so  what do i do wait for something wait for what   white black black got something then wait for  black white black nothing white black white   nothing white black white nothing black white  white something white black black something   but then black black black how good lah if you  shot really good bro if why why why how if you're   long already good man okay so very simple  don't make something out of nothing what if exaggerated uh what if is this the doji what if is  this the doji because i saw this doji   so is doji black or is doji white doji  is nothing no no not black not white   so is it black white white or white black black  nothing doji is not white doji is not black   so it's nothing nothing means nothing don't make  something out of nothing okay unless you want to   compare it with opening price closing price  maybe the body is very small so if the body   is very small my question then is it white or  black that answers your question really okay so first criteria recognizing that this is why this  is black this is why this is right okay so the   first thing is recognizing that signal i'm gonna  be picky so that you understand that signal first entry price this is the black white wire   entry price too long is on that  one two three black white white   one two three it must happen on the very next  candle when it goes higher than the third candle when it goes higher than the third candle  that's your entry price mark it as blue okay the very next one but if what if the next  day didn't hit the price then no more nothing   no more already so it must  hit on the very next candle   when it goes higher than the third  candle that's the entry price too long stop loss it's gonna be a little bit  tricky let me change the color stop loss   you have to ask yourself i got black white white   the white and the white number two and  number three candle which one is the smallest find which one is the smallest  that will be your stop loss   one so in this case the second candle is the  smallest the high to the low of this second candle   will be your stop loss in here i'm just  estimation you can use a calculator   or you can use this to calculate this is  about 43.50 so this one is also about 43 50 so about that that will be your first stop loss  okay i'm talking about this three candle black   white white that will be your first stop  loss your first stop loss is ask yourself   the second candle and the third candle which  one is the smallest that will be your stop loss what's the second stop loss second stop  loss is the lowest of these three candles   that's your second stop loss now  your question to you right now is   uh for one i'll answer the moving  average question in a short while the question you should be asking is why there are  two stop loss okay one of them is this stop loss   at least reduce your risk if it's gonna go  down at least your stop loss will not be   that big so you pick the smallest of this  white and white the second and the third candle   but yes when you pick a smaller stop  loss you may have a higher possibility   of whipsaw that means it may trick  you out then go up the direction that   you want unfortunately that's the risk  that you have to take but if you want a   stop loss that at least minimize the  whipsaw then that will be stop loss too the lowest of these three candles that  will be your stop loss too in other words   your stop loss too is die die must get out  stop loss that means don't care already get   up but what if it goes higher never mind  get up you can always come back later   so stop loss one is to minimize your risk then  stop loss two is your die die just get out   don't think about it just get out  okay no still taking one position   this is stop loss means get up is still that  depending on which stop loss that you want   okay now because this is  the risk that you're taking this would be your profit one this will be your profit tool this will be your profit tree every time he hits a profit one two or  three you have to make an executive decision   you have to ask yourself three  question do i want to take all   that means close all position do i want to  close only half position or do one to close   none that means i want to hold on so that i get  maximum profit all three decisions are correct it   just depends on what's your risk what's your  risk tolerance that you're willing to accept if i take all at tp one and it comes down i'm  happy because i got all profit but if it goes up i   got no more i have to look for another opportunity  if i take half when it come down i still locked in   half at least i set my heart the other half  at break even i will not lose money anymore   if it continues to go higher hey i still  got half position i still can stay on   if i decide to take none that  means i leave all my position   open at full position if the price  comes down i lose all my profit   but at least i don't lose money but if the  price goes up even further i got my full   position maximum profit so it depends on how  much risk appetite that you are willing to take   if you are at the beginning a little bit  afraid then i would suggest you try take half   half and half take half then you decide set a  break even and see how far can the market go   when i say opening position it doesn't  mean that you're open by position twice   perhaps if you trade like five contract you can  take one contract one contract one contract or   maybe can take close to contract you leave three  contract to run or you take three contract close   three contract and leave two contracts to run it  depends on how you want to manage your position right similar thing four let me find one i know i'm going to manipulate  the chart so i can give you a good example   easier example to see alrighty i can't use that can't use that i'm trying to see somewhere closer  that i don't have to erase that i'm finding a perfect one uh like this   uh white black black this one i'm going to zoom in  closer oh my god okay uh where is it where is it   that's one right there okay let's find this  white black black unfortunately there's a gap   okay this happened to we can get this strategy  works for stocks forex commodities crypto   same thing if you use it in tesla it works  but there is a gap technology okay that   gap will kill your profit so ideally the  entry price to short will be right here stop loss let's find out these two black which  one is smaller it happened to be looks like   this one is the smallest so that will be my  stop loss the third candle happened to be the   smallest candle that will be my stop loss one   die die my stop-loss stop-loss will be  the highest of this white black black and this is tp1 tp2 and db3 okay does mt4 allow me to take let's  say 0.5 lot sell parts of it yes you can  

it depends on what contract that you are taking   because there are certain contracts for example  in xc cash contract minimum contract size is one   you cannot go smaller than one futures you  can go as small as 0.01 so if you take the   smallest contract 0.01 you cannot half okay  so it depends on what contract you are taking um forward says yes they are whipsaw they may  drive the price lower than the previous candle   how many times do you expect this okay let's just  put it this way if you want to avoid whipsaw as   much as possible the word is as much as possible  it never guarantee you trade bigger time frame   okay you have to trade the bigger  time frame you cannot trade   too small of a time frame because if  you trade too small of a time frame um   the worst whipsaw you are going to get  okay does it applies to all time frame yes   but i'm going to use example on daily time  frame first so that you understand okay i'm not going to teach fundamental because i do  i don't trade non-fundamental i'm trading purely   based on chart so this is just a setup first so  any question so far about white black black and   black white white we are just at the beginning  part we haven't incorporate our trade signals yet okay example if let's say i want to trade this  is a cash contract so minimum is 1. you notice  

the minimum is one i cannot go smaller than 0.01  i cannot even go 0.5 because the minimum is 1.   if i enter long position this is a demo  account always practice with a demo account   bye you will notice that i cannot do a partial   close because the minimum contract size is one  if i close i have to close one that's the minimum   but if i enter open a position with a contract  size of five and let's say i long five i got   five contracts move my mouse to the terminal which  is ctrl t ctrl thailand double click out of five   i want to close one don't click the buy or sell  because this means opening another new position   if you want to do a partial close or close close  how many i want to close one i got five i want to   close one click the close now i left four double  click out of four if i click four here i close   i got four i close four that means close all  or i got four i want to close one i left three   i got three i want to close two i left one  i got one i want to close one no more okay all right so this is a very simple strategy just  for the first part so that you recognize that this   is the setup look for a candle that is black  white white or look for a candle that is white   black black the entry price take note must always  happen on the very next candle what do i mean a very good example right here i got a black white white on my last three  candles black white white yes that's the setup   okay that's the setup so that's my race no my  wrist looks like this one is the smaller candle   just estimation so right here right here  right here okay then i plan this trade   and put a pending order that tomorrow when  price goes higher i will enter positions tomorrow didn't go higher so  that means no more this trade   got it must happen on the very next candle am  i clear now forward you asking reason why i   use mt4 not mt5 because mt4 or mt5 does not  depend on you you cannot say i want to use   mt5 because i want to use mt5 no it depends  on the broker whether their backend server   is mt4 or mt5 so the broker will tell you  use mt4 or use mt5 not for you to design   so xc currently is using mt4 metatrader4 so  you cannot say that well metatrader5 is a   newer version no it doesn't work that way okay so  take notes the broker will tell you alrighty now next use it together with indicators yes aaron  you are asking can i use this black white white   and white black black together with bollinger band  yes you can bollinger band standard two deviations   where if the price goes outside it'll be great  if the price goes outside the bollinger band that   means they are extreme that means the price has  gone to the extreme there is a possible reversal   that means price goes outside bollinger 2  or bollinger tree has gone to the extreme   like this black white white longa profits yes it  can incorporate okay it can be incorporated now   what if the next bar meet target but close low  uh glenn i'm not gladly i'm not understand what   do you mean the next bar mid target that means  hit your take profit so the moment it hits take   profit one you're supposed to make a decision take  all take half take none but then your second part   but close slow but when you hit me target  you wouldn't know that it's gonna close low   it's only after then only you close low right  so when you hit tp1 tp2 tp3 make three execute   the decision take all take half take none so when  you take all take half take none then it come down   if you take all you have no worries but then worst  case you set break even or you use a trailing stop   that means the moment you hit tp2 shift your brake  even to tp1 if you hit dp3 shift your brake even   to tp2 and so on rtp1 to tp2 okay but today i  want to share with you a very simple strategy   some of you you mean black white white you enter  third white by close lower ah it closed lower on   the third bar so you got stop loss isn't it  the stop loss is always there to protect you   because you wouldn't know when it will go lower   if you know do let me know i also want to know  when you enter you know the price is going to go   up or down i'm also interested okay never mind now  i'm going to use a very simple indicator called   stochastic i know some of you were hurt so  i will not um talk too long about stochastic   if you are not sure what is stochastic um youtube  okay youtube entry price must be higher than the   no entry price must be higher than the high  highest price not the body but the high   must clear the price okay can enter lower  i wouldn't know if the price can go lower   we wouldn't know so we only set the entry price  if it goes to the entry price enter but what if   the hit entry price go down if you know i also  want to know that you can predict the future   we can't we are always playing with probability  okay so i'm going to use two different type of   stochastic one is stochastic 533 one  is stochastic 1433 so there are two   type of stochastic there are border lines  between 20 80 20 80 both are the same okay so what's the difference okay faith uh i'll answer  about sideway okay our answer about sideways okay when to avoid trading oreo now so what is  the 2080 so i'm talking about this green line it's   just a standard stochastic where it is stochastic  533 and 1433 it's a standard indicator that's   available in every platform you do want to use  you and use your broker platform the information   that you learned today can also applies to  your normal broker platform it need not be   meta trader 4 or meta trader 5 or any broker  okay now it's a standard stochastic 533 and 1433   that's the setup i'm looking  at that green line right here   that green line right there now 20 if the green  line is below 20 that means the price is cheap   if the green line is above 80 that means this  price is expensive technical term cheap means   oversold expensive means overbought now let's  make it english english means if it's cheap   it's not worth shorting it because it's quite  cheap it's better to look for where i can buy   because it's cheap right if it's expensive it's  not worth buying because it's expensive but it   is worth looking if i can short it because it's  expensive does that make sense so when i use both   stochastic 533 and 1433 when both are expensive  this is really expensive that means it is worth   shorting it okay when both are cheap  unfortunately this one is cheap   both are cheap but there is no black  white white so when both are cheap it is worth longing it both are cheap  but it didn't hit entry price um   no more no more means no more so what  do i do then wait until when both when both are cheap or when both are expensive i'm looking for when both are very  cheap ah right here both are cheap oh yeah this one is a doji ah there's  one here right here when both are cheap okay if the third candle goes lower but doesn't  hit stop no the fourth candle because the   third candle is still your black white  white fourth candle goes lower doesn't   hit stop loss yeah if it doesn't hit  stop loss why should you be worried   right it doesn't hit stop loss you  are still in the game okay simple so if it doesn't hit stop loss why should  i hit why should i stop loss right okay so   does the concept of cheap or expensive  sounds easy that means i wait until the price   both are cheap i wait until the price  when both are expensive then i look out for possible signal to shop or too long all right so far all right so far any question okay i i know you got a few more questions that  you'd like to ask i do understand but we still   now is only part two we go part  three how to combine to make it   even more precise but before that let's have a  five-minute break okay you got set this template   for pegasus trader yeah it's always there  pegasus trader is always there okay uh aaron   if you're a pegasus trader do look do watch out  for the recordings you need to rewatch all the   recordings okay let's have a five minute break  we'll be back at 905 okay we'll be back at 905. 1433 and 533 okay i'll pause the recording so so so okay now let's recap before the break we learned  about black white white white black black   so this strategy will be very useful when this strategy will be very useful when  both stochastic 533 and stochastic 1433 both are cheap at the same time or both are  expensive at the same time so that means if   stochastic 1433 and 533 says both are cheap i  look out for black white white because i'm looking   for signal to buy because it's cheap when both  stochastic 533 and 1433 are expensive that means   above 80 i'll be looking for white black black  because it is expensive and it's good to shop   okay now it sounds very simple but there  is a flaw with this particular strategy   any one of you can guess there's one major flaw  with this particular strategy on a daily candle any idea where's the floor if i draw the vertical line  only when both are cheap did you not notice there is a flaw not only we have to wait three days on a daily  candle for this to set up black white white   three candles but when both are cheap i'm drawing  the vertical line only for those that are cheap doesn't mean that the moment both  are cheap i was going to have   black white white because if i don't  have black white white i wait until it's   cheap i do have black white white i have no  opportunity to enter based upon this strategy then i have to wait until both are  expensive then i have to wait until   white like black but it doesn't  oh i don't have to wait again i have to wait again i have to wait again and did  you notice that every time   a trader who are very anxious to trade but now  are forced to wait do you know what will happen the trader will just forget it i'll just blindly  buy like a blindly shot do you notice that's where   the terminal disease comes called the ichi  finger because i waited for here waited for   almost two months before it's cheap again  you mean for two months cannot trade   because there's no signal  unfortunately that's the flaw okay   so if there if we know that there  is a flaw with this what can we do right so why don't i ask another question  i rephrase the question another way we all know that any time this green  light below 20 is cheap any time this   green line is above 80 it's expensive  so we all know that we all know that   but the unknown part is what happens in between  20 80 right so we know 0 to 20 is cheap 80 to 100   is expensive we all know that what to do but the  big part is what happens in between 20 and 80   right there's a big chunk right there 20 to 80 is  a big chunk so let me ask you a simple question do you notice the green line in between when it  goes up in between 2080 and pointing up and both   the 1433 and uh 533 both are pointing up  that means the the green line moving up   can you make a guess what is the price doing  just a rough idea if this green line moving up   make a guess what do you think the price is doing if both 1433 and 533 are moving up what do you  think right so that means the price usually   are going up and at a price between 80 and 20 the  green line both are coming down that means there's   high probability the price is coming down right  but what if both what if 533 coming down but what   if 1433 coming down by 533 going up don't have law  don't have means don't have luck so you want both   1433 and 533 moving the same direction okay  and when it is moving the same directions and it has the black white white it is not  cheap but it is moving the same direction   does that tell you the market wants to go in a  certain direction but it's not cheap you see here   it is not cheap it is not cheap but it is going  that same direction i'm not here like that one   more one right there see the green line both  are pointing up so does that tell you that   there's high probability that it wants  to go up even though it is not cheap   at that time does that make sense so you have a what we call a reversal that means  you reverse from the price when it is cheap or   reversed from the price when it's expensive or you  can also trade with the trend that means if the   small in small time frame indicator and the bigger  time frame indicator tells you that it is moving   up okay i look for black white white because i  want to follow the market to go up okay and if there is a white black black  and it just so happened that   if the white black back are both pointing down why not you can take a chance am i right  because it goes together with the flow   you're not fighting when you're buying  on cheap expensive you're fighting   that he wants to reverse direction but this  strategy now you're going with the flow if   the flow wants to go down you follow down if  the flow wants to go up you follow up okay better is stochastic closer to 20 not 80 no it  depends on if you're longing or shorting okay   below 20 is good it's cheap so it's good  too long above 80 is look out for shots   does that make sense alrighty makes sense right got questions do ask  okay if i missed out your questions uh please   repeat that question just in case because i'm only  looking at the last few lines of your questions all right let's go back to no questions  let's go back to the original one but it's already closer to 80 than 20 for long yep  so you don't pick the one that is so close to 80   already because you've got let's just put it this  way you have so many counters that you can look at   you've got dow jones smp nasdaq russell  nikkei hansen china 850 london germany   france euro netherlands dollar yen euro  dollar pound dollar dollar cap dollar swiss   crosses euro yen you got oil gold you got  crypto you have a lot so if this one don't have   look for another one okay  it's that simple alrighty now we go advanced okay we go a little bit advanced  let me find a chart okay let me find a chart there is a white black black i find a recent chart so  it's easier to see okay white black black   and it's on hindsight jonathan why you show  me everything that is on hindsight yeah that's   because i can only show you things that are  on hindsight so that you learn first or else   how can you understand then we go live  chat okay then we go live chat now   white black black so we know  where is our entry price to shop we know our stop-loss and on this  day we know that the price goes down   okay on hindsight we already know all right  now my question to you if you see this chart if you see this chart on the daily candle what  is your probability that tomorrow will go up   now if you see this what is your probability  that you think tomorrow will go up or down   do you know roughly can guess  that hey if i hit this entry price if i hit this entry price i make it blue so you  understand that as entry price and that's my rate which is my stop loss  so if the next candle drop below blue   that means there's a very high probability the  next day this particular counter will be black right no if it goes lower if of course if it  goes higher you won't hit entry price anyway   but because this white black black if  it goes lower there's a high probability   this candle will be black do we have that  agreement because this is a white black black   i know someone said but this is a hammer yes  only if it goes up i'm saying if it goes down   okay do we have that agreement yes so if we  have the agreement that the moment price goes   lower than this blue line there's high probability  the next day it will be a black day agree so far   so if you know that tomorrow this high  probability will be a black day what if   tomorrow on this day happen to be the 9th of may i  want to trade the smaller time frame on 9th of may on the 9th of may this is the daily  candle blacker on the 9th of may where's my where's my line my line disappeared okay  ninth ninth of may that means the moment   price goes lower price goes lower would i prefer  to look for long on a 15 minute 30 minute hourly   or would i prefer to look for short  on a 15 minute 30 minute hourly no i forget we remove stochastic i'm trying to   share with you how you can incorporate daily time  frame so that you can trade the smaller time frame so what i'm saying is on the 9th of may   okay on the 9th of may let's say i open up the  15 minute chart okay i have black white white   am i interested no why because on daily candle  tells me it's gonna go down so if daily candle   tells me it's gonna go down i'm not interested  in black white white i'll be more interested in white black black especially when it goes lower  than my entry price anytime i see any white black   black any time i see any white black black any  time i see any white black black anytime i see any white black black anytime  i see any white black black   do you understand what i'm trying to share that means i use the daily  candle to give me an idea   whether today high probability will be white  or today high probability will be black   then i trade the smaller time frame why  because i have time right maybe in the   evening i'm not working i've got time to trade  i only look out for that particular direction does that make sense okay let me give you an example this is on the 5th 16th of may this is 16 of me  this is uh 13 of me and this is 12 of me we have a   white a black white white on a daily  candle we have a black white white   this is yesterday so my question to you if i see  that this is black white white what do you think the next day will do do you think the next day  will go up or go down because this is a black   white white you guess already it is a bullish oreo  so i guess that today because this is yesterday   today is 17 this is 16. so i guess that today  pound dollar daily candle should be white if   it goes higher than yesterday's high does that make sense that means there's high  probability that pound dollar if it goes higher   than yesterday's high today found dollar should  be wide so if i'm trading on a daily candle   because i'm working fine i will set my order too  long i will set my stop loss maybe i set my tp   and then cannot look at the market  and when i see this oh i make money oh   then you decide if you want to take profit and  you're done basically because you're trading   daily candle you got nothing else that you  need to do does that make sense now what if yesterday because i saw that this is a black white  white and today i think that this high probability   pound dollar will be white and i  want to trade the smaller time frame   either the 15 minute 30 minute hourly or 4  hour you decide let's take a look at 15 minutes this is my entry price this is the high  of this black white white that this is the this is the black white white so the  moment it goes higher than this blue line   that means my daily candle  already heat entry price   that means it is going white it is going white it  is going white so since it is going to go white then i look for all the black white white one more black white white black white white black white white ayah never hit  entry price uh black white white black white white black white white does that make sense so you incorporate what  you see on the daily candle   then you trade on the smaller time frame with  the directions that you think it wants to go   because on the daily candle it already  tells you that high probability today   is going to be white so i look out for all the  black white white i ignore all the white black   black because i'm not looking for the market  to go down i'm looking for the market to go up okay the first one right here yeah this hit stop  loss yes okay now is there a way we can avoid   this stop loss we want to we also want to avoid  this stop loss technically we only want to trade after 10 o'clock server time preferably so my question to you never mind  i'll explain why after 10 o'clock   for pound dollar any idea why we  want to avoid trading all of this let me ask you a simple question this is  pound dollar okay and this server time   like right now right now is 9 26 server time right  now is 16 15. so let me ask you a simple question   um right now pound dollar what is uk people  doing right now at 9 30 p.m singapore time   what is uk people doing right now are  they still in the office working yeah   what is dollar u.s dollar people americans doing  right now they are just getting into the office  

so that means these two currency pair are active  moving right but did you notice that this happens   at 4 30 a.m 4 30 a.m is nine o'clock in the  morning singapore time if this is nine o'clock   in the morning singapore time that means in london  will be at about two three o'clock in the morning   and uh american will be at about nine o'clock  at night they are definitely not in office   unless they're trading the asia  markets but this is pound dollar   do you notice that so it's best to  trade after 3 p.m singapore time   for pound dollar euro dollar because that's  when they're awake the both pairs are awake   so if you want to trade in the morning what to do  if i want to trade in the morning what should i do okay if we know expect next day is  white what's the point going intraday   no because some of uh jubing because sometimes  some people want to scalp the smaller time   frame because they got time to be in front of  computer but if you're working then you cannot   okay like right now i know today is white then  i want to see whether i can get in some position   okay so if i want to trade singapore morning at  nine o'clock for example what currency should   i look at major currency you can trade across  also but what major currency should i be looking what major currency should i be looking at nine o'clock singapore time in the morning   no but so far we don't there's no currency  strength there is no currencies right my question   if i want to trade singapore nine o'clock  aussie yen okay let's take a look at dollar yen dollar yen do we have anything  don't count don't look at today   look at the last three candles except  today do we have anything black white black   nothing nothing means nothing okay  let's take a look at aussie dollar ah don't look at today but we got black white  white so that means high probability today is   white so if today is white and and if i'm  listening on a trade the smaller time frame   that means the moment it goes higher  than yesterday high i look for all the   black white white black white white uh black white  white you you right uh look at new zealand dollar   oh oh we got black white white oh tells me  today high probability why oh so even if i enter   daily candle still profit if i enter on a  smaller time frame i still go up no need to   guess if the chart looks like that definitely got  is profitable or not if you're long england right um new zealand yen you were saying  new zealand yen let's take a look oh oh sorry sounds never mind and it's supported by 200 you notice if you've  been watching my youtube i always have this 200   simple moving average which is a red line  and 200 exponential moving average which is   the orange line and it's at support it hits a 200  day acting as a support and it got a black white and it is cheap what else do you want you notice all the thing comes  together that basically tells you   today high probability white candle  so all you need to do is go in   one gazillion contract and right now you  can run for u.s president i don't do that doesn't that all match together where  all the wind blows together it is cheap   on both 1433533 it has a black white  white and it's also being supported by   200 ema and 200 sma and all you  need to do set a pending order okay note if you're looking  at vx but this is currency   so you cannot mix that much okay  but if you're talking about vx vixx   loves oreo only on daily candle vics loves oreo  only on daily candle not on a smaller time frame already if vic's going to go up that means what  the indices going to come down so my   question is is there a white black  black if there are white black black   is it too cheap to shock really if it's not cheap  it's not too cheap then it's worth trying okay smp let's take a look daily candle unfortunately there's no black  white white so no black white white nothing is nothing don't  look at nothing to look at right okay now a tip a tip germany dax loves oreo in  all time frame 15 minute when i say all time frame   means 15 minutes 30 minute hourly don't look at  one m1 m5 okay we don't look at m1 and 5. usually   germany dex loves to follow oreo if it triggers  that's high probability it is a profitable trick even on a 50 minute but it has to be after 3 p.m

why because germany is sleeping in the morning  singapore time right you'd want to treat germany   when no one is trading germany so usually after  3 pm oreo it is a profitable strategy we have   a black white white profit we got a black white  white profit we have a black white white profit is   just how much profit but still profit black white  white some profit yeah even the white black black   their tiny profit is just how much money but  there's about one to one on a 15-minute chart   can i long now can i long now no no no now as in  now now you see now now now i do a practice i'll   be practicing now as it now now is in now now why  because it's black white white but let's check uh   we jump ahead because i just happen to see it  we jump ahead let's take a look at stochastic is it both are expensive no only one is  expensive one is not expensive okay fine   that means maybe can both are pointing up okay  that means it's good too long not good too short   okay we just got a black white white because  the moment it goes higher than this high below   we just missed by a little bit okay so where's  my stop-loss my stop-loss will be the smallest   of these two candle it just so happened  that the smallest of this two candle is here maybe heat maybe haven't hit but just now where  we entered it actually came down first so we   entered here so this will be my stop-loss if we  hit my stop-loss done nothing to say now let's   see whether can it go higher that's it okay now  i know that's a certain question but jonathan   did you saw that the second candle is higher  than the third candle yeah my entry price is   always based on the third candle only the stop  loss is based on the smallest of the second   and the third candle so it doesn't matter if the  second candle is higher than the third candle okay i do not know this is happening now got  profit got profit no profit cut loss done okay europa just now got a oreo 15-minute chart when both are cheap  there is a oreo when both are cheap okay ah where's my tp1 here just a rough eyeball  estimation dp2 just a rough eyeball estimation db3 would you use a buy stop sell  stock let the price hit yes   if there is time to set a buy stock stealth stock now let's say market closed  today i have my buy stops   set up price yes provided that  is a daily candle you cannot set what i'm trying to say is like here i got  black a white black black market close   then you set a pending order your problem  is the moment market closed on a 15-minute   charter you saw as the u.s closing there's  a white black black and you set a pending   order no it doesn't work that way the reason  is this is a 50-minute chart when a trigger   here at five o'clock in the morning u.s already  go and drink beer because they finish work already   europe already sleeping already asia we haven't  even wake up so no only on daily candle yes so still dangling there okay let it wait  already set entry price already set stop loss   and already know where's my tp1tp2t   let's see this live chat i do not know whether  it will go up or down so i have no idea okay   i can only know where's my stop-loss i do not know  whether it will go up or it will go down alright   is the oriole strategy suitable for options yes  but you cannot use the options chart example this is the hottest counter right now so don't  learn from warren buffett learn from elon musk   okay now this is 17 this is today today   today now market open ready how come i got white  black black how come tesla don't want to go down   how come tesla don't want to go down why why  tesla do you want to go down because this is   white black black one that's glass should  go down why tesla is not going down yet why tesla is not going down yet by the  way if you are trading stock it can only   be applied on daily candle stocks is only on  daily candle if you do not know the answer   it's a very simple answer it hasn't hit the  entry price too short so you cannot shock   no because a very simple answer it hasn't hit  the low of this candle so tesla is not going down   okay yeah so the entry price to short is  only when you go lower than yesterday's low   okay now what am i saying very simple i know  that this is white black black no need to turn   on stochastic there's high probability tesla is  expensive so the moment if it goes lower than this   there's a high probability that  perhaps tesla is going to go down   then you may want to look for cell you  may want to buy put on tesla stocks based on daily candle only on daily candle okay very long if you shot early you also  die early okay so which option to choose   that's not my specialty i don't trade  options i only look at charts alrighty so only stocks can only look at  daily candle you cannot look at   smaller time frame only  for stocks so remember that okay now we all know so far when oreo is useful   but not every strategy can be used  at all time always remember that   so you must know when not to use oreo can  you make a guess when oreo cannot be used when oreo like like you see  here tesla white black black   since you know this white black black by call i  just do not know how you calculate target price   based on previous resistance and so on okay so  oreo cannot be used when the market is side

2022-05-20 00:27

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