Setting Trading Goals for 2021

Setting Trading Goals for 2021

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Cool! So i'm going to take over from here.  Thank you guys for coming into the panel and   i'll take it over from here we've got 750  people in the room right now and counting   and let's start let's start all right thanks  guys all right here we go let's begin the webinar all right okay all right you  guys can see me just fine okay let me pull up a whiteboard really  quick let me pull up a whiteboard real quick   we'll start with that we'll work our way in  talk trade we'll do all that stuff don't worry   uh we do that all the time anyways um but i need  to get inside your head right now to talk about   the important stuff first otherwise everything  is a waste everything would be a waste okay let   me get the chat out so i can see your messages  uh here we go okay i can see your messages here all right here we go i'm gonna draw  a circle can you guys see the circle yep perfect perfect all right all right  let's get started let's get started okay   couple things when it comes to goals  goals are nothing but an answer to this so let's start with it i'm going to ask all of  you guys this question those of you guys who   don't want to type because i'm like i don't want  to use my fingers think about it just think about   it verbalize it in your mind okay so why i'm  going to ask all of you guys this one question   i'm going to start broad and i'm going to take  it as sharp as possible okay today we're going   to open up your brain and consider yourself laying  on a couch in my office why do you want to trade okay why do you want to trade is it because some  people have seen some movies of trading you know okay is it because the movie wall street wolf of  wall street and they're like wow man lamborghini   you don't have to do anything you just wrap  money around people and send them to switzerland   is that why okay so a lot of it i'm when i'm  reading these questions comes to financial freedom   and time freedom is what i'm seeing okay and another contender another contender is job okay i don't  want to be in a job okay fair enough   this obviously means you have a bad boss or you're  in a bad environment so that's obviously a a not   a good environment to be in if you don't like  working for someone that basically means your   seniors are horrible people okay so that's that's  understandable that's understandable but this is the dream of every single  individual on this planet let me ask you a question  what makes you any different what makes you any different can you tell me  something that you do better than anybody else okay so i see some people saying uh discipline  i see some people saying hard work okay   good even though many people might have discipline  many people might work hard but you can have the   self-confidence to say yeah but i will work  harder yeah but i will be more disciplined yeah   but i never give up fair enough right that's a  that's a thing that you can say i might be better   than most people and somebody else might say the  same thing but that's fine this is good to have let me ask you the next question what if you  become a traitor what do you envision happening what do you envision your life once  you once you do become a traitor okay people saying traveling working helping others  no more nine to five freedom sauna every day okay all right notice not one has  said so i can trade better i want you guys to realize  this one thing right now   not one has said i want to be a trader so i  can trade better so i want you to understand   one thing that i'm pointing out here you  yourself are answering that you're trying   to be a trader not to be a trader you're trying to  be a trader to do things apart from being a trader so far so good can you tell me what is the difference  of the job that you might be in right now   versus getting into trading then what is it what  is the purpose of us to get a job oh i want to   get a job so i can make money i can make so once  i make money to do that isn't that the same thing it's exactly the same thing but you're not   actually enjoying the job and you  might not actually enjoy being a trader okay let me go deeper now let me go deeper now if you know trading is only a means for you to do what  you need to do then does it matter   if you're taking trades horrible trades  and good trades if it's just the means   why does it mean that you have to take  every single opportunity in the market you don't have to do it right do it well  stop taking every single trade on the market because you're not trading for the  sake of trading you're trading it for   this goal you need to remember that every single  day because not one has said i'm trading to be a   great fantastic trader on this  planet i haven't heard that even once   okay so and that's not a it's not a bad thing  i'm not saying you must be a traitor because   of that no no no you can do it for the means  but don't forget you're doing it for the means does that make sense i know i'm starting off  with the bubble bursting i need you to understand   you're not doing it for the sake of trading and  that's absolutely fine but don't forget that never   forget that having that said your actions need  to be determined on if i do this trade or if i do   this trade which one is going to justify the means  which one is going to justify the means or am i   simply trying to look good trading so i can go  post on some forums saying look at this i entered   here i exited here i made 400 pips everyone bow  down to me does that matter will that matter ever no one cares and you yourself  are not respecting yourself   because you're not focusing on what are the  means we're too busy in trying to look good does that make sense okay let's take it a step back a little bit  let's take it a step back so because of all   this information i'm sharing with you let me  give you a little glimpse a little glimpse   of the industry you're in how  many guys here are forex traders okay urban forex webinar most most of  you guys should be forex traders 99   probably but some of you guys are also forex and  equities and uh futures and cryptos okay right   all right so here we go   how many of you guys can say with the confidence  you know your industry versus another industry would you say you know your industry okay some people saying yes some people saying  no and some people are like well obviously   that's why i'm here it's like i'm in a webinar  tell me what am i missing right okay let's let's   start let's talk about this a little bit okay  let's start with let's understand your industry   okay in forex can you give me a currency pair  what are you trading for it's a currency pair   right so okay a lot of you guys are  saying euro usd most popular pair   let's do that bam bam bam euro usd here  we go in stocks give me a give me a stock okay apple tesla snow okay baba okay so tsla  is tesla okay everyone knows about tesla so i'm   putting tesla i can put apple if you guys want  but you guys get an idea right that's one stock   now here's the thing now tesla if it goes up is that good is that good for tesla it's very  good if it does this is that good for tesla it's okay yeah and then it does this is that  good for tesla good people are happy that   fantastic 500 pips 5000 pips doesn't matter it's  fantastic because it can happen have you seen the   stock of warren buffett you know berkshire  hathaway that thing that chart is like this   it can go up forever it can go up forever i've  seen disney stocks lately it just keeps rising   it can go up because that's what  stocks do and that's normal that's   normal how many guys here have heard the concept  of if the price is above v-wap stay in the buy   if the price is above your m a stay in the buy if  the price comes below your v-wop or your ma exit everyone heard of that okay those  of you who have been in the industry   for more than a year will probably aware of  that but those of you who do not know a lot   of people use moving averages right like this  and they're just saying as long as prices above   the moving average stay long if it comes below  the moving average you need to exit basically   simple very simple simplistic approach  right so far so good now in a stock   yes that's absolutely normal because it can  fly it can fly let's switch it up a little   bit i'm gonna take you over to the forex  side here we go baby euro usd markets go up is that good ah i like how some of  you guys are saying for euro yes   but not for dollar that's bad for dollar okay so if it goes up like this is that good so let me ask you one thing i'm  gonna i'm gonna use uh like let's say   bob and lisa are normal traders they just started  into forex trading and they're like oh it's going   up you know what i'm gonna buy it right here here  we go let's go baby let's go the u.s dollar is   suffering the u.s dollar is suffering by going up  can you tell me does the feds are they gonna say  

you know what we're gonna fix the economy but hold  on bob and lisa have a buy stand by we're gonna   let bob and lisa take a profit first and then we  fix the economy come on it doesn't make any sense   does it they're not going to be like you know we  want to fix the economy but as many people are in   the buy standby we'll just let them finish their  trade make some money and then we fix the economy   no they don't care they don't even know who you  are they don't care right having that said can you   tell me one thing if you see a trade where people  are saying and then i made 400 pips is that good all you have to do is stand up and say okay  do it again okay do it again okay do it again   in a whole 12-month period they've wiped out  their account so many times there's no there's   no asking but this unfortunately  is what grabs people's attention   into forex wow imagine if i traded 400 pips  with one standard lot i could have paid the means all the means so we  get attracted into this industry   because of the means and we look  at this that is the wrong approach that is the wrong approach i haven't got i haven't  even gotten started yet i am just telling you   anyone doing that and saying i only trade one  currency you got to run you got to run from them   you need to learn how the market flows how  it flows you need to understand your industry   so far so good is everything making sense i'm  trying to keep it as simple as possible for it   to click in your mind so when you approach this  industry you know what you're dealing with and   you're not just trying anything and losing money  for no reason because that would be horrible right okay cool let's take it a step  further let's take it a step further   let's take a step further if we know prices  should not go in one direction like that doesn't make any sense let  me show you something here   ready all right now i have time to go to the  charts shall we let's go to the charts real quick okay let me know when you guys can see my screen uh where did my chat go sorry uh chat's gone  away okay here's my chat okay so you guys can   see the screen right you guys got it all right  here we go i'm gonna open up the daily chart okay i'm gonna open up the daily  chart i'm gonna go to NZDUSD   and i want you to tell me wait a minute   Navin you said prices cannot go 400 pips in one  direction but doesn't this look like one direction isn't that one direction and that's a lot of pips right from 5700 to  7100 that's thousands of pips in one direction   let's take you in a little bit just in a  little bit let me show you this piece here i want to show you this on the 15 minute  oh 15 minutes might be too far away but   let's see if i can get you there  where is it here we go there we are okay look at how that in this  circle look at the way it's gone up   is it smooth sailing no it's rockstar messes  it looks like someone's heartbeat doesn't it so can you right now in this room promise me  that you will not look for i'm going to get   in here and i'm going to get out here non-stop  we're just going to sit back and be like yeah   baby we're going to make so much money that the  ferrari dealership will need to think of how to   make ferraris in gold because i have nowhere  else to spend my money i make so much money   no you got to get that out of your mind it's  not the industry for that does that make sense so far so good so even though it has gone that  distance non-stop it doesn't go in a straight line   it doesn't go in a straight line and all of  these dips are stop losses for many many people   all of these sideways movements drive people nuts   like i don't know what to do in that sideways  movement it's going it's driving me crazy   it's because every single day it inches ever so  higher it inches ever so higher so far so good yeah okay cool now let's take all this  information let me take you back to the whiteboard okay here we go okay let me  get the chat up so i can see   perfect okay now circle yes you guys can  see the circle yeah perfect okay so now you know a little bit more about your industry   you know that it doesn't move  in a straight line like stocks now let's bring you back to your goals because  your goals are not to be a good trader your   goals are i just need to solve this problem  i need to be free i need to buy a ferrari   and i need to show the middle finger to my boss  basically right in a nutshell that's what it is right so having that said  let's talk about this now   if you know how your industry  works now which is in this format   you now know if you have a trading system that  says buy here but you got to hold on till there   and you're going to do this in the next 24 hours  you know that system is not going to work for you so far so good right you need to get that in your  head that that's not going to work i can't do that   not in forex that goal is irresponsible it's  gonna take money from me then give me money   so you gotta you gotta prepare yourself  mentally like no that's not gonna work i'm sorry   this guy on youtube keeps buying it and then  he shows he makes 300 pips but then he goes   quiet for like 30 days and then he makes  another 300 pips what happened in between   right what happened in between right so now  you know now you know okay let's take it a   step further let's take it a step further okay  i'm gonna write this down over and over again   until you get it in your head the goal for many  of you guys is not trading is the means right   all right here we go now what is the  means let's define that a little bit   let's start with the financial freedom can again  remember these messages are private what numbers   are we working with right now at the job  what kind of numbers are we dealing with   remember no one can see you so you don't need to  say i'm making five million dollars i i don't care   just be honest what are we working with okay so  we're we're looking at anywhere between 2k to around 10k a month right this is what we're  looking at on average okay so two thousand   dollars to ten thousand dollars a month and our  goal for the means is i wish i can do that or more   without going into the office so far so  good is that does that sound about right   yeah that's a that's a goal we  would love to get towards saying   i would love to do that at least that  same amount without going to the office what is it about the office that you don't like   let's go deeper what is it about  the office that you don't like working being responsible and the age-old thing the nagging  no one likes the nagging right   but do we think we're gonna  replace this in trading let's be real here are we gonna replace this in  trading i have a feeling like by the time we're   done with this webinar half of you guys are gonna  be like i don't know if i should be trading i hope   that's not the goal i'm trying to get you to have  a clear vision rather than maybe i shouldn't trade okay so here we go we want to get rid of the office so we don't  have to commute for two hours okay i can get   that we're never gonna replace this that's not  gonna happen if we're looking to get handouts   and free money that's never gonna happen okay the  big boys made sure of it that it will never happen   okay the whole economy is built around that's  never gonna happen you are never gonna get with   making money by doing nothing okay this is why  anyone who's becoming rich off of bitcoin today   any pullback that goes in deep they're on the  streets tomorrow because they don't know what   to do all they can do is buy and hold on that's  all they can do right they don't know any better   there's no planning there's just yeah it's good  you know yeah fiat money and we've got to do   this we got to do that there's the planning  okay do you know what it means to be a trader a trader says i am i don't care about the price  where it's at right now the price ladder that you   see on the left-hand side of your chart  let's say it's one dollar 25 cents 1.90   and 2. a trader is not concerned so much  about the price he's concerned about   if i can get this price can i sell it  at this price and make a profit right   you guys understand that because that  profit is what satisfies the means it's that profit that satisfies the mean  so does it matter what price it is no   it doesn't matter so the whole goal  is can i get in well can i exit well so my whole mission is to get in well and  exit well but safely if i don't do it safely   i will never get my means correct i gotta do it  safely which means i gotta work right now i need   to work right now i need to be responsible and i  am going to nag my own self if i'm not doing it   right i'm going to irritate myself and say why  aren't you working hard enough why aren't you   figuring this out stop trying stuff buckle down  get it right right you got how many guys agree let's go deeper let's go deeper let's go  deeper again means this is why a lot of you   guys are doing it you guys are not doing it  for trading and that's okay and that's okay   don't let anyone tell you otherwise that is  perfectly okay so we covered a little bit on   the money aspect it's not going to be easy you're  going to have to work for it so you can replace   your office here's the thing can i ask all of  you guys one question how many guys in here not   work in retail but actually work a white collar  job like you work in a on a desk in the office yeah a lot of you guys right a lot of you guys are  working in the office can i ask you one question   how did you get that job did you just walk  in one day and say hey i want to work and the   boss was like oh perfect come right here  sit down okay so there was an interview   what was in the interview what did  they ask you qualifications you need   to show you are better than the next guy  to get this job that will pay you the money do you know how many people are  in this industry trading from home   you're interviewing against all of  them all of them does that make sense   this is no longer an interview that  you're saying oh there's 30 people in   the lobby i just got to beat the 29 people  you are now going against 3 billion people so far so good i don't mean to freak you out  don't mean to freak you out   this is why i was going to show you my trades  after so you know it can be done i just want   you to focus right now i want you to get all  these pieces in your head and down right okay so   you're you know the reality you're dealing with  and you're not just getting into this thinking   i just have to follow green arrow means buy  a red yellow arrow mean cell don't don't do   that come on you guys are smarter than that okay  you guys are smarter than that okay here we go   so you're gonna have to work hard initially to  get this right which means this is your university   you need to build your qualifications i'm  not saying you have to go and get a degree   you need to build your brain this is the worst  brain i'm drawing but you guys get the idea   okay this is a super brain it looks like a  grass it's a bush okay well you gotta you   gotta build your brain up to say i deserve that  now therefore bye bye office hello home office okay how many guys in here  think if i learn how to trade   all i need is my cell phone and  the beach how many guys think that did you know that's wrong that's absolutely wrong absolutely wrong you  can't do that you can't do that it's an illusion   it's an illusion it's like people saying i i work  from the beach let me see your work from the beach   you can't even see your screen it's so hot  sand goes in your laptop who works from the   beach it's such an illusion but it looks good  on instagram it looks beautiful on instagram   nice colors and everything it's not reality you  gotta get down to reality and be like all right   if i'm gonna make more money than the average  person is making i need to step up my game   and be smarter because i'm competing for  this interview okay i need to come down to   the reality of things so far so good we're talking  about the financial means so far now the freedom let's tackle the idea of once i become a trader   i'm gonna become free if  you're free when do you trade right you have the freedom  to trade from where you want   i can get that part but if you're actually free  and you're not doing anything how's the money   coming in can i actually ask you guys that  question where will the money come in from you still have the trade you still need to look  at the charts you still need to be so good at   understanding what you see that you can make sense  of it and saying okay now this trade is going   to take three days to perform i'm good that's  different because you're prepared for that you're   prepared for that so the freedom is an illusion  there's no such thing you know why because forex   is 24 hours how many guys here who've been in  the industry more than one year can tell you   can tell me here and agree with me that  it's 24 hours but we can't trade 24 hours   yes or no when can you trade when can  you trade can you answer that question   there you go active markets opening hours most  likely all right so wait wait wait wait wait okay   i hear you guys let me let me get this straight  so opening hour so that means 8 a.m london   and 9 30 a.m new york oh man it's like going  back to the office i gotta wake up early illusion gone you're still gonna have to  work you're still gonna have to wake up correct all right so we're 40 minutes into this  webinar i'm gonna ask it straight right now how   many guys feel in this webinar i don't know how  many people are in here right now hold on there is   850 of you guys in here so how many guys as of  right now be like oh man dude you're such a downer   it's like i i don't know if i should be in  this industry what the hell man like i came   to get inspired and get goals and you just gave me  this nonsense is like should i even be doing this all right now i'm going to take you to the other  end of the spectrum once you understand that   you're doing it for the means you got to do things  right okay by doing things right i already opened   up one aspect in your brain that you don't want to  do it non-stop in one direction that's not going   to work you don't want to be looking into trades  with the idea of you're gonna be so free and so   rich that you're never gonna have to do anything  you gotta have to just accept that you're gonna be   working okay you're gonna be working but at least  it's fun at least it's fun right like you got to   give yourself that if you have the passion for  it you'll stick around you'll stick around once   you start making two or three good trades you're  gonna get that feel for that money which is good   which is good now the goal is to make sure that  feel for that money is not random it's stable yeah the word let's do it again do it again do it  again okay you need to get that part in otherwise   you won't know will i be able to pay the next bill  it'll freak you out correct because at a job we're   used to i didn't do my work so well but i still  get my paycheck in the mail in in every two weeks   yeah you won't be able to do that in trading in  trading you either make money or you lose money   there's no halfway there's no halfway all right  here we go here we go flip side flip side so is there anything good about trading let me hear it from you guys  what's the good about trading   now that i've given you so much realities of  it let me see what you guys say about the good   about trading let me see that passion come out  what is that passion what makes you stay in it okay good so there's opportunities it's  never boring no two days are the same   i can scale as big as i want unlimited growth  potential okay fantastic all of these are correct   all of these are correct i'm gonna  give you the benefits now ready   okay here we go here we go all of you guys watch  this watch this this is you as an individual you work all your life to build up a  savings right to build up a little nest   of money and you're like  alright i finally put together a hundred thousand dollars i worked  so hard day and night i'm like   70 years old now and i put together a hundred  thousand dollars i now will invest this into a house i will buy a house and i will put  it on rent okay just simple simple thing right   because this guy do you think he's doing it  for the house does he like real estate he's   never been in real estate right he's never been in  research he's doing it for what why is he doing it what's that favorite word we like to  use here he's doing it for the means   here's a here's the thing with him if that house  does not perform his entire capital is stuck   in that house he now needs to sell his house to  sell that house what do you need you need a buyer if there's no buyer he's dead if there is no buyer he's dead let me flip  it around the situation that person is you   in trading you decide  instead of the whole nest egg   because you can buy at any size you want  you will take this piece and buy euro usd and your goal is to make  200 percent from that piece   which means a two is to one risk to reward so  whatever that piece is let's say it's a hundred   dollars your goal is to make it into two hundred  dollars okay what if that thing doesn't work   you're in a buy and that thing doesn't work can  you hit the sell button and instantly get filled yes this is the benefit that you have of trading  if you come into the world of putting money in   this benefit is so powerful in forex that you  cannot compare it to anything else out there   if you put in two million dollars in a buy and  you're like i don't like it and you hit close   it'll close it'll fill you when you can get out  you won't need to be like come on mr agent find me   a buyer for this two million dollar house sorry  man in this market no one is buying i'm sorry   you're stuck with it what are you gonna do  then you see so there is a plus side to trading   there is a plus side to trading so now you  need to understand that trading needs to be   pockets of investments from that little big  piece you had these are little pockets of   investments that you're trying to say this  needs to grow so i can satisfy the means let me ask you this again how many of you  guys have had this feeling in your career   i'm not saying you're doing this now in  your career where you take that amount   you do a trade and you're like come on it's gotta  go come on come on it's good come on just keep   going and then it does this you're like oh man  i was in so much profit but now i'm in a loss because you're trying to trade you're  not understanding why you're doing this   now the means never gave you a goal  of is that enough or is it not enough   let's talk about that a little bit let's  talk about that a little bit here we go   let's say there's a there's a trend right  there's a support resistance right here   right there support resistance everyone  understands support resistance right   prices come down and you're like okay i'm  gonna get in here with my nest egg that i have   for one percent i'm gonna put in a hundred  dollars here okay my goal is i don't want to   lose a hundred dollars okay so where can i not  lose a hundred dollars well i i'm thinking i'm   keeping it very simple here okay i'm thinking  my support should hold i'm seeking thinking my   support should also a stop loss away from this  area should keep me safe and i believe this   uptrend will continue and we can do this this is a  nice pullback which is a discounted rate for me to   buy sounds like a logical investment right as you  invest that the prices go up you are now at 200 but it's going up really fast do i close it  do i hold it do i close half what do i do   what do i do this is where people get  lost this is where people get lost   there's no idea what to do because there's no  goals so if there's no goals you know what happens   it means the more the better  if there's no goals the idea   is the more the better you cannot satisfy  that goal the more the better it won't work how many guys have felt that right it's horrible  isn't it it's a horrible feeling because later on   you're like i wasn't prophet what the hell because  the mind is not prepared for why am i doing this   i'm doing this to make money not all of the money  all today i'm not going to make all my 10 millions   today it's not gonna happen so why am i holding  on forever is there no plans to exit am i not   prepared before even getting in how i'm supposed  to trade this thing the point is everyone is doing   it as a trade and they forget i'm doing it for the  means and this is where it all goes out of balance   suddenly everyone's trying to become a good  trader but no one joined the industry to become   a good trader so why are we trying to become  a good trader suddenly is it because you're in   a group or some forum where you have to prove  i'm also somebody i must show you what i can do it's a bad illusion to get stuck in right right so can we be honest do we get trapped into  that ideology we are trapped into that thinking   of wait i joined to make money i didn't join to  show what i can do but along the line of all these   things that we tell people oh what do you do for a  living oh i'm a trader oh now i have to show them   i can trade and make a lot of money screw them  do your thing do your thing don't get stuck into   i'm a trader so therefore i must show a big  profit no who cares yeah exactly who cares   what they think right you do you you do you okay  now let's open up the charts shall we open up   the charts a little bit let me show you a little  bit i'm gonna go deeper okay and we're gonna go   deeper here we go we might go five minutes over  uh the one hour mark is that okay with you guys   okay here we go i'm gonna share my screen   okay here we go so i'm gonna move my chart out so  you guys can see the chat all right so i'm in this   trade right now okay i'm in this trade right now  i have bought right here and last night right here okay now the trade is currently running  for 1 200 okay there's a live account   this is with interactive brokers this is  not an mt4 nasty broker this is a real legit   juggernaut if you ever research interactive  brokers it is the largest broker in the world   10k minimum to get in fair enough and it's a pro  account so there you go you can imagine what you   want to imagine for the account size that's not  the concern my concern is can you understand what   this is what was done and why because that's what  you need to fix as a traitor you need to think   Navin if you teach me something i need to measure  that with will it help me with my means not oh   cool i can trade this but i'm gonna have to sit  in front of my charts all day long i can't do that   i can't do that you see then it won't work for  you it won't work for you so you got to get the   means right so one of the one of the things  i want you to do one of the things i want you   to do i want you to first take a moment today  and think about on a piece of paper write down   what you want to do as a trader okay we'll  come back to this chart in a little bit   i'm going to show you how to plan this out  okay i do this for a lot of my students in   our our courses i'm gonna teach you guys this  technique okay you guys can see the circle all right perfect perfect okay so how do you build  goals okay first you got to be real and you you   are you guys are real with that i don't think  any of you guys here are like no i shouldn't say   i'm doing this for the money it doesn't look nice  who cares who cares be real with yourself you're   doing it for the money end of story that's okay  that's okay by me you want to be materialistic   that's okay by me i'm okay with that you know  make money man come come we can we can hang out   together make money it's okay but be a good person  don't be a bad person okay all right here we go   so it's for the means right okay now that it's  for the means i want you to create a timeline and saying this is the beginning this is  the end okay and this timeline is six months   let's say six months one year  whatever you want to give yourself   and the end is i want to reach  at least 5k in revenue okay   on average okay when i say 5k per month it  could mean maybe one month you made seven   thousand one month you made four thousand  but it averages out to around five thousand   so far so good now you're gonna work backwards  you're gonna give yourself small milestones and you wanna work backwards what does that mean  in terms of dollar amount does that mean i need to   put five thousand dollars in my account and  then one trade come on baby come on come on   come on oh five thousand dollars i'm good phew  no please don't do that please don't do that you know it's gonna require a larger account  to trade at that caliber right to trade at   that caliber so you need to understand what  does that mean does that mean you need a   50k account so you're doing on average 10 a month  okay now you're being a little bit more reasonable   okay you know why because the lower  this is in terms of percentage   the less risk you are putting on  your account did you know that to do that same amount on a smaller account  size you're including so much leverage that   the chances of you losing increase higher same  trade the chances of you losing becomes higher   with the margin the margin calls the spread  widening and all that stuff that you have   to deal with you got to be very very careful  not to mention the heart attack of that's 30   of my account wiped out in one trade that's  not a good position to be in don't do that   don't do that don't freak yourself out with  numbers like that okay all right let's work   backwards so i need a 50k account but i don't have  a 50k account so i got to work my way up to that   so i'm going to put in here that requires a  50k account and i need to be doing 10 a month   now 10 a month if you say my one trade how  much percent should i risk in one trade   let's say one percent okay let's say  one percent you want to risk per trade   so let me take you to the charts let me take you  to the charts here we go here we go uh boom boom   okay you're on the chart i'm gonna show you the  chart i'm i'm trading okay which was a swiss yen   okay we'll look at it at the nc by the end  of the webinar where it has reached it's   more longer term play but you'll get the idea  okay i'm gonna take you to the four hour chart   so one percent which means if i've entered here  and if i lose here how much money will i lose one   percent right if my risk is one percent if this  thing goes up till here how much money will i make   one percent a little over one percent if it goes  a little bit higher how much money will i make okay now i wanna put you guys in this perspective  okay on the way up i have this resistance   i have this resistance i have this resistance  what are the chances of me getting up here the higher i'm aiming for the lower my chances  the higher i'm aiming for the lower my chances   therefore if i'm in the trade and the trade  goes up to here or here and i'm up one percent   or two percent you needed 10 as per your goal  you've already done one percent really well   take it run away do not hold on  because you're trying to be a traitor   your means are being satisfied  start building that up get it clear in your mind why you're  doing this don't hold on to look good what did we say in the beginning of the webinar is that normal can you do that in forex no so  you see this move up here it pulls back get   these prices what happens when it goes higher and  higher and higher do you want to chase it up there   do you want to buy up there no you can't  it's not a stock stop buying it up there that means the trade is over you can't  touch it anymore look for something else so far so good so going back to that idea  bring you back to the chart uh here we go   bring it back to the whiteboard sorry here we  go i'm gonna draw a circle bam so you guys got   the idea of work backwards build your timeline of  how are you gonna do this think very carefully in   your mind and every morning if you can before you  sit down to trading remind yourself you are in it   for the means you are not in it to look good  as a trader so let that go let that go anyone   who's praising you because you did a good trade  i can be honest with you they don't really care they really don't care and  their mind is oh can i do it   that's it so why are you trying to please  them there's no point just do it for your   means that you need that you're needing to do it  and stay true to yourself on why you're doing it   so then you build it backwards now to  get to the 50k account how am i gonna   do it how many trades do i need to do at  what percentage in what amount of time   take it a step further back what  what is the milestone prior to that   what is the milestone prior to that what  is the timeline that is reasonable to do it   and if one trade is one r risk and  your average trade is 1.2 or 1.5 are   if your goal is only 10 percent of that  you just need 10 good trades in a month 10 good trades in a month now i know people  will start saying oh if i can get 10 pips a day i don't know what that means i i don't know what that means  right does that make sense are   you guys with me is everything making sense is  like yeah all right now i know what i need to do   not because of trading but because of the  means okay so pop quiz really quick for all   of you guys okay and i'll put on my uh chart  as well and i'm going to give you guys a pick   i wanna a trade that i've given my um my  traders today to trade i mean is new zealand yen this is going to be a nice buy coming up okay  this is going to be a nice buy coming up uh   just wanted to give you guys a little pick on  that do not go all in on it this is my opinion   that it's going to go up whether you want to  follow it or not that is up to you swiss yen   i'm already in dubai you guys have seen it i'll  put up my chart in front of us and we'll see uh   i don't know we were at 1100 when we when we  were looking at it before now it's at 1 300.  

now let's go deeper into your pop quiz  ready here we go so a quiz for you you're surfing through youtube  and i'm showing you hey man listen sorry hold up hold up i'm trying to do this  well i'm trying to act this out really well   all right listen dogs you know i drive around  my ferrari look at all this cash i got from my   broker because apparently my broker pays me  in cash i don't know which broker does that   by the way but i got all this cash wads  of cash in my hand not from drug dealing   if you want to learn how to do this look at this  chart i have right here 300 pips in one trade   do you want to learn how to do this  you got to buy my course what do you do you simply ignore it you run away   because it will not line up with your means it is  wrong it's pulling you in through the illusion but   it won't work it won't work okay so  far so good okay next thing next thing if i say you got to do 50 on your account in one  month or i am doing 50 on my account in one month   would you say i'm a conservative  trader or an aggressive trader aggressive aggressive trader which means  which means if i teach you how to do it   what are the chances of one month you do well but  the next month what if it's not so well how are   you going to pay the bills not for me i'm sorry  can't do it too high risk maybe you can do it too   high risk for me i can't do it it doesn't go with  my goals of my means i can't stay stable with it   good all right next thing next thing to become  a good trader for the means what do you need what do you need you got to build up your skills  you got to build up your skills you need the right   education you need to understand the market you're  in how many guys when i started the webinar and i   just explained the simplicity of what kind of  market you're in based on forex versus stocks   how many guys right there like i've been in  this industry for so long it never came to me   that that is a problem to let it run for so long  crazy right did you know if you ask this question   to the average person they don't know it they  actually don't know it and yet they're trading   it every single day as if it is their freedom  unfortunately they're stuck in the illusion right so you got to build up your knowledge  because who are you interviewing against everybody you're interviewing against everybody  so do you ever have to go to the office   maybe not but will you be working you will you  will don't kid yourself you will be working   but the money is good so take it just take  it as it is it's okay i'm working right now   anyways at least i'll work in something  i like that pays well just take it   is there freedom where you can just do whatever  you want because you're you're a trader and you   just need a nice iphone 12 or something and you're  like good i'm good all i need is a fancy disc all   i need is a fancy computer the highest speed  internet no no you don't need any of that stuff   you just need to be calm and stable  about it okay all of this begins   with a solid foundation in your education what are  you doing why are you doing it and how much money   can you make from it and can this now officially  replace your current income then you go on to the   next goal and you make that timeline for that now  i'm not looking for income i'm looking for wealth   how can i do this to invest in stocks also  that will pay me dividends and i can hold it   for a long term while i trade on forex to make  day-to-day income ah now we're talking wealth   how do we go into the wealth side of things  because remember riches can be taken away   overnight wealth cannot be taken away did you know  that you can become a millionaire and tomorrow   you're on the streets but if you're wealthy  you're not going down it just doesn't happen okay does that make sense   okay so there's a difference between rich  and wealthy wealthy is people who own stuff   things that give them money things that pay  them money trades like every trade that you   do it's paying you money and then if you have  stocks that that you're holding and it gives   you dividends and it's paying you money you're  becoming wealthy okay riches means i did one   trade made a lot of money look at me i'm rich  tomorrow the trade is wrong look at me i'm poor that's the difference between rich and wealthy make sense it's like it's like money 101 by urban forex okay all right so guys for those of you guys  who do not have the mastering price section   or you would like to learn from me directly if  you feel i can get you there just like all the   75 percent of the people in the room that have  trusted me to make sure you get to the next level   you can pick up the mastering price action  2.0 as your starting base of try to understand   where how you need to trade the markets and then  we'll go deeper and deeper and deeper but let's   start you off on the right foot so here's what  i'm going to do for this webinar exclusively   it is an eight-week program where i take you  step-by-step week after week on what to do   how to do it what to look for and i'll also have  an announcement for all of you guys so for that   eight week program it's a hundred and forty nine  dollars but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna open   up the doors today for all of you guys in this  webinar to join at the christmas rates for 99   so if you want to pick it up you can head  on over to   i'm going to type it in the in the chat for you  i'm going to make my announcement in a little bit there you guys go  okay so there you'll be able to pick it up for  

uh 99 and you guys will be able to take take it  on a discounted rate and i those of you guys were   asking about the Mastering Price Action 1.0 i  highly recommend it in fact in my mind it's a   must it's a must if you really are serious about  becoming a decent trader and want to know anything   about trading and do it the right way and not just  do the gimmicky stuff do it right do it right you   know do it right so so here's so here's the thing  so that's the one announcement i wanted to make   for you guys this is a special offer for all of  you guys but for the rest of you guys who are   in the course already ready honey guys here had  requested that uh i show more trades on instagram   because i think last year for three months  straight i showed trade every single day right   we're gonna bring that back okay we got a lot  of requests for that we're gonna bring the we're   gonna bring that back i can't obviously you won't  see beautiful backgrounds and stuff as i can't   travel so much you know due to covet 19 but i will  try and bring that back for you guys so you guys   can see the trades i do the next thing we are now  developing an app for Mastering Price Action 2.0   members to be able to see the trades we select  for you to say you want to focus on this pair   we're going to start building that up there is  going to be a new app coming out just for that   now to test that version first we're gonna we're  gonna first do a pre-release only for the members   only of the Mastering Price Action 2.0 where we're  going to try out and test out the beta version of  

we're going to put it on your browser for all  of you guys whenever you guys can log in into   the back-end on urban forex we're going to tell  you here are the things you want to watch out   for today these are the cheese trades coming up  let's see how much money you can make we're going   to start to step out and then if everything goes  well with it we'll develop it into an app and get   it out for you guys so that way you have it on  the go on your phone again it is not on the go   on your phone because you're free okay you're not  freedom that way it's just convenient that's why but it will be available uh as members only as  well so you can pick up the app if you don't   want to pick up the app it's inside your course  anyways so not to worry about that the course does   not get taken away from you it is lifetime for  you guys as always as i've mentioned uh look out   for my announcements for that so there are some  people who have been invited to the Mastering   Price Action 2.0 private webinar tomorrow i look  forward to seeing you guys in there as well not   everyone's invited based on where you are in the  course tomorrow we go deeper into the stuff uh   and we'll talk about uh what you need to learn  how you need to level up cool all right guys   thanks a lot for coming in until next time guys  thanks have a nice day again if you guys want to   pick up the MPA 2.0 today for those of you guys  who don't have it it's   keep an eye on this CHFJPY and keep an eye  on NZDJPY these are decent trades see how   they perform over the next 24-48 hours  cheers guys have a nice day bye for now

2021-02-08 23:00

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