Senators Schumer, Warren and Casey slams GOP's skinny covid package
![Senators Schumer, Warren and Casey slams GOP's skinny covid package Senators Schumer, Warren and Casey slams GOP's skinny covid package](/pic/senators_schumer_warren_and_casey_slams_gop_s_skinny_covid_package/dGpFMndJR3I4OEU_.jpeg)
I hope everyone got a little time off. And here we are back again. Now, i want to start with what's been reported, in the washington, post, and other places, now, and backed up by recordings. There is damning, proof. That donald trump lied. And people died. This report, is totally believable. We all know president, trump puts himself, first. But this time the consequences. Were deadly. And when i think about how many people in my state, died in february. And march in april. It just makes me angry. I cannot believe he deceived, the american, people. The way he did. How many people would still be alive today. If he just told americans. The truth, he had an obligation. To tell them the truth. Exposed, facto he comes up with excuses. They don't carry any weight. It's the truth that matters, especially, when it's life and death. In the early days of the pandemic, as we know. President, trump downplayed, the threat of the coronavirus. He said it would just go away. He went on tv and said it's no worse than the flu. But he knew, that that wasn't the case. He knew it was much more dangerous. What we know now is the president, wasn't ill-informed. He was lying to the american, people. He was deliberately, downplaying, the virus, to the american, people at a time when early steps. Would certainly, have saved lives. People who believe him and follow what he says may have died, because of his words. This just reveals. That the president, treated covet, 19, like a pr, problem. Rather than a once in a generation. Health crisis. And that takes us to another attempt by republicans. To downplay, the current situation. As the pain the economic, pain for millions of americans, advances. Senate republicans. Are actually moving backwards. Leader mcconnell, yesterday, announced but that by the end of the week. The senate will vote on a new slimmed down version of an already, skinny, republican. Bill. Facing the greatest, economic, crisis, in 75. Years the greatest health crisis, in a century. Leader mcconnell, isn't searching for bipartisan. Progress. He's looking for political, cover. What we have now, is a stripped-down. Bill cobbled, together not as a serious, legislative. Response. But as a check the box vote for vulnerable, republicans. So they can pretend. Like they did something. It's not going to work people want real results, not political, games. And when these senators, go home and say well i voted for something.
They're Not producing. They're not. Producing. Leader mcconnell, at his press conference, said, ask the democrats, what they object, to in his bill. Uh how about the corporate immunity, plan which he's known for months we would object to that's a poison, pill, which shows you that he doesn't want the bill to pass. How about the new betsy devos school choice plan. Which funnels money, into private, schools, while cutting. Money, from public schools. That's a poison pill we object to it leader mcconnell. Take it out of your bill. You can't. Because he couldn't get the votes. Of the far right. Who didn't want to spend any money, and this is the way he tried to get them to vote for the bill. Clearly, clearly, clearly. Leader mcconnell, is not interested, in passing a bill. Not interested, in helping the american, people who are in pain. Just scoring, political, points. He seems to be the secretary, of cynicism. This is one of the most cynical ploys, i've seen because people are dying. People are losing their jobs, people are losing their small businesses. Well. Mcconnell's, ploy won't work. Because he's not producing, any real results, just doing what he seems most comfortable, doing which is playing political, games. So now instead of improving their offer to get bipartisan. Support. Senate republicans, have made it stingier. And even less appropriate, to the looming crisis. No money to support state and local governments, red states and blue states are begging for help no money to make sure hungry kids and families, have food to eat. No money for rental assistance, to help families, struggle to stay in their homes. No funds to expand broadband, for kids who need to get to go to school now. No money not enough money to help schools reopen, safely. And the money they do have forces, kids back into classrooms, that may not be safe. It is impossible. To look at this gop, proposal, and not wonder. Do our republican. Friends see the damage, in america. Or are they still trying to fool the american, people. By calling a harsh, by calling up a harshly, partisan, proposal. Bipartisan. The truth is. If you wanted, to draft, a bill that was certain to fail. Mcconnell's, proposal. Is. It. One of the most cynical moves. I've ever seen, in the midst of a huge crisis. While the republican, plan leaves many behind, we're going to keep fighting for a comprehensive. Plan that meets the needs of all those who have been hurt by covet. If passed is prologue. Once the republicans, see they can't intimidate, us into voting for a. Wildly, insufficient. Bill. They may come to the table. And do what needs to be done as they did in covert two three, and three five. We hope that will happen, because we want to pass a bill that meets the needs. Of america.
Senator. Casey. I'm honored to be joined today by, senator schumer senator warren to talk about this bill. I think i've had to summarize, the bill. And there are lots of ways to do that of course but. This republican. Bill. Leaves out so many it leaves, families. Working families. It leaves children, and it leaves frontline workers, behind, does. Virtually, nothing for any of those americans. It provides. Immunity. Broad, almost. Almost, total immunity, for, corporations. But it does nothing to protect workers. As senator schumer outlined, the list of what is not in this bill is a lot longer than what's in the bill. Just give you four examples, no additional, money for. State and local government. Despite, a consensus. A broad bipartisan, consensus. Outside, of the u.s senate. For that kind of support. And we know what will happen as sure as night follows, day, if you don't help state governments. Education, cuts will continue. And they will continue, to lose money and public safety will be cut, at the local level number two. No new money for nursing homes and long-term, care to get the death number down. Tens of thousands at last count more than 70, 000. Americans, died in nursing homes or long-term, care settings. When you add up the workers, who died. Plus the residents. And, no new money for, home and community-based, services, so important to seniors. And people with disabilities. Senator warren. Has worked so hard on that issue. I have and others but no response, from. Republicans. On that. Number four no additional, support for matching dollars for medicaid, so-called fmap. At a time when states really need those dollars because they got a, hole in their budget. That was blown. Through their budget because of covet 19.. And no help for medicaid, more broadly. Since the. Second bill we did the family's, first bill way back in. Way back in the early part of march, and fourth and just by way of example. No new money for snap, supplemental. Nutrition. Assistance. Program. But i think probably better than i, maybe the center on budget and policy priorities, can sum up at least. Two issues. With, real data, here's a report they issued last night. At 8 25. Pm. And just in pertinent part i'm quoting from, the first page of the report. Quote some 19, million children. Fully, one in four. Lived in a household. In which people weren't getting enough to eat. That was behind, on rent or mortgage, or both. 19. Million. Children. And then you go to page four of the report. And they talk about the impact that i mentioned. Before about state and local government supporting the impact on education. Quoting here again from center on budget policy priorities. Quote states and localities. Have started, making cuts. Indeed they've cut 1.1. Million, jobs. Between, february, and august. About. 60, percent of them, in k-12. In higher education. So the cutting by state and local governments. In the education. Sector, has already started. 1.1. Million, jobs. And that's just the beginning. We don't know what will happen. In the next few months and certainly we don't know what will happen in, 2021. So matter, what way you look at this. This bill that re that, leader mcconnell. Is trying to ram through the senate. After sitting. All throughout, may june july and august doing virtually, nothing. But nominations. In a defense, bill. His attempt to do this i think. Is, a last-minute. Slap it together kind of bill. Which does not meet the moment that we're, in. Thank you very much for having me here today leader schumer, and thank you it's always good to be here, with senator, casey. Of, we partner up on a lot of stuff and it's it's uh nice to be in this fight alongside, you. The american people, are facing. Twin, threats. Uh threats to our health and threats to our economy. Uh right now nearly, 200. 000 people have died from coronavirus. And. More than 10 percent. Of, workers. In the united states, are unemployed. What is mitch mcconnell's, response, to this, for more than three months, he has ignored. The proposal, that the republicans. That the democrats. Passed through the house and have offered. Here in the senate. And finally, has come up with a bill that he intends to bring to the floor. And. What's in that bill well what matters most is what's not in that bill, there's not a single penny.
To Help tenants. People who are being moved out of their homes. Uh. From evictions. At a time. When we are in the middle of a pandemic. There is no help, to feed hungry, families. There is no help for state and local government, state and local government that's trying to support our schools, that's trying to support, public safety that's trying to support, public health. There's not enough help, for schools that are trying to find a way to reopen. Safely. There is not enough help for safe, elections. We're bearing down, on november, 3rd, there is no help for worker, safety, for people who are being forced, into working conditions. That put themselves. And their families. At risk. But this bill. Has two features. That the republicans. Want to push. The first. Is to release, liability. For giant, corporations. When people, get sick. No matter, how. Reckless. The actions, are of those corporations. Mitch mcconnell, says they should get a free pass, that's not going to make anybody. In this country, safer. The second. Is to say let's funnel money, desperately. Needed money out of public schools, and into private schools. That's not going to help our children. Safely, get back to school and to get the educations. That they are entitled, to. This is about donald trump but it is also about senate republicans. Who have. For years, now, enabled. Donald, trump. Even. In the vaccine. Area, as he has pushed, politics. Into, the whole development, of vaccines. And trying to get us safe from the coveted, virus. The, the senate republicans. Have backed him up on this just this morning we had a hearing. In the health education, labor and pensions, committee. I asked, dr, collins, the head of nih. About, what the, effect. Was. Of having, someone, like donald trump. Who stands up and touts conspiracy. Theories, who talks about a deep, deep state. At the fda. What that does for the likelihood. Even if we're able to develop, a virus. In order to protect, people, what it does to the likelihood. That people, will be unwilling. To go out and get vaccinated. And dr, collins, said he hopes that the american, people. Will listen to the scientists, and the physicians. And not to the politicians. Well, i hope that dr, collins, is right. The american, people, deserve, a safe, and effective. Vaccine. And they deserve. A government. That is moving, only toward that, not, influenced. By the politics. Of donald, trump. Who pushes. Only, for his own protection. Um, so i'm glad to be here today to talk about this but you know, you just reach a point in this where you want to say, what's, wrong with these people. Americans. Are dying, across this country americans are out of work families. Are hungry. And the republicans. Can only, talk. About releasing, liability. For giant, corporations. No matter, how reckless, they are, they can only talk about how to divert money. From public, schools, into private, schools, it is time for the republicans. In the senate, to live up to their responsibilities. To the american, people to set politics, aside. And to put the health, and the economic, well-being, of the american, people, at the forefront. Both of my colleagues. Questions. Do you support, acr. Into december. Uh we're, we're discussing. Uh. What time, the cr should go to when, we haven't formulated, our position yet. I know that you mentioned, the woodward, book in your opening remarks, but, also there's an allegation, in there that general, mattis, claims that he stated, i'm sorry general mattis stated. That. Donald trump has, quote no moral compass do you have a response to that. General mattis is a man who speaks truth to power. I know sometimes in the senate there's like, one side i'll do a bill and put something up and then the other side does it and there's a lot of back and forth until you kind of get to the end and then everybody comes together.
Do You think with the time that you have left before. You all do, end of september, that you all leave for the election that you all are gone from this place, that a deal will come together for emergency, funding on povid, and if not. An actual deal that actually makes both sides happy, and unhappy, because they gave. Is the perfect, the enemy of the good hero no, the republicans, are the enemy of the good, the bottom line is very simple we already agreed to go down one trillion dollars, we were at three four. That number did not come about. By plucking it out of the air, we talk to school administrators. We talk to hospitals, we talk to people who feed, hungry, kids, we talk to people, who are in housing, experts, and came up with a number that met the needs of the american people, we didn't want to go down to 2-4. But in effort to compromise, we will and they keep moving backward. So, so deal. Is no deal better than anything, here is the view. First of all this deal has poison pills anyone who thinks mcconnell's, interested in getting a bill by putting this on the floor, doesn't really know what's going on around here plain and simple. But second. What happened in covet 2 and covet 3 in covet 3-5, mcconnell, tried the same bullying, tactics. If democrats, don't do this there'll be no bill. There was a covet, too. There was a covet 3. 75. Written by us there was a covert 3-5. Which added in all the needs for smaller, businesses. I believe there's a real chance. Republicans. Are under pressure, from the public, from their own governors. From their own, nonprofits. From their own restaurants. That they will be forced to do something, the reason they came to the table now. Is because they were forced by the public but they can't because of their divisions. Come together, the 20 republicans, who say they're for no funding, how to be bought off, with poison, pills. And with a low number that doesn't meet the needs of the people, but if we defeat it there's a decent chance they will come back to the table and we'll get a much better bill, that's what we're hoping for, but not. A bill. That doesn't meet the needs of the american, people doesn't come close number one and number two has poison pills that they know darn well, the democrats, aren't going to accept. To follow up on that after tomorrow do you and the speaker, intend to, re restart, negotiations. Directly with with secretary, mnuchin well you can see that trump is you know they're moving up a little bit they're getting closer to our 2-2, they started at 1 then they went to 1-3. Yesterday, i don't know how real it is because meadows wasn't involved. Mnuchin, said 1-5. If they come back and meet us in the middle we'll be eager to talk to them. Yes when you come back to talk about meeting in the middle are you referring to still shortening the time frame or would that still be when they move up their money it's still the, normal, normal length of what you want. There's going to be a negotiation. The first step is to come up with a number that's what meadows told us when he opened up, and then, there'll be flexibility. There has to be on both sides on how to come up with that number they can't tell us you have to do it this way or that way on something we support, like state and local governments and they have no support, of. And by the way it's so revealing, that they wouldn't even. You, use, um. Revenues. Unspent, um on what's the word. Blank. Revenues. Lost revenues. They wouldn't even put lost revenues, in there those because it didn't cost money because the ideologues, are just anti-government. The ideologues, believe let the private sector do it, maybe five percent of america, thinks the private sector should do it they're so out of touch. And that's why that's why they're hurting. And that's why i think they may have to come back, and negotiate, with us, yes, the bottom line is it sounds like you're saying you think that the negotiations. With the white house are still, alive.
Well They can be alive now they've all two things have happened. Number one. The republicans. Had to had to come up with some kind of proposal, they had to come to the table they didn't just sit there and say do nothing even though they have such divisions. And there's such divisiveness. And second. Donald trump is learning, that he will not be able to get attention, away from covet. With his. Appeals, to violence, his appeals to disunity. His appeals to nastiness. It's not working. So they may yes be forced to come back to the table, because covet, is the major issue that's facing the american, people. Last one, senator warren you released a report today, that. Prescription, drugs, have slowed by as much as a third, this summer. Um, do you blame that solely on mr de joy or are there other causes at play. So. This is a study, the study you're referring to is one that i did with senator, casey. Uh, and, what we focused, on, were. People who are getting their prescriptions. By mail. And. We just asked. The, principal, providers. In this country. What's happening. And they have said, that, since dejoy, came in. That the delivery, times for prescription, drugs, have, dropped. Measurably. And the consequence. Of this, is both a threat to the health of people who rely. On receiving, their drugs, by mail. It makes it harder for them to stay in compliance. And that it's driving, up costs. For the providers. Because. They've had to, resend. Prescriptions. Had to send prescriptions, by express, mail. And ultimately. Those costs will, likely. Be passed, on. To, uh, either, the, patients. Or to the federal, government. Dejoy, is the one who is responsible. For the changes, in the post office now let's be clear. More people have moved to receiving, their prescriptions. By mail since covet, 19, hit, and, that quite reasonably. Would have put some stress, on the post office, but the response, to that, should be to put, more resources. In so that, the post office could maintain. On, time deliveries. Instead. Dejoy's. Position. Was to, cut resources. Cut. Uh, the, the the mechanisms. By which the mail is delivered, on time he's gone in exactly, the opposite, direction. So. That was a long way to get around to the point that yes. I blame, the postmaster. General. For the delays. In prescription. Deliveries. That in. That. Put. The health, of the american, people. At risk. Once again. I call, on, the board of governors. To reverse, what he has done, to step, up and do their jobs. They should remove the postmaster. General. And they should be. Reversing. The actions, that he's taken. And put the resources. In needed. To be able to get deliveries. On time, i understand. That, dejoy, is there to try to help. Donald trump. And he thinks that if they can, provide, more tangle, between, now and november, 3rd. That maybe some number of people will decide, not to vote by mail and maybe won't vote at all, i mean, let's face it the republicans, have decided, that voter suppression, is one of the principal, ways.
That. They, may. Have a shot at winning in november. So de joy has clearly. Been handmaiden, to donald trump in this, but the american, people have seen it and they don't like it, in terms of voting. But it also, has other consequences. That they're feeling directly. In their health, and well-being. And, um that means it's time to put a stop to it and that's what we're here for bobby do you want to add anything, please just real quick, um. Just a reference to the report, page seven is probably the most alarming. We say in this report on page seven about the. Increased, delivery, times of 18 to 32, percent. And then, two paragraphs, down. One of the. Companies that responded, we had, we had four companies, that responded. Meaningfully. One one, reported, and i'm quoting this company now, we saw a marked increase in july in the number of patients, experiencing. Shipment delays. Of seven days or more unquote. So this report, i think is evidence. As to what we were all talking about all these last couple weeks about delays, and. Um, obviously. The reliance, upon, mail-order. Uh prescriptions. Has. Has been increasing, during covet. Thanks everybody. Thank. You. Is.
2020-09-17 01:01