Secret Forex Trading Strategy : One of the most profitable forex trading strategies used by 5% only

Secret Forex Trading Strategy : One of the most profitable forex trading strategies used by 5% only

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if you are trading for some time then  you must have heard the fact that   90 to 95 percent retail trader lose their account  money now if 95 percent is losing their money   there must be five person who is gaining this  money now in trading community we tell them as   big boys now as a retail trader if you want to be  profitable then you have to follow the fourth step   of this big boys you have to know what strategy  they are using to become such a highly profitable   now today i'm gonna reveal a strategy that only  this five percent people uses this big boy's uses   if this is something interesting to you  then smash the thumbs up button you see   this red little button says subscribe click on  it press the bell notification button so that   you don't miss out any of the content i release  in the future with that said let's get into it okay guys so let's understand the strategy  strategy of the big boys now before you   understand the strategy i want you to pay full  attention to it because it is very very important   to understand the strategy you first  need to understand the basic concept of   market structure how the forex market really  really works now to understand to make it easy for   you to be easier for you to imagine i have created  an analogy of building section so it is very very   simple and easy if you understand this concept  and forex market price or any kind of market price   moves exactly like this i will explain this one  now so say for example we have taken a section   of a building this is the door this is the ground  floor and there is a stairs to climb to the next   floor and this is the ceiling so this this is  the ceiling of the ground floor and then this   is the slab of the ground floor this thickness  and then this is the floor of the first floor or   you can say floor of the first floor and this  is the say roof of the house building so this   is the ceiling of the second floor or first floor  and that's how all is aligned with this now let's   consider that there are two balls one is on the  first floor floor of the first floor or level   one floor and one is in the ground floor ceiling  now let's assume that the prices started to move   from here so for example one day you wake up in  the morning and you saw that the price is here   in the floor of the ground floor now forex price  or any kind of price will never move in straight   line remember this is the first thing you have  to understand no price will move in straight line   price moves in a pattern like this so first there  will be a movement and then there is a correction   it's called retracement or correction and  then there will be another push and then   there is a retracement so when the price is in  an uptrend they will move like this and then   there will be another push and then there will be  a retracement and there will be another push and   then there will be a retracement so that's how  forex market price or any kind of market price   moves now the same thing is applicable with the  staircase in a house so if you want to climb   from ground floor to the roof to the roof of the  first floor then you need to climb by the stair   you can't jump the same analogy so how the stairs  is formed there is a rise and then there is a you know retracement of tread and then  rise and then trade and then rise and   that's how slowly you will move to the next  floor now what you have to do as a trader   the the big boys the the people who make the  most of the money they don't trade all the way   the as a the new retail trader the biggest  problem of the new trader or the retail trader is   they always think that when the price is in the  top or up they sell so when there's this price   like here there's no there the price is in the  up oh let's sell it or when they see the price   is like here below then there oh the price is  below then buy it but you have to realize that   this floor and ceiling so when the price is here  look pay attention here when the price is here in   relation to this price that means when the ball is  here in relation to this ball this ball will not   fall down below that means when the price is here  the price will not fall below because there is a   floor here another another thing is that when the  price is here on the ceiling the price will not go   above it should fall back below and that is the  secret that you have to know you have to know   that this is a floor of the price and in relation  to this floor you have to find out where exactly   the price is sitting you understood so far so  far with me that's great now this is floor this   is ceiling so when the price traveled up to here  if the price break this this level and go up here   standing over here that means when the price is  settled this level will be will be considered   as a base for this price and in that  case you need to consider buying on this   level but if this price settle on the ceiling  means if this ball is the ceiling in relation   to this level this is called the key level or  the this this thickness or slab is a key level   if the price settle here then you have  to consider selling in relation to this   floor so even if you see the prices here  above this level do not consider instantly   selling you need to find out the exact  location of the price and the key level   to see either to buy or sell now the term called  key level or the support resistance or the supply   and demand zone is the main thing that  you have to know to learn the strategy so   this is the key level so this is the level you  need i will show you in the real chart example   but for now this is the level that you have to  look at to find out the relationship with this   key level of the price so that you know what to  do either to buy or sell or go long or sure so   again i am repeating so when the price  settle in the ceiling then we will be selling   in relation to this key level when the price is  here above this floor then you will be buying   in relation to this floor because there is  a strong support or resistance in this zone   now if you understand this concept the next  step should be very very easy for you now   let's go to the real chart and see how we can  build a key level so that you can apply the   strategy that we are talking about okay so let's  see this example now and let's see the real uh okay so let's see the example now about the key  level and let's learn the strategy and how we can   trade the market using this strategy so now  if you look at this this market structure   on the daily chart on the gold what we  see is look at this one here so creating   uh every time a lower high and lower low and the  price fall down here what happened after that   look there is a the price has bounced from this  level so if you see this level here so this   is a level that has created price after bouncing  from this zone and the price has gone up came   back here look from the same zone the price has  bounced again by bouncing it what it has done   let's zoom into it what it has done is look it has  created a level that is we can you know compare   with the floor level that we have shown a little  bit earlier so if you consider this one as a floor   then in relation to this floor where the price is  sitting first of all see this red candle came here   broke below this level came to the ceiling  so this is the ceiling and this is the floor   what after what happened after went above this  level that means it has gone above the ceiling   so if this prices was staying here for example if  this red candle closed here then we would consider   that this price is in the ceiling level but now it  has sitting on the floor level and because on the   floor level we are not selling anymore it has came  back here but it closed always above so that means   that here the price is in the floor so when a ball  is on the floor what do you expect do you expect   it to break and fall back below this bounce up  that's what happened it has bounced up and then   when the price came here again look this red  candle closed above this floor level and the   this one next one broke below to the ceiling  but settled above the floor so what happened so it tested again so multiple times the price  came here bounce couldn't break below this   level couldn't come to the ceiling as  a result what happened the price had   another bounce and then slowly came  what happened here look the price see this this candle this red candle the price  is in the above the ceiling and the next one   what happened look strongly close back below now  after that what happened when this red candle   closed back below the price came to the ceiling  level that means in the in the ground floor say it   was first floor the price came to the ground floor  when the price came to the ground floor the prices   started to fall that means now we will consider  this one as ceiling and the price is falling   back below and after that what happened see from  this level the price again creating a higher high   that means in an uptrend and went to the ceiling  and from the ceiling exactly same way because   because look this this green candle this green  candle could not break this slingly ceiling level   so as a result because the price is in the seating  level the price couldn't break through this   and started to move back below creating a lower  high and lower low and finally what happened look   this green candle look this green candle  exactly broke this big slab level and   closed above so that is the perfect scenario  that this level is broken and when this   level is broken what happened the price came back  here to retest this level always remember when   there is a break a break of structure or level  in most cases the price will come for a re-test   and re-test means it is trying to break again but  as because it didn't it couldn't come back here   in the ceiling level again so that that traders  started to think that okay this price is holding   on the floor not in the ceiling if it is if it  again broke below close here we would consider   that the price in the ceiling and would consider  selling but because the price didn't break the   the level didn't come to the ceiling still  holding on the floor and then next what happened   everyone started to buy and the price has gone  up and the same thing repeating everywhere here   so that when this red candle closed  this is something here it didn't clearly   uh you know clearly did not follow the law but in  most cases it did remember trading is not always   100 percent there will be some false breakout  there will be some thing that you have to consider   that's why you need to manage the risk but in most  cases it did what normally it should have done   and the same thing happened here so when this  broke below again we test it see here look the   price went there tried to break it and came back  settled back below so how this red candle look   touch this floor level came back below so that  means it has settled on the ceiling so as a result   because it settle on the ceiling we will not  buy it and that the prices started to move   back below and the same thing happened here  the price went here tried to break quite a few   times couldn't settle above couldn't settle  above and then prices started to move now   how you gonna use this strategy now the  the big boys uses the strategy that means   they only buy or sell on this key level on  this key level now that the exact entry point   for this key level we i have a strategy that  i have linked below this video the description   that so the the strategy that you will be using  is key level but the exact entry entry trigger   that that you need to find the rules for  the entry in this point in this point   in this point in this point with a very very small  stop-loss because when you buy or sell on the key   level you need a very very narrow stop-loss  because your your price is protected by this   strong level so you need a very very small that's  why you have a very very high risk to reward ratio   for this types of trade for example if you  trade this all of this look at what happened   if you go short from here whatever it is if  you so you need you need a proper entry candle   that in your that that will be  used in your strategy normally   because i can't share this entry candle rules  because it's the rule of our paid course that we   teach in our forex trading visa at academy but if  you wanna if you are interested about it you are   always welcome the link is below if you are not  interested no problem just you need to find your   own reasoning of entering the trade but see  how the profitable trade is it's almost 1 to   ten one to nine risks to reward trade here and  then how many trades see how many trade with   a very very high risk to reward and that's how  these big boys make money and that is the reason   why retail traders lose their money because  retail traders take a lot of trade along the way   and then they get every time they take a trade  sometime they win most of the time they lose or   they lose 50 50 but they they they gave a big loss  and then they'll they'll lose their money but if   you know this the secret of this key level if you  if you can find out build the key level properly   and then you can have an edge over  the market that the price is go   where what the pricing so first you need to build  the key level and then you have to find out the   price action pattern that tells you that the  price is either going up or down the price is   bouncing or not bouncing so that's how you will  find the proper strategy using building key level   and market structure with price action pattern i  hope that you understood this strategy properly   because this is really really beneficial  strategy i learned a mentor long ago from who   worked for a long time in this types of financial  institution who trade the market as a big boys   so i reveal this strategy to you so that you  can use this strategy if you know how to use   it properly if you know wisely if you know how to  build key level no one can stop you from becoming   a profitable forex trader i hope you enjoyed  this video and make sure you subscribe thumbs up   so that everyone can see it and thank you  for watching i'll see you in the next one you

2021-05-06 05:37

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