Schulich School of Business - Spring 2021 Online Graduation Celebration

Schulich School of Business - Spring 2021 Online Graduation Celebration

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(violin playing) - Hi, I'm Sylvia Popovich, associate professor in the faculty of education. And I just want to say congratulations class of 2021. - Congratulations for the class of 2021 from the Geomatics Engineering Program and the Earth and Space Science and Engineering Department. - My name is Liba. From all of us here at the Schulich School of Business, congratulations class of 2021. - Hi, my name is Kiana Reed and I'm a fourth year geography student.

And I just want to say congrats to everybody who is graduating this year. - Hey Lions! Congratulations class of 2021 from everyone at Yama. - I'm Basia, Shulich class of 2017, and I would like to welcome you to the amazing York University alumni community. - Christine Joana Simpson, faculty of health, school of nursing. Congratulations, graduates.

- Congratulations on a great accomplishment! You must be so proud of yourself. Welcome to the teaching profession. - Congratulations, geography graduates of 2021. I could not be more proud of you and wish you the absolute best of luck.

- Congratulations to the class of 2021, especially those in finance. - Congratulations, Schulich grads. Steve Weiss here from Strategy and International Business. Celebrate today, you certainly deserve it.

- Congratulations, class of 2021 and welcome to the alumni family. - Congratulations to the son grads, you're all super fantastic. - Hey, this is professor Darren Hoig, in the faculty of education.

Congrats all 2021 graduates. - Dear class of 2021, greetings from the office of development at Schulich School of Business. Congratulations on all your successes. Alice Gute. (foreign language) - [All] Congratulations. - Hello, I'm James Simeon, the head of McLaughlin College.

From all of us here at McLaughlin College, congratulations, class of 2021. - Congratulations on your incredible achievement and welcome to the alumni family. - The Faculty of Education, Office of Student Service team sends a big congratulations to our bachelor of education and our BA students. - [All] Congratulations to the class of 2021. - Congratulations to the graduates of the Faculty of the Environment and Urban Change. - It was a miracle that we all got through this year and we are very proud of you and wish you every success for whatever comes next.

- Congratulations, everyone. Class of 2021. - I would like to congratulate you on your graduation and wish you the best in the world. - Hi, everyone, it is Steph and Josh.

- From the Faculty of Education. Congratulations, class of 2021. Woo! - Hello, everyone, my name is Eruja Singh.

I'm from Pakistan, and congratulations to the entire class of 2021. - Hello, my name is Shantelle Savory, I'm graduating from the Primary Junior Division. Congratulations to the York 2021 graduates. - My name is Kaitlin, and from all of us at the Children Childhood and Youth Student Association, congratulations class of 2021.

- I'm Claire Holland and I just wanted to wish the graduates the best of luck on their journey. Your grit and determination have been awe-inspiring this year. - Congratulations, nursing class of 2021. I'm assistant professor, Brenda Orazietti, and wasn't last semester just wild? As you went out into the workforce and nursed COVID patients and suspected COVID patients during this unprecedented time in the pandemic. Way to go, I'm so proud of you, have a great career. - I'm Angela Persepski, I am a Schulich 2021 BBA grad.

Congratulations on all your achievements, graduates. - You worked so hard to get to this point. I am so happy for you. Please tell everyone, tell your family tell your friends, but most importantly, tell yourself, you worked so hard to get to this moment and this moment is yours. So please celebrate. Go out there and sing to the top of your lungs.

I certainly will be for you. Wishing you all the very best. Congratulations, class of 2021.

- On behalf of the Career Development Center. - [All] Congratulations! (staff cheering) - Hello, my name is Mona Friel Brown and I am the manager of Student Success and Access programs for the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. And I'm here today to congratulate each and every one of you on your amazing achievement.

You have done this at the most unprecedented times and I just wanted to wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Congratulations, class of 2021. You did it! - Hey, class of 2021, it's Angela Supra.

I want to congratulate all of you on this great achievement. We did it. - This is Maboi Bretram from the School of Nursing. Congratulations, you did it. Go out there and do great things.

- This marks the beginning of a new chapter for your life. I hope you'll always stay true to the values that you've developed at the sand. And I'm looking forward to hearing what you get up to and the rest of your life. - Hello, I'm professor Roland Hansen from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. And I would like to recognize you're reaching this major milestone and achievement. congratulations, class of 2021.

- Hi, everyone, y name is Laura Crane, I'm the director of academic affairs and operations in the Faculty of Education. And I would like to wish all of our graduates a sincere congratulations and best wishes for your future career in educational and personal paths. - Anne Schlarp, Faculty of Education. Congratulations, graduates. You are moving mountains - On behalf of York University's Biology Society, we would like to congratulate all 2021 graduates.

- We would like to wish everyone the best in their future endeavors. - I'm Pable De Hozier at the founder's college. On behalf of everyone in the college, I want to wish you all the best and congratulations for a memorable, if difficult, year. Because it's been memorable, you also are special.

And I want to give a special, on behalf of the college, congratulations for you having undergone and undertaken this year. All the best. - Hi, I'm Judy McDenel, Associate Dean for students Faculty of Health. Congratulations, graduates. A job well done.

- I'm Jeanette Homtime, Practicum facilitator and course director with the Faculty of Education at York University. I'm so excited for you to graduate. It's been such a different year and you must be very proud of all the work that you've done for your graduation.

Wishing you all the best, yahoo! And I hope you have a fabulous, green field life ahead. Thank you. - Congratulations, Department of Dance graduates. - I'm Trina McQueen from Arts, Media and Entertainment and I'm in awe of all of you who persisted through such a difficult year.

Congratulations and success. - Hello, I'm Melinda Fong, class of 2015 and 2018, Political science, Psychology and Education. Congratulations, York Lions, and welcome to the alumni family. - Hey everyone, my name is Ali Astrof and I just want to congratulate Shulich BBAs and IBBAs and all of York students on graduating this year for the 2021 year.

- On behalf of Schulich, we would like to say congratulations to the graduating class of 2021. - Hello everyone, Dr. Ruth Rovio here, from the School of Nursing and the Faculty of Health. Congratulations, class of 2021. - [Nurse] York. - University.

- [Nurse] Nursing! - [All] Congratulations! (nurses clapping) - Hello, my name is Victoria Perkins, a 2020 graduate from Psychology. Welcome to the alumni family. - Congratulations, class of 2021. - Congratulations, I wish you all the best in your careers and please stay in touch.

- Hi, I'm Terry and congratulations class of 2021. - I hope that you're very proud of yourselves and all of your accomplishments because we're all very proud of you. - My name is Lenora Greeves and I'm a practicum facilitator. Congratulations, class of 2021. - I'd like to say happy graduation, everyone.

And congratulations on all of your accomplishments. - I'm Harvey Skinner, founding Dean of the Faculty of Health. You're agents of change. Go forth, transforming lives, communities, systems and the world. - Anderson, representing the communications and marketing team here in the Faculty of Education. On behalf of our team, congratulations to the class of 2021.

- My name is Corrine. (foreign language) Congratulations, class of 2021. - Congratulations to all of you for making it through this epic year. And for you winter students, win-what? - I just want to say congratulations to everyone and the class of 2021, we did it. - Hi, this is Raymond Mar from the Department of Psychology. I just wanted to tell you how proud we all are of all of you for your resilience and hard work.

Congratulations to all of our graduates. - Yay, you did it! - Congratulations, from a past grad to this future grad. Go out and make positive change. - From all of us in the Psychology Graduate Office, congratulations! Yay! (team cheering) (violin playing) - Congratulations! You all are graduates of York's AMPT class of 2021.

Woo! And a special shout out to my dear friend, Asha Debra at Ashram, who was graduating in theater studies this year. And so to all the graduates here today, your ongoing strength, dedication and tenaciousness have led you to this moment. May you make time to reflect laugh, cry, rest, celebrate and nourish your creative spirits and soul as you journey into this new chapter of your life. You did it. - My name is Michael Rotundi, Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Health.

On behalf of the faculty, congratulations to the class of 2021. - My name is Rockwell Burilla. I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations for the graduating class of 2021. - From all of us in the IT department at Schulich, way to go, class of 2021, we're so proud of you. - Congratulations, class of 2021.

- Hi, everyone. My name is Bo Charu. I got my undergrad in Biophysics in 2017, MMAI in 2020. Congratulations, guys, on making it through. Welcome to the alumni family. - On behalf of all of us in University Events and Ceremonies. - Congratulations, class of 2021.

(foreign language) (staff clapping) - Class of 2021, congratulations, you did it. I'm so very happy for you. Good luck. Don't forget your LAPS family.

Come by and visit us soon. - A big shout out to the class of 2021. Congratulations on your graduation and all the best and your future endeavors. - My name is Max Veti, 2021 graduate from the master's program in humanities. Congratulations and welcome to the alumni family. - Congratulations to all of you.

I wish you all the best in the future. - Hi, my name is Natalie, I'm from the faculty of education. Just wanted to wish all the graduates a congratulations.

- My name is professor Sarah Flicker from the faculty of environmental and urban change. I want to congratulate the entire class of 2021. We are so very proud of you. - We're the alumni engagement team.

- Congratulations class of 2021. We're so proud of you. - Welcome to the alumni family. (team cheering) - My name is Siya Vetenchi and I graduated from York's political science program back in 2014.

Just wanted to briefly congratulate you all and welcome you to the alumni family. - Hi, my name Tiffany Ly and from all of us here at Schulich, congratulations to the class of 2021. - From all of us at Winters College, we congratulate you, class of 2021. You've done something incredible and you've defied the odds. - Graduates, congratulations. - From York University's Lusophone Association.

- A big congratulations. - To this year's. - Graduating class of 2021! - Hello, graduating class of 2021. It's your friendly neighborhood instructor, Charmaine Brown here. Congratulating you on all your successes in the B-Ed program and wishing you the very best moving forward in all your adventures in teaching.

And don't forget, we're cheering you on. Be well! - Hi, it's Mark Thomas of the honors department. Congratulations, class of 2021.

You are a vintage year. - Congratulations, class of 2021. I'm Julie Laffer, the executive director for alumni engagement at York. Your resilience and determination throughout your studies has inspired all of us.

Don't forget to stay in touch with us. - I just want to congratulate you all on completing your program, and welcome you all to the alumni family. - I'm Karen Swartz, associate director of student accessibility services. - And I'm Maureen Barnes, director at student accessibility services. - From all of us at student accessibility services.

- Congratulations, class of 2021. - We're the Schulich Business Excellence Academy. - We just want to congratulate the graduating class and wish them all the best in the future. (girls cheering) (soft music) - Congratulations, class of 2021. I'm Lucy Fromowitz, I'm the vice provost students. And I want you to know that we are all so proud of your achievements.

I know you are too, as are your family. I wish you great success with your future. And I look forward to the day when we can all come together and you can come across that stage and we can congratulate you in person. Best wishes for your future. Congratulations, graduates (violin playing) (foot steps) (feet shuffling) (bagpipes playing) - Welcome.

Today, we take a moment to acknowledge our disappointment that we cannot celebrate together in person. Our thoughts are also with those who may have been affected or have yet to be affected by the global pandemic. Nevertheless, we are grateful for this opportunity to celebrate the exceptional achievements of the class of '21.

We are so proud of our graduates and hope you reflect on your achievements with pride and remember your time at York with affection. May our proceedings reflect the joy, dignity and warmth of the occasion. Tentanda Via, the way must be tried. Ouvrir des voies nouvelles. - As we are not all gathered in the same space, we recognize that this land acknowledgement might not be for the territory you are currently on. We ask that if this is the case, you take the responsibility to acknowledge the traditional territory you are on and the current treaty holders.

We recognize that many indigenous nations have long standing relationships with the territories upon which your university campuses are located, that proceed the establishment of your university. Your university acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many indigenous nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Huron-Wendat.

It is now home to many first nation Inuit and Metis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississauga of the credit first nation. This territory is subject to the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt covenant. An agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.

Nous sommes réunis dans des maisons du monde entier pour célébrer les diplômés de l’Université York. We encourage you to stand, if you are able, for the honor song. (foreign language) Sung by Center for Aboriginal Student Services Knowledge keeper and hand drummer, Amy Desjarlais. Please remain standing for the singing of the national anthem in Anishinaabemowin, English, a la Francais, sung by students and class of 2021 graduates from the School of Arts, Media Performance and Design.

Nous vous encourageons à vous lever si vous le pouvez pour le chant d’honneur et l’hymne national. (soft music) (traditional singing) (soft music) O Canada! O maa enjibayang True patriot love in all of us command With glowing hearts we see thee rise Gii-we-di-nong zaa-gi-too-daa Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits Naaniibwidaa miigwechiwendandaa On guard for thee. - My friends. (foreign language) Since becoming chancellor, convocation has been my favorite time of the year.

It's a time when I get the opportunity to meet with our graduating students, hear about their experiences at York and their plans for the future, and congratulate them on their extraordinary achievements. And this year, while our ceremony may look different than we might have expected back when you first began your studies at York, the milestone we are celebrating is no less momentous. If anything, graduating during a global pandemic is an even more remarkable achievement and one that you should be very proud of. You have all shown incredible perseverance throughout your time at York. The late nights spent studying or completing assignments.

The early morning classes, the demanding exam schedules and the endless balancing act, juggling your studies with work, extracurricular activities, personal responsibilities and, of course, building friendships and every now and again, having a bit of fun. As a York graduate myself, I remember the rigors of academic life very well and the dedication required to navigate the challenges it held. True story. I began my studies at York Osgoode Hall Law School in 1978, September. In November of that year, my wife gave birth to twins, our fifth and sixth child.

Two weeks later, law school examinations started. I really didn't believe I was going to get through them given the chaos that was in our household. Six kids, two of them infants, but I persevered and you know what? It's worked out pretty well.

But this year perseverance has meant something much more. It's meant adjusting to new methods and modes of learning and being physically separated from loved ones and support systems. And in some cases, balancing increased family responsibilities, managing new physical and mental health issues and making sacrifices to support the health and wellbeing of others around us. You know, the perseverance that you have displayed throughout your time at York and over the past year in particular, is confirmation that you are prepared to take on whatever challenges might await you in the future.

As a graduate of York, you are entering the next chapter of your life equipped with not only a strong academic foundation, but also a profound sense of social responsibility and an unwavering commitment to the public good. And you know what, you're joining a large community of alumni ambassadors who are continuing to embrace the university's values through their work to build a brighter future for all of us. You know, if the pandemic has taught us anything, it is the power of community, of working together for the greater good. I hope that you will stay in touch with our community and continue to build on the connections that you've made here, with your professors, course directors, mentors, administrators, fellow students and graduates, and to do so throughout your life. We're here to support you.

To stand beside you through any challenges that you might face. And to join you in the pursuit of a more equitable and sustainable world. Well, I will miss having the opportunity to congratulate you all in person this year, I take comfort in the knowledge that brighter days are ahead.

I wish you all the very best, and I hope that many of you, with many of you, rather, it might be possible to congratulate you in person as you walk across the stage at a future convocation ceremony. I look forward to hearing from you and about all of the ways in which you are continuing to create positive change in your own lives and in the world around you. (foreign language) And congratulations. - Graduates, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the class of 2021. While I wish that we all had the opportunity to be together in person today, I want you to know that the entire York University community is celebrating alongside you and applauding the hard work and dedication that have brought you here to this moment.

Whether you are moving forward to pursue a career, further education or another endeavor, I hope that your experience at York has been fulfilling and transformative, and that you will build on a strong educational foundation you have created here to continue to make a difference because now more than ever, the world needs globally minded and socially conscious graduates like you. You are a part of the next generation of leaders whose talents will applied to addressing the complex challenges facing the world today. From climate change to systemic racism to global health issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

And as a York graduate, you already possess the broad transferrable abilities like problem solving, critical thinking and language skills that you will need to take on these challenges. These are skills that will serve you well, no matter what your path to life might look like. The world is changing rapidly, and even before the pandemic pushed the pace of social and technological change into overdrive, the ways we lived and worked were already evolving. We know, for example, that you are likely to change careers more often than your counterparts in previous generations, around seven times on average.

And that advancements in artificial intelligence and automation will continue to drastically alter the types of roles you will be working in. But wherever your future might take you, I hope you will go forward confident in the knowledge that you are prepared for any challenge you might face along the way. Along with your strong educational foundation and broad skill set, your time at York, particularly over the past year, has proven that you are flexible, forward-thinking and resilient to adapt to any circumstances that might await you.

And so today, I challenge you. I challenge you to go out into the world and draw on the skills that you've built during your time at York, to find ways to not only adapt to the uncertain circumstances we are operating in, but you discover opportunities within them. Opportunities to create positive change in your own life and in the world around you. And to build a safer, healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come. Congratulations, again, to all of our class of 2021 and my very best wishes for your continued success.

Thank you. Merci. (foreign language) (soft music) - Hi there to all the York University graduates, class of 2021, I'm Hayley Wickenheiser. And here I am, coming to you virtually.

I know this year is a year unlike any other year we have all had in our lives, and no doubt finishing your studies probably mostly virtual, has been a challenge, but here you are, you did it. I can understand, probably, how you're feeling because this year I also graduated medical school and never thought I would be graduating medicine and finishing my final year of medicine in a pandemic. And so, over the course of this year, I think that we've all learned something about ourselves, good, bad and ugly sometimes, as we've had to pivot and learn how to live in a new world.

And for me, a few of those things I think that I'd like to pass on to you, the ability to adapt or get left behind. As you guys leave your university world, your student world, into wherever life will take you, the ability to adapt and be nimble and face challenges head on is going to be really important. The ability to control what you can and let go of what you can't. Never before has there been so much happen to us in our lives that we wish we could control, that we just can't. From lockdowns to shut downs, to pivots, to the impact on our families and our everyday lives.

The loss of the freedoms that we all have loved. The ability to sometimes just surrender that and allow other great things and energy to come into our lives is I think a very freeing thing. The final thing, I think that I think about when I think about being a new graduate in Canada and the possibilities that you have moving forward is just how privileged we are to have an education, Canadian education, and the responsibility and the opportunity that comes with it. We don't have to look very far around the world to see many, many people that are less fortunate than we are. And here you guys are, with I'll call it the golden ticket. You've got your diploma in hand and the opportunity to do some seriously cool things.

So embrace it, enjoy it. You should be very proud of yourselves. You and your families, I hope, get time to celebrate, virtually or other. I've got this T-shirt here as well. It's called This Is Our Shot.

You can check it out at It's our national campaign promoting vaccinations. So when you can get vaccinated, get your vaccine, it's our way out of this pandemic. But more than anything, I want to say congratulations to you guys. An incredibly difficult year. You did it and now you're equipped and more resilient than you were before.

So have a great time and make sure you celebrate. Congratulations. - Hi, my name is Detlev Zwick, Dean of the Schulich School of Business.

On behalf of the entire Schulich community, congratulations on your tremendous achievement. You showed incredible resilience and perseverance during the past year, a year like no other. You learned new skills, you built new networks, you made friendships that will last a lifetime and you achieved a major milestone on your life's journey. As you prepare to graduate, please remember to keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. You join a distinguished group of Schulich graduates who have gone on to achieve great personal and professional success, here in Toronto and around the world.

So from all of us at Schulich, your professors, instructors, the staff who supported you along the way, and the alumni who lent a helping hand, congratulations once again. We all very proud of you and we wish you great success. Enjoy the celebration. - Graduates, in a moment, the chancellor ceremonially confer upon you your degrees, at which time you should move your tassel from right to left, to signify that you are a York university graduate.

It is now my honor, as chair of the University Senate, to present the chancellor these candidates and certify that they have successfully completed all of the requirements established by the statutes of this university for their degrees. Finissants et finissantes, dans un moment, le chancelier conférera cérémonieusement vos diplômes. I now request the chancellor to ceremonially confer on these candidates their degrees, and that he grant them all the rights and privileges and challenge them to accept all of the obligations and responsibilities arising there from. - As the chancellor of York University, by the authority of the power that is vested in me, I hereby confer upon you the degrees to which you have demonstrated your entitlement to the satisfaction of Senate. With such title, honor, duties, rights and privileges as are proper to them.

En tant que Chancelier de l'Université York, et en vertu de l'autorité des pouvoirs dont je suis investi, je vous confère les grades que vous postulez, sur l'attestation du Sénat, et vous octroie tous les titres, honneurs, devoirs, et droits, et privilèges afférents à ces grades. Admitto vos ad gradum. (soft music) - Congratulations, graduates.

May York University continue to flourish for all who love truth and justice. May we be worthy of its demands and faithful in its service. Because we have shared time together at York University, let us remember and preserve its values, knowledge, passion, generosity, diversity and ceaseless effort, in the name of those who have gone before and for the good of generations to come. Let us go forward with strength, courage and gratitude in the knowledge that each end is the beginning of new and greater challenges. - Hello, York graduates and now fellow York alumni.

Mayor John Tory here, it's an honor for me to be a part of this year's convocation. Although a bit different, it is still a celebration of your accomplishments and the start of a brand new chapter in your lives. As I made reference, I am myself, a York alumnus. I went to the Osgoode Hall Law School. So I'm, admittedly, a little biased when I say that you are graduating from an exceptional university that plays a unique role, both in the city of Toronto and in our country and around the world. York is a leading international teaching and research university and a driving force for positive change.

As graduates, thanks to your education at York University, you are now better prepared and poised to make a difference in our community. I know this year's graduation is a little different. We're doing this virtually as opposed to otherwise. You're probably watching this from home, maybe with your family or with friends and classmates.

And you may not be able to celebrate in person for quite a while yet, but it's still a really happy occasion. And please know that those of us who have been in your shoes more than 330,000 York alumni worldwide are celebrating with you. It's no less important than occasion, even though we're doing it virtually. We are honored to have you join the York alumni family and look forward to seeing you and where your education takes you in our city and across our country. I hope you're able to reflect on all the hard work and the long hours and the dedication and commitment that it has taken to achieve this goal.

And thank your families too because they've supported you and helped you along the way. And most of all, be proud of this terrific accomplishment. Congratulations. - Congratulations. - Congratulations.

- Félicitation. - Congratulations. - Congratulations.

- Congratulations. - Congratulations York grads. - Congratulations York grads. - Congratulations York grads. - Congratulations York grads. - You did it.

- You're finally here. - You worked hard. - Toiled over assignments.

- Spent late nights studying for exams. - And today. - Aujourd'hui.

- Today. - Today. - You celebrate all you have accomplished. - All it took to get here. - You join a York Alumni community. - More than 300,000 strong. - A community of people who've sat where you're sitting.

- Who've been in your shoes. - People like me like me. - Like me. - Like me. - Like us.

- And no matter where you go from here. - You'll always be a part of this community. - The York community. - The York family. - So enjoy today. - Enjoy every moment.

- Take it all in. - Be proud. - As proud as we are of you. - Take some time to reflect on your years here. - And all the moments that led you to today.

- You may be graduating. - And moving on to different places. - But you'll always be welcome here. - But you'll always be welcome here. - You'll always be welcome here. - [All] At York.

(upbeat music)

2021-07-02 07:06

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