Schedule Planning with Economics and Haas School of Business Advisers

Schedule Planning with Economics and Haas School of Business Advisers

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Good. Morning everyone. Welcome. To our webinar we're. Gonna be going. Over letters. And science College, of Letters and science and we'll also be talking to, our, colleagues, over in the. Department of Economics and the, School, of Business. The, Haas School of Business. So. From, the Haas School of Business today we. Have Alessandra, Fidesz and. From. Economics, today we, have Christian. Dawson and I'm. Tim Gale so I'm one of the advisors here, at the. College of Letters and science and. There. Are lovely. And talented people in the room that are going to be answering questions to be a chat and so. Be, sure and check in any questions that you might have and, all, turn the camera off for now and go, to presentation. Mode so that you can see the. Presentation that we have for you okay, here we go. So. Welcome to the College of Letters and science I introduced. Myself I'm Tim Cahill and my. Colleagues will be with joining. Us after I do a quick presentation about, the, college and what it has to offer for you guys. So. In the session today we're going to be talking a little bit about letters and science and. Help you kind of navigate who, are the people on, campus that you talk to when, you have questions there's quite a lot there's a whole army, of people here. At Cal that are willing. And and able. And hired, to help you and you just kind of have to figure out who knows what and letters. And science can be a great hub for you to kind of see what's, out there and who can do who can answer what questions. After. I go over that I'll also give you some important, deadlines and dates and then, I'll turn it over to my colleagues in econ and Haas and then we'll end the session with some questions. So. What is LNS. You are made up of about, 23,000. Undergraduate, students so you're about to meet a lot of really cool and interesting people I'm very excited, for you pick. Your friends like you pick your fruit you know look around and see who's where and. Kind. Of get to know people on campus and, identify. Some majors that might be interesting to you. There. Are 80 over. 80 majors, offered, in 60 different departments, here on campus so, many. Many different opportunities, for you to explore, especially. In these first and second years you might have an idea of what you want to do but, be open to that idea shifting, and changing over, time because you could discover that you really, love something that you didn't know that you were interested in. The. Divisions, that, the college is divided up into are, five. There are five of them arts and humanities is one so that would be where you'd find rhetoric. English. Biological. Sciences would be like. MCB, or inter distant. Or disciplinary. By, integrative. Biology sorry, about that math. And physical sciences, pretty, self-explanatory the, hard sciences, is a division, and then, lastly, there's.

Social Sciences, as well like, anthropology, and political science and then lastly is the department that advisors, are housed in which is undergraduate, and interdisciplinary. Studies so. Here in Evans Hall on the second floor you'd find all the interdisciplinary studies. Like. In. Your disciplinary field studies, Media, Studies American. Studies so, come check us out when you come visit, us for advising you can also see what other interdisciplinary. Departments, there are on campus for you. And. Then. The mission of the College of Letters & Science is, multi. Folded. We. Encourage, intellectual. Curiosity and. Stimulate. Exploration. Both academic, exploration and career exploration so. We're, here to help you kind of navigate I, think at the core, what. We are is kind of a, crazy, fancy hotel, concierge. Where we can point you to different, resources on campus and. Show you who does what but, we do a lot more than that to work with developmental, if I to try and help you kind of navigate the questions and understand why you're making the choices you're making and dig. Deeper into what it is that you're interested in so, kind. Of helping you with that curiosity. Piece and both the inside, and the outside of the classroom work we. Help you to kind of think about those things. We. Also promote the benefit and, the value of a liberal arts education so, you're, getting your bachelor's degree you're not getting your master's degree right now what you're doing is getting a broad base of understanding, of, what's out there a liberal arts education will. Help you kind of develop your critical thinking skills help, you develop that grit that you're going to need to kind of persevere, through doing something that's rigorous, help, you develop, your teamwork skills, your, polished so that you can sort, of deliver a polished, product. Helps. You kind of like interact. Critically, with texts, and ideas so a liberal arts education gives, you that broad base we're. Not a. Professional. College although we do have, departments. Within, LNS. That do offer professional kind, of help. Like you, know learning, how to do Python, but, it is mostly. A classical, liberal arts education where, you can get a broad base of understanding, of what it means to be a citizen and a, person here in the world. And. Then like I said earlier we do try, and do as much developmental, advising, as, we can here so that you can have success so. We help, help. You to identify some, of those questions that you want to have answered yourself point. You towards majors of interest. And just let you know what's out there and. Then. Finally what we do is we help get, you graduated, on time so make sure that you've gotten all your. Prerequisites. Done all of your requirements. Done in order to graduate in. The time that, you have here at Cal. Here. We are there's about I, don't know 25 of, us or so they'll probably be closer to 30 in the coming months we are. Trying to build, our teams so that the ratio between advisors. And students, is even better so, there's more of us to help. You kind of navigate this world we. Are located in two different places were in to an L Hall very near Sproul. 156. To now and we're also in 206 Evans, which is up on the hill on, the second floor of Evans Hall so here's, some of the. Advisors that work in our office on ie. And Kim are here in the room with me helping with chatting. And they're featured. Here in this, picture as well. Um. So. This is the, different access, points for. How you would get advising, here on campus I'll. Point you first of all to just kind of the how. This is structured at the top you, have LNS, advisors which is me and Ani and Kim like I just the.

Picture They were just four seated and then at the bottom you have peer advisors, and LNS, graduate mentors so, the top and the bottom two the green purple and gray are, all people that work into an Allen Evans they are our staff. And they sort, of cover different things so an LNS advisor like I said helped. You out in. Terms, of understanding what requirements, you need in order to graduate, how. To do those program. Planning things before. You actually declare. A major so, all your lower division work, helping you kind of navigate before, you declare, and. Then helping you connect, to other services, here on campus anything. From the disability service, program all, the way to the Career Center we. Have connections, around, campus, that we can point you to, and. We have, workshops. And and, opportunities. For you to understand. What majors are out there so that you can explore, them and your career interests, and. Then help you if you're struggling in academics. Or even outside of academics, so. We help clarify the many, many policies, that you'll be navigating, while you're here, the, peer advisors there's about 15. To 20 peer advisers every, semester and the peer advisors work. In our office and help you kind of be. Able to navigate. And do what we do but they have that first-hand knowledge so, they've taken the classes that you might be interested in so it's like you have a kind, of a big, sister, or brother here on campus that can help guide you through class. Selection. And they, are trained in a very rigorous. Training. Program to, sort of be able to answer the questions that you will have when. We aren't open during the lunch hour they're out with. Cards and out, in the dorms to kind of help students, with, their advising questions as well so, they. Can help with, all. Sorts of navigation, and can, tell you about those classes, the. LNS graduate mentor is right next to them in grey they also work in this office and they are a group, of grad, students that are in different, disciplines. Here in LNS, and they. Can help you kind of think about okay what is it what. Does it mean to apply to a grad school what are the steps that you need to take to think about graduate, school, and. Help you kind of hone your, time. Management skills, and, work. With kind of how. How you can interface and make the most out of your time. In classes, so encouraging. You to go to office hours teaching. You all their, tricks that they learned when they were doing, their research and. Internships. To, get into graduate school and, what, they employ. Daily, in their graduate program so, life, skills and, and. Kind of academic access, points, so. Speaking of going to office hours the. Faculty advisors there on the left in, that darker blue color this. Is one, thing that I want to strongly encourage all of you to do going to office hours meeting, your GSIS. Your graduate student instructors, and your professors, is a really important, and kind of underutilized. Opportunity. That, students don't often do enough getting. To know those professors, they're. Going to turn you on to that book or that article, or that concept that, will lead you down a path that will make. You sort of turn on to something that you didn't even know was out there so really, really encourage you to, maintain. And establish. Relationships, with the people who are teaching your classes, that, will lead, to unexpected. Places and help clarify things that are going on in class and, just help keep you on the path. So. They, help you you know how to eat, navigate. Research how, to prep for grad school as well and you get that kind of intellectual, grounding, and you can see what it took for them to become a professor or a GSI, and, then. Finally, after. You have declared. A major you. Will in your main point of contact for academic, advising will be your um a or your undergraduate, major advisor, and the.

Undergraduate Major advisor, will. Help you kind of navigate what courses are required for the major and. Program planning, for your upper division work, so the college well. The college advisors, will help you kind of before you declare and the major advisors, will help you after you declare obviously. You're going to be working with both kinds, of advisors throughout your whole time here, so, if there's not a line in the sand you can definitely see both of us at both times but. We do cover different kind of requirements. So a major advisor, will. Be able to answer questions for you that a college advisor might not know exactly because we don't know all the different nuances of policies around how to get that major. We. Often encourage students, to establish. In and get. To know some major advisors, even before they're on even. Before they're declared, and kind of explore different majors so it's a good idea even in your first year to kind of get to know some major advisors, go, to open now office, hours often they have peer advisors as well just like we do so you can talk to other students, that have declared in that major so that's a good idea. The. Undergraduate. Major advisors, kind of help you how to declare they and they help, you navigate if, there's, barriers. To entry those sort of things and they can also help help for bread and grad school so broadly. Speaking these are the different, point access points for advising here on campus. Next. I wanted, to tell you some basic deadlines, that exist for the College of Letters and science all of these dates are Fridays. Except, for September 18th, which is a Wednesday, so generally. Speaking we try to keep our deadlines on Fridays. So. There are a certain, subset of courses that are called early drop deadlines, courses, EDD, courses, and these are courses that are high demand courses there. Are courses where the roster needs to be established early, so, you can't you have to drop in and in, the class earlier than you would normally do for a non. De corse so, September 6 the second week of class is the deadline to draw these, EDT, courses, the early drop deadlines courses. September. 18 in. The fourth week that. Wednesday is the deadline to drop nan EDD, courses, and it's also the deadline to add any, classes, this, is the moment that you would drop, on the, vast majority of courses, and not have, to do, what's called a late drop, November. First in the tenth week is the moment where you can change your grading, option, so, if you are taking a class most. Classes are offered for a letter, grade if you're taking. A class and, you're starting to feel a little bit worried about the grade you're getting and you can go into Cal central your portal, and. Change, from graded, to pass no pass or vice versa so you can change from pass no pass into graded some, courses like special, Studies courses or decals, are only offered for Bastow pass so you can't switch those into letter graded. But this, is your moment where you can interface. With the cal central, portal. To, change your grading option we, often encourage students, to come in and talk to a college advisor before. You make that decision just to kind of like play, out different scenarios and make sure it's the best thing sometimes, we see students change, tabasco pass and later regret, it so we want to make sure that you've kind of talked it out and it, all makes sense for you the. Next deadline you see here is December 6 which is the last day of classes and that's, the deadline to submit a late change. For. The term and a late change is anything that would happen after, you know that September, those, September deadlines you see above and the, late change policy, is as follows. All. Students. Can. - too, late actions, in, one semester, one. Time during their college career so, that's kind of a complicated, thing.

So, I'm just going to say one more time the. Late action policy, is that you can do too late actions, so let's say you want it too late. Drop a class and you want it to change to pass no pass after. The deadline you can do to leave, actions, in one, semester one. Time during the four years that you're here, so. That's something, useful. To keep in mind and. Then December, 13th, the last day of our our week also of Friday's the deadline to withdraw from, a fall term so, the nomenclature that we use here is that what drawl is when you leave the entire semester so, you take all, of your classes out and a drop is when you just drop one class, so. Those are some things to keep in mind there's. A little asterisk there that shows you what the EDT classes, are and then, a basic overview at, the bottom there in black about where we're located and, how to schedule appointments, that. Phone number you might want to jump that down right now but you can also go just, google letters. And science advising, and go to advising services, to kind of get a sense of how to make an appointment when. Drop-in, advising happens. And all of that. All. Right I want to now turn it over to Christian, Dawson. All. Right thank you Tim as, Tim mentioned my, name is Christian Dawson I am an undergraduate, advisor in the Department, of Economics, i'm alessandra, introduce yourself and then we'll get into econ. Christian. My, name is alessandro ffedith I'm the program manager of, admissions, and outreach at the hospital, of business and I'll be talking to you in a few minutes. Great. Thank You Alessandra. We. Definitely want to congratulate, you all on being, admitted to Berkeley this is an exciting time and whether you're going to go. Towards, economics. Or haws with, a Business Administration or any of our wonderful majors, that, exist. On the campus or double-majoring, a lot of our students do double major with econ and Haas etc. We're excited for you all and we want you to choose a major, or majors that are good fit for you so if you are considering, economics. You, can visit, us online we, do have a prospective. Majors, web, page on our website so econ, Berkeley, edu, and then, you can navigate, to the, prospective majors, website which, will have a lot of the information that I'll be discussing today, and further. Details, as you pursue, the, econ. Major, in those requirements we're, located, in Evans Hall so we're a few stories above the College of Letters and science and 5:39, at you. Can email us at any time at you cried at econ, For. Advising, appointments. They will start for you all as freshmen and fall, once.

You've Done GPA, and GBO and kind of grounded yourself on campus a bit you can also come in for drop-in hours again. Starting, and fall and as ii mentioned, a lot of the majors do have peer advisors, which we do as well. Hello. This is Alessandra. From the hospital business so just some overview, of the kind, of where we're located and, where you can find more information. Ha. Stop, slash. Under out is gonna be your best resource for locating, all the information, that i go over today you, can also feel free anytime we, have, open. Hours open, drop-in, to come by our office it's, located, in the hospital, business. Room, s 450. Our, phone number is there as well you can always call us anytime. That, we're open and receive, phone, advising, as well our. General, email is ug info and hostel edu. And just, to say one more time no. Appointment, is necessary so, anytime you want to call us or come, to the office in person we highly, encourage you to do that. There's no appointment, necessary. Lastly. I just wanted to bring. To your attention we'll, be having an info session, in. The fall we haven't set a date yet but keep your eyes, and ears out for that it's called business separately. Thank. You. And, then just. Gonna go over a sample, schedule for, your. Freshman. First. Semester, this, is for intended, economics, and business majors. We. Have a couple of classes here the first one being the reading and Composition requirement. This, is a requirement. That is. Required. For both econ. Econ and business, so, we definitely would. Advise that you got that over with. Math. 16a. Or 16, B or. 1a or 1b depending. On, your. Exam credit so we're gonna go over that in, a couple of minutes and then. A breath or alternate, major prerequisite. So, depending. On which, major is, your priority, major, so whether that's econ or business definitely. Taking. Both. A prereq for for. Both of those majors so that if you don't get into one you have the other one covered as well or a breadth. Requirement, which is a university, requirement, that we'll discuss in a couple of minutes. Lastly. Again a breadth a decal, or a seminar. Decals. Are amazing, they are classes, that are taught by students. And you can take them in a, variety. Of different subjects and you, can go for that later so we we definitely recommend, that you take 13, to 16 units, in your first semester. Definitely. Some of the prerequisite, classes for, the majors, that you're intending and then, also some backups, and, then, working. On your University, requirements as well just you're getting a little bit of everything and it's allowing you to transition, in smoothly. Thank. You Alessandra into Alessandra's, point the. Question often. Is do, you take courses, that go towards. Your major requirements. Or do you take breadth courses and. We encourage, both so. Taking a little bit of both of that diversifies. Your course load and allows, you to explore options so. I'll be talking a little bit about the admissions, requirements, for the economics. Major, important. Thing for students. To note is that we are a high demand admissions. Based, major. We have students that come in asking are we capped are we. Not. Gonna let, you in which, we, are excited that you're here so we, are not necessarily a capped major where we have a certain number it's if you. Meet the requirements, and you apply you. Will be admitted, so, talking, about some of those things that still say cap we. Have a semester. And unit, cap for. Our, admissions, process semester. Being that students, who, are freshmen start, are, able to apply to. The economics, major within. Their fifth semester, so fifth semester being the last semester that they are at Berkeley or being.

At Eighty units, of, credit. Not. Including, anything that students have taken in high school not including any test units eighty units are under, during. That application. A semester. So that's important, to note freshmen. Start students, typically, apply, for the economics, major between their third and fifth semester but. That is important, to note as you pursue, the, prerequisites. Which, I'll mention. As well because, you can have courses in progress they just have to be the last courses, in progress when you're applying. For. The economics, major so, as I mentioned course completion, will discuss what courses are required to, complete and then, for freshmen star students the GPA requirement. Is a 3.0. As the minimum. AP. IB. And a level exam credits, while they can, be used to meet major requirements. For courses, the, credits, or any, transfer, credit so say you took courses at a community college or at another institution say, another you see those. Grades, will not be counted, towards. The minimum, GPA the, GPA exists only for, the courses that you take at Berkeley. So. For the prerequisite, courses for. The economics, major. There, are. Kind. Of four sections of courses to complete the. First that we'll mention are the two courses in, calculus. So that is either at Berkeley math 1a or 16a and math. Would be your six you, could do math 1a and, 16b, you can mix and match you, can also use AP ib a level, credit if you've tested, out of those. Courses. You can pursue that as well, additionally. It's one course in introduction. To economics. So that's econ 1 or 2 or an, equivalent that, can be at a community college or, through AP, exams, etc and, one, course required. An introduction, of statistics, this. Is not, necessarily, achievable. Through the California Community Colleges so the majority of our students, will be taking this at Berkeley. It's also not achievable, through test, credit, these. Courses, that are listed on, our slide are the definitive. List of statistics, courses at Berkeley, students. Often ask what can I take another statistics. It's listed to something else this. List for statistic, courses is the definitive list, that students must take one, of these courses, you, may notice that some of the courses have two, digits so 28 21 88, and then some have three the 130 ones 135, or 140, the, three-digit courses are upper division, some.

Students Find success, in those courses so it really is up to you on what's a good fit, lastly. For the economics, major is one course, an, intermediate. Economic, theory or econometrics. This, is listed. The 100, or 101 series, also. Ugba. 101, B so if you are considering, a Conor, Hawes that may be something that you want, to take either way with, econ, or YouTube. As you to be a course we, recently, added econometrics. This, is a more rigorous and challenging course. So if you're considering, using this, for, the economics. Major in this being your first course. An upper, division econ. Absolutely. A touch, base with one of the major advisers, we can build, conversation. On whether it's a good fit if we feel that, you may want to take a, intermediate. Course, to kind of test the waters but, either, one of these can be taken, and if you take multiple, we will count all of the courses taken for this intermediate, economic, theory or econometrics, one. Of the asterisks, at the bottom, mentions. That students, cannot take econ, 1 or econ 2 during the first semester at Berkeley so, this goes back to the, recommendation. To start, off with breath, for. Econ, or Haas the math the calculus, requirement. And. Students, often find success. Taking, the math requirement, even if they took it as a exam. Credit, that's already cleared because it is Berkeley. Berkeley. Math is a different. Kind of category, than, an AP, exam credit, and it's a great space to kind of get some footing there also. For the economics, requirement, students must either take, the, math requirements. Or the calculus, or the, statistics, requirement, at Berkeley, again. Most students will do the statistics, but one of those has to be taken at Berkeley. This. Is a sample, economics. Prerequisite, plan for, a freshmen star student, so this, information is also listed on our website. It's. Not a, must. Do, this plan, but it's a great recommendation as, you. As a student are also doing breadth requirements, seeing what's a good fit and wanting. To tear. The courses, that you're taking so that you're maybe not taking as many rigorous, courses in one semester but. You're spreading them out over time and as, we mentioned a a P, IB, a level, exam credits can count towards, the econ, course requirements. And you can find out more information on, our website. Now. For the application. For. The economics, major it's not. Going to be the same as applying to Berkeley thankfully. But. It is take. The courses you, meet the GPA you, get into the major we. Are very transparent about, our process, there's not, necessarily in the essay or any further documents. To submit at. The beginning of the semester the, application. Opens online on our prospective. Majors. Page it's, a hyperlink, it really, asks your name your student ID, do. You want to pursue the economics, major and then we pull a lot of your information from. How central, that will be listed the. End of week five is when, the early review application, is due so. As I mentioned students. Who are freshmen start they typically, apply between. Their third and fifth semester if you, have completed, all of the. Prerequisite, requirements. By the time of the application, you could submit early, review which means we let you know sooner, so, that's a great feature if you still have courses in progress you will do general, with you now the general review deadline is new and that it's no longer it used to be week five now it's, the end of week fifteen so, that's the last day of classes for, the semester this.

Is Helpful for us because we know that students, are making choices and decisions, throughout. The, semester, and so if you decide you know what I think I want to pursue economics. We, want to give you as much time as possible to, make that choice and if you decide, that she wants you opt out of the major can always email us and we, will pull your application. Two. To three weeks after the semester grades are posted is when, the admissions, decisions are released via email, so, once. Those grades are posted give us a couple weeks because we receive, between. Three. To four hundred applications. Each each semester and so, we're making the. Review. Of did, you take the courses did you meet the GPA and will, we be accepting. You, see. As I mentioned the, courses. In progress and then important, to note is that prerequisite. Coursework cannot. Be done for, pass no, pass it must be for a letter grade so, must be for a letter grade very important, to note as you build, out your plan. All. Right, Thank You Christian, so, moving into the, admissions requirements, for the Haas School of Business I want, to say first of all that the requirements. Are very similar, to that of economics, there are a couple of key differences. You, can see here with our prerequisite. Classes, one. Of the main differences is that we do require a principles. Of business course, you can see that's the first one listed ugba, ten. The. Calculus, requirement. The economics, requirement, is the same. Another, quick difference, is the statistics, requirement, we, have a, slightly. More limited. Number. Of classes, that will accept for the stats requirement, you can see there's only four here. And then we will also accept. A data science, course plus. A connecter course so that would mean that you. Have the option of taking one. Of the four stats, classes listed, that. Are first listed in blue or a. Data. Science course plus a connecter, course, to. Fulfill the statistics, requirement, and. Then the English reading and Composition is the same as for. The economics, major. So. That is kind of the the prerequisite, classes another, minimum, eligibility requirement. Is that you must have sixty, semester, units by. The end of the spring prior, to your anticipated, start so, when, everything is done right before you start you must have at least sixty, units and then, the same as economics.

You Must receive a letter grade for prerequisite. Coursework so no pass no pass I. Also want, to mention quickly and we're going to get into it a little bit is, that the, the, business major is a little, bit more competitive, so. We do have an, application. That will include an essay. As. Well, as a resume, portion so we'll get into that though. Just, going back to the prerequisites. So we, do accept, exam, credit, for. The prerequisite, classes this is just the, AP, exam credit. Listed, here we, do also, accept IB, and a-level, exams and to see the full list you. Can go to hasta, perkily edu. But. This is just the AP requirement, the plan. You're gonna look at on the website is this exact thing so you can see the exams, that you took the. Score needed to fulfill the requirement, and then the course that is satisfied, by that score. So. Scheduled planning so here we have a sample plan. You. Do not have to follow this plan exactly, this is just a great way to sort. Of anticipate. What, is to come and they come in the next coming semesters, I, do advise. All. New students to work out some sort of plan like this knowing that it will change but just so for you you. Know what's kind of what's coming ahead in. Your freshman. Fall, semester, you can have a, calculus. Requirement. English. Reading and Composition breadth and ultimate. Courses, for an alternate, major so we definitely, advise, that. You. Always, have your back up kind of planned out so you're fulfilling. Those, parallel, tracks you're you know going towards, the major that you're intended, as well. As. Definitely. Taking courses for any back up major. So, you, can take a look at this this this sample. Plan is also available on, our website for you to have a closer look at it. Students. Typically, apply to the, business major during, the fall of their sophomore year so. In. Your, sophomore, fall and spring you can see there are still some. Prerequisite. Courses listed, there you are able to have those classes in progress or planned even during the application period. All, right so the application, selection criteria. Here like, I said it is a little bit more in-depth. Grazing. Coursework, is 50%, of, our admissions decision. We, really, are looking for performance, in the prerequisite, classes we, feel that, these. Classes, really will, dictate. How you doing these classes will dictate how you do in the overall major and kind of gives you an idea of the rigor of the major. 35%. Of our decision, is the, essays, so what we're really looking for is authenticity. Embodiment. Of the defining leadership, principles, these, more. Information, about these is available on our website, but, just know that they are very important, to the hospital business and kind of define what our culture is and. That you answer the prompt of courses, that you are answering, what. We're asking the. Last part is the resume, 15%. In, the resume.

Good, Questions about this this is anything, that you do outside of the classroom, and, what we're looking for with all of those activities, whether it's a club whether it's student government, whether it's volunteer, work working. With your church anything, like that we're, looking for leadership potential and levels of responsibility. Impact. And the, time commitment and consistency that, you have with those activities. So. Here we have the application timeline. So November 1st, is when the online application. Opens. You, have until the last name you remember November 30th, to. Complete, the application, in, mid-february. A, conditional. Admission will. Be available. So you are conditionally. Admitted I, mentioned, this earlier because, you will have some classes, in progress still, so. We'll, admit you and then, based, on the final. Grades of those classes, we will then release the final admission decision, in mid-june. Like. I said it is acceptable, to have courses in progress and, plan for fall and spring during, the application time what. I always tell students is, that you do, want to try and get as many done. As possible, in the earlier semesters, so that the, admissions, committee is, able, to see your. Overall, performance, but, it is completely, fine to have classes, in progress. Also, you, may be invited for a virtual interview, during the application review, period. Ok, well that is our presentation, some. Things to note in, your interface. There for the GoToWebinar. You, can see under handouts, that there's five different things there those are resources that you can grab, we. Are going to be open, to. Questions. Right now and. The. Our operators. Are standing by and, they're, going to be taking some questions and, we'll all stay. Here to answer some questions for you right now and have, a look at those resources in the handout section. Year there any question, Eric in there any questions. Semester. Isis. Which. Semester, do most Syrians turning, in. Okay. Sure for the economics. Major most. Students, will turn in their applications. Within their third semester. Depends. One how. Will their pacing, their major prerequisites. The student, must, apply if, they're applying with. The, remainder. Of the courses, in progress. So either their completed, work progress, refresh, with star students, that happens between the third semester, third. Semester typically. Those to do. Ap. Level. Or, IV, exams. Which, award, them credit, and so it's a shorter or a truncated, crime or they've that track for credit elsewhere but. You have through your fifth masters, that fifth semester is, the last semester, for a freshman start student to apply to. Economics. You. That's. A great question. So. The question, the question. Was. Can. You include. In your Haas application. Activities. Or resume items that you completed, in high school that is a really great questioning, at that question all this time. Essentially. We advise, that if, you continue, that activity into. College, then you may include it on your resume however. If it was something that you just did in high school and finished. By the time you graduated, high school I, would not include that on your resume.

Any. Other questions coming in. We're. Also getting a lot of questions for house, admissions. In terms of is there, a waitlist, or what's the minimum GPA, what's, the percentage, of people getting into house so, a lot of like people, are applying. But. How many are getting in essentially. Great. Question, so, with. Haas since it is such a competitive, program, we, do receive a lot, of applications. It, is very, competitive so, let me repeat that before I tell you this next stat. We. Are admitting right. Around 35% of the applications, that we are receiving so it is an, incredibly, competitive, major, a lot of people are applying, to this major. There. Is no minimum. GPA requirement. For Haas, we are looking, at your application very, holistically. So there. Is a range that, is listed on our website of. GPAs. That of, students, that we've accepted what, I can say is that you do not need a perfect 4.0, to get into Haas we, are looking at more, so your experienced, academics. Are very important, but we understand, that things, happen and sometimes maybe you get off to a rocky start but if you slowly, increase your, performance then, we definitely take that into account we're, also taking into account what, kind of, activities. And, responsibilities. You have outside, the classroom that may be adding. To your GPA. So. We really are looking for. Well-rounded. Students, and students, that do. Have embody, our defining leadership principles, as. Well, as our, you. Know academically. Rigorous and, are, academically. Committed so definitely. Looking, at an array of things, if. That. Hopefully that answers. The question. I. Might. Just chime in here for a second to say that in, my experience a lot of incoming freshmen dorm any not a lot but a mini incoming, freshmen tend, to overestimate, their, preparedness, for Cal, so. Going. Back to that slide where, it was suggested that you take 13, to 16 units, really, kind of take it easy and take classes that you might think that, you don't need to take just. Because you're you're not only taking, the content, you're, also seeing the method you're seeing the method with which Cal teaches, these things so even, though you may have tested, out of a math class it might be good to get some exposure to how, Cal teaches, math and kind, of take it easy in that first term thirteen units would be perfectly reasonable especially, if you're thinking about trying to take, on things outside of the classroom to bolster. That application. To hafsat that's what they're interested in, any. Other questions coming through. You. So. The question on the table generally, speaking is what, about sin degrees in simultaneous, degrees what about double majors what about triple majors these sort of things why. Don't we take it in turns. Christian. Do you want to address your, some thoughts on double. Majoring, sure. That's, a great question, for, economics. We have a number of students. That either, double. Major triple. Major we have a quadruple. Major now, again just keep. That in mind there's an array of opportunities on, our campus, so choose, what's, the good fit for you we, also have students now if you were wanting, to double major in, Haas and econ it's considered, a simultaneous, degree because. The hospital of business is in a separate College from, economics. Which were housed in the College of Letters and science so still has the same features, of a double major in that you're pursuing two different areas of study but, they'll be additional requirements. So things to consider when you are canoeing. A double, major or simultaneous. Degree or tripling, etc, is that you will need, to meet those prerequisite. Requirements, as well as those major requirements. The, College of Letters and science they do sometimes. Extend. The, time that, you're here the terms based. On the need for the student so if, you meet more time than which I will kind of defer to LMS on that, process, but it is available for you to pursue these options, whatever. Makes a whatever, is a good fit for economics. Are. Most. Common, double majors, or simultaneous, degrees or Haas. Statistics. Computer. Science data, science, and. Applied. Math and. I'll. Also just chime in here to say from from the kind of like, 50,000. Foot view, I. Do also, see students, who maybe, overestimate. The impact, that a double major or a triple major will make in their future so, you. Know digging into one discipline, deeply, and being, able to talk about what you've learned at Cal in a way that is, that. Conveys, your. Aptitude. And mastery. Of that topic, is more important, to a future employer or to a grad school than. Your. Transcript, that says that you were a double major or had five minors or things like that so I, I would, pick, and stick I would sort of really research. What it is that you're interested in and know what you're getting into, before diving into, the more is better kind.

Of Train, of thought because it might make, it so that your resume is actually weakens because you wouldn't have the opportunity, to do the outside of the classroom things because you're doing all the major, requirements, for the different things so boot, you're not. And. I just wanna chime, in quickly and say, that a double. Major are simultaneous, degrees we call it it's completely possible with, with, Haas we, definitely encourage it, for students that are interested I, would. Also say that as, long as you plan. That. Is going to be the most important, thing is that you plan. Ahead for, these majors, especially. The, question about. Computer, science and let's. Potentially, cost or economics, or all three, you. Want to make sure that, you know what's coming and you're anticipating the. Semesters, ahead and what's going to be required so that you graduate, on time or, in a timely manner I. Also wanted to mention that Haas, does, work, very well with, other majors, because, the, business major itself is so adaptable, and so flexible, and it really is a vehicle for whatever you're interested in if you, want to go into the music business if you want to go into entertainment you want to go into, HR. Anything, that you're really interested, in Haas can be the vehicle behind it so computer, science and Haas for example, would be excellent, because then you have both. Of those skills so. Definitely. Keeping in mind with Tim said but also if you're interested in these two things that's possible. I'll. Just add one more thing that popped into my head you know exposure, to, concepts. And exposure, to ideas, is what it's all about in these years so you, can take that CS, series. You know the 61, in the 70 series and not be a CS, major right. You could take these things you have but you have a chunk. Of classes that will be elective, and that will help you to grow without, actually, you know diving, into the major as, your stakes they're, getting. And getting exposure to these concepts is undoubtedly, helpful, for a resume but. Just kind of pick, and choose and see what, it is the time for and, how to build the strongest transcript. That you can. Any other questions coming through. You. So. The the question was for. Haas. What is the admission rate and can you apply more than once I did. Mention the, admission, rate is right around 35%. So. It. Is, a very competitive major let me reiterate that. The. Reason, behind that is that we just don't have a lot of space so there are a ton, of brilliant, applicants, that are, turned away just, for space so, keeping, that in mind it's, always good to have a backup major always, good to have an alternate, plan also, something that Christian, can probably, reiterate. Is that the, econ major and the business, major are very similar in the paths and the, same opportunities. Are offered can, be offered to both an econ, major and a business major so it's, definitely, a very very, good idea if you are interested, in that, particular paths, you apply to both to me the econ and business or to look at them at least and got some more information about that because. You. Know an econ student in a Haas 2 dn't can end up in the exact same place and it's, totally, you, know what happens all the time so those opportunities, are not just, for Haas. As, far as applying more than once we. Do, not allow for, continuing, UC Berkeley students to apply more than once, so you apply one time the, reason for that is is that you have a limited amount of time here on campus and we don't want you hung up on getting into this one major we want you to have you know plan a and then if plan a doesn't work out you go right into Plan B and can start getting into that not kind of waiting. To for the next admission, cycle. And. I'll add a little bit to what Alessandra is mentioning. Is that a lot of the skills that you'll be gaining. With, Hawes our econ they are very transferable, and they complement, each other very well for. Economics. You can reapply as, long as it's between or. Before. That fit semester so at that fit semester. Anytime. Before then are at that fifth semester you, can reapply, so, if a student applies, their third semester and, they're not admitted because either they didn't take all the courses, didn't, meet the GPA. They. Can reapply the. Courses. That a student would take are how.

I Mentioned the, intermediate. Economic, theory or econometrics, you, can continue. With those courses, take another course and that can boost your GPA, to meet. That 3.0. Minimum, but yes we want you all to pursue. What's, a good fit I know you, all just, got admitted to Berkeley, and that was very competitive, so it's amazing. That we've gotten through that path the. Competitive, nature we, definitely feel it from you all but go towards things that are a great fit so Haas is an amazing, fit it is competitive, but don't, go too hard just because, it's competitive, go because it's a good fit for you if econ is a great fit come, to econ we are more, competitive, than some majors as well but, your pursuance, we would like for it to be something that's a good fit and not just because it's challenging to, get into I. Would. Definitely echo that it's. Important, I think before even diving, into, the, particulars, of Haas, or. Of. Econ, to, write out your goals what are the things that you're interested in what, do you want to find out what are you curious about and go, from there because it could be that you know maybe data science is actually going to answer some of those questions for, you maybe, you have. Either, some misconceptions. Or some. Ideas. About how the topic, is taught and. It might be taught, differently, here than at another institution so, I need, to start with what you want to learn the higher kind. Of ideas, before diving into the specific. Disciplines, because it could be that Yvonne is taught differently here and the business is time differently here but the, particular, way that you want to access these questions, identify. Some questions that you have in your mind if you want to know the answers to and some, goals for your education, in the next four years, with. A divorced. From a particularly, major and then see after, talking with some advisors if, those questions can be answered in that particular, department. You. The, question on the table is what is the biggest mistake that people make in applying for a, major. So. I would say the biggest mistake is not, having, researched. What the requirements, are that is the biggest mistake of applying, have. You know feeling good about it but then realizing, you're missing a class and. Not having taking, taken, one of the prerequisites, or maybe, not having 60 units by the time you. Would be attending I would say those basic, minimum eligibility, requirements. That you want to make sure you're clear on those you want to make sure if you have exam credit you. Know kind of you're, clear on what, fulfills which, prerequisite.

Um So, that is what I would say the biggest mistake is. Similar. To what, Alessandra, mentioned, it's, not. Taking, the courses that, sometimes. Affects, the students, admission, for the econ major other. Things. Are taking. A prerequisite, course for pass no pass so that PMP. Instead. Of a letter grade and, for, economics. That first attempt, if the student passes. A course. In math. Let's say 1a, and they receive a P now, if you've taken the. Exam. Credit, and received, a passing. Exam, score. That covers, math 1a then, you're totally fine you can take that course for pass no pass but if that's the first time you're taking that course and you receive a pass or a letter P, we. Can no longer move forward with your application, even if you are a stellar student throughout, the program, because. We're, looking to see mastery, in subjects, and a P does, not allow us to pull apart your, performance. So that, would be one of the largest mistakes, students make and it's unfortunate, because then they've wasted. Not. Wasted, but waited. Five. Semesters to, apply for something that we could have told them in the first semester they're, no longer eligible for, so, it's something important, to consider. I don't know if this is necessarily, a mistake, but it is a pattern, that I see the students where. It. Could, be that you haven't verified. That your assumptions, are true so you you, want you walk into this institution, and you see things that, are harder, have, relative, difficulty, to get into you, see that a lot of people are going for them and that the, assumption that kind of goes along with that is that must be a good thing unanimously, indignant, I want because it's, very it's. Very hard to get into and I do advocate, doing hard things and, getting, on the other side of doing something difficult is a great thing to do it that's a lot of character, it could help you meet your critical thinking skills but, if you would give your grounded, in answering. Questions that you're curious about and if that's the thing that you can hold with you three or four years, that, will help dictate you know I'm not just sort of going for something because it's a brass ring and going for it because there's, some sort of core thing in me that wants to know more about this, thing and it. Will help me move towards, my future, goals after, college. So just, make sure that your assumptions, are true is is this the thing that you think it is and. Does it offer answers. To questions that you're interested in. Any. Other questions coming up online. We have about three, more minutes for questions that, we'll do in this format and then after, we answer those questions, we'll leave the question minds open, without, us here. You. So, the question is about the math series there's three math series here on campus there's a 16 series the one series and the 10 series the, 10 series is mostly. Focused. On it. Folds in some statistics, or its focused on kind of the biological. Science the, 16 series is a terminal, series, where you go. Through the the. 16. And 16 being they're done basically, with math and then, the 1a series, is the more kind of like high, math physics. Kind, of math, where you could continue on into the 50 series and go on further that way so it's not terminal. In that way you could go deeper and deeper and tired now if. You've tested, out of 1b, I'll just go back to what I said before on, many many students. Overestimate. The preparedness, for Cal, mathematics. Specifically, and other Cal classes, as well so if you did test out of one 1a. You. Know that's, great good, for you and you've probably had like a really good. Education that allowed you to do that but, just know that that 18, tests that you took that passed you out of that is different, from what you're going to do in.

A Math class here at Cal different, in McCallum math 1a class it, definitely would not hurt to, take that map 1a again, here at Cal even though you have tested out of it because you're going to get it, and. Inculturated. You're going to understand. The culture of help map that's taught here and. You'll sort, of get that leg up to understand, how, it fits into this trajectory and. Stats. How a little interface with staff down the road because you'll see how math is done a cow on both in stats like this. Do. You guys have anything to add on that thing. I do. I have something quick to add as, far as Hoss is concerned, when it comes between, the 16 series and the 1 series we, do not have a preference, we. Don't we also do not give, maybe. Preference. To you students that took the 1 series over the 16, series as far as we're concerned those. Are for students that have different focuses, so, whether, you take the 16 series versus the 1 series is more of a personal decision for what you're interested in pursuing later on for, us it makes no difference. Yes. That would be the same for economics. Though for students, if you. Want. That first kind, of the first week of classes those are those, first, few weeks of classes up to the fourth week to, sit. In on a 16, a class as you're. Enrolled, in the 16 B class and kind of see what, makes the most sense you, can drop a class if, 16. B is maybe a bit too rigorous and you want to stay in 16 a or if you feel you know what 16 a I think. I have. Kind of gathered those concepts, and want to pursue 16, B that's. An option, building, conversation, with faculty members in, the beginning graduate. Student instructor, is looking at the syllabus to see what's a good fit but. For, the 16, series or the 1 series, out we, and economics. As with haast we. Want, you to pursue, the calculus, so however that. Path is built for you and what makes sense and what is of. The right trigger for you. Okay, so we'll wrap up the questions where you see, our faces but. We will continue on with about, five, or so minutes of questions, afterward. So. I'll go ahead and say goodbye, to you now but thank, you so much for joining us and have a look at that handout section on, the go-to webinar interface, of you can look at some of the resources. That we've talked about have. A great day you guys.

2019-06-15 19:40

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