Schedule Planning

Schedule Planning

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Well, hello. Let's, see here ah yeah. Hi. I'm Sonia, I'm an advisor, in the College of Letters & Science, and. I. Am. Happy, to chat with you today about. Scheduling. Your first semester at Cal I. Don't. See myself but I'm assuming that you can see me great. And. So, let. Me tell you a little bit about, what's, gonna happen in our, webinar, today we're. Gonna talk a bit about what. About, UC Berkeley in the College of Letters and science, we're. Going to talk, a little bit about degree, requirements. I'm. Hoping. That you have already began, to look. Through golden bear advising, GPA, as, I'm going to call it and especially, especially. Modules. 3 and 4 and so I'm not going to go in depth about requirements. But I will highlight. A few things then. What. You all have been waiting for schedule, planning we'll talk a bit about schedule, planning and how, to create, your schedule. For your summit first semester, here at Cal and really, it's the blueprint. On how to create your schedule, every, semester while you're here I, am. Able to answer. Questions I am, being joined by two colleagues. Giovanni. And miracle, and they. Are, helping. Me answer questions I want to answer as many, as I can during the presentation, if for. Some reason, the presentation, ends, and your question still has not been answered stay, on the line and we, will answer. Those last remaining questions, really, quickly by chat and, then. Still. If you have further questions you, definitely, can send, a message out to the. Advisor that. You're working with this summer. Okay. So, with that let's, start with, the show. Alrighty, so. Oh. So. A little bit about, UC, Berkeley so, in the College of Letters, science there's about twenty two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, students, whoo that's, 75%, of, the students here at Cal and so. What does that mean that probably means that you, know sometimes they're going to be lines sometimes. They're going to be more people in the class and some of your hometowns, just kidding but, the largest class on campus.

Is About eight hundred students that's not going to be all of your classes this is only going to be a class. Here and there if, you, took for example nutritional. Science ten that's large but then your reading and Composition classes, will have about twenty students in it. There. Are about 80. Majors, here, in. The College of Letters and science those, 80 majors, are. From at least 60 different departments, and. So. The College of Liberal look can't, even say it's sorry the College of Letters and. Science, is the liberal arts college. Of the University the. University, is actually made of 14. Different schools, and colleges, and six, of those schools and colleges, offer bachelor's, degrees and those include, the College, of Engineering Hospital, Business College, chemistry. College. Of Environmental. Design College. Of Natural Resources and, of course s the College of liberals Letters. And science, our. LNS. So. LNS, as, I, said it's a liberal arts college and there's a great video in module four that talks about what it means to be a liberal arts college and making. You a citizen, of the world and. And. Like I said of the 80 plus majors that we offer only 12 of them are high demand majors, so that really means there's 68 majors that are not high demand and so. My. Charge, to you as a new letter Society student is, to take some time to, see. What's being offered there's, probably new. Majors that you've never heard of classes. That you've never even thought about taking so. I encourage you to dabble, a little bit and take some of those classes, especially during your first couple of years here at kau. So. Let's, talk a bit about advising. At cow so as an academic advisor, at cow my. Job is, to help you build. An intellectual. Curiosity. In, and explore. Careers, we, want you to. Look. At the benefits and the values, of a liberal arts education and most importantly, we want you, to develop, a plan for success and to. Progress. Towards. A timely. Graduation, so. To aid, you in doing that I have, a bunch of colleagues. Here, about, there's about 20 to, 23, of us here to, help in doing that and. So. We. Are the college advisors, and so, you. Can, hear is referred to as your LNS, advisor or, your college advisor and what, we're here to do is help you with some of the lower, division, requirements, help you decide, on a, major that might fit with your skills and your abilities, and your goals. Help, you help clarify some policies, or if you get into academic, difficulty. Or some. Type of difficulty. We can help you through that as well. You. Will also have an undergraduate, major advisor, or a um. A or a major, advisor they, were called different. Names on campus. But that's a person, who really knows the, ins and outs of the major every. Major has, its own advisor so. When I said there were 80 plus majors from 60, departments, each, one has its own major advisor. So. You. May work with me your college advisor for the first couple of years and, then. Work, with your major advisor more. Intently. When. You are. Declaring. Your major and, as you're completing in your major and a might see you again until maybe the semester, before you're deciding to graduate.

Or When it's time for you to graduate to make sure that you have all of your graduation, requirements, completed. We. Also have in the College of Letters and science graduate, mentors those. Our PhD. Students who are working with our office, and they're, helping students prepare for graduate, schools once, again someone else to help you identify, majoring. Career interests. And, they. Have. Success. In college, skills. Workshops. Throughout the semester, that, I, hope you attend they're really great workshops. Throughout the semester, and they, do have office hours here, in our office and so. If you would like to meet with when you would just contact our office and come, up to meet with a graduate, mentor. We. Also have peer advisors, peer advisors our students. Who have been trained, and, trained and trained and trained to. Help you with, college requirements, in our office a lot, of the major departments, also have peer advisors so their students who are currently majoring, in, that, department and they can answer questions and tell you from a student's, perspective what. It's like in that, department, what the classes are like what the professors are like so, you, know do. Reach out to our peer advisors ours are either in our office or they, are located, in the residence halls during the semester meet. With the peer advisor and talk you know get a first-hand talk, about. Classes. In creating. Your schedule and the types of classes for a specific major it's been a couple of years since I've taken a class so what. It was like when I was in college may be a little bit different than, what it's like now and so, it's great to get, first-hand. Information from, peer advisors, and. Lastly. There are faculty advisors, on campus some. Departments, will, match, you with the faculty advisors, some will not the, faculty, advisors, are there to help you prepare for grad school do, research, and help you with your intellectual, development, in that, particular field okay. So there's a lot of people here on campus who, are, here. To help you succeed. And do well. So. How to find us we have two offices, on campus when, is in Evans Hall one, is in two Annelle hall, your. Assigned, advisor may, be in one of the office not the other that's fine you don't have to meet with your assigned advisor it's, great if you do. You. Can meet with the same advisor the, whole four years you're here or you can meet with a different advisor each time it doesn't hurt our feelings really doesn't as long as you come in and meet with an advisor we're okay you.

Can Also check the web for information usually. About 90%, of the questions that I'm asked, the answers, can be found on our website somehow. So. You can always go there websites, open 24/7. We're only open during business hours which, are from 9:00 until 4:00. Also. Don't forget we. Are on Facebook, I know some, of you don't use Facebook I understand, but we're still there we're on Facebook and we're also on Instagram, and so, on Instagram. We actually have. Q&A. Sessions, would we Instagram live there, and, we. Answer. A lot of questions that students, may have and we have a lot, of great, things happening on IG, so check us out there. Sorry. My computer's going a little slow. It's. Tired - okay. There, were some other advising. That's. Not the one I wanted sorry. Okay. So. This, one is you know how to find, us and get up-to-date. Information about, us. On, July. 25th, is when, you can begin to, have, one-on-one. Advising appointments. You. Can schedule an appointment in, our office we have appointments, either in person by. Phone or by Google hangout. And. If. You can check on the LNS, website, if we can check down where the arrows pointing where it says advising, services, that, would give you current, advising, information so if we're closed for in particular days, if. We. Are. Closing. Early some day you'll, find that information out there. There. Are other advising, resources on campus there's a bunch of advisors on campus again a lot, of people to help you succeed. While you're here here at Cal. For, example, there's a Brooklyn International, office that's there for international, students. The. Study Abroad Office hopefully. Every, single one of you are planning. To study abroad at least four if not a summer, a semester. Or an, entire year at least once while you're here and so. We have advisors there to help you through that process. There's. Cal student central now, don't confuse, that with Cal. Central, calcentral. Is the portal tell, students central, is a place. Okay, and that's, located in Sproul Hall and that's that's. Where we house the financial, aid office, the, Registrar's Office in the admissions. Office there. Are advisors, in the Career Center in the career set career, counseling, the library you're, saying Career Center I'm not even there yet yeah, I'm saying Career Center and that's because there are persons, there to help you so to identify what are your strengths, what are your.

Skills. And abilities what, majors might be best for those strengths skills and abilities maybe, you you, know what you want to do once you graduate, from Cal but you don't know how to get there they will help you through that process as, well there's. Their Center for Education and equity and Nicollet excellence. Also known as ce3 because that's a lot to say and those. Offices. Include, the educational. Opportunity. Program or, AOP for first-generation. Students. And. Students, of color and documented, students program and the student, parent center and they. Are located down at in, the student, in the, Cesar Chavez, Center. There's. A disabled, students program the, student learning center and then, there's also the University, Health Services which, we call the Tang Center and not. Only can you, are. There's. Medical. Physicians there for, physical. Ailments, but there's also, counseling. And psychological services, there. If. You need to just talk something out if something's. Going on in your life or in your family and you just need to talk it out there's somebody there to assist you also. In the Tang Center again. There are people who are trained to help you with assessments, to figure out those skills, those. Your. Your, skills your abilities what, your personality, types are and how that can, translate, into majors, and into, work, once, you graduate, from Cal. Okay. Sorry. This is Kippy. All. Right. So. Let's talk a little bit about deadlines. So. These are this is something that you as an informed, student. Are you're, required to know. And. The, weeks are always, the same, the dates may change but the weeks are always the same so, I suggest, that you write these now put these in your planner put, this on your Google Calendar. Wherever. Put, it make an alarm if you put it in your calendar as a reminder so. That you know and, adhere to these deadlines, okay, they're super important, so the, first deadline is September 6, and that, is the Friday. Of the second week of classes, that. Is the last day to drop what, are call early drop deadlines courses, early drop. Deadlines courses, are listed here below and those. Courses. You. Have until, sort. Of the second, is the second week of school remember, the first week of school isn't, on a Monday it serves like on a Wednesday. And so. It's. Sort of a week and a half of school says not much of classes, but you have to decide pretty, quickly, whether or not you're going to stay in those classes. You. Have until the Wednesday. Of the fourth week of school September, 18th, to, drop and add all other classes. So let's, talk about this a little bit you're going to start registering for, classes on July 24th. And. So you, can continue to play around with your schedule until. Mid-august. And, I don't have that date right offhand but. It's the end of your phase. Then. The. The. Adjustment, period will, begin and you can continue to play. Around with your schedule, till September, the 18th. Okay, so, again, July. 24th, through September, 18th it's when you have to, solidify. Your schedule, I always suggest to students you sort of have your schedule figure it out by the end of the second week but you really have until the end of the fourth week to have your schedule, fully, plan. Let's. Continue on so then you have until November first. To, decide whether or not you're going to take classes for a letter grade or change, them to past not, past there, are some classes that you can only take per pass to not pass those, are usually one to two unit, classes like seminars. Some. Most PE classes, they're. Happy, unit, and. Some. Classes, the decal, classes, the democratic, education at Cal class is the fun interesting classes that are taught by students, so, those you can only take, one way but. For all other classes you have the choice of taking them for a letter grade or past not pass and. We'll talk a little bit about that in just a second okay. December. 6 is the deadline to submit a late change of class schedule, well what is that well.

We Adhere, to those deadlines, those deadlines, are super strict there's they, sort, of like black mirror the, computer, sets the deadlines that people have to follow up okay. So, we're. Following these deadlines, and we can't make any changes however, we, give you a freebie you, give one freebie. During your four years account to, to. Change. Something on your schedule after. The posted, deadline and. That's. The late change of scat class schedule, you can add a class drop, a class or change a grading, option. Up. Until the last day of classes which, is December. 6, you, can do that one time during your four years there's. A caveat. If. You're part of the disabled. Student program then you would talk with your DSP, counselor, about that but, for all other persons one time. Okay. So, that's December 6 last day of classes and then, the last day of our. Our our week which is sort of like a dead week is a week where you. Are. Reviewing, and. You're having reviews and you're preparing for finals, December. 13th is the last day to withdraw from. Cal for the fall, here. At Cal when we say withdraw, we don't mean getting, rid of one class we, actually mean dropping, all of your classes for this semester so if there's something going all in your life if, you. Get, picked up on American Idol or the Bachelorette, or, something like that and you need to leave Cal corsa Mester come, in and see us and talk to us about withdrawing, okay, and then give me an autograph please. Okay. So. Let's talk a little bit more about that past not pass. My. Okay. Let's. Talk a bit about Catholic, tasks so, path not pass gives you an option to. Take. Something maybe, outside of, your normal. Scope. Of practice. Maybe. Something, that you're just taking for fun maybe. Beyonce. Is here and she's teaching a. Class, on, how. To. Do. Something. I don't know whatever she does and I'm. Gonna take that class right yes, I am of course I am so. But. Maybe I don't want to give 100%, to, that class because I'm taking you, know two classes, for my major that are super hard and I really want to do well I want to get A's in and you. Know dancing. Is sort, of my forte, but not my forte but I just want to take it to be there in her presence, and so I'm gonna take that class and maybe I'll take it for passing that pass okay, let's see how it goes so. Let's say I decided, to take everything for a letter grade and. I'm. Taking, four four, classes, each of them four units, I, know two, of the classes are sort of not. My thing, but. I'm interested in it but I'm not doing get that grade in them but, I decide to keep them for letter grades at, the end of the semester I, receive. Two. A's a c-minus, and an F and, then. I have for the semester our two point four three grade point average and that's what - ASA see my and that equal, okay. But. Had. I come to the College of Letters and science. Right. And talked. With my, advisor Sonya she. Would have talked to me about possibly. Changing, two of those classes, to pass did not pass they, weren't classes, for my intended, major there were dis classes one was a breadth requirement, one was just a class with Beyonce, and I just wanted to know. Kiss the hem of her garment and so. Because. Of that I spent too much time doing that and so, Sonya, talked me into taking, the classes for past not past and I did and now. Look. At that I got two A's a P, and a non pass and, now. Look, at my GPA I have a 4.0, same, classes, okay.

To. Get AP grade I need, to have at least a, c-minus, or better okay. A non, pass or NP grade is, for. Persons who have below a c-minus, in the course. Peas. In NPS. Are not used in your GPA as you, can tell by, this, here the P and NP are not used in the GPA so, the non pass is not calculated, in the GPA in the past is not you, get units towards graduation, if you receive a P you. Do not get units towards graduation, if you receive, an on P in, NP so, for example let's say the class that I received in mp was the breadth requirement, then. I. Would. Not have checked off that I completed, that requirement and I don't get units towards that I can, either repeat, that course or take. Another Krause for, a breadth requirement, that better suits, my abilities, and my interests. Let's. Say the P is a breadth, requirement. Well. We will check off that the P the. Breadth requirement, is satisfied and. Nothing's. Used for your GPA and. You. Get units towards the four units towards graduation. So. You, have until the tenth week to, decide whether or not you're going to take a class for a letter grade or past that pass you, must, take college, writing Arwen a reading. Composition, foreign. Language quantitative. Reasoning and most major requirements, for a letter grade I, repeat. For the people in the back college. Writing, reading. And Composition foreign, language quantitative, reasoning and most major requirements. Should be really all major. Requirements. Should be taken for a letter grade. If. During, a semester you change all your classes to pass not pass and you receive peas and in peas for the semester either all peas are all MPs or a combination of both you, will still have a zero GPA and then you will be on academic, probation so you don't want that to happen before. That happens please come and consult with your, major your LNS advice. Ok. Let's talk a little bit about degree, requirements, as I said this goes in-depth in module. Four so I'm not gonna go in-depth about this because we're really here to talk about schedule, planning but. I do wanted, to want. To highlight a few things. So. First, the. University, requirements. Entry. Level writing American, history and institution, American institutions, three requirements, that can be completed, while you're in high school remember. That that, junior, year in high school that. Dreaded, junior year in high school where, you took a push or you took us history, or a. Semester, of econ and a semester of government, will, that satisfy the American, history, and institution so just taking an a push class. Without. Taking, the AP. Requirement. I'm satisfied the, American history, and institutions. Class, requirement. Entry. Level writing can be satisfied, through either your SAT or your AP. Or a, CT exam. Scores okay, and you can check those scores on. Module. 4. The. Campus, requirement. Means. That everyone, in at. UC Berkeley is required. To have an American cultures class an, American. Cultures, class. Talks. About. Sort. Of but. At. Least three different cultural, cultures. In the United, States and. So. The class is usually called something. AC you. Have to complete that requirement by. The time that you graduate. LNS. Requirements. Or essential. Skills are the Riddhi and Composition, a and, B, and you must take a before, B and they must be taken in order, those. Can be satisfied, by AP. Or IB exams. Either. Half of it or both halves of reading. And Composition. Quantitative. Reasoning again. That. Could be satisfied by, the AP, or IB exams. Or. A. Class at community or book, these at classic Community College while, you're in high school also satisfies, that. Important. Language three, years of the same foreign language. In high school. Or again. The, second semester of a class, at. Community, College satisfies, the foreign language requirement, okay. Next. What are the, seven course breath there are seven, different. Courses. That are required. It. Is required that you take a class at. Either. A Community College our UC, Berkeley to satisfy, the breath, so, AP scores IB. Scores do not satisfy, breath. You, cannot, double dip with classes, between breath, so, you may see a class, that satisfies, two. Different, breath requirements.

But, No it can you can only choose to use when, the. Class. Is satisfied, one requirement. You. Can double dip from American, cultures to breath so. One class can satisfy both, you. Wouldn't, class can also satisfy American. History or institutions. And breath, okay, a class. Cannot satisfy any. Of the essential, skills in breath can't double dealt with those so. For example, you can take history 7a, okay, maybe, I want, to be a political science major let's say I'm signing the Poli Sci major okay. With, history, seven eight I'm satisfying. American, history requirement. I'm. Satisfying. The. Historical, studies breath and, I'm. Also satisfying. American. Cultures even though that, class doesn't say AC is also, classed as satisfies, American, cultures okay. So, one class is doing three things oh and, I said I was a Poli Sci major guess. What it, also satisfies a, major requirement, okay, so one class is doing all that stuff so. Yeah. And yes you can satisfy major requirements, and breath so, for most people each. Most, majors, have one. To two classes, that are breath requirements. For. The major requirements so, most, people will have instead, of seven breath to satisfy either, six, to four, classes, depending on your major. So. Again major requirements. Major I've got I've gotten a lot of questions, about we. Ask for a prerequisite, courses for the major on your, final exam or final, assignment, for. GPA. When. We say prerequisite. Courses we actually, mean the lower, division, courses, that are required to declare the major so, we asked what are the prerequisite, courses those are the lower division, courses those, courses, numbered, 1 through 99, that you need in order to declare the major. Once. You complete the prerequisites, you can declare a major because we all know that once that, all of us are undeclared majors, right now and so we're trying to declare a major and. Then our job is to finish our major requirements. In. Our breadth and all of these University. And college requirements, to graduate so. That means you're going to get at least 120. Units to graduate that includes, your AP or IB units. Units, from Community College while you're in high school of. Those. 120, units at least 36, units need to be upper division number. 100. And above and so. Your major, will take up most of that, and then.

You, Have to have at least six units upper division not. In your major department, so that's two to three classes upper. Division on your major department okay. So that's just the highlights, overviews. Again to, get all of this I'm, liking. This you see I like this little pointer I feel like I'm on NFL football. You. Should. Definitely look through. Module. Four to get more in-depth overview of. The. Degree requirements. You. Can also look, at the LNS website, for more. Exact. Information of the requirements, this is a copy, of our way webpage, not, only do we have links, to all of the requirements, and we, talk about the unit requirements, here but we also have a video explaining, the. University, requirements. To. Find out whether or not a class that. You're taking this semester is a breadth. Requirement. Or one. Of the University. Requirements are the college requirements go, to the Berkeley guide guide Look. Under the class schedule, limiter, fall 19 and you, can sort based on whether. Or not something is a breadth requirement, if, you're, looking specifically. For the first half or second half of reading composition, you. Can look at that or one. Of our other great, courses you can look sort, based on that look. There's a lot of breadth requirements, being offered this semester. All. Right would, you all been waiting on let's talk a little bit about a balanced schedule. So. By a balanced, schedule. What. Our meaning is a schedule, that allows you, to not only do well in classes but also do well outside of classes because, you know this year is a transition, year especially this year and not. Only are you transitioning, to. Some. Of you in new city some of you in new state or a new country but also you're. Being you're on your own for the first time for many of us are known for the first time ever, I, was an only child I still, am an only child so I, had to, learn how to share, and that, wasn't an easy thing I still not did with that like. You know you're learning things like that and you're making new friends, and you're also getting used, to new.

Teaching, Styles, getting, used to the intensity, here a cow and even. The expectations. Of professors, and so, with that you. Know it's, important. To listen to some of the tips and tidbits that you. May get from your, LMS. Advisor as you're choosing your schedule, because, what we want to do is make sure that we. Err on the sort. Of on the side of being. Very. Understanding. Of the type of transitions. That you may not even be aware of that you're going to encounter during this first. Semester at Berkeley, so. When. Looking at your schedule. The. First thing that we're going to look at is sorry. For you. To. Add. Possibly. A reading and Composition class, it. May be the first type of reading in composition it. May be the second half of reading in composition, or, maybe. You're. Planning to take the analytical. Writing placement. Exam, in the fall and maybe, it won't be reading in composition but it will be instead of breadth requirement, that's fine, you don't have to take reading in composition this, first semester, what. We do want you to do is complete. Both, halves, of reading a composition, by the end of your fourth, semester, at, Cal that's very, important. These. Classes, are small there's, about 20 in the class as I said earlier so they'll feel fast so, have, a couple of rnc and classes, in mine and, again if you don't get in a reading and Composition class, this, first semester that is all alright just take another breath requirement. Then. We want you to look at taking two major, prerequisites. Maybe. It's, a major prerequisite. Maybe exploring, two majors, that's. Fine too, because. You're not quite sure you're one of the cool kids and, you're not quite sure which major you want that's, fine so. Look. At taking. Multiple, classes. From multiple majors but, always, plan on taking no, more, than, two major prerequisite. Courses, what, if reading in composition, is a major requirement or, a major prerequisite, okay, then slip. It another breath, when. All those else fails choose, another breath okay. And. Then. An elective. And this. Is this, is the part that shocks, people they're like oh my goodness what's an elective elective, is anything. Any, class, that sounds, interesting to you it, could be a one unit class or it could be a four-unit class but. Anything. That sounds, interesting to you we have thousands. Of classes, to choose from and that's what could be what's, overwhelming. Choosing. A class of over the thousands, that we have but. Find, something outside. Of the box remember, you have that past not pass option, and remember, you can take a maximum, of one-third of your total Berkeley units pass not pass so you can take a class 1a, class a term pass not pass or, you can take a decal, or if you want to take a PE class to make you go work out in the gym go, take a PE class I've always wanted to learn how to row okay I'm going to take a rowing class for housing a half a unit during, the semester that's great okay. So, this, is the basic outline, that you will follow each and every semester a. Reading. And Composition class, or breadth requirement, two, classes, for your major and an elective, and. So. That will equal to, sorry. Between. 13, and 16, units each. Semester. Okay. But. You're saying what Sonya I, took. Seven classes, in high school and got straight A's and here you're telling me take only four classes, are you, sure about that and the. Answer is yes I am sure that's, a full load here at Berkeley three. To four classes because, if for example you, took the, six, unit, college. Writing our 1a class okay. Think of it as two classes, maybe, you take one. Major prerequisite. And a breath, that's. 14. Units right there that's only three classes, but, guess what you're gonna feel like you're in about six or seven class, because. Of the amount of reading require, the amount of writing required, the matter of work outside of the classroom, so. At, least, this semester, come around 13. To 14 units, this. First semester if, that is too much or if. That is not enough I'm sorry then, next, semester then. Bump it up a little bit to sixteen units okay. But. Like, I said there are a lot of transitions, some of which you wouldn't, even believe that, you, will encounter and I want you to be. Prepare for them and have extra, room in, your. Wor schedule, to handle life. So. That's it that's how you create a balanced schedule it's not that hard right you're, like oh that's what it is yeah. That's what it is so. Let's talk a little bit about your first math course I know some of you may have questions about that. Math. Here's is a. Somewhat. Not too. Secret. Here. That's, a secret secret here. So. Choosing your math course so math. 32 the numbers as you can tell the numbers you. Know usually, the higher the number the harder it is not. Necessarily, here the numbers all jumbled, up so, math 32 is actually precalculus, and that's for students.

Who Are not yet prepared for, calculus, but, need calculus either, for their, major. That they're 2z or for. Quantitative, reasoning so, remember, if you, satisfied, at quantitative, reasoning with, your AP. Exams already or an. SAT exam, let's say you satisfied, with SAT and you're, choosing, to be a. The. Same political, science major I'm Sonya the polished I major here guess, what I don't, have to take any more math I'm done with math unless, I just want to take statistics because I want to go to grad school someday, and stats, it's really gonna help but really I'm not done with math I don't have to take math but, if you need to take math so, quantitative. Reasoning now, 32 is a great option or you can, take there are other options as well that you find in on. Our, webpage. Map. 10 series, is the. Methods of math calculus. Statistics, and. Combo. Net ryx I have, no idea, what carbonate ryx are but. Those, who taking, the math 10 series probably do and, you're probably laughing at me right now that's, okay I was. A business major I didn't have to know this okay. But anyway but. So. It is a calculus, class that. Is at a faster. Pace with calculus, and it. Has combo, metrics, improbability. Usually. It's the biocide. Majors the psych, majors, and pre-med. Students, who are in the math Tim series and also, sigh tonight note in a it's only offered in the ball and timbi, is only, offered in the spring as of right now. The. Map 16, series, is. Analytic. Geometry in, calculus, and it. Has again. Some basic, calculus, topics. But. It's not as in-depth, as like. The math one, and ten, series with calculus. It's. Called terminal, series, because, persons. Who take these 16 series are not going to take advanced to math and that's, usually for econ, majors business, majors public health and pre-med. As well. The. Map one series, is a. Calculus. Class and it's in depth it. Is. Usually. For math and physical, science majors and those. Who need a higher, level of. Math. Preparation. So. If you're planning map 53 54 or upper. Division math, so. That's, for some econ majors especially, those who plan to get PhDs. Public-health. Pre-med. And again, math, and physical science majors. Okay. So. A little little, bit about math I'm. Sorry. And. So the. Math. Department wants. You, to, take. A look at their, website for a diagnostic, exam, they, also have past exams, and, course outlines, if you're not sure, which math course, is right for you especially, because of your. AP. Exams are. Your IB exams. Just. A side note if you, are planning pre-med. And you're, thinking that you're gonna skip at least one semester or maybe both semesters a math I hate. To break it to you but. Pre-med. Programs, or medical, schools do want you to take a year of math and so you will still need to take either, the, 116.

Or 10 series of math okay. So, just know that and I. Would also refer, you to the. Pre-med. Webinar, that was done this, past week we are going to have it on our, they. Are YouTube, page so take, a look at that for more discussion. About math, and pre-med I also. Want to let you guys know about these, one unit adjunct courses, taught by the student learning center those. Are great helps. For, math they. Someone. Actually attends, your math lecture and so there's a class review of, material, from lecture there's. Study. Strategies. Given and there's also exam, prep they sort. Of prep, you a week before your midterms and a week before your finals, so that you know you're we can assist so you can really beat, those up before exam, time so, you, may have, reading. And comp class a math, class. Another. Either, prereq, for your major or a breadth class and then, that's 12 units and adding, one more unit would be this, adjunct, class from the student learning center you, can find more information about the adjunct, classes at the SLC. Website, which. Is SLC. So. Things to avoid this first semester class. Is numbered 100 and above, why because. Those are upper division courses, correct, those of courses that are geared, towards juniors, and seniors so you want to be in those courses numbered, 1 through 99. Except. Political, science 179. Which is a current offense course, actually. You can take that class every semester and now. That we're coming up to an election year it should be a really, interesting course, the. LNS discovery, courses, there, are some upper division courses, and for the most part they also take. First-year, students, and there, is a couple course, called public health 116. That. Is also open. To lower division, students. For. Those of you interested in Sciences bio. 1a, and, bio 1b are not first semester courses really. In, order to take bio 1a, you need to have already, taken at least kim 1a, a class. Not an AP preferably. And. Because. Not, only are both of these labs the, l al, is a lab bio, 1b his lab is embedded, into the class but, also because. Of the chemistry background needed for the classes. Econ. 1 is not necessarily, a per semester class, either the. Econ, Department, wishes. You to wait until at least your second semester unless, you have taken an AP econ and scored. A four by than that or if, you have a very, very strong calculus, background, remember, you will be competing in that class with students who have been here, at Berkeley, for at least a semester and so, they know, how. To take exams, here's they, know, how, to, study here, and they. Have been around that block a little bit and so you want, to, make. Sure that you are on sort of a even, fill with them so wait, at least a semester, before I'm, taking, that econ 1 class there. Are other classes for the econ major that you can take your first semester. So the main thing is to choose, classes, that you will just love and that's my charge to you. Look. At Discovery courses. Discovery. Courses, are small courses. Taught by distinguished. Faculty, a lot. Of them satisfied breath and. Their. Classes, like drugs in the brain or physics. For future presidents really, interesting, classes you, don't need to be a physics major or, a bio major to take these bio sigh or physics courses. The. Big ideas courses, are small, courses, taught by two or, more professors, from different, disciplines. And they. Teach, on one subject or one big, idea, and there's a lot of really interesting courses. Being taught this semester so take a look at those. Of. Course threads course threads are. Courses. That allow you to explore intellectual. Themes, that, connect. Courses across departments. And disciplines and, they're more in depth in knowledge make you more in depth and knowledgeable about a particular. Subject such as human rights are, historical.

And Modern city and. Definitely. Ask of the other students, you, may come on campus and you may want to add another course or you may need to neat they may need to add another course and so, ask students, about courses, that they found interesting and why they found those, courses interesting, goes, through, the chats that are on, Facebook. Excuse. Me on Facebook, and chat, up other students. Who are sophomores, juniors and seniors about courses, that they found interesting. Take. Advantage of those breadth courses don't. Just check off your breadth courses really. Take a look at the breadth courses and, take courses that really, sound interesting, to you. Explore. The course descriptions, in the Berkley guide and. Read, those course descriptions, so you can understand, exactly what, your. Intended course is about. The. Freshman, sophomore seminars are great those are small classes taught by faculty, members who are teaching something, outside their their normal course load so. For example I had a student who took a class. That was tight in title I'm Spanish. 24. Because it was this M&R and she, actually thought she it was a Spanish course, in which she was going to go in and. Spanish, when, she got there she saw everyone had a camera and she, said I'm not sure if I'm in the right class is the Spanish 24 and they said yes the professor, was, from the Spanish, Department but, the course was about the, photography. It. Was a photography, course looking, at some of the beautiful, architecture. Here in Cal, because that was a love of the professors outside of his normal. Teaching. Load so, do read, the description, about the core the, freshman. Sophomore seminars again, those fill up very fast, and you can normally just sign up for two seminars, at a time. American. Cultures. Again. Centers. On the study of race ethnicity and, culture in the United States you. May also want to look at the Aces, program. ACPs. Which, stands for American, cultures, engaged, scholarship, and those, are courses, that incorporate. Community, based learning and, they. Really allow. For engagement. On a broad. Social issues. Including, a social, justice. The. ACPs, program. And. Lastly. Berkeley. Connect Berkeley, connect as an academic mentoring, program, it's, a one unit class, one. Of those when unit past not past classes and, you. Are connected with a grad mentor, and with. Professors, from. Particular. Departments. And. They have them listed on their website and. There. Are informal lectures, panel discussions. And. Social, events. Around. That particular. Lecture. Around. That particular, department. I've. Had students, for example I had a student who was majoring. In molecular and cellular biology but. He was part of Berkeley connect and music, because, music was a passion, of his and so, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go to grad school in music but he knew he loved music and so, that was where he connected, in he, was, able to really connect with the music scene here in the Bay Area through, Berkeley connect. So. Here's a few of my tips you. Guys are lucky you're getting my tips. Okay. Let's, make sure they come up. One. Tip too many oh two tips to me okay the first one is to create a few schedules in schedule planner on. July. 24th, when you register for classes you're also, registering. With all. Of the other first-year, students, so, classes. May fill, up so, make it look quick some. May. Start, running you know as you're looking at hours you're typing in something you may see classes, begin to fill up so, be, on the ready be ready to make changes if.

A Class is full because, and you're gonna be ready and you've got to stay ready because you're gonna have multiple schedules. And schedule planner and the main thing on that day is to be flexible. Don't. Be afraid of wait list because wait lists move all summer remember I told you classes, can be dropped in an till September 18th. So don't be afraid of weightless, I had two. Summers ago I had a first year student who. When she registered, on the first day she, was in all weightless, she cried and cried to me on, the phone age cried in an appointment, but then on by. The first day of classes she, came up to meet me and she said I just had to meet you because, I. Got in all my classes so. Don't, be afraid of weightless. Read. About all about course subject. Matter in the guy under. The course catalog, cuz again you may be like that student who thought she was gonna habla, espanol, but. Really it was a photography, class that she was going to. Use. The guide for wilt time course updates, if you look in. The schedule of classes in, the guide, you. Can look at waitlist you can look, at restrictions, and you can also look at how fill. A class is so, you can continue, to monitor that. Up. Until July 24th, when it's time for you to register so, you can see whether or not you'll need to make changes. On your. One. Of your schedules a schedule planner. Remember. That if a class has a lecture, and a discussion or a, class with a lecture discussion and a lab you, must get into all in order to be enrolled in class so. The little trick is if you get into the lecture let's say or. Let's. Say you're wait-listed, on the lecture but you get into a discussion. You. Probably, will get into that lecture as well because the discussion is the hardest part to get into but, make sure that, if, for, some reason, you're going to be wait-listed, on a discussion, in our, lab then, you choose the one that has the smallest, wait, list so that you can get into that discussion so. You can get into that entire, class and a, good rule of thumb is is. A 10%, rule so, if your, number on the waitlist, is 10% the, total number in the class and you have a great chance of getting into a class so, for example if there are 80, students in a class and you, are number one through eight on the wait list then, you have an excellent, chance of getting into the class that.

Doesn't Mean that if you're in if, you're number 10 you're not going to get in the class just means you need to watch the waitlist and I. I'm. Always a girl with a plan so, I. Would. Also have an alternate, class, in mind as well. And. Lastly. It's, okay to over, enroll okay this is a little thing to call shopping, and dropping. Some. Students. Will. Enroll, in maybe five, or, six classes. Because remember you can enroll in up to twenty point five units, so some students, may enroll in a couple of extra classes especially, if you're on waitlist. And. Attend, all of the classes during, the first couple of weeks and then, decide which classes they want to drop so, we only, thing is you have to remember to drop all the classes you don't want by September, 18th with it which is the drop deadline okay. If you don't then, you're stuck in that class and you don't want that to happen or you can use your one time only. Drop. Where, you can drop once. Again you, have one time during, your four years at Burke that you can drop make up to two transactions. So, you can drop an add up to two things but. You can only do it one semester at, one time excuse. Me and one time, so. We're. Enrolling it's okay if I'm lit up I'm enrolled, in two classes, I'm, on a waiting list of the class I. Might want to enroll in an in another class attend, the ones send. Them all figure, out which one, which. Our, best fit for me and then drop the ones that I don't want. Okay. I just wanted to let you guys know that summer. Session C which, is June 24th, we, still have room, in our letters in science when exploring. The liberal arts course as an online course and, it. Is, two units it's. Actually, a really interesting class. I was. A student teacher in it a couple of times and it was a great class great. For those who want, to explore, to see what's out there in, this old college letters the science. Not. Sure what you want to major in or. Just want to know what's going on with faculty. The, real and recent. Alum. In the college so, enroll in the class. It's. Really interesting and. You. Can get units. To. Units this summer, start. Your college early. Okay. So, winding, down just, pour some next steps. So. This month you're working on your modules, if you've, already done module three and four of my suggestions you go back after.

This And do module three and four one more time at least read through it him through it one more time if, you haven't done module, three and four please do that soon thank, you very much so. And that's because by June 30th we want you to submit your final, assignment, remember. The earlier you sit in in the earlier you get information back, and. Even. Though you can't register chilled, July, 24th. I believe, this. July, 24th. You. Can still get. Your information and you can still read through it and have it and be happy and. You don't have a slate until the last minute staying up to the four o'clock and morning trying to look at all boats okay thank you there. Are still some more webinars coming, up so. If you're interested in study abroad if, you're an athlete if, you. Have, pre-college. Jitters, if. You're pre-med and, if you want to know about being a successful student or choosing, a major, there's, some great webinars coming up and remember, we also, post. These webinars on, our YouTube, so, we already have the econ or we will have the econ pre has the. MCB, IB, is a molecular and cellular biology integrative. Biology and, the computer science webinars, have already happened. And that's, sort of schedule planning. For those specific majors and those are going to be on our youtube. So. Okay. Wait, wait. For it hold it no questions yet I'm just kidding. I'm. Really having the time here okay so you asked, where's our YouTube or go. To youtube and just search on LS, college advisors and you, will see all, of our videos we have about I just looked at it we have about 15-20 videos there okay. And, so. Finally now any. Other questions, we have a couple of minutes I can do a couple of questions live, and, in, person in, the rest we will be chatting you. All, right so here's a question about breath, requirements. Who breath. Courses, have to be completed within the first two years. Breath. Courses. Do not have to be completed, over the first two years the, best, thing is to spread them out over your four years, so, remember. Two classes for your major, reading. A cop or a breath, and an. Elective, which can also be in breath so, there's, seven courses like I said most of you will have between four in. Three. To five courses. To complete because, your major about your major will sort of double-dip so, you can spread those out so don't, try to jam them in I really suggest that you don't jam them in I'm doing your first two, years spread, them out over the floor. Another. One, if. My calcentral, currently. Says that, foreign language is incomplete, but, I took three years of foreign language in high school, do. I go by what calcentral says or. Should. I assume, that I've completed foreign language great, question. Whoever. Sent that good job so. Right. So. They're. On calcentral there's the, academic. Progress report, and, that. Is a report that shows you what, you have completed as far as all of the requirements, that we went over and, all the noonas requirements. On, that. Particular day okay, for, you all it, really. Won't be updated.

Until Like the end of September, beginning, of October 8, to say that so. We're, sort of guesstimating. Right now right especially because a lot of you haven't gotten, all of your AP, results. Yet either so. If. You know that. You took three years of the same foreign language, in high school then, check. It's dead, and. Then you just have to wait for us to. Catch. Up with what's. Going on because really there's only three people that update. That for all the incoming students, freshman, transfer. Students and those who took community. College classes during the summer so it's a lot of work so, it takes a minute. And. That, goes for any other requirement. You took the classes, it took a class or some classes at Community College, while you're in high school, you. Can use, and, you can do a check and then that's something that you know during the semester if you want to come in and check with your LMS advisor we can definitely do that with you. Another. Question. So. There's a lot of questions about the past on past policy. Which. Requirements, can I take for pass on pass and which must be taken for a letter great so, again. You. Can take. Classes. For a pass not pass okay. That, are not your major requirements, that. Are not reading in composition. Foreign. Language, quantitative. Reasoning okay. All other, classes if. Tip. Week classes, you, see that, is not is not, your strength if, the. Major that you thought was your passion is no longer your passion, and you're taking this class and, in its was core major but it's not for your major in you Marcus you you've, had this epiphany. And you're. You've changed your major and, grade, and you want to change the class the past not pass you can you just have to do it by the deadline the Friday of the tip week so. Only classes, that must, be letter, grade one. More time reading. In composition. Foreign. Language. Quantitative. Reasoning in classes. For your major. All. Right so, that's, it for the day I thank, you so, much for joining me for being, so nice to me and. Shout. Out to the people who are in my section. You. Should we should be chatting soon and I, look forward to meeting all of, you. In, August. Have a wonderful. Rest of your week. Also. Don't forget to stay on if your question wasn't answered and we will answer your question. You.

2019-06-27 00:31

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