SATORI FX: Forex Mathematical Analysis Tools for Excel. The U.F.O. MARKET PERFORMANCE.

SATORI FX: Forex Mathematical Analysis Tools for Excel. The U.F.O. MARKET PERFORMANCE.

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good space and good time fellow traders here we  are at the second video regarding my satori fx   for excel in this video we are talking  about the ufo market performance   let's go straight to the content  that i would like to share with you   and as you have watched the previous  video on where you see the interface   that i am using for my daily analysis of  the forex market now we are talking about   this charting okay this charting let me just  grab it and put it in a great view represents   the movement of the eight currencies that we have  interest in trading which are the EUR the USD   CAD CHF GBP AUD NZD and   JPY, with the colors that are related  to these colors and how do i calculate this charting okay so first of all and this  is valid for all the other calculations i   grab the data somewhere okay so i  here have the data that are taken from   metatrader4 and are the simple prices ... price has all the information we need   so we have the information of  this very 28 crosses okay you can   see by yourself there's no need to enumerate  one by one we need these currencies   sorry this crosses together and then we need  to cluster them together in a manner where   the simple example that i can do is for euro   but this is valid for all the other crosses if i  want to have the clustering of euro   and have this line let me just  grab this so it can be more clear let's grab this here and i want to cluster only the euro will be the clustering  of this crosses euro dollar eurocad euro chf   eurogbp eurAUD eurNZD and euryen okay but what   the price the pips movement whatever so  let's go into the detail of this so we start   from the prices okay if we put the prices  these are prices given every five minutes   we're working on a five minute time frame well if  we go with the charting of this this is not very   this is not giving us any kind of information  other than the fact that we have all the japanese   yen related crosses because they are 130 115... 128 and then we have all the other crosses  in fact if i if i get rid of the the japanese  yen and let's take only for example the euro  without the japanese and we have another kind   of representation but this is not very effective  for us so we need to work with this data this data   i remind you are the real prices in a specific  time frame that you decide to work with okay   put on a spreadsheet very simple thing okay so  let's set it up as it was before and what do we   do with this information we go to the next  step first of all i calculate how many bars   are available from the zero in order to  create at zero and this is a calculation that   is not part of this video it's obtainable by doing  some mathematical tricks on excel but this is   related to the ability you have with the excel to  the skills you have developed with the excel so   this is not an excel course this is something  related to how to manipulate the data the price   data from meta trader or in general from any kind  of platform that provides price levels of the   the assets that we are talking about so our  crosses okay so the next step is this is to create a formula that gives us the idea of the percentage of variation from close to close  in this case i know you cannot see here the   formula but i will grab it for you and place it  somewhere so that it's clear this formula here first of all is getting data from this very first  column eurusd let me just do this first   so maybe you can read it  better okay euro dollar here and if i grab the formula that i will  show you in a moment i'm getting this data   okay and the formula is this one let  me grab it copy and i paste it here okay hope it's good to read okay so despite  the fact that i have always to check   if the denominator of my formula is equal  to zero and in this case i provide a value   of zero if it's different from zero we know  simple math we cannot divide something by zero   okay then the formula is this one so it's  the present value minus the previous value per hundred divided the minus value so  this is a percentage of variation from t to t minus one okay so if we do t minus t minus 1  divided t minus 1 we get these values   these values that of course are if we had to make a representation and we  replicate the formula for each and every single   cross we have it's something like this  that will be very important for the   uh currencies momentum oscillator but we will go  further in this on the next video okay so how do   we manipulate this information we go further  and we create another set of formulas which are   the set of formulas that we are  that we are interested in pardon okay and the chart that is coming out is this  okay so always regarding to eurodollar but then   it has to be replicated to all the other crosses  okay so the formula i'm grabbing now and i am showing you this formula here is this so basically we take the value let me just do this probably yeah this way we take the value, the latest value that we have in the very first place  this is the very first bar okay   and then are the previous bars this is why  i am displaying my data from right to left and we sum this to all and we sum this to the sum  of all the produced data of course at the certain   point they will get at zero so there will be uh  zero plus zero plus zero so we sum all this data   it's a kind of incremental okay we we get the  incremental the sum of the in the the sum of the percentage of variation of each and single  percentage of variation and what we have here as a result let's say for example we want to  grab the euro dollar we have all the 28 crosses displayed always from right to left  now we are getting the euro dollar   from the beginning of the day at zero  gmt and his behavior okay through the day once we have done this the final step   in order to obtain the ufo market  performance which is this one is just to simply cluster the data and now i'm grabbing the formula for you in real time i'm doing this so this way will be easier for you to understand so in this case as i explained  it you before i am grabbing this information about eurusd eurocad eurochf   eurgpp euraud eurnzd  and eurjpy in this case we want to have the euro  is always base and if you don't know what   it's a base and a quote concept there's a free  webinar that i made in the past so instead of   asking me what is something that i already created  a video to explain go and watch the video please   because i made it for the purpose for you to  study with the minimum interference by myself okay   so these things should be known by someone that  faces the forex market or in general the trading   so you have to have the concept of base and  quote why am i saying this in fact is that   we are making the sum the straightforward sum this  is all plus plus plus plus plus plus and we get this again the euro   but what if we want to have and this let's  make an example this is the euro okay so let's do something exactly the opposite so  you understand that if you want to calculate   another currency only euro is always  based in the in the in the convention   of the expression of the crosses let's  say we want to grab the japanese yen   let's also put the jpy  here and as you know as you as you can see if i   click on the jpy i obtain this column  right so let's grab the formula of jpy and place this formula here without the equal so then oh what did i do um let me just do a thing i did it wrong  okay basically this is the value itself okay voila well what what's going on why is not  working uh let me just redo that again okay   it's not doing that because if i have a minus  sign it puts the equal automatically so let's do   with underscore yeah now we have the formula pardon  okay so in this case can you see we have all minus   minus chc f2 minus cl2 if i grab the formula of  japanese yen and i check in my previous table   see that we have eurjpy usdjpy cadjpy  chfjpy gbpjpy audjpy nzdjpy in this case JPYis   not base but it's quote so we need to reverse that  okay and in this case we have a positive value for   the japanese yen so what if and this is the last  example because all the rest is about to logic   and i think you have the  ability to have logic let's grab the AUD formula okay let's grab the aud formula yeah so underscore voila okay this is the aussie formula and the aussie  formula let's grab and put the aussie   we have the australian dollar which is this one   and if i grab the formula which is minus cd2  plus cj2 plus co2 plus cs2 minus cv2 is because in some cases and especially in the cases  where oz is as quote i have to put a minus   and when aussie it's a base i have to put a  plus okay because i have to uh make this trick   in order to make aussie always base so if we  have euro aussie and i have the percentage of   in the incremental of the percentage variation  from the zero of euro aussie and i want to have   aussie euro that would be a negative with  negative sign okay so putting them together is negative for as regard the euro cd2 cd 2 but it's positive for as regard  for example audusd is already base   so i need to put a plus and  in this case cj the column cj   is plus okay you can see by yourself okay  so this is the final way to calculate with 28 currency pairs the operation is clustering and we have the ufo market performance   so we can observe what is going short and what is  going long and what is in the middle is somehow ranging but also we can see that  some currencies are crossing   and getting strong or other currencies  are crossing by getting weak   like canadian in this case or like  japanese yen or dollar in this case okay well this ends this second video which regards the ufo market performance   in the next one we will talk about the cartesian  plane stay tuned and thanks for watching

2022-02-05 00:03

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