RSI divergence trading strategy forex: forex trading strategy | How to Trade Divergence

RSI divergence trading strategy forex: forex trading strategy | How to Trade Divergence

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if i were to rank the various indicator-based  trading setups i would always put divergence first   it is the most ideal reading strategy and can  be combined with a variety of other setups   and the most important thing is there is to  reward ratio divergence gives a very high risk   to reward ratio because unlike other indicator  based trading setups divergence is not lagging   it is a leading trading setup that means that you  won't have to see the price change the trend and   then get an indication from the indicator later  when the price has already moved on instead   divergence will indicate  exactly when the price reverses   divergence is hands down the best and my favorite  trading setup but there are a few problems with it   many times you may get fake reversal signals  and the price may just keep on moving and you   may keep on losing money so here i have a video  for you all and i hope that you guys enjoyed this   video hello and welcome to forex monopoly i am  dutch and in this video i will tell you how to   trade divergence and avoid the losing streaks and  i'm also going to tell you about my five percent   rsi rule so make sure you watch this video  till the end so now before we move forward   let us first understand the indicator which we are  going to use and also some basics about divergence   so we are going to use the rsi for finding  divergence as it is a leading indicator and   gives real-time data also it is quite versatile  so you can adjust the settings as per your use   now the rsi that is the relative strength index  is a momentum oscillator that calculates the   strength of the price change happening in the  market and it shows the overbought and the   oversold conditions here the overbought  means that the price is too expensive   and sellers may enter and oversold means that the  price is too cheap and buyers may get in so the   rsi is shown as a line between two extreme levels  and these two extreme levels can be set as per our   needs so this is the rsi indicator the above line  year is level 70 and indicates an overbought level   and so any time the price comes here the price  reverse the lower line is level 30 and indicates a   oversold level so anytime the rsi line comes over  here the price moves back up now this is the most   important part where the majority of the and that  is with the setting of the rsi all they do is keep   the setting to the default or make it extreme  highs but that's not how you do it the settings   of rsi depends upon the type of the market like  if the market is bullish then the levels should   be 240 and 80 and if the market is bearish then  the level should be to 20 and 60. and if it is   ranging then the levels should be to 30 and 70.  so this is what the thumb rule of the rsi says but   i prefer to use it as per different situation  so what i do is i follow the five percent rule   so as for the five percent rule what i do is i  will take the data of four to five months and then   draw a line such that the rsi doesn't move  past the line more than five percent so   i mark both the lines and then i put that number  in the settings and i repeat the same steps   after every three months so that i always get the  perfect accuracy so this is how i set my rsi and   it helps a lot while trading divergence now let us  understand what is divergence but before that if   you are enjoying this video make sure you hit that  like button and also i am going to add another   strategy video very soon so do not forget to  subscribe to this channel now the term divergence   means to move apart it is like the price action  does something else and the indicator says no not   like that and does opposite thing like let's say  this is the indicator window and this is the price   action window so basically the rsi indicator  or any other oscillator indicator is made to   follow the price but in case of divergence  it opposes it and tells us that there is a   momentum change in the market or it tells us  that there is something wrong in the market   so let's try to understand this let's say the  price was creating lower lows and lower highs but   the rsi instead of creating lower lows and  low high created a lower low and a higher low   therefore telling us that there is something  wrong in the market and that the price will   reverse now so let us take some examples of  divergence so that things get clear to you   and then we will move to the part where i will  tell you how i trade divergence now let us take   a few examples of divergence but before that let  me tell you that there are two different types of   divergence that is the bullish divergence and the  parish divergence now the bullish divergence is   always found at the oversold level and the bearish  divergence is always found at the overbought level   so when we need to find a bullish divergence we  have to look for this level which is level 30 and   is called as a oversold level and when we have to  look for a bearish divergence we have to look for   this level which is level 70 and it is called  as a overbought level so now let us first take   a few examples of bullish divergence and then we  will take some examples of bearish divergence so always remember that for finding bullish  divergence you have to cut you have to look   for this level which is level 30 or oversold level  so in case of bullish divergence you will see that   the price creates lower lows and the indicator  opposes it and does not create any new lower low   and create a new higher low instead telling us  that there is something wrong in the market and   the price then moves up now let us try to find  some more examples of the same okay so over here   the price is created lower low but when we compare  it with the indicator you can see that it created   high low and then the price moved up then the same  thing happened over here the price created a lower   low a slight lower low but then when we compare  it with the indicator it created a higher low   telling us that there is something wrong  in the market and so the price moved up then the same thing happened over here  too here the price is creating lower lows   if you can see the price is creating continuous  lower lows but the indicator is not agreeing with   it and creating higher lows instead so this is  a bullish divergence and then the price moved up   now let us take a few examples of bearish  divergence so for bearish divergence you have   to look for this level which is the overbought  level that is level 70 in this case now the   settings may change from time to time but for now  the robot level is level 70 on the rsi indicator   now if you see the price here created higher  highs a series of higher highs but when we   compare it with the indicator it created lower  high instead telling us that the indicator and the   price are not aggregate because there is something  wrong in the market and so the price moved down   now the same thing is happening over  here the price is creating higher highs   but the indicator does not agree and it creates  lower highs and so this is a divergence now   divergence doesn't always work and this is a  perfect example of this because the price here   is diverging but it still isn't moving down now  we will talk about this further in this video   but for now let us focus on finding  some more examples of bearish divergence so over here you can see if we zoom in the price  created higher high but when we compare it with   the indicator it created a lower high and  then the price moved down so this is how you   find divergence now that you have understood  what is rsi the settings and the divergence   let us set up the chart so that it looks like mine  and then i will tell you how to treat it properly   now in this strategy we will be  needing two different indicators   the first one is moving average that  is exponential moving average and then   we will be needing an rsi so for that go to  indicator section over here now search for moving average exponential and then click on it twice  so that two emas will be added on your chart   now here again search for rsi that is the relative  strength index and then it will be added over here   now go to the settings of ema and then keep  the length of one ema 200 and the other ema will be 50. now the ema is that as the  length of the ema won't always be   150 it will change from time to time  so what i mean is i usually look for   a a swing movement like let us say a cycle so  let us say the price has moved from year to year   from this point to this point and then  we can see that it is around 802 bars so   what i do is i divide it by 2 and i will keep  the length of 1 ema to 400 and then the other   will be to 200 which is the half of the first ema  and then we get a nice combination of a higher   period and a lower period moving average so this  is how i set my moving average when i day trade and this will also change from time to time  so you can either constantly use the 50 and   100 period moving average or you can do like  this you just have to make sure that after   after you have set the length of the ema the price  should respect the ema before you place any trades   on it and this is how you will have to use ema  with this strategy now the other thing is rss so   to change the settings of rsi just go over here  and then click on settings and then from here   keep the length to 14 and then go to style  and over here you can adjust the length of   the bands as uh or the levels as per your need  so if there is a bullish market then you can   keep the length of the lower band to 40 and the  upper band to 80 and if there is a bearish market   then you can keep the length of the lower band  that is 2 level 20 and the upper band to level 60   and if that is a bearish market then you can  keep the length of the low band to level 20 and   the upper band will be 60. so this is how you  have to change the settings of rsi or if you  

wish you can also use the five percent rule which  i told you earlier now that you have your charts   ready let us see how to trade it so let us first  address the major issue with divergence where   everyone has a problem so the major problem  with divergence is that sometimes the rsi   keeps on diverging and the price does not  reverse at all and this single thing can cause   you a lot or a losing streak so let me show you an  example of that and then we will move on further   now let's take a couple of examples to see how the  divergence fail and what should you do about it   so if we see at this level which is oh yeah  so yeah the price created the that is the   price created a higher high but if we compare  it with the indicator it created a lower high   instead telling us that there is something  wrong in the market so let us say you enter   a trade at this level and keep your stop-loss a  few pips let's say above this resistance area so   this time what happens is the price is diverging  but the price haven't reversed yet so it will   stop you out and then the price will just keep on  diverging and it will still continue to move up   now we have the same example over here let us  say so from here the price created high high   but the indicator opposed it and created a low  high but the price did not moved down and it just   kept on diverging and the price continued to  move up so this is how divergence sometimes   give false indications and this can trap  you out and lose a lot of money because it   will keep you in hope because the price still  keeps on diverging and still nothing happens so   this will make you lose your account if you don't  use a stop loss and so always use a stop loss   now the reason why this happens is divergence just  tells us that the momentum is shifting toward the   sellers like in this case the divergence is  telling us that the momentum is shifting towards   the sellers that is the price is overbought but  we don't have any important area from where the   seller can enter so we have to always look  for important areas while finding divergence   and the other thing is the price is if you look  at the chart the price is uptrending and if we   enter a sell trade over here and expect it to drop  down then we are on the wrong side of the market   because the price is moving up so we always have  to look for look to be with the trend and look   for buying opportunities so if we look for a  sell trade over here thinking that there is   a divergence then it will fail because there is  no important area and also the overall trend is   up now let us see why does it happen and what can  you do about it so here is the thing you have to   understand that rsi is just a momentum oscillator  and tells who or which party has the momentum   but in trading momentum is just one important  aspect and the other one is the important area or   a good average price because i won't care where  the momentum is shifting to if there is no   important area or an average price which makes  sense to me so it is very important for us to   have the momentum as well as an important area  or average price so always use divergence with an   important area or a good average price and there  are various ways to do it like i use major support   and resistance areas for it and moving averages  when i trade divergence in a trending market   so let us go to the chart and see how to  use it and how to trade divergence perfectly   so there are different ways by which i trade  divergence because uh i trade differently for day   trading and i trade differently for swing trading  and there are different setups involved in it   so first let us see how i take my day  trades so the time frame which i use for   day trading is from 15 minutes to one hour and in  this chart we will be using 30 minutes time frame   so the first thing is i like to change the  settings of all the indicators which i am using   and adjust it as per the current market situations  so first let us see how i change the settings of   the ema's so for that i have already told  you that i use the length of ema as per the   cycles that means i will see the what is  the length of the cycle which will be from   this point to a new high a new high above this  which will be over here somewhere near here and   so we get around 810 bars so the higher moving  average will be 400 and the lower moving average   will be 200 then now after that the next thing  which i will do is i will use the five percent   rule on the rsi so you can see i have marked a  line over here which gives me the settings of my   rss which will be around 26 or 27 so let us adjust  it now let us put it in the settings which will be 20 6 or 27 whichever is good so now we have our settings done now what i do is  along with the moving averages and rsi i also use   the minor support and resistance areas and i  will tell you how to do that but before that i   want to tell you that the main the most important  thing to avoid the fake divergence is to always   be with that and never oppose the time like  especially when i am day trading i don't try to   find reversals i only look for continuation  opportunities so let us see how i do it   so after we have set up our chart let us say at  this point we got to know that the market is now   trending up because this was the downtrend  then from year to year we set up the ema   and then we know that the market is  trending so this moving average will   act as a support so right over here we have  an example of how i use the minor support area   to take trades now for those who haven't watched  my series of support and resistance can check   it out by clicking the i button so after i  have drawn this support what i do is i find   or i look for divergence so in this case if we see  here the price created a lower low if we zoom in   you can see that the price created a lower  low but here the indicator opposed it and it   created a high low instead telling us that  there is something wrong in the market and so   i would enter a long trade over over  here and i will keep my take profit just   somewhere near here and my  stop loss will be a few pips   below this now again let us see how  i use moving average to take trades   so after that the price moved up and then over  here you can see the price created lower low at this point and the price is nicely touching  the confluence area i call this the confluence   area or the value zones using the two moving  average and i only enter when the price has   entered this area which is between the these two  moving average so you can see the price drop down   till this level and then when we compare it with  the move uh with the rsi it created a high low   so there was a lower low over here but the  price uh the rsi is creating a higher low   telling us that there is something wrong  in the market so we will enter over here at this point when the divergence is formed and  our target will be just a few webs below this   and a stop loss will be such that you can at  least achieve one is to two raise to reward   ratio so i will just keep it something like this  so by this you can easily achieve a raise to   reward reach of at least one s2 2 or even more  if you are if you have mastered this technique   so this is how i take entries using this  strategy now let us see how to use divergence for   swing trading so i basically use only support  and resistance while i swing trade and i do it on   time frames higher than four hour  or at least on four hour time frames   so basically what i do is the first thing which  i do is i mark the support or resistance zones   and i try to be with the trend so here you can  see on this chart that is called for our chart   the price was moving up and it was uptrending  so from here the price got rejected twice and   thrice so this level was acting as a support  so when the price came till this level you can   see the price created a lower low if we zoom in we  can clearly see that the price created a lower low   but when we compare it with the indicator it  did not create any new lower low and it created   a higher low instead telling us that there is  something wrong and so we would enter over here we would put uh entry will be over here and then  you can either and for the stop loss you can   keep 20 to 30 pips below the zone and the take  profit will depend on what you want to do so   what you can do is you can adjust take profit as  for different situations so you can either put   the take profit till here till this resistance  area or and enclose half of your profit over   here and then keep the other floating by that  you will be able to catch the whole swing which   is from this level to this level now let us take  another example so here you can see the price was   rejecting this area and then it was moving down  but then it finally broke above it and then it   again dropped till this this level telling us  that this is a support an important support area   so at this point you can see the price was  creating lower lows but when we compare it   with the indicator the indicator was creating  a series of higher lows hence telling us that   there is something wrong in the market and  so if we enter over here a stop loss would be   a few pips that is at least 30 webs below this  zone below this zone because we are swing trading   so it should be a wide stop loss and our stop  loss our first take profit will be a few pips   below this resistance level because  the price can react to it and come down   or you can also adjust it as per your needs that  is you can take some profit over your let's say   40 to 50 of the profit over here and then keep the  other one floating so that totally depends on you   and by doing this you will be able  to catch this entire swing move   at least till this level now  let us take one more example so from here the price moved up till this level  and then it again drop till this support area   so here you can see the price created a divergence  it created a low but here the price is creating a   high high low so you will enter over here your  first take profit would be somewhere near this   level this level and your stop loss will be a few  pips that is at least 30 pips below this level   now again over here this is a nice support  area because this was a strong resistance   because the price dropped almost 15 percent from  here 12 percent to 15 percent from this point   and then price again moved up and got passed at  this time so here the price then was re-testing it   here the price created a lower low but when  we look at the indicator like this was a lower   low but when we look at the indicator it did  not create any new lower low and it created a   high low instead so we will enter over here after  the divergence is formed and then keep our stop   loss 30 pips below this and our take profit  a first take profit which is let us say 50   of your position will be exited till this  level and then you can keep the rest floating   so this is how i swing trade using divergence so  this is how i trade divergence effectively and i   want to tell you that strategy is not everything  in trading it is just a small part of it   and to thrive in trading you need to create a  proper mindset and only that proper mindset will   help you thrive in any kind of market in any kind  of conditions so while you work with the strategy   be sure to work towards your mindset i wish you  all the best with your trading and i hope you have   enjoyed this video and if you did make sure you  hit the like button and also very soon i am going   to start a moving average trading series so do  not forget to subscribe to this channel and turn   on the notification bell so that you don't miss  out on those videos thank you so much for watching

2021-07-01 06:44

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