Rough opal can be risky business - The outcome is incredible

Rough opal can be risky business - The outcome is incredible

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Ouch i'm justin and this is black opal direct my  family have been teaching and exploring opal since   1961. click the subscribe button and enjoy  as we dive into the best gem in the world   black opal g'day and welcome to black opal direct  my name is justin well this week we are working   on a massive knobby opal really really big piece  and it has a very thick color bar going through it   now i can see on the outside that there's got  inclusion so i am hoping to praying to the opal   gods that actually something inside is clean  and not full of sand which i've experienced   a lot of lately and you've seen it and  we're gonna expose it so it's gonna be   a wild ride this one i promise you let's get on  the wheel and get to it well this massive piece   just really has some nice color all the way around  it and you can see it's still following through   on this side but this big sand blob on  top may cause us a lot of havoc there is   also a little bit of a crack there that i  reckon will disappear the further i go in   so my hope is that this gets darker inside  and hopefully it faces nicely on the top   but this is a really big stone so we  have massive chances massive potential   and uh still a lot of risk let's get that wheel  going let's get some water going on the wheel so i'm just going to take it around this side  where i can't actually see into the piece yet   you can see there's a light blue sort  of color bar below the better color   which is not something i'm going  to concentrate on very much wow that sand is really not nice really not nice bad so we are being beaten up by sand once again beaten to a fault let's see it's really oh come on give me a break   this sand is my worst nightmare a lot of color  bar there and that sand is just ridiculous   what is it about me and sand at  the moment i'm like a sand magnet all right well you can see that there is some  kind of form of color bar there that i've set up   around the edges all cleaned up around the edges  so now we're going to take all of this off and   this is the big telltale to see whether actually  something's worthwhile coming out of it or not and i'm going in oh so showing up some color there now in the top oh nice color okay oh boy so there's still sand here and i'm gonna  need to get let's have a quick look   we've got one sand spot here we've got color bar  still sitting there and we've got sand on top   this big sand blob i could probably gouge  into and it probably go a fair way down um   but that has to come out because that's just not  on well actually that's not bad it's actually   just hit the bottom there so a little bit  further and hopefully that sand should be out   i'm guessing yep looking pretty good that  one this one here goes in quite deep so   i may have a stone around here and if  that's the case that would be really cool so we'll just keep going  cleaning it up seeing what what we can get out of it i'm liking the color here the  most that's the prettiest color   it's also where the sand is all mixed up wowzers all right well a bit of a dilemma really good  pattern up here really good pattern further down what do i do does this good  pattern go in underneath here or do i just go for a nice high domed beautiful  stone right there slice these corners off and see what i can get this sand spot  here still going in i gouge into it you can see yeah it goes in pretty deep so   that's going to take away a fair bit of dome  from anything that i can salvage from here so   i think we're going to slice it through  that sand spot there and through there hmm and go for a nice stain see if i can  get this closer and have a closer look so it doesn't really show up on the camera but  we've got layers of opal here this here this   here this here is all one layer that i think  goes into the piece on an angle like this and then the color good color sits on top  and then there's good color below now the   ultimate goal would be to slice that through  slice that off right here about about there don't know if i'm good enough to be able to  do that and if i do this which is pretty much   black opal right now will probably turn  to a lighter opal what to do what to do hmm and also another question is how  clean is that color bar below   alright well i'm gonna go back out take it on the  final wheel and just have a go at just taking out   that sand here and seeing how good the color  is below because if i'm gonna slice it anyway   it doesn't really matter if i can get that go  down past the hazy layer and see what kind of   stone is below then we'll get a really good idea  about whether we should go down on it or not okay so not bad not bad color   but i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to  slice it slice that little slither off the top   go for a stone here and then see what's  below now this is a big risk really big risk   but hey you only live once so  i think i have to give it a go yeah slicing a piece off the top like this is so risky  because it's so thin the blade can break the opal   so easily and i also risk the fact that there may  be no extra color down below or even inclusions um oh yes oh my goodness oh that worked out oh my goodness that worked  out my risk has paid off i'm so happy so happy   oh wow check out this you gotta see you gotta see  this is ridiculous so we had that bit on the top   and uh sat there so i sliced that off as you  can see and just below it look at the pattern   look at it that is magnificent and that's  what i was hoping for so now we can work on   taking this down a little bit further around  here and here and see if that pattern gets   any bigger if not we still got a stone right there  which is magnificent and i am stoked i'm stoked   oh it worked out i can't believe it okie dokie  so i might just shape this guy up a little bit see what we get out of that so  that's a nice little crystal now so we didn't waste anything on the top  to see what was below happy about that oh yeah   there we go it's nice crystal and the  color is actually even better from the back so that'll probably be a double-sided stone   very pretty there we go very nice and now let's  work on this beauty how about we come in closer   to view this thing being rubbed up  because it's worthy totally worthy   oh yeah love it when a plan comes together all right that's nice uh what i'm  gonna do because of the pattern changes   i'm gonna slice it again through  there and slice it through there   and go for the biggest stone i can right  there which is the money the breadwinner   yes all right i'll quickly slice it very quickly  and then get back to you on the wheel and we'll   start shaping it up oh i'm excited so you  want to hear the good news or the better news   now the good news is i have sliced it all off  we will get one stone out of there on the corner and we will get one stone out of there on that corner but the extra awesome news is where  this pattern is starting to go a little bit change   up from the beautiful pattern inside you can see  underneath showing up some really nice pattern   so uh that is obviously i think joining up to the  better pattern so if i was to rub that down that   side i'm probably going to find that that pattern  is starting going to start to get better again   so let's have a little quick look and see whether  it's damp dance worthy oh that's gorgeous gorgeous   all right i'm so so happy about this one oh  yeah let's bring it back to there so that we   can work on this wheel because we've got a lot of  rough to take off the back so let's rub that down yes i am pushing quite hard right now just to get  all that potch off the back we don't really need   yeah magnificent magnificent give this one  a little bit of a push too pushing a shove and this one i might bring it in a little bit that sand spot a  potch there there's sand here and here that's in   the color so it's not really doing the stone  any favors get rid of the potch off the back there we go so that actually nicer color  underneath as well so we're going to take   that down obviously to the better color and  we'll get a nice stone out of there very pretty   stone out of there just give that quick shape  all right now we can come back to this wheel   turn the water on and then we start shaping i love  it when a plan works out this is so good so good oh yeah oh yeah bring it on   this is what it's all about when an opal works out  it really works out and i am so happy about this can you tell a little bit  excited just a little bit excited roll that dome there we go beautiful gem right  there let's put that one away this one you can shape up a little  bit roll that edge so we get a dome a little still too much watch on the back it's a nice little drop shape there  gotta be happy with that it's quite nice beautiful and the money winner the breadwinner beautiful beautiful so we do take it in a little  bit because there is some   some lighter color lighter  pattern and color sitting there   so uh it doesn't really need to be there it won't  do any justice on the stone so let's bring it in beautiful color this is what it's all about through so check it out what a beauty what a beauty gorgeous stone what a gorgeous stain  all right let's have a closer look at it can you believe it oh what amazing piece  what an amazing stone it comes out 11 and   a half carats right now so i'm thinking a nine  carat gem beautiful color i am so happy i i was   thinking that there might be some kind of a little  beautiful gem kernel in the center but i tell you   what that has just knocked my socks off and the  other three stones are quite nice too it was good   that i sliced that little crystal off the top got  to save it rather than grinding it away because   there was just enough bar there to do it the other  two rubs are quite nice there's probably another   really five hundred to a thousand dollars  worth there but this main piece is an   absolute winner and i am stoked so let's  get into it and start cutting those stones i love it when a plan comes together  it makes everything all worthwhile   and sharing it with you really makes it special   when a beautiful gem like this comes out it  makes me happy and i hope it makes you happy too   let me know in the comments how you felt  about this journey from the rough to where   it is now did it stress you out did it give  you anxiety did it make you feel relaxed   i'd love to know i do know that some of you fall  asleep to my videos which i'm not sure how to take   it's showtime well wasn't that a fun stone to cut i  really enjoyed it and i hope you did too   and this beautiful 1.60 carat crystal opal was  the piece i sliced right off the top and it's   worth around about the 400 so it was really  worthwhile doing that slice really happy with   that i also ended up polishing the back because  the color was better on the back than the front this gem ended up being 2.16 carats and it  does just make it into the black opal category   and i valued it at around about  600 very pretty little ring stone this little odd drop shape turned  out quite nice at a 0.82 carat   it just made it into the black  opal category as well for 300 and the last but not least this black opal turned  out to be 7.35 carats a little bit smaller than   i had imagined but i took a fair bit off the  back to make it quite balanced but that color   is outrageous i love it it's an n4 and it's  got a brightness of four with the beautiful   green and blue play of color that has color on  color an amazing gem turning out to be around   about the ten thousand dollars so all up i  am super super excited well that was one of   the most awesome adventures i've had in a while  thank you for watching this one i'm really happy   with it i hope you are too and i will see you  next week i hope you didn't think that was it the things i do to get a rise

2021-08-17 13:50

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