Ripple Executive Says Institutional Trading Boosting XRP Behind the Scenes

Ripple Executive Says Institutional Trading Boosting XRP Behind the Scenes

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Hello. Folks you have reached the cryptocurrency, portal, and today we're going to go over a little information about ripple. And XRP in general, you, can see from the headline here it says a ripple, executive, says. Institutional. Trading is boosting, XRP behind. The scenes with crypto, currency exchange bit so taking. The lead so let's get right into this it says institutional. Traders are bringing greater liquidity, to, ripples, XRP, powered, cross-border. Payment. Product which is odl or on-demand liquidity, which used to be their ex rapid, product, which. They just rebranded, it last year to Odile and according. To the company's vice president, of global, institutional, markets so ripple, vice-president. Brianne, Madigan. Says that, XRP, liquidity, is the lifeblood of Odile, lowering. The risk and cost of, each cross-border. Transaction. So let's go right into her quote where, it says the, continued, growth of Odile, has led to an expanding, number of financial institutions, payment. Providers and market, makers to trade in XRP, the, resulting, increase, in institutional. Trading, volume has helped, to bring further, liquidity, to XRP, specifically. In odl corridors, in spite of the recent market turbulence, surrounding. The kovat pandemic, so they're just plugging. Away and powering, through this during this whole pandemic. It, says bit so the largest, crypto, exchange, in Mexico, has, expanded. Its reach by utilizing, ODL dramatically. Increasing, its XRP the pace of volume, it, now also processes. 2.5. Percent, of remittance. Transactions. From the United States to Mexico which. Is the third largest remittance. Market in the world an achievement. That the company's, leadership chalks. Up to their partnership, with, rippled, now, according, to bit so head of Finance Barbara, Gonzales Briceno ripples. Technology. Has enabled them to charge only a fraction. Of, traditional, wire transfer, fees this is giving, them a competitive, advantage now. Going out in the future as there's if they're, publicly traded and when they have their earnings call. Interesting, to see how their earnings and revenues, and profit margins increase. Now. Madigan, says that exchanges, that aren't Odile Partners, can also help increase XRP, liquidity, going, forward and this quote is to wrap up this article says but, even non Odile, partner, exchanges. Like cracking or coinbase will contribute to increased, liquidity as, non. Odile partner, exchanges, continue, to grow more, mainstream, larger. Institutional. Traders will begin transaction, in XRP, making. Order books including, odl order books and more liquids, there you go folks, the, next piece I want to go over because this. Just continues, the discussion about ripple today it says money, match says ripple cross-border. Payment, technology, cut cost by 40%. So it says money match a Malaysia based, company, that enables small and medium sized enterprises. To. Send cross-border, payments to, their suppliers is reporting, a 40%, reduction in. Costs, since joining ripples, global network in April of 2018. S and they've been in front of two years G's according. To the firm CEO and co-founder Adrian. Yap ripple is helping, address some. Problems, that have hounded. The startup since, becoming a triple, net partner, money, match has facilitated, financial, institutions. And payment providers in more, than 100. Countries. The. Company says that no longer has, to pay high fees to, banks, that often prioritize, larger, customers, that, have high-volume transactions. And. The quote here is we struggle, to find a decent European. Partner, and we're stuck using the Swift system to make payments, they're working. With ripple net partners, allowed us to cut our cost by as much as 40 percent and instead, of transactions. Taking, at least two days we, were completing payments, in just a few hours so, what's interesting about that obviously, a ripple in long term is trying to replace Swift but here's you, know this this market. Maker here is specifically, stating, how it's faster.

And Cheaper with. Rip less compared to Swift, so the, whole pitch what ripple is pitching, out there seems to be coming to fruition in. Return it created a lower year, pricing, for us as well he continues, which then completes, the loop so, then we have customers, which generate more volumes of good for him and then. He says Yap says money matches passing, on the savings and other benefits, to his customers, which tends to mean lower, pricing, which will help them get more market share as more, and more people want to utilize their services because, it. Works and it's cheaper I continuing. With the ripple theme day it, says ripple comes to big casino, for speedy transfers, at lower fee so more and more momentum for. Ripple it says the third largest crypto, coin on market cap today so again, market. Cap is kind of irrelevant in general, and my estimation, because it's just the amount of the price of the coin times how many circulating, coins is so much different than the stock market they're trying to create. A market, cap analysis, based on what they do for the stock market over the decades. And trying to apply it to cryptocurrency, it's a little different the cryptocurrency space I think Kryptos in general, if they're going to survive they have to show they have a use case before. The market cap makes any sense so anyway beyond. The reaches of Bitcoin as the undisputable. Favorite most used cryptocurrency in the world I don't know if that's completely, true because. Ripple. And XRP they have a lot of use case out there since. We're talking about them now so many other alternative. Cryptocurrencies, have graced the digital money sphere among, those is Ripple whose native token, XRP is the third largest crypto, asset, in existence, by, market, cap and now bitcoins, leading crypto casino big casino is proud to say that has added XRP, support, to, its already impressive, list of crypto options, given its users more, and more options to choose from, when it comes to fast and cheap transfer, of currency, to and from its online gaming, platform, so yet another use, case here for kryptos, in general they're referring to a gaming. Platform now ripples, technology's famous around the world there you go ok with its primary focus being, on fast and secure money transfer. Atop the blockchain technology. Which we just went, over some examples before, its, primary use case as a secure, low, cost transfer. Option, that settles, almost, instantly, is already, recognized. By, hundreds of banks around the world with, ripple net technology, entering, well into the mainstream adoption in, the financial, world and. Now, big casino, is just the latest business entity, to, embrace ripple, plucking it from the simple confines, of banking and thrusting, it into the user limelight, where, its speed advantages, at an efficient, cost over, a highly scalable Network promised. To bring even more enjoyment, to the fast and fair experience, at the coin gaming group brand of online, crypto, game toys so I'll just leave it at that I just want to see another use case here for ripple with, coin casino, all right so continuing, here you see you, see this rippling, filled announces, the liquidity solution. For XRP and solo token, the, two takeaways, here it, says bullet, point one solo genic CEO bob ross has announced that the XRP ledger based, platform, coin field will, provide liquidity for, ripples, XRP and solo.

Token, Bullet. To the, solution, was, announced after. Sumit. Seawind declared problems, with solos liquidity, so. Here you go via his Twitter account solo, genic CEO bob ross has announced that there will be liquidity, for solo and XRP, tokens, on the coin field exchange, ross. Said his team has been working on develop meeting the liquidity solution, over the past few weeks and. It says right here in green his quote is over. The past few weeks we've. Been working on a solution to provide some liquidity for both solo and XR p on the XR, p, l de x we're, glad to inform that all tests have been successful, and will go live shortly, today. As announced. Today the solo token, is now available, on the XR, p decentralized. Exchange and, here you go here's, their tweet that went out a couple days ago on April, 18th, 2020. There. You go solo, trading is now available, on the XR PL decentralized. Exchange. Zoom. Offers, you an easy access to DDX, to trade solos, so there you go. Ross also, added that XR, p based zoom banking. Application. Provides. Easy access for, decentralized, XR, PL, exchange, the, zooom Rosset. Provides, users, with a secure, way to access. The de X and trade, the solo genic token, brasses. Comment, was a direct, response to its a we the developer, of zoom in. Early April, when said that there was no quitter T for solo token, in the excerpt letter to e lack of supply this, led to a high volatility, of the token in an irregular movement of price when said and he, said there automatically. Hides io u--'s from the ad currency, list if this is the case to prevent users from losing, funds on bad rigs there you go at the. Time sola genic reacted, to the statement and said, they were looking on, a solution, to increase liquidity, on, the de x decentralize exchange, the, announcement, of Ross is this this solution, in the collaboration, between Sola genic and zoom was. Announced, in Marley March this year to, integrate, the banking, application. Into, Sola Wallet for signing, transactions. When, the collaboration, was announced, wend, expressed, his enthusiasm. Saying users, could use solo, along with zoom to sign transactions. Without having, to enter into a secret, password. The. Zoom banking, application, was, essentially. Allowance, launched. At the end of March with, a total, reported, number of about 3,700. Users at the time developed. By XRP, Labs the application. Offers its users the, possibility. Of access, set accessing, traditional. Banking. Services, without the intervention of third parties so another cool use case out, there that's great to see these updates, from solo Gen X and we'd say wind who's a great person in the community as well and since we're talking about ripple, in general just so you know at the end of this video I'm gonna put a link in the aim cap to the next video that talks about ripples, 10 billion dollar valuation from, some venture capital that they've received in the last few months in it's interesting little discussion also put in the comments section below a, link to that video so check out the video so at the end of this video, it'll go right into the next video so check that out so, let's. Go here this is straight from ripple I always kind of like scene. Straight from ripple, what they talk about this. Is talking since we're talking about liquidity, and everything with these first few, are chuckles here's his liquidity, in global, markets 101. So. Let's go through this together because. It's talking about not just about rippable what's going on in the world little pandemics, as we are watching history unfold. Similar. To the 2008. Financial crisis. And books will be written about the events that are transpiring, in the global markets today and I completely, agree with that because you reflect. On the 2008, financial crisis, and all these movies. That have come out from like the Big Short which I love the big short and if you haven't seen the big short I highly, advise you watch it unfortunately. Probably make you angry because of what happened in the background, during the 2008, financial, crisis. But it's a good movie. So, when, this all unfolds, here in the next 10 years as, we reflect back on what happened during these times they'll, be interesting, so yes, the what's unfolding right now will be it's, history-making.

So, But unlike, just, like the 2008, financial crisis, collectively. Industries, will grow stronger, together, I'm, sure well long term it's hard to believe, that right now while we're in the moment but yeah we'll get through this and we'll be stronger from it on the other end but it's gonna be a lot of pain to get there unfortunately, it's, more critical than ever to, provide education. Around the, fundamentals. Of the quiddity and its importance, to global markets and its, most basic premise, liquidity, refers to the ease with which assets. Can be converted into cash without. Dislocating. The market generally. Speaking, the, greater the volume the higher the liquidity and the faster, the matching, between buyers and sellers. The. Marketplace for United States Treasury bonds, represents. An example, of this banks, serve as middlemen in the market matching, buyers and sellers traditionally. When, the smark stock, market, declines. Investors. Flock to the bond market as, a safe-haven alternative. This, increased, activity results. In a higher of the good market where it is easy to match buyers and sellers because the, difference, between prices, offered by sellers, and, sought by buyers is very small, today. We are seeing a rare mismatch, in this bond market, because. The fallout effects, from, the coronavirus. Sellers. Are dumping. Equities, and bonds in many investors. Sideline, this creates a gap that leads to an illiquid, market where, banks have difficulty. Connecting. Buyers, and sellers, efficiency. Efficiently. Liquidity. Is the key to, exchanging, any, asset, whether it be bonds or digital assets quickly. Easily and cheaply greater. Liquidity also. Helps. Increase the size or volume of trades, that can be that, can be processed, by dependent, systems, it, follows, that liquidity around, the digital asset XRP is the lifeblood of. Ripples. On demand, liquidity, for cross-border, payments. XRP, can be sent directly, quickly. And cheaply without, needing, a central, intermediary, making. It a convenient, instrument, in bridging. Two different currencies quickly, and efficiently, as a. Bridging tool in ODL the greater the quiddity, of XRP that less cost and risk in each transaction. The. Continued, growth of Odile has led to, an expanding, number of financial institutions, PIM riders and market. Makers to trade in XRP, the. Resulting, increase in institutional. Trading volume has helped, to bring further liquidity, to XRP. Specifically. In Odile corridors, in spite of the recent market turbulence surrounding, the cove at pandemic, now, ask ODL, volumes, grow in destination, corridors. Institutional. Training will naturally increase given, Odile flows tend, to be denominated by, institutional, parties and market makers this, virtuous. Circle of utility, trading. And liquidity. Continues. To build the, more X RP is traded, the more liquid it becomes, solidifying.

Its Use in application so that's how it's used case will continue to continue to be propelled, bit. So we just talked about has, leveraged, its use of OD l and XR p to. Become the largest exchange in latin america the, company's, head of Finance Barbara Gonzales briceƱo says, that the volume of trading has helped drive down the cost of remittances, to, the point that end-users, pay a fraction, of traditional, wire transfer, fees through this service and we know what that means that means they, will gather more, market, share now. New growth Forex P liquidity, will, come from a number of different sources, emerging. Cross-border, payment, corridors point and Odile partner. Exchanges, demanding. New currency, pairs for, xrp will help improve trading. Volume and the, ability to trade, amongst, assets. But. Even non ODL partner exchanges, like Kraken or coinbase, will contribute, to increased, liquidity as, non, odl, partner. Exchanges, continue, to grow more mainstream. Larger. Institutional. Traders will, begin transaction. And XRP making. Order books including, Oh deal order books more liquid. Identifying. New use cases for digital assets outside, of cross-border, remittances, will also, deepen the trading pool and liquidity for XRP as real. World solutions, are solved with this technology it, will attract new larger. Groups of traders leading. To even more look volume in liquidity more. Simply stated it is, continuous, utility, that will foster the quitted depth and market health around, XRP, the, more value transferred problems it helps to solve and payments, friction it helps to reduce the more diverse and efficiently, adoption, of XRP, as a, global payment asset, will become so that's a good little wrap up about on-demand. Liquidity, and ripple, and. Just liquidity, in global markets in general so, I want to finish today's video about this because I've seen this everywhere. Ripple. Is suing, YouTube, alleges, failure to stop crypto, scammers, causing, irreparable harm, I see it all the time I see these scams that, these fake youtubers, are putting up there and trying to, get. The money out of these unsuspecting, people, and the reality, is the, people that have been in the industry a while or just follow the industry they. Get that it's a scam and you know I'll report them on YouTube or I'll block them on Twitter when I see them but the reality is when the average Joe, gets, into, the crypto space when this whole pandemic. You know is. Over, in the future, here and we have a bull, run and the crypto market again the future and more average. Joe's you don't let them getting sucked into these scams so this is good Ripple's doing this now to get the bad actors, out of the system so, when, more institutional, investors, the average Joe get involved they don't get sucked into these scams, so. It says here the payments firm ripple and its, CEO Brad, Garmin house are suing YouTube accusing. The media Jain of failing to adequately, address cryptocurrency. Scams, on this platform I love YouTube now I love, this opportunity. To have this, opportunity, to talk about cryptocurrency, on YouTube, thank you for that but they really need to do something about these scammers that's all cyber. Thieves are using YouTube in addition, to other social platforms, to. Launch, so-called, giveaway scams and steal, crypto currencies, such as Bitcoin ethereum, XRP the, scammer just launched live streams using. The images of leading, tech figures and companies, trying, to convince people to send small amounts of cryptocurrency. To an address in order to receive a larger, sum in return which never comes of course this, is one of the oldest tricks in the book it's just on steroids. Now because, they're there they're leveraging social, media and. YouTube and Twitter scams. And personating, Bill Gates and Bart Brad garland house have recently, surfaced, on YouTube, and ripple and its CEO are, asking. For an unspecified and specified, amount of compensation from YouTube for, legendary failing, to take action, and causing, damage to the reputation, and. He says over the past several, months ripple, and Brad Carly House have suffered, and continue. To suffer irreparable harm. To their public image brand, and reputation as, a direct. Consequence, of YouTube's, deliberate, and, inexplicable.

Failure, To address a pervasive, and injurious, fraud. Occurring. On his platform what's really interesting about this is that, Google. Ventures, I think, I think that's the name of the VC arm of Google. Actually. Put. Money into, ripple. Originally. And now ripple. Is suing, YouTube. Which is owned by Google and, alphabet, so interesting, he. Says this, brought often, and dubious, a name XR, p1, giveaway the scam is a third, party on attack on ripples brand mr. garlotte houses reputation, and XRP, holders, worldwide, to, be sure the scam a pervasive. And extended, course of condo detailed, in the allegations, that follow often. Relies upon spear, phishing, attacks hacked, YouTube, accounts, and the, misappropriation. Of mr. garland house likeness and ripple marks but, also depends, on and thrives because, of YouTube's, complacency. And unwillingness, to take seriously, ripples, repeated, demands for, action, the. Lawsuit, also accuses. The YouTube itself, of profiting. Off the scams by allowing the fraudsters to, purchase. Ads promoting, the videos wow that's interesting that that is kind of crazy the use, of ripples trademarks, inbred, Garlin houses likeness, in these accounts has caused customer. Confusion. The, confusion, has led individuals, to fall victim to the scam because they erroneously. Understood. These, accounts, to be legitimate, and formally, affiliated with ripple this confusion, will continue, absent, a court order YouTube. Also generates revenues from the infringing, conduct, including after was informed of the scam YouTube. Has sold and will continue, to sell paid ads to the fraudsters engaged, in the infringing, conduct. When, a youtuber, user clicks on such a video discovery. Ad he or she has taken directly to a YouTube channel that is running the scam YouTube, does profits, from the infringement of ripples marks, and you can see the filing here we won't go into that but that, was just an interesting way to wrap up today's video. Again. I really appreciate ever, two, natee be on youtube they need to clean this up because it's crazy and I. Can see why ripple is suing them so hopefully they come to a resolution on this whatever they whatever, they, end up coming to a resolution and settlement, hopefully, because I think reality is ripple just wants this action, to stop so, do i so thank you very much for tuning in to the cryptocurrency portal, we're gonna go right into the next video, that about the ten billion dollar valuation the video that I did about ripple and I'll put in the comment section below as well so, thank you for tuning in if you like this video please smash the thumbs up button it does help me out helps out the channel helps out with the Google or YouTube algorithm, so smash the thumbs up button and if you want to be notified of when I upload, my next video just you know smash that bail notification, button I don't notify you when I upload my new video and as always put any comment, in the comment section below because I love, to have a discussion about the crypto space I answer all comments, and also if you already subscribe to the channel thank you very much I appreciate you, and thank you if you're not a subscriber yet hopefully I've shown you and. I would be honored with your subscription, to the channel so again the, next video is going to be the ten billion dollar valuation video. And thank, you again for tuning in to the cryptocurrency portal, and I'll talk to you real soon. You. You.

2020-04-24 23:07

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