Remember who you Really are - Episode 6 - Business from the Heart with William Zebe

Remember who you Really are - Episode 6 - Business from the Heart with William Zebe

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hello everybody welcome to remember who you really are and again this is a wonderful episode i'm very happy to have with us today thank you our dear friend william he's here's the school of the heart teacher sorry uh not doing so much of it but i'm a teacher i know but so much help right in the school in many different ways and that's that's beautiful yeah that's a yeah now uh so i today i wanna my intention if you like this to speak about how to do business from the heart and billy is a perfect person i think too talk about these things so i would like maybe if you share with our people some of your story your journey right okay and all right um well my journey might sound a little 3d bragging so when you're watching this and you're like god this guy's full of himself just know that i'm telling my story uh very interesting i uh well let's start off i'm six i'm gonna be 63 in june and um i grew up in new york city i was born in the bronx went to high school graduated there when i was a child i had dyslexia severely and i didn't learn to i didn't read my first book until i was 18 years old my first book ever i cheated all the way through high school cheated never never took a book home never studied for an exam i just looked on other people's paper and cheated and but my teachers loved me and i ran track and i had a nation i was nationally ranked in track so that's what got me into college back in the 70s you didn't need a uh a minimum score that your coaches could kind of play games and get you in so i ended up going to brigham young university originally to run track and when i was in college they introduced me to a professor who taught me how to read in two weeks and i learned to read 80 words 800 words a minute with 90 comprehension and i just grew wings and flew because i realized at that moment because i had been told my whole life i was stupid that i wasn't smart enough because i couldn't read yeah i mean i just couldn't see the letters they just jumbled um and so uh once i learned how to read i realized oh wow i really i really am intelligent you know i really can think and so you know i graduated from college got into corporate america my probably i was a broker doing real estate brokers forever and then i went to work for blockbuster video back in 1991 in san diego and i ran i eventually got promoted within six months to run the whole western united states and i was recruited by bloc by hollywood video if you anybody out there knows hollywood video i started with hollywood when they had 11 stores and it was myself the founder and another guy the three of us built over the next 10 years 2200 stores uh none of them are franchise all corporate owned 2200 stores we were doing 2 billion in revenue i resigned after 4 years with the company sat on the board of directors for nine years and myself and two other guys sold the company back in 2005 for one point three or four billion dollars so um and i proceeded to in 2008 lose everything everything probably close to 10 million dollars just gone and i had zero and i was starting all over again and uh that was a that was a tough journey but i and i got money was stolen from me i had someone steal about 1.8 million dollars from me and uh which is an interesting story i knew i would never get it back so when i saw him this is kind of being in your heart i went up to him and i said uh how much money do you have your wallet and he goes his wallet he says i have 341 dollars i said give it to me we're even that was the exchange 1.8 million for 341 dollars and i said i'm not going to allow you to control my life we're even go you're in your life i'm going in my life and i just let it go it was very elise oh total release just an amazing release on me um and so i you know i was in corporate america and did that sat on i was the managing director of a pretty large company called jll um and but it was you know it's like everybody else you know i'm in my head blah blah blah blah and i uh started getting into yoga and started a practice of yoga and then i went and um took teacher training so i learned how to be a teacher and then i went to mexico with this guy named brian kest who is a famous yogi uh and uh he was taught he's a big meditator and he did he did vipassana and i i actually did meditation when i was 17 years old i my coach said i was too hyper and they wanted me to calm down and they sent me to this guy in 1976 to meditate i did uh sun salutations and meditation so i understood it and i always knew to go to my breath with my whole life but it wasn't a practice it was just like why i'm going to explode i better breathe kind of thing so to fast forward i understood meditating and i signed up to do a vipassana and i was going to do 10 days of that and i was a little nervous because i'm like knowing me could i even sit for an hour another last 10 hours and i i started just grinding away and grinding grinding grinding grinding and i read on a blog that said if you can meditate for one and a half hours noble so you don't move not even not an itch nothing for an hour and a half if you can do that then you could do vapasa so it took me about three months to get to the point where i could do that you know get rid of the monkey brain and you know i just calmed down and i was able to do it but soon thereafter before i even got to vipassana i had this insane experience where i connected to source and i was embraced and engulfed in more love than you could i literally felt like my skin was going to peel off i had melted into the ocean my consciousness and i was with all of you and the the amount of love but you can't even describe it it was beyond unconditional it was so insane and when i came out of that i was literally in it was crazy but i was in another dimension i was actually moving my hand and my hand was still back here and that just changed everything and then that moment from there um you know i went and did in ayahuasca i met luke and then i met you guys and then i did that and while i've been doing that i've been in business you know helping starting some companies and and help creating companies and i find that i'm not i'm not you know the the benefit in business is you can make clearer concise decisions without any emotion because i can breathe through anything there isn't a thing out there that could happen that i can't close my eyes and go inside and just calm the waters and that's what i do because i'm you know i am your typical new yorker right i'm loud i'm obnoxious i speak over other people uh i'm rude like the sweetheart you know that i mean that's just that is a program that's been embedded in me and i am just starting to peel that off you know a lot of times i just put my hand over my mouth just so i can't speak so i let everybody else i should just you know glue my hands to my lips so i can't speak my kids this is so true my kids when they would play sports they would put duct tape over my mouth so i couldn't speak i was that guy where parents look at you and go oh he's here so yeah and meditation and and just my practice and being just being present and that's kind of really the thing is that what i really work on is you know my meditations in the morning my meditations throughout the day but for me i just want to be in the present moment as much as i can because in business there's you know you're you're planning for the future but what ends happening is just a lot of noise coming in and you need to decipher through the noise and and the only way that can do that is going because all the answers are inside you you can go inside you can make the decisions you can figure it out you can do disconfirming evidence right something's presented to you probably the most valuable lesson i ever learned in business you know i went to i got my mba at kellogg and um which is the number one ranked mba school in the world and has been for many years and in the in that class they did a thing called disconfirming evidence and the idea is that you know the the ultimate example is that is that before the space shuttle columbia was going to fly they were saying we're having problems with with the cold and they brought in all the rocket scientists literally rocket scientists to come in and talk about should we fly or shouldn't we fly and they there was a lot of political pressure to fly there was funding and that and they all held hands and saying kumbaya everything will be good and they flew up and we all know what happens the people died and when they did an investigation they found out that one little o-ring one a 10-cent o-ring took the columbia down and one of the guys that was the scientist that was talking to congress or the senate threw that o-ring in ice water and pulled it out while he was talking he did that and it snapped the scientist would have looked at instead of when the weather's when the weather's cold if they would have looked at what happens when the weather is warm too cold and did a statistical analysis it would have been 100 don't fly yeah so what do we learn from that don't get yourself in a room where everybody is holding hands saying you're amazing it's the most wonderful idea life is a big stadium get out of your seat move to another reason and say if anything could go wrong what will go wrong right it's disconfirming evidence and if you can confirm that what you're doing is wrong but we tend to as a people do that and that's you know that's part of the spiritual practice part of the spiritual practice is being able to step back and see things for what they really are instead of the programs are saying this is the greatest idea and everybody's feeling your ego and you're amazing you're brilliant and you get that and then you start making mistakes a lot because you get away from the you know this deceiving eyes you know what if there's something that go wrong what could it be and what are the odds of that happening and that probably the most probably the the most impactful thing that's ever happened to me is just be able to step back in a meditative mind and say disconfirming right is this true and by the way this whole world of fake news right you see something and you're like it's true is it really i know you believe it's true i know it feels really good to you but is it really true look at the other side look at the other evidence and you'll know right and so it's that thing and there's just a lot of fake and all that stuff but if you just apply the rules of disconfirming evidence instead of just joining in with everybody marching along to failure or to whatever it may be it's like sit back and then disconfirming evidence and that really is being in the present moment right being in that present moment looking at things very holistically is that boy have i just rambled on no that was amazing yeah and i you know one of the things that i wanted to talk with you was we have a lot of people that find so you're in the 3d world right right you're working you're a businessman you're doing you know so many stuff and it's a lot you find yourself at some point in your life that there is something more and i want to find that right more right so you start the journey with it right within how do you marry both how do you marry business because i think it's a question that lots of people have how can i do you know my business how can i earn my living and at the same time being in this space that i love that i know or being you know um in harmony with whom i really am right without you know yeah what did you find in your life so what i do is um i'm a really big fan of ram das and ram das talks about being in hell with your heart open learning to be in hell with your heart open and that's kind of business you know you're going to have ugly people people going to try to take advantage of you and that and so just be trying to be in in that place so most people you know they have a difficult time getting to their heart you know you start you know anybody who's watching who's probably gone through the classes you know you start in the big room you either go down the stair you jump off the cliff you do that right but the more you practice it's it's literally you close your eyes you go bam bam you're in it in it instantly boom you're in your heart and it's okay you can be in your heart and being in your heart doesn't mean that you're a pushover doesn't mean that people can take advantage of you i you know i don't succumb to any real religions but if you look at hinduism right beautiful religion beautiful right you know you've got uh different deities all with swords right why because you know that that's the world that's the lure we're living in so it's um how about morality morally because that's another thing okay like what you feel in your heart right and then what do you need to do can it be together would it be successful in whatever we consider success in the business world or whatever did you find yourself having clashes in regards to what you felt that i had to do as an executive well what my heart is you know well yeah i mean think about it you're working for a business and what is the goal of the business right depending on if it's a public company or not a public company i've sat on the boards of companies and you know you're looking out for shareholder value so every decision you make is what's best for the shareholders what's best for the shareholders doesn't necessarily mean it's best for everybody else right if you work for an oil company what's the best food make money but for an oil company you're drilling you're doing more you're you're you're destroying the environment you're lying about the environment you're lying about the science why to make money so you've kind of lost your way right and so part of that is is like i wouldn't go to work for exxon mobil right that doesn't resonate with me that doesn't fit so i think you need to have a company that resonates with you you can't you can't go into a business that's selling a drug that uh whether it's opiates that's destroying people's lives or and or you know a drug that helps anesthetize people for capital punishment you know i'm just making things up like if it doesn't resonate don't go there yeah because you're really bastardizing your thing but if you believe in the company then it's easy to have a little bit more passionate in making what is the best decisions for you in that thing but remember that it's still business right and so there's really that fine line but no one in business typically when you get to really high levels it happens a lot but normally no one in in the company is asking you to do anything fraudulently yeah like enron right those things those things happen a lot companies will play around with their with their balance sheets and their income statements and playing little games uh and ron was and arthur anderson was involved in that so those things happen don't be blind to it just the wall street was going on they have things called dark pools right they they forward trading i mean there's just a lot of and we see it there's a lot of corruption there's a lot of that doesn't mean you have to be a part of that right and so it's just kind of being away from that and people i've seen it in business people when you stand up for yourself and for what's right people respect that the people below you the people that work for you that'll resonate with them and the people above you will not like they'll know that you're the person that's willing to step up and do that you're not in you know you're not in on the crowd if if that company lets you go because you're that way thank god right thank you if not it then becomes you know you now can have real influence on the business on how it works right i mean you and i were talking about spacex right yeah right and so if i ever went to whatever company spacex doesn't matter right i'm going to show up on who i am and if if what i do show up in the interview process doesn't resonate with with what's going on it's not the right job and so it behooves us when we are either interviewing a job or we're in a job to take an inventory and say does the mission statement does what this company do does it resonate with me is it something that i can latch on and get up every morning excited as i'll get out but if you're stuck in bed going i i can barely get myself out of bed to move something's not right right you need to make a drastic chain that's the universe telling you right it's it's the hero's journey joseph campbell right it's you know you get that call to adventure it's that sl you know it's the phone call but if you're not willing to answer the phone call then it's a sledgehammer right you're gonna get whacked over the head it's gonna be a death it's gonna be divorced it could be covered it could be a lot of things right where it's just like wake up yeah wake up what you're doing doesn't work it's not work and that's what that's what covett has done for all of us we are a bunch of people running buffalo running over a cliff the way we were going right 3d 3d 3d materialism and cheers and materials you know all that you know selfies millions of selfies and you know i'm important like that all stops bam instantly everybody going home be alone go inside and two things happen you either drink and do drugs or you're like i'm gonna sit and meditate and figure this out my life is unraveling this this all what's going on is beautiful because it is a wake up it's a call to adventure and every great movie has it right dorothy dorothy was taken away luke skywalker showed up and his his aunt and uncles and it was burnt down and it was gone right katniss you know from you know you know gets pulled in and now she's fighting it like yes we all you know that's that's the journey every great movie ever made is the hero's journey it's a call to adventure we're living our greatest lives our call to adventure but you can either say oh this is unfair and this and you know uh you can be that negative nilly or you can look at it and say which i do is it's just it is what it is i have no vote whatever unfolds unfolds yeah and it just accepted i have a wedding today and it's raining it's taken 13.8 billion years for this weather to show up just today and i think i have a say on how the weather should be really and so you just let it you know it's just it's really just letting things unfold the way it unfolds you know i've met a lot of people and i have to say in in in business right saying doing something they don't love and like struggling through it and feeling fear and i think that's the thing how do you overcome that fear of survival if i lose this right like you said i lost everything how to overcome that how can i overcome the fear of losing a job how overcome of being truthful to myself yeah it's it's so there's there there's there's a couple of things on that one is you talk about truthful i i love rahm dust's comment right from maharishi love everyone and tell the truth right so true the truth is really important and not just to others but to yourself and what happens is if you're if you're in a job that you don't like first of all that that was me i was all about the money i was all about money so when i was working the job i there was a job that i quit and i worked there for five years and i was making seven digits a year and i was miserable and i was so unhappy and i had to just leave the job i just quit i just nicely but i just i can't i can't wake up in the morning and do this every day the money was amazing the people i worked with it just didn't resonate and then i went you know and did some other businesses that actually failed i got into a business that failed and i you know lost at least a half a million dollars and i was doing the business with uh you know very good friend of mine and we both but him and i both talked about we we moved together his name is rich franklin he's a former ufc world champion and him and i were really good friends i used to train him i was a uh i used to train fighters and him and i live together and we we talk all the time and together we lost a half a million each and we both said if we had to do it again we would it was the best time of our lives i would do it again knowing i would lose the money because it's not about the money it's about the experience and when you're attached when you're so attached to money that's a bad thing the the universe i know this i know this but you've got to believe this it's got to come from inside deep the universe is abundant insanely abundant and if you understand that you won't worry about money it just i so i was uh i back in after i left jll and i started this startup with rich the business fell i then was out of work and i could not find a job i'd send a resume resume resume i couldn't find a job anywhere and when i was literally down i was selling you know i had two homes one was nine thousand one was seven thousand square feet the other was ten thousand square feet and the economy was down from 2008 so i couldn't sell him i was underwater so i'd have lost money so i just kept that going kept that to oh and in the middle of that i went through a divorce right so like yeah it's all coming no money and i've got to still continue to give my uh my wife at the time money i had four kids two adopted kids from china my two boys and i i was selling gold i was selling i was selling everything whatever i could sell i would sell and when i was at my last moment i never and i never i never panicked sure enough i got an amazing job and then i lost that job a year and a half later and then i got a job working for sprint uh as an executive at sprint and i i i made i was in so much debt i had 300 000 in credit card debt i was living on credit cards and i got this job that was a big job and literally within a year i paid off all my debts i was ahead boom so the point is like i never panicked i did that but i only did what i thought and by the way and i left the job at sprint after nine months i was like it doesn't it was toxic it was toxic and i reported in to the ceo and it was toxic and i'm like i'm out of here so you know it's it it's it's interesting it's interesting one of the things that i saw and i have to say during you know the last how many years we've been doing this we've been traveling a lot around the world we're meeting people that have made a lot of impact in the world right i consider you a person that has i made a lot of impact on this world right and what comes back to right the abundance and everything is how you feel about yourself i think there is a part inside of you like charismatic people and i consider you a charismatic people because person right because of the energy because of how you hold yourself right like we've been taught right in life when you're going through hard time it's difficult you have to bleed to make money you have to you know everything is a struggle and everything is that but what you giving your story right what i get is like when you're always you always know that there is appropriate thing coming for you and you stay with that belief it doesn't matter what you do it doesn't matter what state you are things are going to change right right but it's about the attitude it's about the where you are is about not panicking as you said right right and everything will come and i think lots of people today are in similar states because of covet because of all the things that are coming i you're right and the thing that's really interesting to me is that we're never going back we're never going back it's not it's not it's not right right it's not an option and because that's where because our our planet we're always evolving um and there's a lot happening not from a conspiracy thing but there's a lot happening um i a few years ago i was fascinated by cryptocurrency so i went back to school and got a degree from mit in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology because i knew it was the future and then i was asked to sit on the uh the mit's technology board so i get to see a lot of technology yeah and let me tell you oh my gosh it's insane what where's what is going with the technologies we have today would blow your mind blow your mind and people just don't know about it yeah in in the next 20 years we are going to have a pill and you take the pill and you can learn a fluent language or anything you want like that it go into your brain and data that is gonna happen the technology is getting closer they're having success with it at mit it's you have neural link right with elon musk where they can read your mind because we know that everything's frequency lots of changes going on on technology and all that stuff and change is good but in order for change to happen you need to propel the positive and the negative the ying and the yang and it's right like a battery has a negative charge and a positive charge that's what gives it energy and so for us as a society we're going to have the positive and the negative and you better be okay with that and those two together are gonna propel us to a future who knows and it could be nefarious it could be good it could be why but no matter what happens if you can stay in your heart it's like what buddha taught right it's the suffering comes from it from attachments i'll be happy when this comes right yeah i want this and i don't want this well guess what that's not what happens so the idea is when the things that you don't want a loss of job a death my you know probably a very personal thing two and a half years ago when i was growing up we lived in a two-bedroom apartment with six people one bathroom and my youngest brother and i were we were thick as thieves and um we were roommates in college together we worked he worked for me at hollywood video we were like and three years ago he committed suicide really difficult really difficult but you know i i could have laid in bed and been depressed and that and i chose not to and we're going to have this these next few years going to be extremely challenging the exciting thing about it being extremely challenging a lot of negative means a lot of positive because everything's in balance so as bad as things get just depends where you want to look you want to what you want to focus on the bad or do you want to turn your attention because as things are going out of control there's a the counter side there's beautiful things happening now the question is where do you want your heart to be you want to be focused on the negative you want to focus on the positive look at the positive i can tell you there's some amazing beautiful things i'm seeing people my friends people i never thought are transforming aren't calling me saying hey tell me more about this meditation thing you do right people are seeking that's the call to adventure that's the adventure call that's where change really happens and we're in a moment in our planet where change is going to be radical and it's going to affect every one of us now the question is you know we could go for another lockdown for six months we might have a basic income thing that everybody gets money put on there which will cause hyperinflation eventually when you have too much money and not a good enough goods being produced because how can you produce goods if you're sitting home yeah so production goes down prices go up you know things are going to get really ugly they are but the question is where do you want to focus while things are getting kind of ugly things are getting beautiful and it's really where you want to put your intention where's your attention in your heart so if uh you know a lot of times when my monkey brain starts going that way i either say a prayer or i go right to my breath instantaneously because it's you know i'm being sabotaged my own body right my own body you know i say this to people i said if you had a friend that hung out with you every waking moment okay and they never shut up that's me and they never shut up and everything they said was negative or let's say 70 or 80 was negative what would you do well by the way some people have people like that in their lives but most people would say i'm getting rid of you guess what it's there it's there that's our mind so now the question is can you shut this knucklehead up can you stifle him down and the answer is unequivocally yes but it's a practice right it's a practice like you got to do it every single day you got to you know you got to meditate and then you got to learn to breathe and breathe throughout the day so that your life is just a norm meditation because i don't think at least my belief is i can get up in the morning and you know i meditate for an hour and a half or two hours in the morning i get up at four and i just do my meditation i don't know if that's enough as crazy as things are it's like i need to be in my heart throughout the day i really do a year ago i didn't need to be i was fine you know i was like all right i'll save my meditation i have a good day it's a little less now it's like no because it's so easy to just it's so easy to scare us so easy to just get you fired up you know just fired up just fired up you know me angry stuff right and it's learning to be the observer so we're here in naples and we went on the beach and the other day i was doing a running meditation and i'm running and there's a man pretty big-sized guy i'm not that tall so there's a big the guy there with this ten-year-old son and i'm running towards and his son walks in my way at the last minute and i bump into him and i grab him by the shoulders and i kind of turn him well his father turns around like he wanted to rip my head off and i just i instantly turned around and i was fired up and i'm like you want to do this dude i didn't say that but i thought it and i'm like and remember i trained fighters so i'm ready to go like instantaneously because i grew up as a fighter and my higher self my consciousness my consciousness was observing because remember i was running i was doing a jogging meditation and i i stopped myself and i said who is this guy like i want to know who is this crazy guy and it's like oh that's the old billy and i was like okay am i turning around i apologize i turned around and walked away and i thought wow that was close right that was close but you've got to be conscious yeah you got to be awake right so i try not to i try to be very mindful of everything i do really hard to do extremely hard to do right because we're so programmed you know we we grab our phone we check our we check our email then we check our twitter we check out you know and it's just like we do it not even thinking some it's all subconscious right and so i try to i try to break out of that those habits right uh when i drive i try to drive a different way work when i brush my teeth sometimes i'll brush my teeth with my left hand it's very uncoordinated but i have to focus yeah sometimes i eat a meal with my left hand so you challenge yourself i challenge myself to be to get out of the program yeah right i want to do something different so and it's not easy eating but you eat really slow and you'll lose weight because you just you know it's spilling right i'm so uncoordinated but by doing that you have to focus well otherwise you're eating you got the phone and you're reading i mean there's nothing there's nothing there you're not in the moment yeah you're just you're gone and so i think in business and in life because really honestly what we do in business we don't have a business life or we don't have a business personality a way of being in business and a way of being at home if you're not the same person at home or meditating and other apps and we know you know where as that we have a problem but inherently there are many somebodies you know i was born and my parents said well we're somebody we're going to make him somebody right so i go to somebody's school yeah and they teach me to be a somebody right and who is that person not smart uh you're funny my mom always said that i would be a millionaire by the time i was 30 and i was she but she programmed me that because i was a hustler i wasn't i couldn't read but i could hustle i was i was a hustler right and that was the thing so you know i got this somebody programming and we find ourselves ah there's a different some i'm a different somebody with my girlfriend i'm a different somebody in business i'm a different somebody when i meditate um like we all have these personalities we act a little differently and what we really need to do is take those separate personalities how you act so you act differently with a bunch of women than you do with a bunch of dudes right you shouldn't should be you know we should bring our beingness and that as a person and so trying to mesh all that in is really hard because it's a program so we got to undo the programs of who we think we are right that's all it is who do we think we are you know i'm a business guy and i'm this and i'm a father and right it's all the program of who we it's the illusion we constantly believe that this is me who am i it's real simple who you are i i know i've been there i've experienced we are all love that's all we are that's it nothing else nothing else it's all love it's the answer to everything and when you experience that type of love you think you love your children or you think you love your pet right yeah you think you love yourself it's not even on the same scale it's not even on the same scale when you experience this love it is so overwhelming and you don't have to be yoga naga or buddha to think that uh i'm just i'm an average guy with a with a brain that's going a thousand miles a minute uh you should have seen me when i was in my 30s i mean i would bounce off walls i had i had a girl that worked for me and when i was leaving the company after eight years she asked me to come in the room and she said can i talk to you privately and i said yeah she said i know you've got a drug problem and you need to get off the cocaine and i looked at her and i said and i was mormon at the time i'm like i don't do drugs i've never and she had this horri look at her face and she said this i mean this is you normal and she goes your poor wife that's me and so it's just trying so you know but what did i do i just got in there with all the intention and everything in my heart and i just sat there and meditated earnestly deeply and that and everyone can have that experience and but you got to go through the fire it was hell getting to that point i would get on my knees and i would just like want to rip my head off because i couldn't stop my mind from going but i just said i would like joe dispenza goes sit sit and i would set my watch and i would say i am not getting up for an hour and that's how i did it and i would state her even though my mind was going crazy and that i would just sit there for an hour and every day i was just an hour and an hour and that mind just got quieter and quieter and quieter and now it rarely shows up rarely shows up sometimes i got a thought and go you know and i've got lots of challenges in my life i have lots of re you know some of them they're big they're massive probably the worst challenge i've ever had right forget about losing money forget about that forget about losing my brother my my youngest son died like forget that this is bigger than all that but i'm okay with it i've surrendered to it it is what it is there's nothing i can do about it i just gotta i just all i can do is love and then eventually it might come to me and it might not but i gotta be okay with whatever happens but i can't let it eat me alive and destroy me and send me into depression and i won't do that i refuse i won't give it that power that's uh beautiful it's beautiful you know it's uh i don't know i i don't want to try to even try to describe it so it's but you have a lot of persistence right discipline and that's that's one of the things yeah yeah you try to tell people today that you don't do it once and then you know it's like i can't do it and it's over you have to yeah people that can't people that believe they can't do it they're right yeah you can't you cannot do it yeah if abraham lincoln said whether you think you can or you can't you're right exactly and so if but that's the defeatist attitude and i hear that because i talk to people meditation i mean i was at the airport one day and i there was this these a group of people that were there and i just started a conversation and then i gave my number to this girl and i was talking about meditation and a year later she did this you know what they're black and the whole black lives matter and they were living in wisconsin and she reached out to me and i just sent her some meditations and a book and this and that and i hadn't heard from her and maybe a month ago she writes me an email or text message and she said it's all love i was like oh my gosh oh my god she got it and we all have that ability but you know but we have to you know if it were easy everybody be doing it it's not you know with hard work comes great rewards right and you learn to appreciate it if i could just go in the meditation and get it like that and not really struggle for it it's like for our kids you know we when we when we make it so easy on our children they just eh i used to do this thing with my kids if they wanted like a scooter like an expensive electric scooter whatever they wanted something nice they had to pay for half of it guess what they never bought anything and when they did they really took care of it yeah right i appreciate it they appreciated it and that's kind of us sometimes the things that we work the hardest for and go meditate on that the things that we work the hardest for is the things we appreciate the most right and what better thing to really have to work for than meditation yeah right because when you get it you get it and oh by the way every meditation is different right and there's no such thing as a bad meditation exactly right you just you're in there some are amazing i have some meditations where i'm just gone and it's beautiful and i love and i don't even ever want to leave there and there's other meditations like meh it was okay wasn't that great i did my hour oh like i'll stay an extra half hour all right i'm done yeah and that's it and then the next day i have like this breakthrough so you know yeah it's not right or wrong it's the experience right it's experience and it's always a good it's always a good experience right because any time i'm out of my monkey brain anytime i'm into calm and i'm just focusing on my breath and i'm in my heart yeah but you know i might not have a mystic experience or that uh but if you're always chasing the mystic experience like i want to see out of my third eye and i want to levitate well good luck because you chase that it never comes yeah you block yourself you chase it it runs yeah of course yeah of course thank you closing up okay if you have three advices or how many advices for people that want to do heart business what would be your advice to people how or what's the most important things that you have found throughout your whole journey i i wish i had time to think about it but my sense is is like when you show up well first of all i believe the most important thing you can do in business the most important thing is work on yourself so if you're not where you want to be and you want to be another place put together a program a thing to get there so that's the most important it's not changing everyone's life because the moment you show up as a anybody who knows me like the friends that i meet like my friends that i went i grew up with they look at me go who are you like i'm i am so different than the way i used to be i used to be a very mean i i sweet but inside i mean i could kill people like literally like i was that guy i grew up in the bronx i i was a psychopath i was not a good you know i was ying and yang i was always but i was constantly fighting that so if the best greatest thing you can do is work on you when you show up people will notice it they'll feel your energy they'll feel your spirit they'll know something's different and they'll feel safe and in an environment in business what you want people to do is feel safe there's some really interesting statistics about that you know the one thing that people when they go in that work that a business their number one fear is being fired yes and there are people that show up to work every single day fearful that it's their last day that they're going to be fired for whatever reason so if you can make people by the way so i'm not gonna get into business in in in the business science world it's not money that you can research this it's true it's not money it's appreciation you tell people that they're doing a great job and you appreciate the work they're doing you'll get more out of them than a raise never give a raise until they ask for it okay but you you do that the other thing that i do so you know i'm a body language expert so i'm very for me i so there's some great books on body language one is by jeanine driver you can't lie to me there's another one called the knack of the knack knack of body language but janine driver trained me she's brilliant she was a former uh de agent interrogator they they call her the the the lion tamer she's amazing um but knowing that so i show up as the the very best part of me you'll notice when i was talking to you my thumbs were up you don't bury your thumbs you expand you don't close down you have beautiful body lines right so it's the body language but your body language actually 70 of what you how you show up it's not what you say it's your body language right so so i work on my body language right how do i show up and there's lots of interesting things so one is i work on myself two i work on my body language and then when i'm showing up at the office right i really want to sometimes i like at the airport i'll start saying i'll try to go in i'll say hello i'm in here are you in there to my consciousness so i try to see people as the soul not what they do but who they are because we know every one of us is pure it's the story of the golden buddha right that the army was coming in and they were gonna and the monks were worried so they cemented over the buddha and for a hundred years no one they all thought it was a stone buddha and one day a monk is meditating over it and a little piece breaks off the finger and they find gold and they spend the next 100 years chipping away finally to reveal the golden buddha well the moral of stories we're all golden buddha we get this mortar these programs that tell us who we think we are and then we spend the rest of life undoing who we think we are and so it's that it's that continual practice to do that if you show up that way at your work and as the same person not different somebodies but that person business will go perfectly fine you won't have to worry about it because guess what no matter what happens you're okay with it isn't that the goal because for us to be there even in business and say it has to unfold this way it has to do this way you're setting yourself a failure because in business things don't go the way it's supposed to go they never do right all great plans because the ideas in business is you want to be able to do a head fake if you're so regimented in what you're doing especially with technology and innovation you're going to get left behind so you got to have that open mind right but you can do you can do all of this with you know being in your heart and that's really that was just showing up as the best version of you in the office people will notice it and by the way people will love working for you people won't want to quit they'll walk through broke through uh through burning buildings and through through you know brick walls for you when you have that connection yeah it's the connection right people will feel that you know people are willing to really go to battle when they love you but you've got to express your appreciation so if you're out there and you're you're over people first thing you do you show up to work and you start telling people how much you appreciate them because now you give them the confidence that i'm not getting fired now if somebody's getting fired it's different but it's that and one thing that i would one thing i would do from a bodyline standpoint practice this do this at home it's amazing you can you can either and i think i did this with you a long time ago if i were firing you i want to say something negative you instead of standing above you i get below you that's what doctors do they sit that little seat looking up at the thing when you're going to give bad news to people you always want to be lower than that always and practice it do with your husband your wife your children and say put your hand on the shoulder stand him and go you know what you're a wonderful worker but i got to let you go and then get below them and say you're a wonderful worker i got to let you go the difference is earth shattering so when you're telling people you appreciate them get lower than them sit by their desk and get on the knee and look up at them and say do you know how much i appreciate the work you do wow you know i i should say more often but you're doing an amazing job their day will be unbelievable dropping 50 bucks on them won't do it that will do it and i think that's the really thing is just let people know how much you appreciate what they do that because when you rally your teams around you that kind of thing your beingness you can success is the only way out success is the only way out even if you fail it's success exactly even if you fail it's an excess because suffering is mercy i've learned more i would do every everything that went wrong for me in my life i would do it again maybe twice because i learned so much success is mere repetition of old behavior where failure is inspirational because it inspires change so learn from your failures take those nuggets of those those gold nuggets and diamond nuggets out of failure and use that to propel your life that's really where it's at it's not about the successes it's about the failures that's beautiful yeah anyway so much thank you so much thank you all for being with us thank you you're welcome

2021-01-24 16:17

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