Reimagine how your business works with G Suite

Reimagine how your business works with G Suite

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Money. Thank, you. How. Are the keynote. In the morning it. Was very awesome, okay. Thank you. So. So, in my damn in my session I will talk about the G suite what, is the G suite and how G sweet can help you to, more, to, be more productive so that is my session. So. Before starting the, talking. About the G suite, what. Is the current. Recession I. Think. That change is always happening, so. For me three. Years three and a half years ago I was in Tokyo I spoke. In, only, Japanese but, now my change my environment totally. Changed I have to speak English, every day so. It is very tough work for me because, three years ago I never speak English, so. Like this one the market is changing that. For. Example the competitor, is always. Coming, into, our world, and also. The changing, technology so, for example that in, 2020. I. Think, there are the 20 billion items, are, connecting, to the internet so, for, example car. Medical. Device and also, the evening, my daughter the yokai watch that is connecting to the internet. Then. That, customers. Requirement, customer needs also. Change so, we have to study, everything, every, day and also the customer, also sync to how. The. How they can improve, their business, every, day so that is a market. But. If, you still, keep your traditional. Working, way what, happened, so for example the 85%. Employee. Are disengaged. They, are still working individually. So that is not good for the new world and. Also the time is lost and with, lower, body a. Repeatable. Add tasks. So, for example the breeze imagined, in, your previous work if. You create, the lipid you just. Open copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste for manager, a, piano piano, plays copy and paste money yummy so like this one you just do the repeated. Tasks every, day. But. If you use a G suite you can completely, change your, world so, that is the G sweet magic. So. Jesus had a lot of component. It is not only Gmail, but also the calendar, Drive hang out. Boys. Currents. So, many a component. Included. So. For example how. Many people, are using. App. Maker. Maybe. Only, a few because it was launched the last, year under still, developing. The more, capability, so, for example the app maker happening, as a developer, tool that you can develop your own application. Like a walk through using. The G, suite technology. This. Is a local, development. Application. You don't need like the scripting. Code or programming, code. And. Another, one, the. Crowd such that is also added two years ago and we. Are still improving, for. To, support not only G. Sweet component, but also that your third-party component. Like a file, server SharePoint, Salesforce. That maybe you have a lot of data now, you can, search your. Data using the crowd search that, is another component. So like this one the G suite has a low table table table component, at. This moment. These. Are our customer, of. Course, the G suite is suitable, for the innovative, customer. Innovative. Startup. And, a very new company, but. Not, only new new. Company, a but also our traditional.

Company. Also, using. The G, suite so, for example last. Year we announced. Airbus. Horizon. And, also the my, hometown, company, the faster it Eric that's the unique row they, developed they deployed, at G suite with. More, than, 100,000. Employees, so. That is a. Gate condition. And. How, you. Can use the G suite what is the pillar what is the advantage, of all this week the. First one was one is very simple you can make it fast. You. Can do faster, than previous, walking, style. And. Also that Google. Google is a very good add, artificial. Intelligence. Like machine, learning AI. We. Already, added a lot of capability. Into this a lot. Of capability, of the machine learning into G 3 so there you can make it smart. That is another. Advantage. And. Also, the last one make. It together of course, you can work together it you are not around you. Can work collaboratively. A with your colleagues or your. Partner, business partners. The. First one make, make. It fast how you can, make it fast. We. Provide a lot of function. So for example, teamwork imperative. To move faster, than ever, before, of course, and, the seamless integration with, the hazard and. Also the Google AI a remove. Friction. From, getting. Seen down. So. Today, and. I show a lot of demonstration. How. You can, use the G suite from, now on so. Can will change, my, screen. Yes. What. This I think that everyone, know this is a Gmail, UI, and. A few. Months ago we, changed the Gmail UI dramatically. Because we, added a lot of capability. Including an offering feature and. Also the has some integration. Feature so for example integration. Part if, you click the calendar, icon, you. Can see your. Calendar on the Gmail UI. And. Also if you want to see your colleagues, calendar, just select the calendar and the. Jar Joy's link, and. Also. The eraser. Then. In my sidebar. I can, see not only my calendar, but also the other quarry was calendar, in the single single, view, this. Is a very small part the DS but this is a very convenient, way because. The, the you. Can integrate, not, only Google's. Component, but also the other component. Like a box, or like a sales. Force like a concur, that you can integrate so. That either have one part how, integrated. With other. And. The other one so. For example I am a non-native, speaker so, sometimes, I am very struggling. To lighten English, email. So. For example I select, my. Recipient. Name. And. Also, I shows. Some. Example. Ie, light types high just high then, the, Gmail. Suggests. The, next one, like, this one highest. E, and. Hope. You. Are well or. This. May find. You will, I, don't. Need light everything, I just type, to some kooky. One then the Gmail suggests what, is the next what is the next what, is the next. Gen. So, for example three years ago I didn't, know I hope, this email, find you where this census ID completely, didn't know but, now I can learn from my from this way. Okay. And, also there another one another. Problem. For, non-english, speaker. Is. For. Example. For. Example email, subject. So. When I like. This, email, what. Is the suitable subject of this email then. I can ask to Gmail, just. To select a subject line, then, Gmail's. Has a thank you for meeting with me so this should be the good other, sub, object, I, tried. Another one. This one. Is. Also I just click then a digital marketing, portion maybe. That this should be the suitable, for this email, subject, so. Like this one that hey. The, machine learning can. Help you to. To. Be more productive. Not. Leader Huang. One. Part how make. It fast on.

Your Business came. Back to this right. Hello. Okay. The. Second one how, it's how. Make it smart, so this is a complete. Leader a iPad. We. Already, have. A lot of beauty, AI function. Into the G, sweet component, like Google, Docs Google's, seat. Google's, right and the. Gmail calendar so every, component, has. AI. K, capability. And. Also the if you want to find. Some exact, five inside. From your organization. You, can use the Google crawl search the, Google's across, search help you to find your, required. Information, and, also. The security part, this, is another, layer, but, if, you if. If, you are arming, and if you want to protect your organization. Data, for. The data leakage then. The. Google, a I help you I. Show. Some examples. Can. Go back to my demo okay. So. For example, I. Going. Back. To my. Demo. Environment. So. Did you notice that if you upload, your excel, data or data or PowerPoint, data into, Google Drive you, can natively open. Those. File and you can edit with, your colleagues, did. You know this. Is a new feature, you. Just upload, then you don't need to insert the Microsoft, Office you can edit using, the Google document and. Also, they're a good thing so, this is a half for example her HR. Data the HR. People hire, some, people last year who. Was hired, who was not hired so from, this data you can understand. So. If you click, the, explore, menu. Then. Google's, machine learning, provide. Some, suggestion like a pivot table. And, the handsome chat and so on and. Also that this is your personal assistant, so. For example who, what who, who were hired. In. 2018. Last, year then. The. Google machine learning, here can answer your. Question. And. Also the CEO formula. My, question, become this formula. Automatically. Every. Time of course my question the change then, the formula to also change. And. Also the, another. Example which a. Position. Which. Positions, were hired last year the, chief marketing officer, chief. Operations. Of cheap. Technology. OSHA okay. So. I will ask who, was, hired. At. Cheap. Take. Knology. Of, oh. It's. Me. So. Like this one you can ask you are video. All language, so this is a natural, language api's. Capability. And also the google, analytics, capability, in in. The guru seat. Okay. And. Also the.

Another. One. If. You are army maybe, you are concerns of security, so. For example. This. Document. This. Document include. Some, sensitive. Information. My. Name is kiss at all this isn't maybe not sensitive but my age twenty years old this is a very sensitive information and. Also. There are some. National. ID in, Singapore the first character, first. Character. ID the alphabet, and next. Character. The six digit, and the last one dollar Muppet so this is the national ID so. If the contents, include. Some. The content, I. Try. To share this file with. External. But. DLP. Data loss prevention function. Can detect, the, disk contents, include. The. Some sensitive, information, so, I cannot, share this, file with external. This. Is automatically, happen. So. I'm. Very smart why I. Try. To use. PNG. File. Picture. Files should be shared I try. To share, this file with. My. Gmail account. But. Of course this this is also detected, by our OCR. Function. The. OCR, means from, the image file that the machine, learning can detect some character, then, this, image. File includes, a sensitive information then, it was blocked. Okay. Last. One, who. Is this, okay, it's me so. I lied, I, lied, some. Information, with my handwriting I. Try. To share. With. External. But. Of course the our machine. Learning is very smart, they. Can detect, the even if that is our handwriting. Okay. Going back to the slide. So. Like this one the make, it smart means you, can, automatically. Use our machine, learning capability. With, G, suite. The. Last one make it together. Make. It together is. A very, convenient, way you can work with your. Colleagues very. Simply. I. Showed. How one quick demonstration but, please, join my. Demonstration. From. The dis UI you. URL, using, your smart phone you are using real ah top just, scan the QR code or, the, type of the, shorted. Link a short URL, then. You, can open the google forms. And. The google forms include, your name or nickname and the satisfaction, and. Also the comment, so. Please write some comment, in your own language the Mandarin. Marie. A. English. Japanese. Korean, the everything, okay, the. Thickest, one thickest, commented, or our most important, for this demo. So. Now I already. Got. 19. Responses. 25. Now. 33. 37. 40. So. Many people already responded, to my, forms. 45. 53, I will. Wait 10. Seconds. Now. 58. 67. 69. Okay. Can. You go to my demo. UI, so. Now I got, 79. Responses. From yours, and. The, Google Forms Google found either automatically. Gather the URL. Response. So. Like this one. And. Also the. Spreadsheet. Or already, automatically. Correct your response, so. You can, use these, this, spreadsheet, as your, source data. And. Also the view if. You develop, your custom, function. Using the natural, language API, I. Can. Analyze automatically, so for example the green means, positive, and the yellow means the neutral. And, if the someone, put. A negative comment, yes. It was. It. Was a late lead, select. This one that, not only G, sweet component but also GCP, component, helps, you to be, more productive that, is the G sweet. Get. Back to my stride. Okay. Here so the my sessions and so, the, so. Today they're really good and. This is a very good opportunity, I'm a very excited, to invite him, the, journey, warm air from NTUC, Enterprise, they. Share, their experience. With G suite, Thank. You Johnny, so, my name is Johnny one I'm the chief digital and technology officer. At ntuc Enterprise, and I'm here to tell you a little bit about the early journey. That we are on with Google, and the, Google suite platform. Yeah, so, a little bit about ourselves first, enthuse, the enterprise show. Of hands and who, who have you know about enthusiam to price a little. Bit a little bit okay so here. In Singapore we are one of the largest conglomerates. Composed. Of ten social, enterprises. That encompass, a number. Of industries, ranging, from, supermarkets. To insurance, to, to. Health care to food, care, to, food, restaurants.

Etc Etc yeah. So you can see all the various companies, that, compose a group of social enterprises, that is and you see and we are for-profit, but we certainly have a social, mission which, is to serve the Singapore, society, yeah, now, one thing that is interesting about us is that we, really touch, the lives of the Singaporean. Citizen. The Singapore the person that lives here in Singapore. Every. Day you, know so through. Whether it is through groceries, whether. It is by visiting a health, care facility or, what whether is by filling. Insurance, or going, to eat it at a hawker centre, we, are effectively, touching, about, one-third, of Singapore, every day one-third. Of Singapore, every day yep, now. In. You know the Singaporeans, here can can no better that, aunty. You see has been around for a long long time now why. What. Is the journey that we're on bees you, know even beyond the Google the. Google suite platform. The Google suite journey that we're on effectively. For. Most of the life, of NTUC group of social enterprises we have been doing very well and part, of this is because Singapore. Itself, has been doing very well yeah, for the last 30 years every. Every, time we open our eyes and see how our revenues, have been doing our products, have been doing it's just being a very rosy, story, going up but. Something happened three four years ago which. Is that for the first time in our history a, little, bit of our revenues started, to dip yeah. And when, we looked into this we, saw that, it was due to the income to new players that were coming into the market, to. Do. Things that were more customer. Centric much, more mobile much. More detail. Much more technology-based, yeah. And then. Then, the group. Had. A council we decided, and then decided to really enter into the. ITO transformation. Journey yeah, so we don't want to be we, saw the potential. Danger. Of us being on the, left-hand, side you know the ones that got disrupted, because we have been around for so long and we, when, we looked at all the industries, where we play we, also saw that the number of industries where we play are really in the vortex of disruption, namely, retail, namely. Financial, services, and even a little bit of health care so, very much so, if we want to continue our mission to, do well by Singapore we need to ensure that our. Our. Business. Platform stays, rock-solid. So, that we can continue to do well so, that we can continue to do good yeah. So. Therefore. And about. Three years ago the, group of social enterprises, sent to UC enterprise decided, to set up this thing called any digital, yeah. Which is effectively. Organization. That is dedicated to. Ensure the digital transformation for. The group of social enterprises, and these, are the some of the capabilities, that we started to build over time we. Have built you know strategy, we have built called product development. Things. Around data science, data, engineering, cyber, security we really stepped up significant. Investments, hire a lot of people get, the best that we can get and we can get a lot of very very good talent, yeah, designers. And stepped, up the way that we work internally. Yeah and in fact this session is a little bit about the way that we work internally now.

Now. How, does, G suite come into play here well, one of the things that we want to ensure is that while. Towards, the end consumer we're, also really accompanying. Their journey and solving. The needs of the end consumer one. Of the ways that we do that also is by strengthening the core strengthening. The way that the organisation works the, organisation, communicates, the, organisation, collaborates, yeah, and it's strengthening make sure that our, processes, are rock-solid our processes, are very good and that's why we, started to evaluate, and then then. Eventually make the decision to go into G suite and, I hope, you can appreciate this. Decision. Because, for, an organization. Of about 14,000. 15,000, employees which. Is the group of social enterprises, right that, all their lives had been using. Microsoft, ever. Since they they you know they were born they grew up right to, make a switch from. Using that to, using G suite a significant. Resistance. But, there was conviction, in the management team yeah, and why there was conviction, not, only because we have a very good strong, partnership, with the Google team but, also we. Were able to make the business case around, these key areas that I'll highlight a little bit the first one is on enhanced, security the. Second is on wider Google services and certainly, also to the point that Yoshiki share earlier on better, collaboration, within, the organization, yeah, on. Enhanced security, we. Looked at a number and you can see here in the in the slides a number of the things that we we, felt we really resonated. With the way that we do that I don't have to tell you the recent security events that have happening here in Singapore, with Singh health getting. Hacked and looks, like almost every month or every other week there, is some data, breach incident, so us, containing. The, information of, Singaporeans, the information, that is related to health records, information that is related to purchases, were very concerned, yeah, and so a lot of these things in order to prevent, malware prevent, infections, hackers. Coming in and then, all the other security related. Functionality. That Jesus would provides are, things that when I looked at this I say okay this is really good and you. Ever since we put Jesus men in place although, we still for. The part of the organization, where we don't have Jesus weed and we're still early in the journey for, the part of the organization where we don't have G suite the. In the hacking, attempts, or the infiltration attempts, have. Been let's, say, semi. Successful, in the areas where GC just suite was not implemented, yeah. So. With. The folks, that were still using Microsoft, you know they were actually the hackers were able to get in you know through fishing, social, engineering but, with the G suite users effectively. The spam. Prevention the, malware prevention to stop the stop that email that email didn't even appear in the inboxes, of the users so, these are a lot more credence to our, journey in in terms of the security and which we believe. That this is a very core, perhaps, not. Discuss so much key. Fundamental, thing why we went, with TV the, second one is also the other wider, Google services, yeah, besides the email besides the excel that, Yoshiki. Mentioned. And he did talk about app maker we, have a number of services that we're making use of things. Like groups where. We allow, the the, organization to create a their own mailing, lists I manage. My own mailing list for the people that report in to me in, different parts of the organization and, I can change and have, control over that mailing list as opposed to having to depend up on some. Some. Staff, on a on the IT team I do this myself I add my own teams I create my own my, own groups and I can send in share information, within those groups we. Also use classroom for, learning, for training of, our stuff whenever they want to go through some training session, we, start. Leveraging these tools and up maker effectively, to be able to do this repetitive tasks, this. Workflows, that perhaps it. Doesn't make so much sense to engage an external, outsourcer, to do the coding and development when. It's simple enough when, it is a. One-off. Or a very specific case we, can do this ourselves and, by ourselves I don't mean a team of developers but, even some, of the some.

Of The the operations, folks that can learn to do a little bit of a development, yeah, using the app maker so. A lot of things. Certainly. On this side of collaboration. Yoshiki. Show, the the the dog that everyone, can share and collaborate this certainly has been a godsend, to us the. Group of social enterprises, is very diverse we. Are in many different locations we, are many different teams yeah, and the, ability, to collaborate has, been fundamental, here. HAP's a picture for within fair price of. This big, initiative, cross-functional, initiative, that we did to, do what we call fulfillment, from store yeah, so those of you who shop at fair price you, know that basically there, is a fair price store within. Three kilometers of. Every, single household here in Singapore yeah, and so one of the things for us to provide, online groceries. So, that it is same-day so. That it is within two hours so, that it is basically the same groceries, that you would get if you are in the supermarket, which is fresh which, is vegetables. The meat beans. Things like that yeah we, we launched this initiative call, fulfillment. From story so that instead of having your groceries, deliver from a central warehouse we, are actually delivering, those groceries, from, the fair price near you now as you can imagine this, really requires the collaboration, of many many different groups yeah, so on the top left is the online team yeah, the online team the managing, the website managing. Also the operations, that are handling, the the packing, on the right, hand side is channels what we call is this more the brick-and-mortar organization. Very different organization then. The of course the IT team on the lower on, the lower left HR. And finance and then even logistics. The, last, mile delivery on, the and the lower right. Hand side very. Different parts of the organization typically. Without a collaboration, tool it would be very hard to work together it would take a lot of a lot of effort now with, G suite we're able to share documents, we, control access these. Documents are updated live we're, always looking at the latest version, and then therefore the way that we collaborate, is much much much better yeah, so. We. Sue early in our G suite transformation, that's, like said now we this, is maybe like the fifth month that we are doing this and then in this fifth month we, have, already on board. Two out of the ten social, enterprises, and we're looking to unboard more social enterprises, yeah, but, I I. Feel. From, looking already at the results that we have really, good conviction, already good results, to continue on this journey. Obviously. With also the collaboration the strong partnership, that we have with the Google team yeah, so, if. There's any questions, about the the, yuto transformation, journey what we're doing or our use of the, G Street I'm feel free to come come to me and then I can I can help answer questions that once I'm, off the stage, so. Thank, you.

2020-02-23 07:03

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