RedBubble Trends of the Week with Low Competition #48. Design for these now and start getting sales.

RedBubble Trends of the Week with Low Competition #48. Design for these now and start getting sales.

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It's Tuesday trend day again and I got 10 more  new RedBubble trends for you this week. Let's go! Thanks for joining me on this video my name is  Juna with Detour Shirts. I've been designing and   selling t-shirts online since 2005. This channel  is all about teaching you how to design and sell  

t-shirts. If you want to learn how to do that,  don't forget to hit that subscribe button right   there. So it's a new week and I got 10 more new  RedBubble trends for you. All of these i'm going   to check against bsrs on amazon so each one of  these i'm going to put a grade right next to   them the grade really just tells you how heavy  it's trending so a grade a higher grade of an a   means that it's trending right now like really  hot and a grade of a c meant it was trending a   while ago but that's still selling so that's kind  of the range that we're gonna see in this video   um stay till the end so that you can see all  the trends i'm going to put it all in a list   for you in a nice list that you can use for your  to-do list for the week and you're going to want   to stay till the end as well for another edition  of trend credits where i show you a trend that's   trending on amazon right now not redbubble so lots  to see in this video let's get started right now so for trend number one i found this which way  to the wine only 839 results and this is the best   selling so of course this is a witch pun we're  going to see a lot of halloween stuff in this   video so this is the first one which way to the  wine lots of ways to do this of course using a   witch and the pun i would use graphics of wine too  if you want to do that you can see lots of ways   to do that there's the wine on this one so here it  is on amazon you can see different ways to do this   some low bsrs right some low bsrs here this low  bsrs is a different pun a witch pun but you can   see that's doing really well as two so don't stop  here with witch puns this is just the beginning   uh which way to the wine you can see again using  the witch graphic and the wine graphic together   not necessarily witches you can use which  brooms and other kinds of graphics too   let's take a look at the image board so i can show  you you know which on brooms you got all kinds of   other witchy graphics you know cauldrons um and  then wines and then put it together so there's   lots of ways you can do the handwritten fonts do  really well for these kinds of things you can see   here's one example don't copy these  of course but use it as inspiration   to make your own design this one is getting a b  pretty low bsr average you can see right there so   this is a pretty good one and this is your trend  number one for this video which way to the wine so for trend number two i found this funny  bassoon i would never have guessed this   but this only has 763 results so here  are the best selling for funny bassoon   um you don't even have to put those words in there  it's just saying that it's a funny t-shirt with   kind of related to bassoon so um bassoon puns  uh music puns you know you can just do um   have clip art of bassoons here the bassooner the  better it's just funny stuff right funny puns take   a look at some of these music puns or bassoon  puns here are they on amazon as well you can   see right there surprisingly getting some low  bsrs i'm really surprised about this um a cat   playing one like that's that's pretty cool some  other puns here right i enjoy reading and things   like that take a look at this so for graphics  of course you can draw it in different ways   you can do a black or line drawing but here again  just funny bassoon puns right leaving so bassoon   i read a lot so there's a bunch of them  that you can do here make a bunch of these   you don't have to just stop at one and figure out  what's funny make up your own puns that would be   great too you can see this one's getting a b minus  not as low as the other one or highest of grade as   the other one but still pretty low bsrs right here  so this is your trend number two funny bassoon so for trend number three i found this  lucky fishing do not wash only 691 results   and here are the best selling so you can see lots  of different ways to do this you can do it with   big techs here you can do it with a fish here you  can do it with someone fishing right on a boat or   other kinds of fishing just make sure to do  it for your audience right so this is for the   audience is someone who loves fishing right and  wants to wear this fishing or show their friends   go out with friends and fishing so keep  that as your audience here it is on amazon   take a look at this lucky fishing shirt do not  wash i like this one because i think it could make   a really good present for christmas for those that  are fishermen for those that love fishing it's   a no-brainer right so take a look at these low  bsrs on some of them really though uh make sure   that yours is better than these that it stands out  for the audience that they would want to buy this   as a gift or something personal that they want  to wear here's the image board i made for you   lots of different ways you can use graphics  but this is really competitive so if you look   online to see like fishing shirts they've  become really really um nice looking intricate   detailed whatever you want to call it but take  a look at some of these like if you can design   stuff like that those are the kinds of things  that are selling right now for fishing shirts so   you can make them simple too but these are the  kinds of things i think that would get you more   sales when you can do it just a little bit better  more quality things that people actually want to   wear so you got different kinds of fishing as well  so you got like the big fish you know like the   marlins a big tuna and then you got trout and bass  and so kind of know the audience and what they   want to do maybe you can do a few with different  kinds of fish too so here's the grade b plus   it's really good right now and i think it's only  going to get higher as we get closer to christmas   and people are buying these as presents so here is  your trend number three lucky fishing do not wash so for trend number four i found this her body  her choice only 629 results and these are the   best selling of course this is in reference to  the abortion laws in texas or anywhere else take   a look at these lots of different ways to do this  lots of different fonts you could use you can see   those are the different things right there take  a look at this on amazon again lots of different   ways to do this i would say make it something that  stands out not just text like this anybody can do   that but put some color in it put some different  fonts you know take some time to make it a little   bit different you can see again talking about  texas here but like the colors right do things   like different that makes it stand out here's the  image board i made for you so just showing you all   the different kinds of fonts and graphics that you  could use here and and different ways to do this   so this one is getting a b minus it was really hot  maybe a couple weeks ago but it's still selling   right now and you can see the low bsr average so  this is your trend number four her body her choice so for trend number five i found this worst  state ever only 598 results and here are the best   selling a lot of them have to do with ohio for  some reason but you can see pennsylvania's in here   if we scroll down i bet we find some other states  in here so it doesn't have to be ohio my guess is   for some reason this is a this is a football or  sports related thing or state ever but you can   use whatever state you in here it doesn't have  to reference football or anything um you can see   i think that's new jersey oklahoma let's take a  look at amazon let's see here a lot of ohio again   sorry ohio uh indiana right here let's see florida  right so you can do any state i think is game here   michigan take a look at the image board lots of  ways you can do states so you can outline the   state like this you could do a full um silhouette  of a state here or you could put something inside   of the states there's just so many you can go  and get some graphics and do all the states if   you want and scale this thing you can see you  could put the state as one of the letters right   or do worst state ever inside of the silhouette or  like this like we saw a lot of these right here so   this one's getting a b plus this is a really good  one i love this one too because there's 50 states   you could do here not all of them would work  really well in this space like some some states   are a little harder to do but there's a lot you  can do here to scale so have fun with this one   this is your trend number five worst state ever  so for trend number six i found this halloween   dinosaur t-rex mummy pumpkin getting those long  tail keywords right there uh only 436 results   so we went from a trend that's real simple to do  to some a trend that's kind of complex so if you   can draw or if you can find these illustrations  then this would be a good one for you but some of   these are really intricate you can see a dinosaur  covered in you know bandages like a mummy and then   some holding usually a pumpkin or some kind of  treat and a moon back there with bats like very   intricate detailed so there's lots of different  ways to do this you can see the the art though   is really nice you can take a look at some of  these um and let's take a look at amazon as well   you can see wrapped in bandages different artists  have done it but just really nice art right so   if you can draw like this or if you can find art  like this then this is a good one for you to do   but take a look at some of these bsr some of them  are really low and i put this one in here because   another halloween design i'm thinking it's going  to go up in sales here's some graphics like you   can draw it in different ways more cartoony you're  right um like that or you got some more realistic   so i put a lot of different ways that you can draw  your dinosaur here make it your own of course find   something that somebody's not using change it up  a bit so it doesn't look the same and you wanna   you wanna make sure that your stands out this  one has some good competition but you can see   uh getting a really good grade right  here one of the lower bsrs in this   video um so and i think it's going to continue  to get lower as we get closer to halloween   people love wearing these i see it happen  every year this is a good one if you do   spend some time on this one you may get  some sales every year year after year so   have fun with this one this is your trend number  six halloween dinosaur t-rex mummy pumpkin so for trend number seven i found this esol  squad esol squad uh only 269 results and these   are the best-selling this is english as a second  language and english as a second language teacher   or squad those that are in this class you know  for the classroom lots of different ways to do   this this is a pretty easy one to design you can  make yours a lot different than the ones that are   out here make sure you use the right colors and  use some kind of graphics you know for school   teachers things like that take a look at this the  apple is used a lot the arrows use a lot colors   right you can see the nice bright colors for  school take a look at this on amazon again pencil   relating to school arrow again you can see  the nice colors rainbow right so think of a   way that you can make yours different than  these right here and make sure your stands   out and don't forget about the audience these  are for teachers and students you know school   kind of things so take a look at the image  board right here i'm just showing you all   the different ways that people have done it not to  copy this just to get some ideas brainstorm maybe   mix these kind of things together make your own  version of this this is getting ac so kind of   average score of a trend right now it's not  as hot as it probably was you know back when   school started but still getting some sales  this is your trend number seven e-cell squad so for trend number eight i found this i'm pretty  confident my last words are only 239 results and   these are the best selling lots of different ways  that you can do this you can read the whole thing   here but it doesn't have to say this exact phrase  that you're seeing right here you can see there's   lots of different ways that you can end this  let's look on amazon as well you can see well that   didn't work or let's see usually that's the one  that's that's being said here but if you look on   my image board you can see different ways you can  see that didn't work as expected um let's see some   other ones uh watch this right my last words watch  this so find something that uh is funny as long as   this is in the front of it i'm pretty confident  my last words are blank blank blank come up with   your own funny phrase i think you can do well this  one's getting a b plus pretty high um probably one   of the higher ones i think this will make a really  good present for those kind of people those people   that do adventures that are really dangerous uh  it's a lot of words so figure out a way that you   can design it that it's easy to read but also  funny so that's going to be your challenge for   this one so have fun with this one this is trend  number eight i'm pretty confident my last words so for trend number nine i found this skeleton  fairy grunge fairy court aesthetic gothic   cottage core only 193 results and these  are the best selling so pretty low results   because this long tail keyword right just  very specific so you can see here lots of   skeleton fairies lots of different  ways you can do a skeleton fairy   might be a fun one to draw for those of you  like doing illustrations make sure that yours is   different than these right here or if you can find  one of these and buy them that would be cool too   take a look at amazon you can see here lots of  kind of the same fairy skeleton i would do yours   just a little different not just standing like  this maybe doing something or in a different pose   but you can see white on black usually is the  one this one's kind of different than these right   so take a look at that here's the image board  lots of different ways to draw skeletons and   lots of different ways to add wings to them  and make them fairy so that's kind of the idea   that you're going for this one's getting a b so  pretty good grade right here and i put this one   in here because of course as we get closer and  closer to halloween i think this is going to go   the score is going to go up and the bsr  average is going to go down so lots more sales   so this is your trend number nine skeleton fairy  grunge fairy core aesthetic gothic cottage core so for trend number 10 i found this messy buns  and loaded guns raising wolves not sheep only   65 results and these are the best selling so  you can see lots of different ways to do this   a lot of these are well that's the same person  so take a look at these lots of different ways   to do that here i think you can stand out in this  one make sure that it's easy to read right some   of these are kind of just bundled together and  it's really hard to make out what's going on here   take a look at amazon a lot of these are are  looking very similar so i would make sure that   yours looks different than these like they just  do the same graphic over and over here you can see   pretty similar so make sure yours is different  than these you want yours to stand out from these   all of these kind of look the same so so here's  the image board to help you out lots of different   ways to do messy buns right there's not only just  one way to do messy buns you can see you could   even do a silhouette for messy buns and lots of  different ways to do this so create your own use   these as inspiration and create your own way of  doing this trend this one's getting a b so pretty   good low bsrs right now um i think it will do  really well for for the holidays too so have fun   with this one this is your trend number 10 messy  buns and loaded guns raising wolves not sheep   so here is your final list all 10 together in  a nice list for you this can be your to-do list   for the week uh no a's this week but a lot of b  pluses so you can see some good ones right now   um which one would i do this worst state ever  seems like a no-brainer plus you can scale it   so i probably do do that one this might be fun  the t-rex mummy um but if you have a hard time   drawing those that might be a tough one to do  the fishing one can be can be a good one too   and my last words that one's gonna be a word one  that you're gonna have to make different this   could be a good challenge so for me i probably do  the worst state ever and then i'm pretty confident   in my last words those can be pretty easy to knock  out so those are the ones i'm gonna do this week   let me know in the comments which one you you  think you want to do this week have fun with   this one you can see there's a bunch of a bunch  of halloween ones right now you got this which one   halloween right here skeleton fairy so don't  forget about halloween it's coming up quick   and thanks so much for staying till the end  hopefully this video is really helpful for you   and your reward for staying all the way to  the end is another edition of trend credits Thanks for joining me on this trend credit. Here  is your trend "Hellothanksmas" so this is a way to   kind of combine the three holidays that we have.  Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and this is   kind of making a new word. So you can see here  happy Hallowthanksmas. So you got santa claus,  

you got the witch you and got the turkey right. So  all those things combined kind of a mashup of the   three so take a look at these. I wanted to share  this with you because you probably didn't know   about this especially if you're not in the united  states. I didn't even know about this where they  

mash up the three holidays together it's kind  of cool so you can see here different ways to   to mash it up you got christmas trees, turkeys and  pumpkins right. Gnomes. Different ways to do this.   So uh here it is on Merch Informer. It's getting  an A, so you know it's good. I put the quotes in   here to make sure. And uh if you don't have Merch  Informer I have a link in the description to get   Merch Informer where you can check competition  and do all these things. So let's take a look at   this trend one more time. Take a look at these low  bsrs right here so when you add up all these bsrs  

this one is getting a score of a B. So not the  highest one but I just wanted to share this   with you because i think this will get better and  better you can see already this one's getting some   low bsrs and as more and more people find this  and find it funny i think more and more people   are gonna buy this just to have a shirt that you  can use for all three holidays uh get a lot of   use out of it so have fun with this one this is  your trend for this video, "Hallowthanksmas". So that is it for this video thanks so  much for watching hopefully this trend   video was really helpful for you if it  was make sure to give it a thumbs up   and if you're not subscribed already make  sure to hit that subscribe button right there   so before i leave i wanted to end with a question  of the day and the question of the day is this   how would you mash up the holidays together so you  saw that they matched it up with words hello thank   miss but what kind of graphics would you use would  you put a halloween pumpkin on a tree with some   nice leaves or different things maybe a turkey  holding a jack-o-lantern something like that   and a present i don't know how what what kinds of  things would you do to kind of mash it up and put   it on your t-shirt love to hear it in the comments  below have fun with that one and if you want to   see more ways on how you can design t-shirts  make sure to click these videos right here   and as always guys keep creating and keep  learning i'll see you on the next one bye

2021-09-28 10:31

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